NationStates Jolt Archive

Inca orders forces to mass at Colombian border

Tahuantinsuyu Empire
22-01-2007, 08:08
-Pachacutec Inca Pledges to Complete Work of Ancestors, "Bring Sunlight to All South America"

Antisuyu, the Jungle Quarter. Almost three million warriors here, hard men of mountains and jungles, trained from infancy and experienced in the crushing of Ecuador and Peru and the repulsion of Colombian forces in their own southwestern territories, now armed with their rifles.

An incredible display as General Chalcuchima, Apu of Antisuyu, visits his men. Chalcuchima is a jungle savage by birth and imperial courtier by raising, reputed to be the Empire's finest and strongest warrior.

"Sapan Intiq Churin, the Only Son of the Sun, Mighty Pachacutec shows us the way! In our petty mortal fashion we too gather ourselves as the Children of the Sun and prepare to at last burn out the cruel and corrupt Spaniard invader and destroy his heretical Catholicism. In 'Colombia' our brothers have lost their way and I doubt how many shall rise with us, with the sun, but know this, brothers, the blood that we spill on the morrow shall make certain of Inti's rise not only the next day but for a million days to come, and the sun shall walk our sacred skies without challenge or infamy!

"For our independence! For heroism! For our God-Emperor! Victory! And not mercy!"

Explosive cheering and clashing of weapons ripped through the vast assemblage of warrior youth, the clamour sounding through the mountains back to Tahuantinsuyu's towns and on to the quaking enemy in Colombia-proper.

Chalcuchima was preparing two million men (and more than half a million llamas) to advance on Bogota. They were fanatics to a man, holy warriors inspired by faith, the unstoppable resurgence of their culture, and the physical presence in their sacred capital of the Emperor they called Son of the Sun and in whom they had absolute faith.

Skilled martial artists, fantastic marchers, utterly disciplined and experienced in battle the Inca's warriors none the less shared just a few thousand rifles amongst their vast ranks and had absolutely no marine support, no mechanisation, and virtually no air support.

Chalcuchima would use weight of numbers, terrifying display, fanatical courage and self-sacrifice, and epic brutality to subdue his enemy as quickly as possible. Failure meant likely execution and at least certain removal from his lofty post as one of just four regional governors in the vastness of the Empire. The enemy must be compelled to surrender quickly, after suffering a few shocking atrocities perhaps.

Up ancient roads men marched. Over mighty rivers they crossed bridges made of grass! Through mountains they passed by tunnels cut with hand-tools! Along the way they provisioned at vast granaries filled with maize and potato bread and broth, dried fish, alcohol, and guineapig meat preserved by the high-altitude climate!

Whistles, drums, and war cries were fit, it was said, to drop birds from the sky and their perches, killed with fright.

Tunics of black and white checks, topped with red triangles, made the marching ranks dizzying to behold. Feathers and head dresses topped metal helmets to indicate unit and shining medallions denoted rank. Armies such as this one simply do not exist any longer, except for here in the Andes and the Amazon. Woe betide he that stands against the will of the high and holy Inca!

Here comes a llama train. Most carry bags of food and water, but the first has on his back a light machinegun and ammunition bought from the Ottoman Khaif.

With less than five percent of his men armed in a modern fashion most of Chalcuchima's men carry slings and shot of stone and lead, accurate for dozens of metres and powerful enough to kill a horse in a single blow but hardly cutting-edge technology. On their hips men wear maces, knives, hatchets. Only a few still carry spears and halberds as their primary weapon. Some have bolas, designed to take-down Spanish horses but fit also to ensnare a man, especially one taking flight. A certain cadre, Chalcuchima's jungle peers, carry blowguns and bows, simple short ones but frightfully deadly, their darts and arrows tipped with almost instant-acting and universally lethal poison crafted in the Amazonian fringe of the sacred Empire.

Scouts already snuck across the border, General Chalcuchima orders his vanguard to take to the trail and move towards the frontier and the destiny of their proud civilisation.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
24-01-2007, 07:45
Cauca Department, Southern Colombia

"What the Hell is all this? Gay pride?"

Officer Luis Rincon grunted and took a moment in looking up when his comrade broke their lazy silence to comment on the spectacle of a dozen Indians in ponchos and brightly-coloured tunics strutting through a field with drums and whistles sounding, feathers reaching from their well-made hairstyles, stylish sandals on their feet, and a big rainbow flag flying over them all.


The two policemen just let it go.

Eight hours later, Popay

You may not be interested in the war, but the war is interested in you

The sign outside of the Jose Hilario Lopez Infantry Battalion's base read as a reminder of the fact that Colombians had other things on their mind, and no ammount of flamboyant Indians was about to distract them from the civil war still raging in their country.

That was a shame, for some, such as the two guards now motionless and prone outside of the gates, one with his fingers locked desperately around the fencing as his last breath had attempted to draw him up to his feet. But to no avail. The dart, though it had stuck in his fatigues and not lodged itself in his flesh as had the one in his friend's neck had merely scratched his leg as he pulled at the fabric and wondered what had just struck him. That was enough. The poison put him down in seconds.

Chalcuchima's scouts moved into the base, and come two A.M. the colonial city's white buildings were lit by the fire that once was a military base. A dozen warriors melted back into the darkness and some seventeen Colombian soldiers failed to wake and fight the blaze consuming their looted base. The morning's damage assessment found that numerous weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammunition had been taken and over a third of the facility was fire-damaged.

What the Hell is going on?
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
25-01-2007, 07:16
*Bump before we march on*
The Jade Star
25-01-2007, 07:42
(Taggified for possible later involvement. Im looking for somewhere to field test my mercenaries, if youre interested.)
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
28-01-2007, 08:01

High in his imperial capital, Pachacutec Inca considers a suggestion put to him that foreign mercenaries might fill gaps in his reorganising forces. At first hesitant, the Inca ultimately concludes that there is a place for such warriors of fortune, and orders the creation of a unit to be known as The Regiment of the Children of the Darkness, a reference to non-imperial persons' exclusion from the domain of the Children of the Sun.

Pachacutec offers silver, gold, fine fabric, and rare skins to foreign warriors able to prove themselves worthy of his armies and fit to follow the Inca code, Ama Sua, Ama Kjella, Ama Lllulla. Those serving sufficiently well may be given the oportunity to settle in the conquered territories and take positions as army officers or local curacas once they have served out a campaign of enough importance.

Several more attacks in southern Colombia, against both government and rebel forces, have created by now a deep state of emergency in the region and suspicion falls upon the Inca as abductions and assassinations increase ten fold and Chalcuchima's vast army is located on the frontier.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
12-05-2007, 11:30
"Death to the Spaniard!"

Chalcuchima leads the body of his army across the Colombian border, using mountain paths and jungle trails, ignoring modern roadways.

"You are all Pizarro!"

A frenzy of revenge-fury rains down on the Colombian populace as Pachacutec's children storm through border posts and villages, thus far conserving their scant reserves of modern munitions and leaving all the more horrific mess for it. Skulls are cracked open with slung stones and swung bludgeons, the few soldiers, policemen, and paramilitaries encountered in the first moments of the drive are deliberately mutilated and displayed, along with local officials, most driven on to stakes.

Special care is reserved for the Catholic church, and one small church not far from the border is dismantled brick by brick. On orders from the General, the bricks are carried by a special detachment of warriors to be dumped in the Pacific Ocean as a sign of just how welcome western ideas will be in Pachacutec's expanding empire. Much worse is in store for the clergy, of course, and the church's priest dies by garroting -as the Conquistadors killed many a noble Inca- only after a lengthy period of torture during which he was urged to renounce his cruel faith and embrace Inti's warmth.

No fear or favour appears likely to be granted to either side in Colombia's civil war as government loyalists, right-wing terrorists, and FARC guerrillas are all told to flee before Chalcuchima.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
12-05-2007, 18:29
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
13-05-2007, 09:26
Leticia encircled and abandoned by those Colombians who could move faster than quick-marching Indians, another massacre in waiting. El Encanto fallen, having no time to prepare and being completely swamped by Chalcuchima's numbers. Amazonas south of the Rio Caqueta is abandoned as hopeless, the Inca's Antis warriors too skilled to fight in the jungle with much hope of success. It is terribly demoralising to wake and find another of one's comrades vanished in the night with no trace of an enemy.

Putumayo and Narino in trouble with the Rio Putamayo crossed in the first hours of conflict, but much tougher as resistance arrives down the Pan-American Highway and the Inca's armies once again fail to appreciate the value of amphibious operation via the coast on their left flank.

Refugees fleeing Leticia are running into ambushes that cut roads, but to the west Chalcuchima's forces have taken their first major casualties, struck by government air power before captured MANPADS could be brought to the fore with a llama train. Now Mocoa is the scene of battle, more than fifty thousand warriors tearing through the cattle farms and sugarcane plantations, bursting from the jungle just as the Colombian vanguard arrives from the north. Chalcuchima's forces are outgunned, but Colombia's outnumbered. With the surprise phase of the assault over, the General is reduced to launching human wave assaults as the enemy tries with little time to prepare defences.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
14-05-2007, 16:18
*Hm, I wonder what that was. Oh well, between-post bump!*
14-05-2007, 16:40

I was thinking of getting involved in this. However, my nation is about to be invaded by Sarzonia, so my own military is mostly staying on the home front in an effort to defend it. Of course, with a little timeline fiddling, I could roleplay my forces as having departed for South America before Sarzonia's partial blockade fell into place.

In any case, this is excellent reading. Keep it up, please.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
17-05-2007, 16:10

"Stand to!" Or words to that effect. Officers yell at their charges as ghostly shapes appear, wafting through the soft cover of jungle on one side and sugarcane on another. "Wait for it!"

Quite suddenly a cacophonic barrage of shrieking war-cries pelts the Colombian positions as the specters approach and take-on human form. "What are you waiting for?" Cries one officer in a frantic about-face, "Let them have it!" and a few cracks soon turn to blistering automatic fire given by a full platoon.

Wet thuds resonate through the outskirts of the town as round after unforgiving round lands on the Quechua warriors, piercing their quilted armour as easily as their thick mountain-bred chests.

"What are they doing? Why don't they come on?"

The unit's Second Lieutenant can only shake his head and order, "Cease fire! Cease fire!" His men obey, belatedly, and begin to cheer as they look upon the mess that they have made.

"Two dozen, easily! I got more than four, myself!" Cries one soldier, referencing the number of Chalcuchima's dead as he stands to shake his H&K G3 rifle in celebration. The officers continue to peer out into the cover from which the Indian warriors briefly emerged only to withdraw before reaching the defensive position.

Suddenly the firing starts up again. The officers look from their men to the cane, jungle, and back. This time there are no obvious targets. Then the Second Lieutenant's eye catches sight of the recently jubilant rifleman, now face down on the road, his head collapsed inside a mangled helmet. A smooth rock the size of a grapefruit lies feet away, skull fragments and blood clinging to its surface.


"Here they come, again!"

"They're just counting our guns! They'll bring enough to over-run us, this time!"

"Fall back! Fall back! To the redoubt!"

North of Leticia

"Have you heard? The lines at Mocoa are breached. They'll be encircled. It was on the radio."

"We too, if we don't get this thing moving. Hey! Get that mule moving, or shoot the damn thing! Hey!"

Blasts of the horn do little to ease congestion ahead of the crowded bus as refugees try to find a gap through which to escape ahead of Chalcuchima's encroaching right flank. It is some time before anyone realises the cause of the hold-up, and much too late already...

..."What are they shouting about? What are they saying?"

"They want us all to get out! They say they'll set fire to the bus and lock us in if we don't get out, now!"

Wails in Spanish, barking of Quechua commands, and one peasant's garbled attempt to translate through the panic and chaos. The middle-aged farmer is desperate to do something to save himself from the fate recently suffered by the late mule driver.

"Line up, they say line up! Over here!" It seems to be working. The Indian peasant is given a few smacks around the head, but nothing so bad as the Hispanic travelers face. He points frantically, though of course there's no need to repeat the warriors' hand gestures. "Over here!"

The, "Spanish" roads hold no allure for Pachacutec, and so will be given back to the forest. With them a feast for creatures brave or stupid enough to tackle meat felled in this fashion. Within minutes the bus driver and all passengers save one are twisted wrecks of humanity, dead on the asphalt.

Once lined-up, the Colombians had waited fearfully, wondering whether they'd be made to dig their own graves or perhaps to start a forced march. An Indian warrior wearing a silver medallion denoting officer status and an elaborate headdress identifying his jungle origins in Antisuyu walked casually down the line of refugees breathing on the backs of necks and stopping here and there to ruffle a child's hair or correct a man's posture. All the while he held in one hand a thin stick, which he used to tap the backs of legs, arms, necks, whatever exposed skin a person displayed.

Once he had passed the line he stopped, turned to face them all, and said, "Go!"

Some confusion and an eventual translation, along with a dismissive gesture from the Quechua officer saw the party begin to hurry off down the road, families huddling together as they looked over their shoulders.

"They just wanted to steal our things!" said one man, "And my bus!" the driver added.

Then a child dropped, limp. Next her father. Then another of the party, and another, until the last few began to realise in horror that they had been poisoned, and there was nothing to be done about it.

The officer gave half a laugh, and, casting aside the deadly stick, ordered his warriors back into the forest.
17-05-2007, 21:36
what tech level is this? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
17-05-2007, 21:44
Official Communique From The Skgorrian Foreign Ministry

Whilst we recognise the right of the Tahuantinsuyu Empire to expand through force of arms, we ask that you allow us to remove ethnic hispanics from Colombia. The Skgorrian people have had a long tradition of association with the hispanics, indeed the Blue Legion saw service in Skgorria during the Great Crusade Against Bolshevism.

You have a choice here, let us do your work for you in removing these hispanics or suffer terribly.
17-05-2007, 21:51
Communique to Colombia and the Tahuantinsuyu Empire from the Atopian Ministry of War:

Atopiana, as part of the Pact of Iron, will happily deploy military assets to Colombia in order to assist the Colombians in defending their proud nation from the consequences of unwarranted external military aggression. Already full Army Groups are being readied - all we await is the acceptance of our fraternal offer of assistance from the Colombian people.

Currently, intelligence gathered by our Space Force's FASCES satellite network is being dynamically shared with the Colombian government and our other military allies in the region, particularly Skgorria.

As a last resort, we have placed the Atopian Strategic Rocket Forces on Full Alert Ready Stations Red, in case the Tahuantinsuyu Empire does not withdraw its forces or allow Pact of Iron assets into Colombia to protect the population and maintain the peace.
17-05-2007, 21:59
Communique to Colombia and the Tahuantinsuyu Empire from the Atopian Ministry of War:

Atopiana, as part of the Pact of Iron, will happily deploy military assets to Colombia in order to assist the Colombians in defending their proud nation from the consequences of unwarranted external military aggression. Already full Army Groups are being readied - all we await is the acceptance of our fraternal offer of assistance from the Colombian people.

Currently, intelligence gathered by our Space Force's FASCES satellite network is being dynamically shared with the Colombian government and our other military allies in the region, particularly Skgorria.

As a last resort, we have placed the Atopian Strategic Rocket Forces on Full Alert Ready Stations Red, in case the Tahuantinsuyu Empire does not withdraw its forces or allow Pact of Iron assets into Colombia to protect the population and maintain the peace.
Good choice atopiania
the empire of Cazelia will defend columbia at any cost! if you declare war on columbia you declare war on Cazelia!!!

president J.R. Hasley

and by the way, for murdering innocent civilians, your leader will be executed
17-05-2007, 22:18
Formal Declaration of the Commencement of Hostilities between the Sovereign Nations of Atopiana and the Tahuantinsuyu Empire:

Zum Totalerkrieg und Sieg!

Following intelligence reports which prove beyond doubt that troops from the Incan empire have used illegal poisons against unarmed and unprotected civilians in flagrant breach of international protocol; together with the obvious prosecution of war crimes and atrocities by the Incan military against Colombians regardless of whether they are military or non-military, we have no choice but to declare war.

As such, the First, Second and Third Army Groups together with all required logistical, air and naval support, are currently en route to Colombia. If the Incans retreat from Colombia before the Task Force arrives, we will merely advance to the border and maintain a defensive posture. If Incan military personnel remain in Colombia in any numbers, we will be forced to maintain an offensive against the Incan empire.

We are going to war in order to maintain the soveriegnty of Colombia against unwarranted foreign aggression. Our troops will not hesitate to use any and all means at their disposal to defend the Colombians and inflict a crushing and irreversible defeat on the enemy.

Peace Through Strength, Obedience Through Power, Victory Through Dedication!
17-05-2007, 22:21
Formal Declaration of the Commencement of Hostilities between the Sovereign Nation of Skgorria and the Tahuantinsuyu Empire

Due to the blatant agression of the Tahuantinsuyu Empire upon the free people of South America, Skgorria hereby declares Totalerkrieg upon the Empire of Tahuantinsuyu.

