29-11-2006, 22:07
Kanami Prime Minister Romney's hopes for the small Southern Island Archpelico now lie in dissaray with waring third parties, attempting to annex the islands for them selves, with clearly no respect for the international protection treaty that keeps them safe from such actions, in order to get Kanami negotiating with the GDI once again. Even with the lines of communication severd and threats of international civil intervention as well as military not holding up, it seems they may become satalite nations of the Soviets once again. Truce Island which sufferd a mass genocide under Soviet Sataliteship now is lying in a state of chaose as local militas as well as men women and children, are all taking up armes with hopes to drive the invading forces out. Prime Minister Romney has considered this an undermin hardarming act of terrorism, which should be enough to throw the
United States of Independent Hitmen out of the U.N.
"They are undermining our Governement out of spite, because these extremist Governments, know that a democracy will combat their extremist views."
Many in and out of the Governmen have criticized I.H. for allowing a
Soviet nation to walk onto an island that has sufferd under Soviet rule, in the past. RedTide is also the prime suspected nation in a kidnaping of a Magic Sorcery Girl nearly two years ago. Romeny has sent a clear message, that they will not negotiate with Terrorists.
"Taking these islands that are protected under international law, in order to strongarme us, is an act of terror."
Kanami is fearing, that Truce Island, will become a sweatshop for a dictatorship, http://www.cartoonwork.com/archive/workplace/Sweatshop-Pay.gif and the other islands will become satalites for Stevid, in which to futher expell their Muslim citizens to. Kanami has also warned, they will fight to the end. From Carmina Gadalica, I'm Paul Galleico Nation States News
United States of Independent Hitmen out of the U.N.
"They are undermining our Governement out of spite, because these extremist Governments, know that a democracy will combat their extremist views."
Many in and out of the Governmen have criticized I.H. for allowing a
Soviet nation to walk onto an island that has sufferd under Soviet rule, in the past. RedTide is also the prime suspected nation in a kidnaping of a Magic Sorcery Girl nearly two years ago. Romeny has sent a clear message, that they will not negotiate with Terrorists.
"Taking these islands that are protected under international law, in order to strongarme us, is an act of terror."
Kanami is fearing, that Truce Island, will become a sweatshop for a dictatorship, http://www.cartoonwork.com/archive/workplace/Sweatshop-Pay.gif and the other islands will become satalites for Stevid, in which to futher expell their Muslim citizens to. Kanami has also warned, they will fight to the end. From Carmina Gadalica, I'm Paul Galleico Nation States News