Слава Федерации! [Earth II]
The 2nd Pacific Naval front composed of more then 2000 ships has landed all along the western Mexican shore in the uncontested territories previously owned by the nation of Neuvo Rica. Quickly and in an orderly fashion the ground troops started unloading from the large transport ships. These troops would establish the initial hold on the land, securing cities and most importantly airstrips so the remaining bulk of the invasion could come in. The resistance was expected to be light, with Neuvo Rican government collapsing country turned to chaos most Mexicans were eager to end the never ending bloodshed as one warlord claimed the possession of the lands over the other, yet still Russian Federation army is not known for underestimating its opponent, several surgical bomb strikes have been made one most important one and the most devastating was unleashed on the private palace of Hulio Gonzales located a few kilometers outside Mexico city. Gonzales was a self-proclaimed general and the leader of the so-called Mexican Reunification Army. His untimely death brought an end to his short but brutal rule. Along with military personnel came the humanitarian corps ready to provide food, water and shelter to the new citizens of the Federation. The world knew now, the great Siberian bear was going hunting and once it tasted the blood of its prey nothing could stop him from devouring it a whole. This was only the begging.
Far from the Russian fleet, well beyond the horizon, a Overwatch class surveillance ship moved quietly through the waters at six knots, its powerful ELINT systems in form of a subsystem in the ANDOSS Mark VI combat suite the ship was equipped with monitoring the transmissions from the Russian fleet that was transmitted on unsecure channels, relaying them to Oslo via a secure datalink that connected to a Cottish military communications satellite which again connected to two other satellites, relaying the signal to them before it was transmitted down to the large satellite dishes in the enclosed area of Kolsås Leir outside Oslo, the home of the Cottish intelligence community.
Here, the information was stored on high-capacity harddrives and run through the Cray-6 supercomputers in the fifth sub-basement, trying to break through the Russian encryption algorythms. It was expected that for the heavily encrypted communicaitons, it would be broken within a few months or, in the case of the most heavily encrypted chatter, a year or so. Everyone knew that the information was 99.99 percent certain to be outdated and worthless by then, but they hoped that the chatter would give an insight into Russian thinking and tactics. While the Russian Federation and the Realm were in a state of peace and un-confrontational, the Realm still remembered how close they came to war with the Russians last year, so they wanted to be certain. Besides, they did this to all nations around the world, though not as much with the October Alliance allies.
Back in the Pacific, the Overwatch was passively observing the Russian invasion of the former Nuevo Rican lands, monitoring the events with their passive systems, not wanting to provoke the Russians. Officially and as far as the Russians and anyone else were concerned, the Overwatch belonged to the University of Jerusalem and was occupied with monitoring a research satellite the University had put into space from a Delta-III rocket from the space launch facility in the southern Egyptian desert the previous year. The satellite had really been put into space, and it did preform tasks for the University, but in reality, it was a Cottish SIGINT satellite. However, that was completely unknown to anyone outside the selected few within the Cottish intelligence community. In other words, the Overwatch appeared as a completely harmless civilian research vessel that posed no threat to anyone.
However, just in case, the Overwatch was more than capable of defending itself. With two 30mm navalized chainguns, sixty-four RIM.1/B ESSM air defense missiles, fourty-two RIM.2/B RAM Block IIIA point-defense missiles, four 12.7mm machine guns for close-in defense, sufficient armor to withstand a 76mm projectile and an EMP blast, and powerful jamming systems, the 217 meter long, 32.33 meter wide, 11,500 ton spy ship was fully capable of holding its own against air and smaller surface threats. Against larger surface threats, it relied on its escort, two ultra-quiet Scorpion class nuclear hunter/killer attack submarines that lurked under the surface, protecting the Overwatch at any time from surface and sub-surface threats. Nothing, and I mean nothing, was allowed to come within forty thousand meters of the Overwatch.
The Overwatch continued along its course, a hundred nautical miles from the Russian formation, minding its own business as it eavesdropped on the Russians.
OOC: I already been over this with Lay Cot, all my naval communications are transmitted by the laser beam thus you can't MTly intercept them (Lay agreed), as for on land, yes my soldiers do have highly encrypted radios but the range and energy of those isn't enough to intercept them from all the way in the Pacific. Also stay clear of the Russian Federation territorial waters that are 25 miles off the coast of Mexico and we should be fine.
