First Landing - A colonial RP (FT signup)
Hyperspatial Travel
26-11-2006, 13:18
Here's the premise. There are hundreds of massive-scale RPs in FT, thousands of worlds colonised, and millions of starships.
First Landing is an attempt to sorta.. scale FT down a bit. Get into the nitty-gritty, look at the interesting bits. I tried this before, with my Ellesrun Mercenary RP. The problem with that, of course, is that it relied on an outside contracter to give it any input whatsoever, and, without that, it failed miserably.
The premise of First Landing, instead, is fairly simple. Governments colonise worlds all the time, right? And it's generally considered unsporting to colonise a world someone else has laid claim to. Simple courtesy. However, First Landing is not like that. It's a colony world unclaimed by any. A civilian colony world, so to speak. Misfits, pioneers, entrepeneurs.. there are many who come to this world looking for anything from wealth to a new start.
You can sign up fairly easily - just post a claim on the world. I'll outline the rules below, so there's no misunderstandings whatsoever.
More planets, and the like, will be added once the people of First Landing begin ascending into space.
The map of First Landing.
The forums (
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Initial Colonisation
- A maximum of ten million colonists are allowed, to begin with.
- One landing point may be chosen. You may decide the terrain and resources around your area.
- No weaponry is to be brought by the colonists
- You may start off with enough resources to construct one city. No more, no less.
- Any beings who are deemed to be 'unfit' for the world will be unilaterally rejected. Beings with godlike powers, beings who can somehow use their bodies as devastating, wide-spread weaponry, and creatures who can endlessly replicate themselves without cessation are out. If you're not human, provide me with a link or a description of the species you wish to use.
- Your colonists must be somehow affiliated with your nation, or neutral. The useage of other's species and citizens is not permitted.
- You do not start off with the ability to travel in space. Keep in mind you'll be RPing a nation of ten million. You can have hydroponics, mining gear.. but no big stuff.
On-World Rules
- You can claim as much land as you'd like. EVERY action that is post-colonisation approval must be in-character. Thus, any claims to land will be in-character.
- Population growth will keep in line with your initial stated growth
- Technological advance, military recruitment, and the like, must all be RPed.
- You may not 'phone home' for help. Any involvement from outside forces will be severely limited and subject to approval.
Other Rules
- A nation that has godmodded, broken these rules, or flamed/spammed will be removed entirely.
- Although nations may engage in warfare, excessive and reasonless warfare will be punished.
- Long periods of activity (over a month, or possibly two, depending on the circumstances) will result in nations being broken up and reassigned, their land and citizens taken from them.
- Widespread use of weapons of mass destruction is strictly forbidden.
And, lastly, it's freeform! If you want to negotiate treaties, ruin the land excessively through mining, try and get everyone to set up some sort of provisional world government, build massive farms, or perhaps start some sort of government-endorsed freaky cult, feel free! This is meant to accentuate the smaller things in FT, so we, too, can have fun with stuff that is so often superceded by the wars and bombardments that dominate this tech level.
These rules are subject to change, if it is so required.
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Notes about the world of First Landing:
First Landing is an Earthlike world. Essentially the same atmospheric makeup, burgeoning plantlife (animal life has not yet evolved), 0.85 G in terms of gravity, and mild tectonic activity. Although possessing somewhat more landmass, First Landing's atmosphere is a touch more humid.
Although the planet of First Landing is divided into nations, (colonists generally hailing from all over), there are many indigenious lifeforms, mostly edible, and few poisonous. No deadly bacteria or virii exist yet on First Landing, although, no doubt the colonists will spread their diseases to one another.
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Faction Creation
Here, you'll be creating a faction to join First Landing. It's fairly simple. I've prepared a template to use in the creation of your nation.
Nation Name: Your nation's name. Look up to the top-left of your post.
Faction Name: What is the name of this new faction coming to First Landing to live? Do they have a name? Are they unified, or a band of refugees, or a group of bickering political exiles?
History: A snippet of backstory, telling us why you chose to come to First Landing.
Colonial Population: A maximum of ten million. You can land with however many you want, between 1, and 10 million.
Race(s): The names of the races who are coming to colonise the planet.
Race Description(s): The descriptions for your various races. This includes the length of their reproductive cycle (and the average amount of children), their natural abilities, intelligence, etc. If you're not a race of normal humans, you'll need to fill this out.
Technological Knowledge: Beyond splitting the atom, and propulsion engines, beyond hydroponics and other such things, what kind of unique technology will you be bringing to First Landing?
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For your convinience, my nation's information will be here, so you can figure out exactly what you have to do.
