Reminiscence. The Ri-an change of power. (Closed, but comments are ok)
OOC: Because all the threads I'm in keep dying, with people going away for this or that, and either forgetting, and never coming back, and because my old attempt just sputtered out and died, I'm going to do my civil war a diffrent way. All the major points, I'm going to RP in this thread, since it only really involves me. If you find you wish to comment, or ask a question go ahead. This is going to involve mainly my largest Tech, Fantasy.
The sun dawned over the valley, yet no creature stirred, for none lived here.
There was only a square, white building. The Asylumn. Once, people who were genuinly Mentally Ill, were sent here. Now, only enemies of the government.
The staff felt sorry for the people within, and offered them great freedom, but to keep themselves safe, still kept them guarded. It had become more of a prison, then an actual hospital.
A frail elderly gentleman sat in his room. The door was locked.
Of all the people in the hospital, he was the only one that actually needed to be there.
A man walked through the hospital, clad in a white cloak, with the hood drawn over his head. Nobody noticed him, nobody seemed to care.
He walked to the elderly gentleman's room, and opened the door.
The man inside was startled, and looked around expecting his death, but saw, only the man in the white hood.
"Oh, its you, Dr. Stein." the man said.
The man in the white hood came in, closed the door, and sat in a plain wooden chair.
The old man sat on the edge of his bed. He seemed to reach a conclusion.
"Do you have time, Dr. Stein?" The old man asked.
The man in the white hood nodded his head to the affirmative.
"I, I want to tell you my story. Not to reminisce over the horror of those final days when The Devoruer took over Ri-an, but because I need to. but, let me start further back.
I was there.
I was at the battle of SR 358. We had gotten word That The Ministry of Shadow had destroyed the first Legion, and had threatened to move upon Ri-an.
The Council of Sorcery decided to Send The Royal Legion to SR 358 to stop the Ministry there.
I was fresh out of training, and excited to finally see battle, how foolish I was then. I was sure that I was going to be a hero and destroy The Ministry.
When we arrived, we found Desolate, empty space. Just a single little lost world.
A bunch of troops went to the surface,, but, I was elected to stay behind and face the enemy fleet that had been hiding behind the fleet, In Fluidic Space. An Aquamarinian buddy of mine I called Dan told me they were undetected because they had been hiding in the Great Maelstroms.
we circled the planet scanning each other. I don't remember who fired the first shot, and its not really important anyway.
Soon, both sides were firing shots back and forth. The stargons were the first to fall, Laeviathane, the last of them.
It was then, that a chance came for some of us to sneak aboard the enemy fleet and sabotage their ships.
I jumped at the oppurtunity, still full of idealism. I quickly donned an evironmental suit, and was beamed over to their most powerful ship. The Leviathan.
I remember the water was icy cold.
The Aquamarinans flood their ships with water, them being aquatic and all.
But, It was so dark, and dreary.
The Leviathane, was one massive hallway, with rooms in all directions.
Fortunatly, we were hidden partially, by a doorway.
A quick scan of the hallway revealed nothing.
The engine room was to the rear of the legendary beast, so we made our way back, oddly, encountering no one. I thought nothing of it at the time, grateful, because I was having difficulty swimming.
I thought I was the only one beamed over, but Dan had come with me, at least I hopped it was Dan, they all look alike.
I planted a bomb, and set to teleport away, but then, instead of being on my ship, I was in the Leviathant bridge, strapped to my own bomb!
It had been a trick all along. The Aquamarinians the followed The Ministry had used Illusions to fool me into bombing myself.
Fate, or the luck of a fool, intervined, because suddenly, Everyone fled. I discovered that it was because Jorgun had shot The Leviathan into three diffrent sections. I had enough for one more Teleport, and found myself on the surface.
I watched as Both fleets exploded above me. I had no way of knowing who won, only that the battle still raged above.
I took the bomb off myself. How lucky that I decided to use a trigger bomb. The trigger was still in my pocket deactivated.
Something horrible and full of fangs was flying at me, so I threw the bomb at it, and it caught on the things wings. I took out the trigger, activated it, and as it barrel rolled into something clawing its way up from the ground, I blew them up." The Elderly man said.
"But that is the beginning of my tale. Next, Lady Ri-an found me." The man said.
