NationStates Jolt Archive

The Whitmore Doctrine (SYAE)

26-01-2007, 01:48
President Whitmore looked into the camera from behind his desk inside the Oval Office. His face was stern. His address be televised to the nation and the world.

"My fellow Americans, tonight I want to talk to you about a group of islands off the West Coast of Africa. These islands compose the nation of Cape Verde. Cape Verde is a peaceful nation with a small population. Unfortunately in a chain of events set in motion by Eurasian activity in Europe, the peace loving people of Cape Verde, who have never harmed any other nation, are now under the threat of having their right to soveriegnty brutally stripped from them by the nations of the Low Cofederacy and the Eurasians.
Eurasia has a long history of aggression. Just a while back they almost invaded Montenegro, a small, peaceful nation in eastern Europe. Because of this, the United States has been providing military aid and economic assistance to the nation of Montenegro and we have offered them and the other nations of Europe a defensive alliance to deter Eurasian aggression.
Eurasian activity has alarmed the government of the Low Confederacy which responded by seeking ways to counter Eurasia's strategic power. Unfortunately they mistakenly chose to do this by invading a small, impoverished nation in Africa. The United States cannot allow this action to stand. If we did, it would undermine our credibility.
We have asked both the Low Confederacy and the Eurasians to withdraw from Cape Verde. Once it became clear that neither nation had any intention of withdrawing I ordered an arms embargo against the Low Confederacy. This means that no American company may sell weapons or weapons parts to the Low Confederacy government. Further, I have ordered our representative at the talks in Fiji to demand a withdrawal of Eurasian forces from Cape Verde as well and to disclose the possible consequences should either Eurasia or the Low Confederacy fail to do so.
Americans don't seek war. However, we will defend those who don't have much chance to defend themselves. It is my policy that an attack on peaceful small nations any where in the world is an attack on the United States. The requirements for the maintenance of international stability mandate this course of action. An attack on any of the small nations of Europe or Africa will be considered an act of war against the United States.
Because of the delinquency of the Low Confederacy and Eurasia to withdraw their forces from Cape Verde to agree to a withdrawal of forces in a timely manner, I am hereby ordering the 1st, 2nd, and 7th fleets to international waters just outside Cape Verde jurisdiction and outside the waters of Songhai. Their job is to show the resolve of the American people in standing by those who have little chance of being able to fend for themselves.
Further, I have asked Congress for $2 billion dollars in economic recovery assistance for the people of Cape Verde and I ask for assistance from the rest of the world to help the people of Cape Verde.
It is my hope that this situation can be resolved diplomatically. But should diplomacy fail, I have already ordered the 82nd and the 101st to be ready to deploy at a moment's notice. The ball is now in the court of two European nations. It is within their power to avoid war and to end the suffering of the people of Cape Verde.
They can leave Cape Verde or the United States will assist them in leaving."

Once he ended his speech the news networks broke away for commentary from various diplomatic experts.

Whitmore allowed himself to sweat and wiped from his forhead with a white handkerchief. He had a bad feeling in his gut. He didn't like the idea of having to go to war. It meant the death's of more people. He turned to the Secretary of Defense: "Get the 82nd and the 101st ready to go just in case.
And I want you to notify the 10th Mountain Division as well."

Defense Secretary Crybaby affirmed the order and began placing calls to the appropriate people.

The Secretary of State upped his diplomatic activity giving directions to the diplomat in Fiji.
26-01-2007, 02:05
The Imperial reaction to President Whitmore's statements:

It is noble that you seek to gain the influence of peace over your country, but the Gwangmu Emperor is more interested in seeing actions put forward to increase the balance of harmony and stability instead. War is a mechanism of diplomacy, through which the force of a country can be exacted to pursue an objective, be it territory or securities. We prefer the latter than the former, as we have our own history dealing with the issue of acquiring territory.

As such, His Imperial Majesty will support any military actions that your government will take to secure a harmonic balance in the region.
26-01-2007, 02:07
The United States is happy to have the support of his majesty's government.
Amazonian Beasts
26-01-2007, 02:19
The Songhai Dominion is wary of the US's motives, and moves. While both Eurasia and the Low Confederation fight for islands just off the coast of Songhai, US intervention may prove...somewhat drastic.
Should ANY harm at all, physical or political, occur to Songhai, the wrath of the Gods will come down on the interlopers of the Imperial Dominion.
Respect our policy, and we will respect yours.
West Pacific
26-01-2007, 03:20
OOC: Whitmore, isn't that the name of the President in Red Alert 2?
26-01-2007, 03:22
OOC: Whitmore, isn't that the name of the President in Red Alert 2?

