Opening diplomatic relations/Request for trade
Royal New Atlantis
15-02-2007, 04:12
I am writing this communique to formally introduce ourselves to the world. We are the Incorporated States of Royal New Atlantis, a nation comprised of seven islands.
Our nation is new, formed from exploration and colonization.
We are also writing to formally open diplomatic relations with any nation who wishes, and to offer a trade agreement of mined or raw uranium ore in exchange for information technology.
With warmest regards, I am most sincerely yours,
Franklin Zebidar
Most High Chancellor
Incorporated States of Royal New Atlantis
Mer des Ennuis
15-02-2007, 04:43
To: Franklin Zebidar
From: Gen. Adam Wincenty
Re: Diplomatic Recognition
It has come to my attention that your loose conglomerate of islands has announced that they are, in fact, a nationstate. In light of this, I have decided to offer you diplomatic recognition, and will construct a class 3 secured embassy in your nation's capital. In return, we will provide you with a secured floor of a diplomatic building in the capital of Mer de Noms, along with an unrestricted trade agreement, free of tarrifs of all kinds.
-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"
15-02-2007, 05:40
"The Republic of Zaire would gladly open diplomatic relations with the Incorporated States of Royal New Atlantis."
Nguza Karl-i-Bond
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Royal New Atlantis
15-02-2007, 05:40
General Wincenty:
Your offer of diplomatic recognition and free trade is duly noted and accepted. Construction of your embassy may commence as soon as is convenient. A diplomatic envoy from RNA will be landing in your capital at the beginning of the week.
I would like to arrange for a personal visit with you and tour of your capital as soon as is convenient for you.
Kind regards,
Franklin Zebidar
Most High Chancellor
Royal New Atlantis
Royal New Atlantis
15-02-2007, 05:46
Minister Karl-i-Bond,
Royal New Atlantis accepts your generous offer to begin diplomatic relations with the Republic of Zaire. Please feel free to send a diplomatic envoy to our capital as soon as is convenient for you.
Kind regards,
Franklin Zebidar
Most High Chancellor
Royal New Atlantis
The Scandinvans
15-02-2007, 05:56
The Scandinvan Empire wishes to inquire as to your political situation and to your own government system.
Emperor Olaf
Royal New Atlantis
15-02-2007, 06:06
Royal New Atlantis accepts both Mer de Ennuis' and the Republic of Zaire's gracious offers to begin diplomatic relations. Please send diplomatic envoys to our capital as soon as is convenient.
As for the Emperor of the Scandivans questions, our political situation is quite secure. We have at present, not counting Mer de Ennuis and the Republic of Zaire, one other ally, the Rogue Nation of Landsalar, who shares our region. As for RNA's government, it is quite simple. I am the Most High Chancellor. I am advised by a 50-member parliament, but ultimately, my word is law.
Kindest regards
F. Zebidar
Most High Chancellor, R.N.A.
Offical Imperial Diplomatic Message Gatawan Foreign Ministry
On behalf of the emperor we would like to offer you greetings and would be interested in trading for uranium the empire also wishes to inquire what other resources do you have avaliable for trade we currently export Oil and other petroleum and rubber products as well as iron, coa,l gold, and copper and food staples mostly fish such as tuna, cod, and herring
Sincerely Gatawan Foreign Minister Yustev Heinkle
The Scandinvans
15-02-2007, 06:17
Royal New Atlantis accepts both Mer de Ennuis' and the Republic of Zaire's gracious offers to begin diplomatic relations. Please send diplomatic envoys to our capital as soon as is convenient.
As for the Emperor of the Scandivans questions, our political situation is quite secure. We have at present, not counting Mer de Ennuis and the Republic of Zaire, one other ally, the Rogue Nation of Landsalar, who shares our region. As for RNA's government, it is quite simple. I am the Most High Chancellor. I am advised by a 50-member parliament, but ultimately, my word is law.
Kindest regards
F. Zebidar
Most High Chancellor, R.N.A.Due to the fact of you still being a small nation we offer you the status of sovering commonwealth where you keep nearly all the things as a free and separate nation, but accept an Imperial Advisor and have free trade with the Empire.
As well, you shall be placed under our military protection and shall access to all of our most modern non-military tech and have the right to trade with the Empire for goods at below international market prices and the power to sell your goods under little intervention of our government, save that of dangerous products.