"SR 358 was a dark desolate world. Life was upon it, yes. But unnaturally so. The Ministry, in a flourish of power, brought forth life, from the deepest depths of the netherworld, and turned sr 358 into a permanent outpost of Hell.
Many a man masters what he fears, but on SR 358, I met my worst fears, for I feared that which turned from the light, and existed soley in hellfire.
I thought myself lost, for my electronics did not function, the small clamshell shuttle I was on, was lost, and the signal wasn't being picked up by other ships.
Then I saw him. The Red energy, the red hair, The Black Leather. The Demon of Elru had risen again. Everything moved out of his way, and that which did not, was destroyed.
He slowly walked towards me, but then stopped a ways away, and sneered.
I hid behind a boulder, shaking with fear.
Then, eight wonderful things happened. The Master Sorcerers of Ri-an appeared. If anyone could put the demon down, it was they.
I remember the conversation, just as clearly as if it had happened five minutes ago.
"Id, You've been a very naughty child. I'm going to have to administer a much stronger punishment this time." Lady Marill, The Grand sorceress said.
It was a little known fact, I learned sometime later, That Id, The Demon of Elru, was Marill's Son.
I peeked out from behind my boulder, to see all eight sorcers grinning and nodding agreement.
Then, Id sneered at them, and he spoke. Sometimes, late at night, I hear that voice still, asking that same haunting question. His voice, it took away courage, and left only fear. It took Promise, and left despair. It was one of the most horrible voices I had ever heard.
"Geheh, are you strong?"Id asked, mocking his own mother.
"I'm strong enough." she responded defiantly.
"Well, then, show me this strength of yours." Id challenged.
Marill, she gathered a great ball of energy of somekind, but I don't know magick. I don't understand it. It could have just been light for all I know. But I watched, as The Sorcerers cast great spells at Id.
Id, he only shielded his face with his hand.
Then, The magic vanished as it touched his Aura.
"You won once. But as I was defeated, I became stronger. Almighty Kajeenith enhanced me. Made me stronger. I am the High Priest of Destruction. Foolish Sorcerers, it is Time for you to be destroyed." Id said.
With those words, every master sorcerer of Ri-an was single-handedly slaughtered. First, Id did something, something with a dark star, that seemed to absorb and banish the very energy in the air. The Sorcerers, They were frightened, for so long had they known no absence of magick, that without it, they were weak, and helpless.
Id's strength, it is of legendary proportions. With a single punch to the ground, I saw the ground buckle, and a great shockwave knock the sorcerers over. They tried to fight, but their physical strength, it was as a paper against a boulder. One by one, I saw one of the most sickening sights I have ever seen, as Id ripped their heads off their shoulders. Literally.
The blood, The death, it seemed to drive him even more insane, as he ate the guts of those who once lived, savoring their hearts, all except for one, his mothers, which he put in a jeweled case, preserving it forever, which he then put in his pocket.
Their blood bodily fluids had pooled, and of that, he washed himself in, and drank of.
Then he stood, and with another strange psychotic grin, laughed to himself, and walked away into the everlasting night.
It was then, that Lady Ri-an appeared.
"I am too late." was all she said, tears standing in her eyes. With a flash, the formor scene of violence was gone, and she knelt down, and wept her sorrow for her slain children.
I emerged, to comfort Lady Ri-an, but she raised her head, and a glaze of madness had taken over.
"I swear upon my eternal and everlasting soul as part of the mother spirit of creation, The ministry of Shadow will Fall, and Id shall Die." she swore. Flame crept over her body. her skin, hardened into a hard fleshlike substance manytimes harder than diamonds. A sword appeared in her hands.
She turned, and walked in a straight line for a volcano in the distance. The only thing that remained alive in her wake, was me. I wish, I had never followed her." The man said. weeping.
The man in the white hooded robe, whose face was still obscured, spoke for the first time.
"And tell me Marius, what was it, that happened next?" the man asked. His voice was strong, and inquiring.
"Oh, Dr. Stein. It was the beginning of Hell." The old man named Marius said.
Marius was huddled in the corner, weeping.
"So Marius, please go on. what did you mean, by, it was the beginning of hell?" The man in the white robes asked.
"Dr. Stein, It was there that I saw the true face of The Ministry.
