NationStates Jolt Archive

Vuhifellian News Thread

The Vuhifellian States
30-12-2006, 19:40
[OOC: New kind of news thread. News posts mixed in with mini-RP's for II to recognize me...erm. I mean for II's enjoyment, enjoy.]

OBC - Channel 004
Osean Broadcasting Corporation

"Yet another division in the political make-up of the country. Members of the Kazach Party recently gathered the 100 Million citizen signatures needed for a Federal Law Review, which concluded a week ago.

Federal Law Review XXIX, ended with the further division of Erusea into Erusea and Gabet, as well as the last division of Valgan. With Valgan seperating into East Valgan, West Valgan, and Golden Skies City. Golden Skies City is the second province to contain nothing but urban areas, the first was the annexation of the Free and Independent Republic of New Haven City.

Other results of the Federal Law Review XXIX were an acceptance of two new Constitutional Edits, unifying the Army and Marines into a single fighting force, as well as lowering the age of minors from 17 to 16. Other Federal Laws adopted included a massive re-development program for Golden Skies City, as well as declaring all highways in the continent 'No-Speed Limit Zones'."
The Vuhifellian States
03-02-2007, 17:16
OBC - Channel 004
Osean Broadcasting Corporation

"Today, we have the annual Federal Speech by the President of the Federation. Under the administration of Vincent Harling, Republican from Usea, there have been several executive pushes to further reforms within the government. This, of course, has met with extreme opposition from both the Kazach and Foxtechan parties, both of whom control over 40 percent of Congress combined. Today, it is expected the President will be speaking about the current status of the Territory of Brunak, the economic situation, and editing the constitution. Let's watch and listen, shall we?"

Inside the massive, circular Joint Congress hall, all members of Congress were in their proper seats. The junior statesmen wore suits and ties; but the senior statesmen and the officers of congress wore ceremonial black robes with white sashes over their shoulders. They sat in the front rows, near the pit, where a circular table, with eight isles through it to allow the President to make his way through, housed the Supreme Council, also in black robes, wearing red sashes. In the center of the circular table was an octagonal podium for the President, which was currently in the floor until the President began his speech.. Senior members of all other government branches sat on two curved tables to either side of the circular, Supreme Council table.

A man in a plain black suit came forward through one of the many doors leading into the hall, before silence cleared the hall.
“Members of Congress, the Supreme Council, and all distinguished government officials and guests, I announce the arrival of the President of the Federation!”

The President, arriving from the Southern door (arriving from the door which faces their native province or country), clad in a politician’s suit, walked briskly towards the center, shaking the hands of statesmen, celebrities, and reporters. Once in the center, the security guards in the control and translation room activated the podium, which now completely isolated the President.

The Vice President, sitting at one of the curved tables at the side, announced to the world, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the Vuhifellian Federation, Vincent Harling!”

There was immediate standing ovation from the Socialist and Republican Parties, the Democrats merely clapped out of respect, and most members of the Kazach and Foxtechan parties scowled. They were clearly insulted that the Republicans had controlled the Presidency for the last 10 years.
The clapping died out eventually and was replaced by the silence of an awed nation awaiting its leader’s command.

“My fellow citizens and residents of the Vuhifellian continent. We are gathered in the Joint Congress Hall today, for the Federal Speech of 2095. Twenty years ago, eleven republics on the continent were declared. One year later, ten of those were united in a common bond. That bond lives today, now with twenty provinces, the Federation lives on.
But the status quo of our society cannot last. In uniting the continent under a Federal system, we have agreed to set limits on our governments. Our constitution is perfect, however, there is an inherent flaw in our constitution, placed there by evil men, demanding power for themselves. I am speaking about Constitutional Edit Number XV. The edit that gives grossly unlimited and unrestricted power to the VIC and VPA. These institutions were set up by great men, in order to protect our citizens, and preserve their freedom. Now, they are twisted, and have been corrupted by the very heart of evil that we fought so hard to destroy in our war torn past.”

There was commotion now, everyone who aligned themselves either directly on or to the left of the political center was on the verge of bursting up into applause. Those who leaned to the right were doing the best they could not to shout. The Senate’s Judicial Officer was near the edge of swinging his gavel to bring order to the entire Congress.

