NationStates Jolt Archive

Trouble in Gholgoth (CLOSED)

The Transylvania
21-12-2006, 02:37
***Encrypted transmission to Lord Damien the Destroyer***

Brother, you ordering me to leave lands that I have control over for close to two years is one of the dumbest move you have ever done. I only would have done what you would have done. Tell me, brother, would you have allow the murders of your people to get allow with it? The answer is no. I know you and your past. Think of the old homeland of the Kraven Corporation, in which you never destroyed, and what happened there to your people. You unleashed your HOUND on them because your people were killed by Kravenite rebels. You killed people that were not even linked with the operations of the Kraven Corporation.

Brother, I only did what you would have done. As you have done worst then declaring a state of war with somebody. Unlike what you have done, I didn’t really act on my own action. Those heartless fools caused it all, Damien. They need to be destroyed because Clandonia will not be the only nation that they attack under lies. I loss a Commonwealth state because you told me to lay low as our foes were targeting me.

Tell me something, brother, the lands of the heartless fools would have been ash, if they killed your people. Am I right?

My people signed up to live in the new lands of the Dominion, the lands on the Gholgoth landmass. Most have lived their for two years. If I told them to pack up and leave because the Warlord said to, they would take up arms against me and you. Dominionites are proud people, Damien, and will not be forced out of their land, out of their homes.

Here is an example, brother, what if I ordered you to get out of your Ghogltoh land as you are the reason that the safety of Gholgth is on the line. You’re more of a monster then me. At else, I don’t go around killing my own people because they talk about me and my regime.

Know this, I didn’t join the Gholgoth alliance to get protection from you or any of the others. I joined the Gholgtoh alliance as I see every one of it’s members as equals and brothers. All I have got from being in Gholgoth is many nation hating the Dominion because of your actions. Those fools have called the Dominion a puppet state of yours, in which you and me know it not the truth. But whatever we say, the truth is not seen.

So, brother, to get through this without bloodshed and loss of lives, I have came up with the best thing for you and me to do. Me and you engage in combat against each other. Unarmed, melee, whatever it will be. The winner of this fight will get one of two things; the Dominion leaving the Gholgtoh landmass or the Dominion saving in the Gholgtoh alliance.

The site of this fight with not be on Dominionite land or your land, but it will be on Gholgth as this is a Gholgoth problem. The site of this fight will be the center of Gholgtoh landmass, away from our two nations and most of the other Gholgothian nations.

If I loss, then I will leave under my own doing. I see your ordering me to do something as nothing but a betrayal of a brother. If I leave now, the relationship between your nation and my nation will become icily. I have never betrayed a single ally. I have never do the opposite of what I said I was going to do. You will need my nation and our soldiers when the heartless hordes of the CAD and SL come to take you out. You will need my blade by your side, not against it. Did you catch that? I did just say against it. I have a close friendship with a lot of the leaders of the CAD bloc.

I will be at the site, which the location is being sent to you, in three days. This fight with be between brothers.

Your Brother

OOC: If anybody else posts in this thread but AMF, I will get the mods to deleted you posts because you don’t understand the war ‘closed.’ No tags or anything from anybody but AMF.
21-12-2006, 07:38
~From the desk of Lord Damien the Destroyer, Supreme Warlord of the Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek~

You insult me with your belligerence, Count.

I gave you the chance to leave our beloved regional territory in peace and with whatever honor you have left, but it is obvious that you choose to stand defiant. And no, Count, you know nothing of me and my past. I am a man that is capable of much more than just brute force, for I am not stupid and can be extremely clever and resourceful.

You cite my nuclear destruction of Kravonika as justification for your actions in declaring war on Whyatica? How stupid can you be? The difference between these two actions is that I was already at war with Kraven, and lost over a hundred thousand Sentinels in 1 attack to the Capitol Police resorting to biological weapons. I would not allow further acts of terrorism to take place in my newly won colony, so I cleansed it with nuclear flame. What you did was create a whole new conflict when you should have used your damn head.

By declaring war on Whyatica you nearly dragged our entire region into a situation we do not want to be in, IE: Being the aggressor in a war with the Sovereign League. While there is no doubt we can dash their armies to pieces upon our shores, we will allow them to the mistake of being the aggressors if and when they decide to test us. We do not need you soiling the good name of our regional brotherhood because you failed to realize the consequences of your actions. I could give two shits if they killed a million of your people. Tensions are too high right now for you to not think things through, because you had a rather decent bargaining chip at your disposal, which you foolishly squandered.

I will not consent to fighting you one on one like some children on a playground. If you have the balls to back up your insults and defiance, then you are more then welcome to come and take a shot at my Empire and prove your supposed worth, because the fact of the matter is this, AMF does not "need" you or your military. If you see your nation as some great asset to Gholgoth, then muscle up and let's see just how good you are.

If not, then I suggest you depart the lands of Gholgoth for good before you really get on my bad side. You can forget about any future good will from us thanks to your words and actions here today, so again, either put up or shut up and get the fuck out.
---Damien the Destroyer---
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-
The Transylvania
22-12-2006, 03:40
***Encrypted transmission to Lord Damien the Destroyer***

Damien, cut the crap and tell the bloody truth. You’re talking with a man that has seen everything that happened on this world. I know of your past, I seen it all and hear it all. I know you can’t stand alone in a fight. Yes, it is always best to have somebody on your side, but can you take on armies yourself? Look up my past, my friend, and you will see the great asset that I am for you and the rest of Gholgoth. I know how to hurt people and make it stick in their heads.

Get this, brother, I don’t care that you are insulted because of my anger. You should see the reason of my anger against you. You went behind my back for this order. That’s not what a man does, Damien. You should have done it right and talk with me about my actions, not anybody else. That’s what real men do. That’s what brothers do.

I’m going to ask you something, brother, how am I defiant? How am I disobedient? You’re not my boss. I’m sorry, if you think that. I’m not your puppet state, I’m not your puppet leader. Is that what you think? I laugh at that thought. You want to know why I’m not packing up and leaving like your order said because no man is the boss of me and your going behind my back is a betrayal in my eyes. I loss men to defeat other Ghologthian brothers. I defeated my brothers and you want to go behind my back to do this. If I knew that you and your blood brothers would do this, I would have never join the Gholgtoh brotherhood.

