Altanar embassy exchanges
The Constitutional Monarchy of Altanar is interested in expanding its diplomatic relations with the wider international community. We are offering embassy space in the Diplomatic Section of our capital city, Ael Khalas, for any nation that wishes to establish diplomatic relations with us. Any interested nations may contact us here or by telegram with the following information:
Full name of nation:
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar:
Number of personnel:
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles:
In addition, please advise us if you are willing to accept an ambassador and embassy from Altanar in your nation as well, and what information is required to establish this.
We thank you for your consideration.
Nelron Khiskithy
UCMA Minister of State
Foreign embassies in Altanar:
Philimbesi: 100 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Ariddia: 102 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Aunesia: 200 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Ausserland: 202 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Omigodtheykilledkenny: 200 Nalioka Terrace, Ael Khalas
Miamoria: 300 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Kelssek: 302 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
The Palentine: 400 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Quintessence of Dust: 402 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Lamoni: 500 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Delesa: 502 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Cookesland: 600 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Dai Yuddha Ossyria: 702 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Groznyj: 1000 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Sendersdale: 1002 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
St. Holden: 1100 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Gruenberg: 1102 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Shazbotdom: 1200 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
Irixia: 1300 International Friendship Way, Ael Khalas
A map of the Diplomatic Section can be found here ( for your convenience.
TO: Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State, Kingdom of Altanar
FROM: Andrew Short, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Federation of Aunesia
The Federation of Aunesia would be delighted if you would accept an envoy from our nation. We would consider it an honour also, to host an embassy of your nation.
Full name of nation: The Federation of Aunesia
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Mr Roger Taylor
Number of personnel: 10
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: A single helicopter, two SUVs and a Bentley.
Yours in comradeship,
- Andrew Short
- Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Federation of Aunesia
To: Andrew Short, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Federation of Aunesia
Dear Sir:
We would be honored to accept Ambassador Taylor and his delegation at the earliest convenience of your government. The information for Altanar's proposed embassy to Aunesia is as follows:
Name of proposed ambassador to Aunesia: Hon. Jeni Kerikalas
Number of personnel: 10
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: A single helicopter, and two armored ground cars.
If this is acceptable, we will make the arrangements immediately. We look forward to the advancement of relations between our two nations.
Nelron Khiskithy
Minister of State
The Jade Star
05-01-2007, 22:54
The Jade Star would be pleased to establish an embassy with the Altanar Federation.
However, it should be noted prior to this that the population of the Republic is primarily made up of non-human persons. It is understood that many nations are reticent to interact with beings not of a human nature, and while we wish to alieviate such xenophobia if we can, we will not press the matter if you do not wish us to contact you.
The Republic will also request that two ambassadors be allowed for its embassy. It is required that the interests of both humanoid and non-humanoid people be represented in our political dealings.
As such, our request is as follows:
Full name of nation: The Republic of the Jade Star
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: N'nrk of the Twisted Spear Clan, Rhunedhel Belda
Number of personnel: 85
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles:
10 guards present, assault rifles of the AK-series.
1 helicopter, civilian
4 armoured cars, 2 civilian, 2 military.
Thank you for your time,
Elandil Rushwood, Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Jade Star
To: Elandil Rushwood, Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Jade Star
The Kingdom of Altanar would be honored to accept your ambassador and delegation at the earliest convenience of your government. Please rest assured that xenophobia is not a concern in Altanar, and that we are prepared to welcome both human and non-human visitors alike.
Please confirm that you are willing to accept an ambassador from Altanar in your nation, and what arrangments you require for such a delegation if you are willing. We look forward to your response and to establishing relations between our two nations.
Nelron Khiskithy
Minister of State
The Jade Star
05-01-2007, 23:19
Nelron Khiskithy,
Thank you, the ambassadors will be leaving shortly. We currently anticipate a break in the no-fly-zone in the south, however the ambassadors may be delayed if one of the aircraft is intercepted.
Unfourtunatly the humanist government has refused to recognize our nation and will not grant diplomatic immunity to those of 'sub-human' status.
We are willing to accept a delegation from your own nation, however it may be hazerdous to send them to the Republic at this point, due to our ongoing military engagement with the humanist forces. We will, however, attempt to provide air or sea cover for any personell you wish to send.
Vanya sulie tenna' san'
Elandil Rushwood, Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Jade Star
We are willing to accept a delegation from your own nation, however it may be hazerdous to send them to the Republic at this point, due to our ongoing military engagement with the humanist forces. We will, however, attempt to provide air or sea cover for any personell you wish to send.
