06-01-2007, 08:26
This Thread was made to catalog the information that is listed in the ITH Directory for each member. Please place all the data you wish to have known by civilian traders and travelers in a single post and I will link the post to your name in the main ITH Thread.
Pretend you are writing a travel brochure highlighting your nations planets and other destinations and it should do quite well. This Thread will only be used to store the info while the main one will be actively directing them here, if everything goes to plan…
06-01-2007, 09:17
Her Majesty's Commonwealth Government of Bautizar
Her Majesty's Treasury
On behalf of Her Majesty's Government I thank you for considering the Commonwealth ( as a site for anything ranging from business transactions to a simple vacation. As a new destination of the International Trade Hub (, a current member of the Confederation of Nations (, and a new partner in the League of Free Worlds (, the Commonwealth recognizes the necessity of open relations with our neighbors and potential business partners, while also welcoming visitations by citizens seeking to experience the Commonwealth way of life for themselves.
Those seeking to do business or visit any location within the Commonwealth are encouraged to learn more of our laws and business regulations, the majority of which can be found below.
Currently HMG is privileged to enjoy diplomatic relations ( with the Britannic Commonwealth of Londinium and the Holy Settlements of Buddha C. Nations seeking to gain better standing for business transactions are encouraged to apply for permission to open an embassy aboard Sheffield Station, in orbit around the capital planet of Bautizar VIII.
Bill of the House of Administrators #2219 "On the Question of Establishing Permanent Diplomatic Relations," passed in 3397, prohibits foreign citizens from owning land on the capital planet or the colonies. Visitations to ground level from Sheffield Station, where Her Majesty's Constabulary Authority maintains a detachment specifically trained in dealing with foreign citizens and assisting them during their time aboard the station, are encouraged and welcomed by local merchants and proprietors of the numerous hotels that can be found throughout major cities across the Commonwealth. Those seeking to maintain long-term residency in the territory of HMG are encouraged to acquire living space aboard Sheffield Station by contacting the station civilian authorities, who will be more than happy to facilitate contact with authorized real estate brokers aboard that facility. Foreign residents aboard Sheffield Station will remain subject to the laws and regulations enforced by Her Majesty's Constabulary Authority unless on embassy grounds.
Foreign merchant vessels entering the territory of HMG must first pass through routine customs at Aberdeen Border Station ( before passing on to the Kensington Shipping Platform, Birmingham Shipping Platform, or Southampton Station. Cargo transfers to domestic craft will occur at these designated locations; foreign merchant vessels are prohibited from direct cargo transfers to ground-level installations for security reasons. Vessels found attempting to violate these regulations will be subject to the utmost of Commonwealth military ( and legal action.
Foreign merchants seeking to do business within the Commonwealth are encouraged to visit the major shipping platforms of Kensington and Birmingham, and also Southampton Station. Partnerships with domestic corporations are also equally emphasized: as a growing economic power, the Commonwealth believes strongly in mutual cooperation and understanding while maintaining a healthy respect for established ways of life. Favorable taxation rates can also be easily obtained with the appropriate filing of paperwork with the Treasury.
On behalf of Her Majesty's Commonwealth Government of Bautizar, I again thank you for considering doing business or traveling to the Commonwealth. Those with further questions are advised to telegram the either the Treasury or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, depending on the nature of the question, for further details.
Lady Elaine Cothrough
Minister of the Treasury