General Orlov, temporarily promoted to Field-Marshall, the commander of the First Mexican Front stepped into the camouflaged tent at the heart of Russian Army formations. Inside the tent he saw three men, Polkovnik Brizlov his second in command, Mr. Ramirez, a warlord that chose to give his loyalty to the Federation and a man who wore an unmarked combat uniform he was known only by his first name Valera, Voronej sent him with Orlov as an advisor as well as commander of the Special Forces operations. All of them were leaning over a tactical command table in the middle of the tent, the top of table was laid out with LCD screens each one could show a separate picture or all of them could be used to show just one. Once the Field-Marshall walked in all in the tent stood at attention and saluted him, he saluted them back and approached the table.
Orlov: "As I am sure you are aware Mister Ramirez we can get a pretty good view of the enemy positions from our satelite surveillance. But please explain to us fully who exactly are our enemies?"
Orlov spoke English with a moderate Russian accent that almost went in contrast with Ramirez's strongly Mexicanized speech.
Ramirez: "Of course comrade Field-Marshall."
Ramirez leaned over the table pressing one of the buttons on its side, a big picture of Mexico emerged on the screen. Ramirez pressed on one of the screens to zoom into that sector.
Ramirez: "This central area here was controlled by Hulio, now that he is dead; his brother who was at another location during the bomb strike, took power. His name is Emilio Gonzales, he is not quite as mad as his brother but still rather ruthless, people hate him, he'll have to be taken out. Last I heard he was operating out of Mexico City although I don't know there exactly, he is afraid of your bombs comrade Field-Marshall, very afraid, he is hiding. However he still controls about two hundred thousand troops, armor and helicopters. I know that your planes were able to establish air supremacy over this land and are even now bombing enemy positions but Emilio is still a dangerous foe not to be taken lightly."
He zoomed on to another sector.
Ramirez: "Up north is the domain of Hector Garcia, a religious fanatic and a bloody mad man. He kills people randomly, and the story goes he is a cannibal. He thinks that he is the anti-Christ. He controls about 20000 troops, all of them fanatics just like him. He is a minor threat however compared to Emilio."
Ramirez once again pressed another button and once again zoomed in on a different area of the map.
Ramirez: "The south is the land of Cesar Perez. This one is the sane one, he could be reasoned with, but I suggest taking him out as well just to demoralize all the smaller warlords scattered through out the land. I have given other information such as the possible locations of these three to Polkovnik Brizlov."
Orlov: "Thank you Mr. Ramirez, you have been very helpful, the Federation will not forget your loyalty. For now you are relieved, I will give you a briefing at 1900 hours."
Ramirez saluted Orlov, Orlov saluted Ramirez, Ramirez walked out of the tent. Field-Marshall turned to Brizlov.
Orlov:"Петя, оставь папку с информацией здесь и пойди покури минутку. Мне надо по говорить с Валерой."
[Petya (Short for Peter), leave the folder with the information here and go smoke for a minute. I need to talk to Valera.]
Brizlov saluted his commanding officer and left the tent.
[OOC: Fair enough. Then I'm not intercepting anything, am I? And you have nothing to worry about then.]
1st Mexican Front main Command post, 20 km East of Morelia
Orlov took a minute to look Valera over trying to judge what kind of man he was. What he saw was a man in his upper 30s, wide shoulders about 1 meter 80 centimeters tall, powerful muscles could be seen even through the baggy uniform. A scar run across a winded face from the right ear down to the middle of the cheek. Orlov saw a real combat officer, it reminded him of what he looked like 20 years ago before he was taken out of frontline duty and a decade of doing paperwork and slowly pacing the shining floor tiles of the Voronej District Military HQs took a toll on his physique, still physically strong 55 year old Orlov now had a rather large stomach.
Orlov: "Ладно Валера, не надо мне гнать хуйну про то што ты из Спецназа, я с ихним человеком много раз работал. Я думаю ты либо из МВДСО или какого нибудь отряда о котором я неслышал. Но это к делу в общем отношения неимеет, я вижу ты парень бравый другово бы Воронеж не послал."
[Alright Valera, don't give me that bullshit about Spetsnaz, I worked with their guy plenty of times. I am thinking you are either from MIASU or some unit that I never heard of. But that has no relation to the job, I can see you are a capable man, Voronej wouldn't have sent any other kind.]