Tell me something about your soldiers, the fearsome Sentinels. They were created for war and nothing else, right? They are useless soldiers without a war to fight. Why have something that you can’t use? I gave the heartless hordes a reason to attack me as that is what they want at first.

Why attack Clandonia, if not to fight with the Dominion? They wanted me to fight them. They wanted me to fall into their trap, but I did the smart thing at first by kicking Clandonia out of the Dominion Commonwealth. Then an asshole showed up and pissed me off, making me fall into their trap. I blew my top and did something dumb. Hell, brother, I know I did wrong with that action. Most of the time, I don’t deal with assholes like that. That’s is what I have Lord Paris for.

I didn’t have a decent bargaining chip at anytime as the heartless pricks would have turned it against me like they have done with anything that has to do with Gholgoth. Like anybody from Gholgtoh would stand beside me as you just said ‘I could give two shits if they killed a million of your people.’ Get this, I would care about the deaths of millions of Freeks. You want to know why because I’m not a ruthless person like everybody says I am. If a thousand of your people were killed, I would lead the fight to get the killers.

Now to bring the acts of terrorism of Kravonika back into this. You don’t use nukes to fight terrorists. If the world did, then there would not be a world. Has there ever been a colony of your empire that you didn’t destroy after you took it over?

As of now, I deal with acts of terror in the Dominion. Shocking right? The terrorists in my nation don’t know what is good for them. It is mostly in the Dominion’s Middle East land as they think I’m going to change their lives. And those pests called Vampire hunters. See somebody not using nukes to fight terrorists. I use my soldiers to hunt them down to face their crime against humanity and behead the vampire hunters.

Tell me why you want me to take my fight and turn it into a war? Why do you want to see bloodshed? Why do you want to see your armies fight with my armies? Why waste the lives of many over something that two men could handle? Unlike you, I don’t need to flew my muscle to show the world that my forces are something to fear. At else, I don’t go around using nukes to fight rebels.

Something has got me thinking about you calling me to take a shot at your empire. Do you hide behind your legions of Sentinels and their evil brothers, the Death Dealers? Do you need the power of the One at your side to fight me? Tell me, brother, why I need to fight on your land?

Face me one-on-one like a man, Damien because you don’t want me in your nation in the state my mind is in. You have never faced somebody like me in the battlefield before.

Face me to the death and you can have the Dominion. You can have my people for you to do whatever you want with. Are you afraid that you can’t kill me? Are you afraid you can’t defeat me? Tell me the truth, why did you go behind my back? My allies know to stay on my good side as my bad side is that ruthless killer that I’m know for. They know it is better to have me on their sides then facing me in combat.

Do you want me to show you how good I am? Meet me in three days at that location. If you are not there in three days, I’ll come to you. Let’s fight like men without using our soldiers to fight for us.

Count JWolf
23-12-2006, 23:30
~From the desk of Lord Damien the Destroyer, Supreme Warlord of the Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek~

Get this through your thick skull, "Count": You are not my brother. You are a traitor and a coward, and your presence befouls my beloved lands of Gholgoth. You also keep claiming you know me, of which you clearly don't. Your pathetic attempt to goad me into playing your game won't work, as I know (just as anyone else does) that I am perfectly capable of standing alone in a fight. Unlike heathen dogs like yourself, I lead my men from the very front lines like a true warrior. These hands have spilled the blood of countless thousands, so don't your dare question my abilties as a commander and as a fighter. I do not tolerate people crossing my path and challenging me, and none have lived to tell the tale after doing so.

You keep rambling about this supposed "worth" you have to Gholgoth, but you refuse to back those words up and show me what you've got. Face it little one, you are like the buzzing of flies to me. You are but an insignificant insect who cannot be counted on to look out for the best interests of our region. Your conflicts of interest with your pathetic 'Dominion Commonwealth' have put Gholgoth into a position it did not ask to be in. Had you any intelligence at all, you would have forseen that there would be grave consequences for your actions. You are nothing but a spineless COWARD for not having the fortitude to accept your judgement.

The late Bastien the Bronze of Pantera and myself were the first to occupy the lands of Gholgoth, and therefore we have charged our nations as the primary defenders of the region. Though we treat our neighbors as brothers (a term which you soil), I always consult with the Lord Reaver on matters of grave importance. He wants you gone just as badly as I do, and your refusal has left me with little choice but to summon forth my most powerful mages and forcibly eject you from the region.

My challenge to you to prove your worth still stands, "Count". If you will not accept this challenge when what's left of your honor is on the line, how could you ever be relied on to defend the region if it was under siege? I'm not afraid of you or anything you can throw at me. I fear nothing in this life or the next, living or dead. So again, let's see if you are as worthy as you claim. I don't play child's games nor do I fight schoolyard tussels. Real men and real warriors like myself settle matters with the sword and the gun, something which craven dogs like you would never understand.

Consider this my last reply to you, "Count", for you are not worth wasting my valuable time on. Merely speaking with you disgusts me to the point of near nausea. Any words you have to say to me are empty and unworthy of my attention. It would be wise for you to tuck tail and retreat from these lands before you bear witness to my real anger.
---Damien the Destroyer---
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-
The Transylvania
28-12-2006, 17:53
***Encrypted transmission to Lord Damien the Destroyer***

Damien…Damien…Damien…I’m the true warrior between me and you. Long before you were ever born onto this world, I was leading hordes of horsemen against the forces of the ancient world. You say that you have the blood of countless thousands on your hand, well I have the blood of millions on my hands. So between me and you, you’re the little one. See want to see a real man, a real warrior. Don’t look at yourself in the mirror because all you’re looking at is a nuclear nut job.

Get this, Dreadfire, those lands are mine and you can’t do a single thing to kick me out of them. Unless you want the world to see your true colors. I’m not official in the Gholgoth brotherhood, but the land is still mine because there has been two years of work in them and countless amount of money has been spent on those lands.

