Anti-Slavery Innocence Summit (Open) MT/PMT
Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
All: Relavant Foreign Department of all Nations
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs
Subject: Invitation
The Dominion of Vetaka Intends to hold an International Anti-Slavery and Anti-Torture summit. In response to the recent events surrounding Strator. This summit is open to any nation regardless of Political Ideology. The Dominion hopes to found a treaty that all nations will sign up to and enforce.
This treaty will prohibit the act and marketing of Slavery of innocent people, It will abolish the punishment of Slavery of innocent people. It will detail the actions to take by the signatures of the treaty in response to a Slave Nation such as Diplomatic, Economic and Military Sanctions.
We hope the treaty will be endorsed by all Alliances and Nations so that Slavery can be removed in this modern day and age. Please attend this summit so that a full range of views and opinions can be heard and thus the very best quality treaty can be made.
Nations whom will be attending:
Vault 10
The Dictatorship of Danno10
The Imperial Shogunate of Pschycotic Pschycos
The United States of Cookesland
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
The Federation of Aunesia
The United Socialist States of Wagdog
The Armed Republic of Mer des Ennuis
The Empire of Gataway
The Theocracy of Kesshite
The Empire of Nuevo Italia
The Federation of Animarnia
The Democratic Capitalist Empire of Swilatia
The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom
The Kingdom of Smantle
The Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais (Not Official Delegation)
The Dominion of Strator
The National Socialist State of Skgorria
The Armed Republic of Silver Star HQ
The Honourable people of Aust
The Federal Republic Of Hamilay
The Imperial Realm of Axis Nova
The Foundation of Terran Tribes
The Corporate Alliance delegate from The Republic of the Red Islands
The Republic of Ironwell
The Summit has no time limit. Attached below is a timetable of the summit. This includes locations. As I say their is no time limit so this timetable is not strictly limited:
Day 1 09:00: Summit Welcome
A chance for all delegates to meet and greet eachother as well as to explore the Vetakan Presidential Palace. A chance to meet the Vetakan Govenments Cabinet. Light Breakfast Offered.
Day 1 10:00: The Dominion of Vetaka Official Position on Slavery:
The President of Vetaka presents Vetaka's official position of Slavery, Slaves and Torture. The Presentation will also includes Vetaka's ideas for slavery. Delegates will have the chance to ask questions and argue their own points.
Day 1 11:30: Slavery through the eyes of a Slave:
A Presentation on Slavery through the eyes of a freed Slave. Bridget Smith is a 21 year old women whom was a slave within the Dominion of Strator she was able to escape aboard a Vetakan Cargo Ship. She gives a slaves insight into slavery. Delegates will have the chance to ask questions.
Day 1 12:30: Lunch
Delegates have lunch within the Great Hall of the Presidential Palace. Delegates have the oppotunity to order anything they like within reason. Traditional National Dishes can be catered for if delegations can inform Us of this. Alternatively a traditional Vetakan 3 course meal is offered. Please contact for details. We encourage delegations to mingle and talk.
Day 1 14:00: An Insight into The Dominion of Strator and its view on Slavery:
The Summit is honoured to present a 30 Minute Presentation by the The Dominion of Strator on its Slaves and its Storefront. Delegates will then have the oppotunity to ask questions. (Unconfirmed)
Day 1 15:00: Questions
An open floor, will allow all Delegates to move around talk to eachother but also to ask each of the Timetabled speakers questions as well as argue their own points. We have allocated 2 hours for this segment and this is a free to leave segment. You are able to leave at any time.
Day 1 19:30: Dinner with the President
The President hosts a Formal dinner within the Presidential Palace. The Dinner is a formal event so Ball Dress and Dinner Suits are mandatory. The Dinner will be attended by the Delegates, Invited persons (Freed Slaves and other) Vetakan Cabinet and Select Military Commanders. We hope this will allow delegates to talk within a relaxed enviroment. The event will include a dinner, open ball room dance floor, the chance to exlpore the Presidential Palace and the Vetakan Capital of Theeb. It will also include a charity Auction for the Anti-Slave Charity "Freedom".
All segments are volantary and delegates are free to leave at any time. This is just an outline and is not locked please take as long as you like in your questions and your time while at the Summit.
Day 2 09:00: Light Breakfast with the Forigen Secretary
Delegates are offered breakfast within the Presidential Palace hosted by the Vetakan Forigen Secretary. This will again give the delegates the chance to talk.