Orlov picked up the folder Brizlov left from the desk and handed it to Valera.
Orlov: "Ознакомся, хотя я уверен что ты уже знаешь всё там написаное и много больше. Убери всех этих сволочей и всех кто будет мешать. Это всё, выполняй задание как щитаеш нужным, главное результат. Ты и твои люди могут выдвигаться прямо сейчас."
[Familiarize yourself, although I am sure that you already know everything written in there and much more. Get rid of all of these sons of bitches and any one who tries to interfere. Thats is, carry out the order as you see fit, the most important thing is the result. You and your people can move out right now.]
Valera gave the General a nod and took the folder from him, taking a few minutes to flip through the pages Valera closed it and set it down on the table. He saluted the General and smiled.
Valera: "Не беспокойтесь товарищь Фильд-Маршал будет вам результат."
[Don't worry comrade Field-Marshall you'll have your results.]
He then walked out of the tent.
12 kilometers North West of Mexico City
As the day turned to night the AVT-12 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v322/Dostanuot/AVT-12.png) Fast Assault Craft flying low made its way towards Mexico City flying below the sight of Mexican radar. At 10 kilometers the aircraft hit the mark, it was time to drop off its deadly cargo. Slowing down and engaging its x4 Kish lift engines it eegan hovering 2 meters off the ground. Without making a sound 12 men wearing dark BDU-2 combat/recon suits (http://media.1up.com/media?id=3108823&type=lg) jumped down from the cargo bay and disappeared into the darkness. Quickly they started making their way through the wasteland as the AVT-12 took off in the opposite direction returning to base. Ten of the 12 men were carrying AD-142SK silenced carbines, fielding a subsonic 9x39 mm SN bullet that only traveled at 300 m/s the rifles made virtually no noise then fired as even the noise the bolt action has created was silenced by adding a rubber sound absorbant layer to the front of the receiver. One of the other two was carrying a PD-89 12.7x112 mm machine gun while the other was carrying an AD-142SV Voron marksman's rifle. In addition to their primary weapons all of the men carried PiD-7 pistols, 8 grenades each and the leader carried a secondary AD-143SN Smert assault rifle on his back. As the sun disappeared behind the horizon and the darkness came the 12 men ran towards their goal, a what seemed to be an abandoned airstrip 2 km North of the Mexico city.
18-02-2007, 22:59
The Russian invasion in Mexico was alarming and met with skepticism. The motives behind the attack were clear. The Russian Federation had little, if any, need in Mexico or Central America except to be on the border and within the sphere of influence of the Empire, which controlled the Caribbean Sea, most of Central America, the eastern half of North America, and a sizeable portion of South America. The Russians were excluded from moving westward, through the Caribbean Sea through the Doctrine of Sovereignty, leaving them with only a western point of invasion and they made several of them. Satellites kept a close eye on what was going on and signals intelligence facilities listened to radio communications while satellite communications were significantly harder to intercept.
Because of this move, the Doctrine of Sovereignty would have to be expanded. New articles and sections were underway in the Cabinet and the Empire would have, usually, supplied the rebels with arms but, because of their virulence for the Empire as well, they were not supplied. Money, weapons, etc. would have only come back to haunt the Empire in their quest for the last parts of the ancient Mayan civilization, most of it it controlled already. Instead, the government focused on their war while the Ministry of Intelligence kept a close eye on what the Russians were doing.
While Valera's group was working on cutting off the head of the snake the ground troops of the Federation were moving steadily through the terrain taking one objective out at a time in order to limit the casualties. The soldiers of warlords armed with mostly inferior assault rifles, artillery guns and armored vehicles were no match for the Siberian Bear, he ate them a whole savoring the taste. However Hulio Gonzales still had two hundred thousand troops at his disposal that would make things rather difficult for the Russian troops once they hit the big Urban Areas such as the Mexico City. The two other warlords were only a minor nuisance, Orlov sent 15000 troops up north to remove Garcia and 25000 to take care of Perez. With all things going on the ground the aerial attacks continued, using their superior technology it was easy for the Russian Federation air force to establish air supremacy.
4 km North West of Mexico, near abandoned Neuvo Rican air base
Valera's squad reached its destination, keeping low to the ground they took their time, watching, thinking.
