The reapers blade attn water- helper:
The Fedral Union
05-12-2006, 07:03
Statement forms the Terran alliance president and office of defense:
It is with great displeasure, and some malice that we make this decision, the united Terran alliance has no choice due to recent actions by the nation of waterhelper to formally declare a war of intervention and regime change against them, they must be stopped we can not have nations like these gallivanting around crating messes that countries like the union have to clean up. We offer this country a mode of surrender un conditionally lay down your arms and prepare to accept Federal troops and an interim government If you do not comply with in 24 hours we will have no choice but to begin a full assault upon your country.
This message was broadcasted around the universe especially toward water helper.
“Now to wait for a response..” said general carvel a white rough skinned balding man with a rough toned face and an olive green uniform , he looked around with a cigar in his mouth puffing away at it as he slanted back with other commanders watching the news. It was a clear day on Terran prime, no bad weather to speak of. It was winter, Union city was starting to get cold, the weather control grid was kept at a seasonal due to the biosphere, trees had already become bare reminders of summer cold breezes swept over the huge glistening skyscrapers of the city…
05-12-2006, 23:36
The waterhelper government was split down the middle on weather to 3accept this proposal. However duing the meeting a coup took place and effecivly ended all oposition. The new leaders then sent a message back to TFU with one hour to spare.
===start message===
From: The Interstellar Empire of Waterhelper
to: The Federal Union
Body: Surrender is not an option. We will resist you will all our country's might and will withstand your assault like we did with the Terran Dominion of Mini Mehim.
Long Live the Government of Waterhelper
===end message===
With this upgrades were commensed on all ships. Their modular shield generators were replaced with more powerful regenerative shield generators. They also were equipped with multiple back up microfusion generators in the event that main power is lost. All fleets were also recalled to their home bases to defend waterhelper from invasion.
Systems were improved with a ring of gravity well generators that would hopfully trap ships in hyperspace. Hyperspace probe rounds were also doubled.
The planets wer egetting ready for war. epople were equipped with weapons and light armor, hard points were set up, city defenes prepaired, and buildings prepaired to be bunkers in the event of a enemy incusrion into the city. All of waterhelper preapaired for war and war will soon come.
The Ctan
06-12-2006, 00:14
In stop-press; has anyone noticed that the fine art of diplomacy appears to be on a slump again? Apparently ‘democratic’ states now find it appropriate to issue such bombastic ultimatums as ‘unconditional surrender or DEATH!’ Subtlety, we miss thee, please come back home, the place hasn’t been the same…
Voronwë Mîraglariel
Political Columnist
The Fedral Union
10-12-2006, 05:47
The newst of the new …
A fleet of ships gathered in the omicron system several light years away from water helper, the massive ominous ships floated gently and ever so slightly in to the darkness of space there mundane grayish black hulls gleaming in the light of the near by star, on the bridge of one of these massive titans, was the admiral, a tall strong man with a shaved face looked like he was in his twenties because of his pale brown skin blue eyes and black hair. The commander looked around him, he watched his crew go on with there business preparing to jump he sighed, breath coming out of his body as it slowly relaxed he turned around looking at the brightly lit chrome white bridge with dull mundane florescent lights. He watched as officer exited and entered through large metallic doors in back of the bridge and saw as his subordinates attended ever so vigilantly to consoles and other things. He walked towards the command chair in the center of the bridge his boots tapping heavily like concrete or stone block on the metal dull ground; he sat down looking over and grinning as he approved of the haste. He suddenly moved his head and looked at a young officer who was working on loading troops and equipment up; he opened his mouth and started to speak in a commanding but clam and emotionless voice.
“Ensign, what is the status of our ground forces?” the ensign quickly looked over and replied in an enthusiastic but calm voice…
“Sir Troops have been loaded up and the last of the equipment is being beamed over now, we should be ready for departure in a few moments”
“Good…” the commander replied with a trailing voice and looked out to the holographic window grinning slightly his hands placed upon the armrests of his chair.
