Imperial Aaronia
30-01-2007, 17:19
Here will be the Public Discussion chamber for the Aaronian Cabinet, as of January 2007.
The debates and discussions will be controlled by Dame Katalina Flurdengerden: Presidential Press Minister.
Questions, comments and queries may be adressed to the following people:
Mademoiselle Claudia Black: Presidential Cheif of Staff
Minister Povar Sei: Vice Presidential Cheif of Staff
Monsieur Lionel Decalour: Palace Cheif of Staff
Madame Rosalina Bianco: Master of the Senate
Ambassador Oupal Javar: Chancellor of Foreign Affaires
Baron Commandant Adis Toban: Chancellor of Defence
Lord Grenoldine Hanserwell: Chancellor of Judicial Affaires
Dame Brenda Covington: Master court Supremum
Admiral Danyar Jetrek: Master of the Navy
Air General Ognaj Teff: Master of the Air Force
General Oriil Dazak: Master of the Army
Master Mazchevall Haeruge: Chancellor of Interior
Dr Arit Weibarn: Chancellor of Human Recources
Monsieur Fuilan Mar: Chancellor of the Economics
Dr Dianne Dakota: Chancellor of Health
Lady Victoria Flurdengurden-Van Hoosen Housen: Chancellor of Education
Count Zabrak Patrok II: Chancellor of Language and Culture
Sir Yiuop T'Laris: Chancellor of Trade and commerce
Monsieur Babain Colleka: Chancellor of Sports
Mademoiselle Janette Shankette: Chancellor of Environment
The debates and discussions will be controlled by Dame Katalina Flurdengerden: Presidential Press Minister.
Questions, comments and queries may be adressed to the following people:
Mademoiselle Claudia Black: Presidential Cheif of Staff
Minister Povar Sei: Vice Presidential Cheif of Staff
Monsieur Lionel Decalour: Palace Cheif of Staff
Madame Rosalina Bianco: Master of the Senate
Ambassador Oupal Javar: Chancellor of Foreign Affaires
Baron Commandant Adis Toban: Chancellor of Defence
Lord Grenoldine Hanserwell: Chancellor of Judicial Affaires
Dame Brenda Covington: Master court Supremum
Admiral Danyar Jetrek: Master of the Navy
Air General Ognaj Teff: Master of the Air Force
General Oriil Dazak: Master of the Army
Master Mazchevall Haeruge: Chancellor of Interior
Dr Arit Weibarn: Chancellor of Human Recources
Monsieur Fuilan Mar: Chancellor of the Economics
Dr Dianne Dakota: Chancellor of Health
Lady Victoria Flurdengurden-Van Hoosen Housen: Chancellor of Education
Count Zabrak Patrok II: Chancellor of Language and Culture
Sir Yiuop T'Laris: Chancellor of Trade and commerce
Monsieur Babain Colleka: Chancellor of Sports
Mademoiselle Janette Shankette: Chancellor of Environment