We had scaled to the volcano. Lady Ri-an and me. Well, I did all the climbin, she flew.
At the top, it was a dark celebration. Dark demons and foul horrors were leaping about, screaming and laughing. seven figures stood in the center of The Lava Dome. The party goers were banging on armor plating and swinging heads about from the dead members of The Royal Legion,
then, I saw the seven figures more closely. Their skin, it was as black as space itself. The same shade, the same texture. I could no tell the diffrence between them, and the dark robes they wore. Their eyes were in the shape of diamonds, and pure white. no pupils, no blood veins, nothing.
I now understood, why they were the children of the night.
They spoke, three were female, four were male.
Their voice, it was unnatural. Have you ever heard Fear speak, Dr. Stein? It is very horrible. indeed, even worse than Id's voice, yet, somehow the same. Much like Lord Deuce's voice. It was said, that they were all children of The Shadowlord.
"Give up Ri-an. After Five Millenia, I have beaten you, through my children." All seven spoke at once.
"Shadowlord, so you still live through your children?" Lady Ri-an spat.
"But of course, didn't you know? Oh Lady Ri-an I gave you far too much credit then, I promise not to make that same mistake again in the future, I do apologise. I thought you were intelligent, my mistake." Shadowlord sneered.
"Then I guess I'll just have to destroy you again, only this time, I swear to annihlate you." She swore.
"What? All alone?" Shadowlord asked.
"Me? I'm smarter than that. I brought a friend of mine with me." she said.
Did she know I was there?
Then, something overtook and borrowed my body.
I said something, I know not what, but I had this sword, and from it, came this, incredible armor.
The revelry stopped, and vanished.
I, I was someone else. Someone named Wolf, from, somewhere called Imperial Interplanetary Strategic Alliance. He was a Legend There.
I, or rather, Wolf dashed in low and delivered a heavy blow to the side of of one of the Ministry members, but its hand became a tenticle, and slapped Wolf hard, crushing his armor. I could not of survived that blow. Obviously, my body became his body, with his traits. I say that, because I just stood up from that blow. Wolf cracked his neck, and leaped back in. He severed the tenticle. The hand regrew, and the tenticle faded.
The thing Wolf was fighting leaped back.
Wolf turned, and saw Lady Ri-an embattled with three of them. Whatever her sword was made of, It sliced through the ministry as easily as a heated knife through cream.
the seven gathered together, wolf and Lady Ri-an turned to charge, but a bright flash happened. Wolf was gone, and I was flat on my back.
Lady Ri-an maintained her footing, and moved infront of me.
The Ministry, for lack of a better description, melted into each other. Fangs flashed here, and claws emerged there. They were becoming something big, and horrible.
You know those stories, of long ago, of the fearful beast Nomadi? I saw Nomadi in The Ministry. Either that's what they planned, or they fed upon my fear, fear of a silly fable. nomadi had four heads, each with teeth sharp enough to grind through steel, skin hard enough to deflect arrows, and claws, more than a foot long.
Lady Ri-an looked at me, then at Nomadi. I scrambled to my feet, and took out my small service phaser pistol. She smiled, Nomadi snarled.
"Watch out watch out, or nomadi will eat you alive!" I said, recalling a common line in the story.
"Are you truely so afraid of a story made up by a drunk on his death bed?" she asked.
I felt embarassed, and ashamed.
Nomadi roared, and leaped upon us. I shot it, in an eye. Nomadi shook his head, and swiped at me with his claws. I leaped back. Lady Ri-an silently circled around to his back, while Nomadi focused upon me.
I shot again. Nomadi moved slightly and dodged the shot.
Then, Lady Ri-an struck from behind.
I shot again, and successfuly struck from behind. nomadi paused, and Lady Ri-an buried her sword in the beasts heart.
"You think you have us beaten, but this was only one step in the plan. We knew here, under present conditions you'd win, so we're going to change them. But to do so, we had to lure you here, and lose, once more. The deaths of the master sorcerers, was merely a plus." The Ministry said.
A great white flash occured.
Me and Lady Ri-an, we were in The Great Ocean region of Fluidic space.
Aquamarinian home territory." Marius said.
"Marius, what's wrong?" The man in the white robes asked.
"That was where, The Return happened." Marius said.
