Moving In (E35)
11-01-2007, 04:14
Russia had their own agenda. Highlighting the Ukranian move towards the aquisition of Serbia, the Russian President reminded himself to draft a letter disapproving the Ukrainian Imperialist actions.
Currently however, a Russian army number 700,000 men strong, supported by 4,000 tanks, and 1400 aircraft were set to invade Belarus, and from there capture the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Kalingrad. Not even a combined army from each of the states would be able to stop the Russian advance. It was all layed out perfectly.
The Carloginian offical gave his speech about the preservation of the Russia as a power in not only Europe, but in the world of today. "Russia must be allowed it's place to shine, for too long has countries like Britian and France sailed the seas, vasking in the sun's light. IT IS TIME FOR RUSSIA'S PLACE IN THE LIGHT." Crowds cheered rampantly at the proclamation of the Carloginian government.
General Alexander Luskovy, awaited word from the government in Moscow on when to invade and occupy the nations that were the current targets.
OOC: Uhh dude you shouldn't even know about Ukraine's involvment in Serbia. All you should know is that supposedly Serbia bombed a town in Romania and no Romania, and so far Romania alone, is invading Serbia.
11-01-2007, 04:17
OOC: Since I am in E 35, I will play your enemies if you want.
11-01-2007, 04:20
OCC- Russia is ruled by a VERY cynical party, and judging from your reaction to the letter the government sent to you, its not really incorrect to expect that my government woulden't call your actions Imperialistic. And your speech, remember. I will however edit on the part of Romania/Ukraine involvement, but my government will still expect the worse.
And Cortellon, go ahead and rp these people for me please. Keep in mind that I am only hitting Belarus first, and as such the Baltic states should stay out of it for a while.
11-01-2007, 04:51
OOC: Once you start the invasion I will start posting.
12-01-2007, 00:57
Hundreds of thousands of men, were ready to be deployed. General Luskovy surveyed his army, and simply smiled. It was time. Belarus was much too weak for it to stand in the way of the Grand Russian Army. The Carloginian military had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like centuries. Time to begin the invasion was now.
"MARCH." The order was screamed throughout the entire army, and the men move professionaly into Belarus. The men entereing Belarus itself were 500,000 ground troops, supported by 1,000 M2's
((Will finish later))
12-01-2007, 01:07
Minsk, Belarus
In a small dingy room a bunch of old men sat smoking like chimneys making the room foggy with smoke and all the dingier. They were smoking cigars as if their very lives depended on it and in a strange way it sort of did. They were smoking to try to relieve stress to think clearly about the new situation, but every time they thought of the situation and the hopelessness of it what stress they managed to relieve came back with company. The one though on their minds was the Russians are invading and there is no hope for us. Soon enough the young men of Belarus would learn that they were on their own. The men gave orders to get their things packed so they could leave and be a government in exile. While that was happening they tried to make a plan to hold the Russians off until the world helped them as they were positive the world would do.
Elsewere in Belarus as the news was spreading people started an exodius west as men started flocking to defencable positions to try to stall the Russians off long enough to let their families leave. Not one of these brave men thought they would live to see the end or even a Belarusian victory but maybe if they held off long enough they could give the people a chance to escape and that was worth fighting and dying for. A couple of the more dreamers in these groups of men even thought maybe if they killed enough Russians the Russians would go home thinking Belarus is not worth the blood shead.
H-Town Tejas
12-01-2007, 01:33
The United Arab Socialist Republic condemns these blatant acts of imperialism on the part of Russia. Belarus has done nothing at all, and Russia seems to have the impression that because they are bigger, their neighbors exist to be picked on.
As of today, no shipments of UASR oil, or anything from the UASR for that matter, will go into the imperialist state of Russia until they stand down in their unprovoked invasion of the sovereign nation of Belarus.
Sadiq al-Basri, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Socialist Republic
ooc: Those numbers are nothing short of titanic. If you have that many troops invading Belarus, then:
1. A good number of them will be conscripts, and will not, as you put it, "move professionally into Belarus." If, for some reason they do, they will not fight professionally. They will fight like conscripts who don't really want to be there. Because, in Russia in the 1930s? That's what most of them will be.
2. You will have to be oh-so-devoted to churning out enough supplies to have 500,000 troops and 1000 tanks on an offensive in a foreign country. Having a standing army of 700,000 (which is a number that tops the Russian Ground Force in 1995) is going to cost enough already. So this war is going to make your people absolutely disgusted with you, and your government will be as broke as it can possibly be. Not immediately, but in a few months at most.
ooc: Those numbers are nothing short of titanic. If you have that many troops invading Belarus, then:
1. A good number of them will be conscripts, and will not, as you put it, "move professionally into Belarus." If, for some reason they do, they will not fight professionally. They will fight like conscripts who don't really want to be there. Because, in Russia in the 1930s? That's what most of them will be.
2. You will have to be oh-so-devoted to churning out enough supplies to have 500,000 troops and 1000 tanks on an offensive in a foreign country. Having a standing army of 700,000 (which is a number that tops the Russian Ground Force in 1995) is going to cost enough already. So this war is going to make your people absolutely disgusted with you, and your government will be as broke as it can possibly be. Not immediately, but in a few months at most.
OOC: Those numbers are actually quite realistic. Even if they are conscripts, the yhave mroe training the average person. I might point out that Russia mobilized lieterally millions of men to fight in the Second World War. The Soviet Union was quite capable of turning out those numbers.
And if he's fascist he can just keep the people in the dark. No news for you...
Botttom line, he can do this relatively easily.
H-Town Tejas
12-01-2007, 04:51
ooc: They can do it. But mobilizing two thirds of your army for a full-on offensive in the middle of peacetime is not going to be "relatively easy." It will put Russia in a shithole. WWII, in this case, isn't much of a valid example. You can easily pull up massive amounts of people for armed service during war. But, in WWII, the Soviet Union was deeply rooted in war and being pounded into the ground by the Germans. This, on the other hand, is a rather sudden decision in times of peace to pull up two thirds of your army for an invasion of a much smaller country that has done nothing at all. Unless your country is perpetually on wartime (which it's not), it's not going to be "relatively easy." And you cannot snap your fingers, do the step, and suddenly have your country running around like they're fighting WWII. That's just how it is.
And keeping your people completely in the dark about a war will not make them any more happy about it. They will, in fact, be more pissed, because they have to ration their fucking bread to a war they know diddly-squat about.
15-01-2007, 06:43
OOC Is this still going?
15-01-2007, 06:47
15-01-2007, 07:13
OCC- It is, I will finish this later. You also have to realize that Russia has always been a military state. :/ This time period was the rise of the USSR and the fall of the British and French Colonial empires, and as such I have plenty of men to throw at the Belarusians. Not to mention I don't have a negative population right now.