National Tours OOC/Signup.
Nuevo Italia
19-02-2007, 21:20
This will be my chance to learn more indepth of everyone's nation.
Basically, a school will be having presentations about the world. You can have one ambassador, or more, that shares food, culture, or any random info about you nation.
Nuevo Italia
Maraque (Yers!)
19-02-2007, 21:24
OOC: could you give a more detailed explaination?
Nuevo Italia
19-02-2007, 21:30
An elementary school is giving children a chance to learn more about the world in a presentation at their school. An ambassador should be sent with clothing, foods, currency, candy, other cultural items etc.
United kingdom2
19-02-2007, 22:24
Would like to join.
19-02-2007, 22:25
I am interested.
Nuevo Italia
19-02-2007, 23:14
Lol Skgorria.
"And this here, this is a swastika..."
All accepted.
19-02-2007, 23:15
This sounds jolly amusing, count me in
20-02-2007, 00:20
I like things like this.
I am in if acceptable.
20-02-2007, 00:24
nevillonia would like to join, we have fine teachings we would like to enlighten your children with.
20-02-2007, 00:35
the Swilatian government has no time for teaching dumbed-down information about the country to little kids. If people want to learn about Swilatia, why don't they just go there?
Nuevo Italia
20-02-2007, 00:39
Thread will start sometime tommorow or the next day.
The Mongol Steppes
20-02-2007, 04:55
Oooh! Count me, the glorious Genghis Khan, in!
Won't children love to learn the ways of the Steppes? To drink the kumis, to sack their enemies' countries and take their women?
Sounds awsome, I'd love to do it
Aqua Anu
20-02-2007, 05:29
why not, come to Aqua Anu!
sounds fun, come to Kurona
"I think people should learn about my country, so I shall send Ned to talk to them"
"my name is Ned"
"shut up Ned"
"Ned likes crayons"
"I said shut up"
"Ned needs to potty"
"Scratch that, I dont think Ned can make it, he somehow got a bullet in his brain, very strange isn't it?"
British Londinium
24-02-2007, 18:48
Eurasia would like to participate in this.
The Scandinvans
24-02-2007, 18:59
OOC: I will keep any eye, but for now shall not post anything IC.
Amazonian Beasts
24-02-2007, 19:04
Count me in.