Valera: "Мы на обьекте."
[We are on the object.]
Valera spoke into his intercom, his suite was completely sound proof from within, unless he turned a switch nobody but those with a radio and the right encrypted frequency would hear him.
Valera: "Серёга, осмотрись."
[Serioga (short for Sergei), look around]
One of the men crawled for a few meters towards the electric fence surrounding the complex and pulled out a fiberoptic wire raising it slightly above the grass level and rotating it as he watched the video/infrared output on his integrated HUD, the live feed that he was also sending to the rest of the squad.
(the guard tower)
Valera: "Олег, переберись через ограду и тихо сними часового на высотке. Тихо! Потом заберись на высотку, осмотрись и жди моей команды. Всё сделай так штоб незаметили."
[Oleg, get over the fence and quietly take out the guard in the watch tower. Quietly! Then climb on top of the tower, look around and wait for my command. Do it so they wouldn't notice you.]
Oleg: "Так точно!....Да ладно тебе не в первой."
[Yes sir!....Common, its not like its the first time Im doing this.]
Valera: "Своими подвигами будеш другим хвастатся. А если за метят то я тебе сам шею с верну. Теперь пошёл! Геракл.....мать твою."
[You'll boast about your great accomplishments to someone else. If they see you I'll break your neck myself. Now go! Hercules.....(fuck) your mother (a sarcastic Russian expression)]
Oleg started crawling on the ground and towards the fence that was now only 50 meters away trying to avoid the search light from the one single tower on the airbase premises that he was supposed to climb. After just a few minutes he came close enough to the fence to touch it. He got out his pliers with rubber handles and cut through doing it fast and without making any noise. He crawled through the opening and than made his way to the foot of the tower that stood about 15 meters tall. He pulled out his knife and unhatched the mouth piece of his helmet putting his weapon in his mouth. Boss said be quiet, he only had a Voron rifle that would make a lot of noise, as such he had to improvise. He started climbing the walls using the planks to lift himself up. Finally he was at the top, he could hear the guard inside breathing even without the sound amplifiers. Hanging 15 meters from the ground he held on to the lower part of the watchbox with one hand; his legs firmly placed on two diagonal planks. He used his other hand to take the knife out of his mouth. He purposely made one of his legs slip a little making a faint sound that attracted the guard to his side of the tower. Hearing the guard's breathing drew even more closely Oleg had to act. Pushing off the planks he thrusted himself forward grabbing the rail of the watchbox he swung himself over it at the same time thrusting his knife into the neck of the startled guard. Once Oleg was on the other side he lowered the dead guard's body quietly on the floor and reported back to Valera.
Oleg: "Часовой снят."
[Guard taken out.]
Valera: "Отлично, осмотрись и жди преказа."
[Excellent, look around and wait for my command.]
Oleg: "Так точно."
[Yes, sir.]
Veracruz, Mexico, outskirts of Xalapa.
Antonio didn't know what to do, bombs and artillery shells were falling from the sky, buildings were on fire and people were dying everywhere. Xalapa was soon to fall Ceaser Perez's battalions unable to stop the advance of the 27th Russian Army that was now only 20 km away from the city. Antonio believed in his leader whole heartedly but he was no fanatic, his faith did not drive the fear away. He jumped underneath a truck landing in a puddle of dirt that spread all over his uniform. His rifle was pressed hard against his chest, he closed his eyes and attempted to block out the sounds of carnage. Meanwhile what was left of his unit a total of 4531 men of once a 10000 strong Enu Brigade were moving out to the frontline in the final attempt to stop the invaders. All the meanwhile their leader self-proclaimed President Perez was silent, perhaps due to the fact that Russian Federation electronic warfare corps sub-division of R/CR battalion blocked out most if not all civilian communications.
