Monte Brisco
03-02-2007, 10:54
Hello everyone! I'm new to the whole Nationstates Role Playing deal. I've had a few nations on here but never actually participated in such things. Recently, however, I have been growing interested in RPing though.
I'm completly new to this and I have no idea where to begin. If someone could please give me some advice and/or links to where I can learn and join, I would be most appreciative.
The Phoenix Milita
03-02-2007, 10:57
03-02-2007, 11:43
[OOC: Well, here's my rant...
Armed Forces:
When you're new and starting out to build your military, it's best to buy RL modern tech, as it's much more cheaper to use than all the generations-ahead NS grade weaponry. When you get enough money, (three and above trillion) then upgrade to NS standards. Let us look at yourstatistics (NSEconomy) ( Brisco), you can buy good NS standard tech, but however, if you spend nothing on defense, many arms dealers will reject that. (Note - there are other calculators as well, and some people don't use calculators...but if you wish to proceed, continue reading) So go to the gameplay forum and ask what issues are beneficial to your defense budget and get cracking! But technology and numbers can go only so far. Strategy still does dominate the battlefield in the world of NS: so read the opposition's map that he/she provided and figure out a weakness in his/her fortress (usually OOC info however).
ICly and OOCly I favor discussion over use of armed forces, so always use diplomacy first. And sending low-profile delegations works, provided how high level the meeting is. So even when you're dealing with an enemy that you despise more than anything else ICly, try to use diplomacy. Alliances are usually for political purposes, so you can pressure your opposition into backing down. Always have a detailed list of your nation's policies of foreign embassies (try not to keep it too strict or too lax), and NEVER break diplomatic immunity. As in real life, breaking of diplomatic immunity is greatly frowned upon, and Automagfreek, what many say is the military hyperpower of NS MT, would do what Genghis Khan did to the countries of the assassins when they assassinated his delegates: the entire destruction of your nation.
RPing and Graphics:
Regarding graphics, sadly in today's society (in fact, it always has been) people are superficial. Coats-of-arms often make people more attracted to your embassy exchange. If you want to have a sprite detailing your coats-of-arms/presidential seals Pacitalia does some fine graphics. And character pics, search over the net to see what pic fits your leader. Or get someone to draw them. However, I don't know anyone that can draw characters very well.
There, I hope I have been helpful to you, Monte Brisco.]