Trinity Blood Database (FT; IC/OOC/Reference)
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 06:33
Well, its about time I got around to starting work on one of these. Now, you were probably wondering why the trio of differeng thread discriptors in the thread's title. Here's why....
1.) Reference: Pretty much my main purpose in making this database. Its basically a place where I can keep track of my ships and which ones have been destroyed, base stats, planet list, link list, et cetera. You know, stuff like that.
2.) IC: I will, on occasion, make an IC post related to something I'm doing in my nation that you'll be free to make an IC response post to. If a post is IC, I will clearly mark it as such. Some things will be SIC, though, so make sure to check.
3.) OOC: This thread is also a place for you all to ask your OOC questions regarding my nation. I'll do my best to try to answer them all as best as I can.
Note: Don't worry about messing up my order and sequence of posts. I'll be making direct links to my big reference ones in this OP.
Class List (
Ship List (
Station List (
Planet List (
Character List (
Project List (
Technology (
Weapons (
Organizations, Facilities, Agencies, and Branches (
International Relations (
Miscellaneous (
Links (
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:10
- Retired
[url=]NX Prototype (]NX Test Ship[/url) - Retired
Novus Exemplar class crusier (pre-refit) ( - Semi-Retired
Novus Exemplar class crusier (exploration varient) (
Novus Exemplar class cruiser (combat varient) ( - Semi-Retired
- Semi-Retired
[url=]Constantine class space port (]Artimus class mega carrier[/url)
[url=]Type 0 Shuttle Pod (]Helix class mobile starbase[/url)
[url=]Short Cell class fighter pod (]EVA Pod[/url)
[url=]Starfighter class fighter (]Long Cell class fighter scout[/url)
[url=]Raptor class scout (]Slingwing class fighter[/url)
Intrepid class frigate (
Neptune class escort (
[url=]Pioneer class medium cruiser (]Illustrious class medium cruiser[/url)
[url=]D'Kyr class combat cruiser (]Dyson class cruiser[/url)
[url=]Sh'Ran class cruiser (]Vahklas class attack frigate[/url)
[url=]Bird Of Prey class stealth cruiser (]Sword class corvette[/url)
Monarch class battleship (
Victory class dreadnought (
T'empec class destroyer (
Tarawa class troop carrier (
Surak class general purpose interstellar vessel (
[url=]Athena class colony transport (]Conestoga class colony transport[/url)
DY-100 class interplanetary transport (
[url=]DY-220 class interplanetary transport (]DY-200 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]DY-300 class interplanetary transport (]DY-245 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]DY-430 class interplanetary transport (]DY-400 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]DY-600 class interplanetary transport (]DY-500 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]DY-732 class interplanetary transport (]DY-700 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]DY-900 class interplanetary transport (]DY-800 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]DY-1000 class interplanetary transport (]DY-950 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]DY-1200 class interplanetary transport (]DY-1100 class interplanetary transport[/url)
[url=]J class cargo ship (]DY-1300 class interplanetary transport[/url)
Y class freighter (
[url=]Groumall class freighter (]Y-5 class freighter[/url)
[url=]Venture Star class construction ship (]Haklon class freighter[/url)
[url=]Theben class science ship (]Homer class science cruiser[/url)
- Retired
[url=]Galileo class galactic explorer (]Clark class galactic explorer[/url) - Retired
- Retired
[url=]Magellan class galactic explorer (]Icarus class galactic explorer[/url) - Retired
- Retired
[url=]Sol class light galactic explorer (]Mann class galactic explorer[/url) - Retired
- Retired
[url=]Valient class galactic explorer (]Teitron class deep space explorer[/url) - Retired
- Retired
[url=]Adamant class galactic explorer (]Triton class galactic explorer[/url)
