X-files spoof (RP idea thread) (OOC)
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 01:27
Hey guys,
I have an idea for a thread. Lets make thread where all the special agencies for your NS nations meant for dealing with the paranormal join up to solve strange happenings. You can make the strange thing as humorous, serious or weird as you want as long of course as it doesn't break forum rules or freak anybody out or as long as its not too gross. ;)
I plan on calling it the "Y-files" because its a spoof and have NS nations create special government divisions for dealing with strange happenings rather than just plaing as Russia and the US like in the actual series.
hmm the Y files, did you take that from Bill Nye the Science guy?
Anyway I'm intrested
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 05:40
I didn't take that from Billy Nye. Is there anything else I should do when or before I start the thread?
Division 9 of the Kilani Intelligence Department will be there.:D
Red Tide2
03-12-2006, 06:02
Well, it wouldnt be a specially created organisation... just another subsection of the Red Tidean IntelleginceConsortium. Actually, for cases like these, it would be a joint Military-IntelleginceConsortium organisation that reports to the Minister of Research.
Anywho, Extraterrestrial & Paranormal Hunter/Retrieval Team(EPHRT) would be its name.
I could give you plenty of things for these departments to investigate. Aliens psychic phenomina, magic, alternate worlds and realities, also I could make up odd occurances for earth in the same tradition as The Bermuda triangle and the legend of The Flying Dutchman, only ns versions. You name it, I could probably do it. This will allow everyone else to focus on investigations. And since I have a feeling your all on earth anyways, there's no other way I could take part in this fun and intresting idea.
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 06:27
I could give you plenty of things for these departments to investigate. Aliens psychic phenomina, magic, alternate worlds and realities, also I could make up odd occurances for earth in the same tradition as The Bermuda triangle and the legend of The Flying Dutchman, only ns versions. You name it, I could probably do it. This will allow everyone else to focus on investigations. And since I have a feeling your all on earth anyways, there's no other way I could take part in this fun and intresting idea.
Just what I'm looking for :D
anticipated y-file thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=509445)
Some of it will actually be apart of my nation, but, for an initial occurance, I'm thinking of going the classic route.
I'm thinking U.F.O. Steriotypical all the way. Round, flashing lights, bovine abductions, Little green men with disinitegrating Ray guns, then human abductions. Unexplained appearences in the sky, day and night. Unexplained lights, finally, someone shoots me down and onto an island convienatly located in international territory right where all agencies can go looking for answers.
I'll do sightings of the L.G.M.'s an attack or two, then from there, it depends on circumstances really. I might repair my U.F.O and vanish, or, I might end up loosing all the martians to everyone.
What do you think?
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 06:39
Some of it will actually be apart of my nation, but, for an initial occurance, I'm thinking of going the classic route.
I'm thinking U.F.O. Steriotypical all the way. Round, flashing lights, bovine abductions, Little green men with disinitegrating Ray guns, then human abductions. Unexplained appearences in the sky, day and night. Unexplained lights, finally, someone shoots me down and onto an island convienatly located in international territory right where all agencies can go looking for answers.
I'll do sightings of the L.G.M.'s an attack or two, then from there, it depends on circumstances really. I might repair my U.F.O and vanish, or, I might end up loosing all the martians to everyone.
What do you think?
That would work. Come list it on the case list on the IC y-file thread. A link to it was posted on my last post.
That would work. Come list it on the case list on the IC y-file thread. A link to it was posted on my last post.
Oh, I already gave you a sighting to warm up on.
03-12-2006, 06:53
Certainly a splendid idea.
Red Tide2
03-12-2006, 07:07
For the record, the EPHRT is more of a 'retrieve, research, and cover-up' organisation. It will do anything to make sure the Extraterrestials are never found... and that Red Tide is the only ones who get to make use of its technology.
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 07:19
Should the cigarette smoking man be "french fry eating man" instead in this? :D
South Lizasaurian INTEL conducted genetic experiments with aliens and agreed to trade hybrids for technology wich is behind South Lizasauria's advanced air force and tank division to an extent. This may lead to an rogue INTEL agent becoming a double agent to Red Tide.
03-12-2006, 07:35
Should the cigarette smoking man be "french fry eating man" instead in this? :D
South Lizasaurian INTEL conducted genetic experiments with aliens and agreed to trade hybrids for technology wich is behind South Lizasauria's advanced air force and tank division to an extent. This may lead to an rogue INTEL agent becoming a double agent to Red Tide.
Concerning covert ops in your territory: Can't say I was planning on any and I couldn't do so without your permission anyway (to avoid godmodding) so you have nothing to fear. The Empire is actually VERY secretive with its findings and doesn't admit to any government, even its closest allies, that it has discovered UFOs and the paranormal. That is something we keep compartmentalized.
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 07:46
Concerning covert ops in your territory: Can't say I was planning on any and I couldn't do so without your permission anyway (to avoid godmodding) so you have nothing to fear. The Empire is actually VERY secretive with its findings and doesn't admit to any government, even its closest allies, that it has discovered UFOs and the paranormal. That is something we keep compartmentalized.