Mages? Bloody hell, what game are you playing? Dreadfire come back to the real world because you’re in the mind of a eight year old boy.

If somebody comes to attack me and those lands, you can sit back and watch me destroy those fools like I have always done.

Take this as a warning, Dreadfire, send forces to St. Wolfenstein and Ravensburg, I will be coming after you in your own bloody nation. Remember who you are talking to, a child of the night.

Count JWolf
29-12-2006, 22:57
~From the desk of Lord Damien the Destroyer, Supreme Warlord of the Excessively Armed Empire of Automagfreek~

So, you have chosen death.

I do not suffer the likes of fools such as yourself, JWolf. You would have been wise to heed my warnings, but it is obvious that you are content to stand defiantly against me. You have made the fatal mistake of awakening the slumbering dragon, and soon you will be cleansed by its fires like in the old days....the bad days....the scortched earth days....the Blood Feud days.

You've brought these times upon yourself with your arrogance, "Count". I am not a man that plays games, nor do I grant second chances for those too stupid to not mind their tongues in my presence. You were given ample opportunities to tuck tail and retreat from our beloved lands with whatever scrap of honor you had left. You are going to regret not doing so.

I suggest you prepare yourself for the storm, Count, for the tides of war will soon be rolling in. Know that you have brought this fate upon yourself and your people by challenging my might and my resolve, and you will see that nuclear weapons are a blessing compared to the horrors I will unleash upon you. I will not stop until everything you once held dear is consumed in hellfire and lay smoldering in pieces. I will not rest until your bloated, rotting carcass sits impaled on a pike in front of my Great Hall.

Ready your defenses, coward. The Destroyer cometh, and your punishment will be relentless.

Sleep Now In The Fire.
---Damien the Destroyer---
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-

Across every military installation in Automagfreek, loud sirens pierced the air and signaled Damien's call to battle. From Camp Rock, three hundred thousand of his Sentinels grabbed their gear and took up the crimson and black banners of House Dreadfire and began the march towards the sea where their ships sat waiting their arrival. The remaining contingent of Damien's detachment of the Freekish army prepared for deployment as well, their numbers swelling and trumping that of the Warlord's first wave.

Zander's forces had been out to sea for the last several weeks on patrol, and word had reached him that all of Transylvania's holdings were now subject to engagement. St. Wolfenstein and Ravensburg would be the first, followed by Transylvania itself, and the Warchief began re-deploying his forces towards the Count's colonies still within Gholgoth. Dreadfire's forces would arrive within the next day or two, which allowed Zander time to clear the LZ's and obliterate as much resistance as possible.

Hundreds of ships sailed in formation through Freekish, then Gholgothian waters towards their targets. The large aramda maintained a wide perimeter with ample submarine and fighter coverage, though they already knew the regional defenses by heart. Other inhabitants of the region were informed to not enter Transylvanian controlled territory under risk of death due to the coming invasion.

Meanwhile, Dreadfire's private jet arrived at the docks where his flagship, the Mouth For War was parked. The ominous gray cloud that eternally lingered over it grew darked by the minute and began to cackle with electrical activity as bolts hits the waves and shore below. The Warlord himself was already suited up in his body armor and utilities, his assault rifle and the Relic's Sword swinging from his monstrous frame. He took to the controls personally and began steering the behmoth of a ship out to sea, while a small caravan of transports and surface combatants began to follow. Slowly more vessels slipped out to rally with Dreadfire at sea, though it would still take some time to muster his full force.
The Transylvania
02-01-2007, 19:59
***Encrypted transmission to Dreadfire***

So the mighty Dreadfire has a problem with one person and he wants to destroy that person’s nation. I thought you have changed. Your problem is with me and nobody else. My challenge came long before your challenge. You and me going one-on-one with each other. That’s was how it was done during the Ancient Greek era.

If you knew your history on vampires, you will know that my body will turn into ash. So there will not be a bloated, rotting carcass sits impaled on a pike in front of your Great Hall.

I will ready my defenses, but I’m not a coward. Your actions are the coward ones, my friend. We could have handle this like real men without having our nation’s soldiers in the middle of it, but you want bloodshed and guts to have in your Great Hall. You are the monster that everybody has said you were.

And stop sending me your picture. I know what you look like.

Count JWolf


A few minutes after the Count send his message to Dreadfire, he gave the order to take the nation into DEFCON 1 and prepared for the Freeks to come. This was a fight that the Dominion will have to get through. The Freeks outnumbered the Dominion by over 4 billion people, but size doesn’t matter when the battle is on your lands. On your lands where everyone of your people will join up in arms to fight against the invading hordes.

The Count knew the first target of Dreadfire’s Rain of Death operations was going to be the ones close to his own nation. The Dominionite Protectorate of St. Wolfenstein and Ravensburg, the ones on the western cost of the Gholgtoh landmass. So, the fleets of the Dreadfire will have to take the long road to get after them. The Freeks would have to deal with five hundred million Dominionites and fifteen million Dominionite soldiers in those lands together. The Count was going to Gholgtoh into the new home of the Dominion.

The coasts of St. Wolfenstein and Ravensburg were lined with coastal guns and anti-ship missile launchers. The fleets of Dreadfire would have to get pass them to get to the land and add in the Dominionite fighter planes to the mix. This was going to be the fight of the ages for the Dominion. If they fight back this invasion, the world will see the power of the Dominion.

When the ships of Dreadfire go to Davy Jones‘s Locker, their crew will get to play with some monsters called Great White Shark as the sea around St. Wolfenstein and Ravensburg had a large number of sharks of many types.

The Count tried to figure out Dreadfire’s next target, in which could be any of the Dominion’s holdings. Would he bring the fight to Europe and to the Count? Would he take the fight to Wolfe Island and the Angel Island chain and to a location where the Dominion had a few allies in the area? Would the unholy beast that is Dreadfire take the fight to the island that Dominionite discovered, Kikko Island, another location that the Dominion has allies in the area? Are would he move his attack to Habrigberg and Wolfsburg to fight with the Dominion and her ally, Jenrak? What would the crazy nut job do.