[url=]X class galactic explorer (]Endeavour class galactic explorer[/url) - Semi-Retired
- Retired
[url=]Ceres class galactic explorer (]Leap class galactic explorer[/url)
[url=]Spaceark class generational ship (]Canopus class surveyor[/url) - Retired
- Semi-Retired
[url=]Coffin class destroyer (]Leviathan class police cutter[/url) - Semi-Retired
- Semi-Retired
[url=]Tristan class cruiser (]Cross class frigate[/url) - Semi-Retired
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:12
ISC Artimus - Artimus class
NX-Alpha - NX Test Ship - Destroyed
NX-Beta - NX Test Ship - Retired
NX-Delta - NX Test Ship - Retired
NX-Gamma - NX Test Ship - Retired
NX-Prototype - NX Prototype - Retired
NX/NCC-00 ISC Novus Exemplar - Novus Exemplar class
NX/NCC-01 ISC Enterprise - Novus Exemplar class (exploration varient)
NX/NCC-02 ISC Columbia - Novus Exemplar class (exploration varient)
NX/NCC-03 ISC Challenger - Novus Exemplar class (exploration varient)
NX/NCC-04 ISC Discovery - Novus Exemplar class (exploration varient)
NX/NCC-05 ISC Magic Of Myth - Novus Exemplar class (exploration varient)
NX/NCC-06 ISC Sic Semper Tyranus - Novus Exemplar class (combat varient)
NX/NCC-07 ISC Ex Post Facto - Novus Exemplar class (combat varient) - Destroyed
NX/NCC-08 ISC Cleopatra's Needle - Novus Exemplar class (combat varient)
NX/NCC-09 ISC Avenger - Novus Exemplar class (combat varient)
NX/NCC-10 ISC Ceteris Paribus - Novus Exemplar class (combat varient)
NX/NCC-11 ISC Crazy Horse - Novus Exemplar class (combat varient)
NX/NCC-12 ISC Entente - Novus Exemplar class (combat varient)
NX/NCC-13 ISC Raptor - Raptor class
NCC-14 ISC Samrah - Raptor class
NCC-15 ISC Somraw - Raptor class
NCC-16 ISC Sam Ra - Raptor class
NCC-17 ISC Alpha Omega - Goliath class Star Destroyer
NCC-18~NCC-99 - Raptor class
NX/NCC-100 ISC Monarch - Monarch class - Under Construction
NX/NCC-101 ISC Tarawa - Tarawa class - Under Construction
NCC-102 - Reserved
NX/NCC-103 ISC T'empec - T'empec class
NCC-104~NCC-120 - T'empec class
NX/NCC-121 ISC Surak - Surak class
NCC-122 ISC Ti'Mur - Surak class
NCC-123 ISC Ni'Var - Surak class
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:13
- Constantine class
[url=]Monac Shipyard (]Constantine Space Port[/url) - Location Classified
Olympus Mons Shipyard[/i] (]Aries[/b]
San Francisco Shipyard (]Terra[/b]
NX Dry Dock (]Terra[/b]
Warp 5 Complex (][i) - Terra
Helix - Helix class
Helix Prime - Helix class
Helix Alpha - Helix class
Helix 0 - Helix class
Helix 1 - Helix class
Helix 2 - Helix class
Helix 3 - Helix class
Helix 4 - Helix class
Helix 5 - Helix class
Helix 6 - Helix class
Helix 7 - Helix class
Helix 8 - Helix class
Helix 9 - Helix class
Helix 10 - Helix class
Helix 11 - Helix class
Helix 12 - Helix class
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:14
- Homeworld
[url=]Luna (]Terra[/url) - Homeworld's Moon - Terra
- Fourth planet in home star system & site of a major shipyard
[url=]Belle Terre (]Aries[/url) - Agricultural World
- Agricultural World
[url=]Terra Nova (]Botany[/url) - Agricultural World
- Resort World
[url=]New Botany Bay (]Pacifica[/url) - Penal World
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:14
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:15
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:16
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:17
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:21
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:22
Grading Scale (
ooc: The links for your ships appear to be non-functioning.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:43
[url=]Chronowerx (]Microcosm[/url)
[url=]Daystrom Institute (]Yoyodyne Corporation[/url)
[url=]Special Operation Group AX (]Vatican[/url)
[url=]Department of Foreign Affairs (]Department of Inquisition[/url)
[url=]Imperial Guard (]Royal Guard[/url)
[url=]Red Squadron (]Imperial Council[/url)
[url=]Communications Research Center (]Nova Squadron[/url)
Fleet Museum (
[url=]Starfleet Academy (]Planetary Defense Systems[/url)
