ynesher work camps turn out to be death camps.
in one of our camps a muslim was some how able to get there hands on a cellphone and has sent video footage of our camps to the united nations. we are now officaly conferming the fact that our work camps are DEATH CAMPS. we are testing out new biological weapons and cemical weapons our doctors are carrying out live experaments on muslims and are forcing them to eat pork. and any muslim caught speaking in arabic or at a mosque or wearing muslim dress is being repeditly tortured. by means of starvation water torture gas chambers electracution kicked in the face and cuting bits of there bodies off and forceing them to eat it. and we are now using muslims for target practice.
The Community is appalled by Ynesher's blatant violation of its treaty with The Community. The embassy in Siap has been closed, and the ambassador is being returned to Ynesher. The Siapian embassy has been evacuated and all relevant documents have been incinerated. Your nation has twelve hours to immediately cease all activities in labor camps and allow humanitarian inspectors within your borders to inspect these conditions. Non-compliance is not an option.
~Alex Connor
13-01-2007, 09:45
"I am disgusted and appalled at the treatment the Ynesher have shown their fellow human beings. Effective immediately, any Muslim citizen of Ynesher may seek political asylum in Kesshite."
~ Official Statement of High Achci Cyrus
any one who goes withen 10 km of our borders on our side will be killed
13-01-2007, 10:12
Najaster, Capital of Kahanistan
Ministry of Defense
President Marcellus Valens entered the office of Defense Minister Nora Kasagawa. The Defense Minister was reading over the files on the horrific atrocities that were taking place in Ynesher.
"General Kasagawa, what do you recommend?" The Kahanistanian Navy was essentially deadlocked with the Kraven Navy, so massive naval intervention was next to impossible.
"The Union-class carrier RKS Atlas is less than 2500 kilometers from Ynesher. We can arrange for a small escort of, say, five Kirovs and some amphibious assault vessels, maybe 20,000 Marines. Let's not sound too aggressive, we can get a couple of heavy transport vessels moved in, let the Muslims aboard, then if the government tries to stop them, then we protect them."
"What of those already in the camps?" asked the President.
"A cruise missile to the gates of each camp should kill some of the guards and open a path to escape. They will almost certainly try to stop us from taking the refugees, in which case we will return fire."
"Very well, I'll open a channel to the Atlas, let their commander decide how to put together a fleet," said the President. The commander of a Union-class carrier was always of general or flag rank.
Twelve hours later
Straits of Gibraltar
Commodore Alexandra Federova, the commander of the RKS Atlas, had managed to assemble a fleet of ten ships - the Union-class carrier itself, six Kirovs, two transports, and the King Henry V-class battleship RKS Black Dragon.
Fifty A-400 transport planes with a total of 10,000 marines were on their way to the fleet. The marines would be supplied off of the ships' stores for the duration of the operation. The carrier also had some 200 planes, including F-14 interceptors, MiG-33 and F-35 JSF's, and E-2 Hawkeyes modified to fire two Meteor LRAAM's if threatened.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government of Kahanistan condemns in the most virulent terms the barbaric practices of the Government of Ynesher. Such crimes worthy of the Nazis must be stopped immediately. This demand is not negotiable.
The international community will not stand by while people are murdered in cold blood for their faith. The Government of Ynesher will cease its atrocities or be removed from power when our forces arrive and tried for war crimes.
Margaret Delray,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
our forces are well armed our ports have anti ship weapons anti missile radars are protecting every inch of the country our arkbird is over head and ready to shoot ships and missiles our anti aircraft guns are protecting everyinch ot the country mines have been put down on all borders and troops and tanks are being deploye dto all borders. and a some citizens are being alowed to leave 4 citizens of ahhh. special intrest to us are being sent to your country on a un plane for delegations.
the comander looked up kill 4000 muslims and bomb the mosques and nuke mecca and all enemy ships
in a move that has stuned many the states of juda and israel have joind ynesher each contibuting half of all forces to the protection of ynesher and 600 nuclear missiles more anti aircraft more anti missile two more arkbirds and 789898 troops
we have confiremed the sinking of the ship RKS Atlas by means of nuclear ICBM and the arkbird. let this be a warning to you do not come closer then 3000 km of yneshen waters or airspace or land.