The fleet gently floated in the dark void of space, once troops were aboard and equipment was stowed and ready for transport ships began fluttering up drives and engines, the ominous black grayish hulls with spires and sword like attachments in front of them flew towards a position, cutting in to the dark lifeless void of space, engines pushed them far and quick, as particle streams of white and blue streamed out and disappeared in to the darkness.
The commander looked to his helm officer and nodded, he said in another commanding but clam tone “engage hyper warp..”
Suddenly the Normandy and other ninety seven flew in to white and blue distortions there bodies disappeared in to water like pools of white and blue distortions, the massive ominous demonic grey and black bodies flew in to them like it was natural , disappearing suddenly in to the far reaches of space, the fleet screeched past star after star , splitting up in mid flight in to task forces. Each force was assigned an outer system.S12045, S28314, and... S193472. S193472…. The fleet suddenly burst out of the darkness of space in a crackling energetic noise, there engines pushing them quickly towards a rally point out side the system, and cloaking devices were activated, the commander grinned he stood up from his chair and looked around nodding at his other officer who already knew the plan. He stood looking out in to the bleak darkness of space, only seeing the sun of the solar system they were about to attack, it was dim at this distance only a small seemingly meaningless flame in the grand darkness of space, being shrouded by it. Small inconspicuous probes flew out of cloaked ships flowing in to the systems with there own phase cloaks onboard, information started to be fed along with passive scans of the area on defense and other things.. to the fleet
Gaian Ascendancy
10-12-2006, 06:10
((OC- Since it's not FT closed... ))
With the lull in fighting in the Counterattack War, Sphere strategists found more free time to pay attention to, quite bluntly, smaller areas of action. The Virgo Supercluster and the MWCG was 'always' a hotbed of various empires plying for individual supremacy, through various means.
The Comm-Orbs nearest the current TFU action got wind of their operations a couple of days after it was initially detected. Sphere Command decided to give the Orbs a new task, and redeployed about forty from less important areas, or MWCG zones with nations not doing as much, to temporarily Fold around the TFU operations area.
Something could be learned from all of this, to apply somewhere in the Sphere Touman at some point.
If nothing else, it could give an excuse for diplomatic actions if needed.
10-12-2006, 14:12
((I assume you aren't attacking new waterhelper prime III))
The command center on new waterhelper prime was full of activity. The cluster holonet was relaying data real time through additional holonet stations located throughout the cluster. However deveral lightyears out they hyperspace probes detected a large fleet approaching S12045, S28314, and S193472 nanoseconds before they arived in system. Alarms were blaring as the commanders got to their emergancy stations in the underground bunker.
"In Instruct the fleets to be ready."
...system S193472...
The system shone in the darkness as countless ships crisscrossed the area between the three m class planets. (two were terraformed) Countless Mac guns were also located in the system using active scanners to try and find the threat. The first battle fleet was located here taking defencive positions around the large battle station currently repairing two daytona class carriers from Waterhelper's last encounter with TFU. Fighters were constantly partrolign the system along with countless drones in an effort to find the enemy fleet. It was the calm before the storm and the waterhelper fleet lies in wait.
10-12-2006, 16:17
"The Union and the Imperium had long set aside their differences, an alliance brokered over the remenants of a flaming border, an alliance that grown into a cordial and bemusing friendship, with the Imperium nurturing many burgeoning cults of Chaos, adhered like thorns within the flesh of the Union, had grown into what now presently occupied the gaggle of Chronosian diplomats and military strategists.