Starfleet Command School (
Starfleet Medical Academy (
Starfleet Technical Services Academy (
Advanced Tactical Training (
Imperial Starfleet (
[url=]Starfleet Operations (]Starfleet Command[/url)
[url=]Starfleet Tactical (]Starfleet Intelligence[/url)
[url=]Starfleet Corps of Engineers (]Starfleet Security[/url)
[url=]Starfleet Research and Development (]Starfleet Science[/url)
[url=]Judge Advocate General (]Starfleet Medical[/url)
[url=]Department of Internal Affairs (]Administrative Operations[/url)
[url=]Office of the Inspector General (]Fleet Supply Office[/url)
[url=]Starfleet Administration (]Personnel Deployment[/url)
[url=]Starfleet Bureau of Information (]Starfleet Advanced Technologies[/url)
[url=]Starfleet Mission Operations (]Starfleet Exploratory Division[/url)
[url=]Strategic Operations (]Starfleet Operational Support Services[/url)
[url=]Starfleet Shipyards Operations (]Starfleet Orbital Operations[/url)
[url=]Imperial Naval Patrol (]Starfleet Stellar Imaging[/url)
Merchant Marines (
[url=]Imperial MACOs (]Imperial Marines[/url)
[url=]Imperial Death Dealers (]Imperial Hunters[/url)
[url=]Rosen Kreuz Orden (]Fleurs du Mal[/url)
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 07:43
ooc: The links for your ships appear to be non-functioning.
Just setting everything up right now. Those links will be to posts elsewhere in this thread. Just haven't made them yet.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 19:19
This is a reminder that you are all free to make OOC comments and questions.
Oh, and I've put up a preliminary class list, ship list, station list, and planet list.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 19:28
Class: Novus Exemplar
Type: Cruiser
Varient: Pre-Refit
Length: 225 meters
Beam: 136 meters
Height: 33 meters
Decks: 7
Mass: 280,000 metric tons
Crew: 82
3 x phase cannons, total output 12 TeraWatts
5 x Mod 2 spatial torpedo tubes with 40 rounds
2 x Plasma Cannons
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 5 cm Polarised armour
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Maximum Cruise: 4.5
Maximum Rated: 5
Expected Hull Life: 40 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 10 years
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 19:29
What for?
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 19:31
Class: Novus Exemplar
Type: Cruiser
Varient: Exploration
Length: 225 meters
Beam: 136 meters
Height: 33 meters
Decks: 7
Mass: 285,000 metric tons
Crew: 82
6 x phase cannons, total output 24 TeraWatts (Flight I)
7 x phase cannons, total output 28 TeraWatts (Flight II)
5 x Mod 3 photonic torpedo tubes with 60 rounds
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 5 cm Enhanced polarised armour
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Maximum Cruise: 4.5
Maximum Rated: 5 for 1 hour
Expected Hull Life: 40 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 10 years
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 19:35
Class: Novus Exemplar
Type: Cruiser
Varient: Combat
Length: 225 meters
Beam: 136 meters
Height: 33 meters
Decks: 7
Mass: 285,000 metric tons
Crew: 82
14 x phase cannons, total output 56 TeraWatts
3 x Mod 3 photonic torpedo tubes with 60 rounds
5 x Mod 2 spatial torpedo tubes with 40 rounds
2 x Plasma Cannons
2 x Pulse Phase Cannons
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 5 cm Enhanced polarised armour
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Maximum Cruise: 4.5
Maximum Rated: 5 for 1 hour
Expected Hull Life: 40 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 10 years
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 19:53
Class: Raptor
Type: Scout
Length: 100 meters
Beam: 60 meters
Height: 18 meters
Decks: 3
Mass: 90,000 metric tons
Crew: 12
2 x Mark 5 disrupter cannon, total output 200 TeraWatts
1 x Original photon torpedo tube with 40 rounds
Defence Systems:
Standard shield system, total capacity 27,000 TeraJoules
Standard Monotanium Single hull plus 1 cm Dispersive armour.
