Imperial government restored. (sign-up RP)
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 06:06
"After being forced into exile by Alexius Belicus, I have returned to find my country in turmoil. My government has been destroyed by the peasants of the land crying for justice against the oppressive Emperor. I and my soldiers have laid waste to the Imperial Palace and the false-Emperor is dead. With help of you fine men I will rebuild my nation and bring Gydrin back to its former greatness!"
Emperor Lothaire von Haas
My heir; Crown-Prince Hadrian was killed in the attack on the Imperial Palace. Next in line for succession is the Patriarch of Gydrin. We have no Patriarch so the spot is open for a philisophical man who will lead us in our quest for knowledge.
Other positions made vacant by the revolution:
General Chief of Staff-- this position requires that my orders are carried out exactly as I say, unless their are circumstances that require those orders to be changed.
General Staff: aides the armed forces in planning actions pertaining national defence. They also control the military budget and they are the law making body. They hold no legal juristiction with the Imperial family, and may not impose themselves as such. ( I need three people to fill the empty spots in the General Staff. )
Lord of the Army-- my military advisor and right-hand man, this job ensures that I am informed of military and domestic foul ups before they become serious problems. Also, the Lord of the Army plans all military campaigns.
Positions under the direct authority of only the Emperor and Lord of the Army:
General of the Army: all campaigns on land, are contolled by this man, with the help of the Lord of the Army he also forms plans for military actions against foreign and domestic enemies. He along with the Emperor can order nuclear force used against foreign targets.
Admiral of the Navy: the top naval official, carries out naval actions in war. In the case of the Adreas-Class Nuclear Carriers he works with Captain of the Air Force. The Admiral of the Navy has under his control several Lusex-Class Tatical Nuclear Submarines. Cannot fire missiles without the approval of the Emperor and the Lord of the Army.
Captain of the Air Force: works with the Admiral of the Navy and the Lord of the Army to plan air attacks on military targets. He along with the Admiral of the Navy control four Adreas-Class Nuclear Carriers. He controlls two Nuclear strike task forces ( M-63 nuclear bombers ) like the Admiral of the Navy he may not initiate nuclear strikes without approval of the Emperor and Lord of the Army.
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Crown-Prince: simply the heir to the throne, no real political or official power. If the Lord of the Army is killed in action then he assumes the position. Until a more suitable person can be found.
Chief of Police: ensures that the civilian population is under control and also ensures the integrity of our border. The National Guard is under his direct control.
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There you have it, as of now I am ruling this waning nation by my force of will, I need competant people to fill these postions. International relations with my former allies has broken down and I fear war may be upon us very soon.
Our armed forces is patheticaly small, only 12,000 fighting men, or airforce was decimated in the revolution, as was the Imperial Navy. The lumbering giants of the Empire of Kelmern and the Kingdom of Navite will have to be held off until we can successfully launch an offensive.
Our strategic position is a good one if we can use it to its full potential. Our military problems will have to be fixed; but we have a few hidden nuclear weapons to keep our enemies at bay for a while. We have lost a significant amount of territory to former allies taking advantage of the domestic problems of Gydrin. Help me restore our great nation to what it once was.
The borders are closed, and we have limited time to prepare for the war we know is coming; your assignments. Re-build the military and ecomomy and prepare for war. The treasury can handle it, we have massive stores of money from the lack of public service spending in the past year. Have at it.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 06:43
May I be general of the army, with the support of the Scandinvan Empire due to a marriage to an Imperial noble?
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 06:50
We currently have 12,000 war ready soldiers. They are divided as such:
302nd Tank Division--500 tanks. 1000 personel.
5th Army-- 5000 infantry equiped with M-16 assualt rifles. Side arm, 9mm pistol.
2nd Marine Division--1500 marines. War ready, currently defending the borders. Unavailable to command at this time.
Special Forces-- 1000 BlackHalo soldiers. First tactical strike capability. Loaded in Blackhawk 12 helicopters now ready for deployment in the border battle.
New-Recruits-- 3500 undeployed green troops. Under armed and Undertrained.
