NationStates Jolt Archive

Luck of the Draw...*Earth V*

22-01-2007, 03:19
In the streets of Islamabad, Pakistan

Shaukat Aziz hopped upon the Black Cab and roared over the shouts and yells of fellow Pakistanis "Come on my fellow brothers! Vote for your brother for the President of the Islamic Republic of Maldorians instead of a radical infidel!!!!!"

The four candidates of the elections stepped up to the podium and began their long, dull speeches. Everyone knew who they were voting for. It was only a matter of time until the voting booths would open up. Ahmed Dawood Salim, Nagib Mohamed Saifullah, Nasir Zulfiqar Mustapha, and the infamous Shaukat Aziz were the four men who hoped to become the president of Pakistan. They each had different viewpoints and ideas on issues that regarded the people of the nation.
22-01-2007, 03:20
Nuclear Weapon Possession
Ahmed Dawood Salim- “Nuclear Weapons should be used for the defense of this country. And defense it shall only be”
Nagib Mohamed Saifullah- He feels that nuclear weapons are a hinder to the country’s prosperity.
Nasir Zulfiqar Mustapha- Mr. Mustapha wants to create nuclear weapons and sell them to “Freedom Fighters” in different countries for a good profit.
Shaukat Aziz- He wants to talk to large Nuclear Countries, such as the US, and figure out a way with the nuclear weapons.

Ahmed Dawood Salim- He doesn’t want anything to do with India. He is against the idea of having diplomatic talks.
Nagib Mohamed Saifullah- Mr. Saifullah believes that an all out war against India would be the answer for the issue.
Nasir Zulfiqar Mustapha- Nasir feels that India and Pakistan should be united as one large nation for the Islamic People.
Shaukat Aziz- He wants to try to create a friendly relationship towards India.

Domestic taxes
Ahmed Dawood Salim- Mr. Salim feels that all Pakistanis should live alike, and wants to eliminate the rich and the poor classes to create one large middle class.
Nagib Mohamed Saifullah- He wants to help the rich families and leave the poor to deal with their own problems.
Nasir Zulfiqar Mustapha- By raising the taxes for richer families, and lowering the taxes of poorer families, then Pakistan will get their taxes without ruining the families of different social classes.
Shaukat Aziz- Shaukat wants to make taxes fair enough for the majority of Pakistan.

Growth and Prosperity
Ahmed Dawood Salim- He wants to move settlers and troops into Kashmir, and force India out of there.
Nagib Mohamed Saifullah- Pakistan is in good shape the way it is, claims Nagib. He wants to populate the rural parts of Pakistan.
Nasir Zulfiqar Mustapha- He thinks that if Sri Lanka is annexed, then Pakistan’s economy will skyrocket.
Shaukat Aziz- Parts of the Middle East should and will be annexed, in the case of Mr. Aziz. That is the only sensible way to go.
22-01-2007, 03:47
The CWAA sinks money into Nagib Mohamed Saifullah and his party.
22-01-2007, 03:48
Not working openly (of course!) against any democratic ideals of the nation of Pakistan, the United Autonomus Republics of Central Asia begin making large donations to Mr. Aziz's political party. Rather substantial sums, actually. Sums that are not limited to only agencies that would support Mr. Aziz but those that would hinder his opponents...
Alif Laam Miim
23-01-2007, 06:08
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to offer its public support of the candidate - Ahmed Dawood Salim. His aggressive attitude towards their Indian neighbor is rash , but his policies concerning nuclear weapons are likewise respected and lauded [none of the others present a reasonable presentation]; his policies towards social equality, while rash, are also laudable.

Of the candidates, the Emirate stresses a more moderate approach, as all candidates have shown themselves to be viable and competent leaders.

[[B]SIC: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs procures a $50mil grant to Ahmed Salim, and a promise for $10bil if his proposed policies are more moderate - included at minimum a more nonchalant attitude towards India, extensive welfare programs instead of wealth redistribution, yet otherwise maintain assertive and strong ideals for a strong Pakistani republican foundation, which the Emirate feels is either lacking or in extreme excess in the other candidates.]
24-03-2007, 18:25
Major Bump...Remember, this is for Earth V...
24-03-2007, 18:28
A your country going to last long this time? If so, the FSWA (formerly CWAA) votes for Nagib Mohamed Saifullah and his party
24-03-2007, 18:32
A your country going to last long this time? If so, the FSWA (formerly CWAA) votes for Nagib Mohamed Saifullah and his party

OOC:Hmm? What do you mean?