What did that have to do with the what you quoted?
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 07:49
Hey Ri-an, what does the hybrid guy do now that Moldy has him at gunpoint?
03-12-2006, 07:51
What did that have to do with the what you quoted?
OOC: Nothing except to say that it was addressed to you.
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 07:53
OOC: Nothing except to say that it was addressed to you.
OOC:Oh ok:) Well just make note that INTEL is always on alert when it comes to forieng egencies, the South Lizasaurian government doesn't want to get involved in conflicts that South Lizasauria wasn't initially involved.
03-12-2006, 07:56
OOC:Oh ok:) Well just make note that INTEL is always on alert when it comes to forieng egencies, the South Lizasaurian government doesn't want to get involved in conflicts that South Lizasauria wasn't initially involved.
I couldn't agree more. The Empire is not in the business of interfering with the sovereignty of foreign nations and it definitely doesn't want other nations interfering with its own sovereignty.
03-12-2006, 07:58
Curious here. What is your nations' particular policies regarding live alien lifeforms (EBEs)? Obviously it won't be a public policy but what does your nation do?
The Empire may do some minor experimentation on them but in the end they are all exterminated. We cannot have a live alien in existence in the world.
Red Tide2
03-12-2006, 08:01
Who? Me? Their kept around for serious expirementation along with all the other none-humans in Rosenlin. The Rosenlin Research Facility is very heavily gaurd(officially, its known as the Rosenlin Army Base and houses an entire armored division). Its almost garunteed they wont escape, and if they do... well, they have tracking devices planted inside them.
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 08:11
They are either destroyed by the military if seen as hostile or studied. Depends on the alien.
By the way the South Lizasaurian government believes the agents sent into their country are terrorists, that explains the even in the airport.
heh, well, considering that I am an alien FT nation, I usually go out and make friends. this guy isn't me though. My aliens are all aquatic. If only you knew where to look in the oceans...
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 20:21
heh, well, considering that I am an alien FT nation, I usually go out and make friends. this guy isn't me though. My aliens are all aquatic. If only you knew where to look in the oceans...
I'm a futuristic nation too, some citezens are the native aliens, the story is they (lizasaurs) were enslaved by religious nuts who thought they were slaves from God because they werent human then eventually "infidels(humans who broke their fanatical law)" who wanted freedom joined up with them to retake their land. But the reason Moldy was surprised was because only a few alien races not counting the native one are aloud on South Lizasaurian soil, since the guy didn't look anything like those he got suspicious. The x-files like people are human, I'll mention if the guys an alien from now one, I didn't mention this earlier because I thought it would be too confusing.
Theocratic Revolt
03-12-2006, 20:28
Count the Knights Templar in!
South Lizasauria
03-12-2006, 20:48
Count the Knights Templar in!
Welcome to the Y-files :)
The original Martian message translates into the following.
"We have investigated this backwards planet. Is war the order? extermination?"
The new one roughly translates into "Are you crazy? Lets give them a biological hand. Since our Martian DNA is superior to Earthling DNA they will be far better off for its introduction."
Hey Layerteb, is the U.F.O. your writing about the same one that I posting shooting to the sky out of your waters or am I just crazy. Well, crazier than normal. If so, then theirs still a live Little green Martian hiding in there, that I should really RP trying to escape, contact the mothership and other alienesque things. Besides, I really want to use the Martian Bubble Gun.
The martian Bubble gun, a gun that shoots out little pink bubbles that encapsulate its targets, puts them into Cryogenic sleep, and sends them directly to the Mothership, after which, the bubble collapses. A common misunderstanding among victims is that it disintegrats them.
Hurtful Thoughts
03-12-2006, 23:38
Lets see... Patranormal stuff in PROHT...
Zombies, check...
Augments, check...
Aliens, double checked...
Flying Bistros, yep...
Johny Verbeck's sausage making machine...
Thriving Dodos... and other extinct animals...
Interdimensional gates...
Things that have leaked to the outside world as rumurs:
Zombies, and zombie augments...
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 00:57
The original Martian message translates into the following.
"We have investigated this backwards planet. Is war the order? extermination?"
The new one roughly translates into "Are you crazy? Lets give them a biological hand. Since our Martian DNA is superior to Earthling DNA they will be far better off for its introduction."
OOC: If my nation finds out about that they'd probably help you in secret, they'd only allow martian DNA in female personel because cloning machines aren't as effecient as nature. South Lizasauria is always keen on ways to get a better military. but they'd use it for clone troopers, they wouldn't allow civ DNA to change because of their religion on how humans are God's chosen race, and that aliens are there for different purposes but must be treated the way they treat people. I think the "kinky" aliens might interfere with the plan. :p
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 01:40
There are two things I'd like to clarify, when do we establish that a case is closed?