Navy-- 2 aircraft carriers and 5 Relex-Class battleships. 16 R3-8 type frigates in the dockyard ready for deployment when needed.
Air Force-- completely destroyed in the revolution.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 06:52
May I be general of the army, with the support of the Scandinvan Empire due to a marriage to an Imperial noble?
I Emperor Lothaire von Haas welcome you as General of the Army.
Be in the Imperial palace in 2 hours for your coronation as General of the Army
Emperor Lothaire von Haas
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 06:57
I Emperor Lothaire von Haas welcome you as General of the Army.
Be in the Imperial palace in 2 hours for your coronation as General of the Army
Emperor Lothaire von HaasI shall arrive to receive your trust as your General of the Army. As well, I shall bring a large sum of money to help the building of a stronger army along with many arms.
Lord Wallace Hardrada
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 06:57
Quoted from the message sent from the Empire of Kelmern
"The illegal seizer of the Imperial Throne by Emperor Lothaire von Haas, and the execution of my brother Alexius Belicus has forced me to issue a state of war against the rouge nation of Gydrin.
Emperor Suedendorf Dassal
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:00
I shall arrive to receive your trust as your General of the Army. As well, I shall bring a large sum of money to help the building of a stronger army along with many arms.
Lord Wallace Hardrada
Very well. War has been declared on us by Kelmern, your expertise are vitally needed. It will take several weeks for Kelmern to gather enough arms to attack our strong border defences, so you still have time.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:05
With the approval of Lord Wallace Hardrada, I propose mandatory conscription of every able bodied man over the age of 28 to aide in the defence of Gydrin. The Act is being reviewed by myself and very shortly Lord Wallace Hardrada. The decision will be made in two days time.
Emperor Lothaire von Haas
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:13
As of now, Lord Wallace Hardrada is General of the Army
*Emperor Lothaire hands Lord Wallace the Imperial Sword of the Army*
I wish you the best of luck and by gods will, I hope that this great nations military will prosper and gain Gydrin new lands and permanent security.
*intence clapping from the coronation assembly as both the new General and the Emperor walk through the door to the left discussing matters of national defence. It is printed that a more elaborate coronation will take place in the General's homeland as soon as the war with the Empire of Kelmern is over.*
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:25
The Imperial Sword of the Army:
The Imperial Sword of the Navy:
The Imperial Sword of the Air Force:
The Imperial Flag:
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 07:30
As of now, Lord Wallace Hardrada is General of the Army
*Emperor Lothaire hands Lord Wallace the Imperial Sword of the Army*
I wish you the best of luck and by gods will, I hope that this great nations military will prosper and gain Gydrin new lands and permanent security.
*intence clapping from the coronation assembly as both the new General and the Emperor walk through the door to the left discussing matters of national defence. It is printed that a more elaborate coronation will take place in the General's homeland as soon as the war with the Empire of Kelmern is over.*The general Wallace bowed his head to the Emperor and then said,” My lord, you must know that currently the state of the army will not be able to hold off in long term fighting as they are to few and as for the conscripts they are not necessarily fighting for the good of the Empire. So we must expect large desertion and a number of defeats in the war. Yet, if given about ten weeks I will be able to train large amounts of soldiers well enough so as to be able to invade our common enemy. As for the draft I agree it is more then need as the man power needed will only be gained at the size and speed by conscription.
Until that point I recommend that we allow 20,000 veteran soldiers, that have completed their tours of service, from my home land to come and assist me as I can rely on them and they are very able troops capable of protecting the greater Empire.”
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 07:32
The Imperial Sword of the Army:OOC: Very good, I like the design as it mirrors my character's persona pretty dang well.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:35
The general Wallace bowed his head to the Emperor and then said,” My lord, you must know that currently the state of the army will not be able to hold off in long term fighting as they are to few and as for the conscripts they are not necessarily fighting for the good of the Empire. So we must expect large desertion and a number of defeats in the war. Yet, if given about ten weeks I will be able to train large amounts of soldiers well enough so as to be able to invade our common enemy.