13-01-2007, 10:36
Earlier Ynesher indicated that it would stop the mass murder of its Muslim citizenry if it as given the state of Israel. As it appears the state of Israel is now under your control, will you be holding to your earlier promise?
13-01-2007, 10:40
we have confiremed the sinking of the ship RKS Atlas by means of nuclear ICBM and the arkbird. let this be a warning to you do not come closer then 3000 km of yneshen waters or airspace or land.
I'm afraid it doesnt work that way, the only one who can decide whether that ship sinks is Kahanistan, and he will only do so if you RP hitting it. You can never force losses upon someone.
And I'm also wondering as to where those Nuclear ICBMs came from.
we want first 80 billion dollars and we want map rights to israel and the sinai so the map will include israel and the sinai
it came from our dolphin class submarines
Hyperspatial Travel
13-01-2007, 10:49
we have confiremed the sinking of the ship RKS Atlas by means of nuclear ICBM and the arkbird. let this be a warning to you do not come closer then 3000 km of yneshen waters or airspace or land.
Look. Someone's already said this, but you can't dictate the losses of others.
What godmodding is (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=367578). I'd advise you to look at this thread, as it explains the ins and outs of the rules of the roleplay here, at least regarding godmodding (which is deciding that you are either invincible, or deciding someone else's losses), and the consolidation sticky (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=437653) (which is posted at the top of this forum), which has all sorts of helpful hints in getting started here. So, ease back, take ten, read these threads, and come back to this thread to use what you've learnt, kay?
13-01-2007, 10:54
Aboard the Atlas
"Commodore, incoming ballistic missiles!"
"Very well," said Federova. "Open a channel to the cruisers, have them prep the A-135 ABM systems for launch."
The anti-ballistic missile systems, including the advanced Arrow II tactical ABM's as well as longer range strategic missile defences, fired on the approaching missile, detonating it only ten kilometers above the fleet.
"Damage?" asked the Commodore.
"Thirty-nine transports, two AWACS, eleven MiG's, six JSF's destroyed, eleven transports, one AWACS, twenty MiG's, eleven JSF's damaged. Top deck is contaminated, wear NBC if going topside. Two AWACS, nineteen MiG's, forty-three JSF's still active."
Kahanistanian fleet, 12 hours after heading for Ynesher
The fleet now consisted of one carrier, one battleship, two transports, and six cruisers. Mindful of the fact that most countries, especially totalitarian dictatorships, have heavy coastal defences, the RKS Black Dragon (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11023331&postcount=8) took point. If anything fired on the heavily armored battleship, it would of course return fire.
The fleet commander gave the MiG's the order to initiate suppression of enemy air defenses should they be fired upon, then opened a radio channel to the shoreline.
"This is Commodore Alexandra Federova. Your people are under the protection of the Kahanistan Republic Navy should they cross to our transport vessels. We will allow anyone who wishes to leave Ynesher to do so."
this is comander in cheif kumar of the yneshen armed forces any ship that is not navy or coast patrol will be fired upon. dolphin fleet fire 8 ICBMs on incoming ships arkbird standby for incoming targets.
arkbird fire on all enemy aircraft razgrez prmison to leave un plane and bomb embassy and assasinate army comander of the enemy.
Van Luxemburg
13-01-2007, 11:14
Van Luxemburgian Marine Admiralty, Rotterdam
A strong wind mowed across the Tweede Maasvlakte, while a large amount of ships was moored up across the many port facilities, where only a few 4x4's moved around, patrolling the area. A group of armoured trucks was loading up weaponry onto a Freethinker-built Berlin-class Ground Attack Cruiser.
This was what Admiral Eijsens saw when he looked outside the window at the Admiralty.
Ofcourse, Eijsens, it's up to you what you'll send over there. Only thing we need to get done is free convicts from these death camps and load them onto a few of our ships, if possible.
The Admiral turned around, staring at the telephone, which was in conference mode.