?? Is that a movie I haven't seen??
26-01-2007, 03:28
The Songhai Dominion is wary of the US's motives, and moves. While both Eurasia and the Low Confederation fight for islands just off the coast of Songhai, US intervention may prove...somewhat drastic.
Should ANY harm at all, physical or political, occur to Songhai, the wrath of the Gods will come down on the interlopers of the Imperial Dominion.
Respect our policy, and we will respect yours.

"America has no intention of taking over the islands. Our goal is to ensure that the people of Cape Verde are restored to their right to determine their own self destiny.
We note that the Songhai Empire shares a common heritage with Cape Verde and find it unfortunate that the empire sits by while two non African nations fights for control of one of their neighbor's land.
We do not seek war in the area. We are working through diplomacy to get both nations to leave the islands to themselves. However, we cannot rule out the use of force in the event the Europeans refuse to leave.
We further note that as neighbor of Cape Verde, Songhai has considerable influence and a big role to play in resolving this issue on a diplomatic level. How can they be sure that neither Eurasia nor the Low Confederacy will not come after them next?"
26-01-2007, 04:05
Glamara offers aid to the united states of america to give to nations that need it in the amount of 6.2million dollars. we also ask if it is ok for you to transport our 8 infintry division that has 5000 men and women in it to the war zone so we can be there as peace keppers when the fighting stops and to protect the people.
Amazonian Beasts
26-01-2007, 04:10
"America has no intention of taking over the islands. Our goal is to ensure that the people of Cape Verde are restored to their right to determine their own self destiny.
We note that the Songhai Empire shares a common heritage with Cape Verde and find it unfortunate that the empire sits by while two non African nations fights for control of one of their neighbor's land.
We do not seek war in the area. We are working through diplomacy to get both nations to leave the islands to themselves. However, we cannot rule out the use of force in the event the Europeans refuse to leave.
We further note that as neighbor of Cape Verde, Songhai has considerable influence and a big role to play in resolving this issue on a diplomatic level. How can they be sure that neither Eurasia nor the Low Confederacy will not come after them next?"

The Cape Verdes and Songhai have little in common except heritage-in fact, it would be better economically should the Confederation have taken it. But we will not interfere in their matters-unless we were drawn in, which is not our wish-nor yours.
Should either of those countries tried, and completed, taking the Cape Verdes-any sort of strike agaisnt Songhai would've been taken with total war from the Imperium. Though we have little reason to believe the Confederation would have-or could have-attempted strike on the Songhai mainland.
26-01-2007, 04:43
No it is not our intention. In fact, it won't come to war unless we can withdraw our forces immediately after the conflict. Our goal is just to get the Europeans out Cape Verde.
27-01-2007, 07:24
In a state address in the press room of the LAS, Presidente Adrain delivers a heart fealt speech to channel 54, state broadcast.

"Due to the LAS's policy of only moving troops outside of our boundries with approval of congress we will have to carefully let the senators of the LAS consider the effects of having our latin troops assist the US in their war. We will however serve to keep our people calm in any events that may occur. We are behind our friends the Americans and wish them success in their glorious campaign in those lands far across the sea, may many Americans seek glory on the shores. We will be praying for the right outcome in mass both here in latin america and in our northern brothers, in texas new mexico california and countless other states in america. Dios Bendecir

MUchos Gracias mmhh e beunos tardes"
27-01-2007, 07:32
The Congressional leadership have been informed of the situation in Cape Verde and have voted solidarity with the President.

In a roll call vote that went 425 to 30, the US House of Representatives voted to authorize the use of force to remove the Low Confederacy and Eurasia from Cape Verde. In another vote, both houses approved join resolutions formally freezing all Low Confederacy and Eurasian assets.
27-01-2007, 23:04
The President still hopes that this issue can be resolved through a peaceful use of diplomacy. However, the governments of Western Europe should be aware that the world is becoming increasingly impatient with them.
We are not going to let them stay on Cape Verde forever.
27-01-2007, 23:23
His Imperial Majesty considers confronting the two countries directly and seeing what kind of solution is possible. If they do not heed the peaceful deployments for our governments, remind them that they are held accountable for their actions and must be responsible for any military action that does occur. Otherwise, they will not bow to the exhortations of a wind that does not comprehend their desires.
28-01-2007, 05:35
The RSFSR has but one thing to say to the Western Europeans: Get the hell out of Cape Verde, or we will drop the Soviet Hammer of Indescriminate Justice on all who occupy those lands.
28-01-2007, 07:57
The United States, in a last ditch effort at a peaceful resolution to the crises has sent secret diplomatic communiques to the Eurasian and Low Confederacy governments.

After delivering his message, the US ambassador to the Low Confederacy left Low Confederacy territory, along with his staff and family, as per Low Confederacy insistance.