Day 2 10:00: President of Vetaka proposes a Solution
The Dominion of Vetaka President unveils a proposed solution to Slavery in the form of the "The Freedom Charter". The President will explain every Article and its meaning.
Day 2 11:00: The Open Discussion and Lunch
Delegates discuss the proposed Charter. Propose Amendments and hopefully achieve a fully accepted Charter.
Day 2 15:00: Press Conference and Photoshoot
Delegates talk to the press at first within an open room and then at a set traditional style Press Conference. The Delegates will then hopefully pose for a picture of unity.
The Official Timetable ends here The Dominion is commited to providing as much time as nessary we hope the Charter can be fully accepted. Delegations are welcome to bring their own security. Due to space issues only 5 Security Personnel will be allowed to enter the Presidential Palace. General Security will be provided by the Vetakan Defence Force and the Vetakan Police.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any information on this summit.
Yours Dominion of Vetaka Forigen Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
James Ruffbridge will be attending the sumit representing The Dictatorship of Danno10.
Signed, Danno10 the almighty leader of The Dictatorship of Danno10
Vault 10
19-02-2007, 17:58
- Vault 10 Coordination Council -
We support the anti-slavery position. However, observing that collateral damage done in all "freedom bringing wars" greatly exceeds all the damage done by any practices they were aimed against, we can't support enforced liberation by open military action. Our way is to open such countries eyes to the better ways.
Considering Strator, we are neither planning military action nor supporting them. However, one of our corporations purchases their resources, and we see that as acceptable, since it gives Strator opportunity to find other sources of income rather than slave trading.
The Vault 10 Coordination Council would also like to raise the question of what constitutes slave trading, on the recipient's side. We believe that the deal can only be classifies as slave purchase if the client keeps the people transferred in slavery. In our opinion, purchasing slaves just to liberate them can only be seen a commendable act, improving their life.
From Vault 10 Coordination Council
To: Vault 10 Coordination Council
From: Dominion of Vetaka Forigen Affairs
The Dominion accepts and understands your views and position the aim of this Summit is to set up a collective agreement on the subject of Anti-Slavery and how the international community can best combat it. Using Diplomatic Pressure, Economic Sanctions and if it is absolutly nessary Military Action.
Please attend this summit so that you may present your views and opinions on the international stage.
Yours Dominion of Vetaka Forigen Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
Pschycotic Pschycos
19-02-2007, 18:13
TO: Vetakan Foreign Affairs
FROM: The Office of His Excellency, Shogun Nakamura Taiki
The recent growth of the numbers of slave trading nations has not gone unnoticed by my own nation, and has, quite frankly, caused great alarm. We find that this practice is, in essence, a plague of plagues.
We would like very much to see this spread of slavery halted, if not abolished. Though we are unsure of how we can actually stop it short of direct military action, I am more than willing to attend this summit in order to see what the rest of the internation community thinks, and to discuss ideas about where the problem is coming from, and what we can do to stop it.
Signed on this day, the Nineteenth of February, AC 892,
Shogun Nakamura Taiki
Fourth of the Nakamura Line
Vault 10
19-02-2007, 18:16
- Vault 10 Coordination Council -
We will send a representative to attend the summit. However, our general stance remains simple: slavery is a lesser evil than elimination of nations.
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon will be sending Minister of Foreign Affairs Zheleztsolupp Kabanov, as well as a small security detail, on behalf of the Most Holy Tsar (God Save Him).
Also, Arch Duke Dietrich von Oberhausen, Foreign Minister of Greater Prussia, will be attending the conference on behalf of the Empire.
Deo Vindice.
19-02-2007, 18:24
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
The United States will send a delegation from our Foreign Affairs and Human Rights Councils to the Theeb Summit to try and right this gross breach of universal human rights.
Selena Fisher
Selena Fisher
Undersecretary of State
The United States of Cookesland
I will personally attend this International Anti-Slavery and Anti-Torture summit, having taken a personal interest in this matter of international importance. I support and welcome the efforts of the Vetakan government in the battle to end slavery and wholeheartedly offer the support of the Federation of Aunesia.
President of the Federation of Aunesia
Mer des Ennuis
19-02-2007, 19:41
To: Vetaka
From: Adam Wincenty
Realizing that we will not delegate some of our government's rights away to the international community, I will personally attend this conference. As is standard procedure, my Yacht will be escorted by a CBG. I trust this is not a problem, as it will stay in international waters.
