UPEO First Expansion
The Vuhifellian States
10-02-2007, 03:17
The Universal Peace Enforcement Organization began as a joint effort between Van Luxemburg and the Vuhifellian Federation to replace the already existing agreements for the Vuhi-VanLux Alliance.
Now, it has been agreed that the first expansion of the organization should begin. By joining this alliance, nations agree that they advocate peace, democracy, and security throughout the globe; but otherwise are left to themselves to mediate internal and international disputes. It is currently a peacekeeping and humanitarian organization, Charter amendments may change the status of the organization's future, however.
More information on the UPEO can be found here (http://z9.invisionfree.com/UPEO/index.php?)
Current members:
Vuhifellian Federation
Van Luxemburg
Security Council:
Van Luxemburg
Vuhifellian Federation (current President)
The Vuhifellian States
10-02-2007, 04:37
The Vuhifellian States
10-02-2007, 15:17
Van Luxemburg
10-02-2007, 15:45
The Office of Aksel Heggelund, Ambassador to the UPEO from the Grand Duchy of van Luxemburg
Dear Colleagues/to-be Members,
As per decision of both Van Luxemburg and The Vuhifellian Federation, the APOLLO Commission has been founded. This Commission will handle policing tasks for the UPEO, including international and inter-alliance cooperation. They will operate according the laws of the Member Nation they are in, and are allowed to make arrests in any member nation. As High Commissioner of APOLLO, Sven Eggers has been chosen to lead the Commission, and set up the required resolutions and guidelines.
Eggers is the former commander of the Grand-Ducal Marechaussee's International Unit. He has experience with commanding both Military and Civilian Police, aswell as leading investigations. The 37-year old male will do perfectly for this job.
The APOLLO Commission will start operations immediately, with UPEO and VL-funded money. The Commission, initially counting 700 employees in the two member nations, will be expanded as the amount of member nations grows.
Aksel Heggelund,
Van Luxemburgian Ambassador to the UPEO.
The Vuhifellian States
10-02-2007, 17:55
Van Luxemburg
11-02-2007, 07:21
*slight bump*
11-02-2007, 14:23
[OOC: Interesting...I may make an IC post eventually.]
To:The Universal Peace Enforcement Organization
Throughout the world there are to many instances of unrest.Nations fight each other often for no apparent reason.Terrorists and corporations run nations.The rights of people are thrown to the side. everyday.We think this organization is right in promoting peace,democracy,and security throughout the globe.We would like to apply to join this organization.
The Vuhifellian States
11-02-2007, 17:04
To:The Universal Peace Enforcement Organization
Throughout the world there are to many instances of unrest.Nations fight each other often for no apparent reason.Terrorists and corporations run nations.The rights of people are thrown to the side. everyday.We think this organization is right in promoting peace,democracy,and security throughout the globe.We would like to apply to join this organization.
From the head office of the UPEO in Oured, Osea, Vuhifellian Federation,
We gladly accept Frenzia's application into the UPEO, your UN political and civil rights ratings are in accord with our standards. Please feel free to join our forums and apply to any UPEO agency.