Meantime the President is now spending half his time praying for peaceful solution, and 20% of his time meeting with Pentagon officials who are making contingencies for the use of force.
28-01-2007, 08:14
ICCD-Intracircumcordei;12259264']In a state address in the press room of the LAS, Presidente Adrain delivers a heart fealt speech to channel 54, state broadcast.

"Due to the LAS's policy of only moving troops outside of our boundries with approval of congress we will have to carefully let the senators of the LAS consider the effects of having our latin troops assist the US in their war. We will however serve to keep our people calm in any events that may occur. We are behind our friends the Americans and wish them success in their glorious campaign in those lands far across the sea, may many Americans seek glory on the shores. We will be praying for the right outcome in mass both here in latin america and in our northern brothers, in texas new mexico california and countless other states in america. Dios Bendecir

MUchos Gracias mmhh e beunos tardes"

Top Secret Diplomatic Message to the Latin American States from the President of the United States.

"To our friends in the LAS, we are drawing up contingency plans and were wondering if you would be interested in assisting in liberating the remaining European colonies in our hemisphere. We have made similar requests to the Han and the UAS. If the Europeans want to entrench themselves in their imperial quest, our strategy will be to force them to pay a heavy price. Perhap your government would be a better stuard of the territory known as French Guyana?"
29-01-2007, 03:07
Top Secret Diplomatic Message to the Latin American States from the President of the United States.

"To our friends in the LAS, we are drawing up contingency plans and were wondering if you would be interested in assisting in liberating the remaining European colonies in our hemisphere. We have made similar requests to the Han and the UAS. If the Europeans want to entrench themselves in their imperial quest, our strategy will be to force them to pay a heavy price. Perhap your government would be a better stuard of the territory known as French Guyana?"

The LAS would be willing to send humanitarian forces to secure the said territories should their former government be removed by the United States of America. So if you attack and remove the governments the L.A.S. would be willing to provide order and safety for their peoples after the US completes the removal of the former European Governments from their territories.
29-01-2007, 03:17
Top Secret Diplomatic Message to the Eurasia from the President of the Latin American States - an actual courrier that took an airflight... (can't trust the phones these days...)

"We beleive that President wittmore may be intent on invading you. We understand that if you sign over your overseas possesions to the Latin American States Protection.. they will be spared mass death and destruction.
29-01-2007, 03:24
Top Secret Diplomatic Message to LAS

In light of Eurasia's recent decision to remove troops from Cape Verde, the President has chosen to cancel plans for invading Eurasian islans in the carribean. However we wish we could say the same for the islands owned by the Low Confederacy.
31-01-2007, 09:58
An official address of the President:

"Due to the failure of diplomacy and the continued aggression of the Confederacy against the soverign state of Cape Verde, I have no choice but to set a deadline.
I have tried to use peaceful diplomacy, including the offer of incentives to persuade the Low Confederacy to leave Cape Verde. It has become clear that the Confederacy is not interested in peace nor do they respect the soverignty of other nations. If their aggression is allowed to stand, it will produce not just a bad precedent, but chaos.
It is not too late for a peaceful solution, but the ball in the Confederacy's court. I ask the American people and our allies to join me in praying for a peaceful end to this situation. I submit that no matter what we do, the Confederacy has no intention of leaving Cape Verde on its own or willingly.
Therefore, effective immediately, the Low Confederacy has 48 hours to begin withdrawing troops from Cape Verde on their own or the United States armed forces will begin doing it for them."
31-01-2007, 17:53
"If possible, Zaire would like to serve as a mediator in this conflict. All participants are welcome to meet in Gbadolite to cordially resolve this issue to prevent future strife and bloodshed."

Mobutu Sese Seko
President of the Republic of Zaire

{OOC: He recently left the hospital, but is still in the process of recovering.}
01-02-2007, 16:03
His Imperial Majesty - the Gwangmu Emperor - will consider sending a delegation to Gbadolite if His Imperial Majesty can be assured that his representatives will not be presented any threats of harm during their stay, and that your security will suffice to ensure the safety of all the peoples attending. It is not fitting to send His Imperial Majesty's subjects to have them witness the great leader fall with severe illness to the trite and pointless attempts of foolhardy murder of a foreign national, as was evidenced in His Imperial Majesty's Delegate's last stay.

In such a manner, if these can be secured, His Imperial Majesty would consider sending a delegation to assist in the diplomacy concerning the resolution of the islands' fates.
01-02-2007, 16:12
"You are of course permitted to send a delegation. Your delegation will be fully protected, and no harm will befall them."

Mobutu Sese Seko
President of the Republic of Zaire
02-02-2007, 03:31
"The United States has already attempted diplomacy. Those attempts have failed. There can be no more negotiations until the Confederacy starts removing its troops from the lands of a soverign African nation."