Burnsian Diplomatic Exchange
The Burnsian Desert
15-01-2007, 20:30
Burnsian Diplomatic Exchange
Greetings, nations of the world! As some of you may know, the Desert has fallen on some hard times recently. However, we have resolved that this will not keep us from keeping relations with other nations. We apologize that we cannot provide an especially elegant location for foriegn emissaries, so we are more than receptive for you bringing your own.
Burnsian Embassy Row
If you wish to have a Counsulate or Embassy in The Burnsian Desert, please complete the following form:
Burnsian Diplomatic Form
No: 1
Nation Title:
Nation Name:
National Leader Title:
National Leader Name:
National Government Type:
Will you be bringing your own embassy building?: Y/N
Ambassador Title:
Ambassador Name:
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number:
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40):
Guard Complement Weapondry Breakdown:
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested):
Vehicles (Air, max. 1):
Current International Disputes:
Burnsian Diplomatic Form
No: 1
Nation Title: Reformed Democracy of
Nation Name: Naasha
National Leader Title: Prime Minister
National Leader Name: Darren Renner
National Government Type: Reformed Democracy
Will you be bringing your own embassy building?: N - but we will pay for and arrange construction of our own.
Ambassador Title: Mr
Ambassador Name: Gerald Freng
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 4
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40): 5
Guard Complement Weapondry Breakdown:
M8 Assault Rifle and Colt M1911A1 sidearm only.
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested): 2
Details: 2 Diplomatic Land Rovers, equipped with 2 way radio and bulletproof windows.
Vehicles (Air, max. 1): None
Details: N/a.
Current International Disputes: Clandonia Prime (continued aggressive attitude and provacative actions toward Naasha).
The Burnsian Desert
15-01-2007, 20:49
To: The Reformed Democracy of Naasha
We accept your application for an embassy, and thank you for the honor of allowing us to build it for you. The Desert's economy is still flailing, and any chance for our citizens to earn money is greatly appreciated.
Ji-Lou Khan
Interim Leader
The Burnsian Desert
Dyelli Beybi
15-01-2007, 20:59
There was no harm in Dyelli Beybi doing it, so they filled out the form...
Burnsian Diplomatic Form
No: 2
Nation Title: The Democratic Union of
Nation Name: Dyelli Beybi
National Leader Title: Prime Minister
National Leader Name: Alexia ap Adam
National Government Type: Democracy (Mixed member proportional representation)
Will you be bringing your own embassy building?: N, we hope to employ local contractors to build one
Ambassador Title: Earl
Ambassador Name: Timmothy Ostick
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 8 (inclusive on Ambassador, also expect to employ c. 50 local staff)
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40): 32 (all local contractors)
Guard Complement Weaponry Breakdown: 8 pistols to be purchased locally and issued to current shift.
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested): 2 (request 10 as a limit of 2 land vehicles is extremely low [OOC: For reference the NZ Embassy in India {not a major embassy} has 13 vehicles. The US Embassy in India, on the other hand, has over 100 registered vehicles including a water truck])
Details: Ideally 1 limousine, 2 four wheel drives, 6 personal sedans to be given diplomatic registration, 1 three wheeled grocery delivery vehicle
Vehicles (Air, max. 1): None
Current International Disputes: Issues with Ilek-Vaad. Much sabre rattling, no real conflict.
15-01-2007, 21:01
Burnsian Diplomatic Form
No: 2
Nation Title: The Imperial Democracy of Whyatica
Nation Name: Whyatica
National Leader Title: Emperor
National Leader Name: Emperor Paulus I
National Government Type: Constitutional monarchy
Will you be bringing your own embassy building?: Y
Ambassador Title: Ambassador
Ambassador Name: Stephen Colbert
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 35
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40): 40 Imperial Guardsmen
Guard Complement Weapondry Breakdown: Assault Rifle 68A1 and $sidearm
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested):2 HMMWVs
Vehicles (Air, max. 1): VTOL transport craft
Current International Disputes: EVIL War, The Transylvania, British Londinium
15-01-2007, 21:03
Nation Title: Republic of
Nation Name: Ironwell
National Leader Title: President
National Leader Name: Matthew L Valgardson
National Government Type: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Will you be bringing your own embassy building?: Yes
Ambassador Title: Ambassador
Ambassador Name: Dominique Forrester
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 25 civil servants
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40): 12 members of the Ironwell Republican Police's Phoenix Guard.
Guard Complement Weapondry Breakdown:
Colt Python standard service pistol
FN P90 submachine gun
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested):2 Lincoln Navigators
Details: Modified for diplomatic protection.