“What is our current government so afraid of? That we constantly veto the citizens’ demands for a repeal of that particular edit. Must we install a dictator, proclaim him Grand Protector!? Must we become the very essence of evil that has inhabited so many of our former government? I believe, that with Howard Fortstall’s death, the evil within him was released, and is now bringing calamity onto the continent once again.”

There was silence again, no one wanted to applaud, or shout, or swing a gavel, no celebrity wanted to smile, and no child wanted to fart in that Hall. The name of Howard Fortstall was enough to quell political fighting…for now.

“After the fall of the greedy corporations funding Fortstall, our economy has stagnated. Golden Skies City was once a beautiful paradise, with gleaming towers of glass and steel. Now, the slums encroach on every former aspect of prosperity. It is now different than a third world nation. Congress must act now, to devote funds to the re-development of Golden Skies City, and pass anti-monopoly laws so that this kind of economic catastrophe can never occur again. There are corporations, even now, that aim for the kind of prestige of Urez International or Foxtecha, but if we allow that, what would be the point of all that bloodshed? The years of tyranny, war, sacrifice, bravery? What would become of the heroes of our history? Would they be auctioned off?

We can have a free market with government regulation. It’s our only hope. And hope is a valuable and precious thing. Especially for the residents of our overseas territories of Chiri, Brunak, Alatorori, and the Hadrian Atoll. For them, all they can do is hope. Hope that the VPA doesn’t kidnap them in the middle of the night and torture them for supposed information. My fellow citizens, we have become our enemy. Howard Fortstall would think that some of the things we do in these territories is sick and immoral. At least that man had a soul. This nation, I fear, has lost its sense of right and wrong, good and evil. At least Howard Fortstall did things for a reason: to keep himself in power and to rule over the people. What we are doing in our overseas territories, we are openly torturing and exterminating an entire race of people, and for what!? I’ll tell you why, it is because of the interests of corporations that the VIC and VPA abuse their constitutional powers. Taking away these powers in the only way to prevent these abuses. Reforming the economy is the only way to make sure we don’t erupt in violent war again. The people demand it. They scream it. But the government has shut it’s ears time and time again. My fellow citizens, for the sake of the Federation’s longevity. To avoid the fate of the previous republics that have inhabited this great continent. We must enact reforms in every aspect of our society, for our children, our future. For our ancestors and heroes, our past. And for ourselves, our present.”

With the end of his speech, everyone from the Socialist, Republican, and Democratic parties gave a standing ovation. Even some in the Kazach party had realized his message, and were standing and hooting. All Foxtechan members were simply standing up, on their way to leave. The Supreme Councilor of Federal Law had a tear in her eye, while everyone else on the Council was hooting and hollering.
The podium descended, before the President began to wave at the cameras and begin to walk out of the south door.


“Well. That was the President’s Federal Speech, indicating the major points of this year’s Congressional Session. Join us later for responses from the leaders of the different political parties on the speech.”
The Vuhifellian States
09-02-2007, 02:50
OBC - Channel 004
Osean Broadcasting Corporation

Following the President's recent Federal Speech, Congress has already passed a few reforms, albiet minor.

In a ten point bill passed just this Monday by one vote of the needed majority. Both the Senate and the Congressional Delegation approved measures to increase civil rights as well as better the economy. However, no politicians from any party have yet discussed plans for Vuhifell's overseas territories.

The reforms are as follows:

I - Accession of the Special Refugee Region of Daijima to the Vuhifellian Federation. Eliminating border control for Daijima and granting citizenhip to all Asian refugees currently residing in Daijima.

II - Increase funding for the VPA Coastal Patrol Unit, to crack down on the severe problem of piracy and smuggling on the Southern Coast.

III - Clear all landmines from "Whiskey Corridor" and close all military bases in and around the Jilachi Desert, where the VPA's torture sites are located.

IV - Approve a one trillion credit spendature plan to take place over the next two years for the redevelopment and urban renewal of Golden Skies City.

V - Public nudity is now permitted within the Federation.

VI - Barring all municipal and provincial authorities from electronic surveillance without a warrant.

VII - Increase financial aid to university students by 900.98 credits.

VIII - Eliminate the third defense ring from the North Point Defense Parameter.

IX - Divert taxes from the military to eliminating radiation from North Osea.