"The royal species of Aquamarinian. King Edward the Fair, Queen Lucy the lustful, and the other six. That was also where HE returned. Kajeenith, the Legendary Mad God." Marius whimpered.
"I didn't want to do it Dr. Stein. I didn't want to, but the Ministry fooled me. I am the direct cause of the fall of all Ri-an." Marius cried.
"Marius, don't be silly. From what you've told me, your the only one that Lady Ri-an could depend on, how could you have been responsible for her death?" The man in white robes asked.
"Dr. Stein, I'm the one that let Kajeenith back in." Marius said.
"why do you say that?" The man asked.
"Fluidic space, its as large as The universe, its another layer. The Aquamarinians ruled a section known as The Great Ocean. It was a true marvel to behold, as it was alive, like an ocean on a planet.
Lady Ri-an grabbed me, and, gave me a kiss on the check. I found, I found I could breath water afterwards, like it was air. She became a beautiful Merwoman, with hair like fine Seaweed.
We, We visited The Aquamarinian homeworld, we followed the ministry there. I don't remember what they called their world, but I think it was Oceania.
We spent days, looking, but found nothing. finally, we heard that the mueseum had been broken into, and the crown, stolen. The crown, it was made of Bones and Coral. The bones were special, they were the last preserved relics, of The Royal Aquamarinians. we couldn't understand how anyone could steal it. It was kept under more security than most nations use to protect their rulers. The only thing that could have slipped in there, was a Shadow, but even then, only with great difficulty. They must have used, The Shadowplane, overlaying it on the normal material universe, but, I don't know.
Then, diffrent labs reported minor things missing. Things that, by themselves, were of no import. King Aqua, he thought it over, and figured out that since the Ministry has no other effective use for it, they must want it for the DNA inside. But, they didn't have the power neccessary to ressurect the royals on their own, and so had to steal the parts, to build the Phoenix Machine, a Machine capable of Rebirth.
We prayed this wasn't so, but not even an hour later, we felt a monumental change in the ocean, and saw one in the Aquamarinians. Some, were uneffected, like King aqua, and remained the same. They fell under Edward the Fair's rule. some, adopted shades of pink, even the men, and became more than slightly amourous, fallen, under Lucy the lustful's rule.
Some turned a pale sickly green, and began to spread poison in their wake, an effect of John the poisonous.
Some, turned Black as the night, and rebelled against the Hive. They fell under Crimos, the Rebelous's rule.
And some, the most fearful of them all, turned red, having fallen, they turned beet red, and took control over the Gareens. They fell under the rule of Mark the Warlike's rule.
Edward, John, Crimos, Mark and Lucy. The Five Rulers of Aquamarinians. Their rule was not by choice, nor by consent. It really was embedded in the DNA of the Royals, and they alone could sway their follower's actions.
The Ministry had cloned the Royals, then matured them to adulthood.
It was peaceful, for a whole five minutes, then war erupted amonf the Aquamarinians, as all five sects fought to hold dominance over all the rest.
Lady Ri-an and I, we fled the planet.
On the moon, we found, another palace, likt the one King Aqua sat in.
We ventured in, feeling the presence of the Ministry. Surely now, we could stop them, and set things back proper with the Aquamarinians. After all, what ruler wouldn't listen to sound reasoning?
We found the Ministry, but they faded quickly as we entered.
"Ahh, so you have found the royal Palace I see." said an Aquamarinian, that was white like King Aqua.
"I am King Edward, The fair. This, is my Wife, Queen Lucy, the, eh, amourous. I don't like Lustful." Edward said.
"He's just mad cause he ain't the head of the relationship." said a green Aquamarinian.
"Either way, what are you doing here?" said a brash younger aquamarinian, that was completly Black.
"Answer us, and Death shall be quick and merciful. Refrain, and it shall be Slow and Painful." said a mean red Aquamarinian.
These were not normal sized Aquamarinians. Normal was about six feet. Even King Aqua was 6.1 feet. These creatures were nearly 15 feet tall, and their tenticles were five times as long.
they were in a massive throne room, on five seperate thrones.
There was plenty of room for them all, except Edward and Lucy, who shared the same throne, at Lucy's request.
"we are here to set things right." I said boldly.
"Yes, you were defeated long ago, I rule the Aquamarinians now, and my rule is far more benign than even Edward can claim." Lady Ri-an said.