Under the rule of Coruscant and the dominion of the Emperor, the Union was answerable to the Imperium (and the role of the Divine Remiel as Imperial Warmaster) in all affairs of military deployment. It was this status which deemed the situation crucial enough for a Chronosian Diplomatic vessel to be deployed to meet with the Terrans for a broader examination of war itself, as well as to add to any strategic input which the servants of the Emperor-Most-High (Who reigns upon Chronosia Prime and not upon Coruscant) could add to the Unionists offensive. Having witnessed the conquest enforced by the Miehmish crumble, and having weathered the worst of the Cluster's storms, the Chronosians were more than ready to oversee what could eventually stand as Federal domination of the Cluster-by-Proxy.
It was with great amusement, thus, that the eyes of the Imperium fell upon Waterhelper, Terran Prime and the Federal Cluster Capital of Belle Terre, awaiting the breaking of the storm"
-Through the Storm of Chaos; Meditations upon the Chronosian presence in the Waterhelper Cluster, Mikhail Zyzan
The warp undulated in a cavalcade of colours both known and impossible before the eyes of Lord Antonius Brelcht, appointed as current ambassador to the Federal Union. Though he had brokered treaties and laid down plans for many cultures reception into the Chronosian sphere, he had never been amongst those diplomats who had dealt with the Terrans. Such wars were long in the past, and the Emperor himself had the rather tedious habit of travelling to enact plans more in keeping with those of his servants.
Antonius bowed his head lightly, thinking of the splendor upon Chronosia Prime that they moved steadily further from, the divinely touched soil and the roiling power of the Warp permeating all in His Name. He blessed himself silently, gazing out into the shifting currents. He was more than aware that the Terrans would be aware of their imminent arrival, a message having been dispatched to the Chronosian Embassy there by Astropath prior to their departure.
He felt a shudder, a jolt surging through the vessel as they disengaged from the Immaterium, runes and auguries still crackling with the energy of that divine realm, as they moved into orbit of Terran Prime, sending forth messages of peace and the nessecity of their current presence.
"Well, now the games can begin" Antonius smirked, speaking to no one in particular as he strode closer to the viewing screen. "Tell them I'm heading down. There is much to discuss between Union and Imperium, and the Emissaries of His Most Divine Word shall not be stalled in their mission."
Unified Sith
12-12-2006, 00:01
- Place Holder for up and coming post -
12-12-2006, 00:20
The systems were readying for battle. The surface defences have been finished with all the instalations in faraday cages. Many antimatter-matter missiles were being made at the lunar antimatter facilities. A tachyon grid was also set up between the drones taht coninued to search. Several Carbon class explorer ships laid cloaked self replicating mines in the system in a attempt to hold the enemy fleet at bay.
...system 193472...
Thirty carbon class explorers arrived as renforcmetns from the first exploration fleet. These ships were quickly sent to the Lunar ship refit center to be refited with more advanced weapons.
The Fedral Union
12-12-2006, 12:55
TAS Normandy System 193472:
The commander looked at the situation and nodded he smiled ever so slightly and then peered over to his tactical officer and com officer, his skin was gleaming in the chrome white utilitarian light, he grinned his eyes looking out of the holographic chamber his hands to his sides of his white and blue uniform his hair gleaming with gel, he turned over and said in a commanding calm voice. “I want half the fleet to maneuver around and out flank them here and here” he pointed to the holographic battle map that showed red and green dots, as well as blue neutral ones. He pointed to several large ones that blinked in red and looked over to his officers saying ”we take those out first with puffins, and long range torpedoes, as for the mines use gravitational waves and singularity torpedoes for them.” The officers nodded jointly sending orders to the fleet, ominous large ships floated around to positions in the systems ort cloud, there ominously phased cloaked bodies hidden from view as they floated over gently like beast stalking there prey, they came to a stop in certain position, there hidden bodies slightly shimmered in phase space. Suddenly some fighters roared out of the cloaked ships they themselves were cloaked, the panther class stealth fighters flowed out in two a squadron of five, they began moving in to the system there stealthy drives and engines pushing them along in cloaked space.
