NationStates Jolt Archive

United States of America Factbook (SYAE)

25-01-2007, 22:17
This is reserved for my factbook for SYAE. I am reserving 3 posts for this.
Reserved for General information: government type, organization, parties, leadership, domestic laws, ethnographic statistics.

Official Name: United States Of America
Type of Government: Constitutional Republic
Organization: Federal Sytem
Number of Divisions: 53 States
(all known states plus the states of Puerto Rico, Bahamas, and Pacific)
Capital: Washington DC
Political Parties: Democratic, Independent, Republican, numerous small parties.
Currency: US Dollar
Head of Government: President Whitmore
Legislative Branch: US Congress: House of Representatives, US Senate
Judicial Branch: Supreme Court of the United States, appellate courts, numerous small municipal and state courts.

United States Of America: 300,000,000
Bahamas: 304,000
Total: 300,304,000

Age Structure:

Median Age: 37
Male median age: 36
Female median age: 38

Population Growth: .92%

Birth Rate: 15 births for every 1,000 people
Death Rate: 8 deaths for every 1,000 people
Immigration Rate: 4 immigrants for every 1,000 people

Sexual Ratio:
Birth: 2 males for every female
Under 15: 2 males for every female
15 to 64: 1 male for every female
64 and up: Half a male for every female.
Total: 3/4 of a male for every female

Infant Mortality Rate:
Total: 7 deaths for every 1,000 births
Males: 8 deaths for every 1,000 births
Females: 6 deaths for every 1,000 births

Life Expectancy:
Total: 78 years
Males: 74 years
Females: 80 years

Fertility rating:
2 children for every female
10 children for every male

6 tenths of a percent of the total population
Number of people in the United States with AIDS: 1 million
AIDS deaths each year: 14,000

Nationality: American

Ethnic Groups: white 81.7%, black 12.9%, Asian 4.2%, Amerindian and Alaska native 1%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.2%
The US Government does not consider Hispanics to be a distinct and seperate ethnic group and has divided them among the other groups.

Religion: Protestant 52%, Roman Catholic 24%, Mormon 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 1%, other 10%, none 10%

Language: English 82% Spanish 10% European 4% Asian 3% other 1%

Literacy: 99%
Males: 99%
Females: 100%
25-01-2007, 22:18
reserved for future military stats and defense budget breakdown posting
25-01-2007, 22:18
Reserved for future economic posting
25-01-2007, 22:19
Reserved for future international relations and foreign policy posting.