One thing was going to be took to the whole world about this fight. It would help with the name of Gholgoth, but not the nation of Automagfreek, and that is that the nations of Gholgoth are not puppets of the evil Dreadfire.

The funny thing about this all is that Dreadfire wanted the Count and does he know where the Count is?

Another funny thing is that Count wasn't going to invade Automagfreek because of Dreadfire's action of this day. Only fools do foolish things like Dreadfire's actions.
02-01-2007, 22:51
OOC: Transylvania was consulted on AIM for info regarding his guns, ship locations, etc.


The fleets of Zander slipped past the southern shores of the center Gholgothian landmass while maintaining close proximity to the land, but then shifting out to sea as they neared the western coast. This allowed his frigates and capitol ships to send forth a barrage of rocket assisted cruise missiles across the Gholgothian center and hit the Transylvanian colonies from behind, their targets being several known power plants within the southern colony. The rocket boosters would accelerate the missiles forth for several miles before detaching and allowing them to deploy their wings and go into cruise mode. From there they would skim a mere fifty feet above the ground over a predetermined course stored within its internal guidance systems while using their radar to scan for surface features. The returned image would be matched with the images within its data drives, and the missile would steer itself accordingly. This would allow Freekish satellites time to scan the initial defense zones of the colonies without having to allocate them to the missile strike. The missiles had a range of well over 1,200 miles, which would allow Zander's fleet plenty of time to sail his armada westward and evade long range return fire.

The fleet continued moving further out to sea, content to remain out of range until they could form ranks and begin the siege from the air and sea. Formations in the air were loose and relatively low, though altitudes ranging from 15,000 to nearly 60,000 feet had regular patrols of jets while more began to take to the skies as they came closer to the enemy colonies. Submarines maintained their wide perimeter around the fleet, though several fists ventured out from the main convoy in formation and began moving quitely towards the distant shore. The Type-212 subs and their upgraded 'Shredder' counterparts sliced silently through the waves, powered by their virtually noiseless hydrogen fuel cell driven engines.

Warchief Zander, the images are now coming in now, and the intel report on Transylvanian numbers and defenses is on your desk. Zander thumbed through the report, muttering every so often as he came upon a section of the intel that caught his eye. 40 inch coastal guns, eh? Not a problem. Commander, I want our Poseidon rockets to target those guns specifically so that the 'Sentinel' can blast their smaller guns and missile emplacements. Zander's second in command nodded and advanced towards the communications console in the bridge and forwarded the ordered to the submarine unit that was closing in on Transylvanian waters. Imagery showed a naval presence no futher out than 8 nautical miles with more ships in reserve near port, while there was no significant air presence at sea.

The Freekish subs came as close as 25 nautical miles away from the shore, which was well outside of Transylvania's claim of 12 nautical miles of water. Their torpedo tubes were loaded with the two stage Poseidon missiles and fired forth into the water, the first stage propelling each weapon forth with an initial pump jet engine that would detach as the missile entered its second stage. Gliding smoothly some mere fifteen feet under the water, the first volley of Poseidons moved erratically under the water and snaked clean past the Transylvanian ships and continued surging forth towards the land. Freekish satellites fed data to the weapons as to the location of the designated targets, all of which were the large coastal guns that made up a large portion of the enemy's static defenses in the area. As the Poseidons came dangerously close to running too shallow, the burst forth from the sea and flew several hundred feet into the air as it shed its pump jet engine iand ignited its rocket booster that made up its second stage. Screaming forth in droves the missiles made their way at breakneck speeds towards the gun emplacements and prepared to impact their armor piercing, high explosive warheads with that of the turrets.

Meanwhile, Zander's fleet began to take up battle formation and advance ever so carefully towards the mainland. They were some two hundred miles out to sea, which was still plenty of distance away from the enemy's guns and anti-shipping missiles. After a second barrage of Poseidon missiles, the Warchief ordered his forward sub elements to retreat another thirty miles out and make ready for an anti-shipping campaign in preparation for the coming of the entire fleet. The subs then cut their engines and sat as silent as possible, scanning the waves with SONAR and preparing for any incursion into their defensive ring. Mk. 202 'Demon Hunter' supercav torpedos were then fired at whatever carriers and capitol ships the enemy boasted in their initial naval defense. The underwater rockets exited their tubes at fifty knots and traveled a ways out from the submarines before firing their rocket boosters and accelerating themselves to several hundred miles per hour in speed. Supercavities were formed around the bodies of each missile that vaporized the water around it and formed a literal air bubble around the projectile, allowing it to travel so fast that response time was chopped down to nearly nothing.

Warchief, it has begun. Poseidons are away, and the Shredders and 212's are engaging the enemy ships within their waters. Your orders? Zander sat for a second, pondering his next move. Let's give it a moment and survey the damage from both the missile and torpedo strikes. I want to gauge the level of destruction before we commit to an all out attack. As always Commander, treat every foe as if they were better than you. In the meantime, triple the aerial patrols and widen out sub perimeter. I want long range cruise missiles in the air and pointed towards static defenses along the shores such as bunkers, gun nests, and so forth.

As Zander's ships continued to prepare for battle by the minute, Lord Dreadfire's fleet had assembled and taken to sea, this time traveling through Panteran waters and taken the northern route instead of the southern. This would allow the Warlord to engage the northern Transylvanian colony while Zander attacked from below, though the latter's forces were numerically inferior to that of Dreadfire. In the tower of the Mouth For War, he watched the satellite feed of the action already taking place, opening up communications with Zander every so often to get status reports on his attack run.
The Crimm
03-01-2007, 19:30
[OOC: You know, I feel a very strong urge to post despite this being Closed. A war between AMF and anybody is of interest to my leader. A war between AMF and the nation that surrounds my nation on three sides might draw some Imperial attention...]
The Transylvania
03-01-2007, 20:33
OOC: Never mind, Crim. This thread is void because all AMF wants in a fight and to darken his name more, in which I never wanted to do in the first place. I’m gone from Gholgoth like AMF and Pants wanted. The former land had been destroy by my hand with large amount of bombs and other cool things. I don’t have time to deal with this thread or AMF’s latest attack, in which will only darken his name to the world as this attack has not been declared as an official war.