Minister Rushwood,
In order to protect the safety of our delegation, we shall have them remain here in Altanar for the moment. We will have our ambassador communicate with your delegation once they arrive here in Altanar, and thus maintain communications with your government in that fashion. Our ambassador shall be the Hon. Jala Gerinath.
We look forward to your arrival, and hope for a safe journey.
- Nelron Khiskithy
Minister of State
The Jade Star
06-01-2007, 00:21
Nelron Khiskithy,
Of course, you must take what action seems good to you.
On the matter of our current situation, any assistance Altanar could provide in terms of military equipment or support would be most appreciated, we are currently forced to use whatever we come upon, and the maintenance policies of the occupiers are sadly lacking.
Of course you may wish to remain nuetral in this conflict, in which case your political recognition is all we require.
Elandil Rushwood, Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Jade Star
Nelron Khiskithy,
Of course, you must take what action seems good to you.
On the matter of our current situation, any assistance Altanar could provide in terms of military equipment or support would be most appreciated, we are currently forced to use whatever we come upon, and the maintenance policies of the occupiers are sadly lacking.
Of course you may wish to remain nuetral in this conflict, in which case your political recognition is all we require.
Elandil Rushwood, Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Jade Star
We would need to remain neutral, militarily speaking, as a policy of military neutrality is required by our Constitution. However, we are willing to discuss the possibility of financial assistance or assistance with reconstructing your nation. Also, if desired, we would be willing to offer our services as a mediator in an attempt to negotiate an end to the conflict in your nation. Please let us know if either suggestion would be desired.
- Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
Quintessence of Dust
06-01-2007, 01:19
We would be most interested in an exchange of embassies with Altanar.
Nation: The Democratic States of Quintessence of Dust
Proposed ambassador: Laura Witherspoon (subject to a confirmation vote, which is unlikely to be a problem)
Personnel: We would send a staff of around 50; subject to any expansion of relations between our nations, we might ask for that to be increased.
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: We would hope to negotiate reciprocal arrangements, such that the host nations provide some degree of security and transportation to avoid the cost of lugging hardware overseas; however, we will take 3-5 guards armed with standard issue weaponry, two cars and one helicopter.
We are happy to receive an Altanari embassy, and look forward to good relationships ensuing between our two nations.
We also assume, as we are both UN members, that Diplomatic Immunity ( will be recognised.
-- Secretary of State James Dwight
To: Secretary of State James Dwight
Mr. Dwight,
We would be honored to accept your ambassador and their delegation at the earliest convenience of your government. We are willing to discuss reciprocal security arrangements, and will abide by the provisions of Diplomatic Immunity, as we do for all UN members with representation in our nation.
The Altanari delegation to your nation shall consist of the following, with your approval:
Name of proposed ambassador to Quintessence of Dust: Hon. Likar Parnelas
Number of personnel: 25, including 10 security personnel
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 10 light rifles, 10 sidearms, one unarmed helicopter, three ground cars with light armoring
We look forward to your delegation's arrival and to increased diplomatic relations between our nations.
- Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
The Jade Star
07-01-2007, 05:39
Minister Khiskithy of Altanar,
We wish to request that, as the current situation in the Republic will not allow it, delegates from other nations attend our embassy in your nation, as it is the only one currently in a state which will comfortably house a number of guests. Of course a Altanarian delegate would be most welcome to such an event.
We wished to notify you because, of course, you may not wish to place strain on your nations police forces in the event that any delegates are...unpopular with your people.
Minister Rushwood
Minister Khiskithy of Altanar,
We wish to request that, as the current situation in the Republic will not allow it, delegates from other nations attend our embassy in your nation, as it is the only one currently in a state which will comfortably house a number of guests. Of course a Altanarian delegate would be most welcome to such an event.
We wished to notify you because, of course, you may not wish to place strain on your nations police forces in the event that any delegates are...unpopular with your people.
Minister Rushwood
Minister Rushwood,
You are more than welcome to host representatives from other nations at your embassy here in Altanar. Our ambassador will call on you there as well.
We believe in applying the principle of extraterritoriality, and will not interfere with the practices of your embassy as long as they do not pose a threat to the Altanari state. We have no current diplomatic issues with other nations and cannot think of any delegates who would be "unpopular" with our people. However, you may rest assured that our Royal Police, and the municipal police of our capital city, are more than capable of dealing with any of our citizens should they become a problem.
Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
07-01-2007, 08:04
Full name of nation: Republic of Zaire
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Étienne Nzongola
Number of personnel: 22 (including 10 guards)
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 4 non-military vehicles
To: The Republic of Zaire
We would be honored to accept your ambassador and their delegation at the earliest convenience of your government. The Altanari delegation to your nation shall consist of the following, with your approval:
Name of proposed ambassador to The Republic of Zaire: Hon. Merrin Rose
Number of personnel: 25, including 10 security personnel
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 10 light rifles, 10 sidearms, one unarmed helicopter, three ground cars with light armoring
We look forward to your delegation's arrival and to increased diplomatic relations between our nations.
- Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
The following is taken from the recent Altanari government publication, The Diplomatic Section: The Building Project of a Lifetime.
When the government of Altanar first decided to establish relations with the international community over 30 years ago, it was decided that invitations should not be extended to other nations to build embassies until Altanar had a suitable place to house them. The question was, where to build it?
Many sites were looked at initially, in a number of cities. It was decided that the capital, Ael Khalas, should be the site for the embassies. This way, they could communicate easier with the Altanari government.
That created another problem, though: finding a suitable site within the city for such a large number of public buildings. The site that was eventually selected was in the northwest portion of the city, which had always been remote and relatively undeveloped. A large piece of land, between Royal Highway 1 and the Merikatha Parkway, was already owned by the government, so it was deemed an ideal site.
The ensuing building project would take decades to complete. Since this area of the city would be representing Altanar before the international community, no expense was spared in its construction. Huge parks were created as buffer zones between the embassies and the surrounding city, both for aesthetic purposes and for security. An international school, hospital and helipad were built. A branch of the Royal Bank of Altanar was also built, along with a currency exchange. New police stations were built for the Royal Police and the Ael Khalas Municipal Police, to provide security. A new post office and branch of the Altanar Tourism Office were also built. The land between Merikatha Parkway and the Lake of the Greenfield was turned into a greenbelt, and a marina was constructed.
Another major feature of the construction was the building of the Northwest Ael Khalas Transit Center. This facility added stations for the Ael Khalas municipal bus service and the Royal Bus Line of intraprovincial buses, as well as a new station for the Royal Rail train service. A taxi stand was also built. These facilities were meant to provide easy access to the embassies for their respective nationals, regardless of where in Altanar they might be traveling from. Further access was provided by extending Merikatha Parkway to downtown Ael Khalas, and by extending Royal Highway 1 to the Ael Khalas International Airport.
The Diplomatic Section currently has nine embassies housed in it, with room for 39 more. A convenient map for foreign visitors to find their national embassies has been posted here (
The Jade Star
07-01-2007, 10:25
Minister Rushwood,
You are more than welcome to host representatives from other nations at your embassy here in Altanar. Our ambassador will call on you there as well.
We believe in applying the principle of extraterritoriality, and will not interfere with the practices of your embassy as long as they do not pose a threat to the Altanari state. We have no current diplomatic issues with other nations and cannot think of any delegates who would be "unpopular" with our people. However, you may rest assured that our Royal Police, and the municipal police of our capital city, are more than capable of dealing with any of our citizens should they become a problem.
Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
Minister Khiskithy,
We simply wished to ensure that we were being as neighborly as possible, given the circumstances.
In any case, we are presently arraging events. Your ambassador should be receiving an invitation shortly. Again, we must thank you for hosting our embassy and for your generosity in regards to its operation.
Minister Rushwood
10-01-2007, 17:26
To: Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State, Kingdom of Altanar
From: Nguyen Si Tung, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia of Doeltsch
The Cong Hoa Xa Chu Nghia of Doeltsch would be pleased if our Nations could start diplomatic Contact by exchanging Embassies.
We would like to send following Delegation:
Full name of nation: Cong Hoa Xa Chu Nghia of Doeltsch
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Embassador Pham Vinh Trong
Number of personnel: 20 (including 7 Guards)
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 7 always carried MAT-Machine-Pistols, 7 Type 56 Rifles in a locked Safe, 1 Helicopter, 2 Cars
We await your response.
Yours Sincerely
Nguyen Si Tung
Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: Nguyen Si Tung, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia of Doeltsch
The Kingdom of Altanar accepts your application and welcomes you to our Diplomatic Section. We look forward to productive and friendly relations with your nation. The Altanari delegation to your nation will consist of:
Name of proposed ambassador to Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia of Doeltsch: Hon. Gerh Hjehala
Number of personnel: 25, 10 of whom will be guards
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 10 light rifles, 10 sidearms, one unarmed helicopter, three armored cars
Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
14-01-2007, 15:27
Greetings from the Kingdom of Cookesland. We would like to establish mutual embassies in our two nations.