Nation Name: Hyperspatial Travel
Faction Name: The Iron League
History: The New Realm has a history of removing genetic defects from its ranks, in order to preserve genetic superiority. Approximately ten million people were selected for relocation, possessing slightly slower reproductive cycles, no potential for metapsychic ability, and often rebellious thought. They were originally going to be killed outright, however, they banded together, and obtained a massive colony ship, using it to land on First Landing.
Colonial Population: 9.8 million
Race: New Realm humans
Race Description: New Realm humans are completely different from Sol humans, and, although genetically compatible, they possess several different traits. Firstly, New Realm humans are significantly shorter and lighter than normal humans, (weighing in at around 55 kilograms on average, and with a height of around 5'2-5'4). Secondly, New Realm humans have an average lifespan of twenty years, and grow to sexual maturity within five. They can reproduce every two months.
They metabolise much more quickly than normal humans, and fight disease somewhat more easily, but require more food, despite their size. They are fragile, and generally physically weak. Due to their short lifespans, New Realm humans are unable to dedicate enough time to scientific pursuits, and thus New Realm science stagnates. Their sole claim to power is their quick reproduction.
Technological Knowledge: Surprisingly little. Due to their short lifespans, dissidents do not often obtain much scientific knowledge. They possess the knowledge to cause nuclear fission and fusion, as well as advanced farming and mining techniques, but their knowledge on weaponry is minimal.
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Nations on First Landing:
Hyperspatial Travel
British Londinium
Nor nuin Giliath
Amazonian Beasts
Liberated New Ireland
26-11-2006, 14:55
Tag. Very interested
British Londinium
26-11-2006, 16:34
Nation Name: British Londinium
Faction Name: The British Londinium Space Colonisation Programme
History: The government of BL, after its recent string of wars, realises that there is a high possibility for BL to be overrun. The colonists have been sent so that the culture of British Londinium does not die.
Colonial Population: 10 million
Race(s): Standard humans
Race Description(s): N/A
Technological Knowledge: Digital camoflauge (the ability to remain hidden from enemies), uranium mining, projectile weaponry, combustion
Claim: The small island to the east
Nova Boozia
26-11-2006, 18:12
I feel whacky today, so I thought I'd bring some Schlock Mercenary goodness onto the scene.
Nation Name: Nova Boozia/The Friesland Colony. I'll try and RP as NB, but if you see TFC posting, that's still me.
Faction Name: Union of Independant Gavs
History: Nuclear physiscist "Gav" was born in the late 20th century and although he was an esteemed scientist in government employ, he made his real killing in the entertainment industry. As he reached middle age, he became conscious of his own mortality and tried the old cryogenic immortality trick. Due to the Content Crash of the late 21st century, his estate was massively deplated and he spent the next millenium being shuffled from one gollege science lab to another before one 31st century teaching assistant decided to thaw him because "It said "Ancient Biologicals", sounded nifty".
During his involvement in the Buuthandi assault, he saved himself from rapidly incoming UNS bullets by diving through a cloning gate... with 950,000,000 output gates. The next galactic census showed that "Caucasian, blue-haired, middle-aged nuclear physiscists" were the largest human ethnic group, outnumbering some small species.
Now, 6 million of him have had enough of clone jokes and internal finance disputes and have decided to strike out on their own...
Colonial Population: 6.3 Million
Races: Mostly Gav. Around 0.8 million of him brought their girlfriends(so it will take perhaps five generations for reproduction to reach statistical norms), and they have hired the 5000-strong, chiefly Daehren mercenary regiment "Pranger's Bangers", who are fleeing several large galatic powers and a few thousand top-of-the-market bounty hunters. Unfortunately, their weapons and ship were confiscated as they fled UNS space.
Race Descriptions: Gav and his girlfriends, wives, and cultural eqivelants are normal humans. Daehrens are fully amphibious, with mottled brown skin, a humanoid body and a square head which which narrows at the top before flaring into the potrusian that holds the nose and eyestalks. Their ears are pointed. Daehren reproduce like frogs, with external fertalisation. Due to the humungous size of the litters, regulated naturally by predation, Daehrens have no moral objection to performing euphanasia on all but the best eggs, reducing a litter of thousands to perhaps twenty or thirty and keeping "natural" selection in progress. It should be noted that most of the Bangers are male, and that Colonel Drake Pranger has no interest in excessive numbers of dependants inerfering with his unit.
Technological Knowledge: Anhilation "Annie" plants taht make their own fuel, powerful gravitics (of course, they don't start with these), the ability to cut off an intact head from a corpse, stuff it in a nanobot-regulated bag, and grow it a new body.
Claim: The small area connected to the large horseshoe continent by a land bridge.