-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”
Offical Imperial Diplomatic Message
The empire would be interested in sending an envoy from our foreign ministry a Mr. Velak Kulls to the summit in order to project our views and become more involved in international affairs
Emperor Nadov III
Supreme ruler of Gataway
The United Socialist States of Wagdog believes this conference is just what is called for at this bizarre time in international relations. I, Deputy General Secretary Christine Friedrich, shall attend alongside the known Secretary of State Rilir Alarion nos Carthir. My husband the General Secretary is yet busy wrapping up the war against Strator, and feels leaving our Joint General Staff Committee chamber in the Palace of the Revolution would be irresponsible. We will be in attendance as soon as you announce the location and date, and confirm us on the list; thank you.
Christine Friedrich
Deputy General Secretary, United Socialist States of Wagdog
Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: Adam Wincenty General of the Home Guard
From: Vetakan Forigen Affairs
Of course that is not a problem your personal Yacht and its escort is welcome to enter and Dock within Theeb Harbour. We can even arrange a secure location within Theeb Harhour. At this time we haven't as yet set a date but it will be soon.
Vetakan Forigen Affairs will inform all nations of times and details as soon as we have set them.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Dominion of Vetaka Forigen Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
20-02-2007, 01:00
The country of Kesshite wishes to send a delegate to this summit.
Kesshite has long practiced several forms of forced labor, and has found the reaction of a few fanatical and militant countries to recent events as deeply disturbing. We're interested in attending to help support a more moderate stance in regards to issue. We also believe that those involved in the summit should create two different treaties, one in regards to slavery and one in regards to torture.
Minister Havez
[Kayyat Province Seal]
Nuevo Italia
20-02-2007, 01:04
Ministry Of Foregin Affairs
TO: Vetaka
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
The Prime Minister himself shall attend this conference to end the monstrocity of slavery.
Good Day,
Antonia Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
20-02-2007, 01:16
From Vice President Rene Shondel
To: Vetaka State Department
We find slavery an aberrant method of people control however we also understand that if the people of Stratdor would indeed execute these people if they were not sold into servitude; are the people of Vetaka really suggesting execution is preferred to slavery? We are no fans of slavery however if these people are sold as slaves on the international market they at least have the opportunity to be bought by an enlightened society and freed from there shackles, the alternative does indeed seem to be head stone.
I will attend your conference of course in the presidents steed since he is busy attending other matters of national securty, as it would be interesting to discus you somewhat interesting view of this matter.
Rene Shondel
Vice President
20-02-2007, 01:58
I will attend this summit, as the party which I lead, Swilajska Unia Demokratyczna, is against slavery, and has recently proposed an ammendment to the constitution of Swilatia which would ban slavery. Also, we are disgusted b the acts of Strator.
- Sławomir Tislanne, Prime minister of Swilatia.
20-02-2007, 02:17
TO: Whomever is in charge of this
FROM: Mr Larry Williams, Minister of Foreign Affairs
We will be willing to attend this summit. Mr. Greg Hanenburg will be representing the interests of the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom. He has Diplomatic Immunity per UN Resoltuions.
Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: All Nations
From: Vetakan Forigen Affairs
The Dominion would again like to invite all nations to attend the Anti-Slavery Innocence Summit. Which is to be held within the Vetakan Capital of Theeb. The aims of the Summit is to find a Diplomatic and Peaceful way to the end of Slavery. Vetaka understands some nations use slavery for perfectly understandable reasons. Vetaka understands that more often than not nations are ashamed to have to use slavery for various reasons.
The aim of this summit is to try and find ways to help and aid those nations through diplomatic and econmomic aids.
The aim of this summit is to set up a Worldwide accepted charter on slavery and how to combat those whom use slavery as means of evil and to help those that use slavery to support their economy when they really have no other choice. We would like all nations to attend so that a wide range of views can be heard and that the charter can recieve the maximum amount of international support.
Yours Dominion of Vetaka Forigen Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
To: Veteka Foreign Affairs
From: King George I, Kingdom of Smantle
I, personally will be attending the summit, hoping to wipe out this disgusting trade and also improving relations.