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TNG scale):
Normal Cruise: 5
Maximum Cruise: 5.5
Maximum Rated: 6 for 4 hours
Expected Hull Life: 80 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 16 years
24-01-2007, 20:03
This looks pretty good, although why don;t you just make this into an NS Wiki?
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 20:04
Class: Type 0
Type: Shuttle Pod
Length: 7 meters
Beam: 5.4 meter
Height: 2.7 meter
Decks: 1
Mass: 3.75 metric tons
Crew: 1 (with standard of 6 passengers)
2 x Low yield plasma cannon, total output 1 TeraWatts
1 x Micro spatial torpedo tube with 12 rounds
1 x Non-Turreted Phase Cannon (Flight II)
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Impulse only:
Max Impulse Speed: 0.255c
Atmospheric Cruise (Mach): 4
Atmospheric Max (Mach): 9
Expected Hull Life: 10 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 0 years
Standard: 0 years
Major: 2 years
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 20:18
This looks pretty good, although why don;t you just make this into an NS Wiki?
Thanks. As for making it a Wiki, perhaps, in time, I will someday. For now, I just want to make sure everything's put down and recorded.
And, lol, I notice your post somehow wound up getting posted before my last one in order but after in time (only reason I can think of to explain why it would say you had been the last to post in this thread when my past came after yours in the sequence). As Ri-an would say, its a 'timewarp'.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 20:42
Class: Victory
Type: Dreadnought
Length: 530 meters
Decks: 14
Complement: 20 officers + 144 crew
Speed: Warp 5 (cruise), Warp 5.2 (max.), Warp 5.5 (max. emergency)
Sublight speed: 0.5c (max.)
Phase Cannons
Pulse Phase Cannons
Plasma Cannons
Disrupter Cannons
Spatial/Photonic/Photon Torpedo launchers
1 launcher for heavy nuclear missiles
Andorian energy-shielding
Polarized hull
Medium level structural integrety field
Embarked craft:
Starfighter class fighters
Type 0 shuttle pods
Slingwing class fighters
Cell class fighter pods
Several ground vehicles and heavy tanks
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 20:53
Class: Monarch
Type: Battleship
Length: 300 meters
Decks: 12
Complement: 50 officers + 200 crew
Evacuation Limit: 500 beings
Speed: Warp 6 (cruise), Warp 5 (max.), Warp 6.5 (max. emergency)
Sublight speed: 0.5c (max.)
MK.3 phase cannons (4 dorsal and 4 ventral)
Pulse Phase Cannons
Plasma Cannons
Disrupter Cannons
Spatial/Nuclear/Photonic/Photon Torpedo Tubes (with 5 nuclear space denial weapons included (4 bow and 2 aft)
MK.1 energetic shielding and polarized hull plating
Embarked craft:
6 slingwing fighters (seen in second pic with a Monarch class)
4 type 2 shuttle pods
2 inspection pods
With the realization that the Novus Exemplar class cruiser (combat varient) was total inadequate as far defence plans were drawn up for a new and more heavily armed ship. The result was the Monarch class.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 20:56
Why does your scout have more powerful main guns than your cruiser?
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 20:58
Why does your scout have more powerful main guns than your cruiser?
The Pre-Refit version of my cruiser, yes, that would be correct.
However, the Novus Exemplar class family of cruisers were orginally designed for exploration purposes and not combat, so the Monarch class was designed to replace the Combat Varient of the cruiser.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 21:01
The Pre-Refit version of my cruiser, yes, that would be correct.
However, the Novus Exemplar class family of cruisers were orginally designed for exploration purposes and not combat, so the Monarch class was designed to replace the Combat Varient of the cruiser.