As the once proud Enu brigade was speeding to the frontline in their trucks and BTR-80 APCs from the other side of the front the 27th army's 6th Armored Infantry Division was approaching from the North-West. The 37500 men unit was traveling in a formation with Nakil IV tanks and BMP-Ts leading the advance with the infantry riding in military trucks, SOV-6 IFVs, BRDM-2s and MT-LBs 4 kilometers behind them keeping their distance. A total of 320 2S25 Sprut self-propelled artillery pieces were 8 kilometers behind them, showering the city with guided shrapnel rounds. ZSU Shilkas were traveling with the infantry ready to provide anti-aircraft fire as well as clear out dug in enemy positions that the tanks missed. The plan was to attack the city from two directions, 1st Polk taking the more Northern route and 2nd Polk the more western route. Artillery and ground to ground missile fire sponsored by parts of 2nd A/R division already started pounding deep into the city while remaining behind the line of advance, their purpose was different from that of the 2S25s. 2S25s were supposed to provide quick fast paced and very precise fire against enemy fortifications that might pop up during the duration of the battle, the A/R division was to blast the enemy command posts and permanent non-mobile fortifications. The involvement of the air force was brought to the minimum judged as an unnecessary expense in the campaign, the terrain was simple and the enemy did not have the technology to retaliate against long-range artillery strikes.
Antonio opened his eyes, all around him it was quiet. He waited for a few minutes and then crawled out from underneath the truck. His unit was gone, nobody waited for him, suddenly he heard gun fire and more explosions in the distance he knew it was his comrades fighting to their last breath, unlike him they were no cowards. He listened to the sounds of battle for next 10 minutes then it all went silent, he knew than, Enu Brigade was no more, he was the last survivor. He dropped his rifle on the ground and tore off his uniform and started looking around for new clothes, he looked inside the truck, its driver was dead a piece of shrapnel ricocheting off of a nearby building and hitting the middle aged man straight between the eyes. Antonio without any further thinking pulled the man out of the truck and proceeded to taking his pants and shirt. He threw his dirty uniform on top of the dead body and put on his new clothes. An old woman got out of a nearby house and started shouting at Antonio, apparently the driver was her son. Antonio didn't listen, he didn't care, he was too afraid, he ran, ran as fast and as far as he could.
Xalapa fell six hours later and a few days after the fact the whole of Veracruz fell to the Russian forces as well creating first ever Russo-Layartebian border in the Southern Mexico. Perez was captured trying to flee the city and get to his forces in the Oaxaca, he was shipped to Voronej a week later and is currently awaiting his trial for crimes against humanity. Antonio vanished, another lost soul in another war he maybe dead or he might be alive somewhere, under a different name with a different past and with guilt, guilt that he betrayed his comrades, betrayed them so he could live.
4 km North West of Mexico, near abandoned Neuvo Rican air base
"Слушай мою команду...."
[Listen to my command....]
Valera calmly said through the intercom after Oleg who was in the guard tower scanned the area and gave the whole unit a very good understanding on enemy positions. The system was integrated, their helmet displays now showed red circles high lighting enemy troops, they could now track their movement even without seeing them as long as atleast one of them had the direct line of sight. The system was working perfectly, they knew there the enemy was what they needed was a distraction.
"Я запущю БЛА, как только она начнёт жужать открывайте огонь по целям которые я дал каждому из вас."
[I will launch the UAV, once it starts making the sound open fire at the targets that I gave to each of you.]
Displays of each of the soldiers in Valera's squad showed numbered markings inside the circles that were painting the enemy targets. For each soldier the markings were different, a 1 meant that the target was first to be taken out, 2 meant a second target and so on. Blue rectangles placed on the ground marked the approximate location there a soldier charged with an objective had to land a frag grenade. A yellow rectangle meant a flash grenade and so on. Valera painted two grenade spots for the soldiers he chose to carry out the task.
Valera quickly assembled the light propeller propelled aircraft and placed the launch pad on the ground at a 45 degree angle. He attached the wire to the launching mechanism and plugged the other end into the control box. Then he hit flipped the switch starting up he current flow through the wire and pushed the black button at the right side of the controller that sent a powerful jolt through the wire starting up the engines. The UAV took off into the air, making a buzzing sound as it went about 20 meters above the heads of two dozen guards patrolling the premises of the airbase. Valera could guide his little aircraft with his multipurpose controller that was integrated into his BDU-2 combat suite, he used the same mousepad and keypad attached to his wrist to mark the targets for his soldiers. The UAV had a night vision camera on it, the output was displayed on Valera's HUD.