The Imperial Steward
OOC: Conquest through diplomacy eh Scandinva?
The Scandinvans
15-02-2007, 06:22
OOC: Conquest through diplomacy eh Scandinva?OOC: Yeap,:D . Though it will not be taken personally if RNA turns my offer down.
ooc: off course not...anywho sorry to begin clogging the thread with this ooc babble
Mer des Ennuis
15-02-2007, 06:30
To: Franklin Zebidar
From: Gen. Adam Wincenty
Re: Diplomatic Recognition
I have consulted with my Senate Commerce Chair, and he has begun processing paperwork for free and open trade with your nation. I trust market forces will prevail, and we will both benefit with this joyous alliance.
As is customary, the first 50 soldiers charged with guard duty are being mobilized to, in the most symbolic sense of the word, seize the land that will be considered Ennusian soil. Though our security will be heavy, they have never caused an international incident, and are necessary to protect against attack from abroad. Upon deliberations later this week, the Senate will appoint a state department official to act as ambassador to your fine nation. As all ambassadors are state assets, your nation will be added to the "rapid deployment list," should unrest merit military intervention on behalf of your government. I hope this is to your liking, and that we will prosper for the duration of these relations.
-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"
Royal New Atlantis
15-02-2007, 06:45
OOC: Yeap,:D . Though it will not be taken personally if RNA turns my offer down.
OOC: LOL! At least let me RP a little before conquering me!!
To: Emperor Olav, Empire of Scandiva
From: F. Zebidar, Most High Chancellor, RNA
Regrettably, I must inform your government that while your proposal is intriguing, at present it does not seem to be in the best interest of Royal New Atlantis. However, in the interest of maintaining good international relations, I will allow a diplomatic envoy to visit our capital at your earliest convenience, if you are willing, to perhaps renegotiate a counteroffer.
Kind regards,
F. Zebidar
Most High Chancellor, R.N.A.
Royal New Atlantis
15-02-2007, 06:54
To: Franklin Zebidar
From: Gen. Adam Wincenty
Re: Diplomatic Recognition
I have consulted with my Senate Commerce Chair, and he has begun processing paperwork for free and open trade with your nation. I trust market forces will prevail, and we will both benefit with this joyous alliance.
As is customary, the first 50 soldiers charged with guard duty are being mobilized to, in the most symbolic sense of the word, seize the land that will be considered Ennusian soil. Though our security will be heavy, they have never caused an international incident, and are necessary to protect against attack from abroad. Upon deliberations later this week, the Senate will appoint a state department official to act as ambassador to your fine nation. As all ambassadors are state assets, your nation will be added to the "rapid deployment list," should unrest merit military intervention on behalf of your government. I hope this is to your liking, and that we will prosper for the duration of these relations.
-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"
General Wincety,
Agreed. In preparation for the ceremonial "seizing of land", I have ordered a section of Krakana Island, our capital island, cleared and it awaits the arrival of your troops.
A fleet of Atlantean KYRIE-class warships has been commissioned and stands ready to support the Ennusian navy, should the need ever arise.
Further, if you are willing to fly yourself to Krakana Island, a ceremonial treaty signing is planned for this coming Wednesday at 2PM. Royal New Atlantis would be honored to be your hosts for this occasion. There will be a scheduled inspection of our uranium mines where you can see the revolutionary process in which RNA refines the raw ore for marketable uses.
We await your arrival with eagerness.
Franklin Zebidar
Most High Chancellor
Royal New Atlantis
The Scandinvans
15-02-2007, 06:55
OOC: LOL! At least let me RP a little before conquering me!!
To: Emperor Olav, Empire of Scandiva
From: F. Zebidar, Most High Chancellor, RNA
Regrettably, I must inform your government that while your proposal is intriguing, at present it does not seem to be in the best interest of Royal New Atlantis. However, in the interest of maintaining good international relations, I will allow a diplomatic envoy to visit our capital at your earliest convenience, if you are willing, to perhaps renegotiate a counteroffer.
Kind regards,
F. Zebidar
Most High Chancellor, R.N.A.OOC: Learn that it is cool dude.
IC: We accept these terms and we will be happy to send a delegate to neogatie a new deal with your nation.