You're replacing a cruiser with a battlewagon? That's a little...different. Why not design a new cruiser class, keep the battlewagon, and use the expanded options it gives you? I'm confused.
24-01-2007, 21:03
I must say this is a jolly interesting thread, well done. :)
In fact, it's inspired me to finish my Wiki!
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 21:04
You're replacing a cruiser with a battlewagon? That's a little...different. Why not design a new cruiser class, keep the battlewagon, and use the expanded options it gives you? I'm confused.
For combat purposes, I'll have the Monarch class. My cruisers, though, were designed with exploration in mind. Thus, my NX class family of cruisers are kind best at exploration and the Combat Varient was a rushed refit and not a true warship designed for combat. However, I will have the D'Kyr class combat cruiser developed later along with a few other cruisers. Right now, I'm just working on having one class for each main ship type (cruiser, battleship, dreadnought, frigate, destroyer, scout, and escort).
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 21:07
For combat purposes, I'll have the Monarch. My cruisers, though, were designed with exploration in mind. Thus, my cruisers are kind of 'jack-of-all-trades but not master of any' kind of craft.
And designing a combat cruiser truly designed for combat is impractical...Why?
And can you get on MSN so me and CW can talk to you?
And what about a Superdread, light cruiser, or Carier class?
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 21:10
I must say this is a jolly interesting thread, well done. :)
In fact, it's inspired me to finish my Wiki!
Thanks. Oh, and, as Ri-an would say "time jumping post".
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 21:11
And designing a combat cruiser truly designed for combat is impractical...Why?
And can you get on MSN so me and CW can talk to you?
Sure, I don't see why not. Though, as I told SE in our TGs discussing my planned upcoming Civil War, Trinity Blood is going to be quite complex in organization and other things up to it. Afterwards, things will become less complex and more streamlined.
EDIT: Alright, I'm logged in.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 21:33
Class: T'empec
Type: Destroyer
Length: 100 meters
Beam: 80 meters
Height: 24 meters
Decks: 4
Mass: 28,000 metric tons
Crew: 18
4 x Mark 3 disrupter cannons
4 x Mark 2 disrupter cannons, total output 45 TeraWatts
2 x Original photon torpedo tubes with 30 rounds
Defence Systems:
Standard shield system, total capacity 5,000 TeraJoules
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 0.5 cm Dispersive armour
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Normal Cruise: 5.1
Maximum Cruise: 5.2
Maximum Rated: 5.8 for 10 hours
Expected Hull Life: 30 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 6 years
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 08:50
Class: Intrepid
Type: Frigate
Length: 120 meters
Beam: 80 meters
Height: 20 meters
Decks: 4
Mass: 40,000 metric tons
Crew: 35
2 x phase cannon, total output 4 TeraWatts
2 x Mod 2 spatial torpedo tube with 12 rounds
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 2 cm Polarised armour.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Normal Cruise: 1.5
Maximum Cruise: 1.5
Maximum Rated: 1.7
Expected Hull Life: 30 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 10 years
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 08:54
Class: Neptune
Type: Escort
Length: 120 meters
Beam: 80 meters
Height: 20 meters
Decks: 4
Mass: 40,000 metric tons
Crew: 35
2 x phase cannon, total output 4 TeraWatts
2 x Mod 2 spatial torpedo tube with 12 rounds
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 2 cm Polarised armour.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Normal Cruise : 1.5
Maximum Cruise: 1.5
Maximum Rated: 1.7
Expected Hull Life: 30 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 1 year
Major: 10 years
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 16:23
Project 1: Warp 10 (TNG scale) (
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 20:26
Bump for any comments, questions, or concerns.
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 21:02
I feel I should make it clear that though some of the classes I've done thus far say they have shields, they don't at this point in my IC history. This is due to that I've not aquired and/or developed the technology.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 22:51
Current Priority Level: Alpha
Current Security Level: Nu
Phase 1 (
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 22:52
According to everything the best warp theorists could figure, there was an ultimate threshold of total possible warp speed. A velocity that could only best be described as infinite, where one would occupy every point in the universe at the same moment. As this is only theory, and that Trinity Blood currently does not have the technology to even approach this asymptope of warp speed, it has been given the lowest priority level but a rather high security level.