For a minute the rebel soldiers didn't know what to do than they opened fire but it was too late the UAV already started deploying numerous smoke grenades that in a matter of seconds made the whole area of the base one giant pillar of white smoke. The enemy combatants couldn't see Valera and his squad even if it was day time but Valera's squad still knew their position looking through the smoke with their powerful thermal imaging cameras integrated into their helmets thus enabling the system to continue marked tracking of enemy targets. Valera's men didn't wait anymore, they opened fire from all their guns, Oleg threw the grenade into the virtual square marked on his display as he was instructed to and then moved on to his other targets using his Voron marksman's rifle in semi-automatic, each shot was a head shot. As the UAV finished doing its job Valera picked up his AD-143SN Smert and started firing off in one round bursts, there was a lot of enemies to kill and the DU ammunition wasn't cheap, neither was the amount of powder compressed into the bullet shell, the bullet was not subsonic and unlike the AD-142SKs, AD-143SN made a lot of noise but it was worth it. As the bullet was fired the extreme amount of powder basically made it travel so fast that the DU would ignite once it hit the target. The frame of the gun was made of reinforced carbon fiber and graphite fiber composite materials to make it be able to withstand the great amounts of pressure caused by the round. A complex recoil system consisted of two parts, the moving barrel coupled with another system that was placed in the butt of the gun and basically spread the force out to the wide sides of the butt. Valera and his men stopped firing all the targets were down, they didn't have time to wait for the smoke to clear, they made their way through the fence and rushed towards the only hangar that showed them thermal signature.
4 km North West of Mexico, near abandoned Neuvo Rican air base
Valera ordered two of his men to put explosives on the wall of the hangar. A few seconds later and there was a breach. Two of Valera's men jumped into the opening, what they saw was an empty hangar except for a very casual work desk with a computer on top of it in the very middle and five men around it the sixth sitting on a chair behind the desk. Without any waiting Valera's men opened fire within seconds five of the six men were down, they were Emilio's personal bodyguards now no more than bullet ridden corpses. Emilio himself a very noble looking man of obvious Hispanic decent pulled out his pistol but it was too late Oleg who already made it through the breach took his knee cap off with one shot. Emilio was down on the ground breathing heavily, screaming in pain. Valera walked over to him and pulled out a pistol.
"Greetings from Igor Stepanov, welcome to the Federation."
Valera said in broken English as he pulled the trigger leaving Emilio's brains all over the floor.
"Ха ха, Валера ну ты бля садист."
[Ha ha, Valera you're a аfucking sadist.]
Oleg said taking out his own pistol and shooting each of the already dead bodyguards in the face making sure they would stay dead.
[Stop talking!]
Valera said in his usual commanding voice. He than motioned to one of his men.
"Леонид, доствай фотик щёлкни эту сволочь."
[Leonid, take out a camera and shoot this piece of shit.]
He kicked Emilio's dead body turning him over so he would face the ceiling. Leonid took out a small digital camera and took a shot of the dead body of the ex-warlord.
"Товарищь...Валера, а зачем фоткать если наши нашлемные камеры всё равно всё запишут?"
[Comrade....Valera, why do we need to take a picture if out helmet cameras will tape everything either way?]
Leonid's voice slightly trembled as he asked his commander the question. He was knew to the unit. Valera looked at him.
"Не задовай бредовые вопросы сынок....ладно. Видео запись с наших шлемов строго за секречена, фотку мы можем здать армейцам....Ладно всё сворачиваемся, нас уже ждут а нам ещё восемь километров топать. Пошли!"
[Don't ask me idiotic questions son....alright. Video recoding from out helmets is highly classified, the photograph we will be able to turn into the army guys. Alright lets get out of here, they're waiting for us already and we still got eight kilometers to get through. Lets go!]
Valera and his squad left the airbase leaving a trail of more than 40 bodies behind them. Their mission was done and it was done well. In the upcoming weeks the demoralized and leaderless troops that once belonged to Emilio mostly surrendered themselves to the Federation forces, soon after Mexico City and all of Central Mexico was taken. In the South Oxaca fell rather quickly, with Ceaser Perez captured most of his troops turned in their guns just like Emilio's. Up in the North was a different story, Hector Garcia had a small but blindly loyal force, nobody could them surrender even after their leader was killed by a bomb strike the fought on until the last of them was wiped out.
The control over Federation's new Mexican lands was now established fully. Years would pass until the region completely stabilized but the all out war that cost thousands of Mexican and seventy one Russian lives was over. The flag of the Federation flew above Mexico City, the Siberian bear's hunger was satisfied in the region, for now, until the next time....