King George I
Alexandrian Ptolemais
20-02-2007, 11:02
To: Veteka Foreign Affairs
From: Rt. Hon. Oliver Peterson, Labour Party Leader, Leader of the Opposition
I will be attending this summit on behalf of the Labour Party of the Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais. Our party stands for the freedom of all individuals and we are concerned as a party that slavery, although illegal within the Empire, is still widely tolerated and that nothing can be done against those members of the nobility that own slaves
OOC: This is not an official delegation
By the laws that have been made upon my surrender I must attend...
But although I said I shall take the new laws into consideration, I did not ever state that I shal accept every law passed in the summit upon my nation and many others.
20-02-2007, 15:20
Official Communique From The Skgorrian Foreign Ministry
We will be sending a representative to this conference.
Silver Star HQ
20-02-2007, 15:29
The SSHQ will be sending a representative to this conference.
OOC: Animarnia, people were enslaved for talking too loud.
OOC: Im going to leave it open for 1 more day and then ill get it under way.
To: Vetaka
From: Aust
Aust shall send a delegation, headed by Prince Henry, to this summet. we are strongly anti-slavery and implore all nations to accept our stance on the complete banning of forced labour and slavery/
21-02-2007, 02:04
The SSHQ will be sending a representative to this conference.
OOC: Animarnia, people were enslaved for talking too loud.
OOC: I know why they were enslaved; and Oocly I think slavery is one of the worst acts humanity has come up with in its existance; but ICly however ridiculous the reason they were enslaved was these people were going to be executed. Fundementally we agree with the Anti-slavery thing; but wheres the fun in an RP if all we do is puff out our chests and go home? Rene is antagonistic and she's going to badger everyone about the whole executing thing.
Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: To all nations whom have elected to attend the Theeb Summit
From: Vetakan Forigen Affairs
Subject: Summit Timetable
Anti-Slavery Summit is now due to begin the water is chilled and the sound system has been checked and now we only await the arrival of the Delegates. Please arrive by no later than 21:00 tomorrow evening. Please land at Theeb International Airport on your approach to Vetakan Airspace please contact Theeb Tower callsign Rhino quoting your nations name and callsign.
The Summit has no time limit. Attached below is a timetable of the summit. This includes locations. As I say their is no time limit so this timetable is not strictly limited:
Day 1 09:00: Summit Welcome
A chance for all delegates to meet and greet eachother as well as to explore the Vetakan Presidential Palace. A chance to meet the Vetakan Govenments Cabinet. Light Breakfast Offered.
Day 1 10:00: The Dominion of Vetaka Official Position on Slavery:
The President of Vetaka presents Vetaka's official position of Slavery, Slaves and Torture. The Presentation will also includes Vetaka's ideas for slavery. Delegates will have the chance to ask questions and argue their own points.
Day 1 11:30: Slavery through the eyes of a Slave:
A Presentation on Slavery through the eyes of a freed Slave. Bridget Smith is a 21 year old women whom was a slave within the Dominion of Strator she was able to escape aboard a Vetakan Cargo Ship. She gives a slaves insight into slavery. Delegates will have the chance to ask questions.
Day 1 12:30: Lunch
Delegates have lunch within the Great Hall of the Presidential Palace. Delegates have the oppotunity to order anything they like within reason. Traditional National Dishes can be catered for if delegations can inform Us of this. Alternatively a traditional Vetakan 3 course meal is offered. Please contact for details. We encourage delegations to mingle and talk.
Day 1 14:00: An Insight into The Dominion of Strator and its view on Slavery:
The Summit is honoured to present a 30 Minute Presentation by the The Dominion of Strator on its Slaves and its Storefront. Delegates will then have the oppotunity to ask questions. (Unconfirmed)
Day 1 15:00: Questions
An open floor, will allow all Delegates to move around talk to eachother but also to ask each of the Timetabled speakers questions as well as argue their own points. We have allocated 2 hours for this segment and this is a free to leave segment. You are able to leave at any time.
Day 1 19:30: Dinner with the President
The President hosts a Formal dinner within the Presidential Palace. The Dinner is a formal event so Ball Dress and Dinner Suits are mandatory. The Dinner will be attended by the Delegates, Invited persons (Freed Slaves and other) Vetakan Cabinet and Select Military Commanders. We hope this will allow delegates to talk within a relaxed enviroment. The event will include a dinner, open ball room dance floor, the chance to exlpore the Presidential Palace and the Vetakan Capital of Theeb. It will also include a charity Auction for the Anti-Slave Charity "Freedom".
