NationStates Jolt Archive

The King is dead. Long live the King!

07-02-2007, 21:14
Three days ago...

The Royal Coach clattered towards Parliament much as it had done on this day every year since the Reaccession. Ensconced in gold livery and surrounded by the glinting metal of the breastplates and drawn sabres of the King's Household Cavalry, the assembled masses that thronged either side of the road struggled to see their Sovereign wave to them through the lines of blue-helmeted policemen that prevented the excited crowd from spilling out into the path of the oncoming eight-tonne house-drawn coach. More than two or three paces back from the front of the crowd, seeing anything was impossible and so the mass of spectators simply stood back, waved their little Purple Ensigns and cheered their beloved monarch on his way.

As the Coach drew to a halt outside Parliament, the King stepped out the walk the last few paces in open air. The Household Cavalry dismounted to join their sovereign on ground level. The crowd here consisted of dedicated royal watchers who had pushed their way to the prime viewing spots. Cameras flashed as journalists vied for the best front-page snap for the next morning's Dailys. The King raised his hand to greet the cheering crowd, who responded by intensifying their shouts of praise and rapid-fire photography.

The King continued to wave and smile to his adoring Subjects as he progressed regally towards Parliament, where several Parliamentary Footmen waited to escort him inside. For this special occasion, the Purple Ensign was being flown alongside the Parliamentary silver-portcullis-on-black-background flat. Both flags were fluttering in picture-postcard manner despite the absence of any wind, helped on their way by a wind generator embedded in the roof out of sight of those below. Before crossing over the portal into the ancient gloom of the Parliamentary palace, the King turned and waved to his Subjects one last time.

Once through the doorway the King was escorted into the House of Lords and took his rightful place at its head on a throne rarely ever used.

"My Lords, pray be seated."

The assembled nobility did as they were commanded.

Next, the House of Commons was lead through into the Other Place to join the Lords and their King.

The Mace of the House of Commons is laid before His Majesty alongside the Mace of the House of Lords and the King's Sword of State. The King's Sceptre remains tightly clutched in his right hand as he began his customary speech.

"My Lords and members of the House of Commons, My Government will continue to reform the Crown Commonwealth for the betterment of the liberty and prosperity of My Subjects and continue to pursue those foreign policy objectives such that the position of My Realm and the liberty of others is furthered. My Government will also act to insulate My Realm against the rising possibility of threat from without.

"To this end, My Government will reduce general taxation by 2% and invest the balance from economic growth in promoting the position of Praetonian business in the world and improving My Fleet to protect My Realm against outward aggression.

"My Government will commence the construction of a new intermediary class of supercapital warship to be name the Vigilant-class and lay before Parliament the option of the construction of two further Iron Duke-class supercapital warships.

"My Government will continue diplomacy with the Incorporated States of Sarzonia with the aim of restoring relations between My Realm and that.

"My Government will work to create a strong and pro-active Sovereign League to protect free trade and liberty within its memberstates and throughout the world, especially where liberty is curtailed and destroyed by tyranny and enforced collectivisation.

"My Government will also bring forward measures to continue the cause of liberalising the Praetonian economy.

"My Government will bring forward a bill for the privatisation of the Royal Mail and the last remnants of the Royal Broadcasting Corporation.

"My Government will propose the creation of a Sovereign League Free Trade Area, open to all nations with no qualification, to further the liberalisation of trade and the added prosperity thereby brought and to promote the Sovereign League as a force for free trade and liberty by peaceful means.

"My Government will seek to negotiate with those nations currently closed to Praetonian trade, such as those of Gholgoth, for the opening of trade to Praetonian Subjects and companies.

"We look forward to Our state visit to Questers following elections in that country and My Government will continue to work to deepen relations between the Crown Commonwealth and the United Kingdom.

"I thank My Armed Forces for their work over the last year, particularly in establishing and defending parliamentary democracy and the rule of law in the United Kingdom of Eurasia. I wish them to be aware that more than seven hundred millions live today in freedom thanks to their gallant efforts and noble sacrifices.

"I thank them also for their swift and effective efforts in saving the lives of many of My Subjects from the after effects nuclear strikes around Haven.

"As we go forwards into a New World, it comforts me to remind myself that Praetonia shines as a beacon in a dark sea of tyranny and oppression. I charge My Government and all those lawfully assembled here today to ensure that this can always be said of Our Great Realm by Praetonian and foreigner alike.

"My Lords and Members of the House of Commons: I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels."

The Lord Chancellor stood and recited his customary reply:

"I thank His Majesty for His address. God Save The King!"

