17-01-2007, 15:02
The Anarchist Revolution that had swept the Humanist regime of Father from power was ten years old now. Ten years and Kravania had been a stateless and government free society.
However, the Anarchist Revolution, despite being intitially anti-capitalist, failed to uphold what it aimed to do. Given the complete absence of any central authority or governmental system to determin the fate of the nation or to enact the will of society on a general and national level in a coherent manner, capitalism made it's way back into Kravanian society after an abscence of just under fifty years, when the capitalist system was abolished by the regime of Father.
Corporations and companies, both native and foreign, began to get back into the workings of Kravania's economy and society, thus corrupting the body politic of Kravania to their own ends.
Those Kravanian citizens who still wished to see capitalism and the free market kept out of Kravania decided to do something about it.
Over the course of the last year, these very citizens began a nationwide campaign to get a petition to demand that the local communes and municipal councils agree to a nationwide General Election and the creation of a new state and a return to a society managed by a central and national government.
The petition obtained the signatures and support of over 1.1 billion citizens and given the high level of support, an election had to be called, upon the conclusion of such an election, a new national government would be created.
17-01-2007, 15:10
Kulikovia supports the KPSP
17-01-2007, 15:39
Kravanian Peoples Socialist Party (KPSP)
Party Leader: Stefan Fauore
Party Membership: 1.9 million members
Party Ideology: The KPSP started out as a hardline and orthodox Marxist-Leninist party, closely following the politics of the former leader of the USSR, Josef Stalin.
However, under the new leadership of Stefan Fauore, the KPSP has developed it's own variant of Marxism that can be described as unique to Kravania, known as Kravanian Socialism. Kravanian Socialism, like Stalinism puts a lot of emphasis on the need for a strong and all powerful one party system with a dictatorship of the proletariat and the need to exterminate class enemies and counter-revolutionaries. However, Kravanian Socialism puts a strong emphasis on nationalism and the unique and superior qualities of the Kravanian race. This is outlined by Stefan Fauore himself in his speeches and writings, when he made the point of the Kravanian race as being above the degeneracy of other races due to his view that Kravanians are not into consumerism, materialism nor has capitalism ever been popular with the Kravanian people. Stefan Fauore claims that Kravanians are born with a different set of genetics that makes them more aware of their proletarianism and their rejection of anti-egalitarian politics and economics. Another key component of Kravanian Socialism is the desire to isolate Kravania from the international community to all but other hardline Marxist and Stalinist states. All in all, one can see that Kravanian Socialism has a lot of similarities with the political tradition of National Bolshevism, which was itself a combination of Stalinist communism and German National Socialism/Nazism.
Party Policies:
1.) To nationalise ALL industries from small self employed units to large corporations, both foreign owned and Kravanian. There will be no compensation of any of the nationalisations as they will be taken by force.
2.) To collectivise ALL agriculture and farm holdings and place them under state control. Again, no compensation will be offered to those units that are nationalised.
3.) To exterminate or repatriate ALL people not of pure Kravanian racial stock and ALL homosexuals and bisexuals. To promote a system of a state controlled eugenics programme to eradicate defective human conditions such as materialism, racial mixing, love of consumer goods, homosexuality and other anti-socialist and anti-statist human conditions.
4.) To establish a one party state under the complete and total control of the KPSP. The KPSP is to be the leading and only party of the nation and of society.
5.) To remain neutral in foreign affairs and to take a stance of non-intervention in all major international events and conflicts, unless such events and conflicts pose a threat to Kravanian sovereignty and security.
That Kravania should apply for membership of the Union of Communist Nations (UCN) and/or the International League of Socialist States (ILSS).
6.) That Kravania expand it's military forces, embark on a massive process of rearmament and fully develop space warfare capabilities and to expand it's WMD ability.
The aim of a strong military will be to deter invasions and for national self defence. Kravania would adopt a 'No First Strike' policy with nuclear weapons, only using them if hit with a nuclear weapon first.
Kravanian Social Justice League for a Christian Republic (KSJL-CR)
Party Leader: Johan Araanson
Party Membership: 3.4 million members
Party Ideology: The KSJL-CR was originally formed out of a network of church associations and Christian community groups, of both the far-right fundamentalist viewpoint and the left-wing Liberation theology and the social justice viewpoint.
This odd combination has resulted in the development of the KSJL-CR being a far-left and Marxist orientated party on issues of social equality and economics, as the party wholly rejects capitalism yet the KSJL-CR has a far-right and fundamentalist position on issues of social liberty, such as abortion, genetic engineering, homosexuality, drugs, pornography and the right to free speech.
