The Emirate of Abbassia (Closed Diaspora 21)
31-01-2007, 23:45
The Emirate of Abbassia (
During the turbulent times of the late 2010, Several Moderate Islamic Leaders expressed their concerns over the escalating violence in the Middle East and other parts of the Muslim World, compounded by the collapse of the oil industry which effectively shattered entire nations into anarchy and civil and tribal wars. these began to meet in secret in what remained stable of the Muslim World.
Eventually, after two decades of gathering, organizing and severe labor and Hard work along strict , a period filled with many set-backs and turns of good fortune alike, along with cooperation with several Chinese and European agencies, several expeditions were launched, the exact number of of which had been long lost.
Nonetheless, during the mid-40's -as Earth began to enter its Fifth Ice Age- the Abbassian Expedition (named after the Caliphate of the Beni Abbas Dynasty) was launched, sadly one of the very last launches to have been done.
Unlike the Chinese, European or American launches and expeditions however, the Abbassian one (as well as its other counter-parts) were less reliable and were more risky and along the way difficulties were experienced more often than not, finally culminating in the catastrophic failure of sensors and propulsion.
It seemed that the expedition was doomed to failure, as the craft drifted silently throughout space. A thread of lingering hope continued to thin more and more, finally on the horizon came a sight most uplifting, that of a system and a planet.
Salvaging whatever equipment the crew had, it was established that there is a very slim chance that a planet may be habitable judging by the accuracy of their equipment, regardless the attempt would be made to settle in this system.
And so it came to pass, that though a difficult and laborious birth, that the first settlement had come into existence, upon the sight of the first landings several mosques (and an Orthodox Church by a minority of Eastern European Technicians who accompanied the Expedition) were erected to thank God for his guidance and protection.
300 years later, after facing many obstacles and challenges along the way, the settlement would grow into the state known as the Emirate of Abbassia, a Muslim state guided by the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Prophet (May Peace Be Upon Him), Tolerant of other Religious Practices (majority Orthodox) and filled with immense faith and hope in the future.
Primary World:
Abbassia (Nani V)
Inhabitants: Human- Majority: Arabic, Minority: Slavic (Russian, Balkan)
Water Content: 70%
Atmosphere: Thin
Diameter: 9600km (Medium)
Tech Level: 10
Core Type: Icy
Satellites: 1 (Al-Qamar)
Density: 0.56 Earths
Mass: 0.32 Earths
Gravity: 0.45 G
Rotation Period: 0 Hours
Axil Tilt: 32 Degrees
Orbital Eccentricity: 0 degrees
Surface Pressure: 0.471 atm
Asteroid Belt(s):
(Slot VII): Very Poor
Gas Giant(s):
Al-Muslim (Nani IX):
At-Termithei (Nani X):
Other Terrestial Planets:
Al-Hanafi (Nani III)
Core Type: Molten
Asha-Fe'ee (Nani IV)
Core Type: Rock
Al-Hanbali (Nani VI):
Core Type: Icy
Al-Maliki (Nani VIII):
Core Type: Rocky
Al-Bukhari(Nani XI):
Core Type: Icy
31-01-2007, 23:46
Tech Level: 10
Port and Docking Facilities:
24 Star Ports
12 Shipyards
1 Orbital Shipyard
1 Military Shipyard -On Al-Maliki-
4 Naval Bases on Nani Asteroid Belt
Utility Fleet:
13 Transport <Colonization and Transport Duty>
21 Interface Units <Outpost and base duty>
Nani Defence Wing:
15 Orbital Fighter Wings based on Al-Maliki
Star Fleet:
1 Heavy Transport
1 Corvettes
2 Destroyers
Under construction:
4 CV's (Year 1 out of 3)
4 CG's (Year 1 out of 2)
Ground Forces:
15 Planetary Defense Units:
5 on Al-Maliki
2 on Abbassian Home World
3 on Asteroid Belt
1 on Al-Hanafi
1 on Asha-Fe'ee
2 on Mainworld
1 on Mainworld
13 Garrison divisions:
2 on Al-Muslim (Gas Giant)
1 on At-Termithi (Gas Giant)
1 on Al-Bukhari
1 on Helena Slot 1
1 on Helena Slot 2
1 on Helena Slot 3
1 on Helena Slot 5
1 on Helena Slot 6 <Mainworld>
1 on Helena Slot 8
1 on Chicago slot 2
1 on Chicago slot 3
1 on Chicago slot 5
1 on Chicago slot 9
Manpower Levels:
Navy: 212,000
Army: 1,400,000
31-01-2007, 23:46
Outposts: Total= 31 Outposts
Nani: Total= 20
3 on Al-Muslim Gas Giant
3 on At-Termithei Gas Giant
3 on Nani Asteroid Belt
10 on Al-Maliki Planet
1 on Al-Bukhari
Helena: Total= 6
1 on Helena Slot 1
1 on Helena Slot 2
1 on Helena Slot 3
1 on Helena Slot 5
1 on Helena Slot 6 <Mainworld>
1 on Helena Slot 8
Chicago: Total= 5
1 on Chicago slot 2
1 on Chicago slot 3
1 on Chicago slot 5
1 on Chicago slot 9
Total Income= $1,550 Billion, Maintenance= $387.5 Billion
Nani: Total= 48
3 factories on Al-Muslim Gas Giant
3 factories on At-Termithei Gas Giant
3 factories on Asteroid Belt
10 Factories on Al-Hanafi Planet
10 Factories on Asha-Fe'ee
10 Factories on Al-Hanbali Planet
9 Factories on Homeworld Planet
Total Income= $12 Trillion, Maintenance= $2.4 Trillion
31-01-2007, 23:54
Research and Development:
Reports from the head of the Abbassian Bureau of Design and Development (ABODAD), 2301:
Base= 75-10-5=65
Progress 2300= 5 years, remaining = 60
Progress 2301= 7 years, remaining = 53
Results expected by 2308
Professor Ahmad Tayseer, head of the ABODAD, has expressed his optimism and positive outlook at the Emirates progresss.