Until that point I recommend that we allow 20,000 veteran soldiers, that have completed their tours of service, from my home land to come and assist me as I can rely on them and they are very able troops capable of protecting the greater Empire.”
Very well; do what you must. I grant the soldiers of your country free passage anywhere in the country. I believe we can hold off the enemy for at least ten weeks.
Also... all deserters will serve a maximum sentece of 1 year in prison for desertion of the Imperial Army.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:38
The general Wallace bowed his head to the Emperor and then said,” My lord, you must know that currently the state of the army will not be able to hold off in long term fighting as they are to few and as for the conscripts they are not necessarily fighting for the good of the Empire. So we must expect large desertion and a number of defeats in the war. Yet, if given about ten weeks I will be able to train large amounts of soldiers well enough so as to be able to invade our common enemy.
Until that point I recommend that we allow 20,000 veteran soldiers, that have completed their tours of service, from my home land to come and assist me as I can rely on them and they are very able troops capable of protecting the greater Empire.”
All soldiers coming to the aide of the Empire of Gydrin will be granted safe passage into the country. If you would agree, I would like six of your highest trained officers to train the Imperial Guard of the Imperial Family.
Emperor Lothaire von Hass
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:39
OOC: Very good, I like the design as it mirrors my character's persona pretty dang well.
Why thank you my brother Lord von Herrmann picked it out several years ago. The old Imperial Sword to the Army was buried with my father when he died. It was a great honor on his part.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 07:45
All soldiers coming to the aide of the Empire of Gydrin will be granted safe passage into the country. If you would agree, I would like six of your highest trained officers to train the Imperial Guard of the Imperial Family.
Emperor Lothaire von HassThank you for trusting me well enough to bring my soldiers in and they shall fight for the Gydrin Empire for as long as possible. As well, I shall send ten of my finest, most loyal, and most experienced officers to train your Imperial Guard, yet I desire that you handpick the men for the Guard as in the past in my home land the Guard of the Emperor was always handpicked and never once have they betrayed the Emperor of the Scandinvans.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 07:57
Thank you for trusting me well enough to bring my soldiers in and they shall fight for the Gydrin Empire for as long as possible. As well, I shall send ten of my finest, most loyal, and most experienced officers to train your Imperial Guard, yet I desire that you handpick the men for the Guard as in the past in my home land the Guard of the Emperor was always handpicked and never once have they betrayed the Emperor of the Scandinvans.
Always, I have never let someone else pick out my Imperial Guard.
I hope my trust in you is not ill founded; I am doing something I have never done before and I do not wish to get bit in the arse for doing it.
But on a simi-happier note, you may want to send a letter to your Emperor, your country may have to put up with retaliation from Kelmern for aiding me.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:07
To the General of the Army
I would like your opinion as to whether I should push for an alliance with Hakrune, they would be a very valuble asset to our military situation. They have the largest, though not most powerful, army in the world. A total of 560 million soldiers. If you advise against it I will not push you to change your mind.
Lothaire von Haas
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:08
Always, I have never let someone else pick out my Imperial Guard.
I hope my trust in you is not ill founded; I am doing something I have never done before and I do not wish to get bit in the arse for doing it.
But on a simi-happier note, you may want to send a letter to your Emperor, your country may have to put up with retaliation from Kelmern for aiding me.The general said," Gain a people's mind and they will fight, but to gain the heart of the people and they will die for you. So what I am saying is that as long as you live and have the support of your people then you should fear nothing.
As for my own own land, my Emperor knows the situation well and has notified his generals."
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:13
The general said," Gain a people's mind and they will fight, but to gain the heart of the people and they will die for you. So what I am saying is that as long as you live and have the support of your people then you should fear nothing.
As for my own own land, my Emperor knows the situation well and has notified his generals."
True, tell you Emporer to watch the sea. As I said I used to be allies with Kelmern and they love a beach assualt. They only way I know to counter this is to keep your air force, or navy on constant alert.