"God Save The King!" echoed the assembled Lords and Commoners.

The King stood, and His Subjects quickly followed suit. The King made to leave the Chamber. The Lords and the Commons assembled turned as he walked down the aisle to the doors so that their backs were never turned to Him. The King was preceeded by a Royal Footman carrying the Sword of State.

He almost reached the doorway.

The Next Morning...

"King's Condition Critical," says Royal Physician
His Majesty had to be rushed to hospital in the Royal Coach after His dramatic collapse at the State Opening
From 'The Herald'
Front Page

The King is lying critically ill in hospital after collapsing in the House of Lords yesterday following the State Opening of Parliament. The King's Head Physician announced to a grief-stricken Commonwealth this morning that "His Majesty has suffered a massive heart attack" and is unlikely to survive the night.

He also praised the Footmen and Members of the Lords and the Commons who carried His Majesty to the Royal Coach which, for the first time in history, was pressed into service as an ambulance amidst fears that a conventional ambulance would not be able to negotiate the crowds in time. The Physician added that should the King survive it would be "entirely down to their calm and swift action".

Hundreds of thousands of well-wishers have gathered around the Kingston Royal Military Hospital where the King is being cared for, with many camping in tents pitched in the middle of the road. In anticipation of millions choosing to take the day off work to monitor the King's progress, Prince George and the Prime Minister have declared today a national holiday and sealed the capital in an attempt to curtail mounting chaos as an unprecedented number of people are trying to enter the capital.

Meanwhile, Parliamentary business has been put on hold with MPs and Peers voting only on an Early Day Motion wishing the King a swift and speedy recovery. Speaking from outside Parliament yesterday evening, the Prime Minister is quoted as saying that "Without its King, the business of governing our Commonwealth cannot continue. I send His Majesty my best wishes for a quick recovery."

Following the announcement by the His Majesty's Physician, hope for a recovery is sadly fading, but the King has proved time and again in the past that he is capable of overcoming the odds for his country. It is the hope of every true Praetonian that he will be able to do so again for Himself.

The Director and Company of The Herald wish to offer His Majesty their warmest wishes and prayers for the uncertain future ahead.


His Majesty lies in state before the public are admitted to pay their last respects to their former King.
From 'The Herald'
Front Page

Tragedy has gripped our nation as Palace officials have confirmed that King Sarius I has died at His home after being moved in secret to Kingston Palace from the Kingston Royal Military Hospital some time last night.

The King is said to have regained consciousness twice before his death; the first time some hours before his death asking to be allowed to return home to Kingston Palace and the second just before his death. Ever concerned with the state of His beloved nation and Subjects to the end, His last words were "How goes the Commonwealth?" before he slipped away into eternal rest, according to the Prime Minister who was with him to the end.

His son, George, now King George IV, Queen Margaret [his wife], the Duke of Waburton [leader of the loyal opposition], the Lord Chancellor and the Archbishop of Kingston were also present at the late King's bedside.

King George has declared today a national day of mourning, and business across the country has more or less ground to a halt as mourners flood the streets. The queue to file past the King's body lying in state at Kingston Palace has grown to a staggering eighteen miles, with many devoted Subjects settling in for a wait potentially lasting days to see their former Sovereign.

Plans have been set in motion to organise the largest State Funeral in Praetonian history, after Parliament voted the Royal Funeral Commission an unlimited sum. The funeral is likely to include a journey from Kingston Palace to Central Wharf by boat, followed by a military procession through the capital to Parliament Square, to be led by King George IV with the Monarchy of Questaria, Doomingsland, Whyatica and Generia marching alongside him as Royal relatives.

The Palace has also issued an open invitation to all of the world's Heads of State without qualification. The late King's funeral is expected to be the largest collection of royalty in one place in the history of the world.

The remainder of this issue has been dedicated to the life and times of King Sarius I. Truly a great man and a wise and noble Sovereign.
Clandonia Prime
07-02-2007, 22:42
Clanonshire Palace, New Clanon City

It was early morning in Clandonia Prime when the news started to break through of the Praetonian Kings death. The last few days had been filled with speculation in the United Kingdom after hearing of the news of the collapse of the King during a Parliamentary visit. The Foreign Office was the first to hear the news, faxed through from the Clandonian embassy in Kingston. It was now 3 am, the civil service on night duty informed the palace. For around fourteen minutes there was disagreement about if they should wake up the King, it was a matter of high importance both for home and international affairs. At 3.23 am the Kings advisor, Sir Christopher Hughes banged on the door before bursting in and flicking the lighting on waking the King as the bright ceiling lamp illuminated the room.

