15-12-2006, 18:27
(OOC: This thread will serve as a central bank for threads that I am involved in for the interest of others, and shall also comment upon national and international activities concerning other countries as well as my own.)
Conniferus Imperium Independent News Network"Your Number One Source for News inside the Imperium"
INAC Announces New Rifle for the ImperiumINAC Press Release (
The Imperium National Armaments Corporation today recieved final government approval to being manufacturing and supplying the INACAR-01 as the primary assault rifle of the Imperium infantry forces.
The INACAR-01, the first design by INAC since the government's nationalising of the Arms Industry under the umbrella of the Imperium National Corporation Act, passed Ministry of Defence tests with ease, but was met with controversy due to its lower rate of fire and smaller magazine than the M16A2 Assault Rifle currently in service with Imperium infantry. However, the increased range and higher-power calibre bullet introduced (7.62mm NATO rather than the 5.56mm NATO used in the M16) were eventually taken as suitable benefits over the drawbacks in rate of fire and a Fully Automatic setting.
A spokesman for INAC called this a "great day for the Imperium." Defence Minister Malcolm Torch praised the design and highlighted the government's determination to fullfil its campaign pledge to create a self-sufficient Weapons Industry within the Imperium.
Imperium Foreign Legion formed
Transcripts of Imperium Transmissions (
The Prime Minister today announced the formation of the Imperium Foreign Legion following the purchase of sixty thousand troops from British Londinium. The Prime Minister placed this move as part of the Conservative Party's pledge to build a "strong, impregnable defence for the shores of our noble Imperium."
The troops, technically on permament loan from the Royale Group, will be given Imperium citizenship and re-armed with INACAR-01 Assault Rifles in place of their own assault rifles, comprising AK-101s, M4s and G36s. The Prime Minister added that these weapons would be put into storage for use as reserve weapons.
As part of this, the Prime Minister announced an increase in the Conscription levels of the country to create the neccesary logistical train to serve the Foreign Legion as a fighting force. Military Conscription would therefore increase to 3 percent of the population, but the Prime Minister stressed that no such further increases were planned, and that this choice was "a special case."
The Foreign Legion would be reorganised into 6 Divisions, forming 3 Foreign Corps to be known as the Imperium Foreign Legion Corps I, II and III.
Conniferus Imperium Independent News Network"Your Number One Source for News inside the Imperium"
INAC Announces New Rifle for the ImperiumINAC Press Release (
The Imperium National Armaments Corporation today recieved final government approval to being manufacturing and supplying the INACAR-01 as the primary assault rifle of the Imperium infantry forces.
The INACAR-01, the first design by INAC since the government's nationalising of the Arms Industry under the umbrella of the Imperium National Corporation Act, passed Ministry of Defence tests with ease, but was met with controversy due to its lower rate of fire and smaller magazine than the M16A2 Assault Rifle currently in service with Imperium infantry. However, the increased range and higher-power calibre bullet introduced (7.62mm NATO rather than the 5.56mm NATO used in the M16) were eventually taken as suitable benefits over the drawbacks in rate of fire and a Fully Automatic setting.
A spokesman for INAC called this a "great day for the Imperium." Defence Minister Malcolm Torch praised the design and highlighted the government's determination to fullfil its campaign pledge to create a self-sufficient Weapons Industry within the Imperium.
Imperium Foreign Legion formed
Transcripts of Imperium Transmissions (
The Prime Minister today announced the formation of the Imperium Foreign Legion following the purchase of sixty thousand troops from British Londinium. The Prime Minister placed this move as part of the Conservative Party's pledge to build a "strong, impregnable defence for the shores of our noble Imperium."
The troops, technically on permament loan from the Royale Group, will be given Imperium citizenship and re-armed with INACAR-01 Assault Rifles in place of their own assault rifles, comprising AK-101s, M4s and G36s. The Prime Minister added that these weapons would be put into storage for use as reserve weapons.
As part of this, the Prime Minister announced an increase in the Conscription levels of the country to create the neccesary logistical train to serve the Foreign Legion as a fighting force. Military Conscription would therefore increase to 3 percent of the population, but the Prime Minister stressed that no such further increases were planned, and that this choice was "a special case."
The Foreign Legion would be reorganised into 6 Divisions, forming 3 Foreign Corps to be known as the Imperium Foreign Legion Corps I, II and III.