Full name of nation:The Kingdom of Cookesland
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Stacy Rhomuda
Number of personnel: 30
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles:Helicopter, 5 armored cars, and 5 generic black cars.
Best Regards,
Steven Andolor
Cookesland Foreign Ministry
"Senatus Populuque Chelseiana"
Republic of Groznyj
Department of State
We would like to establish closer diplomatic ties with your country by having a Groznian embassy in your nation. Also we are willing to accept an embassy from your country.
Full name of nation: The Republic of Groznyj
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Dariel Venofsky
Number of personnel: 48
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: M8 standard issue rifle, Rimmington 12 gauge shotgun, MP5 smg, as well as either an Berretta M9 or Colt M1911A1 sidearm | 1 unarmed transport helo, 2 APCs, 5 HMMV's, 2 armored civilian vehicles and 1 diplomatic limo.
For your potential application for an embassy in Grozny's capital of Farbanti we require the same information that you have provided. We cannot accept more than 70 personnel and for logistics sake it would be favorable if the number would be less than 50.
We have a lot open for you at: 0836 Diplomats Ave. in our capital of Farbanti
To: Steven Andolor, Cookesland Foreign Ministry
The Kingdom of Altanar accepts your application and welcomes you to our Diplomatic Section. We look forward to productive and friendly relations with your nation. The Altanari delegation to your nation will consist of:
Name of proposed ambassador to The Kingdom of Cookesland: Hon. Melin Samatha
Number of personnel: 25, 10 of whom will be guards
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 10 light rifles, 10 sidearms, one unarmed helicopter, three armored cars
Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
To: Republic of Groznyj Department of State
The Kingdom of Altanar accepts your application and welcomes you to our Diplomatic Section. We look forward to productive and friendly relations with your nation. The Altanari delegation to your nation will consist of:
Name of proposed ambassador to the Republic of Groznyj: Hon. Colin Farbash
Number of personnel: 25, 10 of whom will be guards
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 10 light rifles, 10 sidearms, one unarmed helicopter, three armored cars
Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
15-01-2007, 19:33
The Republic of Ironwell would be honoured if you would allow our nation to establish diplomatic ties with Altanar.
Our proposed ambassador is Ylena Tam, a promising up and comer in our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her staff would include 27 civil servants and a secuirty section of 10 members of the Ironwell Republican Police's Phoenix Guard. The security forces would be armed with the IRP's standard Colt Python service pistol with FN P90 submachine guns in locked cabinets. 3 Lincoln Town Cars will handle our transporation needs.
At this time we would also like to reciprocate the offer and invite the Kingdom of Altanar to establish an embassy in our capital city of Republica.
Roberta Frost
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Ironwell
"Strength in Brotherhood"
To: Roberta Frost, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Ironwell
The Kingdom of Altanar accepts your application and is equally honored to welcome you to our Diplomatic Section. We look forward to productive and friendly relations with your nation. The Altanari delegation to your nation will consist of:
Name of proposed ambassador to the Republic of Ironwell: Hon. Jin Nerka
Number of personnel: 25, 10 of whom will be guards
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 10 light rifles, 10 sidearms, one unarmed helicopter, three armored cars
Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
29-01-2007, 23:05
In this time of political realignment for Altanar, the Holy Wenaist Sultanate of Gruenberg wishes to make overtures of support for national stability, and as such I extend first my apologies that we have previously omitted to establish formal diplomatic ties with your fine nation, and second the wishes of the Sultan that such proceedings be initiated immediately. As such, we would request an embassy in Altanar, and shall be happy to receive an ambassador and associated staff in return in Flurthwel. We would at this point only wish to send a small and largely secretarial staff with our ambassador, who has been proposed as Mirro Thellnar, a senior diplomat with primary experience as a cultural attache.
We look forward to your response,
~Grand Vizier Mikkolic Weltin
The Holy Wenaist Sultanate of Gruenberg
To: Grand Vizier Mikkolic Weltin, The Holy Wenaist Sultanate of Gruenberg
The Unified Kingdom of Altanar would be most honored to receive your delegation. We have heard many complimentary things about Gruenberg from our delegates to the United Nations.