Nor nuin Giliath
26-11-2006, 21:16
Nation Name: Nor nuin Giliath
Faction Name: The Exiles
History: With the seizure of the nation after a bloody coup, Field Marshall Alexander Baker established himself as the dictator, disposed the monarchs and introduced martial laws. The politicians, soldiers and civilians who opposed the dictator were seized, they were to be executed on the following day.
Just two hours before the planned executions, the prisoners managed to break the prison. Some made it to the spaceship, most were soldiers, the rest were killed on spot. The spaceship crashed upon the landing on the Antartic continent. Only 1 million made it to the coast where they built rafts with whatever remained of the spaceship and set sail for a southern continent.
Colonial Population: 1 million
Race(s): Human
Race Description(s): N/A
Technological Knowledge: Revive a recently deceased, Able to adapt to most climate
Claim: Southeastern part of the southwesternmost continent/island.
26-11-2006, 22:52
Nation Name: The Enlightened Empire of Crownguard
Faction Name: The Transcendent Collective (Trancers)
History: The Order is the remnant of a colonization program under Security Orders conducted by the Crownguardian Fleet. In the never-ending search for Home-1 (a quintessential Gaia/Eden/Paradise), periodic 'wings' of ships are detached to conduct system scans and colonize suitable worlds. Seeing terraforming as a possibility for future colonization, these 'archives' of sorts represent a place where the culture and the memory core of the Fleet can remain. Should some catastrophe befall The Fleet, the Crownguardian people could live on. Only the best of the best are selected for assignment to Project Phoenix, guaranteeing the best chance the ideals of the People can carry on.
Traveling inexorably towards the mythical destination, those in Project Phoenix can only hope The Fleet will return one day, carrying them off to the promised Home-1. Once The Fleet and Project Phoenix remnants (along with their exposure to new concepts) combine on the 'perfect' world, it is believed Singularity and true transcendence will result. Until that day, they will be ready.
Colonial Population: 5.4 Million
Race(s): Post-human
Race Description(s): A very curious offshoot of the human species, overall. The Crownguardian people have afforded themselves both technological progress coupled with archaic ideals. In the endless pursuit of 'perfection', Trancers seek to improve their bodies with radical biological alteration. This has allowed the Trancers to have a vast disparity of physical characteristics. The limits on this are enforced rigorously by Genetic Protocol and heavy indoctrination: all Trancers are imbued with 'necessary' genetic material seed and biomechanics to function as a society, with certain principles. These principles interestingly enough constitute a sort of 'chivalric code'. All Trancers subscribe to this code, subtly indoctrinated from the beginning to give of the self for the Greater Good, yet that each individual seek to be 'closer to the divine' by contemplation, focus, and willpower. Meshing biomechanical innovation with high-minded ideals, Trancers feel it is an obligation to protect those 'weaker' and less 'endowed' themselves, offering easy integration into Trancer society. Many see the obvious benefits of this, with a strict meritocracy based on idealism and 'intuition' leading to advancement. They believe a Divine principle created the universe and that contemplation and forced evolution can bring them to understand the mind of the Creator, in time.
The average Trancer is genuinely 'good' in moral character, yet very naive. Most are pleased to belong to a 'superior' society, and are quick to offer the advantages to others who integrate. Their looks vary wildly, though the lack of general interest in procreation (along with integration of more 'necessary' genetic material) has ensured reproduction is quite slow. The exacting process to bring a Trancer child to gestation can be several *years*. Understandably, Trancers have a heavy interest in 'converting' others to the collective, as the creation of a child is excruciatingly slow compared to modification of 'stock' humanity'. Their enhanced biological processes have given them a lifespan several orders above that of humans; cryogenic suspension is the preferred method of 'passing on' until the individual can be reconstituted into a better, more durable form. Death itself is a terrifying prospect to a Trancer, and most periodically 'bind' themselves to the Memory Core in order to ensure that their unique identity might be saved and used for the Greater Good's knowledge. Their hope is one day their comrades will bring them back from non-existence. Needless to say, the Memory Core is the safest location possible in the Trancer Collective.
Technological Knowledge: Bio-mechanical integration. All Trancers know almost intuitively how to adapt and modify their environment for survival. In addition, a biological fungi is grown and cultivated to serve as high-energy 'food' for most trancers, along with hydroponics to serve aquatic needs. If it is an area most Trancers lack, it is in combative abilities. Only a small segment of the population volunteers to be the 'Knights Ascendent', taking the Oath to protect all others above and beyond themselves. It is these Knights who endure the harshest genetic modification to create super-soldiers. They are viewed with a mixture of deep respect as well as anxiety; a reminder of the harsh reality around them. These Knights are Titans among most mortals, but their numbers are few.