Suddenly behind them the fleet opened up and uncloaked, suddenly thousands upon thousands of Puffin tux missiles roared out in fury there engines jumping them in to faster than light pulses, as they moved towards the SSD’S, thousands upon thousands poured out and jumped in to hyper warp blinking and jumping out as they neared there targets warheads armed, they started blink displacing in and out of space and time hoping to get passed the shields. Followed by the volley of constant missiles, were torpedoes of varying form , blue and green and yellow pulses of torpedo fire raced from the ships, as thousands filled the dark lifeless voids of space, mine clearing apparatuses fired off waves of folded space and gravitation distortions followed by black hole torpedoes to get rid of mines, the fleet began advancing there engines pushing them with white and blue streaks of particles as there gleaming hulls were enhanced by the light of constant fire, massive gravimetric accelerator cannons moved in to targeting positions with demonic mechanical noises, suddenly noises reverberated through the ships as the cannons fired streaming and flaming white and orange shells at 2c at enemy targets, thousands of them in constant streams flowing out of ships like a rain of brimstone from god him self, the dark bleak sky was willed with raining fire and missiles all heading the way of water helper forces, cannons fired again and again recoiling reverberating noises of explosions and booms across the decks of the ships, the crews tensely worked as they heard them on and on, firing in rapid succession , waves upon waves of fire flew out from all sides all heading at amazing speed faster than light ordinance rained down, ominously huge ships advanced with smaller ones behind there grey bleak and black hulls shining as they fired constant stream of puffins and shells, disruptors were armed and ready for the fight, the captain smiled ever so slightly grins coming across his face as his eyes peered at his fleet firing glorious salvos of weapons fire, filling the holo port with images of fiery brim stones and seemingly millions upon millions of lost tortured souls shrieking in screams and waves of pricing fire across the night sky . Stealth fighters maneuvered in to hidden positions mean while, there engines were lowered and they sat behind a gas giant planet, there pilots sighed as they waited the squadron of five fighters had checked every thing but didn’t arm the tactical weapons they carried. Mean while as the capitol ships advanced and as mine clearers shoot out thousands of folded gravitational waves black hole torpedoes, missiles and shells, fighters began lunching, like screeching demons of darkness and death they flew from lunch bays, noises of there departure priced the ears of the flight crews, there loud gravimetric engines pushed them out at grate speed like streaking angles of death, talons switch bladed there wings to the up right position as they transited, there bays filled with missiles and disruptor cannons activated, there engines made them shriek across the sky like comets and omens pricing the darkness. The pilots taped around there panels activating every thing necessary for dog fights, the leader of the third squadron look particularly strong willed, he peered out in to space through his holographic viewer his sensors scanning all cloaked and non cloaked ordinance and ships in the area. He filled his head with thoughts of how many kills he could get, hell he wanted to be the best ace in the fleet, and a veteran of many wars his hands were placed on the controls and held to them like glue waiting for the right moment for his squad to strike like a vulture, he was behind the first squad in a wedge formation, ready to out flank enemy fighters. He looked to either side of him smiling watching as his wingmen stayed close supporting him… it is indeed a good day to fight or die…
Terran prime orbit:
Union diplomatic command:
to Chronosiain ship, you are welcomed to dock or land at pad C2, a part will be waiting to escort you the white house, welcome to Terran prime and enjoy your visit
Amidst thousands upon thousands of gleaming chrome and white metal sky scrapers, a concrete like pad parted buildings it was smooth and all but a few Chronosiain and federal flags stood there, the president him self along with the secretary of state, and the secretary of defense stood there in there black gleaming suits amongst the prosperous city, hover cars, shuttles personal transporter pads magtubes and thousands of hover vehicles, the sky was as blue and serine as ever not a cloud dotted the perfect blue sky, the yellow sun beat down upon the city, the sky scrapers gleamed and shined in the light, with construction constantly going on In the background for new buildings, sky scrapers hundreds of kilometers high, orbital elevators, massive metal chrome cooperate headquarters like sentinels and citadels of democracy and freedom, federal flags flew atop many buildings, even in the back round exactly east of the landing sight was a re constitution of the statue of liberty this time gold and silver gloriously shining in the bright light holding up the torch of liberty…. Robert waited his eyes panning the sky a now and then and his glorious city.