Also I want you to contact your Emperor and ask for designs for a new battleship fleet, as soon as you fix the army ( if I don't have an admiral of the Navy by then) the Imperial Navy must be brought up to speed and set out defending the our seas.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:19
I just thought you out to know that your tank divisions are equiped with this.
They are outdated, but hopefully soon we will have significant upgrades for it.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:22
Honestly; as my General of the Army, and trusted advisor. Do you think we can win? I have to know if we can win. If it is a lost cause and the empire of ancient family is doomed. I will abdicate and surrender my land to your Emperor.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:23
True, tell you Emporer to watch the sea. As I said I used to be allies with Kelmern and they love a beach assualt. They only way I know to counter this is to keep your air force, or navy on constant alert.
Also I want you to contact your Emperor and ask for designs for a new battleship fleet, as soon as you fix the army ( if I don't have an admiral of the Navy by then) the Imperial Navy must be brought up to speed and set out defending the our seas."My Empire itself is most probably safe due to decades of an overblown defense budget. As well, when the army is done then we shall aide you with building a modern and stronger navy."
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:26
"My Empire itself is most probably safe due to decades of an overblown defense budget. As well, when the army is done then we shall aide you with building a modern and stronger navy."
This is truly great news. I've have done some reading and I believe your nation ruled everything north of the Iberian Peninsula at one time about 250 years ago.
As for the Navy; I will happily accept your aide. Kelmern does not know how bad it has messed up, but they will.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:30
This is recent images of a Kelmern aircraft carrier compared to one of ours that was found abandoned during the revolution. I think our navy is going to be in for a tough ride once it gets established.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:31
This is truly great news. I've have done some reading and I believe your nation ruled everything north of the Iberian Peninsula at one time about 250 years ago.
As for the Navy; I will happily accept your aide. Kelmern does not know how bad it has messed up, but they will.OOC: It is Kelman or Kelmern?
IC: The Scandinvan Empire has long ruled lands across the world and France we gave to former slaves as a gift, slaves once supplied all the back braking and most of the farm work in the Empire.
As well, our navy is very modern and is one the symbols of the Empire.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:33
This is recent images of a Kelmern aircraft carrier compared to one of ours that was found abandoned during the revolution. I think our navy is going to be in for a tough ride once it gets established.Good, in the case of attack we will be able to find out what type it is and what its capabilites are now.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:34
OOC: It is Kelman or Kelmern?
IC: The Scandinvan Empire has long ruled lands across the world and France we gave to former slaves as a gift, slaves once supplied all the back braking and most of the farm work in the Empire.
As well, our navy is very modern and is one the symbols of the Empire.
OOC: It is Kelmern, why? Did I spell it wrong somewhere.
At least your Empire has a sense of Humanity, Kelmern still practices serfdom even in this modern age. [That was always a topic of much tension between I and the Kelmern Emperor.]
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:36
Good, in the case of attack we will be able to find out what type it is and what its capabilites are now.
That is great, if this war would have broken out just a few years ago when my nation was one of the mightiest in the land, that ship would have been reduced to scrap by one of our Eagle-Class Cruise missiles. That is no longer the case unfortunently.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:41
My Empire has one good thing going for it though, and that is our infantry weapons.
Take a look and tell me what you think.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:43
OOC: It is Kelmern, why? Did I spell it wrong somewhere.
At least your Empire has a sense of Humanity, Kelmern still practices serfdom even in this modern age. [That was always a topic of much tension between I and the Kelmern Emperor.]OOC: You did nothing wrong I just knew of a nation called Kelman, which is a large nation like myself.
IC: The Empire does practice serfdom, just in name really, in the sense that farmers exist who live as farmers on estates, yet have per captia income and only pay about half of the average tax level and they may leave it any time at the end of a fiscal year.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:44
That is great, if this war would have broken out just a few years ago when my nation was one of the mightiest in the land, that ship would have been reduced to scrap by one of our Eagle-Class Cruise missiles. That is no longer the case unfortunently.Times, fair harshly for nations, but at least your nation survived and its time of glory is returning.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:46
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Suedendorf Dassal:
"To the Scandinvanian Empire: I hereby demand that you cease and desist the aiding of the rebel nation of Gydrin. The ruler of that nation is there illegally and must be brought to justice. He and his revolutionary army murdered a member of my family and it will not be tolerated any longer. I have watched and waited quietly hoping you would realize you have made a mistake in aiding Gydrin; no such luck.