We would be most pleased as well to establish an embassy in your nation. We shall be sending the Hon. Jennar Kasarek, a deputy minister with experience serving legations here in Altanar. We trust we can work out the details of our respective embassies upon arrival.
Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
30-01-2007, 04:26
To: Mr. Nelron Khiskithy, Minister of State
In regards to your government's recent policy changes, the Grand Directorate has been following very closely the developments of the Altanari government, and is very interested in the transition your government is making. As you may be aware, the Empire recently took policy steps in quite the opposite direction (
Despite this, our government is still very interested in the development of democracy in our close diplomatic neighbors. To that end, the Star Chamber has suggested a special diplomatic mission to your nation to observe the transitions in your government and make reports to our own Emperor.
Should such a plan would doubtlessly need your national approval, and the limits of which would be entirely up to you. We look forward to your response on the matter.
In the Emperor's Name,
Thuryaman Pendankr
Director of Foreign Affairs
Landaman Pendankr dan Samda
Director of UN Affairs
To: Thuryaman Pendankr, Director of Foreign Affairs & Landaman Pendankr dan Samda, Director of UN Affairs
We would be willing to allow such a mission. Perhaps you can provide us some insight from your experiences with the democratic process as well. I am sure we can come to an understanding on the parameters such a mission would operate under.
Nelron Khiskithy
Minister of State
Seal of the White City of Valak
Free Lands of Krioval
Attention: Minister of State Nelron Khiskithy
Regarding: Diplomatic Exchange
The Free Lands of Krioval would be most interested in a mutual exchange of ambassadors at Your Excellency's earliest opportunity. His Majesty the Lord Serph has recommended the Lady Anne Novak, grandniece to his Lordship Alakar Novak, to serve as chief of the Kriovalian delegation. Our diplomatic presence can be adapted to serve the needs of Your Excellency's nation, though we would request space for between eighty and one hundred fifty personnel, including embassy guard staff.
Our requests for embassy protection include a paling generator, which should shield the grounds from wayward projectiles, two suborbital light airships (unarmed), and standard light arms for guard staff. With regard to transportation, we request recommendations from Your Excellency as to what types of vehicles are most common in the United Kingdom; from your recommendation, His Majesty would authorize the purchase of suitable vehicles upon the embassy's opening or the synthesis of appropriate vehicles in Krioval.
Your Excellency is most strongly encouraged to contact me with any requests the United Kingdom of Altanar might have with regard to opening an embassy in Krioval.
Yoshi Takahara-kan
Director, Diplomacy and International Affairs
Free Lands of Krioval
To: Yoshi Takahara-kan, Director, Diplomacy and International Affairs, Free Lands of Krioval
The Unified Kingdom of Altanar would be honored to exchange ambassadors with your fine nation. We have reviewed the requirements for your embassy and find them all acceptable. Space has been alloted for your delegation in the Diplomatic Section of our capital, Ael Khalas.
In regards to your question concerning transportation, most embassies in Altanar use helicopters and varying forms of ground cars, some armored and some not. We can provide suitable vehicles for your delegation, or you are more than welcome to bring vehicles from your nation if that is more acceptable to you.
We shall be sending the Hon. Verak Aerahas as our Ambassador to Krioval. Total embassy staff shall be five, with ten guards armed with rifles and sidearms. As we are unfamiliar with transportation in your nation, we shall trust your guidance upon arrival.
We look forward to the establishment of diplomatic relations between our nations.
Nelron Khiskithy
Minister of State
25-03-2007, 23:25
Full name of nation: The United Socialist States of Corbournne
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Miss Lauryn Scott
Number of personnel: 45
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 5 Semi-automatic guns, Personal airplane, armored limousine
25-03-2007, 23:29
The Dominion of Sendersdale and Greater Colonies
From the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Kingdom of Altanar
The Senderlian Government would like to establish an embassy in your fine nation. The Senderlian government would also like to invite you to establish an embassy in our capital. (
The Dominion of Sendersdale and Greater Colonies
Ambassador:Sir Milken G. Williams
Number of Diplomats:34
Number of Security Personnel:10
UN Member: Yes
Type of Government:Democratic Socialist
Walther P99 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Heckler & Koch MP7 Personal Defense Weapon
Eletroshock Stungun
2 x Black Lincoln Navigator Escort
1 x Black Nissan President Luxury Limosine
2 x Black BMW K1 Motorcycle Escort
1 x Sikorsky H-92 Superhawk Helicopter
1 x Bombardier BD-700 Global Express VIP Jet
All vehicles are unarmed, and are armoured (steel & kevlar reinforced). It is my hope that this diplomatic trade flourishes into a great friendship. We wish to hear from you soon.