Your gods cannot save you now
18-05-2007, 05:55
"Medic!" yelled Jameson after departing from his Black Hawk helicopter.
"Dammit, Loher why the hell did the S.O.D give you a job here!"
loher picked up the the hand of a dead 12 year old girl "poison, goddam poison, why do people kill civilians, it's US they should be shooting at"
"hey i think i found something!" yelled a trooper, as he picked up some sort of 'stick' jameson snached the stick from the trooper's hand. "this has some powder, and by the looks of it" what? said loher hurridley "damned anthrax, i havent seen this since Cyconut"

the phone ringed, and General Rowanski picked it up "sir, squad alpha of division 7 has found anthrax on some sort of 'stick' onthe ground next to some corpses, they poisoned nine innocent civilians, sir that is an act of war"

you hear that inca, Cazelia is coming for YOU!!!!!!! :upyours: :eek: :mp5:
18-05-2007, 06:05
"Medic!" yelled Jameson after departing from his Black Hawk helicopter.
"Dammit, Loher why the hell did the S.O.D give you a job here!"
loher picked up the the hand of a dead 12 year old girl "poison, goddam poison, why do people kill civilians, it's US they should be shooting at"
"hey i think i found something!" yelled a trooper, as he picked up some sort of 'stick' jameson snached the stick from the trooper's hand. "this has some powder, and by the looks of it" what? said loher hurridley "damned anthrax, i havent seen this since Cyconut"

the phone ringed, and General Rowanski picked it up "sir, squad alpha of division 7 has found anthrax on some sort of 'stick' onthe ground next to some corpses, they poisoned nine innocent civilians, sir that is an act of war"

you hear that inca, Cazelia is coming for YOU!!!!!!! :upyours: :eek: :mp5:


Not to be an ass, but my understanding is that it is generally seen as bad form to load a post with smilies.

In addition, I would suggest you organize a bit more before you post, and maybe employ a word processor, perhaps.

For Tahuantinsuyu: I'd join this, but I'm already working at my limits. I'm keeping track of it, though, and it's quite interesting. As I said before, please keep it going.
18-05-2007, 08:34
When the Tahuantinsuyu Empire had first resurged from obscurity not long before, Kahanistan had extended the hand of friendship to the Empire. They had long been sympathetic to aboriginals and wanted to protect them from those who would suppress their identity.

Times had changed.

Even if Kahanistan had wanted to stand against the Pact of Iron, the military forces were simply not there, being more interested in holding onto sovereignty from the Midlonians. On top of that, civilian massacres tend to alienate most of the population of Kahanistan from any cause one might be fighting for.

However, not all was lost. The brutal practices of the Imperium Doomanum had incited feelings of anti-Catholicism among a certain right-wing section of the population. While these extremists were roughly five percent of the population, or some thirty million after the massacres carried out by the Doomani against the population and expulsion to Haven, many of them were armed to the teeth, as in Kahanistan it is legal to own a fully automatic assault weapon with minimal regulation.

As it so happened, most of the population of Colombia happened to be Catholic. On top of that, they were on Tahuantinsuyu land! Something had to be done! The Tahuantinsuyu had to be helped! But how? The military was busy fighting the Midlonians, and much of the defense budget was spent on buying weapons from Kriegzimmer. Besides, the government was no longer willing to help the aboriginals and was not anti-Catholic.


New Sodom, eastern Havenic Kahanistan

Grand Ayatollah Marwan Vanodeh spoke to a throng of Muslims, Jews, atheists, Orthodox Christians, and members of numerous other religions. As well as being the head imam of the Hussein bin Ali Mosque in New Sodom, he was also the head of the League of Anti-Catholics.

"Brothers and sisters in arms!" cried Vanodeh, raising his hands above his head. The 73-year-old Ayatollah carried fury in his voice when he spoke of Catholics. The higher-ranking members of the League knew why; his pregnant daughter had been killed in the Pestis Dei attack on Najaster, the old Middle Eastern capital of Kahanistan.

"The Colombian Catholics, and their foul Nazi allies, who butchered countless billions of Jews, the evil Skgorrians and Atopian fascists, seek to oppress the noble people of Tahuantinsuyu for no other reason that they are taking back the land that the filthy Catholics stole from them in the sixteenth century!"

"Allahu'akbar!" came the thunderous applause from the Muslims in the crowd.

"These sons and daughters of Satan, who practice slavery, who torture those who disagree with their evil doctrine, who worship Maryam as a God... seek to force their evil religion of terror, hate, death, and savagery upon millions who want nothing to do with it! Is this any God that any of you want to be forced to worship?"

"No!" the crowd roared to the last, in unison. "Allahu'akbar!"

"Allahu'akbar. Now, I call upon anyone with a spine to take up arms, go to Tahuantinsuyu, and fight for these oppressed people, struggling to protect their culture and their religion from the Catholic garbage that have polluted the Empire." As Vanodeh spoke, two extremely large men wheeled a huge chest out of the storage area in the rear of the huge mosque behind where he was speaking. One of them passed him a S-200 ( Quinn & Collins battle rifle, made in Sarzonia.

The old man loaded a thirty-round clip and fired it into the ceiling, aiming so that the bullets landed closer to him than to where the crowd was; nobody was injured.

"How fitting, that a nation founded on gay rights will see its weapons used to protect these rights from the subhuman Catholics who think they own Tahuantinsuyu land!" he exclaimed, throwing the weapon into the crowd, where it was caught by an euphoric gay Jewish youth. The man who had passed Vanodeh the S-200 now handed him a Hali-42 (, which had flooded the civilian arms market since Kahanistan had obtained the right to produce them from Kriegzimmer.

The Grand Ayatollah held the weapon over his head as he finished his speech.

"Tomorrow, we disembark! Thanks to your generous donations, we now have obtained a decommissioned submarine fleet of 20 Seawolfs. We will use these to go to Tahuantinsuyu, those of you who wish to fight for the freedom of all races from Catholic oppression."

A loud, cheering, "Allahu'akbar!" arose from the throng, numbering some 10,000 individuals.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
18-05-2007, 09:31
*Yes, Cazelia, I appreciate your interest, and you're welcome to play, but try to keep the smilies out of IC posts, if you don't mind. Maybe I should start an OOC thread? And, by the way, Tahuantinsuyu isn't using anthrax. We possess ancient knowledge of the drugs of the jungle, and make poisons from animal and plant venom, sap, and concoctions of these and other things. We have no weapons of mass destruction at all. All right, I'm going to set up an OOC thread, and hopefully I'll post IC a little later, though I must say that I may be busy this weekend, so don't lose interest if it goes quiet for a couple of days! Thanks!*
Dostanuot Loj
18-05-2007, 10:33
Sealed letter to the Incan Imperial Quarter

Greetings and may a good day be upon you as you read this,

It has come to my attention that your armies are continuing a war of liberation upon your ancestral lands, and I would like to convey my congratulations to your noble cause. It has also, unfortunately, come to my attention that your forces are woefully under equipped. I would thusly like to extend an offer of friendship in the manner of one hundred thousand DR-7 (StG-44 rip off) rifles along with thirty million rounds of 6.5x40mm ammunition for their use. These rifles are very rugged, having served with our forces for many decades, but are now in the process of being removed from our civil reserve stocks to make room for more modern reserves. It would otherwise be a shame for them to be destroyed and recycled, so I offer them to your forces as a gift in the hopes that we could develop a greater friendship.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer


Official Statement of the Office of the Dictator in regards to the internatiopnal situation

It is my sincerest concern that the situation in the Inca region not degenerate into an international slug fest, with one side assuming their cause is righteous despite no territorial claim, despite no ancestral claim.
I would thusly prefer to appeal to the nations whose actions may lead them down the path of colonialism, and instead rethink and remove their active and direct influence on the Inca issue to position themselves in a more diplomatic stance. I am deeply hopeful that those nations heading down the dark path of colonialism will heed my call to restraint, lest the Dictorial Republic be forced to intervene.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer
18-05-2007, 12:06
New Sodom, Havenic Kahanistan

Vanodeh's fleet deployed from the eastern port city, consisting of twenty decommissioned nuclear submarines stocked with surplus arms, ammunition, fuel, and enough food to last for weeks.

The submarines traveled at crush depth, gliding slowly through the water like eels, sinking below recommended depth for brief periods in areas they felt were heavily patrolled. Their torpedo tubes had been converted into cargo bays in which the L.A.C.'s supplies were kept, and they had managed to obtain KMI Mk. 18 40mm ETC chainguns to be fastened to their roofs for point defense... and fire support for landings. They crept along at such a low speed that it would be weeks before they arrived in Tahuantinsuyu. This was to prevent them from being detected on the way by any sonar that might be in the water. Radio silence was observed strictly except in the most dire emergencies.

Aboard the Grand Ayatollah's command vessel, the newly christened A.C.L.S. King Henry VIII, morale was high. Men and women dressed in jungle camouflage fatigues, aged from fourteen to eighty, danced, sang, and even drank alcohol. These idealists were going to strike a blow against Papist aggression while their government was pinned down battling the ferocious Midlonian imperialists.

A drunken reveler bumped right into the Grand Ayatollah himself. "Watch where you're going!" the man snapped at the young woman. She couldn't be older than 25, certainly no older than 30, about 5'4" with long blonde hair, an athletic build and moderately attractive. Her top had apparently come off during the post-departure revelry, revealing a firm midsection and smallish chest.

Corinna Mitchell did not seem perturbed at all that the crusty old clergyman had seen her topless. She had about five shots of vodka and two joints in her system, and was paying more attention to the hooting crewmembers encouraging her to take off her trousers, which she did, right in front of Vanodeh.

Bloody disgraceful, the leader thought, walking off in disgust. I just hope that the Muslims aren't drinking this stuff. It's against the Quran.
18-05-2007, 13:09
Colombian Coastline, H-Hour + 25:

As the landing craft continued to ferry troops and equipment ashore, the men and women of the Task Force began advancing inland to meet the Incan troops. Encased head to foot in ceramic armour, travelling in their All-Purpose Armoured Vehicles, they were a formidable foe for any nation - and for the Incans, with their outdated weapons and total lack of body armour, they would be death incarnate.

Already drone squadrons had begun to build up a picture of the Incan advance, and, networking the intel through FASCES and the powerful ground-based intelligence computers, the Atopian General Staff quickly began to form a clear view of what the Incans were doing. Accordingly, Divisions and Battlegroups began to encircle the Incan military forces, aiming to cut them off and destroy them piecemeal.

From the air, strategic bombers unloaded thousands of tons of ordnance onto supply lines, while helicopters began to spray Agent Orange defoliant across the Incan-held territory. Rocket batteries launched chemical weapons warheads into Incan lines, enveloping the enemy in choking clouds of mustard gas, phosgene, and taubun nerve agent. Napalm fell from the sky onto the Incan rear areas as cluster munitions scattered themselves throughout their line of advance.

Cruise missiles began the short journey towards the Incan homeland, their targets - any significant structures. Ground attack craft continued the onslaught against the hopelessly outmatched Incan forces while the Atopian Strategic Rocket Forces readied their Topol-M ICBMs for use against the Incan cities.

The order went out - no mercy, no quarter.
18-05-2007, 17:00
3rd Carrier battle group, off the coast of Columbia.
McAlistar's F/A-11 was jolted of the catapult and into the air. just another CAT launch, nothing special. "Gold two, proceed to the coumbian border, meet up with the B-1bs from florida base, and escort them into incan territory. there they will unload their payload"...
18-05-2007, 17:51
"Task Force Control to unidentified aircraft, you are within Pact of Iron operational airspace, make your intentions clear or be fired upon."
18-05-2007, 18:18
The Second Empire of Hataria offers to Host Peace Talks between The Inca and Those against Him. We are staying netural in this war and ask that The Tahuantinsuyu Empire be given Columbia as it is part of their Old Incan homeland.

Signed: Emperor Barbarossa II of Hataria
18-05-2007, 20:51
"Task Force Control to unidentified aircraft, you are within Pact of Iron operational airspace, make your intentions clear or be fired upon."
"this is gold squadron from carrier battle group 3, we are on your side. we are here to escort a squadron of bombers into incan territory. we are just passing through"

ps Hataria, columbia is now a free nation, free from all tyrannical empires like the incans here, and they also MURDERED INNOCENT CIVILIANS!!!!!!!!
18-05-2007, 23:08
The Second Empire of Hataria offers to Host Peace Talks between The Inca and Those against Him. We are staying netural in this war and ask that The Tahuantinsuyu Empire be given Columbia as it is part of their Old Incan homeland.

Signed: Emperor Barbarossa II of Hataria

Communique to the Hatarians:

We crushed you once and we can annihilate you again! Take your vile Hatarian nose out of that which does not concern you, imperialist bolshevik dog! Barbarossa is lucky not to be rotting in jail like he deserves!
18-05-2007, 23:56
Communique to the Hatarians:

We crushed you once and we can annihilate you again! Take your vile Hatarian nose out of that which does not concern you, imperialist bolshevik dog! Barbarossa is lucky not to be rotting in jail like he deserves!
Let him be. he just wants to promote peace, whats so bad about that?
19-05-2007, 00:07
Communique to the Hatarians:

We crushed you once and we can annihilate you again! Take your vile Hatarian nose out of that which does not concern you, imperialist bolshevik dog! Barbarossa is lucky not to be rotting in jail like he deserves!

Sticks and Stone may Break my Bones but your words will not hurt as Much as a War Crimes Trial that you will be in soon.

Emperor Barbarossa II
19-05-2007, 00:08
Let him be. he just wants to promote peace, whats so bad about that?

You know not the horror of the Hatarian tyranny, the vile nature of the Hatarian menace against which our forces fought and died - only recently were the Hatarians destroyed as a military force, and this puppet Barbarossa, this creature of the Hatarian bolsheviks, this noisesome thing, seeks not peace but war; his lies and deceits must be sent away! Get thee gone, Hatarian fiend, your blandishments fall upon deaf ears!
19-05-2007, 00:36
You know not the horror of the Hatarian tyranny, the vile nature of the Hatarian menace against which our forces fought and died - only recently were the Hatarians destroyed as a military force, and this puppet Barbarossa, this creature of the Hatarian bolsheviks, this noisesome thing, seeks not peace but war; his lies and deceits must be sent away! Get thee gone, Hatarian fiend, your blandishments fall upon deaf ears!

Hey hey hey, if you want me to help defend columbia, let Hataria be
The Transylvania
19-05-2007, 01:29

This is to the fascist Atopianans and those Skgorrian lackeys or whatever they are, there will be peace talks over this mess. There is no need for this bloodshed. I said no need for it. We can do these through talks. Stop with the unwanted mindless killing.

Do you understand?

Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshall of the Dominion Commonwealth
19-05-2007, 01:48
Three weeks later

Baja California, Mexico

Grand Ayatollah Marwan Vanodeh's fleet prepared for a landing and overland travel to Tahuantinsuyu. Under the advice of former Republic Navy Commander Konstantin Ganatov, commander of the A.C.L.S. Martin Luther, the Ayatollah decided not to try to slip through a Pact of Iron blockade, which almost certainly would exist by the time they arrived.

Instead, the fleet landed at Topolobampo, concealing the submarines under twenty meters of water a kilometer out to sea. Under cover of night, ten thousand men and women wearing life jackets or holding to someone wearing life jackets pushed waterproofed crates of firearms and ammunition through the sea attached to buoys. Those who were better swimmers wrapped chains around themselves, in the manner of a lifeguard wearing a rescue tube and swam the crates to shore, dressed in full combat gear.

When the fleet was anchored safely, the troops, now some three thousand kilometers from Tahuantinsuyu, and low on food, went to the Mexican city, swamping it with calls to cheap Mexican airlines to fly them to Tahuantinsuyu, or to take them in via train service, as well as overrunning the hotels, motels, and restaurants of Topolobampo with ten thousand Catholic-hating Havenites. They had carried more than enough US greenbacks to bribe Mexican airlines to fly them and their weapons, although this money had originally been intended to buy supplies closer to the area of operations.
19-05-2007, 01:50
Official Statement from the Holy Empire of Tolvarus

We have only just heard of these abominations occurring in Colombia, and we are most displeased. The Most Holy Emperor has no interest in the lands of Colombia or any other part of South America, but the slaughtering of Catholic citizens and especially the clergy will stop. We agree with the others who have recommended peace, and are willing to assist in peace talks in any way possible. However, it will be known that the Holy Empire of Tolvarus will not allow any more priests to be tortured or citizens to be murdered.

Lord Commander Christopher Tolvar
Archbishop Karl Paccel
Lord Malcolm Urthon
Lord Governor Robert Kethir

His Imperial Majesty, Most Holy Emperor Nhak Tolvar I
19-05-2007, 02:37

This is to the fascist Atopianans and those Skgorrian lackeys or whatever they are, there will be peace talks over this mess. There is no need for this bloodshed. I said no need for it. We can do these through talks. Stop with the unwanted mindless killing.

Do you understand?

Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshall of the Dominion Commonwealth

we mean no harm against you, we are only here to defend colunbia as a free nation. and about the bombing raids, we're just trying to 'encourage' the Incans change thier minds. and we are NOT allied with Atopiana
19-05-2007, 06:31
oh and by the way, i created another thread for this

its a diplomatic disscusion in character RP :):cool:
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
19-05-2007, 10:50
*Note!: OOC thread here! (*

Cusco, Navel of the World

Deep within the rocks in chambers hewn by hand Pachacutec Inca secludes himself in relative safety. "Our gods? Inti alone will burn this plague of infamy from the earth. How dare these brutes challenge the son of the sun?

"General Ozcollo!" he cried, the name of the Army Commander reverberating through the cold caverns of rock. "Send to Sinchi Yupanqui, Guaritito, and Rumiñavi." said the Inca, listing the Apus (governors) of the Qontisuyu, Qollasuyu, and Chinchaysuyu quarters, "Have them dispatch forces to the front. Inform Chalcuchima that I have placed you in over-all command of my forces in Colombia. He is to continue service in the field. Before you go, issue a writ for the mobilisation of the reserve."

Following the Sapa Inca, the Army Commander -General Ozcollo- stands equal to the Willaq Uma (the high priest) and the Coyas (the Inca's wives) in importance. Below him the four Apus and more than two billion imperial subjects. Ozcollo salutes his lord and sets to the task.

In Tahuantinsuyu it is obligatory for a capable young man to under-go military training, and while only two-thirds of a percent of the populace remains constantly under arms in the army, the manpower pool is vast.

Thus far only Chalcuchima's Antisuyu warriors have joined battle. The Inca's new edict mobilises the ready forces of the other three quarters, ordering six million men fresh to the front. More than five million remain stationed defensively across the empire, and only now has the gathering of more men and arms begun as imperial decrees temporarily alter the configuration of the mita obligation, the empire's economic foundation, so as to enable the removal of a portion of the workforce.