I wanted a one-on-one fight and AMF wants a war that I don't want.

And yes, I sound like a bloody n00b and I don’t care.
03-01-2007, 21:11
OOC: Never mind, Crim. This thread is void because all AMF wants in a fight and to darken his name more, in which I never wanted to do in the first place. I’m gone from Gholgoth like AMF and Pants wanted. The former land had been destroy by my hand with large amount of bombs and other cool things. I don’t have time to deal with this thread or AMF’s latest attack, in which will only darken his name to the world as this attack has not been declared as an official war.

OOC: What.......

You're ignoring me because...because you think this is going to darken Dreadfire's name? WOW...that is officially the lamest excuse for an ignore I've ever seen. Do you honestly think Damien gives a crap about 'darkening his name'?

Secondly, you say you don't have time to deal with this because it "isn't an official declaration of war" in your mind? I'm sorry if I'm finding this difficult to understand, because it sounds to me like the REAL reason you want to ignore this is because you realize you're in over your head and you want to save face.

I wanted a one-on-one fight and AMF wants a war that I don't want.

I refuse to put a character I've worked on for three years in a fight with some wanked up uber-vampire, in some RP with you that will almost 100% end in flaming. But I guess this didn't end much differently though.

I should have known you'd be a waste of my time. Consider yourself permanently ignored Transylvania, you've shown your true colors as an RPer. I just pray that others don't suffer the same misfortune as I in doing a war RP with you.
The Transylvania
03-01-2007, 23:02
OOC: You're ignoring me because...because you think this is going to darken Dreadfire's name? WOW...that is officially the lamest excuse for an ignore I've ever seen. Do you honestly think Damien gives a crap about 'darkening his name'?

OOC: If Dreadfire is the cleaver man you said he was, he would care about darken his name. All you are doing in showing that the nations of Gholgoth are puppets.

OOC: Secondly, you say you don't have time to deal with this because it "isn't an official declaration of war" in your mind? I'm sorry if I'm finding this difficult to understand, because it sounds to me like the REAL reason you want to ignore this is because you realize you're in over your head and you want to save face.

OOC: Saying “I’m coming after you.” is not an official declaration. It’s just somebody saying ‘I’m coming after you.” That’s means only person is coming after me, not a bloody army.

OOC: I refuse to put a character I've worked on for three years in a fight with some wanked up uber-vampire, in some RP with you that will almost 100% end in flaming. But I guess this didn't end much differently though.

OOC: Sorry if you’re going to be that way. I thought Dreadfire could handle somebody like the Count. It sounded that way in his comment to the Count. That’s the way you role-play him as the over-all bad ass. The man that has died twice and came back to show his face after each death.

Know this, I was going to place a character on the line, in which I have worked close to two years on and not even use him at his best.

OOC: I should have known you'd be a waste of my time. Consider yourself permanently ignored Transylvania, you've shown your true colors as an RPer. I just pray that others don't suffer the same misfortune as I in doing a war RP with you.

OOC: I didn’t want a war role-play, so this is what happens when you do things like you have done. Missiles snaking under my ships and I can’t do a thing. What pisses me off is that these missiles are fifteen under water and most ships sit lower then fifteen feet in the water.
03-01-2007, 23:42
OOC: If Dreadfire is the cleaver man you said he was, he would care about darken his name. All you are doing in showing that the nations of Gholgoth are puppets.

OOC: Just how are you managing to draw that kind of conclusion? Dreadfire doesn't care what people think of him, so that makes Gholgoth his puppets? That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone mutter on these forums.

OOC: Saying “I’m coming after you.” is not an official declaration. It’s just somebody saying ‘I’m coming after you.” That’s means only person is coming after me, not a bloody army.

Trans, get this through your skull. You do not need an official written declaration of war to fight someone! You seriously do not understand the most basic principles of war RP.

OOC: Sorry if you’re going to be that way. I thought Dreadfire could handle somebody like the Count. It sounded that way in his comment to the Count. That’s the way you role-play him as the over-all bad ass. The man that has died twice and came back to show his face after each death.

Dreadfire died once as part of a mass character RP involving the long gone Rayne. I've never once made him out to be incinvible, something you most likely would have done with the Count if I agreed to your 1 on 1 confrontation,

OOC: I didn’t want a war role-play, so this is what happens when you do things like you have done. Missiles snaking under my ships and I can’t do a thing. What pisses me off is that these missiles are fifteen under water and most ships sit lower then fifteen feet in the water.

If you didn't want a war RP, then you should have said so before wasting my valuable time. Someone who's a self proclaimed, and I quote, "mastermind in war role-plays" should have no problem fighting me, but you seem to be content to cop out and scream IGNORE!!!!111

And for the record, unless your ships are sitting in a straight line, hull to hull, or mines that cover every square inch of water at every depth, there's no "blocking" missiles that perform erratic maneuvers before exiting the water. I've told you that you need to find a feasable way to destroy my weapons that I've fired at you instead of simply ignoring it. As I've stated 3 times now via TM, explain to me a valid way to defeat every missile as you said you were going to do. Also, explain to me how you can defeat supercav torpedos traveling over 400 miles per hour. And of course they would be at 15 feet...isn't the whole idea to, you know, sink your bloody ships?
03-01-2007, 23:52
And for the record, unless your ships are sitting in a straight line, hull to hull, there's no "blocking" missiles that perform erratic maneuvers before exiting the water. I've told you that you need to find a feasable way to destry my weapons that I've fired at you instead of simply ignoring it. As I've stated 3 times now via TM, explain to me a valid way to defeat every missile as you said you were going to do. Also, explain to me how you can defeat supercav torpedos traveling over 400 miles per hour. And of course they would be at 15 feet...isn't the whole idea to, you know, sink your bloody ships?

Actually, it's quite possible to defeat supercavitating torpedoes. Underwater mines for one thing, or 35mm supercavitating guns -- which are frequently mounted under ships at about 3-4 m below the waterline anyway. In PMT we have underwater lasers, too, although that might not work out very well in an MT RP. Finally, any torpedo traveling that fast is necessarily going to be quite large and can be targeted by other torpedoes or missiles.

