Nova Aquaria
04-12-2006, 03:26
Nova Aquaria was named by Christopher Columbus in 1492, and it roughly translates into "new waters". After much manipulation from the name was undergone from the sailors, "Nova Aquaria" was soon the name for Eastern North America. It was a former English colony, and English settlement began in 1638 in the state of North Carolina. When the settlers arrived, the English mistreated the Natives horribly. During the next 120 years, Nova Aquaria was settled, and Governors of the states defined. Due to the British Kings's dislike of the Aquarians (and his need for money at the time) he imposed many harsh taxes, including those on tea, salt, gold, and even one to marryto eat meat! But what finally set the Governors off was the ridiculous tax on fish, 30%. The Governor's militias, which British King George III had let grow far too powerfull, thinking the colonies would remain loyal to him, joined into 1 force from the original 13 forces. In 1758, the govenors drew up the "Declaration of Independence" and sent it to the king. Nova Aquarian forces were raining fire on the British. The King, infuriated, sent a giant fleet at the Aquarians. At the beginning, they had no navy, but towards the end had a very powerfull one. Amoung the best of the Govenors (in leadership) was Govenor Alexander Vorbett III, Govenor of New York. Fighting went on for six years, and held 32 bloody battles. The British were mainly based in Canada. It ended finally in 1764, in the "Treaty of Boston". Eventually, in the "Monarch's Boundarie's", drawn up in 1765, a year after the war, he his family would be declared of royal blood.
End of Colonial Times, on for the Empire...
In 1794, after many years of expansion, during that time the Empire expanded to include Texas, Alabama, Mississipi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, Minesota, and Nebraska. Texas, Alabama, Mississipi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri were bought in 1781 from the French, for 1 Aquarios (equal to 1 penny) for 10 acres. The government owed several millions, but had over doubled in size. The rest of the states where either Indian Territories that were annexed, but the Indians were usually able to keep most of their land, and stay in place, or through exploration by Aquarians, eventually becoming states.
Spain Invades!
In 1800, after the New Emperor, Emperor Alexander II, insulted Spain's king, and they invaded from Mexico, quite a foolish thing to do. Due to many years of intense forces buildup for the Aquarians, and a hard time in Spain during Napoleon's conquests, the war was won in 3 months. The treaty of Cancun drew out that Nova Aquaria would get half of Mexico, and that military forces of Spain would be at least 30 miles south of the border.
Further Conquests...
Three years after Alexander II's early, unexpected death in 1821, the Empire set its site on the French half of the Continent to the West. The hungry new Emperor, Alexander III, abruptly invaded the weakly occupied French territory. It was a much harder battle than originally thought, but eventually, in 1831, the French were driven off the continent with death of the last French Soldier, Pierre Franzes. No treaty was ever written. During this time, the western empire was colonized, and people moved in.
Canada joins the Union!
In 1892, after a war that Canada won for independence from England (greatly assisted by the Aquarians), the country was weakened. They turned to the young, promising leader to rebuild. This was the only peacfull land-gain the Empire has ever had.
Land bought from the Russians...
In 1921, Aquaria had refused to enter the war on either side. The devastated Russians needed money, so they gladly sold Nova Aquaria Alaska, and Hawaii for a grand total of 5.8 billion Aquanos, roghly 5.5 billion USD. The Russians, not knowing of Alaska's resouces, thought they where ripping the Aquarians off. Oil was found 8 years later.
Carribean Conquests!
In 1931, after a dictatorship controlling the entire Carribean was breaking up, and it's nations were in ruin. Nova Aquaria conquered the territory, and citizens went out to celebrate on the streets dancing as the tanks destroyed the oppresive Government. Five weeks later the area was officially Nova Aquaria!
Dark Times for the Empire...