Response to Sumer

The Inca finds time to personally bind a message in the quipu and dispatch a trusted chasqui -a message runner- to the distant capital, along with an ambassador from the priesthood. Once arrived, the priest is able to translate and then dismantle the knotted rope (even the chasqui is ignorant of its meaning), and to convey Pachacutec's sincere appreciation for the gift of rifles. It is hoped that the priest may remain to establish ambassadorial residence in Sumer and confirm official diplomatic relations between the two empires.

The Sapa Inca promises South American oil, gas, timber, and other resources in trade should Sumer continue to be supportive of Cusco's ambition on the continent (which, it is added, represents the extent of Pachacutec's territorial desire, the Quechua civilisation never having had much taste for the high seas).

Kahanistanis, when they arrive in Tahuantinsuyu or at Inca lines in Colombia, will find themselves greeted well for so long as they do not violate the Inca's code. In other words, they will be rewarded and respected, integrated into the Regiment of the Children of the Darkness, so long as they refrain from lying, cheating, and laziness! Headdresses, medallions, and haircuts will be offered so as to identify the foreign warriors.


Against Colombian forces Chalcuchima had taken almost forty-thousand casualties by the time he was relieved by General Ozcollo arriving with reinforcements from Chinchaysuyu and ahead of those from Qontisuyu and Qollasuyu. Two thousand members of the Colombian National Army had been killed, along with thousands of wounded and of dead civilians.

Atopian forces arriving from the ocean once again frustrate Incan efforts in the field as the command transition leaves another period in which the possibility of hostile amphibious operation is little-considered. The left flank is forced into retreat from Valle del Cauca to Cauca proper, where Rumiñavi's warriors are flooding across the border from Chinchaysuyu and advancing in immense strength against southern landing areas.

Attempts to encircle Incan forces in the west face hundreds of thousands of fanatical reinforcements, and Apu Rumiñavi's troops protect their eastern flank with the formidable body of the Andes and the Rio Cauca, whose bridges are being demolished with charges originally used for mining operations carried out by the long-oppressed native communities.

Chemical weapon strikes, though, cause significant damage in the ill-prepared Inca ranks. Some units manage to survive mustard gas attacks by improvising gasmasks with urine-soaked cloth, but against the more modern nerve agents these measures prove less than effective. In some places coastal and mountain winds disperse much, in others the proximity of Quechua forces to Colombian towns and military positions makes the deployment of such weapons impractical, but elsewhere quite horrific casualty rates are sustained only by sending forward more heroic young warriors to brave a similar fate, taking much of the sting out of advances in particular areas.

The early deployment of weapons of mass destruction is a blow to Pachacutec's plans, but enemy air power does not go unchallenged.

Most of the military and its supplies are moved by small trails, difficult to locate, lacking much destroyable infrastructure, and supported by dozens more when one is attacked. Where damage is wrought it does not take the Quechua long to rebuild grass footbridges and the like. Forces traveling through the mountains are still more difficult to hit, often moving on the opposite faces of mountainsides, making direct strikes impossible without first flying far in land and coming about, using great fuel reserves and exposing the attacking aircraft to repeated attack from the ground.

Here and there the enemy will likely be surprised by the appearance of ex-Peruvian ZSU-23-4 Shilka and Chilean M163 Vulcan Air Defence Systems. Low-level attacks are extremely dangerous as the guns habitually turn-off their radar and rely on spotters and infra-red and other passive measures to track incoming aircraft. High-level bombing against nothing more than mobile human targets, though traumatic and damaging for Tahuantinsuyu's armies, are not apt to bring about a quick collapse of Inca capacities in the field.


Strikes against Incan cities are taken as a most unholy affront. But these aren't the towns of the past. Colonial buildings have fallen before, to fire and earthquake, always exposing centuries-old Incan foundations that refuse to buckle. Damage to the towns, often cut from mountains, or else made of great stone blocks, is far less than would have been the case in a modern city. Small sub-munitions barely chip most structures, and fires are much more easily contained. Larger, more expensive penetrators and other weapons do more damage and cause hundreds of civilian casualties, but thick walls still go some way to containing area-effect damages in most cities.

More to the point, there are defences so-far unmolested. Chilean Sidewinder and AMRAAM missiles are put to a new use. The Inca has few qualified pilots amongst his people, so air-to-air missiles are employed as surface-to-air weapons. Booster components taken from rocket artillery munitions are strapped to missiles with active IR or radar guidance heads and launched whenever planes are spotted or bombs begin to fall, left to seek targets themselves once thrust into the air. Some are launched from static positions cut into cliff faces, others from the modified hulls of Peruvian T-55 tanks and civilian trucks which never stick around for more than a few seconds after launching.

Much infrastructure may be destroyed... but the majority of it is no longer being worked by the Quechua people and has been abandoned since the Inca's restoration.

Pachacutec's means are limited, preventing him from taking relatively-weak Colombia before foreign intervention got in his way, but said means are proving all the more difficult to destroy for their smallness.

*Sorry, needed to cram everything into one post as I'm heading out again, now, and I'm not sure when I'll next be free to write.*
19-05-2007, 11:33
The LAC personnel would not enter Tahuantinsuyu all at once. About six hundred would be prepared to leave on the first day, aboard Mexican flights and trains, armed to the teeth with Hali-42's ( and with backpacks laden with food, medicine, two main types of ammunition, etc.

With their arrival in Latin America, discipline problems were already beginning to show among the League of Anti-Catholic troops, who were for the most part idealistic armed civilians intent on protecting the Tahuantinsuyu from "Papist aggression." Most of them were hedonistic youths who had never been anywhere near the military, and Ayatollah Vanodeh himself had not been in the military, but was the operational commander due solely to his charisma.

To many of the recruits, the Inca code might be a little of a problem.

At noon, Captain Anthony Van Hamburg, age 24, strode up to the beach in fatigues. Two young men and a woman from the LAC were laying nude in the sand, making out with local Mexicans and rubbing each other down with tanning oil. I'd like to join them, but we have a mission to accomplish.

"We can revert to pointless hedonism later," said the Captain, a thin young man in fatigues with rank insignia and little else on his uniform. "Ama sua, ama kjella, ama lllulla." Don't lie, don't cheat, don't be lazy.

"We aren't in Tahuantinsuyu yet," replied the woman, pulling her face away from her passionate makeout session with the local youth who was exploring her body. "Can't we be lazy until we get there?"

Lieutenant Wilbur Maxington, Van Hamburg's second in command, got off the top of one of the native women and pulled his trunks on. "Tony, this is probably the last chance we'll get to practice our Spanish." During the three-week submarine trip, one or two veterans among the expedition had taught a military-grade course in Basic Field Spanish.

"Wilbur, do you want to get some kind of STD?" the Captain replied. "Frank, Dana, get up and put your damn clothes on. The plane leaves in an hour." The man called Frank gave the size D breast of the Mexican woman he had been pleasuring a final hard squeeze and got up. "You can chat up passengers to practice your Spanish, but I doubt we'll be using it in Tahuantinsuyu. They speak Quechua over there," Van Hamburg continued.

The three militants put on their clothes somewhat reluctantly while their captain returned to the cheap motel to retrieve their weapons. They had a plane to catch, and within seven hours they would be landing in a field in Tahuantinsuyu, with the first batch of six hundred.
19-05-2007, 12:00
The first use of surface-to-air defences by the Incan troops was more of a shock than anything else. The ultra-modern ECM/EW software and flare-chaff hardware defence systems common to all Atopian air assets prevented any casualties amongst the fast jets and their crews; but no less than seven helicopters were shot down by anti-aircraft fire and at least four drones were hit by SAM systems.

In response, the air assault was redoubled. More modern nerve agents were deployed - from VX nerve gas to the liquid spray of Taubun, the Atopian commanders were determined to make the most of the enemy's total lack of NBC defences. Biological weapons were also deployed for the first time, being dropped in dumb bombs into Incan cities and territory. Ebola-4, bubonic plague, weaponised anthrax, smallpox, and more - all were unleashed upon the unprotected Incans.

Cruise missile strikes against the Incan cave systems were stepped up, aiming to seal the entrances or at the very least cause significant damage to the enemy's infrastructure - such as it was.

On the ground, the Atopian Army shrugged off the fanatical human wave assaults. Their body armour protected them from all the enemy's small arms fire, while their helmet's inbuilt multi-spectrum targeting systems enabled them to get the most out of their weapons systems. All Purpose Armoured Vehicles engaged T-55s in hideously one-sided armour duels, as outdated Soviet era shells whined off the sloped composite armour of the APAVs; who returned fire with their 150mm DU high-velocity penentrators and their 30mm cannons. Rockets streaked from Atopian infantry and helicopters into the enemy's few vehicles, while mortars and artillery units hammer shells of all calibres into the enemy ranks.

At Task Force command, the word was given.

And at the divisional Special Artillery Batteries, the word was received. All along the Atopian lines, infantry mounted their APAVs. Nuclear protection drills began as the Godhammers opened up, launching their 15 KT 280mm shells into the Incan advance. The nuclear bombardment marked the second ever deployment of tactical nuclear artillery by the Atopian military and the beginning of a new stage in the war.

As soon as the bombardment ended, the advance renewed, the Atopians safe in their sealed vehicles and armour; protected from the greys that would prove so fatal in the long term to the Incans not killed by the nuclear detonations.


Back in Atopiana, weapons silos were made ready...

Official Communique to the United Dominion:

Oh do stop trying to throw your weight around. This is a Pact of Iron matter, and none of your business. Peace talks - if any - will begin when we feel the need. Until then, kindly stay out of that which does not concern you.

Official Communique to the Cazelians:

We do not need, nor did we ask for, your assistance. If you wish to flee, do so. You will learn of the horrors of the Hatarians in time, and then you will pray for the Pact of Iron to deliver you from their rapaciousness.
19-05-2007, 18:53

Back in Atopiana, weapons silos were made ready...

Official Communique to the United Dominion:

Oh do stop trying to throw your weight around. This is a Pact of Iron matter, and none of your business. Peace talks - if any - will begin when we feel the need. Until then, kindly stay out of that which does not concern you.

Official Communique to the Cazelians:

We do not need, nor did we ask for, your assistance. If you wish to flee, do so. You will learn of the horrors of the Hatarians in time, and then you will pray for the Pact of Iron to deliver you from their rapaciousness.

Oooh, im SOOO scared, what are you going to do with your Nukes, bomb the
incans, i woudnt reccomend going that far, and about that PACT OF TIN

i really doubt the nations in than in your wimpy pact are any bigger than 50 mill
19-05-2007, 18:56
and by the way, i've read all of the hatarian threads. HATARIA IS NOT EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:upyours:
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
19-05-2007, 20:34
Nuclear explosions in the lines kill thousands of Incan warriors.

They also wipe-out Colombia's front-line defences, recently arrived down the Pan-American Highway.

Unfortunately, Colombia has no more reserves. Half the Inca's forces had yet to reach the front. The nuclear blasts represent the total end of Colombian resistance. The population has nothing to do but flee and die.

Worse yet, the tactical blasts stop only minority parts of the advance, contained as they are by the mountain passes of the south. Thousands of Quechua warriors die outright, but millions more continue unabated. Blasts send terror through Colombia, but the nuclear myth means nothing to uneducated Quechua who continue without fear to pass through blast-zones.

Generals, though, appreciate what Atopiana has tried to do. A war of genocidal proportions has begun. Pachacutec is evacuated from Cusco and heads elsewhere.

The front

New biological and chemical weapons undeniably impact upon the Inca's warriors. Chalcuchima's original two-million are reduced horribly, more than two percent halted by the Colombians and ten times that many now flawed by foreign WMD attacks. Literally hundreds of thousands of men are dead or sick. Millions of Colombian civilians fall ill with them, no better protected than the warriors.

Colombia as a state has ceased to function. Atopiana has dropped nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons within its territory. The little country is ruined.

FARC and the right-wing paramilitaries have attempted to flee across borders to Venezuela and Brazil, civilians follow in all directions. The government's forces are completely routed after losing several percent of their strength to the Inca and in the strikes that followed their advance.

Alas, Ozcollo's forces pay little attention to borders, and the maze of the Amazon basin offers a perfect screen under which to advance. Many warriors move up the eastern flanks of the enemy, cutting-off retreating Colombians and putting them to the sword. What can Brazil do in this remote jungle corner but watch and vocally protest?

Eastern flanks

In the west, Pachacutec was losing ground. Nuclear, biological, and chemical strikes couldn't be over-come no matter how many men he sent forwards, no matter how many valleys they took. In the east, the Andes stood as a barrier. If the Fascists wanted to strike here they'd have to first pass the mountains, either fighting through the Inca in the south or passing millions of Colombian refugees in the north. Either way would take some time.

So the Inca came at them, first. Pouring down from the Andes they deployed new weapons on those deadly tanks and other vehicles and men.

"Natural rubber. Thank you.

"Mining blast charges. Thanks.

"Seashells. Yes, those.

"Poison-arrow frog. Careful.

"Warrior's sling. Thank you."

The weapon ready, handed to a veteran hunter.

Several hundred metres distant a Fascist combat vehicle with disembarked infantry gunned-down half a dozen Quechua warriors with ease.

The hunter raises his powerful right arm and swings a fabric sling.

Into the air a large sphere is cast.

It falls short of the Atopianan defences.

Then it bounces up over them! It is a ball of solid rubber.

And it explodes in mid air. Hundreds of shards flash this way and that. Some men are hit and killed, no doubt, by the force of the blast, as with any grenade.

Others will suffer only cuts and grazes. They should continue. But, alas, minutes later, the barely-scratched masses suffer respiratory and coronary collapse. Even a slightly grazed cheek is deadly in the war against the Inca.

Tahuantinsuyu warriors, especially now in the west, where they must fall-back due to massive casualties, are creating more and more Improvised Explosive Devices as the Fascists advance against them. Most are fit to blow a truck off the road, or to collapse half a cliff on top of a tank. Some, though, contain shards dipped in Amazonian poison, even a touch of which will kill a man where he stands.


"Dig! Dig!"

Thousands of labourers sink tunnels, invisible, with which to thwart the on-coming enemy.

Perhaps Ozcollo will not be able to take Colombia against such massive force. But if the enemy want us they must come to our turf. If they do, we will bleed them dry, and then nothing will stand against our counter-attack. That is Pachacutec's philosophy of modern war.

"Loop-holes in that side! Snipers to the cliffs! There! No, there! Make that road unsafe! Llamas okay, but a tank must fall through that!"
The Transylvania
19-05-2007, 22:57
Official Communique to the United Dominion:

Oh do stop trying to throw your weight around. This is a Pact of Iron matter, and none of your business. Peace talks - if any - will begin when we feel the need. Until then, kindly stay out of that which does not concern you.


You’re a fool, you know. You’re a coward, you know. Your use of nuclear weapons is threat to the United Dominion. Your people will be coming after your head soon. They’ll want the money for your head on a plate. It’s open season of your Fascist ass. You and all those loyal to your ungodly regime are now in my sights.


Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshall of the Dominion Commonwealth


The Count was back to his old tricks, he need to prepare his army to free a nation or two. Hell, he could maybe free Hatarians in the middle of it. Here comes the bounties, which would go world wide.



As of now, I’m placing bounties on the heads of the Fascist regime of Atopiana. The reason for it is there use of nuclear weapons currently and in their ungodly past. These bounties go to the military commanders that follow their genocide orders from the Fascist regime.

To the fun part, there are two types of bounties, one for alive, which I would love to have, and the other one for dead. I want alive over anything.

30,000,000 ALIVE on the Fascist leader
5,000,000 DEAD on the Fascist leader

15,000,000 ALIVE on those within the Fascist regime
1,000,000 DEAD on those within the Fascist regime

1,000,000 ALIVE on Fascist military commanders
500,000 DEAD on Fascist military commanders

Let the games began!

Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshall of the Dominion Commonwealth
19-05-2007, 23:24


you are murdering innocent civilians!
stop firing WMDs!!!
19-05-2007, 23:42
OOC: I guess there's nothing left for me to do. I was gone earlier today and come back to find Colombia already destroyed by nukes, so I'm not going to get involved in this conflict.
19-05-2007, 23:55
for the use of WMDs on the incan side, the jungle will be burnt to the ground,
and there is nothing you can do to stop it

further war crimes will be punished by similar demonstrations

we've started the second veitnam
Dostanuot Loj
20-05-2007, 00:13
Statement from the Office of the Sumerian Dictator

To the nation of Atopiana, it has come to our attention with much disgust your reckless use of nuclear and chemical weapons on the Incan and Columbian peoples alike. The unprovoked use of nuclear and chemical weapons by your state has clearly announced your genocidal and warmongering intentions to the world. While you have every right to defend the Cloumbian peoples has you have previously stated, your reckless abandonment of that cause has put you into a league of your own, inhabited previously by monsters of this species. I must thusly demand that you cease all activity on and around the South American continent that involves the deployment or use of nuclear and chemical weaponry, lest we be forced to remove your capability to deploy these systems by force.
When you play with fire you are going to get burned.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer
20-05-2007, 06:44

You’re a fool, you know. You’re a coward, you know. Your use of nuclear weapons is threat to the United Dominion. Your people will be coming after your head soon. They’ll want the money for your head on a plate. It’s open season of your Fascist ass. You and all those loyal to your ungodly regime are now in my sights.


Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshall of the Dominion Commonwealth


The Count was back to his old tricks, he need to prepare his army to free a nation or two. Hell, he could maybe free Hatarians in the middle of it. Here comes the bounties, which would go world wide.