Vehicles (Air, max. 1): None
Current International Disputes:None.
15-01-2007, 21:11
Burnisian Diplomatic Form
No: 3
Nation Title: Great Republic of
Nation Name: Vantanas
National Leader Title: President
National Leader Name: Joseph Bellcrest
National Government Type: Republic
Will you be Bringing an Embassy: N
Ambassador Title: Sir
Ambassador Name: Gregory Winegrape
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 9 Diplomats
Gaurd Complement Personnel Number: 25 (Locals)
Gaurd Complement Weapons Breakdown: Pistols (Locally Bought Pistols and Ammunition)
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, Off Road Suggested): 2
Details: Armoured Jeeps
Vehicles (Air, xax. 1): 1
Details: Armoured Helicopter
Current International Disputes: None
The Burnsian Desert
16-01-2007, 00:09
To: Dyelli Beybi
Please allow me to explain the current situation in the Desert; hopefully you will understand why we have such a low restriction on vehicles. The short version of the story is that our former Queen, in a failed attempt to destroy the entire region of Haven, detonated some 6.2 gigatons of nuclear weapons on Burnsian soil, rendering the country effectively uninhabitable. Furthermore, a Burnsian fleet of over 8,000 ships was dispatched to Haven to attack the nation of Velkya. This fleet was destroyed, and a Coalation of Havenite forces brought their arms to bear on the Old Country, as we now call it. There is no room for us there now.
We have migrated to Haven in hopes of a new life. We have arrived here via several old Burnsian Navy ships and an aircraft carrier. The small city that we have established on the coast, called Pioneer City, can only sustain a bit less than a million people. We left the Desert with over a billion. This means that there are hundreds of millions still waiting to land.
The small establishment we have here, as evidenced by our 'embassy row', is, frankly, a shithole. There are no paved roads, and the paths that are formed by the blocks of shantys are mostly deep mud. I doubt very much that any sort of sedan or even light-duty SUV could move around in it. Also, we don't want to have our streets clogged by vehicles when there is so little room to manuver them.
On a lighter note, we thank you for hiring some of our local mercenaries to protect your embassy. Like I have stated before, we need to rebuild our economy.
Your application is accepted.
Ji Lou Khan
Interim Leader
The Burnsian Desert
To: Whyatica
Thank you; your application has been accepted.
Ji Lou Khan
Interim Leader
The Burnsian Desert
To: Ironwell
Thank you; your application has been accepted.
Ji Lou Khan
Interim Leader
The Burnsian Desert
To: Vontanas
Thank you; your application has been accepted. We will make sure to leave a clearing for your helicopter as well as install a windsock.
Ji Lou Khan
Interim Leader
The Burnsian Desert
The Burnsian Desert
16-01-2007, 01:07
16-01-2007, 01:20
The Logothe is wondering if it is instead posible just to buy a chunk of desert to develop away from the embassy row. 5 Billion is allocated over the next 5 years to develope a small homestead in the desert. This inspirational project is designed to demonstrate how desert can be turned into a life sustaining area. Not only can the embassy act as a technology demonstration but it can fullfill all the needs of state. ICCD is willing to purchase a parcel of land at cost. The area would be approximately 4 km sq and house a landing strip, storage facilities, and work on a 20 year plan to connect an underground tunnel to any main road system or urban center. The ara itself will be walled as a break in the desert and hold a number of systems. The internal area will be engineered to create a life sustaining area. Ideally this area would be located near the water to allow for a desalination facility and small loading dock.
Burnsian Diplomatic Form
No: 4
Nation Title: The Kingdom of
Nation Name: Altanar
National Leader Title: King
National Leader Name: Aelkyn
National Government Type: Constitutional monarchy
Will you be bringing your own embassy building?: N, we would like to have your local citizens build it to our specifications and materials, to aid your economy.
Ambassador Title: Ambassador
Ambassador Name: Goren Malakihe
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 10
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40): 10
Guard Complement Weaponry Breakdown: 10 light rifles, 10 sidearms
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested): two small APCs belonging to the Royal Altanari Army, on detachment to the embassy
Vehicles (Air, max. 1): one armored helicopter
Current International Disputes: none
Burnsian Diplomatic Form
No: 7
Nation Title: The Republic of
Nation Name: Groznyj
National Leader Title: President
National Leader Name: Ramzan Urmev
National Government Type: Republic Democracy
Will you be bringing your own embassy building?: Y/N N; will be built on-site.