And if the aim of the torpedoes was to sink the ships, your post seemed a bit unclear... it looked as though the torpedoes were going under all of the ships, unless you were referring to your reverse ASROCs doing that, which would then have to be at a necessarily deeper... depth. Or something like that.

However, I'm a bit confused. If you worked out your attack over AIM with Trans, then he already knew you were going to do that. So then why did he come on here afterwards and call ignore? That doesn't make very much sense at all. Was it a case of "not seriously believing AMF would really attack me" or maybe a case of "AMF's got no proof that we had this AIM convo and I'm a psychopath, so I'll claim it never happened to discredit him" or "I changed my mind overnight" or what?
04-01-2007, 00:05
Actually, it's quite possible to defeat supercavitating torpedoes. Underwater mines for one thing, or 35mm supercavitating guns -- which are frequently mounted under ships at about 3-4 m below the waterline anyway. In PMT we have underwater lasers, too, although that might not work out very well in an MT RP. Finally, any torpedo traveling that fast is necessarily going to be quite large and can be targeted by other torpedoes or missiles.

OOC: Oh I know there is, but he refused to explain how he was going to do it.

And if the aim of the torpedoes was to sink the ships, your post seemed a bit unclear... it looked as though the torpedoes were going under all of the ships, unless you were referring to your reverse ASROCs doing that, which would then have to be at a necessarily deeper... depth. Or something like that.

There were two salvos, one of the Poseidon missiles then the supercav torpedos. The whole idea of the Poseidon's traveling so close to the surface was that if they impacted with a ship, all the better. If not, then they would continue on towards the land. Perhaps I worded it wrong, but that was the intent.

However, I'm a bit confused. If you worked out your attack over AIM with Trans, then he already knew you were going to do that. So then why did he come on here afterwards and call ignore? That doesn't make very much sense at all. Was it a case of "not seriously believing AMF would really attack me" or maybe a case of "AMF's got no proof that we had this AIM convo and I'm a psychopath, so I'll claim it never happened to discredit him" or "I changed my mind overnight" or what?

I am just as baffled as you. I still have the AIM window open and I've saved our discussion. If he had any further questions regarding my post, I would have worked them out with him. I asked for details concerning his defenses, and he gave me a good description of where and what his ships were (and land defenses as well), but he said nothing of naval mines, which via TM is his number 1 gripe: that his mines he conveniently forgot to tell me about destroyed ALL of my underwater munitions I fired.

I'm not going to sit around and make assumptions as to what he has and what he doesn't have. If he didn't tell me about it when I asked, then what gives him the right to pull it from thin air?

I don't know what else to think except for that he lost his nerve, because his reason for ignoring me is flimsy: because he didn't want to see Dreadfire darken his name.
04-01-2007, 00:15
[OOC: I know this is nothing to do with me, but I was looking forward to reading this RP and the reasons for ignoring it are so non-sensical as to defy belief. Dreadfire "blackening his name", for instance, may or may not be something Dreadfire wants to avoid, but presumably it is AMF's choice to do as he pleases with his character, not The Transylvania's to use an OOC action and ignore it "for AMF's own good" IC. Official declarations of war, too are not needed. There was no official declaration of war against Vietnam, but that doesn't mean that US marines dematerialised whenever they tried to fire at the Vietcong. I'm sure that it can be salvaged if The Transylvania wants to salvage it. If not, then at least I've got an interesting glimpse at AMF naval tactics, I suppose...]
04-01-2007, 10:38
OOC: I doubt this is going to be salvaged, because after the display I've seen from Transylvania I no longer have any desire to RP with him.

And Prae, with as short as this war was, I wouldn't even say anyone got so much as a sneak peak.....

Anyways, I have no objection to this thread being locked so that it can rot in the depths of I.I. for all eternity.
The Transylvania
04-01-2007, 19:56
OOC: Just how are you managing to draw that kind of conclusion? Dreadfire doesn't care what people think of him, so that makes Gholgoth his puppets? That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone mutter on these forums.

OOC: Me not following your bullshit order and you attacking me, show the world one thing. All you see us as are puppets to your empire.

OOC: Trans, get this through your skull. You do not need an official written declaration of war to fight someone! You seriously do not understand the most basic principles of war RP.

OOC: I think you are the only one that does it that. All your message show that Dreadfire can’t stand somebody standing up to him and that Dreadfire is nothing but a warmonger.

OOC: Dreadfire died once as part of a mass character RP involving the long gone Rayne. I've never once made him out to be invincible, something you most likely would have done with the Count if I agreed to your 1 on 1 confrontation.

OOC: Nope, you do ready know me. The Count ain’t invincible. He can be killed like any other person can be. But I don’t the One can be killed. If that is right, you do have anything you can say about me having an invincible.

OOC: If you didn't want a war RP, then you should have said so before wasting my valuable time. Someone who's a self proclaimed, and I quote, "mastermind in war role-plays" should have no problem fighting me, but you seem to be content to cop out and scream IGNORE!!!!111

OOC: Get this, I asked for the fight and you say Dreadfire would fight to the death. I said the Count would do the same thing. So I was looking forwards for the fight and you pull this war crap. Maybe you didn’t get that, I wanted the bloody fight and nothing else.

Hell, I’ve even change my mind on the outcome of the fight. If I win or loss, I’m going to leave Gholgoth on my own free will like I did when I just Gholgoth.

Anything after the fight, I will be game to it. Dreadfire’s son coming after the Dominion. The Dominion enters into civil war because the Count is gone.

What did I tell you, “Navy is not my thing.” I’m master of getting people into traps, where they only have two ways to go and both are to their death. I told you an example about that in the TM. In one role-play, I trapped an army between artillery fire and a mine-field.

OOC: However, I'm a bit confused. If you worked out your attack over AIM with Trans, then he already knew you were going to do that. So then why did he come on here afterwards and call ignore? That doesn't make very much sense at all. Was it a case of "not seriously believing AMF would really attack me" or maybe a case of "AMF's got no proof that we had this AIM convo and I'm a psychopath, so I'll claim it never happened to discredit him" or "I changed my mind overnight" or what?

