07-12-2006, 05:34
Greetings to everyone,
My name is Vassichyus Brenginioch, and I am the Prime Minister of the great Holy Republic of Aryanopolis, obedient servant of His Holiness Drake Adronychus Carpathios. I have come before you today to announce the desire of the Emperor Carpathios to seek trade and camraderie with other nations befitting of his attention. As far as I can tell you all, his Holiness is not currently seeking trade or talks with any of these type of nations:
Socialist Democracies
Corrupt Democracies
Communist Nations (Any or All)
Anarchist Nations (Any or All)
Any others not mentioned here who are unsure that they are suitable should contact either I or the Secretary of State Yonic Huyt.
As our population continues to grow everyday, we will be reaching out to more and more potentiaries so as to hasten our economic expansion.
Also, at this time the Arms Industry of the HRA, ForsTek Inc. is NOT, I repeat, is NOT honoring trade of weapons of any kind at this time.
Diplomats who are directly concerned only with raw material trade should glance at this fact sheet before coming into contact with our Homeland Secretary Bradley Eyres
Main Coastal Export(s): Mediterranean Salt, Shrimp, Whale blubber, Shark fin
Main Mainland Export(s): Exotic Mushrooms, Silver, Pine (Lumber/Virgin), Oil, Low Grade Steel, Mid Grade Iron Ore, Trace amounts of Coal, Other Fossil Fuels, Visa Workers
GDP: 2,001mms-3,500mms (mms=Marks)
Worker Payroll Average: 550mms/mo. (7% Commodity Tax)
Voluntary Garnishment: 2-4% over regional income avg.
Lacking in higher grade steel and iron.
Need more workers for offshore oil mining and salt mining.
Pharmaceuticals industry needs competent management.
Drills are needed for mining.
The overall fact sheet is still being formulated and is on it's way. Holes in information at this time is intentional for security reasons.
Trading of secret documents must go through the National Intelligence Network. Contact for the NIN is Chief Hugo Gressler.
That is all for now fellow diplomats.
I bid you all farewell.
Vassichyus Brenginioch
Prime Minister
Holy Republic of Aryanopolis
My name is Vassichyus Brenginioch, and I am the Prime Minister of the great Holy Republic of Aryanopolis, obedient servant of His Holiness Drake Adronychus Carpathios. I have come before you today to announce the desire of the Emperor Carpathios to seek trade and camraderie with other nations befitting of his attention. As far as I can tell you all, his Holiness is not currently seeking trade or talks with any of these type of nations:
Socialist Democracies
Corrupt Democracies
Communist Nations (Any or All)
Anarchist Nations (Any or All)
Any others not mentioned here who are unsure that they are suitable should contact either I or the Secretary of State Yonic Huyt.
As our population continues to grow everyday, we will be reaching out to more and more potentiaries so as to hasten our economic expansion.
Also, at this time the Arms Industry of the HRA, ForsTek Inc. is NOT, I repeat, is NOT honoring trade of weapons of any kind at this time.
Diplomats who are directly concerned only with raw material trade should glance at this fact sheet before coming into contact with our Homeland Secretary Bradley Eyres
Main Coastal Export(s): Mediterranean Salt, Shrimp, Whale blubber, Shark fin
Main Mainland Export(s): Exotic Mushrooms, Silver, Pine (Lumber/Virgin), Oil, Low Grade Steel, Mid Grade Iron Ore, Trace amounts of Coal, Other Fossil Fuels, Visa Workers
GDP: 2,001mms-3,500mms (mms=Marks)
Worker Payroll Average: 550mms/mo. (7% Commodity Tax)
Voluntary Garnishment: 2-4% over regional income avg.
Lacking in higher grade steel and iron.
Need more workers for offshore oil mining and salt mining.
Pharmaceuticals industry needs competent management.
Drills are needed for mining.
The overall fact sheet is still being formulated and is on it's way. Holes in information at this time is intentional for security reasons.
Trading of secret documents must go through the National Intelligence Network. Contact for the NIN is Chief Hugo Gressler.
That is all for now fellow diplomats.
I bid you all farewell.
Vassichyus Brenginioch
Prime Minister
Holy Republic of Aryanopolis