Caeser Cufzer
Caeser B. Cufzer, PC, KC, MP
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Dominion of Sendersdale
St Samuel
25-03-2007, 23:47
Full name of nation: The Holy Empire of Saint Holden
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Sir Edward Frazerborough
Number of personnel: 25 embassy staff, 15 security guards, 10 ceremonial guards
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: Side arms for security, armoured vehicles for ambassador and security guards
We would welcome Altanar to establish an embassy in Saint Holden and would require the following information:
Full name of nation:
Type of government:
Name of proposed ambassador to Saint Holden:
Number of personnel:
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles:
26-03-2007, 02:38
TO: The Leadership of The Nation of Altanar
FROM: Mr Larry Williams, Minister of Foreign Affairs
We would like an exchange of embasies with your nation. We do require some special needs for our embasy and we would like to run them past you for your approval.
Nation Name: The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom
Embasy Personel: 35 Staff (20 Shazbotdom Nationals, 10 Altanari Nationals)
Protection: 45 Armed Shazbotdom Marines, 10 Unarmed Guards
Weapons Used: XR-01 Battlerifle, XR-02 "Magnum" Handgun
Vehicles: 2 x WH-03 "Troop Transport" Warthog, 2 x Armored SUV, 1 x Armored Limosine, 4 x AT-01 "Jackhammer" ATV
Addional Requests: Private Hanger at a local airport, large enough for 2 AC-01 Pelican aircraft and one Boeing 717.
Our Embasy Exchange Thread (
Full name of nation: The United Socialist States of Corbournne
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Miss Lauryn Scott
Number of personnel: 45
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 5 Semi-automatic guns, Personal airplane, armored limousine
Request approved. We look forward to full diplomatic relations with the United Socialist States of Corbournne.
The Dominion of Sendersdale and Greater Colonies
From the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Kingdom of Altanar
The Senderlian Government would like to establish an embassy in your fine nation. The Senderlian government would also like to invite you to establish an embassy in our capital. (
The Dominion of Sendersdale and Greater Colonies
Ambassador:Sir Milken G. Williams
Number of Diplomats:34
Number of Security Personnel:10
UN Member: Yes
Type of Government:Democratic Socialist
Walther P99 Semi-Automatic Pistol
Heckler & Koch MP7 Personal Defense Weapon
Eletroshock Stungun
2 x Black Lincoln Navigator Escort
1 x Black Nissan President Luxury Limosine
2 x Black BMW K1 Motorcycle Escort
1 x Sikorsky H-92 Superhawk Helicopter
1 x Bombardier BD-700 Global Express VIP Jet
All vehicles are unarmed, and are armoured (steel & kevlar reinforced). It is my hope that this diplomatic trade flourishes into a great friendship. We wish to hear from you soon.
Caeser Cufzer
Caeser B. Cufzer, PC, KC, MP
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Dominion of Sendersdale
All requests approved. We look forward to welcoming the delegation from the Dominion of Sendersdale.
Full name of nation: The Holy Empire of Saint Holden
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Sir Edward Frazerborough
Number of personnel: 25 embassy staff, 15 security guards, 10 ceremonial guards
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: Side arms for security, armoured vehicles for ambassador and security guards
We would welcome Altanar to establish an embassy in Saint Holden and would require the following information:
Full name of nation:
Type of government:
Name of proposed ambassador to Saint Holden:
Number of personnel:
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles:
Request approved. We look forward to friendship with the Holy Empire of Saint Holden. Our delegation to your nation shall consist of the following:
Full name of nation: The United Constitutional Monarchy of Altanar
Type of government: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Name of proposed ambassador: Jerian Karinas
Number of personnel: 5 consular employees, 10 agents of the Royal Intelligence and Security Directorate (RIS) for security
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 10 sidearms and automatic rifles for the RIS agents; three armored (unarmed) ground vehicles; one armored (unarmed) helicopter
TO: The Leadership of The Nation of Altanar
FROM: Mr Larry Williams, Minister of Foreign Affairs
We would like an exchange of embasies with your nation. We do require some special needs for our embasy and we would like to run them past you for your approval.