I see, Dermont. I can get a bunch of ships down there, but I cannot guarantee they'll be able to transport more than a few thousand people. I can take some 3200 people, maybe some more. I'll redirect the ships on the way to Vuhifell Naval Station for that. Those are the ZMS Jericho, Jericho-class Large Amphibious Assault Ship, ZMS Wolfsburg, Berlin class Land Attack Cruiser, and the ZMS Nürnberg & ZMS Regensburg, Centaur-X Class Guided Missile Destroyers, all made by The Freethinker Commonwealth. They should be able to reach the Kahanistanian fleet within a few hours, if we push the limits.
Eijsens answered while looking at a large plasma screen, which showed all Naval deployments oversea. A group of four ships was now flashing, indicating they would receive new orders within a few minutes, or already had received them.
Then do it. Goodbye, Admiral.
The line was abruptly broken by the Minister of Defence, leaving Eijsens alone in his office. He used the phone again to contact his secretary.
Adjudant, this is the Admiral. I want that taskforce on the way to Vuhifell redirected to Ynesher immediately.
Already done, sir.
Good, good.
Taskforce Gamma, 2 hours from the Kahanistanian Fleet
Commandeur (OF-6) Anastasia Nemec took a quick peek at the Radar system aboard the ZMS Jericho. It showed several other ships 2 hours ahead, presumably the Kahanistanians.
Commandeur, I think we should contact them. They'd get the shock of their lives if they saw us sneaking up from behind. A Sergeant spoke to Nemec, as he saw her looking at the Radar screen.
Yes, i think we should, although I suppose the Admiralty or the Ministry should've alarmed them in this case. But I'll alarm them anyways.
She walked to the Radio center, followed by the Sergeant. She was handed over a microphone by the radio operator, and instructed what callsigns to use in this case.
Attention Kahanistanian Fleet, this is Taskforce Gamma of the Van Luxemburgian Marine. I believe we've been sent over to help you out. I suppose you have already been messaged about that?
She switched the microphone off before commenting on her message.
Damnit. How do I hate all that bureaucracy stuff on land. I'm actually expecting they'll get me a message back they haven't heard anything. And that problem is at our ministry, I'll tell you. But let's wait what they'll send back.
While the ships steamed on at full speed, the group of three patiently waited for an answer.
RKS Black Dragon is a top priorty target fire 2 nuclear ICBMS at it and fire arkbird at it imediatly also razgez men on the ship kill the comadore no matter what. yneshen air force start prforming comunication jamming for the th enemy so they can not send messages also download all new comunicatons and tap into there satilites and fleet information
The Jade Star
13-01-2007, 11:18
The Republic of the Jade Star is outraged beyond terms regularly used in diplomatic channels. The actions of Ynesher have shown its government to be violent, sadistic, genocidal and possessed of a total lack of regard for the lives of their own people or those around the globe as they casually deploy nuclear arms.
The Republic therefore condems Ynesher, its government, and all who call themselves the allies or friends of that nation.
Further, the Republic will no longer accept trade goods, aid, tourists, or any other transport from Ynesher. Our ports and shores are closed to them and their allies.
And last, the Republic of the Jade Star, although currently involved in its own strugglle for independance, has offered the service of a regiment of soldiers to Kahanistan by way of aid in the upcoming war. It is, unfourtunatly, all we cam provide in the brave efforts of Kahanistan to crush the Ynesherian government and its cohorts.
13-01-2007, 11:23
The Kahanistanian battleship moved up against the hostile shores, firing its massive array of defensive missiles the minute ICBM's were spotted. Its crew also fired its 155mm ETC cannons into the shoreline, intending to pulverise whatever forces were obstructing the refugees' flight.
Since the battleship had absorbed many of the mine hits to its thick armor, it would not be lost by so grounding itself; in fact, it might be the only way to save the ship's weapons and crew. At the same time, the cruisers abandoned the ABM role and laid down covering fire for the Marines moving ashore in NBC gear and full body armour.