I say again, stop aiding that nation or declare war!"
recieved September 13, 2026.
4:30 P.M. Eastern Sub-standard time.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:48
My Empire has one good thing going for it though, and that is our infantry weapons.
Take a look and tell me what you think.OOC: Russian guns, clean, efficient, durable, deadly. You gotta to love them.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:49
Times, fair harshly for nations, but at least your nation survived and its time of glory is returning.
Of this I am hoping. With your aid we will return to magnificense. I just hope it survives my death. I have no heir; I am leaving control of this empire in your hands upon my death. I am going out on a far flung limb by doing that; you should consider it a great honor.
The age of your imperial dynasty will rule upon my death.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:51
OOC: Russian guns, clean, efficient, durable, deadly. You gotta to love them.
Yes you do. We have several thousand of these guns ready for use. Some of the unlucky soldiers on the front lines are still using older models though. Well, this will soon be ratified. I trust you decisions on any military matter, unless I know it is a mistake.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 08:56
I think it is time to fast forward about 5 weeks, nothing really interesting happens. Hopefully by then you have the military partially well trained.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:57
Of this I am hoping. With your aid we will return to magnificense. I just hope it survives my death. I have no heir; I am leaving control of this empire in your hands upon my death. I am going out on a far flung limb by doing that; you should consider it a great honor.
The age of your imperial dynasty will rule upon my death.Bowing his head the general says," Emperor, such as honor will truly be beyond, yet if you will it will be done. Know this though after the war I will use my money and connections to build your nation into a glimmering land."
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 08:59
I think it is time to fast forward about 5 weeks, nothing really interesting happens. Hopefully by then you have the military partially well trained.Alright, then that should do quite well. Though before this happen you should know that if your military fails in defense I will just pour my own nation's men and defeat the enemies rather easily due to sheer numbers and overwhelming fire power of superior weaponary and better tactics.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:00
Bowing his head the general says," Emperor, such as honor will truly be beyond, yet if you will it will be done. Know this though after the war I will use my money and connections to build your nation into a glimmering land."
*Emperor's eyes glisten over, barely holding back tears of gratitude*
Thank you, and send my thanks to your nation and your people for without them you would never have graced my family and my nation with your presence.
I welcome you to the Hass Imperial Family. If you wish it, it is solely up to you and your emperor.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:03
Alright, then that should do quite well. Though before this happen you should know that if your military fails in defense I will just pour my own nation's men and defeat the enemies rather easily due to sheer numbers and overwhelming fire power of superior weaponary and better tactics.
If that is what you want, Kelmern will fall easily to your nation, but you will so easily defeat our enemy to the south. They have not sent word as to their position on the war,but I fear they do not favor us. The Kingdom of Navite is the most powerful nation on the continent seconded only by your nation, and the margin is slim. If they had declared war already I would not be speaking to you because Gydrin would be just another territory of Navite.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:06
*Emperor's eyes glisten over, barely holding back tears of gratitude*
Thank you, and send my thanks to your nation and your people for without them you would never have graced my family and my nation with your presence.
I welcome you to the Hass Imperial Family. If you wish it, it is solely up to you and your emperor.Kneeling he replies,” With courage and strength, without fear of death, with doubt shall I glorify the name Hass and defend the lands that the family rules from all.”
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:06
I will let you make the first post on Gydrins military action against Kelmern since you are after all the General of the Army.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:08
If that is what you want, Kelmern will fall easily to your nation, but you will so easily defeat our enemy to the south. They have not sent word as to their position on the war,but I fear they do not favor us. The Kingdom of Navite is the most powerful nation on the continent seconded only by your nation, and the margin is slim. If they had declared war already I would not be speaking to you because Gydrin would be just another territory of Navite.Know though, that I am but one of many leaders of the Empire who command countless legions of soldiers who will fall by the thousands for the glory of Emperor Olaf and the Scandinvans.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:08
Kneeling he replies,” With courage and strength, without fear of death, with doubt shall I glorify the name Hass and defend the lands that the family rules from all.”