Trancers otherwise are faster than average at developing technology, yet often lack the sheer manpower to create large-scale projects. Thus, those still in the process of becoming Trancers as well as mechanical aid are useful if the Collective is to expand at a pace comparable to others. Commerce in itself is another area of complete bafflement. In a society where the necessities are provided, 'trading' for profit is a foreign concept. Their flair for art, music, philosophy, and literature is phenomenal, and those who can 'inspire' others have a respect only secondary to the Knights themselves. Their desire for furthur intellectual knowledge is insatiable. Development of infrastructure and construction methods is first priority.
Land Claim: The very small island to the North, flanked by the two 'wings' of the larger island. In addition, the eastern 'wing' of that small continent is being developed.
Nation Name: Tidan
Faction Name: Dumno Arlen Authority
History: Having rescued the celts from the doomed world of Alba. They were taken to Kharik where they were absorbed into their new homes. Kharik became very crowded with the introduction of an entirely new people, and soon it was realized there was just not enough room for eveyone on the one small world. To that end the Admiralty approved the creation of a series of colonization expeditions to be sent from Kharik to ease pressure on Kharik and expand Tidan's reach and growth. The project was called Dumno Arlen, or World Pledge, and consisted mostly of Celtic clans and a small Tidani administrative leadership. They were provided with colony ships and sent out to various desirable worlds.
Colonial Population: 6.2 million
Races: Tidani (.5 million), Human (5.7 million)
Race Descriptions: Tidani: Avian humanoids. (NSwiki link in sig for details) Tidani have one chick which will age to maturity in ten years. They can reproduce every two years. Their life span is about twice as long as the standard human. They are the leadership of Tidan, exercising authority over and nurturing the humans.
Humans: Earthling humans. Ancient Celtic, taken from earth during its iron age. They were discovered abandoned by the Tidani on a nearby planet and absorbed into Tidan. Although not overly hostile, the Celts are very militaristic and much of their culture focuses on war.
Technological Knowledge: Tidani are skilled at construction especially in mountainous terrain. Being able to build large cities in rough terrain also allows closer access to resources and improve on their mining techniques.
The Celtic Fine Farms are a network of communal family farms that can grow very large. Agricultural advice from the druids and advanced technology from the Tidani have helped them become very efficient.
Although they have brought no weapons with them, the DAA does have access to military databases along with their civilian ones. Once factories and industry are up and running they will be able to build much of the military hardware used by the military ground forces should they choose.
LZ: somewhere inland on the north part of the main continent.
Amazonian Beasts
27-11-2006, 00:20
Nation Name: The Imperial Dominion of Amazonian Beasts
Faction Name: Allied Foundation to Restore the Federation (Short: Federated Alliance, FA)
History: As the Dominion formed to take control of all things Amazonian, two factions of the old Federation broke off from its ruins. One, now the settlement on Kypra, were the peaceful, pacifist Federation refugees who believed the Dominion would fall on its own in time. They believed it would eventually collapse due to the autocracy's control. However, another group, dubbing themselves the FA, believed action was neccessary. They left the Shroud entirely, 24.2 million strong.
Setting up a preemptive base, Pinnacle Command, on Quapra V, another group of 5.8 million went out to establish a secondary base, when they found First Landing, what seemed a good opportunity.
Colonial Population: 5.8 million
Race(s): Human
Race Description(s): N/N
Technological Knowledge: Biological/Anatomical, and Genetic manipulation. The FA group carried the Federation and Dominion's knack for mixing genes and life to create assisting bodies, weapons, and other helpful tools and such. This group now on First Landing is no exception, able to wield the tool of genetics and biological enhancements with authority. They will use this mostly to form foundations to create sustenance and improve daily life in setting up the colony, and if need be, defend themselves with this tool.
Claim: The Northwest-most "Upside-down U" shaped island
Gaian Ascendancy
27-11-2006, 03:40
((OC- Tag for diplomatic Gaian interest after the DE War relatively calms down. Won't meddle too much more than looking for trading partners. =^^=
Like the idea though, good form. ))
Nation Name: The People's Republic of Hakeka
Faction Name: Dawn
History: Dawn was formed by a group of Hakekans who sought to better mankind through blending man with machine. Thus, almost all Dawn humans have been augmented in one way or another; at least half have had their brains overhauled through the use of nanotech-based implants, which they use for various purposes.
Eventually, they expressed a desire to start anew, and left the planet. Using salvaged Altotan military parts, they strung together two rickety starships, which they used to ferry several million settlers to First Landing.