Priority Level: Alpha
Security Level: Nu
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 22:59
Developed to rate various things, the Trinity Blood grading scale is a logarithmic scale based on the Greek Alphabet starting with Alpha at the lowest point.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:14
Founded in 2161 as the naval branch of Trinity Blood's armed forces, the Imperial Starfleet controls everything from aquatic naval vessels to the starships that ply the stars in the name of the Empire to the immense stations maintained by the Empire. Technically, the other armed forces are sub-branches of the Imperial Starfleet as they were founded to bolster different areas the original naval aspects designated in the organization's charter didn't cover, such as ground combat, for example. Thus, one could say the modern Imperial Starfleet of Trinity Blood has evolved into the only armed forces branch of the entire nation with Starfleet Command having ultimate jurisdiction over its sub-branches.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:33
The Imperial Naval Patrol is a department of the Empire that deals with sea ships that patrol the oceans of Imperial worlds, similar to how starships patrol Imperial space.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:35
The Merchant Marines or Merchant Service is a group within the Empire that operate various survey vessels and freighters.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:40
The Fleet Museum (or the Starfleet Museum), is a museum on Terra, originally run by Terra Starfleet, and later the Imperial Starfleet, in which historic vessels or notable objects are placed on display following their decommissioning.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:48
Starfleet Academy was officially established in 2161 as a four-year institution, with the motto Ex Astris, Scientia (from the stars, knowledge), to serve as a training facility for Starfleet personnel. The headquarters of Starfleet Academy are located in the Presidio in San Francisco on Terra.
Preparation for Entrance
Entrance into Starfleet Academy begins with the acceptance of the candidate's application. Once the application is accepted, the candidate undergoes the Academy entrance competition exams, which determines those admitted by the best scores among a group of candidates competing to gain admission. In 2364, one such location for these competitions was on Relva VII. The exam contains sections on hyperspace physics and dynamic relationships, among others. Along with the infamous "psych test", where the prospective cadet must face their greatest fear, unnanounced tests can take place at any time during the exam period.
Not all candidates make entry into the Starfleet Academy their first attempt; however, if their scores are high enough in the competition they may be eligible to reapply the following year. If the results of the reapplication are sufficently high they will be accepted into the Academy.
For non-Trinity Blood citizens, a candidate may attend the Academy if they can be sponsored and have a letter of reference written on their behalf by a command level officer. Once this is accomplished the candidate is eligible for the Academy Preparatory Exam.
Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program is the next stage for consideration of admission, which consists of six weeks of summer classes. By passing the Preparatory Program, a candidates admission is ensured, as they have now proved to the admissions committee that they are prepared, or determined, to become a cadet. Once this has been accomplished, the candidate is then eligible for the Starfleet Academy entrance exam.
Once the former candidate is accepted, they may enroll in Academy courses.
The Academy has a separate and specific program for the training of enlisted crewpeople.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:54
Advanced Tactical Training is a special course for Starfleet officers. Officers must be recommended for this training. It is very difficult and challenging, in fact, half of the class washed out each year.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:55
The Starfleet Technical Services Academy is a training facility for enlisted Starfleet personnel. It is located on Aries.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:57
Starfleet Medical Academy is the medical school associated with Starfleet Academy and is likely associated with Starfleet Medical as well. Students wishing to become doctors and nurses within Starfleet may apply to the Academy. All medical doctors and related staff who obtained degrees elsewhere within the Empire must also pass through orientation and certain preparatory classes at the Medical Academy before practicing medicine within the fleet.
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 23:57
Starfleet Command School is an institution in which Starfleet officers were trained in preparation for possible future command postings. Among the classes taught was starship maneuvering.
Trinity Blood
27-01-2007, 00:02
The Communications Research Center is under the jurisdiction of Starfleet Communications, based in San Francisco on Terra. The facility includes several holodecks.