As of now, I’m placing bounties on the heads of the Fascist regime of Atopiana. The reason for it is there use of nuclear weapons currently and in their ungodly past. These bounties go to the military commanders that follow their genocide orders from the Fascist regime.

To the fun part, there are two types of bounties, one for alive, which I would love to have, and the other one for dead. I want alive over anything.

30,000,000 ALIVE on the Fascist leader
5,000,000 DEAD on the Fascist leader

15,000,000 ALIVE on those within the Fascist regime
1,000,000 DEAD on those within the Fascist regime

1,000,000 ALIVE on Fascist military commanders
500,000 DEAD on Fascist military commanders

Let the games began!

Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshall of the Dominion Commonwealth

The Empire of Hataria also puts bounties on the heads of the Fascist regime of Atopiana. The reward will be to become a Noble in The Hatarian Autocratic Class.
20-05-2007, 07:51
From-President Jonathan R Hasley

your reckless use of illegal weapons and your commited atrocities are enough
to make me sick. murder, disease and pestelence has now ravaged
innocent civilians throughout the region, and we hereby declare the death sentence upon your leader and his officials

please stand down, we want no more bloodshed
do what is nessecary and give youself up

if you do not comply within 48 hours your troops in south america and in Atopiana itself will be bombarded with cruise missles from our offshore

do what is right
surrender your leader and no one gets hurt

J.R. Hasley
20-05-2007, 09:34
If anyone needs armament visit my storefront,50%off on large orders
20-05-2007, 16:21
Task Force Fleet Command, ASV Primo Frank:

"Engage and destroy the Cazelian navy."
"Aye sir."

Railguns and MASER weapons lashed out. Nuclear-tipped cruise missiles sped from launch ramps towards Cazelian positions. Submarines, having crept forwards on silent running, launched spreads of torpedos at the enemy vessels. Anti-ship rockets slammed from their mounts on fast attack vessels. Guided bombs fell from strategic bombers, depth charges plunged onto the enemy submarines from the Task Force's ASW helicopters, and Atopian Navy air assets screamed in to sweep the Cazelian air units from the sky.

Atopian Strategic Rocket Force Command:

For the first time in over a century and a half, the ASRF launched a salvo of Topol-M6 ICBMs in anger. Four hundred rockets tore from their mobile and static silos, arcing up and up into the atmosphere then falling with deadly accuracy onto the Incan cities. Each rocket contained six warheads - two dummy, and four 550KT nuclear. Not one Incan settlement above the size of a village would survive the bombardment, targeted from the FASCES satellite network and guided by the latest inertial GPS guidance systems.

Andean Front:

The poisoned grenades proved nearly useless against the head-to-foot ceramic armour worn by the Atopian soldiers. Only a very close blast provided enough penentrative power to launch the shrapnel through the flexible, armoured, oversuit worn under the ceramic plates. The few casualties were shrugged off by the Atopian divisions, who began utilising nuclear artillery strikes more and more regularly.

Strategic bombers continued their onslaught, while the defoliation campaign continued apace - Agent Orange being joined by more potent chemicals.

Communique to the United Dominion:

Our commanders are replaceable. Indeed, a Skgorrian liason officer with the 56th Division shot the commander for insolence, and wants to know if he is eligible for the $500,000 reward.

Communique to the Cazelians:

War it is. Your fault, you know. As for our nation's size, we number 2.2 billion people and have a military of around 109,950,000 men and women. Alone, we can destroy your nation. Back down, leave Colombia, and we will not annihilate you.

Communique to the Dictatorial Republic of Sumer:

Our use of weapons of mass destruction was necessary in the prosecution of war against a nation which is barbaric, backwards, and freely uses chemical agents at the tactical level. Colombia will be rebuilt at our expense following our victory. Kindly refrain from using simplistic and foolish threats. This is our war, not yours.
20-05-2007, 16:29
Emergency Announcement From The Skgorrian Foreign Ministry

When we declared war on the Incans, it was for the defense of the Columbian people and not for the genocidal destruction that our fellow Pact members seem to prefer. We hereby order them to stand down immediately and for the commander of the Atopian forces to submit to court martial Pact Of Iron military law for unnecessary loss of life and expenditure of resources. A Skgorrian task force has been despatched to Columbia where it will remain as a peace-keeping force and aid in the reconstruction work.
20-05-2007, 16:36
Task Force Command:

"It appears that we have had the rug pulled from under us, comrades. If you will excuse me?"

As her officers trooped out of the room, General-Marshal Jankova studied the revolver in her desk drawer with great intent...

Atopian Task Force Divisional Headquarters:

"New orders - we're to advance, or retreat, to the border and hold there. No firing unless fired upon, no transgressing the border, and no hindering Incan forces in their retreat from the country. We can't let any more in though."
"Hm. Well, that's fair enough. I wonder why the change of heart? We were winning..."
"I think that might've been the reason, to be honest."
"Bah. Civilians. No taste for victory."

Across Colombia:

Atopian military units began to stand down from their offensive postures, taking on defensive stances until such time as the Skgorrians arrive at which point we will hand over to them and then leave.

Atopian Strategic Rocket Forces Command:

"You are General-Major Yuri Asskanavski?"
"Yes. Who are you, and how did you get in here?"
"We are from K Division. Come with us, please."
"I... at once."
20-05-2007, 16:42
Emergency Announcement From The Skgorrian Foreign Ministry

We have recieved word from the Atopians that they will pull back to the borders of Columbia and hold there until our task force arrives to relieve them. The Atopians will only fire if fired upon, or pelted upon, or stabbed at as the case seems to be with their unique adversaries. All Incan forces will leave Columbia and no more will be allowed into the nation - Skgorria is determined to rebuild Columbia and protect it. No-one can deny that the Incan invasion was a blatant violation of international sovereignty, and if the Incan leadership still has grievances then they will be more than welcome to talk to us.
20-05-2007, 16:46
"My God... what did the Pact of Iron do to this place?"

Major Jason "Hack" Maxwell of the League of Anti-Catholics militia took a look around a burned-out Colombian city in the northern border where the well-paid Mexican pilot had landed his hundred or so militia members. About seven hundred other militia members had arrived in the country, but Hack saw only his ragtag unit and what used to be Monteria, Colombia, before it was leveled by an Atopian strategic nuclear weapon.

Behind him, another militia member was vomiting against a wall, near where maggots fed on a three-year-old child caught outside in the blast.

"Frank? You all right?" asked Hack.

Frank Burns nodded. "Yeah," he said weakly. "Just... what a horrible sight, Hack. The children. These Pact of Iron people are freaking sick. Damned Catholic lovers make my blood boil." He held his Hali-53 tightly, making sure it was in working order.

"May be survivors here. We've got to help them," said Hack. He knew the supply situation was tenuous at best, but he couldn't just abandon people in need. He hoped that the situation with the Midlonians would boil over and the Kahanistanian government would intervene. Fat chance of that...


Topolobampo, Mexico

The LAC militia had attracted the attention of local authorities. While they had not fired their weapons or threatened anyone, corrupt officials were demanding bribes to not molest the militia that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. There were still around 7,000 militia members in Topolobampo, the balance on the way to Colombia or Tahuantinsuyu, and tensions were rising between them and the local federales. The militia couldn't keep paying out bribes from the fund it had to buy weapons and supplies with, and a militia commander ended up shooting a Mexican police officer.

Now, the LAC had another fish to fry, and no bribe on earth would get them off for killing a cop, not even in Mexico.
Dostanuot Loj
20-05-2007, 16:48
OOC: Atopiana, you realise at the MT level targeting computers for individual infantryman either don't exist, or are heavy and complex and EXPENSIVE, beyond that full ceramic armour to the level you claim is heavy and expensive as well. Putting your soldiers to the point where they cost more then you can probably afford to lose, and while they are at it their movement in the terrain in question would be little more then a crawl.
Beyond that, an armed force consisting of that much of your population would cripple your industry to the point where you couldn't afford that kind of equipment for them. Indeed you couldn't afford to deply them like this at all.
20-05-2007, 16:49
K Division Internal Security File 284/04-K:

Officers permanently removed from their duties for failing the Pact of Iron:

CiC ASRF (shot while resisting arrest)
CiC Task Force (suicide)
2iC Task Force (in custody)
General-Marshal F. Vassili of Atopian Military Command (in custody)
CiC Atopian Logistics Corps (executed)
2iC ALC (executed)

Senior Diplomat Y. Linov (hung)
Assistant Diplomats J.I. Fung, I.K. Manova; P.O. Reski (in custody)
20-05-2007, 16:51
OOC: Atopiana, you realise at the MT level targeting computers for individual infantryman either don't exist, or are heavy and complex and EXPENSIVE, beyond that full ceramic armour to the level you claim is heavy and expensive as well. Putting your soldiers to the point where they cost more then you can probably afford to lose, and while they are at it their movement in the terrain in question would be little more then a crawl.
Beyond that, an armed force consisting of that much of your population would cripple your industry to the point where you couldn't afford that kind of equipment for them. Indeed you couldn't afford to deply them like this at all.

OOC: MT? What are you on about? This is PMT... isn't it...?

As far as my armed forces go, they're precisely 5% of my population, which is the approved maximum. My Logistics Corps is the largest segment of my armed forces, and deliberately designed to allow for massive overseas deployments. So there.
Dostanuot Loj
20-05-2007, 16:53
OOC: MT? What are you on about? This is PMT... isn't it...?

As far as my armed forces go, they're precisely 5% of my population, which is the approved maximum. My Logistics Corps is the largest segment of my armed forces, and deliberately designed to allow for massive overseas deployments. So there.

OOC: No I'm pretty sure it has been said here and in the OOC thread that this is MT, what with the current level weapons of the Columbians and all.
As for numbers, you forget that's the maximum accecptable, and it comes with consequences. That's the number North Korea would have, where their economy is struggling.
And the logistics segment would be the largest part of any armed forces of any nation, with ratios being very high, something like 10 logistics personell to every potential-combat personell.

EDIT: Here Atopiana, so as not to clutter this thread, read this thread:
20-05-2007, 17:03
OOC: No I'm pretty sure it has been said here and in the OOC thread that this is MT, what with the current level weapons of the Columbians and all.

OOC: :eek: Oops. Oh well, nevermind, I'm pulling out and giving way to an MT peacekeeping force anyway. Then I'll be shooting large quantities of my officers. I was wondering why the Incans were willing to face PMT with spears, to be honest.

As far as my army goes... my economy can withstand it. I'm not going to bother explaining why, suffice it to say that a nation of over two billion people and with a military focus under a dictator with colonies on Mars and the Moon etc can sustain a very large military and not collapse.
The Transylvania
20-05-2007, 18:14
Communique to the United Dominion:

Our commanders are replaceable. Indeed, a Skgorrian liason officer with the 56th Division shot the commander for insolence, and wants to know if he is eligible for the $500,000 reward.


But does this person have a name? And the bounties are on your heads, too. Did your people not get word of them? I want your heads and bodies, too. Trials all around for you all.

And the money will only come went I see the bodies. I’m not a fool, you know. Understand?

Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus
The Emperor of the United Dominion
The Lord Marshall of the Dominion Commonwealth
20-05-2007, 18:46
"enemy ships in sight"
"FIRE AT WILL!" four harpoon anti ship missiles flew from the missle bays on the ICS defiant, a 8 year old battleship, and head of ATF 1
"open fire with the main guns commander!"

"Sir, we've lost the ICS Florida!"
"keep the remaining ships firing!"
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
20-05-2007, 20:31
Across the Empire casualties were mourned. Fortunately, the enemy had put an absolutely absurd proportion of its strength into the raising and sustaining of an army, leaving its systems less than top-notch. Likewise the Empire had put almost all of its strength into building cities in the Incan way.

The nuclear bombardment killed more than four million Incan civilians. It was the worst calamity since the Spaniards brought smallpox...

...But it wasn't close to being enough to slow Pachacutec's advance. Four hundred missiles? Ha! He laughed them off with his casualties, and ordered a new round of human sacrifices as if to emphasise the weakness of the enemy's assaults. You may kill some of us, but not so many that we can't afford to perform our historic sacrificial rites! For every battalion that fell to nuclear bombardment the Inca sacrificed one of their own children. It was only their way of spitting in the face of a stronger enemy.

"Don't be lazy, children! March on! March on!"

Back in Tahuantinsuyu the people, having no real-time news-feed, did not know the scale of their army's losses. Pachacutec told them that cruel WMDs had been used, and that his armies had withstood. He did not mention to those outside the blasts the fact that several million had died. And how else would they know?

Most Quechua were either 1) dead, or 2) unaware that there was even a problem!


Ozcollo's forces pressed on. They had taken hundreds of thousands of casualties, but these losses had been isolated in mountain valleys and jungle passes. No great army group had seen its ranks smashed. Nowhere in the line was moral broken by visible defeat. Pachacutec's warriors were dispersed from Pacific rim to Amazonian. No single group was yet aware of the losses. No single group was given to panic.

Four million reinforcements from the southern quarters were only just beginning to arrive. True, they had to step over charred corpses that once were friends, but their god-emperor dictated that it be so. And so it was!


"Wait! Wait! Don't quit! There is still government!"

Nobody was listening to the loud-hailers. The capital was simply a mess. Thousands ran this way and that.

The government was gone. It couldn't cope with this crisis, and so simply collapsed.

In the capital, as in other cities, the state tried to hand power straight to the right-wing militias spread across the land.

They took it gladly, and suppressed popular demonstrations, but FARC wasn't about to see the paramilitaries take control out of the blue. Not without a scrap.

Bogotá was ablaze. The government troops were fleeing, the right-wing paramilitaries were moving in to fill the gap, and FARC was blowing them up.


Four million dead. Almost a third of all Inca towns had been hit by nuclear weapons! Most, of course, were not apt to be taken-out by a couple of paltry warheads, sunk as they were into mountainsides thick and valleys deep. The rest were ordered to send, "volunteers" to aid in rescue attempts in the wrecked cities.

The handful of Fascists so-far over-run (and it was precious few next to how many Incan soldiers had died) would suffer horrid fates.

"Who is god?..

"...No! [smack!] Inti is he who causes the light to rise each morning!"

Fascists would not fare well under Inca interrogation.

A POW, bound hand and foot, would have poison administered to his limbs. He would scream in furious, burning pain. He would be released. He would plunge his own limb into an open fire to dull the pain, it was so severe.

Then he would be shot full of drugs and bound once more.

He would wake, hours later.

"Ah, so, you can't take the venom in your hand? Do you see the light cast by Inti? Or shall we place the venom... in your eyes? Perhaps on your loins?"

Inhuman screams echo through the ruined Andes.
20-05-2007, 20:37
"My God... what did the Pact of Iron do to this place?"

Major Jason "Hack" Maxwell of the League of Anti-Catholics militia took a look around a burned-out Colombian city in the northern border where the well-paid Mexican pilot had landed his hundred or so militia members. About seven hundred other militia members had arrived in the country, but Hack saw only his ragtag unit and what used to be Monteria, Colombia, before it was leveled by an Atopian strategic nuclear weapon.

Behind him, another militia member was vomiting against a wall, near where maggots fed on a three-year-old child caught outside in the blast.

"Frank? You all right?" asked Hack.

Frank Burns nodded. "Yeah," he said weakly. "Just... what a horrible sight, Hack. The children. These Pact of Iron people are freaking sick. Damned Catholic lovers make my blood boil." He held his Hali-53 tightly, making sure it was in working order.

"May be survivors here. We've got to help them," said Hack. He knew the supply situation was tenuous at best, but he couldn't just abandon people in need. He hoped that the situation with the Midlonians would boil over and the Kahanistanian government would intervene. Fat chance of that...

"AUGH!!! MEDICAL OFFICER!!!!!!" yelled a Cazelian marine with both of his legs and one arm torn off "SOMEBODY GET A MEDIC!!!!" the Cazelian marine yelled out "Please help me..." he whispered quietly, and and died, throwing out a picture of his wife and son
20-05-2007, 21:05
OOC: Tut-tut, my dear Tahuantinsuyu Empire, your taking POWs without my say-so is godmodding. I'll let you get away with it because I couldn't give a rats' arse about my troops if they let themselves get captured, but don't do it in future. :p

Temporary Regional Command Headquarters:

"Start shooting the looters. Get our troops on-side with FARC, they may be filthy Bolsheviks but they've got better discipline than any of those militias. I want the Colombians in resettlement camps before the Skgorrians get here."
"Oh, and ensure our border posts have clear lines of sight - and how are the minefields going?"
"Our border posts are securely fortified, sir, and they've scorched the terrain back to the bedrock for a mile around each one. There's no cover within a mile of the Peruvian-Colombian border any more, sir, just our forts, troops, and sensors."
"Excellent. Start eradicating all the Incan troops still within Colombia."
Dostanuot Loj
20-05-2007, 21:56
Sealed letter to the Inca Emperor

I believe now would be the time to slow your advances and seek peace with your neighbors. Columbia, as it currently stands, will be unable to stave your forces off without international help. International help they currently have, which would make it inadvisable to continue this campaign at the current time. Perhaps, if your goals remain, it could be a better option for you to encourage Inca nationalistic movements within Columbia from now on rather then attempt to take by force. Such a movement could not be stopped by international intervention without their oppression of the people, whereas an actual foreign attack can be crushed under the banner of defence.
However you choose to act on the matter is for you to decide, but my nation's history has brought me to believe now would be the time to advise you to take what you have and rebuild.

To the matter of rebuilding and the peace. I would like your permission to send a defensive force to your lands. A battalion of roughly twenty thousand Republican Guards troops and Republican Air Force personell along with equipment to ensure your current borders are not breached by those claiming the defence of Columbia. These forces will not be there to assist your invasion if you still wish to continue it, but rather to keep your population safe from potential counter invasions of your main land. All that we would need to make this a reality would be three to five ex Peruvian air bases that you may or may not be currently using. We would, of course, update these installations to our current standards, and perhaps at a later date of rebuilding hand them off to a stronger and more modernised Inca army for your own home defence.
What say you on this matter?

