A Child is Born, The Legacy Begins...
A babies cry echos throughout the city, upon the Eve of the Cresant moon a Small being Enters the World, and a new Legend is Born.
Ichiko, Born on the First day of Spring of the Year Funai-Ichi, was the Meaning of the Great Celebration. The streets were Filled with Joy as the Sake-donned Warriors Danced in the Streets to Tunes of their own verbal making, the wives and Daughters assisting as man fall to the sweet Seduction of Temptation. The Streets were Like Giant walls of Celebration, the People acting as the Bricks that hold it True.
The Flame is held by a small Child, his Hand Brasked the torch as he Quivered in Excitement whilst he Travels up the Staircase, Leading to the Temple. He Reaches the Top, and Places the Flame upon a small pile of wood and oil, in which he Smiles and Signals his Completion of his Part.
A small framed man walks to the Flame, Pulls out his sword and places it in the Fire...
"The Sword of a Warrior, Strength may it be upon your soul..."
A large busty woman walks to the Flame, Pulls out a Peice of meat and places it on the Flame...
"The Food of the Emperor, Endurance may it be upon your soul..."
Finally a Small Girl walks to the Flame, and Places her Doll on the Fire
"The Toy of an Innocent, Joy may it be upon your soul..."
The Party continued well into the Night, and Life was shown when the Araknai Fighters Flew Above the Temple, Lauching Large Rockets into the Sky, Creating Showers of Light over the City.
"Now my Child, the Legacy is here, your path is put before you, will you Fly us Beyond the Furthest Star..."
The Child looks into the Sky, and Falls Asleep...
The Fire Still Burns for other Blessings, Who shall comply will forever be a Friend of Judias.
29-01-2007, 18:22
OOC: Hmm. Not a bad start, although you might want to run your post through a spell checker before posting. Also, punctuation may be beneficial. Nevertheless, I'd like to see where this goes and perhaps participate.
30-01-2007, 03:41
A Silver and Gold Shuttle slowly lands infront of the temple.
A man in his 40's steps out, wearing a Blue and golden striped uniform with a dark bllue cape blowing in the wind. On his belt in a sheath was a Claymore and a symbol that looked like a horseshoe with a dot in the middle on it's hilt.
This man was Emperor Belcameron II of the Phenixican Empire, Ten men in a more basic Orange uniform walk behind him carrying large rifles. Phenixican Infantrymen of the Imperial Army.
He pulls out a small bottle of a red liquid over the fire, I drop it in and the fire shrinks then burns strong again.
"Phoenix Water from the Devenis system, May a blazing passion burn in your soul".
As i turn around and look at the populance in there drunken orgy, I felt somewhat sick by the behavior 'so uncivilised' i thought.
A young man wearing Ceremonial Armor walks towards Emperor Belcameron II, Stares at his Obscure Clothing and Smiles, it seems that he likes him...
"It seems you have arrived for another Ceremony, Emperor... And it seems your Flare is still as Extraordinary as ever, It surely has been a While Old Friend..."
This young man was Jubei, The Captain of Judias Army who refused to use a Gun in Battle, and would Instead use his Adamantine Katana, called the Hurakai Blade. He was Tall and Rather Handsome, with Hair as Black as Night, and long enough to cover his back.
"Would you Follow me, My Friend, we have Much to Discuss."
The two men walk into the Temple, and sit with each other, Discussing Recent Happenings and Idle Chit Chat.
"May I get to the Point..." Jubei pressed into the Convisation. "It would seem Obvious to any known person that Judias still holds its faith in the Old way of Life, and many places are right to call us Barbaric for this... yet recently this has gotten out of hand and many Nations are planning on attacking us, our Military is Small and Disadvanged, yet our men are Skilled... and could pass these Skills on to others... I was hopeing that Phenixica could assist us in this time of need..."
Jubei Pauses and waits for a Responce...
31-01-2007, 05:58
I sit down and drink some Brandy in a glass.
I look at him and consider what he would need, i then start.
"I can offer a few things that you may wish to use" I take a paper and Pen and quickly write a draft for things to agree on, i then pass it over and remember i wrote it in 'Phenixican new' which no outsider understood. i then toke it back and translated it to the universal language we all understood (English).
It is written
1)Three Imperial Armies consisting of two-hundred-thosand each could be sent for protection, which armies to be sent will be our choice.
2)Phenixican Officers to be sent to help train Judias troops in Imperial procedure.
3)Also offer equipment, mostly star-ships which Judias troops will be trained in operating.
4)A Phenixican Religous structure (Shrine) to be built in your capital to the Phoenix Grun (Phoenix of Exploration and Hunting)
5)Rights of passage, Phenixican Troops can pass by your land if they need to stop a potential threat in it's tracks.
6)Immigration can be allowed by both our nations, meaning you can make money from Tourism
This has been written as a draft, under Phenixican Law all alliances have to be agreed by both the Phenixican Senate and Imperial Court.
From his Majesty, Emperor Belcameron II of the Phenixican Nation and it's Colonies
"Naturally we will exchange Embassies, We will also work on anything else your nation must need. This is just a outline" I sit down and wait for him to speak and i take another mouthful, I then add "I am still amazed by what i see in your nation to be honest, if any of what happened outside happened in the Empire. You would be thrown in Jail for indiginfying the Empire".
"These Arrangements sound more then Generous, my Friend..." says Jubei with a concerned look... "Are you Sure you can Afford it?"
Another Firework Explodes Violently in the Sky, and Dicapates into Nothingness.
02-02-2007, 06:08
I look into his eyes, with a amused look on my face.
"How trust me, we have ways of making these things even"
04-02-2007, 08:31
After much talk the Emperor grows tired.
"I think it is about time i retire back to the Fleet and head back to the Capital, If you wish to continue these matters i suggest your leader sends a representative to the Imperial Senate." I getup and say in a commanding voice to my guards "Men, single File, Foward march back to the shuttle" they get into formation and march out and into the shuttle.
"Tell your leader congratulations on the Child, hopefully it's life goes as smoother then the life of my children" i said somewhat remembering the execution of Adam and Larita's somewhat unprepared. push to become Heir.
I walk out into the voices of the somewhat disgusting orgy, back to Phenixican Civilization.