As the ice melts away...
Foundation 001
16-01-2007, 03:39
A strange tunnel has appeared in the antartic region, along with a transimission declaring this as a "shuttle lanch port" for -The foundation of hope- underground region. The colony of foundation 001 declares itself as a peacefull Nation of sentiants beings wishing to "enlighen the world" and start the galatic expansion of sentiant humans and technology itself, which has apperantly also become self-aware as several mechanical spiders as well as people have been seen establisheing above ground communications.
16-01-2007, 03:45
Leocardia is happy about your declaration.
The Draco Conglomerate would gladly send representatives to discuss trade opportunities with the people of Foundation 001.
Foundation 001
19-01-2007, 01:10
Yes, we are intrested in trade. Our people have lived underground for many centrys, because of this we have many things that may be of intrest to above grounders.
Iron Tap- this is our pride, a tap to the molten core of the planet that provides us with limitless iron ore.
Diamonds- to many, we must clear caverns containing these bothersome hard things, they make tunneling diffucult for our drones. They seem valuable to you?
Gold- we have excess of this conductor as well as silver and copper, currently all of our nerological and information systems use carbon chemestry, so this is useless as well
Tell us what you require, and we will be glad to trade.
We are in need of carbon-based intelligence device technology and samples for study, we are partically intrested in a the insect and reptile and Plant devices you have currently deployed.
Main Intelligence Network of Foundation senitents
Your iron, silver and gold are most valuable to us, we are willing to trade food, medicines, nano-carbon materials as well as anything else you require.
Also, we would like to inquire as to the availability of some more obscure materials that might have been overlooked, such as Ruthenium, Palladium, Lithium, and Magnesium, any of which would be quite valuable to our corporation.
As a sign of good faith, we would like of inform you that while the Draco Conglomerate has no present need of diamonds due to ample kimberlite deposits under our control, and advanced carbon-nano-engineering capabilities, other nations may find your deposits extremely valuable for luxury goods as well as industrial uses.
Foundation 001
21-01-2007, 05:37
We are yet to establish mines for radioactive isotopes and reactive metals, as we have our energy being produced cheifly by a biological frementation/hydrogen fusion process for our mobial systems, and matter/anti matter reactors which accept any input of matter once started for our aclmey devices.
With 1000000 tons of carbon (we accept this in any form) we could construct mineing facalities for these subtances, as well as a colony of worker under your nation.
Icecrown Glaciar
22-01-2007, 03:01
OOC: So this is, what? MT? FT?
In order to promote a long lasting trade partnership, the Draco Conglomerate is willing to deliver the 1,000,000 as processed graphite rods, in three shipments of 333,333.33 tons each as an investment in return for future shares in any mining of resources deemed of interest to the corporation. In order to ensure the profitable use of our investment, we also formally request Foundation 001 to allow a small oversight team to participate in the utilization of the carbon shipment.