"Christopher? What the bloody hell its 3 am!"

"I'm sorry your Majesty, I deliver bad news. King Sarius I of Praetonia is dead. The news just came in, we are drafting a communication now."

"My God, Sarah, Sarah wake up some things happened."

"Not now go away Will...."

The King knowing it was a bad time to wake up his wife, decided to leave the Queen and make his way to the Foreign Office to send out the communication. The Clandonian News Network had just picked up the story in the early hours, it would be on the front pages in hours as Clandonian's ate their breakfast and made their way to work. The King would be attending the funeral in Praetonia along with the other monarchs and heads of state. Across Clandonia flags were lowered to half mast in respect and the newspapers were filled with comment and discussion of the Praetonian Kings life.

Official Clandonian Response

His Majesty sends his deepest condolences to the King George IV and the Praetonian people. We understand the loss of such a great man and that of a father to King George IV who we give our full support and wish him the best of luck in his ascension to the throne. In respect of King Sarius I, His Majesty has ordered all Clandonian flags to be flown at half mast. His Majesty is honoured to attend the funeral of King Sarius I for the celebration of the life of such a great man.

His Majesty King William VII

Across Clandonia, commuters were absorbed in their papers. From broadsheets like the Clandonian Post and New Clanon Times to the tabloids of the Morning Sun and The Star. Papers filled with commentary and pictures of the Praetonian Kings life and what it could mean for Clandonia and the Clandonian King and for the Havens many interconnected monarchy's as a whole.
07-02-2007, 23:43
"This is a terrible, tragic loss, not only for Praetonia, but for the whole world. God save the King, may his noble soul rest in peace."

Nguza Karl-i-Bond
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
07-02-2007, 23:45
The entire nation of Ubundi expresses its deepest regrets.

-Mr. Mudrik Talib
Sectretary of Foreign Affairs
The Warmaster
07-02-2007, 23:52

To the Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia

It is with shock and grief that the Iron Throne receives such tidings.

His Divine Majesty, the Sacred Emperor, has declared a national day of mourning in memory of His Majesty, King Sarius I; the Sacred Emperor himself is even now engaging in an hour of reflection and meditation on the passing of the King, and he has prepared sacrifices to speed the passage of King Sarius into Paradise. We of the Empire are aware that your customs are very different from ours, but we have acted as our doctrines decree we must.

The Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia is to us a strange place. Your people engage in behaviors that ours would never consider, and vice versa. We have regarded Praetonia as enemies of ours in the past. And yet, as the whole world is aware, things have changed. The Caesar of the Doomani people is married to a Praetonian princess; thus the family of King Sarius is related to our two greatest allies, Generia and the Imperium Doomanum. What sort of men would we be if we did not support our allies, and their blood kin? The Imperium venerates its brothers, while they live and when they die. And so we salute the life of King Sarius I, and extend our condolences to his son the King and all His Majesty's relatives. He lived a life of infallible courtesy, strength, and honor, and he passed while discharging his duty as his people expected; a better life is not to be had in this world.

Darian Aurelius, Minister of Foreign Affairs
08-02-2007, 00:00
Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:

To: Praetonia Foreign Office
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs

The Dominion of Vetaka offers its deepest condolences to King George IV and the people of Praetonia. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting his Majesty I have heard and witnessed the effects of his rule. I have ordered that all Flags across Vetaka fly at half mast as a sign of respect to this great man. I wish the best of luck to King George IV and the future of his regin. Attached to this message please find the Royal Sword of The Crown Commonwealth.

This sword was forged High within the Vetakan Rogers Mountain Range. By the White-Phoenix Tribe of Vetakans. This tribe have produced weapons and have been at one with the world for thousands of years. This sword we had hoped to present to you as a gift from Vetaka to Praetonia to mark Praetonia as a true force of Freedom and Liberty however we present it to you now as a gift to mark His Majesty's passing.

Yours Dominion of Vetaka President Lord-Governor Daniel Pearce
08-02-2007, 00:26

His Majesty King George IV and the citizens of Praetonia,

On behalf of the people of the Federation, please allow me to express our deepest condolences following the death of His Majesty King Sarius I. His Late Majesty was truly a great statesman, and an embodiment of the Praetonian national character, for whom the Aunesian people have a deep respect.

As a mark of respect, I have directed all flags on official buildings to be flown at half mast until his funeral. It is my intention to join you in Praetonia to bid my farewells to this man.

