Hataria Annexes Morocco to The Empire (Open)
Today, Hatarian troops crossed into Morocco to Annex It into The Hatarian Empire as part of Algeria. It is reported that 200,000 Hatarian Desert Troppers, 800 CT-28 "Sand Vipers" Desert Combat Tanks, 500 KA-52 Attack Helicopters (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlnzI67Axvk), 200 TR-1 Armored Tank Walkers and 20,000 Trucks Crossed intp Morocco and are heading along with out any attacks from The Moroccans.
on The Coast, 300,000 more troops are starting to land at the Coast. This Invasion Will Continue till All of Morocco is under The Rule of The Hatarian Empire.
More on this as soon as we get Info from The Imperial Palace
11-01-2007, 05:58
New Carrendon, Gurguvungunit
The Gurguvii Ministry of Correcting People's Grammar Without Being Asked tenders a delicately worded request to the Hatarian government regarding its use of the capital letter. It reminds the Hatarians that the capital is to be used only in specific instances, and not every Other goddamned Word.
For more information, the Hatarian government is referred to The Columbia Guide to Standard English (http://www.bartleby.com/68/22/1122.html).
The rest of the Gurguvii government takes rather more time to formulate a response, but eventually arrives at the following telegram, addressed to 'The Hatarian Government' in lieu of any other appropriate recipient. It is normal Gurguvii practise to provide the relevant ministers of a foreign government with such messages, but lacking such contacts in Hataria a general telegram is deemed appropriate.
To Whom it May Concern,
The apparent invasion of Morocco has been deemed illegal by the Grand High Poobah of Affairs Moroccan, Invasionary, and Ecological, a Gurguvii administrative body that monitors the region for unrest and other general instability. Despite the fact that Hatarian press releases have failed to discuss the movements of troops, their numbers or their makeup, they have been deemed a threat to local desert wildlife. Accordingly, the Gurguvii Twelfth Ecological Guard has been dispatched and will prevent such atrocities from occurring. The Divine Khanate for the Prevention of Human Cruelty and Messiness, a Gurguvii watchdog cabinet position, will be monitoring events in the region closely. In this task, they will be assisted by the Bureau Most Secret of Watching, Listening and Creeping Around Outside Your Window.
Good day,
Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Stephenson Quincey Ignatius Augustus Qyyrg, ORCG
Office of Talking to Other People,
The Parliament Grand, All Seeing and Slightly Bizzare of Gurguvungunit
Establishing Communication Channel…
Receiving Incoming Message…..
Official Union Directive......
The Totalitarian Military Union of Xharn
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
The Totalitarian Military Union of Xharn demands that the Hatarian Troops pull out of Morocco immediately or face the wraith of Union’s forces stationed inside the borders of Morocco.
The Totalitarian Military Union of Xharn has sworn to defend nations like Morocco from aggressive Imperialist powers like Hataria. His Exalted Excellency, Patron Joseph Stormberg has issued the statement that all Hatarian forces must be out of Morocco within 48 hours or a state of war shall exist between the Totalitarian Military Union of Xharn and the Imperial Republic of Hataria.
Grand Ambassador Gerald Nomato
Head of Foreign Relations, Grand Ambassador
Hatarian Flag Raised in rabat!
HBC (Hatarian Broadcast Company) has just found out the Place were The Hatarian Army has landed was at Rabat and now The Hatarian Flag Flies over The city.
Moroccan Government Officals have been Captured and are being held till they Surender.
11-01-2007, 06:10
New Carrendon, Gurguvungunit
The Gurguvii Ministry of Correcting People's Grammar Without Being Asked tenders a delicately worded request to the Hatarian government regarding its use of the capital letter. It reminds the Hatarians that the capital is to be used only in specific instances, and not every Other goddamned Word.
For more information, the Hatarian government is referred to The Columbia Guide to Standard English.
Lolz, too true, Hatty really should read a dictionary one day.
New Carrendon, Gurguvungunit
The Gurguvii Ministry of Correcting People's Grammar Without Being Asked tenders a delicately worded request to the Hatarian government regarding its use of the capital letter. It reminds the Hatarians that the capital is to be used only in specific instances, and not every Other goddamned Word.