Trinity Blood
27-01-2007, 00:41
Class: J
Type: Cargo Ship
Length: 339 meters
Beam: 140 meters
Height: 59 meters
Decks: 8
Mass: 855,000 metric tons
Crew: 15
2 x plasma cannons, total output 2 TeraWatts
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull plus 0.2 cm Polarised armour
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Normal Cruise: 1.5
Maximum Cruise: 1.85
Maximum Rated: 2 for 1 hours.
Expected Hull Life: 100 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 5 years
Standard: 5 years
Major: 50 years
Trinity Blood
27-01-2007, 00:44
Class: Y
Type: Freighter
Length: 280 meters
Beam: 89 meters
Height: 44 meters
Decks: 10
Mass: 634,000 metric tons basic vessel, plus 2,000 tons maximum per cargo pod
Crew: 23
Armament: 1 x plasma cannon, total output 2 TeraWatts
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Normal Cruise: 1.5
Maximum Cruise: 1.6
Maximum Rated: 1.8 for 4 hours
Expected Hull Life: 100 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 5 years
Standard: 5 years
Major: 20 years
Trinity Blood
27-01-2007, 00:49
Class: DY-100
Type: Interplanetary Transport
Length: 140 meters
Beam: 22 meters
Height: 39 meters
Decks: 7
Mass: 74,000 metric tons
Crew: 40
Armament: No beam weapons
Defence Systems:
Light Monotanium Single hull
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Sub-impulse only:
Acceleration: 1.5 m/s/s
Delta Vee: 60,000,000 m/s
Endurance: 10,000 hours for 12 hours
Expected Hull Life: 20 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 0 years
Standard: 0 years
Major: 4 years
Trinity Blood
27-01-2007, 07:02
Class: Tarawa
Type: Troop Carrier
Length: 641 meters
Width: 342 meters
Height: 175 meters
Decks: 36
Complement: 5,000 officers + 300 crew
Evacuation Limit: 10,000
Speed: Warp 9.9 (cruise), Warp 9.99 (max.), Warp 9.99 (max. emergency)
28 Type-X phaser arrays
4 quantum torpedo launchers
8 torpedo/phaser towers
Projectile Payload (tenative and will be subject to change and eventual up-grade):
970 Spatial/Photon Torpedoes
850 Photonic/Quantum Torpedoes
Standard shields + 5 extra hangar-atmospheric-shields in the hangar gates
Polerized hull plating
Embarked craft:
100 type-4
The Tarawa-Class Carrier is a tactical ship, constructed in the early 3060’s to transport troops and tactical shuttles into a battle zone quickly. There are 3 huge hangars in the rear part of the ship and one smaller one in the front part. At all there are 8 hangar gates. In the largest hangar in the middle there is space enough for 100 hoppers. To control and protect shuttle start and landing operations, there are two heavy-armed towers over and beyond the huge rear hangar gates. To lead the arriving shuttles into the hangars, there are 18 small tractor beam emitters around the hangar gates and another 10 in the hangars. Beyond the hangars there are 3 cargodecks with a capacity of 200,000 cubic meters. The third cargodeck is a cargobay, a hangar for cargoshuttles. Under and next to this cargodecks and in the front part of the ship, there are quarters for the tactical officers, other tactical personnel (soldiers) and the crew members. Although the ship is heavily armed, it’s nevertheless vulnerable in the moment when the hoppers are leaving the hangars through the rear hangar gates. Because of this troop carriers are usually escorted by another combat vessels. Additional to the 100 hoppers and other shuttles, there are 52 escape pods, to leave the ship in a case of emergency. The Troop Carrier is the second ship class (after the Monarch class), designed and constructed for tactical use only.
Trinity Blood
27-01-2007, 23:23
@All: I would appreciate if anyone who could would take a look at the torp payload of my Tarawa class and see if they approve of the tentative numbers I posted. If not, please make a post with what you feel would be a better number list.
Trinity Blood
29-01-2007, 07:30
Time for the next bump for questions, comments, and concerns.