NO! It is I who should kneel before you, you are clearly more honorable a man then I will ever be. I love you like a son and I have only known you for a couple of weeks. Do you always have this effect on royalty.
*chuckles as he wipes tears of joy from his eyes*
I am honored to have you as a friend and heir.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:11
I will let you make the first post on Gydrins military action against Kelmern since you are after all the General of the Army.I believe that the initial attack should be inside the coast with my the soldiers from my homeland leading the attack and with your nation’s more professional soldiers following behind and using a pincer maneuver against the main enemy’s positions. With that then the other soldiers should drive them enemy in a retreated towards the encircling forces causing a massacre to take place.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:12
Know though, that I am but one of many leaders of the Empire who command countless legions of soldiers who will fall by the thousands for the glory of Emperor Olaf and the Scandinvans.
I would be a fatal error to underestimate the power of Navite. Nuclear arms would rain upon you nation in a firey storm of death and destruction. The old Nation of Rhondria was utterly destroyed by Navite in 2002. I aided Rhondria and was forced to sign an armstince when my capital was taken by a special forces division.
( this set forth the events that would lead to my exile in 2025, it took a while for it to happen; but it did. )
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:13
I believe that the initial attack should be inside the coast with my the soldiers from my homeland leading the attack and with your nation’s more professional soldiers following behind and using a pincer maneuver against the main enemy’s positions. With that then the other soldiers should drive them enemy in a retreated towards the encircling forces causing a massacre to take place.
Great! I think the most logical place for this attack to happen would be from the North West near one of their major cities. I believe it is called Trent.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:18
I would be a fatal error to underestimate the power of Navite. Nuclear arms would rain upon you nation in a firey storm of death and destruction. The old Nation of Rhondria was utterly destroyed by Navite in 2002. I aided Rhondria and was forced to sign an armstince when my capital was taken by a special forces division.
( this set forth the events that would lead to my exile in 2025, it took a while for it to happen; but it did. )
If a nuclear attack is staged we will be forced to commit an act of terror of using a weapon that is more deadly, a disease which only is spread by chemical contact and only lasts a period of time, but can kill millions in a way of a concreted mustard gas. Though, we do not want a war that is unesscary.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:19
Great! I think the most logical place for this attack to happen would be from the North West near one of their major cities. I believe it is called Trent.Then, after taking the city we drop in about 12,000 soldiers and then advance from the south to meet the forces from the north so as cause the enemy to fight on two home fronts and thus prevent them from launching an attack on us.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:21
If a nuclear attack is staged we will be forced to commit an act of terror of using a weapon that is more deadly, a disease which only is spread by chemical contact and only lasts a period of time, but can kill millions in a way of a concreted mustard gas. Though, we do not want a war that is unesscary.
King Henry IV has a history of being unreasonable, if he declares war on either of us, it could end up becoming a very nasy W.M.D. war. I don't want to be around for that day.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:23
King Henry IV has a history of being unreasonable, if he declares war on either of us, it could end up becoming a very nasy W.M.D. war. I don't want to be around for that day.Note, if he declares war we will act to send in the Elite Personal Guard Legion of the Emperor to either kill him or force him to recognize our rule and disarm.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:24
Then, after taking the city we drop in about 12,000 soldiers and then advance from the south to meet the forces from the north so as cause the enemy to fight on two home fronts and thus prevent them from launching an attack on us.
Kelmern retaliates with massive air strikes and artillary bombardment. Several tank divisions smash through our outer defences and the entire region resembles a WWI trench battle with us trapped in the city and them stuck out of it. We must plan an outward movement; we can stay in the city indefinently because of air support dropping food and supplies but the northern front must resume to take the pressure off the main western front.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:27
Note, if he declares war we will act to send in the Elite Personal Guard Legion of the Emperor to either kill him or force him to recognize our rule and disarm.
