The Holy Alliance of Great Powers (Yes, Another Alliance)(MT, Attn ALL)
17-12-2006, 03:49
From the Grand Duke Gustav Adolf of Ajylaend, the following arisen out of a treaty between the Grand Duke and His Majesty, King William Salisbury V,
An invitation open to representatives of all states to the Holy Alliance of Great Powers Conference in Lekasund, His Majesty the King has decided to form this alliance, hoping to bring peace between all nations of the world.
His Majesty’s specific goal with this alliance is to stop violent revolutionaries, specifically liberals, and democrats through a treaty which would enable the member states to lend military assistance to other members suffering from said rebellions.
Having that said, the King is open to other terms to be negotiated into the final treaty of the alliance, which will be held at the Conference in Lekasund. Every state that wishes to have a say in its future shall be wise to send a representative.
The Conference shall be hosted by the Grand Duke Gustav Adolf.
The Honourable Grand Duke Gustav Adolf, Lord of Ajylaend
Map (
The City of Lekasund, where the conference is to be held (
Attending Conference:
British Londinium (E.V.I.L.)
The Black Katanas
(OOC: Even if you do not want to join this alliance, you are encouraged to send a representative to the conference for discussion of the terms of the treaty, as well as a position for protecting the interests of your country.)
British Londinium
17-12-2006, 03:50
The Royale Group, plc. condemns this alliance due to it's religious nature. However, an ambassador shall be sent to represent our interests.
The Democratic Constitutional Monarchy does not believe in this alliance on the grounds that it falsely accuses "liberals and democrats" of being "violent revolutionaries."
Nonetheless, the Secular Empire shall send a representative to this conference.
Ministeress of State Loren Hiles
[BL, since you are the Ministress of Foriegn Affairs for E.V.I.L., you can RP our intrests in here as well. Just check back in before doing anything too major.]
British Londinium
17-12-2006, 04:32
The E.V.I.L. Alliance Bloc shall dispatch our Minister for Foreign Diplomacy, Miss Julia Churchill.
17-12-2006, 06:10
"The only 'religious nature' of this alliance is that it works to instill the Christian values of justice, love, and peace in the world. We do, however recognize that these values may not only be embraced by Christians. They also can be found in communities of the secular, or, occasionally, in pagan or inifidel societies. If the word 'Holy' in the name is all that you object to, then you might want to take a look at what this alliance stands for." -Grand Duke Gustav Adolf, in response to the comment by the Royale Groupe, plc.
"We are not falsely accusing liberals and democrats of being violent revolutionaries, as they are one of the most common groups to engage in revolutionary and violent activities." -Lord Chancellor Arthur Rockingham, in response to the comment by Ministeress of State, Loren Hiles
"You shouldn't let your personal bias get in the way of rational thinking; it makes you appear as the bigot you most likely are." - Ministeress of State Loren Hiles, in response to the comment made by Lord Chancellor Arthur Rockingham
The Aeson
17-12-2006, 15:00
violent revolutionaries, specifically liberals, and democrats
OOC: Violent revolutionaries, and Democrats. This is an anti democrat alliance? Yeesh.
Laquasa Isle
17-12-2006, 16:24
We do not wish to join, but we wish our ally Cotenshire the best and grant his cause 10 billion USD.
Laquasa Isle
17-12-2006, 23:47
On second thought, we will join.
OOC: Cotenshire, please check your telegrams.
The Black Katanas
18-12-2006, 00:10
Greetings from The Black Katanas!
At the request of and in the name of Alaric Tan'it, Emperor of Xeraph, I request that The Black Katanas be admitted to this alliance as representative of the Xeraphian Empire to said alliance.
If approved, the Emperor has directed that the Imperial 182nd Legion and the Katanan 71st Legion will be put at the disposal of the HAoGP.
Prince Vyossae T'nitta's, Lord of The Black Katanas.
18-12-2006, 00:42
“I would like you to know that I am not a bigot nor are my claims biased, because they are founded on statistical information. However, I do not wish to go further on this argument. Any qualms you have with me can be resolved at the conference, which I shall attend. –Lord Chancellor Arthur Rockingham in response to the comment by Ministeress of State Loren Hiles
To Prince Vyossae T'nitta's, Lord of The Black Katanas,
At this time we are not entering anyone into this organization, because the requisites for admittance will be decided upon at the conference that is being held in Lekasund. We encourage you, though, to send a representative to the conference so that you may have a say in the terms of the alliance.
Grand Duke Gustav Adolf of Ajylaend
OOC: Laquasa, I’ve sent a TG response
The Democratic Constitutional Monarchy has chosen to not attend this conference after all, on the grounds that it's former ally (Cotenshire) has deemed the Maraquean government and all the people it serves 'violent' simply by the sheer fact that they are peace-loving, peace-making people.
Ministeress of State, Loren Hiles
The Republic of Kanami will send a delegate to attend the meeting to determing our stants of intrest.
The Black Katanas
18-12-2006, 07:03
“I would like you to know that I am not a bigot nor are my claims biased, because they are founded on statistical information. However, I do not wish to go further on this argument. Any qualms you have with me can be resolved at the conference, which I shall attend. –Lord Chancellor Arthur Rockingham in response to the comment by Ministeress of State Loren Hiles
To Prince Vyossae T'nitta's, Lord of The Black Katanas,
At this time we are not entering anyone into this organization, because the requisites for admittance will be decided upon at the conference that is being held in Lekasund. We encourage you, though, to send a representative to the conference so that you may have a say in the terms of the alliance.
Grand Duke Gustav Adolf of Ajylaend
OOC: Laquasa, I’ve sent a TG response
Grand Duke Gustav,
The Tribal Legions of The Black Katanas will be honored to attend the conference in Lekasund.
I will be sending High Lord Marph Trengt, Commanding General of the Katanan Military Forces. He will arrive in a Katanan Siren submarine with two adjutant Colonels and a squad of AI Sentinels.
Please let uus know exact date of the beginning of the conference.
Prince Vyossae.
19-12-2006, 04:31
(OOC: In real life time, I'll probably start the conference tomorrow.)
20-12-2006, 04:06
(OOC: Actually, since I will be gone from Friday until Tuesday, I'll start the conference when I get back. Hopefully interest will not have declined too much by then.)
The castle in which the conference will be held.