12-12-2006, 13:56
The oncomming fire was quickly detected by the FTL sensors, the ships computer made all the ships go to warp to avoid the first salvos. Along the way several "hatches" were blown and plasma "wall" generator torpedoes emerged and made a wall of plasma that covered the area infront of the fleet and planets. These torpedoes were special on their sides they had replicating unites in the event that one was destroyed. In (real)space the ships dropped out of warp and sent off several miniature Coaxial warp torpedoes were launched and set o go off atthe edge of the FTLi field. (if the effected area is larger then the FTLi field then it will colapse) Every point defence system was launched to intercept the incomming weaponry, while Ion blasts were set off in the location that the missiles would have to turn to intercept the noew position of the ship.
Hundreds of Missile drones Sped at warp one around the enemy fleet using warp strafing tactics. They would launch missiles in warp that would emerge out of warp at the FTLi field then continue to the enemy fleet under its own power. On every moon and planet MAC guns were going off fireing numerous kenetic energy or gun type naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles. The air around the fleets blazed in red, yellow, blue and whatever other color of weapons was used. The weapons went everywehre with only missiles penetrating the plasma field for the moment. The great SSDs ;aunched all their turbolasers at the enemy fleet while somewhere light years away subspace catipaults launched missiles at the rear of the enemy formation. There were three waves of plasma torpedoes out to act as a barrier between the fleet and the enmy fleet absorbing all incoming energy weapons. The battle was fierce,b ut like all battles the wait would be longer thann the battle itself.
...bridge of the Lahar (or a mudflow)...
"Today is a good day to die." The explorer classshield ships also moved forwards behind the plasma torpedoes to defend the larger fleet ships.
The battle raged and it would either be victory or defeat as the enemy would capture this outpost to use against (new) Waterhelper Prime
The Fedral Union
12-12-2006, 16:51
The puffin missiles waved and streaked across the stars gliding toward there targets at amazing speed blinking in and out of the universe thousands upon thousands of them shrieked like brim stone missiles marked to there unholy enemies, they raced across the stars, the capitol ships streamed out constant missile barrages and GAC cannon fire as they closed in to disruptor range, thousands of pulses and missiles of ordinance guided and fired at enemy capitol ships, several hundred puffin class missiles raced at high speeds blinking at the SSD’s there powerful warheads armed. The black ominous fleet closed on there enemies taking hits from torpedoes and other weapons, there shields started to glow blue and white as they were hit with fire upon fire, there own weapons blazing in retaliation, noises of fire reverberated through out the ships as they blazed with green blue and red bolts of fire. The commander smiled and looked out of the bridge observing the battle, he signed as his fleet fired again and again… the sound of fire reverberating throughout the ship and through his body, he heard the sounds of battle before he enjoyed it especially when he was confident in his fleet, he put his hands to his side and sighed a little he looked over to his tactical officer and nodded saying in a confident commanding voice.