Commodore Federova, still aboard her damaged carrier, responded to the Van Luxemburgian fleet. The planes had already taken off, standard procedure for ballistic missile attacks on ships. They were now firing on anti-aircraft systems with their HARM's and using their machine guns to engage enemy soldiers, thus providing air support for the invading Imperial Marines.
"We've been attacked with ICBM's including nuclear weapons. We have minor damage thanks to our ABM system, but we also lost a lot of planes, I'm not sure we can hold out. Do you have any ABM cruisers in your fleet?"
Taskforce Gamma of the Van Luxemburgian Marine
The Republic of the Jade Star
Send 6 nuclear weapons to destroy Taskforce Gamma of the Van Luxemburgian Marine. Arkbird one is to give support in the fight.
Also I want this nation destroyed The Republic of the Jade Star
I herby order 15 nuclear missiles to be shoot at that nation and arkbird three is to fire on there satilites.
Forces form state of Israel have arrived and are now following my orders
fire incoming 3 ICBMS and excaliber laser INcomg cemical weapons
13-01-2007, 11:29
[OOC: Ynesher, a few things to help you improve:
There is a difference between In Character and Out Of Character.
Try to write better please, with more detail and prose.
There is more than one landmass on NationStates. As in to say, there is more than one player who role-plays as a country based off, say, Israel.
Expanding from the previous point, the definition of NationStates Earth will never ever be unified. There are two primary theories about what it is: a multiverse where various timelines connect, and that it is simply a bigger earth. I use a combination of both.
I hope I was helpful!]
we have
state of israel
jewish brigade
13-01-2007, 11:42
Muhammad al-Mahdi stumbled forward in the oppressive heat. He and one hundred and twenty other Muslim men had been digging graves for the last three days. They had been given no food or water and the some of the older men had already died, pitching forward into open graves or falling onto the ground, unable to move while Ynesher troops kicked them brutally in the face and ribs, demanding they return to their work.
Mahdi's tongue was swollen and stuck to the top of his dry mouth. His shoulders burned from the digging. He couldn't arrange his thoughts. Occasionally, images would pop up to the surface of his mind like bubbles in a champagne glass. A beautiful Indian born woman, his wife. A chubby faced three-year-old daughter named Sita. But the man digging these graves hardly new those people. They were someone else's wife and child.
For him there had only been work. There would only be work.
He stumbled, the shovel heavy in his grip. His eyes filling with tears as he dropped to his knees. They were gone now; he had failed them.
"Get the hell up sand ******," said a voice behind him. Mahdi turned his head and looked into the face of a boy no older than twenty. He was freshly shaved and dressed in the uniform of Ynesher. He carried the standard issue assault rifle with a cocky arrogance. "Didn't you hear me? I said get the fuck up!" Mahdi knew he should feel fear but he felt nothing. Cared for nothing.
"Listen to me when I talk to you!" the boy shouted, as his booted foot lashed out and connected with Mahdi's cheek. Suddenly, Mahdi's face was buried in the fine, chalky dust of his homeland. Blood filled his mouth.
Another blow landed on his ribcage. Mahdi reflexively curled into a ball as pain lanced through his side.
"God damn sand niggers. Bunch of animals," the boy swore. Another blow to his head. Mahdi knew he would die now. Mahdi would join the old men in their graves and maybe he would see his wife and child again. Maybe they would forgive him for not protecting them.
Another kick. Mahdi cried out, a broken, animal sound. "Get the hell up!" roared the boy. Mahdi tried, he got his hand underneath him. Pushed against the ground. A fine coating of dust covered his bearded face, blood tricked from his lips.
The boy laughed, "That right, now beg. Beg me or I blow your head in."
Is this how it was for them at the end? Had they been kicked? Violated? Made to beg for life? Mahdi licked his lips. He was beginning to feel something... anger.
The boy pressed the cold tip of his automatic against Mahdi's head. He looked at Mahdi with clear, blue eyes. "Beg me," he repeated.
Mahdi's hand moved slightly. His fingers brushed over the wood of the shovel.
"Please," he said, "let me live." Tears slipped from his eyes. The boy stood over him, captivated by Mahdi's performance, drunk with power. Mahdi's hand wrapped around the handle of the shovel.