In his speeches, Johan Araanson has praised Ernesto 'Che' Guevara as a 20th century Jesus and he has also praised US televangelist Pat Robertson, Kim Jong Il, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, the Oklahoma City bomber Timothey MacVeigh and Ayatollah Kohmeini amongst other past historical figures.
Like with the KPSP, the KSJL-CR has combined communism with a far right social liberty agenda.
Party Policies:
1.) To establish a theocratic Christian Republic with the KSJL-CR as the sole legal political party under a one-party state. Biblical Law would be applied to all laws regarding social conduct.
2.) To dismantle capitalism via the nationalisation of ALL large industries and companies, be they Kravanian or foreign. Small businesses would be forced to group together as worker-community co-operatives, run by workers and consumers.
3.) To outlaw homosexuality, bisexuality, pornography, prostitution, all drugs including alcohol and tobacco, abortion, nudity, the arts, all music other than Christian Gospel music and fashion trends.
Those Kravanians that would be guilty of the above offences, would be sent to re-education camps for Bible study and a study of socialist and Marxist theory.
4.) That all Protestant churches and the Catholic Church are to be merged into a new Kravanian Peoples Christian Church (KPCC). All other religions would be banned.
5.) To adopt of foreign policy of intervention against the nations of Allanea, Parthia, Questers, Preatoria and other Sovereign League nations. To encourage Marxist and Christian revolutions in other nations and to arm and assit terrorist and rebel groups, if their politics does so qualify.
6.) To build up the Kravanian military and Kravania's WMD stockpile. That Kravania will have a right to use a first strike of nuclear weapons in combat.
Party of the Humanist Revolution (PHR)
Party Leader: Father (deceased, but made PHR Eternal Leader) Daniel Albright (PHR Guardian Leader)
Party Membership: 12.75 million
Party Ideology: The PHR was until recently known as the New Humanist Movement (NHM) and the PHR/NHM ruled Kravania for thirty years, under the totalitarian regime of Father, until being overthrown ten years ago during the Anarchist Revolution. The PHR is formed by the portion of Kravania's society, that wish to see the regime of Father restored.
Ideologically speaking the PHR is identical to the former regime of Father. The PHR's 12.75 million members take, on their own violation, the daily dose of the emotion killing drug, Xeroxium. Father, though dead, has been made the Eternal Leader of the PHR, with Daniel Albright the Guardian Leader and he runs the PHR on a daily basis.
The PHR is the most anti-capitalist of the parties, as during the time the PHR ruled Kravania, it abolished all classes, private property including personal possesions as everything was owned by the state and it abolished money.
Party Policies:
The PHR aims to restore the laws that were passed under the regime of Father.
They are as follows:
Law No. 1: The nation shall be known and refered to as the Humanist State of Kravania.
Law No. 2: Father is the supreme leader of the Humanist State of Kravania. The former positions of Emperor, President and Prime Minister shall be abolished. Father exists in a realm beyond such basic and primitive titles. Father is the guide of humanity, the ever wise teacher of peoples, the supreme being and the living representation of human evolution and ever lasting progress.
Law No. 3: Below the supreme authority of Father is the High Council of Eternal Wisdom. The High Council of Eternal Wisdom is made up of 12 executive individuals, persons of the highest standing and most wise, for they were selected by Father, who in His infinite wisdom and most sacred grace, choose each member of the High Council of Eternal Wisdom. Father made this decision for He knows which humans have evolved to the level of transition from the current stage of human evolution to the next level, the level He desires for all of humanity.
Law No. 4: The names, identities and personal details of Father and the 12 members of the High Council of Eternal Wisdom shall never be known to the peoples of the Humanist State of Kravania or the world at large. To defend the Great Humanist Revolution from it's many enemies, Father and the 12 Councillers shall only ever communicate with all other human lifeforms via the Telescreens. The world can see Father but will never know him.
Law No. 5: Humanism is the only legal and tolerated ideology, philosophy and belief system in the Humanist State of Kravania. All other political ideologies, economic theories and philosophies are banned and now given the title of Thought Crime.
Law No. 6: All religion, belief in gods, superstition and other non-scientific and Anti-Humanist lines of thinking are banned. They will now be given the title of Thought Crime.
Law No. 7: All individuals guilty of a Thought Crime shall given capital punishment and exterminated from the utopian society that Father has given to the peoples of the Humanist State of Kravania.
Law No. 8: All human emotions are now banned. The below emotions are included in the ban on emotion and human feeling:
Artistic Expression
The peoples of the Humanist State of Kravania have a gift from Father. Father created the medication, Xeroxium. Xeroxium helps people crush the degenerate, counter-revolutionary and Anti-Humanist condition of human emotion and the human sense of individuality. One injection of Xeroxium is needed for people to be free of the primitive state they are now in. Every individual of the Humanist State of Kravania shall take one dose of Xeroxium every day.