“I want all forces to close on the targets target those SSD’s with HD spike drivers, black hole torpedoes, and disruptors, once we have them distracted send out stealth fighters in to brake there outposts back” The tactical officer nodded sending a message to the fleet, the fleet started to close rapidly taking hits upon hits from turbo lasers and other ordinance, several smaller ships had scrummed to SSD fire, the shields of the ships were glowing blue they pushed forward like defiant men in a storm of death and destruction, suddenly the entire fleet opened up with green beams of fire , torpedoes, missiles and other ordinance. Slashes upon slashes of green powerful beams raced through space lighting up the area in a cornucopia of colors, thousands upon thousands of disruptors and battle disruptor beams slashed crackled and whooshed across the stars like lances of death, they targeted the entire enemy fleet with constant streams each ship received two or more beams of fire. Lances of faster than light disruptor fire raced throughout the fleet, as thousands upon thousands of beams, missiles torpedoes and HD spike drivers streaked across the heavens in a blinding light of battle and war, black hole torpedoes raced at 2C towards the SSD’S , thousands of beams crackled and slashed across space with green hellish glows, several smaller ships floated away from the fleet torn to pieces and destroyed, they were older but still a loss, they gently floated like dead burning husks that they were, there hulls charred and tattered. Pieces blown off they floated out in to the midst of the stars as a massive battle raged behind them, the fleet was pushing forward no matte what firing and intensifying fire, suppressive fire was activated as every thing the fleet had poured out , tens of thousands of missiles, beams, torpedoes HD spike drivers, all fired in mass quantities at enemy forces , frigates and corvettes broke off from the main fleet and rushed in to en enemy lines slashing beams of disruptor fire and missiles at them, fighters and fighter bombers followed they raced in to battle lunching anti capitol ship black hole bombs and other weapons, space superiority floated gently around the fleet there engines pushing them along, they waited for enemy fighters to attempt a strike on them they stood like guardians vigilant as ever the seen of fire from federal forces was the biggest ever seen, beams of fire shot out every witch way massive spamming of missiles and torpedoes and HD spike drivers clogged space .
the commander grinned looking out watching as his fleet intensified its already un imaginable amount of fire power, beams that could slash a small moon in half fired out by the dozens from dreadnoughts, torpedoes and missiles that could rip an enemy apart like a demon that was hungry for souls. He grinned slightly his eyes panning the view of the well lit space the dark seemingly endless void was filled with fire of multiple colors the entire area was bacon of light as federal ships flanked and moved around enemy fleets. Smaller ships whooshed and maneuvered streaking across the stars with there engines pushing out white and blue particles. Flanking and quick maneuvers were followed by ships matching enemy ship maneuvers deploying singularity phase mines , area denial was key as mines were deployed from nearly all small maneuvering and flanking ships around the enemy fleet, this tactic was used in all three systems under attack. Mean while plans were already being drawn up to hit water helper prime , a fleet was being formed up at the edge of water helper territory, consisting of over 200 ships and a staggering 50 capitol ships. They waited in phase cloak for other ships to form up, it would take time before the fleet was ready to strike and it was hoped GE assistance was rendered.
Message from the United Terran department of defense to unified sith:
It is with grate pleasure and hope that your great nation can render assistance to our country, we require help for a star blitz to our current enemies home world while this may be informal it is not with out disrespect, we will hope unity and solidarity will prevail
12-12-2006, 23:23
The battle was nearly over the unexpected ammount of firepower from the enemy fleet was able to tear the waterhelper ships shields like paper. Only the larger ships survived and even they were limping away from the battle hoping to escape back to waterhelper prime. The battle was a rout, short and desasterous. There were neumerous escape pods emmiting emergancy brodcast signals that would most likely wouldn't be picked up. The Orbiting station was also a wreck. It was almost spit in two. It has no power and was veniting atmosphere. Very few ships left the battle intact and hundreds of hulks littered the former position of the waterhelper fleet and were also emmiting emergancy signals. It was a total loss.
The other systems fared worse as the ships were no match for the firepower. Four systems were lost in a short ammount of time. Now the only stong baston of waterhelper was (New) Waterhelper Prime. The Capitol and gorwing metropolis of the former empire of waterhelper. All ships hav been recalled and the next battle would most likly destroy the remainder of Waterhelper's Strength, but one can always hope...