OOC: We did talk over AIM and on that AIM message it says that ‘Navy is not my thing.’ So I told him about my coastal guns and naval ships in those two areas. Because I’m not an navy person, I forgot about naval mines and whatever goodies that the navy has. I forgot and he wants to say that I pulled them out of thin air. I never really work on what I have in those two lands but the map and where the cities. I haven’t place what ships I have there, what armies I have there, what planes I have there.

I didn’t want this war, I wanted a fight between our two leaders. In which I get a bloody war against thousands of super soldiers that I didn’t want to happen. AMF just wants to have a war.

I would like this to be gone because I never wanted to fight a war with AMF. I wanted a fight between our two leaders and asked for that fight. I didn’t ask for a bloody war, a war that AMF was going to kill and kill until my nation was nothing but ruins.
The Transylvania
04-01-2007, 20:03
OOC: I doubt this is going to be salvaged, because after the display I've seen from Transylvania I no longer have any desire to RP with him.

OOC: Get this, I asked for a fight between the Count and Dreadfire. Anybody can see that in my opening post. You just want a war because you didn’t want to have a major loss of Dreadfire. Many people loss people that they have been working on for years and they just move on with their nation’s life. I placed the Count on the line, in which if he dies, my nation will go into a civil war.

I didn’t ask for a war with you because I did see that as a way to end thing between me and you. I didn’t want to fight your hordes of super soldiers. I wanted the fight I asked for, not this war thread.

As of now, this was just a bad dream thing and that I followed through with that order. And your empire has been label what it was going to be label as after the betrayal of Dreadfire. AMF: Un-honorable, trustless. I told you that at the began of this as that was going to happen.

I wanted the fight and you want a war.
04-01-2007, 20:35
OOC: Me not following your bullshit order and you attacking me, show the world one thing. All you see us as are puppets to your empire.

I just have to jump in here for a second, because I know that AMF doesn't think that way. You were ejected from the region for a number of things, and by more people than just AMF. AMF and Pants, the people who founded the region (the 'older brothers', if you will) talked about it and decided they wanted you gone IC. They then discussed it with the rest of the region, who also wanted you gone IC, and so AMF ordered you banished. Just because we didn't all post and say 'Yeah, get out, Trans' doesn't mean AMF is the Imperial Lord and Master of Gholgoth and because he wanted you gone you should leave.

We, In Character, wanted you gone for the following reasons:

Thanks to a conflict of interest between Gholgoth and the Dominion Commonwealth, you reacted to an attack because of one with something the other was trying to avoid. Because you got nuked, you declared war on a member of the Sovereign League and nearly drew us into an aggressive war with them. Whether or not it was because of a nuking or not is irrelevant. What matters is the fact that you didn't talk it over with us first, so we could tell you not to.

I'll use myself as an example, since it's what's easiest. I know myself best. When I was about to declare war on Okielahoma, for burning down a city and killing thousands of civilians, I went to Gholgoth and said 'I'm going to declare war on Okielahoma because of this' before I actually did so. I then received multiple replies, all of which were agreeing with me, and the overall mood of Gholgoth was that a war with Okielahoma was fine, especially because of this reason. Then, after I declared war, AMF declared war alongside me, because we had talked about it.

You didn't talk about this beforehand. We're a brotherhood. Brothers talk to each other. That is your main fuckup. If you'd talked to us about it, we could've discussed why we think you shouldn't have done it, instead of it ending up with you banished and this whole OOC mess.

As of now, this was just a bad dream thing and that I followed through with that order. And your empire has been label what it was going to be label as after the betrayal of Dreadfire. AMF: Un-honorable, trustless. I told you that at the began of this as that was going to happen.

Had to throw this in there.

Um, what? You're ignoring it, but despite the fact that to you it never happened, Dreadfire's reputation suffered as if it had? That makes no sense. If you ignore it, you ignore all of it.

But besides that, you have no grounds to ignore this. Shit happens, in real life and in NS. People and countries have not wanted war in the past. A whole bunch of countries didn't want war when they were invaded by Germany, Italy or Japan in the second world war. Back in the good days on NS, if someone declared war on you (or attacked you without a declaration of war) you had to deal with it, because if you ignored a legitimate IC action, then everyone else would ignore you in response to that. I've seen too much 'This RP didn't turn out like I wanted, so I'll retcon it' or 'I don't like you so you're ignored' flashing around.

Maybe we should bring back the good old days and say from now on if someone ignores something legitimate - IC actions with an IC reason behind them - we all ignore them in return....

Bottom line: Trans, you fucked up IC and then refused to obey the IC will of everyone else in Gholgoth. IC, you should take what's coming to you, because IC, you deserve it.
04-01-2007, 20:57

You've robbed yourself of all credibility here, Trans. It's a shame, too, because I had high hopes for you.

You got in over your head, InCharacter, with AMF, now you've panicked and turned this into an OOC fest. Dreadfire held all the cards, while you had nothing, so why would he risk all on single combat with your Count? You had already shown a lack of sense by starting this entire mess, so Damien did what he does, EVERY FUCKING TIME someone steps on his toes. I fail to understand how people continue to be suprised when his ships sail and his men march.

However much you dislike it, his attacks were legitimate, and your stated defenses were lacking. You could have taken partial damage, as I'm sure AMF would have been more than willing to work with you, or you could have grimaced and dealt with a solid attack from a skilled opponent.

This ignore is ridiculous and unjustified, and I'm sad to say you've earned yourself an ignore from me. Part of the beauty of NS is rolling with the punches and taking your licks as they come, not crying foul when things don't go just right on your end.

Also, remember that this entire thing was purely InCharacter to start off. But, your OOC tirades and your IC responses have been oozing together into total outrage. Maybe you need to step back and reread what's went on. Then ask yourself if all of this was worth it, or if you should have sighed, clenched your jaw, and moved on from Gholgoth with some remnant of our respect.