For more information, the Hatarian government is referred to The Columbia Guide to Standard English (http://www.bartleby.com/68/22/1122.html).
OOC: Dude, lighten up. English isn't his first language.
OOC: Dude, lighten up. English isn't his first language.
OOC-Um....He is from Missouri.
List of Cities under Hatarian Control.
Bou Afra
Official Announcement of the United States of Allanea
We congratulate Hataria on their swift conquest.
May God bless the Empress.
OOC-Um....He is from Missouri.
How about that.
11-01-2007, 06:21
It is believed that as the Emperor Paulus I was read this particular tidbit of international information, he giggled, burped, and said something like, "Who cares? Got anything more interesting?"
11-01-2007, 06:35
OOC: I would like to congradulate you on your wonderful indepth combat posts...
11-01-2007, 06:45
OOC: It's mostly a joke, y' fool! Anyway, I'm sure he can cope. It might even help out. Hataria; are the Moroccans not--you know--resisting your random, unprovoked attack?
On the Ocean, Way the Hell Away from Morocco
The Earth was a really, really big place. Fortunately, so was Gurguvungunit. Its fleet was, by Questerian or Praetonian standards, pretty damned small. On the other hand, Questers operated the largest navy on the planet, so most people in the Loosely Federated Provinces were all right with that.
The Twelfth Ecological Guard was a pretty silly name, and so everyone remotely associated with said unit (which was not particularly interested in guarding Moroccan ecology) called it 'Fred'. This was not much better, as far as names were concerned, but one would be hard-pressed to explain such to the Gurguvii.
Fred, then, was comprised of roughly sixteen Conveyance of Aircraft, Really Really Incredibly Excellent and Ritzy Ship (CARRIERS) and their escorts, as well as fifteen or twenty Haverton class battleships and a pair of Rhodes class Stupendously Unimaginably Perfectly Excellently Robustly Dangerous, Really Extremely, Amazingly Deadly New, Odd, Ugly Things (SUPERDREADNOUGHTs). Despite their somewhat eclectic names, they were perfectly modern weapons of war. The CARRIERS varied in size from small escorts to massive, nine-hundred meter behemoths capable of launching strategic bombers and fighters alike. The destroyers and frigates that escorted them were small and dinky by comparison to their larger brethren, but were themselves optimized for air defence, ASW and general combat. They numbered, collectively, some fifty or sixty.
By Gurguvii standards, Fred was of moderate size. It showed its age; Gurguvungunit had not committed vessels to war in decades, and was doing so now mostly because somebody had misfiled a paper and the situation was moved from the 'local annoyance' bin to the 'kill the bastards' bin. A staffer was probably being shot out back in New Carrandon, but by then Fred's contact information had also been misfiled, possibly to the shredder department.
The Department of Making Large Pieces of Paper Much, Much Smaller was appended to Human Resources, itself a subsidiary of the Taking Piles of Cash From the People Department. The DMLPPM was widely known as the Shredder Department, in memory of those files, small animals and nutty liberals that had met their end inside its walls. Most of these were the result of misfilings similar to that of Fred's phone number, although some radicals suggested that the government was quietly sending communists to the shredders. Many of these radicals have since met a damp and squishy end in the DMLPPM.
Nobody cares about that, though. Fred's ETA to Morocco was roughly two weeks.
any enemy fleet trying to Free Morocco from its Fate would soon meet with one of the Largest Navies on Earth. The Hatarians had over 10,000 Ships from Market Class Fleet Tenders to The Large Imperium Class Supercarrers. and that was just the Surface ships, Hataria has 340 Tangalee Class Attack Subs and 400 Sea Wolves.
Hatarian Spy satellites had found The Gurguvii Fleet and the Hatarians were soon Massing their own to intercept and Destroy The enemy Fleet.