Trinity Blood
29-01-2007, 08:02
Class: Surak
Type: General Purpose Interstellar Vessel
Length: 220 meters
Diameter: 101 meters
Decks: 18
Mass: 232,000 metric tons
Crew: 175
2 x Phase cannon, total output 1,000 TeraWatts
4 x C Class photon torpedo tube with 60 rounds
Defence Systems:
Standard shield system, total capacity 175,500 TeraJoules
Light Monotanium Single hull.
Low level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds (TOS scale):
Normal Cruise: 5.5
Maximum Cruise: 6
Maximum Rated: 6.5 for 12 hours
Expected Hull Life: 50 years
Refit Cycle:
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 2 years
Major: 8 years
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 16:19
So, any comments, questions, or concerns thus far?
Imperial isa
30-01-2007, 16:24
OOC you still like to get hold of Cloning tech and some ZPMs right
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 16:37
That's correct, Isa. I'll need the ZPMs, in part, for my Quantum Torpedo development.
Imperial isa
30-01-2007, 16:44
we have to work some thing out
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 19:10
we have to work some thing out
Feel free to use the COP thread as I'll have plenty of big shots in positions where they can make it official there.
Imperial isa
30-01-2007, 19:38
Feel free to use the COP thread as I'll have plenty of big shots in positions where they can make it official there.
make it secret
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 19:42
make it secret
You can pull one aside right now, actually. The guests are mingling, so there's plenty of opportunity to do it while we wait to see if any more arrive (I'll probably wait until it reaches one more page, at least).
Imperial isa
30-01-2007, 19:46
You can pull one aside right now, actually. The guests are mingling, so there's plenty of opportunity to do it while we wait to see if any more arrive (I'll probably wait until it reaches one more page, at least).
can i have a name then
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 19:59
can i have a name then
Lets see, here's a list of those I've got in that thread.
King Abel Nightroad
Queen Esther Nightroad
Princess Arya Nightoad
Cardinal Caterina Sforza
Ion Fortuna, Earle of Memphis, Count of Memphis, House of Moldova
Astharoshe Asran/Athrun, Duchess of Odessa, Duchess of Kiev, Vincountess Odessa of the Empire
Lord Alucard Dracula
Colonel Nick Fury
Haruko Kamio, CSP TB aspect XO
Minagi Tohno, CSP TB aspect CO
Lady Evale Chase*
*She's actually occupied showing CW's character around.
Imperial isa
30-01-2007, 20:03
make it the King or the Princess
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 21:59
make it the King or the Princess
You want me to approach you IC'ly about it or the other way around?
Imperial isa
30-01-2007, 22:02
You want me to approach you IC'ly about it or the other way around?
make it you approach me as it would be better as i got what you like to have
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 23:35
make it you approach me as it would be better as i got what you like to have
I'll have to figure out an IC way to explain having knowledge gained from your OOC posts, but I'll see what I can do.
Imperial isa
30-01-2007, 23:39
I'll have to figure out an IC way to explain having knowledge gained from your OOC posts, but I'll see what I can do.
you got a letter from a unknown person,i cover that point when you show it to Wolf
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 23:53
you got a letter from a unknown person,i cover that point when you show it to Wolf
Got ya. I'll make an IC post when I get back after class tonight.
Don't forget, the Dominion is trading Leman Russ tanks and other 40k Imperial ground equipment and vehicles in exchange for minerals. Just wanted to remind you of that. :)
Imperial isa
31-01-2007, 00:23
Don't forget, the Dominion is trading Leman Russ tanks and other 40k Imperial ground equipment and vehicles in exchange for minerals. Just wanted to remind you of that. :)
i use the Baneblade as my main battle tank
Trinity Blood
31-01-2007, 07:23
Don't forget, the Dominion is trading Leman Russ tanks and other 40k Imperial ground equipment and vehicles in exchange for minerals. Just wanted to remind you of that. :)
Understood. Fury will probably be the best choice of my present characters in that thread to talk to you IC'ly about it.
GMC Military Arms
31-01-2007, 09:07
Hello, Seaquest. Goodbye, Seaquest.