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer

Open Declaration of Sumerian Intentions in the Continent of South America

With the mass killings of civillians and the danger that postures itself to ur nearby holdings, we have decided to initiate the steps nessecary to postsion a defensive force of our elite Republican Guard forces within the disputed area in South America. We have no intentions of assisting the defence of the Columbian area, nor will we assist in its invasion. Our intent, if allowed by the Incan government, is only to preserve the defence and integrity of the Incan nation. To that effect, any and all forces we may station in or around the disputed territories will act purely as defensive elements, and will activly respond to penetration of the pre-conflict Incan border by any forces not authorised to do so. Any attacks on our forces, or any aggression towards them will be seen as an act of war against the Dictorial Republic as a whole, and will be treated accordingly.
We wish only to bring peace to the Inca people, and if they will allow our help we will provide them with the defence nessecary of their lands to prevent aggression from neighboring states and occupiers of Columbia. If the Incan state wishes to continue its war of aggression that is their perrogative, and we will have no part in it, however we will maintain our stance of defence of the Inca people and their lands.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer
21-05-2007, 01:02
Temporary Regional Command Headquarters:

"Start shooting the looters. Get our troops on-side with FARC, they may be filthy Bolsheviks but they've got better discipline than any of those militias. I want the Colombians in resettlement camps before the Skgorrians get here."
"Oh, and ensure our border posts have clear lines of sight - and how are the minefields going?"
"Our border posts are securely fortified, sir, and they've scorched the terrain back to the bedrock for a mile around each one. There's no cover within a mile of the Peruvian-Colombian border any more, sir, just our forts, troops, and sensors."
"Excellent. Start eradicating all the Incan troops still within Colombia."

Cazelian florida base
0800 hors

three Cazelian B-1bs took of from FOB Austin. 12 F/A-11 imperiators took off
from the ICS remmington. and 24 cruise missles were launched from the ICS iowa. they were all aimed at the border
21-05-2007, 03:41
Frank bent over the Cazellian marine. "He was caught in the nuclear blast. I'm surprised he made it this long. No pulse, no heartbeat." He began to administer CPR.

"Hack, does this unit have an AED?" he asked.

Hack nodded. "Maggie, grab the AED, we've got to shock this guy. He's got a wife and kids he needs to go back to, we can't just leave him here." Of course, the LAC militia would have rendered whatever assistance it could either way, but this time the officer simply wanted to provide the militant with the AED a stronger incentive to save the man's life.

While Frank was performing CPR, another militant retrieved an AED ( from a medical supply pack. She bent over the man.

"No pulse, the AED won't shock him," said Maggie. She pulled a syringe out of the medical pack. "Epi, one CC." She injected the casualty with the drug, intended to restart his heart while Frank continued CPR.
21-05-2007, 03:53
Frank bent over the Cazellian marine. "He was caught in the nuclear blast. I'm surprised he made it this long. No pulse, no heartbeat." He began to administer CPR.

"Hack, does this unit have an AED?" he asked.

Hack nodded. "Maggie, grab the AED, we've got to shock this guy. He's got a wife and kids he needs to go back to, we can't just leave him here." Of course, the LAC militia would have rendered whatever assistance it could either way, but this time the officer simply wanted to provide the militant with the AED a stronger incentive to save the man's life.

While Frank was performing CPR, another militant retrieved an AED ( from a medical supply pack. She bent over the man.

"No pulse, the AED won't shock him," said Maggie. She pulled a syringe out of the medical pack. "Epi, one CC." She injected the casualty with the drug, intended to restart his heart while Frank continued CPR.

"GAHUH!" the marine jolted, and then opened his eyes "wha wha where am I, am i dead?"
21-05-2007, 04:05
"No," said the leader of this particular group of militants. "Not dead, but you're pretty badly injured. We're looking for Colombian and Pact of Iron soldiers, did you see any of them?"

The man who had performed CPR on the marine retrieved the picture of the woman and child. "I think this is yours."



The number of militants there had reduced to around 2,000, with large numbers climbing aboard freight trains or any means out they could, a few even hijacking police cars. The town was now surrounded by Mexican tanks intent on the capture of these LAC militants still inside.

Grand Ayatollah Marwan Vanodeh himself, and several of his closest advisers and high-ranking LAC officers, had managed to charter a private flight through the drug connections of one of the militants. This was a rarity, as Kahanistanians rarely did business with the cartels, drugs being legal in their nation. However, some adventurous souls did sign on with foreign mafias, and one or two of them were also members of the LAC militia.

The Ayatollah and his officers were now heading for Tahuantinsuyu aboard a cartel flight.
21-05-2007, 04:48
"No," said the leader of this particular group of militants. "Not dead, but you're pretty badly injured. We're looking for Colombian and Pact of Iron soldiers, did you see any of them?"

The man who had performed CPR on the marine retrieved the picture of the woman and child. "I think this is yours."

"yeah, we saw them. and they shot at us! we were on a patrol together about three days ago. at random one of them shot Johnny. the rest of us ran,
we ended up here. about 3 hours later me and my men were caught in a nuclear blast. there might be other survivors..."

OOC: this thread rules...
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
21-05-2007, 10:12
*Well, Fascists wouldn't fare well once captured... if any have been captured ;) I assume, in any event, that some forward positions would have been over-run considering that several million Incan soldiers came flooding across the significant and greatly varied terrain of the border when foreign forces were only newly arriving in Colombia and presumably not that well established. Of course such positions would generally have been recaptured, but anyone who wasn't killed in the initial fighting would still have been dragged back behind Inca lines. Anyway, sorry, I'm rambling now. Just wanted to give reference to how the Inca are treating any prisoners they do take: not well, now that we've been nuked! I wanted to make an IC post here, but I really need to go and buy food before everything closes.*
21-05-2007, 10:29
This guy doesn't have any legs. We've got to get him to a Cazelian unit, hopefully they have prosthetics. He won't be much use in a fight...

"We'll look for them. I'm Hack," said the leader, "this is Frank, and this is Maggie. We're looking to find out what the situation is, we just got here today. Can you tell us where your unit's stationed? We can get you to your base, you'll need medical attention for your injuries. First, though, can you tell us where any Tahuantinsuyu troops are located?"
21-05-2007, 10:33
Approaching the Colombian Coast

The Skgorrian task force had crossed the Atlantic and most of the Caribbean, transporting several million soldiers to secure the nation of Colombia from foreign agression and pacify it. Ships of all types stretched across the sea - cruisers, aircraft carriers and immense dreadnoughts. A constant stream of aicraft was in the air doing CAP to ensure the Skgorrian force was not caught unaware by any attack.

"We're nearing the Cazelian fleet now sir," informed a junior officer, trying to keep the nervousness from his voice and only partially succeeding. The Captain sighed, this whole situation had gone from bad to bloody awful in a matter of hours. Damned Atopians, always taking things too far he thought, before snapping back to the present.
"Better get on the radio and instruct them to let us pass," ordered the Captain, injecting power and authority into his voice. However beneath this layer of bravado he was just as nervous as the rest of the fleet - this was the first large-scale deployment of the Skgorrian Coastal Patrol Squad and there were bound to be hiccups.

Radio Transmission To Cazelian Forces

This is Captain Yuklig of the Skgorrian Coastal Patrol Squad, en route to Colombia. Let us pass so that our operation can continue.

Official Communique From The Skgorrian Foreign Ministry To The Sumerians

We have mixed reactions to your announcement. You are effectively condoning the Incan war of agression and supporting them in it by limiting where they can be fought, but pleased that other nations are taking a more active role in the region. Perhaps your intervention will make the Incans cease their attacks and end this bloodshed.
21-05-2007, 10:39
We need to stop the fighting! I might get my army ready for war against one of you guys.
21-05-2007, 11:13
Communique from Temporary Regional Command to the Sumerians:

In order to prevent unwanted combat between our forces, we suggest that you maintain a fortified line along the Peruvian-Colombian border. Our Militarised Zone is one mile deep into Colombia, and begins at the border. We suggest you do the same. This border will not be porous, and it enables us to prevent any further bloodshed between the Incans and the Colombians. Do you agree?

Fourth Strategic Air Armada, 1,000km from Cazelia:

Since the days of the Second World War, the thousand bomber raid was a fearsome proposition. Now, with upgraded Tu-160s and ultra-modern fighter escort, the thousand bomber raid was a truly horrific proposition. Electronic jamming and ECM/EW craft ran throughout the raid, to organise the fighters and protect the raid. The whole armada was crusing at Mach 3 and rapidly approaching their release zone.

Their target? The Cazelian capital.

Militarised Zone, Colombian-Peruvian Border:

"Sensor alert. Two four missiles incoming."
"Initiate defensive systems."

Across the MZ, anti-aircraft lasers, rockets, and guns opened up on the missiles. Tens of thousands of rounds punched into the sky, together with nearly 50 rockets and a hundred laser systems. 22 of the incoming missiles were batted out of the sky. One was damaged, and fell to earth unguided, blowing a chunk out of the ground half a mile from a fortified border post.

The last rocket slammed into a post's vehicle park, destroying three APAVs in a ball of fire which engulfed six troopers and an observation tower.

We need to stop the fighting! I might get my army ready for war against one of you guys.

OOC: Try Cazelia or the Incans. Everyone else will pwn you hard.

Well, Fascists wouldn't fare well once captured

OOC: No, 'course they wouldn't. :) Feel free to torture and execute a few tens or so if you like, it's fair enough - I have strategically nuked you and killed millions of your people with NBC useage...

12 F/A-11 imperiators took off
from the ICS remmington. and 24 cruise missles were launched from the ICS iowa.

OOC: These would be the ships that my Task Force Fleet engaged in combat then? In which case they've either been sunk, crippled, or are busy fighting back. :p
21-05-2007, 12:43
report: Greal decides not join the war, but we would gladly sell its F-76 fighters to the Tahuantinsuyu Empire for 2 billion greal dollars, you get 200 F-76 fighters if you accept the deal.

Does anyone want any fighters?
21-05-2007, 17:12
Fourth Strategic Air Armada, 1,000km from Cazelia:

Since the days of the Second World War, the thousand bomber raid was a fearsome proposition. Now, with upgraded Tu-160s and ultra-modern fighter escort, the thousand bomber raid was a truly horrific proposition. Electronic jamming and ECM/EW craft ran throughout the raid, to organise the fighters and protect the raid. The whole armada was crusing at Mach 3 and rapidly approaching their release zone.

Their target? The Cazelian capital.

OOC you knou your flying over either Lanzanorian airspace of Tornarian airspace

IC "sir, we've got a large formation of bombers coming at us" the radar officer yelled "there definatley hostile. Open Fire!" the sergeant yelled as four missle batteries unloaded thier 6 missles each...
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
21-05-2007, 17:23
Unfortunately the Inca doesn't have enough pilots for the aircraft he inherited from Bolivia, Peru, Chile, and Ecuador, and all of these -including formidable fighters such as Peru's Mirage 2000 and MiG-29 and Chile's F-16s, and Ecuador's Jaguars and Kfir CEs- remained grounded throughout the operation, stowed in hardened mountainside facilities. Tahuantinsuyu certainly isn't in a position to be acquiring more planes.


Needless to say, Fascist attempts to win the support of FARC-EP were traveling a difficult road. It was hard for the Marxist-Leninist organisation to find a way of co-operating to begin with, despite a significant appeal inherent in the idea of getting on-side with an occupation power, but the scorched-earth operation had hit the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia especially hard. One of FARC's strongholds was, generally speaking, the southern jungle, a large part of which was obliterated along with probing Inca scouting units, locals, and scores of FARC fighters and commanders.

Along with the ELN -the National Liberation Army-, FARC-EP was now fighting just about everybody else in Colombia, and the groups had together perhaps as many as 15,000 fighters after recent losses... they were somewhat boosted by the military disaster that enabled acquisition of some more small arms. Right-wing paramilitaries, meanwhile, were buoyed by the army's collapse, which gave them an influx of new recruits.

Most Colombians, however, could be called quite sick of warfare.

Southwestern Colombia

The departments of Narino and Putumayo had been annexed to Tahuantinsuyu before the latest outbreak of war, supported by minority insurrection, and General Ozcollo was not prepared to withdraw as yet, despite the destructive bombardment he faced.

Cauca had been abandoned as casualties passed deep into six figures in the face of nuclear bombardment, but, in Nariño's mountains, thousands of warriors dug in their heels and refused to fall back any further.

Putumayo would not be sold cheaply, either. Its very name is Quechua -meaning gushing river- and an absurd quantity of defoliant is going to be required to clear out an area significantly larger than the state of Israel.

In Amazonas the right flank is forced to fall back across the Rio Caqueta due to aerial pressure against its lines of supply, but hundreds of warriors do remain further north, dispersing into the jungles and countryside across southern and central Colombia and attempting to pass usually as homeless natives to anyone casting a cursory glance in their direction. South of the river large forces attempt to dig in on the bank.

So warriors remain put in the mountains and jungles, setting booby-traps and laying IEDs and mines.

Unfortunately this appears to leave Incan and Fascist positions somewhat intermingled and sometimes behind one another, a situation that Ozcollo is not unhappy about should fighting continue but one that Pachacutec wants resolved quickly.


Pachacutec Inca grudgingly expresses to the world -though not yet to his own people- a preparedness to negotiate.

Cusco offers Sumer leasing arrangements for bases, two Peruvian and one Ecuadorian, with airstrips, suggesting that the lease be free until the current conflict is resolved, and that any stay past that point would entail a nominal fee, cash being much required as Tahuantinsuyu tries to update its defences and rebuild its battered export industries (mining and petrochemicals).

-The Inca wants an international resolution to prevent the future offensive deployment of weapons of mass destruction to the theatre by any party.

-Cusco wants recognition of the Rio Caqueta and the northern border of Nariño as the front line at the conclusion of fighting; Ozcollo will agree not send newly-raised conscript reinforcements across the Rio Putumayo.

-If Atopiana can be found by 3rd party inspection to have removed WMDs from the theatre and if the second point can be agreed, Cusco will not pursue criminal charges against or seek compensation from Atopiana over its offensive use of chemical and nuclear weapons.
21-05-2007, 18:20
Fourth Strategic Air Armada:

"Incoming missiles. 24 total. Countermeasures."
"Countermeasures deployed."
"Jamming initiated."
"Self-defence lasers fired."
"Infra-red JESTERS engaged."
"Evasive action."
"Evasive action aye."

The Armada, as one, split, and reformed. Just three aircraft were hit - one, a Tu-170H ECM/EW craft, blew apart under a direct hit. Two others - a drone and a bomber - took damage from shrapnel as the few SAMs that reached the armada detonated amongst the chaff and countermeasures.

Threat over, the Armada launched their Kh-60 cruise missiles. All six thousand of them. Their target? The capital city of Cazelia. Each missile carried a one-ton explosive warhead; and all six thousand were guided by the latest systems and keyed in by drones and FASCES satellites.

Temporary Regional Command:

"Sir, we're having difficulties with FARC."
"Give them whatever they want. Support their operations with our reserves, offer them money, guns, munitions, medicine, support - whatever. I don't care. Get them on-side and do it fast, we need to bring the civilians under control."

SW Colombia:

Across the jungle, low-flying fighter-bombers disgorged napalm by the ton. Bombs and defoliants mixed to immolate vast swathes of jungle, sending pillars of thick black smoke into the sky. On the ground, infantry units with flame-projectors burned back the forest, sending forwards robots to trigger booby traps in case the firestorm they were building didn't destroy them.

In the mountains, specialist mountain warfare units operating with close air support began the long and tiring task of winkling out Incan forces. True to form, the struggle was bloody and hard, but after losing several soldiers to attacks by disguised Incans, the mountain warfare units began to simply shoot anyone not in their own uniforms on sight.

Kurskograd, Atopiana:

The Primo has authorised the following concessions:

All NBC munitions will be withdrawn from the Task Force and returned to Atopiana.

Third-party inspections of Atopian ammunition dumps will be allowed so long as the third party in question is accompanied at all times by members of K Division for their own safety.

However, the Primo will not budge on the following point:

The front-line is the pre-war Colombian-Peruvian border, as evidenced by the one-mile deep continuous line of Atopian fortifications that runs along it. All Incan troops within Colombia will be considered enemy combatants until the cessation of hostilities, at which point they will have one week to return to Peru or be considered terrorists and be dealt with as such.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
21-05-2007, 19:38
The rebel campaign

Many in FARC-EP are apt to be seduced by major Atopianan support, and the organisation is not without corruption. Moves in the command structure to accept Fascist help cause a splintering that, while it may not have been the plan, will at least help to reduce the communists' ability to influence policy and launch offensives. Off-shoots decry FARC-EP for collaborationist ideas and pledge to fight on alone, but none alone is as strong as FARC was united. The right-wing paramilitaries, of course, react by attacking the communists with renewed hope.

Unfortunately, the shooting of anyone outside Atopianan uniform in some contested provinces goes a long way to convincing most people that the communists were probably right to oppose the Fascists initially, and even causes some to think that Inca rule might not be so bad... Pachacutec has just issued a new decree.

"Henceforth the practice and policy of extermination against non-aboriginal peoples in the path of Empire shall be suspended. As my forefathers integrated those of Apu Chalcuchima into the greater Quechua community so shall we offer integration to both the native peoples of Colombia and the vast immigrant majority. No more blood save that spilled in our defence! Glory to Inti and let his splendour shine on one and all."

General Ozcollo's campaign

Atopianan attempts to fortify almost two and a half thousand kilometres of border while millions of Incan soldiers were there and on either side of it of course led to some rather savage close-quarter fighting.

The enemy would find that, now no longer fighting the Colombian National Army, Incan reticence in deploying modern munitions went out the window like the contents of a chamberpot.