Those individuals who do not take their dose of Xeroxium will suffer from the sickness of human emotion and shall become outlaws. The title of the crime of not taking the daily dose of Xeroxium and suffering the sickness of human emotion shall be called Emocrime.
Law No. 9: Those indivduals who refuse the dose of Xeroxium are Emocriminals and shall be given capital punishment and exterminated from the utopian society that Father has given to the peoples of the Humanist State of Kravania.
Law No. 10: All forms of sexual activity between humans and between humans and non-humans, is now banned. Hetrosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, bestiality are all human sicknesses in the ever wise view of Father. Kissing and the outward showing of two humans loving one another is also banned. The title for this criminal activity is called a Sex Crime.
All humans shall now be produced via artificial birth in human production centres, which are the sole property and under the control of Father and the High Council of Eternal Wisdom. These centres shall be called Artsem centres and are the sole way in which new human life can flourish in the utopia that is the Humanist State of Kravania.
Law No. 11: Those individuals who are guilty of a Sexcrime shall be given capital punishment and exterminated from the utopian society that Father has given to the peoples of the Humanist State of Kravania.
Law No. 12: The consumption of alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee and all other mind altering drugs is banned. Father knows that for humans to advance in the everlasting process of evolution, humans must leave behind the chemical corruptions and toxic consumption of the old society, for the Great Humanist Revolution demands the total purity of it's peoples.
Law No 13: Those individuals guilty of the consumption of the above drugs and stimulants shall suffer the sickness of human emotion. Thus the consumption of the above drugs and stimulants is a Emocrime and those individuals who are guilty of a Emocrime shall be given capital punishment and exterminated from the utopian society that Father has given to the peoples of the Humanist State of Kravania.
Law No. 14: All peoples of Kravania shall only sleep for a total time of 7 hours, from 11 PM to 6 AM. Individuals guilty of sleeping before 11 PM or sleeping in after 6 AM shall be executed on the charge of high treason against Father, the Humanist State of Kravania and the Great Humanist Revolution.
Law No. 15: Money and the use of money within the borders of the Humanist State of Kravania has been abolished. All workers shall work for the common good of the State and the Great Humanist Revolution, for the fruits of our labour is not for profit but the total advancement of humanity to the next level of human evolution.
Law No. 16: All private property, from companies to the clothes the people shall wear, has been abolished and all resources and all human individuals are now under the collective will of the Great Humanist Revolution, the State and Father.
Law No. 17: All forms of culture, outside the teachings of Father are banned. The following degenrate artforms are now illegal:
Electronic Games
Any individual who is guilty of making the above artforms or owning the above artforms shall be given capital punishment and exterminated from the utopian society that Father has given to the peoples of the Humanist State of Kravania.
Law No. 18: All humans within the borders of the Humanist State of Kravania shall not be allowed to look different from one another. Thus all people within Kravania shall:
Wear the same uniform, as designed and desired by Father.
Have the same haircut, which shall be a short side parting, for both males and females. Long hair is illegal for both sexes.
Jewellery is illegal.
Make up is illegal.
Tattoos are illegal.
Obesity and anorexia are illegal.
Any individual who does not conform the the perfect image of a human being as designed by Father shall spend 25 years in a re-education facility. Conter-revolutionary and Anti-Humanist ways of living and dress are a grave and evil threat to the brotherhood of humanity.
Law No. 19: All non Kravanian individuals shall be expelled from the Humanist State of Kravania, for our utopia will not accomodate the degenerate beings from the world outside our great utopia.
This law also applies to all foreign diplomats and embassy staff. All embassies are to be closed. From now on, diplomacy between the Humanist State of Kravania shall be done via telescreens and electronic interaction.
Law No. 20: All tourism is now banned. Kravanians cannot leave the Humanist State of Kravania and outsiders cannot enter the Humanist State of Kravania. All immigrants and refugees who attempt to enter the Humanist State of Kravania shall be destroyed.
Law No. 21: The Humanist State of Kravania shall never join an international organisation or sign a treaty which infringes upon the supreme sovereignty of the Humanist State of Kravania.
18-01-2007, 21:32
Official Results of the Kravanian General Election of 2007
Kravanian People's Socialist Party: 53.33%
Kravanian Social Justice League for a Christian Republic: 6.67%
Party of the Humanist Revolution: 40.00%
With these results, the Kravanian People's Socialist Party (KPSP) has won the General Election of 2007 and KPSP leader, Setfan Fauore is the new leader of Kravania and it's new government.