"No one rules except us." said Queen Lucy.
"Yes, and now, Death shall come." said the red one.
The five rose from their thrones." Marius said.
He paused.
"And the ensuing battle, how did it turn out?" The man in white robes asked.
"I don't know. I blacked out. I think that other warrior came back. But the Royals, their voices, they were so, authoritive." Marius said.
"But, you said, Kajeenith also returned." The man said.
Marius bolted from one corner to the other, to the other, then to his bed to hide under the covers.
twenty minutes or so later after Marius calmed down, and regained his senses, he continued to tell his tale.
"Kajeenith, there are some brave souls in this creation, somewhere, that can hear that name and laugh. They do not fear kajeenith. They have no reason to. They knew the old Kajeenith. This, this was the new and improved Kajeenith. Somethings never change. And certainly some of his mannerisms were the same. But, there was something diffrent about him.
I don't know anything about the battle with the royals. I awoke all alone, in the darkness, back on SR 358.
There was chanting.
"Nox noctis eternus Typicus of Nusquam Pario Obscurum , pario ruina Ex Sublimitas nos dico ut depths , Suscitatio valde Edo." It was repeated over and over, and reverbrated all throughout SR 358.
I followed a line of torches, that slowly followed elevation down.
It was a massive canyon. At the top, were millions of people all chanting those words. At the bottom, was the Ministry, and the royals. I found one of Lady Ri-an's wings. It was bloody, as though it had been torn off.
I picked it up. It became a golden key.
The Ministry and royals, they made a circle around a great golden door. It was not set into rockface, it was free standing. I could walk all around it, and see it from all sides, yet, somehow, I knew if I opened, it, I would see something else." Marius said.
"The door to creation?" The man in the white robes asked.
"Yes. I held the Key. I only had one task, I realised it then. Not to open the door." Marius said.
"And yet you opened it anyway." the man said, in an accusing tone of voice.
"YES! I did, but why did fate pick me? I never could retain my curiosity. I thought, a quick peak, then I'll close and lock the door.
I unlocked it, and opened it, and, just, let go. I was awe inspired. I saw a great impossibly huge room. I gazed upwards trying to find the ceiling, but my gaze could not stretch that far.
Something leathery brushed my skin. Then I heard a voice, I wish I never heard. I was about to pay the price for my curiosity.
"Geheheheh. At long last, I return." a voice said. I looked at the voice, beside me, was a Man, all in black Leathers. His skin, his hair, they were white, like the Hoarfrost of winter's first breath. his lips, his eyes, they were black, like his leather. He carried a silver sword. I don't think he had a heart." Marius said.
"why would you say that?" the man in white robes asked.
"You ask why a being that wishes to destroy every single shred of everything that exists for no othe reason than that it exists so that he can take on some better superoir form that doesn't really exist is Evil? What about us? What about the creatures that exist? what about what we want?" Marius asked.
"Does it really matter?" asked the man in white robes.
Marius looked at the man in the white robes long and hard.
"Have you ever heard Kajeenith's voice? The ministry, their voice, it induced fear, but Kajeenith, he didn't need that supernatural quality to his voice. It just radiated from him naturally. His voice, it shrivels the soul, and depraves the mind. His touch, it spreads entropy. his footstep, it spreads disease. his every breath, is as the passage of 1,000 years time. No common mortal man can face Kajeenith, I wish I was never near him. As I saw him, and he spoke, I trembled in fear. I could feel the Malice within him. I saw clearly just what I had unleashed, the terrible thing I had done. It would have been better if I never lived, and when I die, surely I shall be punished for eternity for my curiosity.
Kajeenith turned to me. He spoke directly to me. I couldn't resist his will.
"Well now, a loyal servant of Lady Ri-an. I have a use for you." he said. He reached down, and grabbed me.
Then, he closed the door, it disappeared! but then we too disappeared.
We were in the bottom of this castle, somewhere. Blood stained the walls, and I knew in my heart that thius was to be my demise.
Kajeenith, he, he tortured me. He beat me, he cut me open, he killed me, several times, each time ressurecting me just to torture and kill me again. He seemed to enjoy it. All the time, he was asking me the same question.
"what is Lady Ri-an's strengths and weaknesses."