The Government of Abbassia is described as a Constitutional Emirate, consisting of an executive Branch (The Emir and the Grand Vizier), a Legeslative Branch (Majlis-Ash-Shoura which consists of two parts: the Aides (Al-Ayaan) which are appointed by the Emir and the Representative (An-Nouab who represent each district in the Emirate, ratio of Ayann to Nouab is 1:2), and a judicial branch (The Supreme Court (Al-Mahkamah-Al-`ulya)). Power is mainly divided between the Executive and Legeslative branches.
The Grand Vizier is appointed by the Emir but can be ousted by either the Emir or a 2/3 Majority of the Majlis, Majlis Nouab elections occur every four years, law dictates that Ayaan must be replaced every Five Years with strict rules on sucession.
Originally the first Emir of Abbassia was selected by a majority of settlers to be the leader of the new country through a process of direct election (Mubaya'a), in addition to being one of the earlier recognized commanders of the Expedition, the Emir was also a decendant of the Hashimate line of Hedjaz.
Today his decendant, Emir Hussien Ibn Ismail Al-Hashimi, who has adopted the title Al-Mustaghfer (the Repenant), serves as the Sixth Emir of Abbassia, with his appointed Grand Vizier Ahmad Al-Masri oversee the affairs of the state as the Emirate continue on nearing to its third century of existance.
Head of State: Al-Amir Hussien Ibn Ismail Al-Hashimi, "Al-Amir Al-Mustaghfer"
Head of Government: Ahmad Al-Masri
Foreign Affiars Minister: Rasheed Al-Zatrawy
Armaments and Industry Minister: Fu'ad Al-Atrash
Minister of the Interior: Ishac Mousa
Head of Security: Ali Al-Khaleeli
Cheif of Staff: Ja'far Maysoor
Head of the Army: Khalid Al-Irbidy
Head of the Fleet: Mahmood Kamal
It also worth of note that there is a substantial number of ethnic Slavic groups (Descendant of the several Russian and Balkan Technecians aboard the Expedition) which has been tolerated and accepted into the Abbassian Society. There exists a certain degree of harmony as these groups are provided with the same services as the rest of the population as well as being taxed equelly, they have formed a small defacto pseudo government among themselves with a representative between them and the Abbassian Government to discuss the issues that face them.
De-Facto Head of the Slavic Ethnic Groups: Vladimer Orlov
Official Representative to the Abbassian Government: Father Kyril Belov of the Abbassian Orthodox Church.
06-02-2007, 11:48
-Relations established with the United Federation of Parthini; first contact was made by the Corvette Itihad while on a scout and survey mission, Rumors are circulating that the Newly appointed Vizier of Foreign Affairs is engaging in active talks regarding the Hammet system.
-Helena and Chicago Program Announced; The Government announced a colonization and development program on the Helena system, this comes with much optimism as the Abbassian Emirate extends its borders and seek out new centres for the expanding industry.
-Industrial Sector sees a major boost; The Abbassian Vehicle Industry has reported large profits this quarter which it plans to invest in several new R & D projects to improve their products, meanwhile, other industrial sectors also report much improvement. This is reported to be the highest level the economy has reached since the Diaspora.
-Military Parade through the Capital; in celebration of the progress of the Emirate up until this moment (the beginning of a New Century), the Emir and his government appeared today with the newly re-organized military forces, in a Lavish though small parade through the main facilities of the Settlement. This marks the optimism and hope which the country holds for the present and future.
