The Triumvirate of Evil
From The Office of Grand Shogun Nadia of The Imperial Republic of Hataria.
For all Nations to know that their is still Evil Nations everywhere, that some would kill their fellow man for Politcal reasons and just for fun, that Greed as caused Man to turn against man. I give you a list of a dread Triumvirate of Terror that seeks to destroy all Nations that don't follow their evil ways.
Triumvirate of Terror:
Chellis: This Nation wishes Genocide of whole Peoples and they are Canabals that Eat their own People and are planning on Forceing the world to be Livestock for their evil ways
Automagfreek: Their Ruler is evil and wants to enslave all the world under a evil empire.
Strator: Has enslave it's own People for slaves and their people rape little kids and are Cuel and unhonorable.
These nations should be treated as enemies of The world.
No endorse
18-02-2007, 03:38
As per the Jolt Ordinances of 20XX, a fax was sent to the $world_community.
The whining fax machines, grappling with the inanely huge file.
The paper, seemingly parchment.
The double signature, redundant, yet somehow necessary.
The awe-inspiring handwriting, flowing script orchestated by a quill pen.
There was only one country, only one man this could be from: Atal Amner.
Salutations to the nation of Hataria,
I recently heard of a statement made by the self-titled Grand Shogun Nadia pertaining to various nations of the international community, namely Automagfreek, Chellis, and Strator. However, I found to my extreme displeasure that the nation of No Endorse was absent from this compilation. If membership in the 'Triumvirate of Evil' is required in order to be considered a major threat against the nation of Hataria's 'ideal world,' then we wish to be known as the most dastardly creations under the sun. If there is no cause currently for No Endorse to be on this list, we are more than happy to provide one.
-Atal Amner
-Atal Amner
The Jade Star
18-02-2007, 03:40
Official Department of Official Responses to Official Things relating to Official Business relating to the Business of Being Official for Official Purposes:
k lol
Joe Blow, Minister of Officiality
18-02-2007, 03:41
Jaredcohenia sends a bucket of cookies to the leader of each nation in this "Triumvirate of Evil." Be evil-get cookies!
Also, we urge Grand Shogun Nadia to stop copying the United States Government and abdicate for a leader with more impressive grammar skills. We find you, Hataria, to be the greatest threat to the world. You show that your nation is highly unstable and declare war whenever you want. However, you receive no cookies. Good day, sir.
~Premier Mikhail Cohen
The Jade Star
18-02-2007, 03:44
Official Department of Official Responses to Official Things relating to Official Business relating to the Business of Being Official for Official Purposes:
Hey, Jaredcohenia, I once kicked a baby and stole candy from a puppy.
Does that count?
Joe Blow, Minister of Officiality
A Communique from Shah Jafar
Sell us the slaves, we will free them, just name your price. As for the cannibalism, I am sure genetically-engineered cattle can be made to taste *ahem* more to your tastes. Perhaps negotiations are in order here that can benefit both parties.
From The Office of Grand Shogun Nadia of The Imperial Republic of Hataria.
For all Nations to know that their is still Evil Nations everywhere, that some would kill their fellow man for Politcal reasons and just for fun, that Greed as caused Man to turn against man. I give you a list of a dread Triumvirate of Terror that seeks to destroy all Nations that don't follow their evil ways.
Triumvirate of Terror:
Chellis: This Nation wishes Genocide of whole Peoples and they are Canabals that Eat their own People and are planning on Forceing the world to be Livestock for their evil ways
Automagfreek: Their Ruler is evil and wants to enslave all the world under a evil empire.
Strator: Has enslave it's own People for slaves and their people rape little kids and are Cuel and unhonorable.
These nations should be treated as enemies of The world.
Wagdog happens to agree; at least in the first and third cases, since we wish to maintain an open mind regarding Automagfreek until we learn more. We add that Chellis has abandoned its allies in the UCN (whom we wish to join soon) for what we deem frivolous and insulting reasons, and declared a war of genocide for ludicrous reasons pertaining to the content of a mere rallying speech by Empress Neherenia to her citizens in the context of a general war in their defense.