Yours in sympathy,
President of the Federation of Aunesia
08-02-2007, 00:46
To his majesty King George IV and the people of Praetonia,

We the people of the Colony of Ollieland hereby express our deepest sorrow and condolences on the loss of your noble Sovereign King Sarius I. Today all flags on government and military buildings will be flown at half mast as a mark of respect. Our deepest condolences,


Konnie Chung, Governor,

Janice Chung, Governor General

On behalf of the people of the Colony of Ollieland
08-02-2007, 00:58
After a Family Dinner at the Great Leader's Residence, Daducheng, MP:

Between the lines of cocaine, the Great Leader Li merely blinked his coal black eyes a single time.

"So, the King is Dead. Long live the motherfucking king."

"Dad, you going to his funeral?" Maia Li sat on a plush sofa nearby and flicked on the TV, which played the images of Sarius' coffin over and over again in mute.

"I might Maia. I just might go." replied the Great Leader midway through a snort. "Sarius was important. I want to pay my respects to him."

"Alright. I'll clear your schedule for the next...however long it's going to last."

"Don't. I've got too much to do. This is gonna have to be a working vacation."

"Look, I already..."

"I know Maia, but you're still young, I don't want you killing yourself."

"But dad I--"

The Great Leader raised his hand.

"No 'buts' Maia. I'm not saying I can't trust you; I do, but with your workload, you need a break."

Maia came closer to the light, revealing the dark circles under her eyes. Micromanagement of MP Ordnance's assets was a tiring job.

"I don't want you ending up like Sarius sweetie. He died in the act of governing. You've seen the tapes."

"At the rate you're going you're going to---"

"I know. You're gonna find your old man slumped over at his fucking desk one morning and-- well, let's not think that far ahead."

"Quite. I'll clear your schedule then", said Maia with a small sigh.

Alex Li, not looking up from his laptop in the corner, spoke.

"On another note, the King's royal physician is incompetent and grossly negligent."

"Alex, your determination to 'save the environment' is directly responsible for our per capita GDP being $10,000 lower than Pacitalia's."

"And Maia, you should thank me for it. We have a longer life expectancy because of it."

"That's because I had to overhaul the health care system."

The Great Leader shook his head. "Both of you, stop it. Alex, elaborate please."

"It's easy to see a heart attack coming. Atherosclerosis, plaques and clots can be diagnosed via 64 slice CT. There are tests for calcification of blood vessels, EKGs can detect arrhythmia, or potential arrhythmia. If the King's doctors weren't paranoid, they should have at least been vigilant. Nobody has a heart attack out of the blue."

"You could have the Health Office publish a report."

"I plan to."

"I'll have somebody make the travel arrangements..."

"Thanks Maia." The Great Leader stared at the pile of coke in front of him. He would need a lot more if he was going to get started on the consolation letter tonight....

The Great Leader sat down at his computer. He began typing. He didn't like typing these stupid things, but he didn't trust his secretaries and speech writers to do it for him. They always wrote too long, too painfully wordy. The Great Leader hated flowery, well constructed language. To him, it was a waste of time. Spending 5 pages getting to a point was a waste of paperwork.

Official MassPwnage Government Statement

A shame King Sarius I is dead. He was a great man that guided Praetonia through an age of unparalleled prosperity. He will be missed by the Praetonian people and by the international community.
MassPwnage wishes his successor King George IV a long, peaceful and happy reign.

-Signed: The Great Leader Li.

There. No 50 page eulogy where a 2 kilobyte email would suffice.

Now to get to Kingston.
08-02-2007, 01:40
Royal Household Office
Obsidian Palace, CCD
Grand Archduchy of Hamptonshire
United Realms of the Hamptonian Empire

Your Majesty King George IV of the Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia,

It was with shock and deep sadness that I learned of the passing of your great lord, Sarius. My condolences are with Your Majesty, Your family and all of the people of the Crown Commonwealth. Praetonians and Hamptonians may have never been the closest of friends, but have shared adversity and faced hardship together. When my predecessor, Reginald Leopold the Great, left the Throne one of his last wishes was for the reestablishment of relations between our two nations. The former King Sarius reached out and accepted the gesture. Those two great men both realized, as I hope generations will continue to realize, that the free exchange of goods, ideas and people is the cornerstone on which liberty and civilization is built.

I have ordered all government buildings to fly the national flag at half-mast until the funeral out of respect for the Great King and the Praetonian nation. I will lead the Hamptonian delegation to the funeral so that I may personally pay my respects to one of the great figures of this age.

Veuillez recevoir, Sa Majesté, mes sincères salutations.