Nation Name: The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom
Embasy Personel: 35 Staff (20 Shazbotdom Nationals, 10 Altanari Nationals)
Protection: 45 Armed Shazbotdom Marines, 10 Unarmed Guards
Weapons Used: XR-01 Battlerifle, XR-02 "Magnum" Handgun
Vehicles: 2 x WH-03 "Troop Transport" Warthog, 2 x Armored SUV, 1 x Armored Limosine, 4 x AT-01 "Jackhammer" ATV
Addional Requests: Private Hanger at a local airport, large enough for 2 AC-01 Pelican aircraft and one Boeing 717.
Our Embasy Exchange Thread (
Your requests are all approved. We look forward to diplomatic relations with the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom. Your aircraft can be housed at Reknara Auxiliary Airport, which is just south of our capital. Please provide us the name of your ambassador, for our records.
26-03-2007, 08:56
Your requests are all approved. We look forward to diplomatic relations with the Dark Empire of Shazbotdom. Your aircraft can be housed at Reknara Auxiliary Airport, which is just south of our capital. Please provide us the name of your ambassador, for our records.
TO: The Leadership of The Nation of Altanar
FROM: Mr Larry Williams, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Our Ambassador will be Mr. Gregory Lansing Smith. He is a 35 year Veteran with the Shazbotdom Foreign Affairs Ministry.
The Commonwealth of Irixia
Per your invitation, the Commonwealth of Irixia would like to establish an embassy with Altanar.
Full name of nation: The Commonwealth of Irixia
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Helen Oxley
Number of personnel: 20 (diplomatic only)
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: As we do not allow foreign military personnel in Irixia, we will understand if you so not want Irixian personnel in out embassy. However, if we are permitted, we would like to bring 10 security personnel armed with handguns. We will also be bringing a 747, which we would like to buy a hangar for in your capital's airport, as well as a Bell helicopter, for which we would request a heliport in our embassy. Both of these aircraft are unarmed. Irixia is willing to front these costs.
Josephine Lymane
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Irixian Ambassador to the United Nations
Your requests are all approved. We look forward to welcoming the delegation of The Commonwealth of Irixia to Altanar.
12-09-2007, 23:18
"Altanar? The punk-asses who wanted the pansies to win? No freakin' way..."
"They're a mostly sensible nation, Mr. President. Their UN policies are very reasonable."
"So I suppose the 'reasonable' thing to do was air a mud-wrestling competition on satellite TV, scaremongering our voters into thinking my party would dress all women up as Valdesians?"
"Well, their domestic politics may be a bit loopy, sir, but a formal relationship with the kingdom would be beneficial from an international standpoint."
"Awww, do I have to, Alex?"
"I'm afraid Congress has already spoken, sir. They've voted to approve the Altanaris' suit for an embassy exchange."
"The Conservatives have voted to approve relations with a nation that blatantly meddled in our elections, and shamelessly lied about our policies?"
"Yes, sir. I don't see you complaining about opening relations with Snefaldia, who tried to urge our party to accept illegal foreign contributions."
"Yeah, so?"
"So, with the Liberals coming to power, sir, the lame-ducks aren't really in the mood to kick up more dust."
"Yeah, well, I'll do it, but I don't have to like it. Is there some way to get back at the Altanari morons who painted us as a wannabe Taliban?"
"I suppose the greatest insult from a Kennyite point of view would be to appoint an ambassador who is the least bit qualified to run an embassy."
"Yeah, do that. ... Er, I still have that mud-wrestling commercial on my TiVo, right?"
"You'll have to check that yourself, Mr. President."
Department of State
The Federal Republic of OmigodtheykilledkennyAttn: His Majesty King Aelkyn of Altanar, and His Excellency Secretary Khiskithy
Subject: Embassy exchange
The Federal Republic is delighted to announce its designated representative to the United Constitutional Monarchy. After much consideration, we have determined the candidate best suited to speak for our interests in His Majesty's court to be Army Lt. Spence Beuerman (, a decorated veteran of the Tiki Taki liberation who formerly served our embassy to Ardchoille as deputy military attaché. (And before you ask, no, he wasn't a Stripper Commando ... well, he could have been; typically enough, we didn't check his résumé very thoroughly ... but if that is the case, at least Jinella Agaranth ought to be reasonably pleased.) As to our embassy location, we would prefer Plot #11 on the publicized map ( of Ael Khalas's Diplomatic Section, from which vantage point we can keep a close watch on the contingents from the dangerous communist regimes of Ariddia, Kelssek and Ausserland. That said, we gladly present the requisite paperwork for the establishment of our legation:Full name of nation: The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Lt. Spence Beuerman
Number of personnel: 35 (20 civilian, 15 military)
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 3 stretch Cadillac DTS (armored), 3 Lexus GX 470 (armored), 5 Mercedes Benz C-Class W204, privately owned vehicles, 12 portable stripper polesSincerely,
Alex Tehrani
Secretary of State
The Aerie
Situation room
"...and in the last bit on our diplomatic agenda, the Kennyites have chosen who they're going to send us as their ambassador," Minister of State Nelron Khiskithy said, gesturing to an aide. The aide handed a printout to the members of Altanar's reconstituted High Council, and to King Aelkyn and Queen Melika, seated at the head of the long table.