08-02-2007, 13:13
Commercial Shipping and Facilities
25 Starports
12 Shipyards
128 Light Transports
64 Transports
12 Heavy Transports
Budget Allocations and Production:
Defense= $2,053 Billion ----> 20.53 points
Commerce= $5,132 Billion ----> 51.32 points
Production= $13,000 Billion ----> 130 points
(20 Outposts= $1 Trillion, 48 Factories= $12 Trillion)
<1 point= 100 Billion>
Pay, allowances, pensions and disability pensions 30%= 6.159 points
Other administrative costs 10%= 2.053 points
Research and Development 10%= 2.053 points
Military Maintenance= 17.6 points
Facility construction:
4 Naval Bases on asteroid belt: 8 points
Fleet Construction:
4 CVLs (Battlestars) : 40 points (Year 1 out of 3)
4 CGS's (Missile Cruisers)= 32 points (Year 1 out of 2)
Helena Program:
6 Interface Squadrons= 6 points
6 Garrisons= 0.6 points
2 Planetary Defense Unit= 5 points
Chicago program:
5 Interface Squadrons= 5 points
5 Garrisons= 0.5 points
1 Planetary Defense Units= 2.5 points
2 Planetary defense Units
Facility Maintenance= 26.5 points
Computer and Electronics R & D Center = 5 points
Genetic and Life Sciences R & D Center = 5 points
Helena Program:
6 outposts= 15 points
Helena Slot 1
Helena Slot 2
Helena Slot 3
Helena Slot 5
Helena Slot 6 <Mainworld>
Helena Slot 8
Chicago Program:
5 Outposts= 12.5 points
Chicago slot 2
Chicago slot 3
Chicago slot 5
Chicago slot 9
Terraforming the Abbassian Homeworld=
1 Facility 50 points (year 1 out of 10)
16-02-2007, 23:29
-Terraforming Project One Begins, A New Phase In The Emirate's History: A bold program was announces by government earlier as it was announced that an Abbassian Terraformation Bureau (ATB), under the management of the honorable minister Jameil Aker will be formed, also announced is the initialization of the Abbassian Terraformation Network.
The Ten Facilities will be situated at various points on the Planet that will undergo a series of extensive checks and have recieved approval from the various areas of government regarding safety, quality, efficiency and to produce records and feedback for further research and development.
Although it will take many many years, the Emir himself expressed his hopes and optimism and commended the Minister for his efficiency and efforts so far. It was formally and officially announced on the beginning of the New Year that Terraforming Project One has indeed begun and hopes for a better future for the next generation of Abbassians continue with the promise of perseverance and hardwork.
-Chicago and Helena Programs Progress: With the first Pioneers settled on the Helena and Chicago systems and arrival of provisional security forces, the Emirate was pleased to declare that the systems will soon be ready for preparations to develop sites for the Industrial Sectors which will come to substance this year.
Many of the preparations are related to constructing suitable facilities to allow sustained survival conditions for Industries to open up, these include the provision of a suitable atmospheric, temperature, light, humidity and so forth for the industrial sections, not to mention the provision of living quarters for future workers and inabitants.
Also Included in the plans are the construction of suitable starports and docking facilities to streamline the passage of civilians as well as equipments and goods.
-Embassy exchange concluded with the United Federation of Parthini: Following the conclusion of the process of establishing stable relations with the Parthinian Government, an exchange of representatives has been agreed to with the Parthinians, for this purpose, an old colonization facility has been refitted to house the Parthinian Representative.
This news has been received well within the Emirate as new opportunities open up for both trade and tourism, However many remain suspicious of these new foreigners and suggest caution until their nature can be fully grasped and realized.
Middle Snu
17-02-2007, 01:48
-Terraforming Begins, A New Phase In The Emirate's History: Concluding a period of lengthy anticipation and enthusiasm, The Abbassian Terraformation Bureau (ATB), under the management of the honorable minister Jameil Aker has confirmed the completion of the Abbassian Terraformation Network after many months of round-the-clock construction, utilizing much of the government resources.
Terraforming units take 5 years to build, so your terraforming can't start for a while still.
20-02-2007, 18:32
Defense: $2,102 Billion ----> 21.02 points
Commerce: $5,255 Billion ----> 52.55 points
Production: 13,550 Billion ----> 135.55 points
<1 point= $100 Billion>
50% overhead: 10.51 points
Maintenance: 21.23 points
Maintenance: 28.9 points
3 Factories on Helena Planet Slot 1= 30 points (Year 1/2)
3 Factories on Helena Planet Slot 2= 30 points (Year 1/2)
3 Factories on Helena Planet Slot 3= 30 points (Year 1/2)
Factory on Helena Slot 1= 5/10 points
Government subsidised Starport on Helena MainWorld= 1 point
Terraforming Project One:
1 Terraforming Facility= 50 points (Year 1)
1 Terraforming Facility <Under Construction> (Year 2)
Humanitarian Aid to Azania= 2.48 points
23-02-2007, 03:27
The Haneastic League approaches Abbassia concerning the possibility of an alliance between our two nations, as well as Parthini, Ottoman Khaif, Engel, and Middle Snu.