I have faith in your Elite Personal Guard Legion but the population of Nivate worships the king as a god and killing him would raise the entire region in revolt and it would be very bad for you because you would either have to kill the revolting population and risk international intervention leading to another war, or leave the region entirely.
I think it would be best if we tried to steer clear of Nivate for now unless forced to attack, if war does break out, I think a massive nuclear preemptive strike to cripple Nivate will be the best decision.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:28
Kelmern retaliates with massive air strikes and artillary bombardment. Several tank divisions smash through our outer defences and the entire region resembles a WWI trench battle with us trapped in the city and them stuck out of it. We must plan an outward movement; we can stay in the city indefinently because of air support dropping food and supplies but the northern front must resume to take the pressure off the main western front.We should use a large drive by new forces brought in from the north and then at the same time launch a fient attack to the west as if we are trying to break out and then an hour later launch the real attack in the north eart of the city.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:31
We should use a large drive by new forces brought in from the north and then at the same time launch a fient attack to the west as if we are trying to break out and then an hour later launch the real attack in the north eart of the city.
I like it but I predict we will take heavy casualties. The invasion may stall without a constant supply of new troops.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:34
I like it but I predict we will take heavy casualties. The invasion may stall without a constant supply of new troops.That is our best chance for the attack and we need to bring more troops to the front. We should also provide air support the north of the city so as to make the enemy think we are going to launch an attack there. As well, when the northern force arrivies they shall move west to aide the group breaking out of the city. For the western fient attack the troops from there should return to the city and protect it.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:36
That is our best chance for the attack and we need to bring more troops to the front. We should also provide air support the north of the city so as to make the enemy think we are going to launch an attack there. As well, when the northern force arrivies they shall move west to aide the group breaking out of the city. For the western fient attack the troops from there should return to the city and protect it.
Soon after while Kelmern forces are occupied with the northern and western fronts launch a massive attack from the south, captureing its major ports and crippling its economy.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:37
Soon after while Kelmern forces are occupied with the northern and western fronts launch a massive attack from the south, captureing its major ports and crippling its economy.The next move to make is to advance to try and bring the two main fronts closer and also to unite the northern and western fronts with a strong push from both of them.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:44
The next move to make is to advance to try and bring the two main fronts closer and also to unite the northern and western fronts with a strong push from both of them.
I agree, if you can convince the empire of Hakrune to ally with us then we could also have an eastern front, effectively destroying kelkerns ability to defend one front without leaveing another front open for enemy advance.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:46
I agree, if you can convince the empire of Hakrune to ally with us then we could also have an eastern front, effectively destroying kelkerns ability to defend one front without leaveing another front open for enemy advance.If we ally with Hakrune we lose the chance to later expand into it and lose ground we earned due to splitting the land, but if we use the other 10,000 of my soldiers we can open a new front with ease and I will also gather more veterans from my nation and send them in.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:50
If we ally with Hakrune we lose the chance to later expand into it and lose ground we earned due to splitting the land, but if we use the other 10,000 of my soldiers we can open a new front with ease and I will also gather more veterans from my nation and send them in.
So what your proposing is that after defeating Kelmern and splitting the land, we immediatly jump into another war. Well, now that I think about it they are weakest on their western frontier. Yes, invading Hakrune could work and thats just more resources for you and I.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:53
So what your proposing is that after defeating Kelmern and splitting the land, we immediatly jump into another war. Well, now that I think about it they are weakest on their western frontier. Yes, invading Hakrune could work and thats just more resources for you and I.Yes, that would be as we need all the land and people we can get, but though I adivse we wait about a year and a half so we can build a more professional army, stronger navy, and a large air force.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 09:56
Yes, that would be as we need all the land and people we can get, but though I adivse we wait about a year and a half so we can build a more professional army, stronger navy, and a large air force.
