NationStates Jolt Archive

High Council of the UDN (Closed, Attn: UDN)

Nova Brittanica
17-12-2006, 22:59
The Imperial Democratic Republic of Nova Brittanica has announced to all UDN nations that the three seats of High Council are now up for grabs. (OOC: This thread is for elections and then doing the work of the High Council)

Current Seats:
Nova Brittanica

Current Issues:
Alliance Interpol (Passed)
Alliance Missle Stockpile (Failed)
Alliancer SkyNet (Passed)
Nova Brittanica
17-12-2006, 23:27
OOC: Bump
Nova Brittanica
17-12-2006, 23:41
OOC: Bump for elections
18-12-2006, 00:24
Can I apply for a delegate from my nation be appointed a seat in the council? I have several potential candidates. Or do I need to be nominated?
Nova Brittanica
18-12-2006, 00:31
Yes you can apply. No nominations are required. I don't expect many people to run, as the majority of the UDN is comprised of inexperienced, young nations.
18-12-2006, 00:45
Hopefully this will change over time, we can evolve and be the alliance of the future.

My candidate:

Guy Packing
Age: 24
A little information for those who it may concern: Brought up in the less well off areas of Duckquackmuse (yes, there are some) Guy is the master of diplomacy. He knows how to work with people, and around them. Charm and style combine with a sharp wit to create the countries youngest star politician. Some believe he is the Presidence greatest threat within the party, although he does not wish to furthur himself and excepts this job with a warm smile and pride.
Nova Brittanica
18-12-2006, 00:55
Amen to that, and our representative, Smi Lee, hopes to see you in the High Council.
18-12-2006, 01:03
[By the way, a little about me and NS: as you may seen from my post counts I don't constantly post gabble, but it is mainly due to the fact I will be on here about once a day. Also I live in the UK, so there is a little time difference should you be in America. Hopefully this will not come in the way of my successful participation in the alliance, just so you understand why I may take a while to reply to your posts.]
Nova Brittanica
18-12-2006, 01:07
[By the way, a little about me and NS: as you may seen from my post counts I don't constantly post gabble, but it is mainly due to the fact I will be on here about once a day. Also I live in the UK, so there is a little time difference should you be in America. Hopefully this will not come in the way of my successful participation in the alliance, just so you understand why I may take a while to reply to your posts.]

OOC: Perfectly acceptable, as your the only one who responded in this thread
18-12-2006, 01:19
OOC: Perfectly acceptable, as your the only one who responded in this thread

I know, shocking. Its the thing I hate the most about Rps, when people don't commit. Lol, I just have this thing, I hate subscribing to something I don't think will be seen through. Again another possible reason for why I have a relatively low post count.

Even Nova Europa, which I thought would hold out for a while, seems to be wilting.
18-12-2006, 01:28
We like to add a representative.

Walter Henderson
Age: 45
Info: He served as Deputy Secretary of State(1980-1985) and is a member of the Brydog Liberation Party.
18-12-2006, 01:33
OOC: Gets a big fat thumbs up from me!

IC: The Government of the Freeland of Duckquackmuse officially approves The Nation of Brydog's High Council of the UDN seat application.
Nova Brittanica
18-12-2006, 02:03
OOC: One more to go...
18-12-2006, 02:34
OCC: Official Great Seal added
Official Government Statement
We hope another representative in the Council.

President Robert "Bilbo" Faltaski III
Nova Brittanica
18-12-2006, 23:22
The Imperial Democratic Republic has announced that should no one enter their name into the running soon, the seat will be ignored.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 00:12
The Imperial Democratic Republic of Nova Brittanica declares that the elections for High Council are over. All nations with representatives are to travel to the UDN High Council H.Q. in Nova Conventus. The seats are:
Nova Brittanica
British Londinium
The list of issues currently are:
Alliance Interpol (Enforcing Alliance and International Law in UDN Nations)
Alliance Missle Stockpile (Nuclear and Non)
Alliance SkyNet
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 00:22
Alliance Interpol
Description: The Alliance Interpol will be a group of elite police from each UDN nation. The Alliance Interpol will enforce International and Alliance law. It will be maintained by donations, as well as sucessful jobs.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 00:23
Alliance Interpol
Description: The Alliance Interpol will be a group of elite police from each UDN nation. The Alliance Interpol will enforce International and Alliance law. It will be maintained by donations, as well as sucessful jobs.

Smi Lee, representing the Imperial Democratic Republic of Nova Brittanica, votes yes on the issue.
British Londinium
19-12-2006, 00:24
The Royale Group, plc. votes against.
19-12-2006, 00:24
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 00:28
OOC: Just a note, your representative on the High Council will be the one doing the talking. This is not important during voting, but more so during debating on what new issues there will be.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 00:59
The Imperial Democratic Republic has ruled that in the case of a tie, the issue will be discussed during the debate period.
19-12-2006, 01:02
Guy Packing, representative of Duckquackmuse votes yes.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 01:11
The resolution has been passed, and the Imperial Democratic Republic of Nova Brittanica has offered to get the Alliance Interpol the supplies they need to start.

Smi Lee presents the next issue:

Issue: Alliance Missle Stockpile
Description: A supply of missles from each nation that has them, be they nuclear or non-nuclear, and based in neutral territory. Protected by the Alliance Interpol, and the missles can only be launched with a password. The password will be split up amongst the High Council, so that all nations must work together to launch the missles. The password will be changed after each new change in High Council.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 01:27
Smi Lee said, "After careful consideration, the Imperial Democratic Republic of Nova Brittanica votes no on the issue of an Alliance Missle Stockpile."