X - Eliminating the "tax free status" of the four Great Families, each member earn from millions to billions every year; with some of the highet ranking members at a networth of a few trillion, greater than David Macker in hi day.
The Vuhifellian States
23-02-2007, 04:39

Total seats: 525
Seat up for election: 525

Political breakdown:


Party loss/gain


Represented provinces:

North Osea: KAZACH (14)
New Haven City: KAZACH (1)
Sapin: KAZACH (2). SOCIALIST (9)
Wellow: REPUBLICAN (1)
West Valgan: DEMOCRAT (29). REPUBLICAN (18)
East Valgan: REPUBLICAN (29). DEMOCRAT (13)
Golden Skies City: FOXTECHAN (24). DEMOCRAT (6). REPUBLICAN (4)
Yuktobania: SOCIALIST (20). REPUBLICAN (19). DEMOCRAT (7)
North Belka: DEMOCRAT (12). REPUBLICAN (11)
South Belka: REPUBLICAN (39). DEMOCRAT (1)
East Point: REPUBLICAN (43).
The Vuhifellian States
23-02-2007, 04:51

Total seats: 60
Seats for election: 60

Party breakdown:


Party loss / gains:


Represented provinces:

Greykan: KAZACH (2). DEMOCRAT (1)
North Osea: KAZACH (3)
New Haven City: KAZACH (2). REPUBLICAN (1)
Sapin: KAZACH (3)
Daijima: SOCIALIST (3)
Wellow: REPUBLICAN (3)
Golden Skies City: FOXTECHAN (2). SOCIALIST (1)
East Valgan: REPUBLICAN (2). DEMOCRAT (1)
Yuktobania: REPUBLICAN (2). SOCIALIST (1).
North Belka: REPUBLICAN (3)
South Belka: REPUBLICAN (3)
East Point REPUBLICAN (3)
The Vuhifellian States
23-02-2007, 05:27

Party affiliation:
Socialist (S)
Republican (R)
Democrat (D)
Kazach (K)
Foxtechan (F)

-Supreme Councilor: Joseph Fritz (D)
-Vice Councilor: Samantha Bentacour (D)
-Third seat: Jesus Meana (R)
-Fourth seat: Hank Sinatra (K)
-Fifth seat: Richard Kuchar (K)

*Council of the Environment
-Supreme Councilor: Ryan Zadrozna (R)
-Vice Councilor: Diana Amaya (S)
-Third seat: Robert Mulford (S)
-Fourth seat: Karen Wiseman (S)
-Fifth seat: Jared Cardonas (K)

*Council of Federal Law
-Supreme Councilor: Emily Rankin (R)
-Vice Councilor: Sara Posada (R)
-Third seat: Kaitlyn Lehr (R)
-Fourth seat: Kelly Noulasco (R)
-Fifth seat: Kyla Rivera (R)

*Council of Foreign Affairs
-Supreme Councilor: Vincent Harling (R)
-Vice Councilor: Jonathan Gabriel (K)
-Third seat: Amy Tabeek (K)
-Fourth seat: Christian Francke (R)
-Fifth seat: Daniel Meehan (D)

*Council of Health
-Supreme Councilor: Rose Marada (S)
-Vice Councilor: Michelle DeLa Rosa (S)
-Third seat: John Maziot (F)
-Fourth seat: Roddy Alvorado (K)
-Fifth seat: Matthew Debrovolski (S)

*Council of Internal Affairs
-Supreme Councilor: Daniel Malone (R)
-Vice Councilor: Klariza Robles (R)
-Third seat: Janis Robles (R)
-Fourth seat: Aurora Lebumfacil (K)
-Fifth seat: Jean Malone (K)

*Council of Justice
-Supreme Councilor: Angelica Garcia (D)
-Vice Councilor: Jorge Aguas (S)
-Third seat: Joshua Aguas (S)
-Fourth seat: Jan Aguas (R)
-Fifth set: Jose Laxamana (F)

*Council of Science and Technology
-Supreme Councilor: Lemuel Tanglao (D)
-Vice Councilor: Matthew Hess (K)
-Third seat: Jonathan Samuel (D)
-Fourth seat: Christopher Martos (S)
-Fifth seat: Shanky Serkuk (F)

*Council of the Treasury
-Supreme Councilor: Lovely Tanglao (D)
-Vice Councilor: Anu Thadani (R)
-Third seat: Rebecca Lopez (D)
-Fourth seat: Lucas Lebowitz (R)
-Fifth seat: Julias Rodriguez (S)