Silence ensued for a moment, as people read through the surprisingly short document.
"So who is this Spence Beuerman, anyway?" Prime Minister Jaris Krytellin asked Khiskithy. "I've never heard of him."
"Nor have we, until OMGTKK told us they were sending him," Khiskithy replied. "He doesn't appear to be one of their heavy-hitters diplomatically...or even one of the light-hitters, really."
"So they're sending us someone pretty minor," Aelkyn mused. "That could mean they're a bit annoyed with us after the election stunt we pulled...or that they don't see us as a nation important enough to send someone big to...or both. I'm guessing both," the King finished. "Should we see this as a snub, Nelron?"
"I wouldn't say it's exactly a warm and fuzzy gesture on their part," Khiskithy replied with a barely stifled laugh.
"This Beuerman may be a lightweight, but at least he's a handsome lightweight," Queen Melika purred, looking at the picture of Beuerman that was attached to the printouts.
Aelkyn gave Melika a wry grin. "That's to get back at me for the mud-wrestlers, isn't it?"
Melika smirked. "Just reminding you that men aren't the only ones who can appreciate a pretty....face, my love."
Aelkyn rolled his eyes. "Go ahead and give the Kennyites the green light to send this Beuerman," he said to Khiskithy. "Are we ready to move on to domestic matters now?" the King added, as the meeting went on...
To: Secretary of State Alex Tehrani
Your application for an embassy has been approved. Plot #11 in the Diplomatic Section shall be reserved for your delegation. Upon arrival, your ambassador is encouraged to contact the Office of the Sovereign to set a time to present his credentials. We look forward to receiving your delegation in Ael Khalas.
Nelron Khiskithy
02-01-2008, 19:33
Full name of nation: The United States of Philimbesi
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Troy Marigold
Number of personnel: 25
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 5 Vehicles
02-01-2008, 20:02
Full name of nation: Miamoria
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Rolnar Hanover
Number of personnel: 5
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: one helicopter, ten 45. calibre colt pistols and a mercedez benz
Please have an embassy in Miamoria. The link is below
The Foreign Ministry of the Free Republic of Lamoni
Full name of nation: Free Republic of Lamoni
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Ambassador Richard P. Hendrick
Number of personnel: 20 civilian staff, 20 security personell
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 20 Vektor CR-21 Assault Rifles, 20 P220 handguns, tazers, batons
The Free Republic invites The Unified Kingdom of Altanar to establish an embassy in our nation:
Full name of nation: The United States of Philimbesi
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Troy Marigold
Number of personnel: 25
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 5 Vehicles
Your request is approved. Your nation has been alloted space at 100 International Friendship Way in the Diplomatic Section of our capital, Ael Khalas. We look forward to welcoming you to Altanar.
Full name of nation: Miamoria
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Rolnar Hanover
Number of personnel: 5
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: one helicopter, ten 45. calibre colt pistols and a mercedez benz
Please have an embassy in Miamoria. The link is below
Your request is approved. Your nation has been alloted space at 300 International Friendship Way in the Diplomatic Section of our capital, Ael Khalas. We look forward to welcoming you to Altanar and will send a request for an embassy in your land shortly.
The Foreign Ministry of the Free Republic of Lamoni
Full name of nation: Free Republic of Lamoni
Name of proposed ambassador to Altanar: Ambassador Richard P. Hendrick
Number of personnel: 20 civilian staff, 20 security personell
Weapons, aircraft and vehicles: 20 Vektor CR-21 Assault Rifles, 20 P220 handguns, tazers, batons
The Free Republic invites The Unified Kingdom of Altanar to establish an embassy in our nation:
Your request is approved. Your nation has been alloted space at 500 International Friendship Way in the Diplomatic Section of our capital, Ael Khalas. We look forward to welcoming you to Altanar. We will submit a request shortly for an embassy in your nation.
Jinella Agaranth
Prime Minister, Constitutional Monarchy of Altanar