Colonial Population: 7.2 million
Race(s): Humans
Race Description(s): The humans of Dawn might be considered "post-human"; their bodies are filled with nanomachines, and their average life expectancies are thought to range from 300-400 years. Through use of their implants, they can join each other in a sort of "hive mind", or even a group mind in certain cases.
Technological Knowledge: The Dawn waste little, and that applies to land usage as well as energy efficiency. Besides building cities above ground, they have advanced knowledge of constructing catacombs and tunnels. In fact, a great deal of farming is done underground to minimize the impact of their presence on the local environment.
Much of Dawn technology is powered by zero-point powerplants that provide steady streams of energy extracted from the vacuum of space. They also are well-trained in handling and using antimatter.
The most prominent field in which they have great knowledge of, however, is nanotech. Through the integration of the human with the machine mind, they hope to begin a new era of human evolution - the "Dawn" of a new mankind, from which the group's name is derived.
Hyperspatial Travel
27-11-2006, 06:37
Mmkay, apparently I didn't make myself entirely clear. You choose where you land. Every other action after that must be RPed. Thus, any land claims, in turn, must be RPed. Keep in mind that you can decide the terrain around your starting area (it's far easier than terraining the entire thing), and the climate, again, is like Earth's. Colder up north and down south, and nice and warm at the equator.
If you want to mark where you'd be on the map (and upload that), that's fine. Otherwise, I'll just be giving you a nice dot, coupled with your name, and appended with the words 'landing zone'. Every week hereafter, though, I'll update the map with what people have claimed for their lonesomes.
Keep in mind that the planet is Earthlike, and almost the same size. Thus, the continent in the middle would be around the size of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, (with more to spare), and the continents to the west would probably rival the Americas in size.
The boards will be up momentarily, however, so we can all begin RPing there ASAP. I'll edit the URL in to the first post as soon as I'm done tinkering with them.
Hyperspatial Travel
27-11-2006, 07:18
British Londinium, you're fine. You've got the go-ahead to go onto the forums, and start a'playin. Post your stats up in the factbook forum, and I'll upgrade your membership to the status where you can post in everything.
Nova Boozia, despite my love of Schlock, could we use our own characters for this? The rule 'use stuff from your nation or neutral stuff' also applies to stuff that's not your own. If you want to use certain technologies, fine. Certain characters, no.
Nor nuin Giliath, what does 'revive a recently deceased' mean? Is this the ability to use nanites to revive people with ease? Is it psychic power? Or is it some regenerative gene possessed by your people?
Crownguard, you're fine. You understand that your reproduction is going to be slow as all hell (especially considering you'll need to set up an industrial base to support all the fancy infrastructure you need to modify a large amount of people), and, since you're good with your weaknesses and strengths, welcome aboard!
Tidan, there's nothing wrong with your nation. Sign up, and we'll get a'started on that RPing thar.
Amazonian Beasts, genetic manipulation is one of those things that doesn't ensure you a ready-made industrial base (which is one thing I'm protesting against), and so you're fine.
Hakeka, remember that all of this integration will mean you'll be REALLY slow in reproduction. Really, really slow. And the technological know-how to have zero-point modules is fine. But you won't be bringing them down to the surface with you to power a new, high-tech city straight off the bat.
Nor nuin Giliath
27-11-2006, 07:59
Nor nuin Giliath, what does 'revive a recently deceased' mean? Is this the ability to use nanites to revive people with ease? Is it psychic power? Or is it some regenerative gene possessed by your people?
Its the ability to use nanites to revive people, yes.
Hyperspatial Travel
27-11-2006, 08:40
Again, keep in mind, so long as these things require infrastructure to produce (and probably some sort of power to run), they're absolutely fine. Glad to have you on planetsurface.
Hakeka, remember that all of this integration will mean you'll be REALLY slow in reproduction. Really, really slow. And the technological know-how to have zero-point modules is fine. But you won't be bringing them down to the surface with you to power a new, high-tech city straight off the bat.
True. That's why a majority of the Dawn are homosexual. :)
As for the rest, I can live with that.
Also, sorry I forgot to stake my claim. I'd like the area around the "gulf" in the center continent (horseshoe).
Hyperspatial Travel
27-11-2006, 09:27
Read it. Ain't no claims. Only landing zones. Anything other claims from there on in are IC. Thus, you claim land by RPing your taking of that land. I'll give you a landing zone near the gulf, though. I'll post the image of that section of the map on the forums.