On May 13 1935, Friday the Thriteenth, the stock market crashed. People everywhere were suddenly dirt poor. In 1942, after signing an alliance treaty with the British, Aquarian forces entered the war, fighting along with the rest of the allies. Hitler's regime was toppled in 1948. Nova Aquaria was
Nova Aquaria was named by Christopher Columbus in 1492, and it roughly translates into "new waters". After much manipulation from the name was undergone from the sailors, "Nova Aquaria" was soon the name for Eastern North America. It was a former English colony, and English settlement began in 1638 in the state of North Carolina. When the settlers arrived, the English mistreated the Natives horribly. During the next 120 years, Nova Aquaria was settled, and Governors of the states defined. Due to the British Kings's dislike of the Aquarians (and his need for money at the time) he imposed many harsh taxes, including those on tea, salt, gold, and even one to marryto eat meat! But what finally set the Governors off was the ridiculous tax on fish, 30%. The Governor's militias, which British King George III had let grow far too powerfull, thinking the colonies would remain loyal to him, joined into 1 force from the original 13 forces. In 1758, the govenors drew up the "Declaration of Independence" and sent it to the king. Nova Aquarian forces were raining fire on the British. The King, infuriated, sent a giant fleet at the Aquarians. At the beginning, they had no navy, but towards the end had a very powerfull one. Amoung the best of the Govenors (in leadership) was Govenor Alexander Vorbett III, Govenor of New York. Fighting went on for six years, and held 32 bloody battles. The British were mainly based in Canada. It ended finally in 1764, in the "Treaty of Boston". Eventually, in the "Monarch's Boundarie's", drawn up in 1765, a year after the war, he his family would be declared of royal blood.
End of Colonial Times, on for the Empire...
In 1794, after many years of expansion, during that time the Empire expanded to include Texas, Alabama, Mississipi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, Minesota, and Nebraska. Texas, Alabama, Mississipi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri were bought in 1781 from the French, for 1 Aquarios (equal to 1 penny) for 10 acres. The government owed several millions, but had over doubled in size. The rest of the states where either Indian Territories that were annexed, but the Indians were usually able to keep most of their land, and stay in place, or through exploration by Aquarians, eventually becoming states.
Spain Invades!
In 1800, after the New Emperor, Emperor Alexander II, insulted Spain's king, and they invaded from Mexico, quite a foolish thing to do. Due to many years of intense forces buildup for the Aquarians, and a hard time in Spain during Napoleon's conquests, the war was won in 3 months. The treaty of Cancun drew out that Nova Aquaria would get half of Mexico, and that military forces of Spain would be at least 30 miles south of the border.
Further Conquests...
Three years after Alexander II's early, unexpected death in 1821, the Empire set its site on the French half of the Continent to the West. The hungry new Emperor, Alexander III, abruptly invaded the weakly occupied French territory. It was a much harder battle than originally thought, but eventually, in 1831, the French were driven off the continent with death of the last French Soldier, Pierre Franzes. No treaty was ever written. During this time, the western empire was colonized, and people moved in.
Canada joins the Union!
In 1892, after a war that Canada won for independence from England (greatly assisted by the Aquarians), the country was weakened. They turned to the young, promising leader to rebuild. This was the only peacfull land-gain the Empire has ever had.
Land bought from the Russians...
In 1921, Aquaria had refused to enter the war on either side. The devastated Russians needed money, so they gladly sold Nova Aquaria Alaska, and Hawaii for a grand total of 5.8 billion Aquanos, roghly 5.5 billion USD. The Russians, not knowing of Alaska's resouces, thought they where ripping the Aquarians off. Oil was found 8 years later.
Carribean Conquests!
In 1931, after a dictatorship controlling the entire Carribean was breaking up, and it's nations were in ruin. Nova Aquaria conquered the territory, and citizens went out to celebrate on the streets dancing as the tanks destroyed the oppresive Government. Five weeks later the area was officially Nova Aquaria!
Dark Times for the Empire...
On May 13 1935, Friday the Thriteenth, the stock market crashed. People everywhere were suddenly dirt poor. In 1942, after signing an alliance treaty with the British, Aquarian forces entered the war, fighting along with the rest of the allies. Hitler's regime was toppled in 1948. Nova Aquaria was