NationStates Jolt Archive

Ooc:classical Rp

29-12-2006, 03:22
I have read(And Joined) several rps and seen great ones die out. I conclude that this is from the number of people involved. The creators usually want all the main slots filled up which is fine. Although the number of people needed just for the main slots is usually 8-10 plus others. So I made this rp based on the idea that only a few main countries need filling while the rest are just to enhance the overall fun. Note: I WILL NOT be including a map in this. If you find one feel free to tell me and ill include it.

This starts in the year 200 A.D or so. The list of major powers is as follows.

Major Roles:
Germanic Tribes*-Shakal

Moderate Roles:
Turko-Aisiatic Tribes**-

Minor Roles:
China(Any Other Faction)-
North African Tribes-
OR Any Other Tribe At The Time If They Interacted With The Major Roles In Some Way.

*This means one that has marginal control over many of the others.
EX: Saxons and the Frisians.

**The Nomads that inhabited central aisa.
29-12-2006, 03:24
what is up with the 80 million RL RP's here?