All segments are volantary and delegates are free to leave at any time. This is just an outline and is not locked please take as long as you like in your questions and your time while at the Summit.
Day 2 09:00: Light Breakfast with the Forigen Secretary
Delegates are offered breakfast within the Presidential Palace hosted by the Vetakan Forigen Secretary. This will again give the delegates the chance to talk.
Day 2 10:00: President of Vetaka proposes a Solution
The Dominion of Vetaka President unveils a proposed solution to Slavery in the form of the "The Freedom Charter". The President will explain every Article and its meaning.
Day 2 11:00: The Open Discussion and Lunch
Delegates discuss the proposed Charter. Propose Amendments and hopefully achieve a fully accepted Charter.
The Official Timetable ends here The Dominion is commited to providing as much time as nessary we hope the Charter can be fully accepted. Delegations are welcome to bring their own security. Due to space issues only 5 Security Personnel will be allowed to enter the Presidential Palace. General Security will be provided by the Vetakan Defence Force and the Vetakan Police.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any information on this summit.
Yours Dominion of Vetaka Forigen Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
OOC 1: Ill set up the thread later this evening. For organization sake it will follow the above timetable. Please just take your time feel free to explore your RP but please dont take the piss and do somthing you obviously couldnt after all the Vetakan Army and Police will be everywhere.
OOC 2: This is still open if you want to attend please feel free to announce your attendance and just join in.
21-02-2007, 11:39
Miss Shondel is already packing and will be boarding her jet shortly and hopes to arrive soon we would like to provide you with our classifed security arangements; for your aproval. Miss Shondels Aircraft will be escorted by two, F-22A Raptor Fighter Aircraft as is customary for all high level diplomatic flights this is seen as a matter of honour as much as a matter of security. Miss Shondels 4 Bodyguards will be armed with one, DAC-99 Pistolform Personal Defence Weapon each and two spare magazines. Miss Shondels Personal Assistant will also be joining her on this vist.
Miss Shodels Callsign for this mission will be 'Pandora" our Honourguard and jet airliner will require fuel upon landing; we can re-enberse you for the costs if required.
Samual Fisher
Director of Animarnia Intelegence Agency
The Federal Republic of Hamilay wishes to attend this conference on this issue of great relevance to current affairs. In particular, we are curious to hear the opinions of the international community on the enslavement of convicted felons who have committed major, potentially capital crimes, since this is a punishment Hamilay and several other free and democratic nations known to the Federal Republic sometimes dole out. On the summit itself, we wish to inquire on limitations posed on security personnel.
The Federal Republic of Hamilay
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/Office of the President of the Federal Republic
Axis Nova
21-02-2007, 11:49
Official Communique, Axis Nova Office of Foreign Affairs
We will send a delegate to attend this conference.
Miss Shondel is already packing and will be boarding her jet shortly and hopes to arrive soon we would like to provide you with our classifed security arangements; for your aproval. Miss Shondels Aircraft will be escorted by two, F-22A Raptor Fighter Aircraft as is customary for all high level diplomatic flights this is seen as a matter of honour as much as a matter of security. Miss Shondels 4 Bodyguards will be armed with one, DAC-99 Pistolform Personal Defence Weapon each and two spare magazines. Miss Shondels Personal Assistant will also be joining her on this vist.
Miss Shodels Callsign for this mission will be 'Pandora" our Honourguard and jet airliner will require fuel upon landing; we can re-enberse you for the costs if required.
Samual Fisher
Director of Animarnia Intelegence Agency
Classified Communication:
To: Animarnia Intelligence Agency
From: Vetakan Defence Force Security and Intelligence Service (VDFSIS)
Subject: Animarnia Security Detail
Your Security arrangements are approved. Your Honourguard will of course be refuelled and it will be done free of charge. Your pilots are welcome to explore theeb during the summit. On your arrival to Vetakan Airspace contact Theeb International Tower Callsign Theeb quoting your Callsign and Nation Name.
On landing you will be met by members of the Vetakan Forigen Affairs and VDF Diplomatic Guard. You will be registered and your Identification checked from their you will transported to your designated Hotel. Which is rooms 100-103 of the 6 Star White-Flower Hotel. The Security Details of the Hotel including the Blueprint are attached to this message.
We hope to see you soon.