HIRAM Anne I, Grand Archduchess, Empress of the Hamptonians
Royal Household Office
Obsidian Palace, CCD, Hamptonshire, GAURHE
Ottoman Khaif
08-02-2007, 01:54
To:King George IV of the Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia,
From: Sultan Suleiman al Bashir II

We are sorry to hear the death of King Sarius I, he was great man and ruled his nation with pride. The KLM moans the loss of your King, we hope your reign will be as fruitful as Sarius I, and may the relationship between our nations only grow stronger as time passes.
08-02-2007, 02:09
To: The Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia
From: The Liberal Democratic Republic of Brydog

Our prayers go to the Royal Family after the passing of the King.I and some officials wish to attend the funeral of the King to improve relations with your land.

Robert Carlson Mannerheim,
President of the Republic and Lord Chancellor of the Commonwealths
United kingdom2
08-02-2007, 02:32
To the nation of Praetonia
From Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth III

"My nation and myself send our prayers to The Royal Family for such a great loss.Me and my husband wish to attend the funeral of such a great man. In the United Kingdom we have stated if an importnant person has died we honor them, so we will fly the union jack at half mast and all communications will be turned off for two minutes in the United Kingdom2."

Elizabeth A. Winsdor
Queen of the United Kingdom2
The Zoogie People
08-02-2007, 03:32
The administration was at a loss. Already starting with a state of general disarray, the news of Praetonia's loss came as a significant blow, serving only to further underscore the lack of involvement on the part of Zoogiedom.

In an official telegram to the Praetonian leadership, Secretary Dailey apoplogized sincerely.

Long has it been since our two nations have had contact, and in this time we have born witness to the death of a king. Long live His Majesty! May the new lord continue the noble work which is now his to bear.
08-02-2007, 21:35
"Mr. President!"

Sarzo was getting used to interruptions by now. Even though he was continually annoyed by them, he seemed to deal with hundreds more by the day.

I don't ever remember this many interruptions before I resigned, Sarzo thought ruefully. Still, the fact that he had been interrupted -- yet again -- was cause for annoyance.

"What is it this time," he bellowed, beginning the customary scowl that nearly everyone who'd spent any time with him knew all too well. This time, however, what he saw, then later what he heard, caused that scowl to melt away like the snows of winter at the first warm day of spring.

"Sir, we just received word that King Sarius has died."

As soon as those words, spoken as inelegantly as they were, came through the air, Sarzo's glare had turned to a sideways glance. His eyebrows arched slowly back into their normal place and the flash of anger had changed to a softer, sadder hue.

So much for his living to see the results of his efforts, Sarzo thought. He wondered if his insistence on having the Praetonian monarch travel to Woodstock was too much physically for His Majesty. But more importantly, a longtime friend of Sarzo's was no more.

Sarzo knew he had another state visit in the works. Empress Lien Larsen and the Scandavian Imperium wanted to send a sub orbital transport to pick Sarzo up, and Sarzo knew that his country was about to establish stronger ties with the Imperium, and also strengthen relations with the Freethinker Commonwealth. He still was trying to recover from the rigours of his own trip to Uxland. But he knew that a Sarzonian had to be there. Even if it were Lieutenant President Nicole Lewis, who normally was loathe to depart the country whilst Sarzo wasn't in Woodstock.

She had expressed no hostility to the idea of a trip to Kingston, but she expressed concern over the idea that both the chief executive and the second in command would be out of the country. Sarzo knew that Jay Tyler would be more than willing to go as an official representative of Sarzonia, even though he wasn't the face of the nation.

Ultimately, someone would go. Just who would be the question.

Official Statement
Incorporated Sarzonian Government

The Incorporated Sarzonian Government is greatly saddened at the loss of King Sarius I. We were fortunate to know of the King in his previous tenure as Prime Minister Sarius Publius, and believe he was one of the chief architects of the strong bond of friendship that has defined our two nations for decades.

We have announced that tomorrow shall be a National Day of Mourning for Sarzonians everywhere, many of whom maintain great affection for their Praetonian brothers and sisters in spite of any political differences we might have. All flags within Sarzonia shall remain at half staff for a 30 day period.

We would like to send a representative of the Incorporated Government to the funeral proceedings; however, our procedures require that armed Sarzonian Secret Service protective agents be with our representative at all times. I am considering attending personally; however, my medical condition and several impending obligations may prevent my personal attendance. Lieutenant President Nicole Lewis or First Partner Jay Tyler may attend in my place.

I would like to extend my personal condolences to His Majesty, King George IV on the loss of his beloved father.

Michael A. Sarzo
Incorporated States of Sarzonia