Super Sentai Ryu no Umi (Super Task Force Dragon of The Sea)
6 Imperium Class Super Carriers (With 190 RAGI-17 Intercepters on each Ship)
3 Golden Queen Galaxia Class Carriers (With 67 MALI-8 Torpedo Bomber/Fighters and 40 RAGI-18 Sea Hawks on Each Ship)
30 Asakura Class Battlecurisers
30 Duck Hunter Class Anti-Air Craft Frigates
20 Dead Moon Class Missile Curisers
40 Republic Class Destroyers
20 Ming Yan Class Sub Hunters (a Type of Destroyer.)
40 Tangalee Class Destroyers.
50 Market Class Fleet Tenders
2 Angel Class Hospital Ships
300 [i]Raptor{/i] Class Ocean Attack Boats.
The Fleet Sailed From Tangalee, Hataria in engage The enemy.
The Hatarians were going to make sure no enemy would attack Morocco or Hataria or any of the Colonies.
In Every Port in the Empire, Command Minefields were soon in the waters of the Ports. This was Hataria's new Way of defense of Port Cities.
Off The Coast of Morocco, a Large Minefield was placed, ready to be used if any enemy would dare try attacking Morocco.
29% of The Contury was under Hatarian Control now.
OOC: Hataria, Greater Morocco stopped playing. Their nation no longer exists. Before they quit, they actually conquered your Algeria. Have a nice day.
Edit: That should read, "they conquered your Algeria two or three times".
OOC: Hataria, Greater Morocco stopped playing. Their nation no longer exists. Before they quit, they actually conquered your Algeria. Have a nice day.
OOC: I Ignored GM's Takeover, Remember? and I am Takeing what GM left (aka, Morocco)
Have a nice Day oh not so Large one
12-01-2007, 03:19
OOC: I Ignored GM's Takeover, Remember? and I am Takeing what GM left (aka, Morocco)
Have a nice Day oh not so Large one
OOC: Then NPC Morocco ignores you. LOL
12-01-2007, 03:20
OOC: Hataria, you don't have one of the largest navies on earth. I'd be willing to bet that mine is larger than yours. I'm not showing off, but chill out and do some fact-checking. Damn.
I'm getting tired of cleaning up after Hataria's slander/bad grammar/spelling mistakes/etc...
Anyone in agreement?
OOC: I Ignored GM's Takeover, Remember? and I am Takeing what GM left (aka, Morocco)
Have a nice Day oh not so Large one
OOC: You invaded Greater Morocco over and over. You lost every time, and stopped responding to posts once it became obvious you were going to lose your African territory. You don't get to start wars then ignore them when they don't go your way.
Your Algeria territory is gone. Stop being a newb.
OOC: You invaded Greater Morocco over and over. You lost every time, and stopped responding to posts once it became obvious you were going to lose your African territory. You don't get to start wars then ignore them when they don't go your way.
Your Algeria territory is gone. Stop being a newb.
Stop Being a Troll, Troll
OOC: Ok, just let me ask this. If you couldn't beat Morocco the last few times you tried, what makes you think it is a cake walk this time? I think it would be safer to assume that you were beaten again, and that you lost your territory.
ooc: I officially Lol at this topic
12-01-2007, 03:33
It would be nice if you role-played your conquest of Morocco. Otherwise what's the point of posting this?
12-01-2007, 03:34
OOC: What if GM ,though unlikley decides to come back? You cant just be " LOL HES GONE SO NOW ITS MINE!". I suggest this be ignored unless he got permission to do this from GM.
OOC: Stop Spamming My Thread NOW!
12-01-2007, 03:48
OOC: Its not spamming your thread. Just because people say things you do not agree with does not make it spamming.
12-01-2007, 03:50
Posted by Zackaroth:
OOC: What if GM ,though unlikely decides to come back? You cant just be " LOL HES GONE SO NOW ITS MINE!". I suggest this be ignored unless he got permission to do this from GM.
I second that motion!
OOC: Stop Spamming My Thread NOW!
Hmmm, isn't it a god mode to just say 'righty, I'm taking over this country that has beaten me several times. But they're not fighting back this time, despite the fact that that this is an unprovoked and deliberate attack.