Interrogation Room (Closed, ATTN Undershi)
The World Soviet Party
04-12-2006, 17:38
CSI Headquarters, Red City
December 4th, 2006
Interrogation Room A
The surviving Undershi Agents (two) were allowed some time to get clean, eat and rest for a while, then, they were lead into Room A for interrogation. The room was a perfect square, painted in mate white and furnished with a common table and two pairs of chairs.
The interrogators, a pair of tall men wearing bussiness suits, looked at the spies with disdain, as far as they knew, these guys had killed several police officers and created major havoc in an important highway.
"So..." Man Number 1 said "We are going to ask you a few questions, and you'll answer, is that understood?"
05-12-2006, 03:48
The prisoners nodded meekly. Living in the Undershi Empire as a mere norm tended to give an individual an almost slavish obedience to authority. Those who reacted in other ways tended to wind up dead, after all.
OOC: The first of the two agents is a young man of arabic descent, about twenty five years of age, the other is a woman who looks to be of mixed Asian and Slavic blood. The woman has a barcode tatooed onto the back of her neck and both have some light scarring.
The World Soviet Party
05-12-2006, 15:20
The prisoners nodded meekly. Living in the Undershi Empire as a mere norm tended to give an individual an almost slavish obedience to authority. Those who reacted in other ways tended to wind up dead, after all.
OOC: The first of the two agents is a young man of arabic descent, about twenty five years of age, the other is a woman who looks to be of mixed Asian and Slavic blood. The woman has a barcode tatooed onto the back of her neck and both have some light scarring.
"Good" both men nodded and one of them took out a recorder, which he turned on "Lets start simply, shall we?" he addressed the woman "Ok, what were your orders?"
05-12-2006, 18:13
She replied almost instantly:
"Destroy or secure the computer core from the downed fighter." that said, she went back to staring at the floor.
The World Soviet Party
05-12-2006, 18:17
She replied almost instantly:
"Destroy or secure the computer core from the downed fighter." that said, she went back to staring at the floor.
The man stared at her for a while "Indeed, were you told anything about the contents of this core? What it had inside? Why was it so vital that they sacrificed an entire ISS team to try and retrieve it?"
05-12-2006, 18:28
The Undershi agent nodded, replying:
"Yes, they said that the computer core had critical information about Undershi Lightning systems stored on it. They said we needed to get it back, or else. That's all they said."
The World Soviet Party
05-12-2006, 19:55
The Undershi agent nodded, replying:
"Yes, they said that the computer core had critical information about Undershi Lightning systems stored on it. They said we needed to get it back, or else. That's all they said."
"I understand" the man though for a few seconds, then checked the form he held in his hand, "Do you know if the Undershi goverment will try to send a new team, if so, when?. By when, I mean, how long will they wait to confirm you are all MIA before sending in another team"
The World Soviet Party
06-12-2006, 03:34
06-12-2006, 18:04
"Another team?" the prisoner asked. He shrugged, then answered:
"I honestly don't know. They've probably already sent an IIS Kill Team to destroy it or retrieve it... but after that? They might give it up for lost, they might send in an invasion force, they might send in another team... heck, they might even nuke the site or drop a rock on it from space. I honestly don't know."
The World Soviet Party
06-12-2006, 18:07
"Another team?" the prisoner asked. He shrugged, then answered:
"I honestly don't know. They've probably already sent an IIS Kill Team to destroy it or retrieve it... but after that? They might give it up for lost, they might send in an invasion force, they might send in another team... heck, they might even nuke the site or drop a rock on it from space. I honestly don't know."
"I see, I'll have to check then" the first man got up and left the room, the second man continued the interrogation.
"Now, this isnt required of you, but it'd be greatly appreciated if you told as all and any info you have about Undershi Military deployments, projects, officers, high command, politicians, anything"
06-12-2006, 21:56
The first prisoner nodded, and began to recite:
"Aleksander Miller is the Leader of the Empire. He is the supreme commander of all the Undershi Armed Forces. Under him, there are the various heads of the Service Branches - the IIS Director, the Air Marshal, the Land Marshal, the Supreme Admiral, the Marshal of Production and the Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All of those people have their underlings... which command structure are you most interested in?"
The World Soviet Party
08-12-2006, 03:05
"Uhm... Lets start with the ISS, what can you tell me about them?"
08-12-2006, 18:43
The prisoner nodded, then began to speak:
"The IIS used to be the ancronym for 'Imperial Internal Security'. That was before they became the sole intelligence agency of the Empire during some coup attempt or other - Imperial Foreign Inteligence backed the wrong group, apparently. The IIS controls the Occupation Police, so it has a large enough standing army as is... but it also has the IIS Divisions. Those started out as elite sections of the Occupation Police, meant for dealing with major rebelions... but they expanded from there. At this point, the IIS Divisions have about a tenth as many members as the actual Undershi military. And, those members are as well trained and well equipped as any soldiers in the Regular Army, and are all True Undershis. Jannissary units make up about one fifth of the Regular Army. Also, another two fifths of the Regular Army consists of Second Line Divisions. They're made up of reservists and newly called up conscripts, and while they're True Undershis and will fight like demons, they're mostly used for positional warfare, because they aren't as well trained as the career soldiers are. Undershi Coastal Defense uses mostly Second Line units, backed up by a few IIS Mechanized Divisions.