27-11-2006, 11:00
Impact Site
Nation Name: Hakurabi
Faction Name: The Free Lands of Maisha
History: Maisha is the swahili word for Life, and a fitting name for the planet which proved to be their salvation. The colony ship carrying the two million-odd passengers was struck by a radiation storm while passing through the system, destroying many essential systems and wiping a considerable portion of the databases. Detecting a planet suitable for carrying life, an emergency landing was agreed upon, the ship plunging to the ground, completely destroying most of its remaining systems, while fortunately holding up enough to shield the colonists. The landing was in a temperate area, and while not quite optimal, sufficed for the immediate need of descending before life support systems gave out.
Colonial Population: Two million, give or take.
Race(s): Human
Technological Knowledge: The Maishans are reasonably advanced, despite the destruction of much of their databases, possessing a considerable amount of engineers and experts with the skills and knowledge to reconstruct what was lost. Their defining and most jealously guarded technology is that of the force field - nearly impenetrable screens of contained energy, and while they have precious little of the power generation needed to fuel them, they still possess many specimens of the technology in the form of small utensils and tools.
Nova Boozia
27-11-2006, 18:10
Nova Boozia, despite my love of Schlock, could we use our own characters for this? The rule 'use stuff from your nation or neutral stuff' also applies to stuff that's not your own. If you want to use certain technologies, fine. Certain characters, no.
I had assumed that this meant Nova Boozians or not affiliated with any NS government, even one I dreamed up for the express purpose of this RP. And can I have a definition of "neutral"? Gav isn't on anyone's side even within the Schlockiverse, and I don't know of anyone who RPs it. If it's a matter of copyright, well, a SW tech nation could use affiliated colonists and be breaching it just the same amount.
As for my landing, the middle of my former claim.
I think a lot of us were meaning LZ when we said claim. At least I was. Though now that I think about it you really dont need to claim a landing zone but I wasnt thinking about that at the time.
Amazonian Beasts
28-11-2006, 03:56
My bad on the claim/LZ.
Stick my LZ just below the middle-located highest tip of the Northwestern-most Upside-down "U" island.
The Genetic Manipulation, for clarification, isn't industrial, as it has no way to churn out industrial products. It can benefit certainly in the agricultural base, such as producing a virus to counter a bacterium, or to grow a resistant strain of vegetable, or things like that. Industry and Infrastructure will have to come with time, labor, and resource gathering of minerals, etc., for my FA colonists.
Liberated New Ireland
28-11-2006, 04:36
Nation Name: LNI. What kinda question is that?
Faction Name: Irish Colonial Expedition. They are a mostly unified band of refugees, may suffer from factionalism later.
History: "Years (or is it decades now? It's getting hard to keep track) ago, our planet, our homeland, was destroyed by a Warp rift. We had forwarning. Some of us managed to survive in Hive Ships. But, even then, a people consisting of trillions was reduced to a little over a billion in less than a month. Ever since then, we've been searching for a home. Maybe that home is here..."
~James O'Brien, Irish Citizen, Noted Optimist
"We didn't come here on purpose, yanno. Nah, our Hive Fleet had been suffering from attrition for years, and so had our population. We'd lost more than half the people on our Hive Ship, the Homeland. When we got separated from out Fleet, that is, the 4th Fleet, we had around ten million people left on the damn thing. We picked up those big cat things, the Kilrathi, on our last jump, and then the engines just collapsed on themselves when we jumped into orbit over this planet. It was a pretty fiery crash landing, I know a lot of people died..."
~Mikey Porkis, former pilot
"Our home vessel, the Thras'nikra, had been devastated in a battle with a subspecies of Terrans. We were stranded in space, waiting an honorless death, when the Irish warped near us. They quickly rescued us, and we have become the protectors and warriors of these civilians to pay off out debt."
~Tar'Skitul, Kilrathi Warrior
Colonial Population: 8.7 million Terrans, 100,000 Kilrathi
Race(s): Terrans, Kilrathi
Race Description(s):
First race is Terran. They gestate for nine months, usually giving birth to one or maybe two children at a time. They give live birth. Under peaceful, prosperous situations, a female will usually give birth to one to three children. In stressful situations like the one of the colonists, the number of births will be higher, more in the 5-6 range for the average mother. Adulthood is reached between the ages of 13 and 16. They are smart, adaptive, and have no true natural weapons. However, a small portion of the population (%0.01) have either latent or developed Psyker abilities.
The Kilrathi are a race of bipedal felinoids. They have a gestation period of 4 months, and will give live birth to 2-3 cubs per litter. A mother will most likely give birth to a litter annually. Adulthood is reached within 6-8 years, and the average Kilrathi has a lifespan of 50 years. Kilrathi have immense strength, weigh around 700 lbs, have a sharp wit, and a good grasp of tactics and strategy. While they have many advantages, they have two glaring disadvantages: they are ill-suited to peace, and they require a large amount of food.