The Fedral Union
13-12-2006, 00:18
The fleet had jumped out to rendezvous with the one waiting to assault water helper prime suddenly the fleet jumped in to hyper warp again, there bodies gleaming slightly as they shimmered out side of the universe, they arrived out side of the system, gently floating in the plain of space, the commander looked down to his tactical officer and nodded, suddenly stealth craft and panther fighter bombers streaked from the ships floating towards waterhlper , they contained operatives and communications and ECM equipment. One of the panthers how ever contained a simple fusion bomb, the stealth ships made there way over to the planet and moved in to the atmosphere, suddenly ECM equipment went up in a flair as all singles from the current government fizzled out, several moments passed suddenly words of the president and members of the united Terran alliance spread around waterhelper prime, words of propaganda and promises, all government waves were jammed thousands upon thousands of channels fizzled out as propaganda spread around them, half an hour in to the entire event the panther dropped its fusion bomb upon a city, the aftermath and explosion was broadcasted with words of decent throughout the entire planet….. now time will only tell what will happen.
13-12-2006, 00:33
The propaganda told the epople what they already kenw, the government of waterhelper was evil and that they should surrender. However none of the people were driven ehough to openly say this yet. This all changed however when a picture of a hydrogen bomb went off . The people went crazy. They took any and all avalible weapons (which were alot considering they were getting ready for an invasion) and started shooting any government official that didn't join them.
...Former Presidenial Building, Now known s The Waterhelper Imperial Palace...
The large semi organized mob approached the palace. As they approached the first baracades and bunkers the soldiers inside were given a chance to join them. The androids and more loyal soldiers quickly fiered into the corwd but they were immediatly silenced by the majority of the soldiers. (conscipts taken ebcause the current government doen't trust in androids and the vulnurability to EMP) The Soldiers then joined the marching mob taking tanks and other vehichles along the way. They stormed through the palace killing any and allwho resisted. The mob fought over the ornate stairs, chairs, and desks. They eventually reached the final line of defence, the Emperor's "Thone room." (formally the waterhelper congress) The mob stormed it killing the last of the government officials. Several computer speciallists then reset all the androids bringing them back to their original state.
Message to TFU:
We, the country of Waterhelper surrender to the superior forces of the Federal Union. You are free to enter the system as we will not resist your attempts to change our country. (as long as tis reasonable) We welcome your diplomats to try and settle this dispute in exchange for reasonalbe terms.
The Fedral Union
13-12-2006, 00:34
A simple message was sent to the new government containing a surrender treaty, the treaty was written by the secretary of state and president and it read.
We the people of the Terran alliance herby purpose in this treaty that this war will end, and that the people of water helper and the federal union shall live in peace and harmony together as one, we want to scrounges of war and scars of defeat to be lifted from you and your nation revived as a powerful free and democratic republic, the United Terran alliance dose not seek to conquer but facilitate a free people and help them along there way with enlightenment, this treaty hereby guarantees that the United Terran Alliance of the federal union and the country of waterhlper are at peace, and further more that the UTA will hereby render aid, defensive materials and other nation building efforts to waterhleper, this treaty will also include a treaty of surrender under the following conditions:
- Cluster command and oversight shall be transferred to the United Terran alliance, effective immediately
- Waterhelper military forces shall make an oath of loyalty to the New government of water helper
- And that all internal laws must be changed to represent an enlightened neutral nation.
- 4 planets shall be seceded to union control effective immediately
-A free and democratic government must be elected by and for the people upon the country of water helper.
While he Union apologizes for civilian casualties during the war we maintain innocence in any wrong doing, we will pay damages to families and provide support in the form of aid military defense, and political re enforcement, we shall also hereby put in this treaty that the nation of waterhelper is a protectorate of the United Terran alliance.
President Robert Bastidas United Terran alliance
Secretary of state bill Thompson
speaker of the house timmy Gladstone
The Temorary Government of Waterhelper
13-12-2006, 00:38
The government of waterhelepr hereby agrees to this treaty and all its implications.
The Temorary Government of Waterhelper
14-12-2006, 04:39