As for its intelligence work, that's an entire other wing of the IIS. You see, after the coup, they renamed themselves the Imperial Intelligence Service, and they take care of all sorts of spying. Both foreign and domestic. Right now, the Leader is a former member of the Air Force, but he has the IIS in his pocket - he promised them IIS Fighter Squadrons to go with the IIS Airborn Divisions and IIS Air Infantry Divisions. As for foreign spying work, that's where us norms come in." he paused for a moment, made as if to begin again, but then instead asked:
"What else do you want to know?"
The World Soviet Party
08-12-2006, 18:46
Silently, as he had left, the first man returned, this time with a camera and several recorders. which he placed around the room.
"Do you know anyone in the Undershi Intelligence System who would be willing to defect and act as a double agent? for money? a safe-pass? anything?"
09-12-2006, 23:42
The prisoner laughed darkly, and answered:
"I doubt it. Most of them are True Undershis, excpet a few like us... and, I don't doubt that many of the people like us would do what they could to help you... except, they execute us on the slightest pretense. And... they punish us for failure and for anything approaching sympathy for the enemy. Right about now," he continued, misery clear in his voice:
"They're crucifying the relatives, spouses and children of the assorted members of Team One. They don't like failure."
The World Soviet Party
10-12-2006, 17:37
"Im sorry" the man truly meant it, but he is duty commanded he had to continue "What can you tell me about Aleksander?"
13-12-2006, 04:37
"Aleksander Miller?" the prisoner asked, before answering his own question:
"He's a guy from the Air Force, so he recognizes the need for air power.He used to be a pilot... he was a Flight Leader, and was active flying during the Paxton War. He was famous for a joke he made, about the Red Crosses on the refugee and aid ships making excelent crosshairs for aiming. He apparently took pleasure in sinking refugee ships - his 'duty to the Empire' he called it, and apparently ordered his men to strafe the refugees in the water once he'd sunk the boats. I don't know what else there is to say about him, other than to emphasize his very close ties to the IIS, which helped him come out on top during the latest round of coups." the prisoner became quiet then, and glanced at his companion, the woman. She seemed distracted, and he seemed to sympathize with her about something.
The World Soviet Party
13-12-2006, 15:49
"Thats certainly... horrible" the agent was truly shocked, he knew Undershi tended to be merciless, but not to that point "What can you tell me about the Undershi Air Force, now that we are in topic"
14-12-2006, 01:50
The prisoner swallowed, then continued:
"The Undershi Air Force is one of the main branches of the military in the Undershi Empire. It, the Army, the Navy and the IIS traditionally make up the pro-expansion forces, calling for new colonies, while the Ministry of Production and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs traditionally call for longer periods between waves of conquest. It's head is the Air Marshal, who is one of the people advising the Leader. It has three kinds of airplanes, the Lightning interceptor, the Thunderer fighter-bomber and the Golden Eagle heavy bomber. It also has three kinds of VTOLs - the Crusader heavy gunship, the Paladin light gunship and the Arctic Finch transport VTOL. It uses the standard Undershi military system of ranks, except that the ranks of First and Second Lieutenants are replaced with Squadron Leader and Flight Leader..." the prisoner hesitated for a moment, then finished, saying:
"I don't know what else to say..."
The World Soviet Party
14-12-2006, 01:59
The two agents nodded at each other before facing the prisioners again.
"Our goverment has allowed us to give you several options regarding yourselves, which we will detailed in the paper we will hand you now"
The agents extended two sheets of paper for the prisioners to read, they contained the following list:
Stay at TWSP and keep Undershi Citizenship
Stay at the TWSP and get Soviet Citizenship
Go back to Undershi
Go to any other country of your choice (with travel paid for by TWSP goverment)
Get Soviet Citizenship and leave a la option number #4
14-12-2006, 17:03
The prisoners read through the lists of their options, then answered their interrogators:
"Alright. We'll take Soviet citizenship and stay in TWSP. We want to help get revenge on the True Undershis, for what they did to our families." and that was that...
The World Soviet Party
14-12-2006, 17:16
The prisoners read through the lists of their options, then answered their interrogators:
"Alright. We'll take Soviet citizenship and stay in TWSP. We want to help get revenge on the True Undershis, for what they did to our families." and that was that...
"Good choice" the agents stood up and shook the new citizen's hands "Welcome to The World Soviet Party"
The paperwork was quickly done and the ex-prisioners liberated, they even offered them jobs and some money to start a new life.
14-12-2006, 17:20
OOC: ...and that concludes the RP?
The World Soviet Party
14-12-2006, 17:39
OOC: ...and that concludes the RP?
I guess so.
14-12-2006, 17:41
The World Soviet Party
14-12-2006, 17:44
14-12-2006, 17:53
That "Huh?" is hereby seconded... what was that about, Wanderjar? Are you spamming?