Despite our agreement we do not ask for your aid against Strator, since they are puny even if their depravity is great, and we know your troubles are many. Besides, we honestly cannot claim to agree with more of your policies, since we find they have generally created said troubles in the first place. Your nation does not (in our mind) deserve to be conquered or destroyed because of this, but that does not change irresponsible policies into responsible ones by any stretch of reason.
Still, should you and your enemies desire our services as a neutral party to hold more effective talks than those prior hosted by Farmina, you need only ask. We would be honest at least, if nothing else more overtly favorable to the Imperial Republic. The fact that your enemies' policies are more distasteful still than your own to us does much to help in this.
Demon 666
18-02-2007, 05:41
The Imperial Empire of Demon 666 sincerely asks to be added to the list of nations that Hataria considers evil
Automagfreek: Their Ruler is evil and wants to enslave all the world under a evil empire.
We, as victims of Hatarian attack, would also politely ask Hataria to not act so much like a kettle then, if this is what they consider evil.
It's impossible to determine who is the most evil when there are so many aspiring dictators with so much potential.
OOC: cool, im in a triumvate, BUYAAH!!!
IC: hahahahahaha, I see you pawns wish to bring me to my knees, well ill tell you a story.
Many years ago, I myself was a slave, I was owned by three men. One day, a few days after my tenth birthday, I decided to break free, i stabbed the man who came to bring me food, with a splinter i had been sharpening for weeks hidden under dung. I then took his whip and stranggled the other two. I then ate their guts while they were still alive, then deficated into the wounds.
I hope this helps you understand me.
Hey, wait a second, when did i say we rape kids, its a good idea but it wasnt ever said.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
19-02-2007, 21:40
Others can play that game too, you know.
For example...
I hereby declare the Grand Shogun Nadia of Hataria to be an enemy of the Imperium.
See, I could say that all day; it's any excellent exercise for the vocal cords.... oh it feels so soothing to say.
I hereby declare the Grand Shogun Nadia of Hataria to be an enemy of the Imperium.
Very nice, yes, very nice. Now... what was I going to say.... oh yes.
I do not recognize your so called Triumvirate of Evil. Im not even sure if Chellis or... who is it... Strator are led by men, cant very well have a triumvirate without men leaders. Or are you suggesting that AMF, Chellis and Strator are nations composed entirely of men? Hmm, doubtful considering their birthrates.
You could always use the word 'axis', people like to associate evil groups with that... or maybe something unique... like the 'boogeyman alliance' or 'terrible three', you may get better public reaction with names like that.
Who are you to decide what is evil anyways??? You've let more of your own people to the slaughter than any nation that I know of.
Oh and...
I hereby declare the Grand Shogun Nadia of Hataria to be an enemy of the Imperium.
God that feels good.
Emperor Erik Sirus Kersk Xericus
The Jade Star
19-02-2007, 21:50
My nation declares dodge on your nation, ITD.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
19-02-2007, 21:51
My nation declares dodge on your nation, ITD.
Declares dodge???? What is that????
-Emperor Erik Sirus Kersk Xericus-
The Jade Star
19-02-2007, 21:54
Declares dodge???? What is that????
-Emperor Erik Sirus Kersk Xericus-
It gives me +1 on all my evasion rolls. Oh, and I get an extra move, I think.
19-02-2007, 21:56
Seems like we needn't worry about cannibalistic countries. I mean obviously, they won't be around too much longer
Itinerate Tree Dweller
19-02-2007, 22:00
It gives me +1 on all my evasion rolls. Oh, and I get an extra move, I think.
-Emperor Erik Sirus Kersk Xericus-
The Jade Star
19-02-2007, 22:00
-Emperor Erik Sirus Kersk Xericus-