Slings were still used, but often only to hurl grenades and improvised explosives to extreme range. Some slings would project more rubber balls that bounce even further or find their way behind hard cover and around corners before exploding and hurling poisoned shards in all directions, making even a slight graze a death sentence. Those soldiers for whom no modern weapons were available were invariably the least skilled and became luckless cannon fodder, often charging with mêlée weapons while Antis warriors -trained from infancy and experienced in picking and leading targets in the half-light and chaos of the Amazon fringe- delivered rifle fire of quite world-class accuracy.

It was rumoured that Papuan, 'savages' could be sent alone into the jungle with a specific target in mind and come back with the head of an Imperial Japanese Army soldier before his comrades knew what had happened. The same sort of ancient second-nature skills furnish Ozcollo's forces with their own Rambos, one here who'll put out a jaguar's eye in the forest from a few hundred paces, another there who could sneak up behind an SAS soldier and steal his rations.

For now a popular tactic was to feign a flanking attempt against a static Fascist position, using large numbers of poorly armed warriors. Snipers would stay put and engage as the defenders attempted to repulse an apparent attempt to surround or bypass them. It wasn't a perfect tactic, given how many Quechua it sacrificed -surely more Inca than Fascists even when it went according to plan-, but for now the best that Ozcollo could do was to inflict casualties and keep the enemy from being able to police the border area.

MANPADS too are given much more use now as attackers come in with apparent dumb weapons at presumably reduced altitude if they want to have much success. More improvised SAMs continue to operate in the form of Sidewinder, Derby, Russian, and AMRAAM missiles strapped to artillery rockets, but as yet it is unclear whether the makeshift defences are even working as somewhat optimistically hoped. Once again Inca weapons are fewer and more limited than would be even close to ideal, but their high mobility and passive detection methods make them a pain to silence.

In the mountains the fighting is no less savage than in the jungles, and the Inca are keen to take any opportunity to collapse cliff faces on to enemies below. Lobbing mortar shells over ridges, sniping across valleys, hiding around blind turns and leaping out suicidally with maces and blades, and laying IEDs in narrow passes the Quechua warriors put up a furious fight, often disrupted by running out of ammunition or even local manpower, or by the arrival of air support against which only some units have any defence. Here and there teams hide on the rear face of a steep feature and engage passing aircraft at the last second with MANPADS or light AAA, reducing the crew's chance to react, but this is only effective when there is good cause to believe that a plane will even pass this way at all. It's a big war and putting a gun on one little hill is no guarantee that a plane will fly within range any time soon. Using search radar is almost totally ruled out by the probability of it attracting SEAD operations.

With four million southern troops marching through Tahuantinsuyu, the General still has several million engaged in Colombia despite hundreds of thousands of losses. Granaries, hewn into the cliffs along the way, are both difficult to spot from the air and not easy to destroy. They are many and they are vast, and the armies march on their generous provisions. If the fight must continue it will be some time before Pachacutec says uncle!
Dostanuot Loj
21-05-2007, 19:59
Sealed letter to Pachacutec Inca

As it appears things are setteling down in your region, we would like to congragulate you and your nation on your fight. You fight well and proud, honorable warriors to be sure!

The three bases will be sufficient, and we thank you for their use. Leasing could perhaps be worked out, and we are willing to discuss arrangments for the rebuilding of your nation. Once things have completely stabilized we are interested in helping you rebuild your industries and armed forces. For now militarily we can offer only our surplus equipment as it comes avalible, however in the near future as your economic situation improves we may be more open to providing you with new built equipment. We may also be avalible to opening our military schools to help jump start your military to more modern methoeds, or provide advisors to your forces.
Your economy however is one we have the majority of the interest in right now, as a strong Incan economy means a stronger Incan nation, and potential trade oppertunities. You have stated before that your national exports include mining and petrochemicals. While we have no need for petrochemicals, we would like to begin negotiations for a small percentage of the mining production, perhaps in exchange for our assistance in rebuilding your economy if you so desire it. We don't need a lot, nor do we want a lot, but the ammount we may be interested in depends more on what specific ores you have avalible.
We look forward to potential deals and a working together of our peoples in this matter.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer

Open Declaration as to the nature of Sumerian involvement in South America

I want to keep this open to bring all parties at ease with more clarity in this matter. The Dictorial Republic of Sumer openly condones the Incan right to ancesteral territory claims, and openly approves of their right to attempt to enforce those ancient territorial claims. We have no intention of helping them enforce what they do not already have, but it is not our right to deny them their history. Sumerian forces being stationed as we speak in regions close to the current confict border are there to act as a vanguard against potential aggression by anyone outside Incan borders, but specifically those currently within Columbia. The force, which will be provided attached, is small because any attack on them will be considered an act of war against Sumer itself, and responded to accordingly. Any conflict with them within Incan territory will be considered an act of war with Sumer itself. They are there in an effort to bring the border under stable garrison, not to provide a fortified line of defence. We have too much experiance with such lines, and know full well the consequences that such a course of action will have on the Incan people, so we have no intention of providing a fortified static wall for the benifiet of those in Columbia.

Furthermore, as in the interests of the wishes of the Incan government, we are hereby proclaiming the Incan territory as well as Columbia under Sumerian Strategic Oversight. Under this we will respond to further use of nuclear, chemical, or conventional weapons within these territories as an attack with such weapons on our own land, and respond accordingly. It is hoped that thus arrangment will force those involved to reconsider their use of such weapons if they begin to dwell in that area, and we are more then willing to cooperate with all parties involved on either side of the conflict to enforce this and to begin cleanup of the already damaged areas.

We welecome open talk from all sides to resolve and end this bloody conflict.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer

Enclosed list of Sumerian forces deployed to Incan defence

Base Euphrates (Peru) - HQ, 1st Division, 2nd Division
Base Tigris (Peru) - 4th Division
Base Amazon (Ecuador) - 3rd Division

Designation: Southern Expiditionary Battalion
Location: Western South America
Mission: Preservation of Incan territory, Defence
Nominal Strength: Battalion
Numerical Strength: 12,134
Involved Branches: Republican Guard, Republican Air Force, Temple Guard
Commanding Officer: Ribishar Anepada Sin (Igimekalam)


First Division
Commanding Officer: Shar Enanatuma Ashusikildigir (Igimunu)
Branch: Ereshkigal Temple Guard, Republican Guard
Role: Rapid Force Interdiction, Defence
Numerical Strength: 2,526
- 1st Division HQ (54)
- Ereshkigal's First Armoured Regiment (561)
- Ereshkigal's Third Armoured Regiment (561)
- Ereshkigal's First Armoured Infantry Regiment (486)
- 3rd Eridu Air Superiority Regiment (432)
- 5rd Eridu Air Superiority Regiment (432)
- 2nd Bayamon Combat Engineers Regiment (486)

- 118x MCA-7B0 MBT
- 10X ELDC-27 LBT
- 102x PIV-28A AIV
- 6x PIV-28C ACV
- 6x MCA-7B1 ARV
- 6x MCA-7B6 CEV
- 76x PIV-64 HAPC
- 32x FJ-12 Type 30


Second Division
Commanding Officer: Shar Shulgi Nammu (Anursangkalam)
Branch: Air Force
Role: Rapid Force Interdiction, Defence
Numerical Strength: 3,082
- 2nd Division HQ (54)
- 83rd Anshubursang (Paratrooper) Regiment (650)
- 92nd Anshubursang (Paratrooper) Regiment (650)
- 4th Nineveh Light Air Transit Regiment (432)
- 4th Nineveh Medium Air Transit Regiment (432)
- 18th Fighter Regiment (432)
- 32nd Fighter Regiment (432)

- 32x FJ-14 Type 19
- 18x TPC-7
- 14x TPL-17


Third Division
Commanding Officer: Shar Ishme Dagan (Igimekalam)
Branch: Republican Guard, Air Force
Role: Patrol, Defence
Numerical Strength: 3,265
- Third Division HQ (54)
- 5th Babylon Armoured Infantry Regiment (486)
- 7th Jericho Infantry Regiment (650)
- 9th Jericho Infantry Regiment (650)
- 2nd Ur Armoured Regiment (561)
- 38th Fighter Regiment (432)
- 40th Fighter Regiment (432)

- 32x FJ-14 Type 19
- 59x MCA-7B0 MBT
- 5X ELDC-27 LBT
- 78x PIV-28A AIV
- 3x PIV-28C ACV
- 3x MCA-7B1 ARV
- 3x MCA-7B6 CEV
- 8x PIV-64 HAPC


Fourth Division
Commanding Officer: Shar Ia Arwia (Igimekalam)
Branch: Republican Guard
Role: Ground Defence
Numerical Strength: 3,261
- Fourth Division HQ (54)
- 1st Lagash Armoured Regiment (561)
- 1st Lagash Armoured Infantry Regiment (486)
- 5th Yara Mechanized Infantry Regiment (648)
- 6th Yara Mechanized Infantry Regiment (648)
- 11th Ground Attack Regiment (432)
- 13th Ground Attack Regiment (432)

- 34x AT-12 Type 22
- 59x MCA-7B0 MBT
- 5X ELDC-27 LBT
- 78x PIV-28A AIV
- 3x PIV-28C ACV
- 3x MCA-7B1 ARV
- 3x MCA-7B6 CEV
- 8x PIV-64 HAPC
- 72x MIV-16 IFV
21-05-2007, 20:04
Temporary Regional Command - FARC:

"They've split."
"As expected. No matter. Support our lot and see about bringing in the far-right loonies too. They should be easier to convince. Equip FARC with our 2110 tech, stores should have enough. That'll easily be enough to give them the edge."

Colombian-Peruvian Border:

The one mile deep scorched and levelled earth Militarised Zone, stretching for 2.5 thousand kilometres, was studded with forts at half-mile intervals. Only the deployment of the huge Atopian Logistics Corp could have achieved this feat in such a short amount of time, and the massive increase in LOS meant that any Incans attempting to get across the border would meet only death. Minefields and barbed-wire entanglements create kill-zones swept by machine-guns, cannon, and ground-mounted laser systems amongst other weaponry.

The Mountains:

With two drones and one helicopter being lost to MANPADs and at least one platoon sized unit crushed under a rockfall, the Atopian Mountain Divisions and Special Forces units began to exercise greater caution. Unable to use chemical or biological weapons, they settled for destroying whole mountainsides with massive conventional explosives. Villages and towns were razed, their populations screened for Incans and the remainder removed to Colombian Resettlement Camps controlled by FARC and other local militias.

The Jungle:

Napalm, being dropped indiscriminately, in order to start a massive firestorm, meant that the fighter-bombers were almost always out of range of MANPADs before they could be deployed. On the ground, Atopian troops merely waited for the enemy to attack them as the jungle burned in front of them. Secure in their APAVs, which the enemy could not scratch without significantly heavier firepower than they had availiable, Atopian Army units simply burnt what they could and hosed with weapons fire what they couldn't.
21-05-2007, 20:11
OOC no, there not

[QUOTE=Atopiana;12675828]Fourth Strategic Air Armada:

"Incoming missiles. 24 total. Countermeasures."
"Countermeasures deployed."
"Jamming initiated."
"Self-defence lasers fired."
"Infra-red JESTERS engaged."
"Evasive action."
"Evasive action aye."

The Armada, as one, split, and reformed. Just three aircraft were hit - one, a Tu-170H ECM/EW craft, blew apart under a direct hit. Two others - a drone and a bomber - took damage from shrapnel as the few SAMs that reached the armada detonated amongst the chaff and countermeasures.

Threat over, the Armada launched their Kh-60 cruise missiles. All six thousand of them. Their target? The capital city of Cazelia. Each missile carried a one-ton explosive warhead; and all six thousand were guided by the latest systems and keyed in by drones and FASCES satellites.

Sam Parker closed the canopy of his F-22 raptor "okay boys, here's the plan.
squadrons one and two will follow the enemy bombers and try to prevent as many from getting home as possible. Squadrons 4, 5 and 6 willtry and shoot down as many cruise missles with their HARM ,AMRAAM, SIDEWINERS and laser countermesurures. we need to stall them"
Dostanuot Loj
21-05-2007, 20:41
Direct communication to the Atopianan forces in the South American region.

As commander of the Sumerian garrison within Inca lands I feel obliged to contact you personally regarding this matter. I will start with your suggestion of a fortified line. My nation has a long history of such a border, our northern and eastern borders are essentially one massive fortified line the likes of which dwarf what has been thusly attempted by your forces here. As such we are well versed on the economic and social problems such an endeavour will cause. With the Incan willingness to cooperate in negotiations we believe that building blockades will only bring their people suffering, as well as suffering to the people of Columbia. My government thusly wishes that we maintain active patrol of the border to prevent your forces and those of your allies from moving in or potentially attempting an invasion, as well as to prevent potential Columbian drug backed terrorists from entering Incan lands. We hope that you would do the same, preventing Incan forces from moving into Columbia and other illegal crossings in that direction. We hope not to seperate these two nations, but to bring them closer together. It would be more in the interests of the Inca and Columbians alike to be rebuilding the bridges that bound their two nations, rather then destroying them. With a secure border the two nations can then return, albeit slowly, to economic and social cooperation that would be more akin to neighbors of this nature, do you not agree?
This is our intent, and we hope the sooner all parties involved realise this process, the sooner it will be come a reality.

Commander of the Southern Expiditionary Battalion,
- Ribishar Anepada Sin
21-05-2007, 20:42
OOC: No? Fair enough. More targets. :p

Fourth Strategic Air Armada:

As the bombers peeled away and accellerated to Mach 4.5, hundreds of fighter and drone escorts banked and dived upon the climbing F-22s. Such old technology was hopelessly outclassed by the superior numbers of AMI-F-78 manned hypersonic fighters and their drone counterparts, but with careless piloting they were still dangerous.

Aquiring their targets as they began to lift from their airbases, rockets ripple-fired from wingmounts, homing in on a variety of triggers. Drones began piling on the acceleration, becoming lethal weapons in their own right as they pulled away from the diving fighters.

Communique to Sumer:

Our Grand Line - bordering Skgorria and Grossetape - has been in existence for centuries. You are not the only nation with such experience.

We appreciate your efforts but will not abandon our Militarised Zone until Colombia is rebuilt and the war is over.
21-05-2007, 21:15
OOC: No? Fair enough. More targets. :p

Fourth Strategic Air Armada:

As the bombers peeled away and accellerated to Mach 4.5, hundreds of fighter and drone escorts banked and dived upon the climbing F-22s. Such old technology was hopelessly outclassed by the superior numbers of AMI-F-78 manned hypersonic fighters and their drone counterparts, but with careless piloting they were still dangerous.

Aquiring their targets as they began to lift from their airbases, rockets ripple-fired from wingmounts, homing in on a variety of triggers. Drones began piling on the acceleration, becoming lethal weapons in their own right as they pulled away from the diving fighters.

"Xaj! fire the U-T32 fusion bomb, the rest of you, fire at will"

OOC: you're in Cazelian Region territory now. prepare to be fired upon by nations you've never heard of
21-05-2007, 21:20
OOC: A fusion bomb? Over your own country? Wow, good move there! :p


Long-Range Dogfight, Cazelian Airspace:

A drone exploded as a Cazelian rocket hit its wingtip. The lethal shrapnel hummed through the air towards the Cazelians at quite ridiculous velocities, and claimed three more drones at the same time.

The remainder of the enemy fire was confused by the countermeasures and chaff put out by the Atopian fighters who had closed to cannon range. A quick burst, and then they were pulling away, climbing, before rolling onto their backs and diving onto the enemy again...


OOC: What, exactly, does the fusion bomb do? It seems to me that it will go BOOM and nuke the fuck out of your nation and as a by-product destroy my fighters and drones that stayed behind to engage your fighters.

2nd EDIT:

If it DOES go BOOM then I will alter this post to account for the sudden vapourisation of my own fighters, so long as you take the hits in Cazelia too. :p
21-05-2007, 21:29
OOC: Cazelia, I assume you're just ignoring the fact that a several-thousand strong armada has sailed through your territorial waters...never mind lol

North-West Colombian Coastline

It was a nice change for the Skgorrian military not to have to enter a foreign country unopposed and as the ships tied into the makeshift Atopian harbours, commanders all the way down to fire-team level readied their forces for deployment. Troops and supplies were rolling off the ships almost as soon as the ships docked, forming a series of long trails snaking out from the ports as the Skgorrian forces made their way to staging areas no further than 20 miles from the coast. In addition to the military forces, large stockpiles of humanitarian aid were being created and civillian contractors were preparing to move into the mainland to begin the rebuilding process. This was Stage 1 of the advance in Colombia.

Ahead of the main forces went lightly-armed Psyops divisions carrying masses of humanitarian aid to those who desperately needed it after the vicious Atopian counter-offensives. Carrying everything from food to toys, these units would roll into refugee camps under Atopian protection and distribute the aid whilst proclaiming pro-Skgorrian propaganda such as "Skgorria brings you hope and aid, the Incans bring you death" and "Skgorria will rebuild Colombia and make her greater than ever". It remains to be seen what effect such propaganda will have upon a war-ravaged populace such as the one that now is under the protection of the Pact of Iron.