Technological Knowledge:
1)Advanced Information and Detection Systems, formed by a melding of computer technology and Psyker biology.
2)Space Management, the Irish have, from years on cramped Hive Ships, learned how to make the most out of limited space, allowing them to cram hydroponics labs, power plants, sensor masts, manufacturing plants, living quarters, and defense posts into a proverbial breadbox.
Hyperspatial Travel
28-11-2006, 07:10
Yes, but Nova Boozia, Gav is a character. S'like using Darth Vader, or Picard. It wouldn't bother me so much if it was Schlockverse people, but Schlockverse characters are an entirely different matter altogther. It's not a matter of copyright. It's a matter of.. well, I have a massive preference for original characters, and it's not often I'll RP with non-original ones.
Oh, and welcome abyoo-oord, LNI.
Hyperspatial Travel
28-11-2006, 07:35
I think a lot of us were meaning LZ when we said claim. At least I was. Though now that I think about it you really dont need to claim a landing zone but I wasnt thinking about that at the time.
It's more a formality, to get you into the planet. Plus, it gives other people a fair idea of where you are to start off with, so people don't land too close to one another.
28-11-2006, 09:08
Say, what about mine?
28-11-2006, 09:33
Nation Name: horsementribes
Faction: the journeying entourage of the shaman of horsementribes
History: a race of extraterrestrial humanoid beings known as the 'xeno' crash-landed on earth 40,000 bce, inter-bred with neanderthal humans, had a reclusive, secret nation known only as the horsementribes until 2006 ce, whereupon they attempted to conquer earth. Meanwhile, a small entourage of shamans of horsemantribes have been trying to make their way to the imperial library in the andromeda galaxy. They have so far been unsuccessful in booking passage from this backwater milky way galaxy. They are currently at first landing.
Colonial Population: 253
Race: xeno / neanderthal hybrid
Technological Knowledge: Despite having forgotten all the technology of the ancient xeno, they have spent the past 3500 years studying the remnants of the spacecraft that had brought them to earth, and have since resurected some understanding of the ancient technology. But they have also retained - and held as equally as important - their own neanderthal instincts and mystical wisdom. They are thus hunter-gatherer tribes with pre-historic mystical connection to the natural world, as well as bearers of technology from a distant future. The functions of the remanants of the ancient technology go far beyond their concious comprehension will allow, and as such, they can not reproduce the ancient technology and can only use the artifacts they have been able to preserve from the ancient xeno crash-site.
The shaman's mystical wisdom and technology is limmited to controling the natural environment around them: the elements, animals, vegetation, life force; etc.
Hyperspatial Travel
28-11-2006, 09:42
Say, what about mine?
Oh, I shouldn't even need to say it. You get a big shiny red rubber stamp of approval.
Horsemantribes, what kind of 'powers' do your shamans have? Does lifeforce manipulation extend to killing people, raising volcanoes, etc, or is it significantly more limited?
28-11-2006, 11:24
I haven't decided yet, any suggestions?
Communistic Govts
28-11-2006, 11:36
Nation: Imperial Union of Communistic Governments
Faction: IUCG Colony of Ryurikgrad
History: The ever increasing population of the homeworld of the Imperial Union, Comerand, posed a great problem to the High Command. They looked for every possible solution and found one colonisation of other worlds. Soon many ships filled with millions (10 million to this colony) left the home space of the IUCG and the securities of its navies to go forth to find a new home free of the overcrowdedness of their origin. A place of open space and fresh air. A place they and future generations would call home.
Population: 10 million humans
Race: Human
Race Description: Very incorruptible due to the government's 100% tax rate. All citizens and colonists of the IUCG work for the greater good of the state and the people. Hard workers, will not quit, and very educated.
Technological Knowledge:
(1) Basic Star Wars tech
(2) Ion reactors from outdated Star Destroyers provide adequate power for people of ten million
(3)Accurate mining lasers and other mining equipment.
Hyperspatial Travel
28-11-2006, 11:43
Keep it low-powered. Shamans who can get things to grow, or perhaps use their power as a weak weapon would be acceptable. Or perhaps have it according to some rank system (for instance, the lead shaman has a lot more power than your rank-and-files), which could also work.
Communistic Govts
28-11-2006, 11:50
OOC: So will there be a seperate RP thread for this. Oh yea you know you can turn this idea into a RTS someday lol.
Hyperspatial Travel
28-11-2006, 12:05
There's a honkin' big forum link on the front page. And those forums exist to facilitate RP within this place.