Emperor Olaf IV
ooc: did u miss m post RNA? lol
Royal New Atlantis
15-02-2007, 07:13
Offical Imperial Diplomatic Message Gatawan Foreign Ministry
On behalf of the emperor we would like to offer you greetings and would be interested in trading for uranium the empire also wishes to inquire what other resources do you have avaliable for trade we currently export Oil and other petroleum and rubber products as well as iron, coa,l gold, and copper and food staples mostly fish such as tuna, cod, and herring
Sincerely Gatawan Foreign Minister Yustev Heinkle
OOC: Nope, didn't miss it. Just trying to keep up LOL.
Minister Heinkle:
RNA would happily accept a trade agreement, uranium for oil, at current market value and tarriff-free for both nations.
RNA also has the following resources available:
Food products, primarilly beef and fish as well
Automobiles(we lead our region in auto production)
Other precious metals(we have several silver mines as well)
Timber and wood products
If any of these items interest the Empire, please do not hesitate to let us know.
We look forward to meeting the delegate from the Empire.
Sincerely yours,
Franklin Zebidar
Most High Chancellor
Royal New Atlantis
The Silver Sky
16-02-2007, 03:14
From: CEO Steven Miller of We Buy It Inc.; President Maddox of the Skyian Government
To: Franklin Zebidar, Most High Chancellor, Royal New Atlantis
On behalf of We Buy It Inc. an international conglomerate holding over 17 subsidaries in multiple markets, and in over 23 countries. I ask for you to allow our greatly successful company into your markets. Where ever We Buy It Inc. goes, wages rise and economics grow.
A list of our companies is available should you inquire about them, but our largest companies by far are Silver Sky National Armaments, Black Gold Corporation (oil/gas drilling and refining and selling corporation) and Bana Mining and Refining Limited. They mine, drill and refine huge amounts of oil, natural gas, iron ore, and uranium as well as other gases, liquids and metals and sell them at low low prices while offering good base wages to workers.
We also cater to the services market, with Yum, Yum Food Services, Ultra Food Manufacturing Company, Sky Tech Electronics and SkyAir International Airlines amoung others, such as Apollo Banking & Securities Limited.
Should you allow our conglomerate to spread into your markets, you shall never regret it. Oh, we also offer mecenary forces through Hostile Takeover Inc., they want to place recruitment offices in your nation.
Oh, and President Maddox would like a walled embassy with space for four armored patrol trucks, thirty two guards, and two unarmed transport helicopters.
Offical Imperial Message Gataway Foreign Affairs Minisitry/Trade and Commerce Ministry
The Empire gladly accepts these terms and has already made necessary preperations to begin exporting Oil in return for Uranium in order to aid in our development of our nuclear powerplant operations. The empire would also be interested in possibly trading copper and coal, or copper and rubber for automobiles. Our ambassador to your nation will be a one Mr. Gerald Meise
Sincerely Yustev Heinkle Foreign affairs Minister and Victor Cras Minister Trade and Commerce
Mer des Ennuis
16-02-2007, 03:52
From: Adam Wincenty
To: Franklin Zebidar
Re: State Visit
I will be honored to visit your island for commencement ceremonies via my Yacht "New Dawn." In order to make a bit of a "bang," I have ordered the 12th and 16th Amphibious Assault Groups and the 26th Carrier Battle Group for escort duty. This fleet, totaling 255 ships, will be available (should you choose to allow it) for a "fleet week" style maritime parade and docking. The 158,518 sailors involved should provide a nice boost to your economy.
One of our largest industries is Uranium processing and mining. As such, Global Tetrahedron Inc. has expressed an interest in sending representatives for negotiations in better penetrating your markets, providing that their presence does not violate trade secrets. I look forward to my little visit, and I hope that your beaches are sandy and warm. I am sending a case of our finest scotch with this message, which I trust you will enjoy.
-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”
16-02-2007, 04:00
To: Whome it May Concern
From: Animarnia State Department
It has come to our Attention that you have announced your intention to be declared as a nationstate and asked for diplomatic embassy from the international community. We congratulate you on you emergence as a national entity and would like to open diplomatic relations immediately by building an embassy on your land and will of course reciprocate such an action. As a gift from the president of our nation please accept the wine basket and Animarnia flag in the spirit that the gift is given.
We would like to discus Trade relations with your people at your convenience. We can offer Solar Glass, Oil, Uranium, a range of Sea Food, Arms and Automobiles as our primary exports however if you have more specific needs we may be able to accommodate you.