Declaration of Skgorrian intentions

1. To remove all Incan forces from within the state of Colombia
2. To end the current state of hostilities between Colombia and the Incans
3. To install a stable government in Colombia and end the civil war
4. To hold a conference between Skgorrian, Atopiana, Sumeria and Tahuantinsuyu Empire to discuss this conflict and work out how to avoid future conflicts.
21-05-2007, 21:35
Pact of Iron Military Command (formerly Temporary Regional Command):

"OK, listen up! We've been formerly put in charge of clearing out enemy military assets from Colombia, while the Skgorrians, as Pact of Iron Humanitarian Command, monitor our operations! They are in overall command, all strategic decisions must be relayed through them for approval! As of now, the peace deals come into effect - combat against forces within Colombia is fine, combat against the Cazelians is fine, combat with Sumerians is off-limits; combat with Incans in Peru is off-limits! Understood?"
"Yessir," came the chorus of voices...
21-05-2007, 21:39
OOC: A small fusion bomb. anyways, were probably over canada by now (The region of Cazelia is
about 90 miles of of Canada)
21-05-2007, 21:54
OOC: A small fusion bomb. anyways, were probably over canada by now (The region of Cazelia is
about 90 miles of of Canada)

OOC: Yet you launch ships from Florida? :confused: Besides, I've been quite clear, my stay-behind fighters aircraft are not in anyone's airspace other than Cazelia's. :p

Bit of a suicide tactic. You n00k your own fighters and a chunk of your nation and I will n00k the stay-behind fighters.

Then there's still the 6,000 odd missile impacts for you to RP hitting your capital, AND the naval battle I started some pages ago...
Dostanuot Loj
21-05-2007, 22:21
In the sky over the Pacific

Shar Enanatuma Ashusikildigir leaned on the back of the pilots seat of the transport plane she was in, looking out the forward windows. Apart from the pair of FJ-12s in the distance forming the point of the formation, little else could be seen but cloud. The neared the southern Ecuadorian coast, and she could see on the map it would soon be time to begin their descent below the clouds. The tapped the pilot on the shoulder once to get his attention then signaled down with a motion of her hand, he complied and began the slow descent. Fear more then anything kept the crew of his aircraft, as well as the other numerous heavy lift transport aircraft constantly on edge. Enanatuma may only be a Shar, a Colonel in other forces, and he may outrank her, but she was Temple Guard, and that meant bad for him. Working with the Republican Guard was bad enough, but deployment of Temple guard made his stomach uneasy, especially since these preistesses of Ereshkigal have always been a questionable lot. Rather then dwell on his though processs though, he simple nodded to his copilot to begin the process of descending through the clouds.

Enanatuma stepped back from the cockpit once she had visually confirmed the pilot's actions, happy with how things were going thus far. She stepped back through the passanger accomodations, past the seats her troops were given, to the cargo area. She smiled as she looked on the three MCA-7B tanks in the cargo hold, her troops hurrying over them getting them ready to move off the plane, into a fight if needed. The motion of the planes descent seemed to do little more then annoy those working, her stomach however was not enjoying the experiance, but she kept it off her expression.

"Ninshar," She was interrupted from behind, it was her communications officer.
"Yes?" She replied, wondering why the honorifics had been used in such an informal setting.
"Recon from a pair of fighters that just overflew Base Euphrates says there are no hostiles in the area." The officer commented, passing the paper to her superior.
"Excellent, and the status of the airfield?"
"The runway is capable of supporting our landing, but it's a little short. I've already informed the pilot and he says it won't be a problem for us. The rest of the airfield is simply in disrepair, the buildings look as if they haven't been used in a while."
"Good," Enanatuma replied as she looked over the sheet in her hands, mostly detailing what her officer had just told her in brevity. "Contact the engineers with us and tell them I want them to assess the structures at Euphrates while we set up a perimiter. What we can use we will, then they can move on to fortifying the area."
"Yes Ninshar!" The young officer snapped back, quickly returning to her post in the cockpit.

Enanatuma turned, looking back into the cargo hold breifly before climbing down. The armoured monsters in the hold still sported the ceremonial markings of her unit, red and black tiger stripes. She knew they would stand out in the South American environment, but she wanted that. She knew the fear her unit could instill in the other units working with her, and she believed it was worth denying the jungle scheme to these sacred beasts. She smiled as she ran her hand over the forward armoured skirt of her personal tank, the new vehicle feeling so old to her now, like she had been using it all her life despite only being equipped with it within the last few months. And although she relished the possibility of taking her new toy into combat, she knew her mission here was too important to mess up. She quickly silenced these thoughts, climbing the skirt to the driver's hatch, she needed to talk to her driver before they landed.
21-05-2007, 22:33
Militarised Zone:

"Heads up, the Sumerians have deployed. Watch for their kit, apparently intel says it's... um... 'bright and bloody colourful', to quote."
"Right-O, sarge, will do."
Dostanuot Loj
21-05-2007, 23:28
OOC: Bored, so posting more detail for the hell of it. Plus, I drew the tanks in their colours here ( if you need to know.

Base Euphrates, Peru

The air was humid, hot like they were used to, but more humid, Only the engineers seemed not to mind, they came from one of the Taino cities, they were used to this weather, but not the rest.

Enanatuma stood atop her tank, parked in the middle of one of the smaller taxiways that the transports which brought her could not use. She lookd around, carefully studying the lay of the land. Dense jungle all around outside the perimiter, a few roads loading in from abandoned Peruvian towns, and the desolate nstructures that were once the airfields infastructure. The engineers had quickly gotten to work transforming the existing buildings to the nessecary command centres, barracks, munitions bunkers, and hangars for the fighters she would be keeping. The heavy transports and their escorts however would return home, bringing in more supplies and the rest of the Battalion to their assigned bases. She watched the last transport take off with little concern for their safe return. They had done their service to her unit, their lesser force capabilities were over as far as she was concerned. However she was sure they were still of high concern of her superiors.
"Second, report in." She said outloud, gently tapping on her throat microphone to signal to her gunner, sitting on the turret next to her, that she was talking over the radio.
"We're set. Nothing around to indicate we've got a problem." The quick staticy response was typical of these units.
"Good, keep up patrols, rotate with third and fifth." Her orders were quickly affirmed by a responding click as the units went to work, and she returned to her study of the area.
"Driver, hard right, back to HQ." she spoke, still looking down the runway as the massive tank turned and moved towards the airfield's control station, now their makeshift divisional HQ. She trusted the Atopianan forces would have already realised she was there, but radioed her staff to send the nessecary information along anyway. She wanted to arrange a recon unit to make deeper penetration into the jungles to take a closer look at the current lines, she also wanted to send a unit to make solid contact with the Incan forces nearby, and the Incan government, to make sure they were aware of her presence and actions.
As she continued her daily routines, her attached engineers finished the repairs to the buildings, installation of the nessecary equipment, and were fast finishing the perimiter defences. Three hundred meters of jungle surrounding the airfield had to be cleared for observation, sensors placed, and the lumber used to build fortified earthen walls around the command complex. Trenches, sandbags and wire obstacles were installed around the airbase. Fighters began their patrols of Incan airspace, their recon of the lines and other duties they were assigned to try and return security to the area. Although the FJ-12s, complete air superiority fighters, had limited air to ground capability, their need was more to indicate their presence and to give Enanatuma a picture of the region then any striking of forces entering Incan land.
21-05-2007, 23:42
Militarised Zone Central HQ:

"Do we have the real-time satellite feed up?"
"Yes - we have eyes on the Sumerian deployment at all times."
"Excellent. Keep me notified if it looks like they're altering to an offensive posture."
22-05-2007, 00:58
Yesterday, the Defense ministery reported that a Cazelian missle hit a Greal liner killing everyone on board, the families of the victims are demanding mondey from The Cazelia Goverment for their loss.

The Greal navy sent 15 destoryers to the war zone, The fleet was going to wait outside the war zone.
22-05-2007, 01:02
Yesterday, the Defense ministery reported that a Cazelian missle hit a Greal liner killing everyone on board, the families of the victims are demanding mondey from The Cazelia Goverment for their loss.

The Greal navy sent 15 destoryers to the war zone, The fleet was going to wait outside the war zone.

Your sueing us for firing at enemy planes!? thats insane, the death toll of Cazelians is 400,000! we are not paying you!
22-05-2007, 01:07
Your sueing us for firing at enemy planes!? thats insane, the death toll of Cazelians is 400,000! we are not paying you!

according to satellite images, you shot down the plane because you throught it was a enemy plane! Want to go to the international court?

The Greal Goverment has anouuced that it might ban exports to Cazelia. Greal people are calling for a war against Cazelia, but the Minister of Defense says that they are not ready for war.
22-05-2007, 01:15
Then there's still the 6,000 odd missile impacts for you to RP hitting your capital, AND the naval battle I started some pages ago...

Cazelia is in the middle of the region
22-05-2007, 01:21
All Greal ciztens in Cazelia are to be recalled back to Greal.


Minister of Foreign Affairs: Randy Wind
22-05-2007, 01:44
400,000 dead, 2 million wounded, 20,000 missing Atopianan citizens will pay with their lives. another Cazelian fleet is entering firing range of ther cruise missles and tomahawk guided missles. they will soon die
22-05-2007, 01:48
We really should stop this war.

Dpoes anyone want any weapons, I got some for sale.
22-05-2007, 06:09
A Greal division has arrived to help clean up the city.
22-05-2007, 06:29
"bless your hearts!"

jonathan hasley
22-05-2007, 06:30
OOC: some of the Greal troops became mad when they saw some Greal people bodies under some buildings.
22-05-2007, 11:07
OOC: Greal - what are you doing in this thread? It seems to me that you're involved with Cazelia more than anything else. I suggest you create a thread titled something like "Greal-Cazelian Tension Increases" and discuss what you're doing there.

Cazelia - what's the location of your nation got to do with my points? :p If Cazelia is in the middle of the region, that implies it's landlocked. So where are you launching ships from? Secondly, will you be RPing the damage caused by your fusion bomb or RPing the fleet engagement that's happening in Colombian waters?


Fifth Fleet, Superdreadnought ANV Marinetti:

"We have RADAR/LADAR and FASCES intelsat positioning on the Cazelian fleet. It's steaming in an offensive posture towards Pact of Iron waters, Admiral."
"Very well. Action stations throughout the fleet, and initiate over-the-horizon engagement protocol six."
"Aye aye sir."

Just moments after that exchange, the fleet's long-range rockets boosted from their ramps, streaking in their hundreds towards the enemy vessels. Aircraft punched off launch-ramps and roared away to engage the Cazelian CAPs and air defences. Hunter-killer submarines began to sweep the waters while ASW helicopters and destroyers stepped up their patrols around the Fifth Fleet.

Not a single missile would be allowed to fall on Pact of Iron home territory.
22-05-2007, 11:16
OOC: we have decided to help Cazelia's war victims, if you bomb our small camps, we will defend Cazelia.



I have decided to visit Atopiana about ending this war


Minister of Foreign Affairs: Randy Wind
22-05-2007, 11:23
Communique to Greal:

Any military action will involve accidents and mistakes. We are not deliberately targeting Greal positions and apologise in advance for any casualties amongst your forces caused by our action.

Regarding the proposed diplomatic visit, we would be happy to welcome your foreign minister and his entourage to Kurskograd for talks.
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
22-05-2007, 11:25
Former Colombia/Tahuantinsuyu border

Atopiana's fortification work simply wasn't going as easily as the Fascists arrogantly assumed. At the time that they began their efforts, Ozcollo's front lines were tens of kilometres north, and the engineers were surrounded by literally millions of expert warriors including several hundred thousand equipped with modern firearms. Wandering thousands of kilometres inland into the middle of an Incan advance and attempting to string barbed wire was roughly as well considered a plan as the Quechua practice of using young children to scare llamas away from crops... and jaguars away from llamas.

Air power would have to be called for on an extremely taxing schedule across the vast frontier as countless engineering teams come under simultaneous assault from multiple directions. The order to establish a machinegun nest, here... frequently is followed by the whistle of incoming mortar rounds. The attempt to sew landmines not infrequently sees vehicles collapse into covered pits and shallow tunnels. The stringing of wire often leads to seemingly invisible spitting of poison darts and springing up of garrote-armed assassins.

Put simply, the very establishment of fortifications is heavily contested.

Wiping out whole towns and massacring Colombian civilians, the Fascists will find, does no more to stop Ozcollo's warriors than almost identical Nazi tactics discouraged the partisans under Panteleimon Ponomarenko and others. It does create a further headache in the form of latter day Latin echoes of the Brethren of the Forest amongst the Colombian population, of course.

Before long, as some Fascist forts are established under cover of their modern firepower, Ozcollo sets to his own engineering works. Tahuantinsuyu is a land in which people have dug, by hand, tunnels through solid mountains. And so the sinking of small access tunnels under enemy positions is no great leap. Such works are covered by carrying disturbed earth and rock by hand and llama back to the jungle, out to sea, to the rivers, and dispersing it widely, and by launching hopeless and costly frontal assaults to cover the presence and noise of digging teams.


Conscription is not a common feature of Incan life, but needs must, and the wise system of the mita obligation makes it possible for Pachacutec to call on vast reserves of raw manpower.

As in the days of the first empire all male citizens are bound over to undertake military training, though only 0.65% of the entire populace is maintained as a standing army of the warrior caste. Now a large body of trained young men is being called upon to take up arms, and Cusco pleads to the world for small arms in aid or on credit, promising to pay with vast natural resources and the profits from their exploitation once victory is attained.

With a preliminary estimate counting some four million citizens killed in the Atopianian bombardment there are some potential warriors too sick or mentally broken, some disheartened, but, by and large, there are almost countless young men filled with fury and a desire to seek satisfaction for the slight to their society and their faith.

*See OOC thread for a better overview of the military and economy in which I'll try to explain a few things in more depth and open the systems to criticism and discussion. Coming soon.*

To Sumer

Of course Cusco -through one of Pachacutec's Coyas, or wives- to inform the Sumerians of a wealth of resources. Chile's Chuquicamanta copper mine is one of the world's most productive, Coquimbo contains rich high-grade iron ore deposits, the Atacama Desert contains some of the world's richest nitrate deposits (useful in fertilisers and explosives). Coal, gold, silver, molybdenum, manganese, zinc, lead, bauxite, sulfur, cobalt, antimony, tungsten, potash, and uranium are all mined in the former Chile... or were before Fascist missile strikes ruined the necessary infrastructure. Tin has been a major Bolivian product for generations, and the region also turns out antimony, gold, and silver on top of its large natural gas potential. Peru gives up yet more copper, silver, and gold, along with high-grade iron, lead, zinc, bismuth, phosphates, and manganese, and oil exploration was highly promising before the Incan restoration scared-off foreign investment. Gold, silver, copper, zinc, uranium, lead, sulfur, kaolin, and limestone exist in the former Ecuador. Paraguay contains resources useful in the production of cement, for which the stone-building Inca have little domestic use.

Under the previous governments most resources remained under-explored and untapped due to the constraints of under-investment and difficult Andean and Amazonian terrain. Pachacutec is prepared to use mass labour mobilisation to over-come many of these problems once the war is over.
22-05-2007, 11:28
Communique to Greal:

Any military action will involve accidents and mistakes. We are not deliberately targeting Greal positions and apologise in advance for any casualties amongst your forces caused by our action.

Regarding the proposed diplomatic visit, we would be happy to welcome your foreign minister and his entourage to Kurskograd for talks.


The minister of Foreign affairs plane arrived at the airport in Cazelia to refuel before going to Atopiana. He saw what this war had done to the people of Cazelia, he saw some Greal troops carrying bodies but the Greal troops saw him and greeted him.
22-05-2007, 11:42
OOC: The Greal Goverment has decided to declare war against the Atopiana .

We will however have no allies in this fight.


IC: The Admiral of the Navy, Justin Look stared at the paper.

"Is this true?" He asked his aide.

"Yes, sir the Greal is far away from the war, so it will need ships to suppile the troops." said his aide.

"Sir, the 1st Infranty Corps are waiting to be transported." said a different aide.

The 1st Infranty Corps! He throught How are we supposed to transport 500,000 men.

"The whole fleet is ready" said the aide

"Lets move" said the admiral.
Dostanuot Loj
22-05-2007, 11:42
Sealed letter in response to recent offers by the Inca

Tin, zinc, iron, and molybdenum we could make use of, and would be interested in dealings with you in regards to. However first we must settle your current disputes. To that effect I advise you as an ally to remove your troops out of Columbia and consolodate what you currently have. Wise is the warrior who realises a battle he can not win and reacts accordingly for his next endeavour. Rebuild your nation, those territories once under Inca control will return in due,and your empire will be all the better off for it with a stronger base to include them into. As an incentive to strategically repostsion your forces in such a manner, to rebuild and return to the greatness your empire is known for, I will offer you more modern weapons for your army. Modern rifles, vehicles, equipment, and the training with which to use it all. But before such an exchange can take place peace needs to be brought about. Let those coveting Columbia hold it for now, let them attempt to rebuild the damage, you can easily bring your empire to greater glory in the international eyes then Columbia can be brought about, and in due time I am sure the Inca nationals of Columbia will move to join your empire of their own free will, something no coalition can prevent.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer
22-05-2007, 11:47
IC: The Minister of Foreign Affairs was about to get on the plane when a aide came running towrd him yelling that war has been declared on Atopiana.

OOC: We have decided to give 100,000 elite Greal troops to the Incas.
22-05-2007, 12:03
IC: The Minister of Foreign Affairs was about to get on the plane when a aide came running towrd him yelling that war has been declared on Atopiana.

Gah. :rolleyes:

Communique to Greal:

If you attempt to prosecute your war, we will turn your nation to glass using nuclear weapons. In other words - don't attack us. You will regret it.

Militarised Zone:

The three million logistics personnel and the one million combat troops involved in construction of the MZ, together with the Seventh Tactical Air Armada, ensured that progress went with ease despite the occassional mortar attack. Attempts with poison darts and garottes on the lives of troopers encased from head to foot in a ceramic-composite exoskeleton would lead, inevitably, to massive casualties amongst the attackers. All-Purpose Armoured Vehicles and artillery instantly respond to any incoming fire, opening up with their main guns even as the incoming is in flight.

Those vehicles that do fall into pits are removed with combat engineering vehicles and the pits turned into bunkers or vehicle scrapes. Due to these incidents, ground-scanning from the air is used to identify and interdict enemy tunneling projects.