Just for the record I decided to name the cigarette smoking man's character in the story Finch just to shorten the name, the name is completely random.
Reconaissance Ilsands
04-12-2006, 06:17
*Ressurects and hijacks this thread*
Well, this one's going to be closed, in second thread later on, if things go the way I think their going to go. As for any other case, when there is no loose end left.
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 07:25
Well, this one's going to be closed, in second thread later on, if things go the way I think their going to go. As for any other case, when there is no loose end left.
Well we can make a short end to the current case, just have Jeanine's journey home and then case 2.
Well we can make a short end to the current case, just have Jeanine's journey home and then case 2.
Well, Mars will be watching, and if mars isn't happy, then mars will return, and it won't be to celebrate the children's 18'th birthday.
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 07:37
Well, Mars will be watching, and if mars isn't happy, then mars will return, and it won't be to celebrate the children's 18'th birthday.
I'll have Moldy rescue Jeanine, when she returns then South Lizasauria's super weapon general and a few officials will send commications to mars so Mars and my nation can talk a little so that South Lizasauria will be able to know what they want. South Lizasaurians are the kind of people that want to do whats right. Is this alright?
If I didn't take so long to post, I would've told you that this is the whole reason behind The hybrid. Dogs think like Dogs because they have only Canine forms of DNA.
A Martian thinks like a Martian because they only have Martian forms of DNA.
We think like we do, because despite all our efforts, we only have Human DNA.
But, if a human and a Martian had a baby, that child would think like both a Martian and a Human, because it had both.
The Hybrids, are to lead Earth in restoring itself.
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 08:01
If I didn't take so long to post, I would've told you that this is the whole reason behind The hybrid. Dogs think like Dogs because they have only Canine forms of DNA.
A Martian thinks like a Martian because they only have Martian forms of DNA.
We think like we do, because despite all our efforts, we only have Human DNA.
But, if a human and a Martian had a baby, that child would think like both a Martian and a Human, because it had both.
The Hybrids, are to lead Earth in restoring itself.
Well South Lizasauria's goal is to do the same but their abilities are finite when it comes to that. So once South Lizasauria gets words they'd probably build breeding stations of some sort.
Imperial isa
04-12-2006, 08:06
Well South Lizasauria's goal is to do the same but their abilities are finite when it comes to that. So once South Lizasauria gets words they'd probably build breeding stations of some sort.
breeding stations sounds to much like KC way of things
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 08:23
breeding stations sounds to much like KC way of things
Hey the society in South Lizasauria is obsessed with bettering mankind, thus giving them genes that make them better sounds like a bargain.
Imperial isa
04-12-2006, 08:25
Hey the society in South Lizasauria is obsessed with bettering mankind, thus giving them genes that make them better sounds like a bargain.
may i ask you have you seen how his CP are made
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 08:28
may i ask you have you seen how his CP are made
Whats CP?
Imperial isa
04-12-2006, 08:33
Whats CP?
Capitol Police
i go dig up how they are made its not nice
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 08:34
Capitol Police
i go dig up how they are made its not nice
Well now that I know that are you asking me about his CP or mine?
Imperial isa
04-12-2006, 08:38
Well now that I know that are you asking me about his CP or mine?
will look how they made ,then tell me how your one are going to be made
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 08:45
will look how they made ,then tell me how your one are going to be made
My CPs are either children taken from abusive parents, orphans, who are raised as soldiers within government facilities or they are recruits promised tons of money or that they will profess great justice and good.
Imperial isa
04-12-2006, 08:54
My CPs are either children taken from abusive parents, orphans, who are raised as soldiers within government facilities or they are recruits promised tons of money or that they will profess great justice and good.
thats good to hear
i too have some what same thing as you, as well as Clone troops
but i only have a small number of humans as COs and NCOs leading my Clone forces
oh iam Human FT Nation and a small part Fantasy too
South Lizasauria
04-12-2006, 08:57
thats good to hear
i too have some what same thing as you, as well as Clone troops
but i only have a small number of humans as COs and NCOs leading my Clone forces
oh iam Human FT Nation and a small part Fantasy too
Cool! :) I'm an FT nation with 2 alien races and human. Liazasaurs and some sort of humanoid bat (still need a name)
Imperial isa
04-12-2006, 09:06
Cool! :) I'm an FT nation with 2 alien races and human. Liazasaurs and some sort of humanoid bat (still need a name)
my Clones have werewolf/vampire DNA but with out the bad parts you find in the DNA
two of my main RP people are Twins who are Son and Daugther to a God and Goddess
Ri-an knows them
My CP are a species of very stupid humanoids that couldn't tell you the diffrence between up and down even if they had just fallen off the side of a cliff. Half the time they die because they forget to breath. If it wasn't for the psionic leash, they'd have self-exterminated through stupidity by now.
They are however, unbelievably strong. You know Primates can drag around dead trees if they were of the mind to do so. Gareens are much stronger than that.
Maybe a loose gareen could make case number 2. That'd be intresting.