Elder scolls Civil war
Elder scolls
08-12-2006, 14:30
This is channel SCC, the channel of the people. Elder scolls has been torn in two. There is currently a civil war. It is between the state, and terroists who wish to destablize our country. The President has sent out request for large miltary help from other countries. Since we are still a new country we have a small military which has had many deserter. due to this the Government has been implementing new restrictions on the people for their safety. There has been a curfew placed on the people and cameras have been put up all over the country. Known and suspected terroists have been rounded up and arrested, but there is a large numer, and the government cannot get everybody. But while they are doing that bombs have been found at major government buildings. Let's hope the presidnet can crush this rebellion.
Elder scolls
08-12-2006, 14:37
From the Desk of the Nerevarine
This is a plea to any country that recieves this message. With the remains of my army, we are currently being held in the office of the Nerevarine. I need help. we can hold them for a couple of days but some help would be really appreciated. We have evacuated the capital city and have been feeding the news wrong stories so the people do not know what is happening. We need help, Immediatly. Please.
'It sounds as if we would be more likely to help the terrorists. Even nameless, faceless, ideologically-challenged 'terrorists' sound better than a regime that imprisons people without just cause, that imposes arbitrary limitations on its own citizens, that spies on its people, and that feeds fake stories to the news media to restrict freedom of speech and keep the people ignorant. Perhaps we should be sending aid to the terrorists, not to your government.
'What is your justification for calling them terrorists, anyway? And what kind of ideology are they? It most likely is no worse than yours, and in all likelihood they are justified freedom fighters more than terrorists. Your blindness to accept that your people deserve better is more likely what is causing these rebellions, not the fact that there are so-called terrorists in your country.'
Foreign Minister Peter Firth
08-12-2006, 22:35
The statement from the Skgorrian government was short:
With a name as stupid as "Elder Scolls", your nation clearly deserves all the strife that comes to it. Suffer at your own hands, it will amuse us greatly