*Council of Utilities
-Supreme Councilor: Oscar Padilla (R)
-Vice Councilor: John Kupp (R)
-Third seat: Christopher Romeo (R)
-Fourth seat: Ken Pino (D)
-Fifth seat: Christopher Pena (R)

*Council of War
-Supreme Councilor: Jose Suarez (R)
-Vice Councilor: Robert Trascu (S)
-Third seat: Hazel Malazarte (R)
-Fourth seat: Ross Sacamano (K)
-Fifth seat: Lesley Pialet (K)

*Council of Welfare
-Supreme Councilor: Kaitlyne Armada (R)
-Vice Councilor: Jeremy Elson (K)
-Third seat: Irene Neocleus (K)
-Fourth seat: Amardeep Kaur (R)
-Fifth seat: Jay Von Sanchez (R)
The Vuhifellian States
17-03-2007, 01:30
Federal Congress Session XXI
Joint Resolution LIX - PASSED
August 12, 2096

Eight Points for the Betterment of the Vuhifellian Continent and its People

I - It is now a Class A crime to assault anyone under the age of 16, over the age of 68, a current or former member of the armed forces, or a government employee. Minimum sentences to those found guilty of this crime shall be 9 years imprisonment in a Federal Correctional Facility.

II - All sources of media are now freely open to criticize the four Great Families without retribution.

III - The Congress hereby grants 40 Billion Credits to the Port of Guilden for the construction of a canal between the Bay of Hegem and the Bay of Moses.

IV - Families (Defined as Marriage Definition Act of 1999: Two adult individuals brought together by marriage with at least one child or more.) earning less than 34,000 Credits a year shall not be taxed.

V - All those who have committed crimes against minors in the past and have been convicted of such crimes must be indentified at all times by the identification code: CMO. This code must be printed on the offenders' currency card and ID card, as well as be added to any individual license or identification code for their vehicles.

VI - All labor unions are hereby permitted to strike at any time, so long as at least 60 percent of its members approve in a vote beforehand. All public employees have the right to strike, so long as they promise that they continue to provide a minimum service.

VII - The slaughter of animals for food products shall be conducted in a sanitary, humane manner, so that no disease shall be spread, the meat shall remain clean, and the animal shall not suffer. It shall be that the animal be unconsciencious before it is slaughtered.

VIII - The Congress hereby proclaims the creation of a new High Council: The Council of Transportation. It's duties shall be outlined in the Council of Transportation Doctrine, which is to be drafted by Congress by July 9, 2099.
The Vuhifellian States
21-05-2007, 03:58
Channel 004
OBC - Osean Broadcasting Corporation

For the first time since the war ended over twenty years ago, the unemployment rate has dropped below 11 percent, down from 11.44 percent last month, today's unemployment rate is 10.81 percent.

How did the unexpected job growth occur?

Golden Skies City.

The Republican legislatures' economic aid program has helped in rebuilding the city, and the Mayor of Golden Skies City says that almost 20 city blocks have been recovered from the Slums thanks to Federal Economic Aid.

Unemployment is expected to continue this recent downwards curve, as General Resources Ltd. is planning on opening a new steel refinery in North Belka next month, with an expected employment base of just under 2,000 workers. Also, with the Comona Oil Reserves dwindling, more and more of the nations power in being generated from the Faith Park Solar Station, which currently employs over 20,000 engineers and general workers. Plans to expand the plant will be completed two years from now and will almost triple the employment base for the power station due to new power facilites, increased mainenance and security, and a need for more professionals. This expansion, alongside with the number of substations needed to power the continent from Faith Park, will raise employment by 40,000 within the next three years.

But, these are small numbers to the almost 500 Million unemployed in Vuhifell today. How does the government plan on fixing the situation?

President Vincent Daniels had this to say, "The Vuhifellian government is doing everything possible to raise employment, raise wages, and lower production costs. If my proposal for agricultural reforms passes through Congress, we should expect several thousand jobs to open up in West and East Valgan, as well as greater agricultural self-sufficiency."

While Supreme Delegate James Oglethorp had a very different view on the situation, "The President is looking at this the wrong way. The only way to remedy this serious unemployment problems is to expand the service industry to pre-war levels. But you can't just focus on one industry at a time. We need to cut spending in all aspects of the government budget in order to curb unemployment. My goal is to get down to 8 percent by the tme my term ends in four years."