"Please," Mahdi said, "don't hurt me anymore." With that, he swung with all his strength. The shovel connected with the boy's head and buried itself in his skull.
There was a moment of silence as the other soldiers stared in disbelief. Mahdi lunched for the gun even as the boy dropped to his knees, blood pouring from the gash in his head.
Suddenly, gun fire rattled off to his side and dirt flew into the air where bullets hit the ground. Mahdi fired blindly back. Spraying the area where he knew the soldiers stood. The other Muslim men had stopped working and looked around desperately. Mahdi no longer cared what they did, he thought only of shooting the soldiers before him.
"Allah akbar!" a man behind him shouted. He ran pass Mahdi waving a shovel and was cut down. Mahdi aimed at the soldier who had done it, his entire chest vibrated as he rattled off the bullets and the man fell.
"Allah akbar! Allah akbar!" more and more men yelled as they changed the soldiers. The Muslims were suddenly filled with desperate energy. There were only thirty soldiers and their faces were contorted with fear.
Another man had wrested a gun from a solider and began firing. "Into the grave!" he called to Mahdi as he dove in himself. Mahdi understood the man's wisdom but instead stood and changed, firing round after round.
"Allah akbar!" men around him cried. But not Mahdi.
"Sita!" he roared as he killed solider after soldier.
13-01-2007, 11:44
The Kahanistanian ships had moved to their minimum safe depth, continuing to fire their missiles at the Ynesher forces, and using their satellites to avoid hitting civilian population centers. They repeated their hails to the terrified Islamic inhabitants of Ynesher to flee and board their transports.
Throughout the nation, satellite-guided cruise missiles soared toward the entrances of the death camps, four to a gate, in order to kill guards and create exits for the prisoners. Since the enemy had fired on ships that had clearly indicated they were only intent on extracting those who wished to leave, the military was now prepared to respond with force to free the prisoners in earnest.
The Marines prepared to set up a beach head and keep in contact with their Van Luxemburgian allies to remove the Ynesher government and free the people who were mistreated there.
ynesher fires 30 metel melting bombs on your ships and troops we also fire 30 nuclear ICBMS we will not rest untill black dragon is destroyed fire one of evry thing at it
The commander looked out of his window the streets full of soldier’s young men and women. All fighting for us.
“yes commander”
“What can I do for you” said the tall dark flight sergeant.
I want you to organize an international public address I want to talk to the people.
Mean whill bring in vedraja.
Comander you called for me
So I did vedraja so I did I want you to fire from the desert heat bombs that melt metal on impact I want these fired on all enemy ships planes and troops.
Yes commander said vedraja.
Now leave me I am about to face the people.
that soldiers perents were given a medal of honouer and those muslims were nuked and were put on public desplay to show what happens to rule brekers
i was wondering if we sould write this into a book with all our nations in it and we continue rolr playing but make the role play into a book we would have to start over though. but i am a nice guy. i am 15 and my family are indian so what i am saying when in carrector as comander is not how i realy feel.
13-01-2007, 12:06
It was night.
"What's your name?" asked the man. He was the one who had told him to dive into the grave for cover. Mahdi said nothing. That numb feeling had returned.
"Mine is Muhammad Al-Waqi'ah," the man said. He paused. "I know you've got a name." They were both in the front of a military jeep. In the back of the jeep, sat twenty other men, all armed with the guns they had taken from the solider.
"What does it matter?" Mahdi stared out the window at the empty landscape. The jeep bumped along an old, dirt road toward the concentration camp. Six other jeeps followed them, filled with men who only had shovels for weapons.
"What you did back there was brave. I want to be able to tell my grandchildren your name if you don't make it," Waqi'ah said. Mahdi had to smile at the absurdity of that: someone telling their grandchildren about him, as though he were a great fighter instead of a wasted man who used to be a vacuum salesman.
"Muhammad Al-Mahdi," he said. They were all dressed in the uniforms of dead soldiers. It wasn't much of a disguise but it would have to be enough.