Resistance is dealt with by the Skgorrian Humanitarian Command. Atopian units, attacked by terrorists, respond with immediate overwhelming firepower if there's a target in sight. In the case of bombs, the convoys simply carry on - most explosions are too small to do more than damage the APAVs, but when a vehicle is destroyed or mission killed, integral engineering vehicles quickly remove the wreck and any casualties.
22-05-2007, 12:07
OOC: hey! you're not the only country with nukes around here! Not to mention, our country is far away from the battlefield and is armed with a anti-missle system in Greal.

OOC: We have decided to install anti-missle systems in Cazelia.
22-05-2007, 12:16
Our country has begun speeding up production of nukes.
22-05-2007, 12:16
OOC: hey! you're not the only country with nukes around here! Not to mention, our country is far away from the battlefield and is armed with a anti-missle system in Greal.

OOC: O RLY? Do you also have a space-based kinetic-kill weapons system, kept in reserve for situations such as this? Have your Strategic Rocket Forces been building up weapons for over three hundred years? Does your AMS prevent n00k-spam in the region of over 100,000 warheads? Is your nation tiny and insignificant compared to everyone else here? Your entire armed forces, including logistical personnel and so on, numbers at most six million men and women. At most. My fucking Air Force is larger than that, and I've deployed about six million people to Colombia if we count the Naval, Logistics, and Air Force personnel as well as the 1.5 million combat troops in the Task Force... if we want to get all penis-size-comparing here.

Don't be a fool. Save your nation and don't attack me. I'm involved in a fun RP here and I'd really rather not crush you beneath my boot. It would lower the tone.
22-05-2007, 12:22
OOC: fine, declaretion of war against Atopiana has been canceled.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs would like to apolgize to Atopiana, and The Minister still wants to visit and have peace talks.

PS: I have 12 million people in the army, I know my army is lower then yours. (Thats not counting the reserve force either.)
22-05-2007, 12:26
OOC: If you have 12 million people, which is 10% of your nation, in your armed forces, your nation's economy would collapse. And that's just for starters. I've got about 4% in the armed forces, including reserves - and I only get away with such a big number because I'm a big nation, and geared towards war.


Atopian Foreign Ministry:

We are pleased to hear that Greal has reconsidered. We would welcome the Foreign Minister of Greal to Kurskograd for talks.
22-05-2007, 12:30
IC: Finally after a 12 day delay, The Minister of Foreign Affairs Rand Wind had arrived in Kurskograd with 10 aides and 5 elite Greal gaurds. The Minister first before having peace talks decided to visit the city of Kurskograd.
22-05-2007, 12:30
OOC: If you have 12 million people, which is 10% of your nation, in your armed forces, your nation's economy would collapse. And that's just for starters. I've got about 4% in the armed forces, including reserves - and I only get away with such a big number because I'm a big nation, and geared towards war.


Atopian Foreign Ministry:

We are pleased to hear that Greal has reconsidered. We would welcome the Foreign Minister of Greal to Kurskograd for talks.

The funny thing is that 12 year olds can join the army here in Greal.
22-05-2007, 12:46
IC: Randy stayed in a hotel owned by a Pro-Atopiana Greal man.

Randy was thinking about what the terms of a treaty should be.

"Sir!" yelled a aide who came bursting in.

"Yes" asked Randy.

"A plane carrying some Greal officals was shot down whil flying over to here." said the aide.

"my son is on that plane!" Randy said quietly.

"We are currently asking the Atopiana Goverment for permission to rescue any surivors" said the aide (They had to ask for permission because the plane crashed in Atopiana.)
Tahuantinsuyu Empire
22-05-2007, 12:47
Machu Piqchu

Retired to the old peak, the Inka's royal retreat, which survived bombardment due to its seclusion and its perilous position atop a six hundred metre precipice over the Urabamba River, Pachacutec comes to an unhappy decision.

"In our current state of mobilisation, I must conclude, the Empire lacks sufficient ready manpower to overwhelm the Fascist forces at the local size to which they have grown. Colombia we had ready for defeat, and, I am sure, the Fascists we could have met were we only prepared for the scale of their logistical commitment... but this is not the case, and once again the cowardly foreign princes shield themselves across oceans and behind bilious plagues that weaken our people.

"The noble Sumerians extend an offer that makes peace a more appealing prospect, and it only remains that an excuse be found by which to placate the indignation of the people. We have not been defeated, and yet we must withdraw further than the location of our original lines."

The Inka looked to his chief Coya... and half-sister Ocllo, who would one day bear the heir to the throne, to the decrepit Amauta who had schooled him as a child, and to the Willaq Uma.

It was the high priest, in fact, who offered a suggestion.

"Might it not be said, mighty Inka, that the approach of the Inti Raymi and the current disorder caused in Cusco by the enemy's attacks are at odds?"

Pachacutec looked thoughtful.

"Yes. Hardly thirty days remain before the festival, and much work must be done. It would not do for young men to be away at this time, and therefore I must cancel the popular mobilisation, which, necessarily, must negate the continuation of hostilities at this time."

"It would be a dishonour to Inti." Added Ocllo, nodding.


Run in relay by the chasqui, the Inka's orders traveled at more than ten miles per hour without letting-up over the long and difficult trip. Several thousand more warriors died before all officers were informed of the withdrawal order, but, presently, and without word to the Fascists, Ozcollo's warriors began to pull back to the old Colombian border, though as ever they left more than a few traps, including half-dug tunnels apt to collapse at any time.

Regular forces receive new posting orders to potential access points along the Empire's coastline and borders, and common citizens receive cancellations to their mobilisation orders: the time has come to gather sacrificial offerings and to repair Cusco's squares ahead of the festival of the sun, a nine-day celebration starting on the 24th of June.

Unusually, the Dictator of Sumer would receive a direct invitation to the event, though of course it might be tiresome for an imperial leader to sit and watch while another is carried about on a sixty-kilo gold litter. There is probably some implied trade agreement in the delivery of the invitation.
22-05-2007, 12:51
OOC: does this mean the fighting is over?
22-05-2007, 13:06
IC: Finally after a 12 day delay, The Minister of Foreign Affairs Rand Wind had arrived in Kurskograd with 10 aides and 5 elite Greal gaurds. The Minister first before having peace talks decided to visit the city of Kurskograd.

"Mr Wind," smiled the F Division security officer as he strode towards the small group of people disembarking from their plane, "I'm Major Januczek Istvaan, and I'll be your security advisor for the duration of your stay. I'm afraid your bodyguards will have to surrender their lethal weapons to customs, but they will be returned to you when you leave. Now, I'm sure you're tired from your journey, so we shall travel to the hotel first and then begin a programme of talks and tours from tomorrow."

Communique to the God-Emperor Inca:

Your forces have fought well, and brought much honour to you, O King of Kings, whose visage is illuminated as the sun.

We seek lasting peace between our nations, and will - if it pleases you - support your nation in all future endeavours so long as they do not threaten Colombia or any other of your neighbours.
Dostanuot Loj
22-05-2007, 13:07
OOC: I intend to have this dictator die off soon, probably kill her off with cancer or something. The details have yet to be worked out by me, so it could be a few weeks. I suppose that the event will fall in though, unless you are speaking 30 real life days.

Back to ICness:

Just outside base Euphrates

Enanatuma had to be careful as she manuvered the eighty odd tonne behemoth through terrain she knew nothing about. She knew traps had been set by the Inca in Columbia, and was weary of the possability of comming accross one as she returned back to base, her platoon's turn to run a patrol. Things were going well so far, the Atopianans haven't so much as sneezed in their direction since her force had landed, and reports were comming in of the possability of the Incans reestablishing their lines to the more stable pre-invasion geography. She took the time on her patrol to view the locals, uneducated and preindustrial peoples who had no idea of the horrors that had been brought upon them. Some disfigured by the unconventional weapons used against them. Death, she was used to death, even civillian death, it was her calling after all, but this just stirred something within her. There was something wrong about using such weapons on a people so innocent. She would pray for their recovery, as well as the souls of those who died or will die soon from their mutilations.
For now, however, she had a nation's defence to think on. Her commanders wanted her on ready alert, and she had no intention of disobeying such expectations. She was a thirty ninth generation member of Ereshkigal's guard afterall, she had family honor to uphold.

Sealed letter to Pachacutec Inca

For your invitation of attendence to your ceremony, I am undure at this time but I believe I may be able to attend. I am sure room can be made on my schedual for such an important event. I am unsure, however, of what would be required of me or any special information regarding my visit that I would need to know before embarking on such a journy.
Thank you for the kind invitation in the very least.

- Dictator of Sumer, Preistess of Inanna, Order of Inanna's Temple Guard,
Feild Marshal Puabi Ninatuma of The Dictorial Republic of Sumer
22-05-2007, 13:14
Militarised Zone:

As the red and black (?) tanks of the Sumerians ground towards Atopian pickets, a trooper - unhelmeted now that the Incans had pulled back and hostilities had died down - stood on the turret of his dull, camouflaged APAV and waved, a broad grin on his face.
Dostanuot Loj
22-05-2007, 13:26
Routine recon of the fortified line

Sumerian forces, specifically tanks of Ereshkigal's temple guard stationed in the region, were making routine passes along the Atopianan fortified line. It was merely standard practice to ensure that things kept their status quo. A new air of calm seemed now to descend on the area, despite the perilious situation that would ensue if hostilities resumed and escalated. Despite the situation, many of the units stationed were beginning to enjoy their time in the area, at least the time they had on their fortified bases when off duty. So it was only a slight surprise when the odd Atopian soldier would begin to wave at them as they passed by the line. The guards units, making no attempt to hide their presence, simply waved back at the curious foreign soldiers and continued on their way. A wave was certianly a good sign indeed, at least as long as it still remained a signiture gesture of freindlyness.
22-05-2007, 16:49
A fleet of 15 C-130 cargo aircraft aircraft flew toward the devastated capital of Cazelia. In order to avoid violating other nations Airspace the F-15 escorts had long bugged out, leaving the 130s to thier own devices. On board were hundreds of tons of supplies, the first shipment, about 150 rescue workers and 100 members of the Elite Golden Lions to provide security. They were scheduled to enter Cazelian Airspace by 500 hours local time.
22-05-2007, 17:04
Militarised Zone:

As the red and black (?) tanks of the Sumerians ground towards Atopian pickets, a trooper - unhelmeted now that the Incans had pulled back and hostilities had died down - stood on the turret of his dull, camouflaged APAV and waved, a broad grin on his face.

"C-1! C-1! do you read?" "affirmative" "Move into firing positions and fire at will"
22-05-2007, 18:07
"C-1! C-1! do you read?" "affirmative" "Move into firing positions and fire at will"

Cazelia - I'm not continuing to RP with you until:

1) You at least begin resolve the two (!) fleet engagements. There's one off Colombia and one in the Mediterranean off Pact of Iron territory.
2) You resolve the fusion bomb you dropped onto your own territory, engulfing both your fighters and mine.

As soon as you do that, I will resolve this random ambush. Deal? :)
22-05-2007, 20:02
The Hunter was badly damaged. the admiral was dead and the rest of the fleet had retreated. Were the last men left. we will hold the line at any cost. no dishonor, no surrender, and mos important of all. never lose hope...
The main guns fired. spashes in the water erupted. a railgun shot hit the small broadside guns. "launch the last tomahawks Lt. Homer" said Captain West, sipping his coffee. he seemed calm. he new he was going to die, but that didnt seem to bother him. it bothered everyone else, but not the captian. he was pilot during veitnam, and then resighned his post to command a ship. he was a close friend of the president, but he never bragged about it.

the sound of the missle firing was music to his ears. just like the main guns and the depth charges. he was just an ordinary man, about to die.

OOC: would yo rather have a dogfight or a long range missle fight?
22-05-2007, 20:13
As the sun rose up over the sea, Phase Two began of the Skgorrian deployment.

Staging Ground 4

"Roll out!" cried the commander of the Skgorrian column, leaning out of the cab of his UAZ and making a circling motion with his hand. A thousand hands depressed a thousand ignition buttons and a thousand vehicles roared to life, shattering the stillness of the early morning. The column lurched forwards and all manner of vehicles drove towards the MZ and other staging areas closer to the Atopian line of defence. Whilst most of the eighty divisions of troops would be dispersed throughout Colombia to aid the Atopians and their Colombian allies in pacifying the countryside and cities, some troops were being moved to the MZ. If they came across retreating Incan forces, they provided directions and food and water if it would be accepted.


Twenty divisions of Waffen-SS and Army troops moved up to support the Atopians, including the infamous 5th SS "Zionbane" division who rode up to Atopian staging areas with their hatches open and pennants with their burning Star of David flying, the paint on their tanks still fresh from their engagements in Hatarian China. In addition to the 5th there was another SS division, the 27th Panzergrenadier. The remaining eighteen were all Army units, 6 Motor Rifle and 12 Infantry divisions.


The city was now undergoing extensive repair and reconstruction work, and it was proposed that the city be re-named "Ciudad de Colombia" to symbolise a new beginning for the nation.
22-05-2007, 20:29
Task Force Fleet (First Fleet):

The day was theirs. Six ships lay burning, dead in the water, a heavy cruiser among them. Several smaller boats had been sunk, and survivors were being picked up by destroyers. The final salvo from the last surviving Cazelian vessel was plucked from the sky with contemptous ease. Instead of sinking it, however, the superdreadnought ANV Primo Frank came alongside it.

"Surrender," boomed a voice from a loudspeaker, "and be spared. Resist and die. We are sending boarders - meet them with your hands up, or be killed."

Militarised Zone:

"Welcome," boomed the armoured infantrywoman to the first Skgorrian UAZ, "to the Militarised Zone. I am General-Marshal Zhukova, commander in chief of all Atopian units in the MZ. The Pact's swift action is glorious - united we are unstoppable. Which of you is in charge?"
22-05-2007, 21:35
"Never surrender!" a marine yelled as him and abot 200 others poped up from various places on the ship and opened fire with their assault rifles and SMGs
22-05-2007, 21:41
ANV Primo Frank, Bridge:

"They're firing on us, sir," began the sub-lieutenant, a note of incredulityin her voice, "with... er... small arms?"
"Damn. That'll scratch the paintjob," grimaced the Fleet Admiral, "oh well. Helm - engines - prepare to ram."

The huge one kilometre long vessel ponderously turned, its massive flanks towering above the Cazelian vessel. There was a hideous screech of metal on armour as the Primo Frank slammed into the Cazelian ship...
22-05-2007, 21:53
A uniformed Lieutenant-General of the Skgorrian Army stepped out of the UAZ and popped a quick salute, then extended his hand.
"Lieutenant-General Ianovich, pleased to meet you Grand Marshall," he smiled. "'Strong as Iron, Remorseless as the Mountains' right? I have 20 divisions here, including two SS ones. Where do you want them?"
22-05-2007, 22:05
Militarised Zone Command:

"Lieutenant-General! Well met. The Pact abides. Spread your troops out along the lines, fill in the weak links and have the SS as a mobile reserve. Watch out for left-over booby traps and stay-behind terrorists. It's still hairy out there."
23-05-2007, 01:09
"Mr Wind," smiled the F Division security officer as he strode towards the small group of people disembarking from their plane, "I'm Major Januczek Istvaan, and I'll be your security advisor for the duration of your stay. I'm afraid your bodyguards will have to surrender their lethal weapons to customs, but they will be returned to you when you leave. Now, I'm sure you're tired from your journey, so we shall travel to the hotel first and then begin a programme of talks and tours from tomorrow."

Communique to the God-Emperor Inca:

Your forces have fought well, and brought much honour to you, O King of Kings, whose visage is illuminated as the sun.

We seek lasting peace between our nations, and will - if it pleases you - support your nation in all future endeavours so long as they do not threaten Colombia or any other of your neighbours.

IC "Your city is large and beuatiful, can the gaurds come with me unarmed?"
23-05-2007, 03:16
ANV Primo Frank, Bridge:

"They're firing on us, sir," began the sub-lieutenant, a note of incredulityin her voice, "with... er... small arms?"
"Damn. That'll scratch the paintjob," grimaced the Fleet Admiral, "oh well. Helm - engines - prepare to ram."

The huge one kilometre long vessel ponderously turned, its massive flanks towering above the Cazelian vessel. There was a hideous screech of metal on armour as the Primo Frank slammed into the Cazelian ship...

the Hunter's crew jumped ship as the battleship split in half, and detonating the magazine a large explosion racked the remaining halfs of the ship, killing all that remained onboard
23-05-2007, 12:12
ANV Primo Frank:

"Kill the survivors. They had their chance to surrender."
"Aye aye sir."

Along the flanks of the behemoth, weapons stuttered out a cacophony of death. The water was lashed with flechettes and shells, seeking out the IR signatures of the survivors...

Kurskograd International Airport:

"Yes, of course your guards may accompany you. We ask only that they do so unarmed. Please," smiled the Major, "come with me, there is a limousine waiting to take you to the hotel."
23-05-2007, 18:22
The C130's entered Cazelian airspace slightly off schedule by 450 hours. Upon reaching the border they changed thier vector toward Cazale City.
"Breaker, breaker. This is Commander Francis Lionheart of SaintB Air services, we are bringing the first shipment of men and supplies for humanitarian efforts in the capitol..."
25-05-2007, 02:19
thank you for helping us Saintb
25-05-2007, 07:14
due to a war in Greal, 15,000 Greal troops will have to pull out of Cazeila, we will leave plenty of Doctors to help the victims.
25-05-2007, 17:24
Without incedent, the C130's have landed and almost immediatly proceed to unload cargo and men, shipping them to 2 seperate crisis locations near the attacked areas. The project head, Dr. Dianna Cooper assures authorities that help will continue to arrive on a weekly basis via the same means.