IC: I give you and your empire the kindest gratitude. Thank you for making the right desicion.

-Nagib Mohamed Saifullah

OOC2: What does the FSWA mean? Anything new happen in EarthV?
24-03-2007, 18:36
OOC:Hmm? What do you mean?

IC: I give you and your empire the kindest gratitude. Thank you for making the right desicion.

-Nagib Mohamed Saifullah

OOC2: What does the FSWA mean? Anything new happen in EarthV?

Well you kind of disapperaed last time. The FSWA was formed after the CWAA recieved Dominica from the RUN. It stands for the Federated States of West Africa. You missed quite a bit, actually. The war in the americas is still going on, the Kind of Spain was almost assassinated, the Emir of ALM is about to get assassinated if he isn't lucky, the FSWA is developing MRLS Zepellins, and the second ALIF World Cup is going on.
24-03-2007, 18:38
Well you kind of disapperaed last time. The FSWA was formed after the CWAA recieved Dominica from the RUN. It stands for the Federated States of West Africa. You missed quite a bit, actually. The war in the americas is still going on, the Kind of Spain was almost assassinated, the Emir of ALM is about to get assassinated if he isn't lucky, the FSWA is developing MRLS Zepellins, and the second ALIF World Cup is going on.

I disappeared from NS completely...And @ALM, how is my 2 countries *Afghanistan and Pakistan* not annexed yet?! It makes no sense...
26-03-2007, 00:09
Islamabad, Pakistan

As the speeches finished, the voting booths instantly opened and masses of Pakistanis swarmed in to have their voice be heard. There was commotion everywhere as they scribbled down a name and handed it to the clerk.

"Thank you for your honorable deed, brothers!" yelled Shaukat Aziz atop the same black cab he used earlier. "Once I am elected, Pakistan shall become a world power!"

Outskirts of Islamabad

Tipu Hameed, former member of the Pakistan Armed Forces, rubbed his old, rusty AK-47 as he consulted the rest of his group...

"We better get the job done, or else Ahmed Dawood Salim will kill us..." muttered one of his group members.

"Why in Allah's name do you think he wants to kill Aziz?" questioned another member of the assassin party.

"I have no idea. But I do know one thing; Shaukat Aziz is about to be dead..."
Alif Laam Miim
26-03-2007, 00:26
I disappeared from NS completely...And @ALM, how is my 2 countries *Afghanistan and Pakistan* not annexed yet?! It makes no sense...

[ooc: they have not been "annexed" because you haven't done enough to warrant your claims to them... but you're on the right track...]
26-03-2007, 00:27
[ooc: they have not been "annexed" because you haven't done enough to warrant your claims to them... but you're on the right track...]

Alright, so one post like that every day until April something?
Alif Laam Miim
26-03-2007, 00:33
Alright, so one post like that every day until April something?

[ooc: Yes - sorry to be harsh, but I just want to push you into posting as often as you can. After April 2, you can resume a normal life, but just don't take it to an extreme. I'll try to intervene and help this move along so you have some reason to come back, but again, the prerogative is on your side - I can't post for you.]
27-03-2007, 00:11
Tipu Hameed and the rest of his mercenary group trudged into the heart of the bustling city of Islamabad. Tipu quickly stashed away his AK-47, not wanting to attract unwanted attention. He quickly found what he was looking...The main voting area. As the rest of the group quickly dispersed looking for Shaukat Aziz, Tipu Hameed soon found his target. Tipu raised his AK-47, took aim, and prepared to fire. A wandering Pakistani, seeing this atrocious act, screamed in horror. Soon, the whole place was in pandemoneum.

"Shit" muttered Tipu as he fired at a group of oncoming Pakistani policemen. The Pakistani men hid behind the backs of buildings as they returned fire at the assassin...

Suddenly, a frag grenade was thrown right towards the policemen. Before they had time to react, the frag exploded. Tipu looked around and found the rest of his group standing over the policemen's dead bodies...

"Let's get the hell out of here." muttered Tipu...
Alif Laam Miim
31-03-2007, 05:44
[OOC: this absence of posts is voiding our contract - you have 24 hours to make a post here before I consult both TG6R and Sharina for your revocation of presence.]