President Kara Maddox (ATTN The Silver Sky, closed)
British Londinium
14-02-2007, 00:04
Tanaka: Welcome to In Conversation With - I'm Mitsuki Tanaka, for the Eurasian Broadcasting Group. In today's programme, we have a unique opportunity to interview President Kara Maddox, the President of The Silver Sky. [turns] Ma'am, it's a pleasure.
The Silver Sky
14-02-2007, 00:45
President Maddox: Thank you Ms. Tanaka, it is an honor to be interviewed by such a large international news network with as good a reputation as yours.
British Londinium
14-02-2007, 01:20
Tanaka: Could you start by telling us about your nation?
The Silver Sky
14-02-2007, 01:51
Maddox: The Silver Sky is a very large economically and militarily powerful nation, it composes all of the Nexus Continent in the Frye Sea of the region Haven. We have a roaring economy with a very large GDP and GDPPC. Our miltiary is all volunteer and well paid and equipped. Our government is a Democractic Republic, with seperate branches.
Also, The Silver Sky overseas an extensive colony system, which includes our Artic Territories in Haven, parts of Colombo Isle, and Lesbian Isle. We also maintain a military presence in several nations. We also have powerful allies of many types and governing systems.
British Londinium
14-02-2007, 02:08
Tanaka: What about The Silver Sky's culture?
The Silver Sky
14-02-2007, 03:20
Maddox: The Silver Sky is a melting pot of dozens of cultures, it is perhaps one of the few places on earth where you have a citzen of Doomingslandi descent living next to that of one of Hamptonshire descent, or a person of Unionist Orgin.
Cultures 'native' to The Silver Sky however, include people of colored skin, notably Latino, African, and Pacific Islander, which make up about 40% of the population, the rest is caucasian or mixed.
All religions are allowed, although Roman Catholicism is the largest, with Protestants coming up second, although a sizeable portion of the population is atheistic.
British Londinium
14-02-2007, 03:22
Tanaka: But, certainly, that melting pot has created some sort of fusion of culture, correct? Indeed, there must be some sort of unique, defining characteristic of The Silver Sky.
The Silver Sky
14-02-2007, 04:38
Maddox: Unfortunately, or un, it has not, as until about 30 years ago, The Silver Sky only occupied a portion of the continent, with several other countries, so their has been little time for a fusion of culture to occur, seeing as their were some stark differences between the countries' cultures.
British Londinium
14-02-2007, 04:47
Tanaka: I see. Could you illustrate, if not the popular or mainstream culture, the political culture in The Silver Sky?
The Silver Sky
15-02-2007, 00:35
Maddox: The political culture is just as good, or bad, it's a mish-mash.
You have the two ruling parties, the Skyian National Democratic Front, my party, and the Usean Republican Party. Both founded on democratic ideals, but differ a bit in foreign policy and domestic issues.
And then you have the 'others', headed off by The Nexian Nationalist Front, a facist-democratic party, reminicent of the National Socialist Party, except without the racial discrimination and killings.
After that comes Auroran Liberty Party, a recently founded party that took some dissidents from the main two parties, and some new people, founded around socialist ideals and wanting a more social-democracy.
Heading up the rear is the Imperialist Party, basically the remnants of the former government of one of the nations conquered in the war, they like imperialist ideals, much like Whyatica and Doomingsland, except without the religious zeal.
Last but not least, the Sapin Socialist Front, the 'nut jobs' in Congress, holding all of five seats in the Senate, their basically what is left of the old Sapin Government after the Communist Uprising sixteen years back. They lost nearly all of their support during the short uprising, as well as their leadership, they stand for communism as both a political and economic system, something that most Skyians hate.
British Londinium
15-02-2007, 00:43
Tanaka: What does the Skyian National Democratic Front stand for?