Thank you, I was hoping you would say that, my trust in you was slightly shaken when you first proposed an immediate military campaign without even regrouping after the last one.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 09:58
Thank you, I was hoping you would say that, my trust in you was slightly shaken when you first proposed an immediate military campaign without even regrouping after the last one.Yes, that would have been most unwise, yet I believe we may bogged down for a while rebuilinding the lands we are now conquering and gaining the trust of the people there.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:02
Yes, that would have been most unwise, yet I believe we may bogged down for a while rebuilinding the lands we are now conquering and gaining the trust of the people there.
But will be worth it. For the Empires nothing is to great, eternal glory awaits if we conquer these lands. But first repair the damage to our new territory, get more money and build a larger, stronger military.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 10:04
But will be worth it. For the Empires nothing is to great, eternal glory awaits if we conquer these lands. But first repair the damage to our new territory, get more money and build a larger, stronger military.Every land we conquer gives us wealth, and every people we conquer we get more soldiers.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:09
Every land we conquer gives us wealth, and every people we conquer we get more soldiers.
Aye, but I am old and will soon pass the crown along the line. But until that day, conquer every nation until we are masters of the world.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 10:11
Aye, but I am old and will soon pass the crown along the line. But until that day, conquer every nation until we are masters of the world.Remeber though that in order for a people to thrive they most always have a common enemy so it would be wise to keep nations out their that would be targets for war.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:14
After the first conquest of new land this is how I propose we divide it up. By the way I didn't know what your national color is so I just picked one at random. Yours is the only one not listed.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:16
Remeber though that in order for a people to thrive they most always have a common enemy so it would be wise to keep nations out their that would be targets for war.
I know, what I meant was take little snipits of land every few years until eventually when we have no need for futher conquest we will be the greatest there ever was. I will be dead before that day; but you will see our dreams come true.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 10:19
I know, what I meant was take little snipits of land every few years until eventually when we have no need for futher conquest we will be the greatest there ever was. I will be dead before that day; but you will see our dreams come true.I shall fufill the goal of building the Empire to a great extant and giving the name Hass never ending glory.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:22
I shall fufill the goal of building the Empire to a great extant and giving the name Hass never ending glory.
The Name Haas will live on after both of our lives have extinguished and it is all because of you and your nation. After I die and you become emperor will you merger our two nation together to form one massive nation?
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 10:25
The Name Haas will live on after both of our lives have extinguished and it is all because of you and your nation. After I die and you become emperor will you merger our two nation together to form one massive nation?That is good, but I must say that are empires will remain seperate yet they will be united by this in the ways of an never ending friendship and alliance.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:31
That is good, but I must say that are empires will remain seperate yet they will be united by this in the ways of an never ending friendship and alliance.
This is good. Our cultural and military dominence is assuered if we retain our friendship. Long live the Empires!!
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 10:33
This is good. Our cultural and military dominence is assuered if we retain our friendship. Long live the Empires!!Good then as we both shall benefit from it.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:37
Good then as we both shall benefit from it.
yes we shall! Wealth and prosperity await, but first we will have to conquer Navite, they will be the greatest threat to our new empires.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 10:38
yes we shall! Wealth and prosperity await, but first we will have to conquer Navite, they will be the greatest threat to our new empires.Yet, we must first move against Havune for we needs its resources and manpower to be able to do so.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:42
Yet, we must first move against Havune for we needs its resources and manpower to be able to do so.
I think the first order of bussiness would be to capture the military fortress of Eldissan, it has an airfield and I think according the last report has somewhere around 55000 troops there. It will be the hardest military installation to conquer so far.
The Scandinvans
14-01-2007, 10:44
I think the first order of bussiness would be to capture the military fortress of Eldissan, it has an airfield and I think according the last report has somewhere around 55000 troops there. It will be the hardest military installation to conquer so far.For the time being though we must now gather our forces well and prepare a sufficent bombardment before the attack in order to save many lives.
OOC: Good night, it is 3 A.M. my time.
Mighty Socialist
14-01-2007, 10:48
For the time being though we must now gather our forces well and prepare a sufficent bombardment before the attack in order to save many lives.
OOC: Good night, it is 3 A.M. my time.
Goodnight to you too, its my time as well. Until Next we meet.
Semper Fi!