Waqi'ah shot the head off the man at the entrance gate as he drove at fifty miles an hour through the gate itself. He braked hard and banked to the left. The other men began pouring out of the back of the covered jeep and aiming up at the towers. Four soldiers feel from their post before the alarm went off.
Mahdi and five other men rushed to the soldier's barracks and shot down the men who tried to rush out. Mahdi heard gun fire but had no idea who was winning.
Fifteen minutes later Waqi'ah ran around the corner grinning with ten other men. "We were able to take the secondary armory. Everyone is armed now and the rest are freeing the others. How are you?"
"We have most of the soldiers pinned down inside their barracks. They have guns but no one has yet gathered the courage to rush us," Mahdi replied. "Do we charge them?"
Waqi'ah's grin grew bigger. "No need my friend," he said as he held up a belt with half a dozen grenades strapped to it, "We also found this."
l belive you are realy telented in writing and i would love to make this in to a book you write from the muslim side and i from ynesher.
i am a 15 year old named zane my family are indian and i live in new zealand
who are you
Rastorian Syndicate
13-01-2007, 12:11
If Ynesher is throwing nukes everywhere to kill his internal opponents wouldn't that kill a lot of his own internal manpower? I mean nuclear radiation has a long and lasting effect and if the winds start moving that stuff around a lot of people are going to die slowly....
all people are wereing radiation suites like the helgast on killzaone that is what the yneshen symbol and uniform is bassed on
13-01-2007, 12:14
By now, the Kahanistanian warships were little more than glorified artillery and missile platforms providing covering fire, and lots of it, to the Imperial Marines. In fact, the Marines had been able to advance 15 kilometers inside with minimal resistance to their forces. This meant they were able to safely escort the Muslim refugees under the protection of their ships.
However, getting them out was another problem altogether. If they couldn't get the Van Luxemburgian fleet to arrive before their escorts were lost, they would have trouble getting the transports out. In the meantime, they simply escorted those they could find to their beach heads and aboard their transports, which could carry up to 50,000 tons - that could include a million people on both of the transports if the food stocks were moved to the other ships.
The Republic Navy hailed the Van Luxemburgian fleet again. "We aren't sure how much longer our missile supplies will hold out. Can we have an estimated time of arrival for your forces?"
the ethag platoon of 10000 men and 50 tanks with support from arkbird moves up and into the black dragon. tanks suround the ship. forces move in and take hostage the comander on board and kills all enemy troops withen ships arkbird is destroying the mines and troops and defencive postions trying to block us.
The nation of Taji is appalled at your lack of compassion for these peoples, yadda yadda yadda.
What we really wanna know is, why would you confirm something like this?
(OOC edit: looks like Im a lil behind. And that would be considered god modding Ynesher)
we give the order for the enemy comander to be killed and icbms are to be shoot at black dragon and all enemy ships until they are sunk and troops are to sweep the beaches. i repeat sink that fucken ship
13-01-2007, 12:32
i was wondering if we sould write this into a book with all our nations in it and we continue rolr playing but make the role play into a book we would have to start over though. but i am a nice guy. i am 15 and my family are indian so what i am saying when in carrector as comander is not how i realy feel.
[OOC: No offense man, but you're far from writing a book. You need a ton of practice, and a lot of work, and writing a novel can be difficult.]
it is school holidays here and well just can not be bothered
13-01-2007, 12:42
Muhammad Al-Mahdi held the mouthpiece to his face. "Calling the firing warships. Please come in warships... This is Muhammad Al-Mahdi. I am part of a resistance unit. Does anyone hear me?"
The only answer from the radio was static. "Shit!" he yelled, slamming his hand on the table. Explosions sounded outside. Massive booms that shook the abandoned factory they were in.
"Are you certain you know how to work this thing?" Mahdi asked.
The man, Robert, nodded. "There's tons of interference right now," he said. "You just have to keep trying and hope for the best."
Mahdi signed, the had been doing this for hours.
"Calling the firing warship. This is Muhammad Al-Mahdi. Please respond..."
Apex Predator
13-01-2007, 12:45
[OOC, Ynesher, why you have created about 6 different topics so far for information that could be all put in one topic]