Sadly, it was not to be.
The Transylvania
04-01-2007, 21:03
OOC: I don’t give a damn anymore. I started this because I thought AMF would go through with the fight. Maybe I took it as more OOC over IC. After I joined Gholgoth, people saw me as a puppet of AMF. That’s is the worst thing I have done on NS. I was doing fine by myself. I join Gholgoth, I get dragged into things that I never thought I was going to be in.

AMF couldn’t take a major loss with the death of Dreadfire, in which I would have taken with the death of the Count. I asked for the fight. If AMF wasn't gonig to go with it, then he should have told me. Then I would have never started this thread and did what he ordered.

I’m taking a long break from NS and going back to not do a single thing with these super alliances anymore. There is nothing good in them.
04-01-2007, 21:45
OOC: AMF wouldn't agree to the Dreadfire vs Count 1-on-1 count because that would be a fucking stupid thing to do and you had no way of forcing him to do it. Why would AMF's leader risk his life fighting someone stronger than him in a duel when he controls a military he perceives to be more competent and powerful to the extent that defeating the Count's military would be a fairly certain outcome of a war? Turning down an IC challenge to duel in an IC post is not godmodding, nor is it bad form, especially as AMF had given you no reason to believe that he would accept your duel beforehand, IC or OOC. In fact, he said specifically that you should either agree to his ultimatum or face a conventional war. Simply because you would have preferred a duel does not mean that AMF is obligued to agree, especially as it would put AMF at a bizarre and artifical disadvantage.

But even if we take what you've said at face value, that still doesn't explain why you gave AMF information on your defences (ie. knowing that AMF was going to launch a conventional attack) without at that point saying you didn't want to RP a war. Why wait until he's already made the attack to complain? The only possibly explanation is that you previously believed that you would be able to repulse AMF, whereas now you no longer do, and so you are looking for an easy escape route. It's a shame that this war, like so many others, had to decend into OOC bickering. This is just another example of how OOC animosity and OOC over-attachment to an RPed nation can ruin RPs.]
04-01-2007, 21:46
AMF couldn’t take a major loss with the death of Dreadfire, in which I would have taken with the death of the Count. I asked for the fight. If AMF wasn't gonig to go with it, then he should have told me. Then I would have never started this thread and did what he ordered.

OOC: You fail to realize that Dreadfire is my character, and if I don't want to have him killed then that is my right. I told you well before you made this thread that I was not going to kill him off because I still had many plans for him. You have no right to question MY decision concerning MY characters, and frankly I don't care how sore you are because of it.

You have a lot to learn about roleplay and the community here on NS. Your presistant bleeding through of OOC and IC feelings is certainly not doing you any favors, and taking matters out on me is disrespectful and uncalled for.
The Transylvania
04-01-2007, 22:08
OOC: You fail to realize that Dreadfire is my character, and if I don't want to have him killed then that is my right. I told you well before you made this thread that I was not going to kill him off because I still had many plans for him. You have no right to question MY decision concerning MY characters, and frankly I don't care how sore you are because of it..

OOC: You had all right to do that. If you wanted, I would have had the Count being kill in the fight. Because I’m open to change. Not having my nation be destroy because you can’t take a fight between leaders.

OOC: You have a lot to learn about roleplay and the community here on NS. Your presistant bleeding through of OOC and IC feelings is certainly not doing you any favors, and taking matters out on me is disrespectful and uncalled for.

OOC: I took this as OOC after you ejected me from Gholgoth after you told you wouldn‘t do it. That what pissed me off. Reading your attack post made it worst as your missiles snaked by my ships. From what I know, you need to have lock on something to fire from a sub.


Praetonia, AMF told me via TM that the fight would be to the death. I said I was okay with that. I didn’t tell him anything else but a crazy idea that he had the right to turn down. In which Dreadfire would be kill and the Count takes his place.
04-01-2007, 22:27
[OOC: You've hit the nail on the head, Trans:

I didn’t tell him anything else but a crazy idea that he had the right to turn down.

He has clearly exercised that right, and you have ignored him for it. Would you care to retract your ignore, now that you have admitted yourself it is groundless?]
The Transylvania
04-01-2007, 22:43
[OOC: You've hit the nail on the head, Trans:

He has clearly exercised that right, and you have ignored him for it. Would you care to retract your ignore, now that you have admitted yourself it is groundless?]

OOC: That was my idea and not the duel. If AMF told via TM that he had plans for Dreadfire and didn't want him to killed, we could have came to deal on the outcome of the duel. But did he do that, no. He goes into kill Trans thing.
04-01-2007, 22:48
[OOC: So what you're actually saying is that he didnt have a right to disagree with what you wanted to do in your eyes, only a right to agree to a somewhat watered down version of what you wanted to do?]
04-01-2007, 22:50
Praetonia, AMF told me via TM that the fight would be to the death. I said I was okay with that. I didn’t tell him anything else but a crazy idea that he had the right to turn down. In which Dreadfire would be kill and the Count takes his place.

OOC: And what was my reply to you Trans? Two words: "Absolutely not." I was not going to allow Dreadfire to be killed and have the Count take over my nation. Sorry you didn't get your way.

And another thing, stop tying to mock me by saying that "I couldn't take a fight" between our leaders. I didn't want to go ahead with your hair-brained scheme, and that doesn't make me any less of a RPer because of it. If I said that to, say, Praetonia, he would say "Uh...not without a fight and not unless we work something out". And that's assuming he was even open to the idea, and if he wasn't then he is exercising his rights in this free form environment we call NS, and there is nothing I can do about it. Do you get it now?

Part of engaging in RP's that are of the nature you wanted this to be is being civil and being able to cooperate and compromise with the other party. You've done neither, and have resorted to insulting me OOCly, which has done nothing but destroy your credibility and severely damage your RP career here on NS.

And as far as ejecting you goes, I sent you a TM and TOLD YOU right after I did it that it was strictly an IC move, and OOCly I had no beef with you. Perhaps you conveniently ignored that message.
04-01-2007, 23:44
AMF, a word if you will. Shall I say, through AIM? Stonehammer432 is my own...I think...yeah. There are just a few things I would like to discuss without peering eyes looking here.
04-01-2007, 23:48
Locked upon author's request.

Please do try to play nice with each other.