Furryism deemed "Abomination to Society," made capital crime
Mer des Ennuis
21-02-2007, 05:33
Mer de Noms – In the wake of a speech made by Arch Arsonist Adam Wincenty two weeks ago, after an unspecified duration of closed-door hearings, the culture of “Furryism” has been condemned as “an abomination to society.” The Arch Arsonist is quoted as saying
“I was asked by the Republican Senate to expend some resources on the so-called “Furry Culture,” and what I found filled me with disgust. People who have the desire to fornicate with anthropomorphic animals are deranged at best, and those who have taken an otherwise harmless animation hobby to the physical level should be removed from the gene pool. This applies doubly to so-called “baby-furs,” who should be slapped upside the head. They are an abomination to society.”
The Senate today ruled in a vote 171:29 in favor of Resolution 1039, which stipulates that a first offense of “sexual misconduct” would require treatment and a year of forced labor. A second offense would net the offender 10 years of re-education and forced labor, and a third offense would be met with death. Taking the Arch Arsonist’s remarks into account, “Babyfurs” have sentences of twenty-five years and death for the first and second offenses.
Neither non-sexual animation nor the “hobby of dressing as animals” are affected by this ruling.
This resolution passed in the wake of the foundation of the “Open Sexual rights forum,” which has been decried by Gen. Wincenty as “A bunch of two-bit hippy degenerates.”
21-02-2007, 06:05
The Triumvirate Council of the Revolutionary Government of the Glorious Republic of Leafanistan
While our psychology lists 'furryism' as a mental illness similar to the Napolean Complex, we do not limit its exercise until a real threat to society exists. Treatment options are available for those wishing to seek treatment and our government stands back. We are deeply disappointed in Mer des Ennuis for suppressing the rights of citizens against what is socially unacceptable.
We are not making a case in support of this disorder but we find that active suppression by the government is in direct opposition to the freedoms that first world nations enjoy. We ask that Mer des Ennuis reconsider because once a substance or behavior is outright banned it is seized upon by radicals to bend to their own anti-government tendencies.
The idea of gun toting furries is laughable until they join with other 'thought-criminals'. It is best to let society restrict them, and the government to never touch social issues.
It is our deepest regret that we move Mer des Ennuis to 'Second World' for suppression of freedoms.
OOC: Abomination indeed, but banning it may make it more popular. Still an RP of a Furry Liberation Front is hilarious.
21-02-2007, 06:07
Animarnia would like to enqure to what exactly a "babyfur" is? we do not have this sect of "Furryism" in our nation and are...curious as to what it is exactly?
21-02-2007, 06:12
Animarnia would like to enqure to what exactly a "babyfur" is? we do not have this sect of "Furryism" in our nation and are...curious as to what it is exactly?
OOC: Don't google it for the love of God.
Imagine furries, and mix it with pedophiles.
VVV Mind if I RP the Furry Liberation Front? I think it would the most hilarious RP we've had in a while. How easy is it to get weapons in your nation?
Mer des Ennuis
21-02-2007, 06:13
Animarnia: check urban dictionary... its a "healthy" combination of furryism mixed with infantilism
Leafanistan: Furry liberation front... that gives me an Idea
Official Response to the The Triumvirate Council of the Revolutionary Government of the Glorious Republic of Leafanistan
Our DSM-5 guide has been updated to include "furryism" as a severe mental disorder, especially the extreme practice thereof. Suffice it to say, we believe that these individuals are unstable. As per the "Kraven Defense Act," all able-bodied citizens without mental defect have been armed, at government expense, with m16a4 assault rifles. We therefore believe that there is a strong possibility of gun-toting furry activist organizations springing up without necessarily joining other criminals.
We believe that with successful rehabilitation, even the most hardcore furry can see the light and give us a suitable return on our investment. Those that refuse to be rehabilitated have no place in civilized society. We therefore find our new designation laughable.
21-02-2007, 06:16
Our State department is extreamly creeped out by this(IC and OOCly) and whole heartadly supports this ban. we belive in sexual rights infact we're like Sweden when it comes to sexual rights but thats just creepy on so many levels
A Blog Post from Shah Jafar (posted on ShahJafar.sv):
Word of the harsh penalties as set forth by Mer des Ennuis for this 'furryism' have reached my ears and are too harsh. Dumbf*ckery that harms no one is a subject of amusement to passers-by, not a threat to them. Frankly, I had a good laugh at this and urge others to do the same as well as to tolerate its presence.
Vault 10
21-02-2007, 06:44
OOC: Yes, that's something... worthy.
For those who don't know what furries are, or just want to know more about this hilarious subculture, read the encyclopedia!
A lot of articles on the beast and their beastly practices.
Mer des Ennuis
24-02-2007, 06:01
As a side note, actors in "Cats" have been made exempt from this new law.