Ambassador Title: Ambassador
Ambassador Name: Vakha Hussein
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 7
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40): 26
Guard Complement Weapondry Breakdown:
Exterior Troops: M8 rifle + Berreta M9 sidearm & tear gas grenades.
Interior Guards: M8 rifle + Berreta M9 sidarm
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested): 2 HMMVs
Details: Both are armored and without topside gun mount.
Vehicles (Air, max. 1): 1 UH-60 Black Hawk
Current International Disputes: Possible threat of force by Kraven Corp against overseas colony of Yeltsmin.
ooc: edit: to those of you who can count this is infact the seventh one, not fifth... =P
The Burnsian Desert
16-01-2007, 02:45
OOC: Logothe, despite the misleading name, there is no desert in the New Country. Sorry about that :P
To: Altanar
We assume that the APCs you will be sending are unarmed. In that case, your application is accepted, as well as your willingness to employ Burnsian workers.
Ji-Lou Khan
Interim Leader
The Burnsian Desert
To: Groznyj
Your application is accepted; we will provide you with the driest spot we can. I look forward to speaking with you soon, Mr. President.
Ji-Lou Khan
Interim Leader
The Burnsian Desert
ooc: TBD what font is that? I want to use it for signatures to make'em look more real.
To: Ji-Lou Khan, Interim Leader
The APCs will be unarmed, per your request. We look forward to establishing diplomatic relations with your nation.
- Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
Ms. Khan,
The Emperor has directed me to ask the following:
1...If you will allow us, we will be honored to help you rebuild the once proud nation of The Burnsian Desert. TBD is a long-standing ally, yes friend, of Xeraph and we would do all in our power to extend a hand of help to you. We can have 3 battalions of the Royal Xeraphian AI Engineer Corps in your country within 48 hours and can have any land cleared and ready to build on in another 48. Depending on what type/size of structure(s) you'd prefer, the RXAIEC can have 1 square mile of land developed in less than 90 days with each subsequent square mile developed every 90 days. All we ask in return is a section of Burnsian territory for our own embassy/base/compound.
2...Xeraph has a large number of decommisioned military items available for you. They have all been refurbished and brought up to date for immediate use. The Emperor is prepared to turn over to your government the following:
2 CBGs (48 warships)
2 platoons MBTs (70 tanks)
1 AirWing (72 fighters)
2 MASH Units
As an FYI, the Old Regime under Queen Romalia had established a base off the northwest coast of Xeraph on the island now called Burns Island. It is still there and functional. You are welcome to continue to use the island for your purposes.
Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
The Burnsian Desert
17-01-2007, 01:10
Groz: Bradley Hand ITC; you might want to try Vladmir Script or Viner Hand ITC as well.
Xer: I decided to switch it up a bit this time. The new leader's a guy. :P
To: Xeraph
We very much appreciate the kindness of Xeraph in this time of need. We do in fact require assistance in rebuilding our nation, especially in the areas of industry, agriculture, and housing. I'm sure that you are aware that multitudes of Burnsians are still on the ocean, rotting away in the holds of ships.
As for the military assistance, you already know what our answer is. The Burnsians are a proud people, and cannot accept these gifts. Now that I think of it, expect that any and all labor and time costs for the rebuilding of the Desert will be paid back in full.
Finally, on the matter of Burns Island, I do remember that we have a base there. In fact, I served on it.
Thank you, again, Alaric, for your continuing assistance and thoughts in this time of crisis. You know not how deep our gratitude is.
Ji-Lou Khan
Mandalore Prime
18-01-2007, 00:45
Burnsian Diplomatic Form
No: 8
Nation Title: The Dark Imperium
Nation Name: Mandalore Prime
National Leader Title: Caesar
National Leader Name: Alejandro Valtane
National Government Type: Monarchy
Will you be building your own embassy building?: Y
Ambassador Title: Dr.
Ambassador Name: Thomas Edward Gates III. PhD
Diplomatic Complement Personnel Number: 21
Guard Complement Personnel Number (Max. 40): 40
Guard Complement Weaponry Breakdown:
Standard Embassy Loadout
*Detailed list forthcoming
Vehicles (Land, max. 2, off-road suggested):
Details: M998 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)
Vehicles (Air, max. 1):
Details: LAAT/i
The Burnsian Desert
18-01-2007, 02:55
To: Mandalore Prime
Provided your weapons do not include:
Sniper Rifles
Anti-tank weapons
Fragmentation grenades
Automatic shotguns
your application will be accepted.
Rade Nasenko
Radwan Nasenko
Emperor of The Burnsian Desert