Each time I answered, truthfully or not, He tortured me some more, and then killed me, Ressurecting me with the same question." Marius said sobbing.
"And tell me Marius, just what did Kajeenith do to you?" The man asked.
"He knew every form of medival torture that existed. He used all those, The Iron Maiden, The rack, the wheel. Chinese Water Torture. Sometimes he would tie me down and attack only my feet. He would cut out my guts, and force me to eat them. Sometimes he would cut them out and slowly eat them himself. You have no idea what it does to you, to eat your own heart, being kept alive only by the will of a Psychopathic God. He even ate my brain.
Eventually, I just blacked out, and wouldn't wake anymore." Marius said.
"Then, how come you came to be here?" The man asked.
"I don't know. There is a legend few have heard of, and even fewer believe, of a God greater than all others. A supreme being, that gave birth to all other supreme beings. An entity known only as The Omnisource. Perhaps He, or she, or it, whatever, perhaps it was The Omni, who rescued me. Either way, I found myself on Ri-an. Surrounded by a massive crowd. The scars I bear on my body, no being could have obtained and still lived. I no longer had skin, just one massive scar." Marius said.
"Well, that must have been painful, but, how did you get this flesh? It certainly isn't scarred." The man in white robes said.
"Lady Ri-an gave it to me. Then, I confessed what I had done. That was when she had told me of Om." Marius said.
"Om?" the man in white robes asked.
"Yes, Om. The world outside of the Space/Time Continuum." Marius said.
"How can a world exist outside of space and time?" the man asked.
"Because, it is from Om, that the Continuum comes." Marius said.
"Really Marius, I think your crazier than your letting on. Are you saying an ordinary regular planet is responsibly for what is essential the basic foundation of science? what's next, does it come from a temple on Om?" The man asked mockingly.
"You are completly correct, and horribly wrong at the same time. Om is a massive living creature. The embodiment of creation itself. The Temple is the way in which we entire The spirit of Creation. Only in this way, can most ordinary people acieve a oneness of creation, and go, to the Negative side.
Lady Ri-an bade me go to Om, and in there, through the Key into the Gate of Divinity.
I did, I went, but, I could not enter Om. It was shut against me, I tried, and I tried, but to no avail.
I returned, broken hearted, and downtrodden, for my failure. I learned upon my return, that Deuce was sealed in side a Disco ball, and that Lady Ri-an's world body, was harmed in such a way, that she could never again manifest. Not until the wound was healed.
I gave up. In my sleep, I relive the horrors of Kajeenith's torture. In my waking hours, I relive the disapointment of failing lady Ri-an. If I could find her, I would give her back her wing key, and beg her forgivness." Marius said.
the man in white robes removed his robe. He was actually she, and she, was Lady Ri-an.
"It ok Marius, I don't blame you. See? I still live, I don't blame you. give me the key Marius, and all will be forgiven." Lady Ri-an said.
"MY LADY!" Marius exclaimed with a sharp intake of breath.
"Yes, yes Take it, I wish to be done with it. It has brought me nothing but trouble." Marius said, giving her the key, and embracing her around the legs.
"Poor man, you really have been through alot, haven't you?" Lady Ri-an asked.
"But Marius, I'm not Lady Ri-an." Said Lady Ri-an, revealing the truth. She was Jiralyn, the dark Priestess. Marius had never left the void in the first place, it was all, an illusion of Kajeenith's mind.
Kajeenith sat on a pile of Marius's skulls.
"I think you should be well and richly rewarded for betraying Ri-an's secrets. How does eternal Torture and punishment sound, hm?" Kajeenith asked.
"Good, glad we agree." Kajeenith said, taking the key from Jiralyn.
Later, after many unneccessary acts of gratuitus violence were done to Marius.
The void over took all of Ri-an territory. Normally, The void goes away, but now, it didn't. A permanente and horrible wound was done to creation, one that bridged all parts of creation, spanning all balances. One, that would only g away when Kajeenith achieved his ultimate desire, and was finally destroyed. But, how can you destroy something that doesn't exist?
One could still travel to Ri-an, , one could even see it. But now, throughout all of Ri-an space, great bolts of energy crackled. In The Great Ocean, in fluidic space, The Void also appeared, and behaved much the same way.
Kajeenith won. Kajeenith had returned.