Yours Vetakan Defence Force Security and Intelligence Service Commander Barrett
Attchments: White-Flower Hotel (Security Details.doc)
21-02-2007, 12:59
Vetakan radar operators would detect an incoming IL-76 bearing a Skgorrian IFF signal.
"This is Herman Yuklig, calling under callsign 'Brandenburger'. We are here to represent our government at the upcoming slavery conference, over."
OOC: Apologies if we are not meant to post this here, I will delete and re-post elsewhere if needed.
Terran Tribes
21-02-2007, 13:05
To: Vetakan Foreign Affairs
From: Foundation of Terran Tribes
Subject: Innocences Summit
Secretary Rogers,
We would be grateful to be allowed a seat at the upcoming summit. We welcome any chance so speak out against the vile act of enslaving another human being and would like to discuss the options available to countries that would normally take part in the act. A representative will be sent as soon as confirmation is available.
First Sentry of Liberties Alonzo Akira.
TO: Vetakan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
FROM: President's Office, Federation of Aunesia
RE: Summit timetable
The Federation of Aunesia would like to thank the Dominion of Vetaka for the care and thought they have put into hosting this summit, and we approve of this timetable. However, we would like to inform you that no part of the Aunesian delegation shall be present at any possible presentation by the Dominion of Strator.
Bridgette Boxworth
Private Secretary
OOC: Ill kick it off tomorrow. I haven't forgotten about its just ive just started a new job. Strator check your TG.
Vault 10
22-02-2007, 13:34
OOC: Is it OK for the delegate to arrive by a personal fighter plane? Sort of fashion in Vault 10 for high corporate officials.
OOC: Yea go for it. Sounds Interesting. Just contact the tower on inbound flight.
22-02-2007, 16:52
OOC: I want to send a Corporate Alliance Member via Yunshuji Y-7 (copy of the An-24), just him.
Cpt. Victor Sortana, a veteran of the Galation Conflict.
The pilots and crew will be neutral and hired out for the delivery.
OCC: Confirmed Ill add you to the list. Can I put "The Corporate Alliance"?
RP your arrival within Vetaka whenever it suits you. The Capital City of Vetaka is Theeb City, The Airport is Theeb International Airport and its callsign is Rhino Control.
22-02-2007, 17:04
OCC: Confirmed Ill add you to the list. Can I put "The Corporate Alliance"?
RP your arrival within Vetaka whenever it suits you. The Capital City of Vetaka is Theeb City, The Airport is Theeb International Airport and its callsign is Rhino Control.
EDIT: I forgot to answer you question but yes, "The Corporate Alliance", but don't refer to him as a representative from Leafanistan. Call him from the Red Islands.
I find the Control Tower thing a bit superfluous. He has chartered a private plane so the crew and the airframe are to be left alone.
I prefer you refer to his country of origin as 'The Republic of the Red Islands' not 'Leafanistan' as that is what his passport reads. Ethnically he is a 2nd Generation Leafanistani Rovonian Colonist.
OOC: Of Course. Fair enough.
Vault 10
22-02-2007, 17:40
BTW, about the another thread - such threads, where people may join if they ask elsewhere, are called Semi-Open, or, if that has some requirements beyond just fitting in the timeline and being recognized, Semi-Closed. Not a big deal, just for the future, in case.
22-02-2007, 17:52
The Republic of Ironwell would also care to send a delegate to this affair.
OOC: Vault 10: Yeah I realised when I submitted it lol. Nevermind.
OOC: Confirmed Ironwell.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
23-02-2007, 01:02
The Empire of Itinerate Tree Dweller and Commonwealth Territories would like to send a delegate to this summit.
We hope to send our former U.N. delegate and close friend to the Emperor, Christopher Irons.
Christopher Irons
Date of Birth: April 1, 1968
Birthplace: Hades, Greater Hades, Itinerate Tree Dweller
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Height: 6 foot 2 inches
Weight: 202 lb.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
IQ: 166
Occupation: Professional Diplomat
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religion: Roman Catholic
OOC: Confirmed The Empire of Itinerate Tree Dweller and Commonwealth Territories
Vault 10
23-02-2007, 22:15
[ OOC:
OOC: Really sorry Land you choppers at the Presidential Palace. Im really sorry but at the moment i haven't got time to do a proper RP im on a date and im in the toilet on me MDA
Shocked... just imagined RPing in II on a date in a toilet... ]
OOC: Once you give the go-ahead to start arriving, I'll toss up an IC post.