Smi Lee then took his seat.
19-12-2006, 01:39
The resolution has been passed, and the Imperial Democratic Republic of Nova Brittanica has offered to get the Alliance Interpol the supplies they need to start.

Smi Lee presents the next issue:

Issue: Alliance Missle Stockpile
Description: A supply of missles from each nation that has them, be they nuclear or non-nuclear, and based in neutral territory. Protected by the Alliance Interpol, and the missles can only be launched with a password. The password will be split up amongst the High Council, so that all nations must work together to launch the missles. The password will be changed after each new change in High Council.

Duckquackmuse: No.
Speech: "Duckquackmuse has paid no money towards any missles, so we can not take other nation's. Also we generally disagree with heavily offensive military gear, and we don't really wish to take responsiblity for any. I would like to suggest that we could put money together so that we could buy defensive military equipment, if there really was a need. At the moment we already have an NEAMC base in the country. Would you like a list of all the military equipment we posses? I think it would be a good idea to share this information."

Can other members of the High Council put forward issues?
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 01:46
Duckquackmuse: No.
Speech: "Duckquackmuse has paid no money towards any missles, so we can not take other nation's. Also we generally disagree with heavily offensive military gear, and we don't really wish to take responsiblity for any. I would like to suggest that we could put money together so that we could buy defensive military equipment, if there really was a need. At the moment we already have an NEAMC base in the country. Would you like a list of all the military equipment we posses? I think it would be a good idea to share this information."

Can other members of the High Council put forward issues?

OOC: Yes, these are just the starting issues. Once we've decided on them, the High Council will debate what issues should be voted on next. Then we vote, and then debate, etc.
19-12-2006, 01:56
OOC: Yes, these are just the starting issues. Once we've decided on them, the High Council will debate what issues should be voted on next. Then we vote, and then debate, etc.

Sounds good, I'm off now. I'll vote on more in the morning.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 02:07
Sounds good, I'm off now. I'll vote on more in the morning.

OOC: Cool
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 02:44
OOC: Bump for voting
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 03:45
OOC: Bump for voting

OOC: Same as above
British Londinium
19-12-2006, 03:47
Ajeet Forbeson, the Royale Group's representative, votes against the nuclear stockpile.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 04:01
The resolution has failed, and Smi Lee stepped up to the podium.

Issue: Alliance SkyNet
Description: A system to provide missile defence for all nations that do not already have it. Run by an AI that records when missles of any kind are launched, and calculates where it is likely to hit. If it is going to hit anywhere in an Alliance country, launchs a missle to hit the other missle in mid-air. Funded by Nova Brittanica and donations.
British Londinium
19-12-2006, 04:05
"The Royale Group would be willing to contribute to this with the operation of our Victoria supercomputer network," stated the ambassador.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 04:10
"The Royale Group would be willing to contribute to this with the operation of our Victoria supercomputer network," stated the ambassador.

Smi Lee also stated his support for the plan, calling it "Defensio". (Latin for Defence)
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 05:45
OOC: Bump for voting
19-12-2006, 12:02
Duckquackmuse votes FOR the Denfense motion.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 15:49
Smi Lee steps up to the podium, saying.

"The SkyNet has been completed and Project: Defensio will begin at once. Now, the time for debating over the next three issues we will vote on. My nation suggests the creation of an Alliance International Bank."

Smi Lee then sat down.
19-12-2006, 17:34
Henderson steps up to the podium.

"My nation suggests a alliance joint-traning center because of different ways our nation may fight."

He then returns to his seat.
Nova Brittanica
19-12-2006, 22:42
Henderson steps up to the podium.

"My nation suggests a alliance joint-traning center because of different ways our nation may fight."

He then returns to his seat.

Smi Lee walks over to Henderson, and asks, "So what exactly would be in this Alliance Training Center? What would be trained?"
19-12-2006, 23:08
"The member nations' military ground forces because it wilk allow different tactics to be taught. Also, we can show our forces and the tactics with each nation. The training center would have things that a military training camp has."
British Londinium
20-12-2006, 00:03
At this time, the Royale Group would like to withdraw from the Union of Democratic Nations forthwith.
Nova Brittanica
20-12-2006, 02:12
At this time, the Royale Group would like to withdraw from the Union of Democratic Nations forthwith.

OOC: May I ask why?


Regretfully, the High Council accepts the resignation of the Royale Group, plc.
British Londinium
20-12-2006, 02:31
OOC: Nova Brittanica, please check your TG.
Nova Brittanica
20-12-2006, 02:43
OOC: Nova Brittanica, please check your TG.

OOC: Responded
Nova Brittanica
20-12-2006, 17:48
Smi Lee steps up to the podium again, and said.

"Let me explain my idea on an International Alliance Bank. Any corporation or government would be able to deposit money. It would have bases in all major cities of all Alliance nations. Now, it will need the occasional donation, but it would for the large part pay for itself."
Nova Brittanica
21-12-2006, 03:21
Smi Lee then said,

"I've just recieved word from my government. The nation of Laquasa Isle has used terrorist methods to destroy a skyscraper owned by the Royale Group, plc. the formal government of British Londinium. My nation wants this to be an top-class issue."

List of Issues:
Invasion of Laquasa Isle
Alliance International Bank
Alliance International Training Center
03-01-2007, 22:12
Sorry I haven't been around, I did make a thread saying so. Is the UDN still intact?
Nova Brittanica
03-01-2007, 23:13
Sorry I haven't been around, I did make a thread saying so. Is the UDN still intact?

As far as I know, it's only you and Brydog. I got glassed.