Ugh.. handwavium. My least favorite among all materials.
...produce 500 times more power than Naquadah generators. Enough to power several star systems.
This is what I'm worried about. How much does a Naquadah generator produce? How much power does it required to power a star system? Is this city-planets on every world of the system, the sun itself, etc?
Communistic Govts
28-11-2006, 12:29
Well in stargate naquadah is about 4-5 times powerful then plutonium. So for this case of a power reactor only a yield the size of a marble can power a city of 10 million for a milenium. Will this be acceptable or will this count as godmode cause I am just using this as a power source for normal electrical equipment and probably much later on a planetary grade shield generator for the city.
28-11-2006, 13:30
Nation Name: Chronosia
Faction Name: The Brotherhood of Purity
History: The Imperium thrives upon bodies. Be it recruiting worlds for Guard or Astartes, or the immense number of slaves and servitors needed to man and aid some of the more labyrinthian Chronosian developments, the Imperium needs bodies. Certain colony ships were dispatched to serve as nothing more than staging grounds for such worlds.
The Hope of Hydran was a Chronosian colony vessel dispatched to discover new worlds. Cut off from the Imperium, its Astropaths and navigators dead from the stress of navigating through a raging warp-storm, the vessel has performed an emergency landing upon First Landing.
Colonial Population: 10 million
Race(s): Chronosian Humans
Race Description(s): Chronosian humans diverge from Terran humans who were their ancestral stock. Hardy, adaptable and loyal, the men of First Landing's expedition are pure, utterly pure. Vetted from the normal populace in order to forge pure and untainted breeding stocks, they suffer from little to no mutations. Many settlers are Mechanicus, or serve the Adeptus, thus incurring the "devotions" of the Machine God. Chronosians have a traditional human reproductive period, with most children being born in the parents 20's. Chronosians are typically pale skinned, with dark hair and normally green or blue eyes.
Technological Knowledge: The Mechanicus are limited by what knowledge they have brought. With adequate resources they could forge a Hive City and Manufactoria, but for now the eke out a living based upon the Hope of Hydran, which is largely self-sufficient.
They have an understanding of weaponry and the arts of war, as well as the knowledge needed to tend to the mighty Plasma Reactor heart of the vessel which powers their livelyhood and any subsequent hope of a successful colony.
The Chronosian expedition has landed on the far eastern edge of the eastern most middle-island/continent.
Hrm... What would your opinion on an Invae hive be? They're a bit more powerful than other species, but IIRC, they need to be Invested into sentient hosts to reproduce.
Liberated New Ireland
28-11-2006, 23:02
OOC: So will there be a seperate RP thread for this. Oh yea you know you can turn this idea into a RTS someday lol.
You mean like this (
Hrm... What would your opinion on an Invae hive be? They're a bit more powerful than other species, but IIRC, they need to be Invested into sentient hosts to reproduce.
Invae? Any relation to the Invid?
Nope, nothing like the Invid. These ( are Invae.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 03:01
HP can you give my RP name "IUCG" permission to post in the RP thread of the forums i wish to start my landing now.
29-11-2006, 04:43
The horsementribes shaman will have a rank system, and only the highest one will be able to use his powers as a weapon of mass destruction - for example causing very powerful storms; causing diseases, blights, plagues; changing the orbits of asteroids and small moons.
However, the head shaman does not use his powers without good reason, following a strict code of wisdom and deep respect for life, in some cases valueing his own life as equal in importance to a butterfly's.
The lesser shamans can metamorphosize into animal and plant-life, issue curses (that may or may not work), cause things to grow quickly or cause things to age quickly, cause things to stay young longer, heal people, etc.
Their xeno genes and technology includes a cloaking device in a charm each shaman wears around their neck. This makes them invisible and entirely undetectable at will. They also pocess a language only they can use and understand - it is thoroughly undecipherable; They also have limmited telepathic powers, allowing them to communicate with each other over long distances - 50-1000 light years, and limmited far-seeing ability - an ability to project their mind's eye out of body and observe beyond walls, mountains, around stars. They have a limmited temporal clairvoyance - a subconcious awareness of how the timeline of the universe should be, allowing them to know what the future holds, and predict events. This is because their xeno ancestors were originally from a distant future time period. It is a kind of communal subconcious memory of the universe's timeline. However, as it is a subconcious awareness only, it only manefiests itself when the shaman's lives are in danger. For example, when they are attacked, time slows down around them, allowing them to step out of the way of such danger, or without their full-awareness they would simply avoid a disastre like a tornado simply because their subconcious awareness of the universe's timeline knew the tornado would form. Likewise without their awareness, they could side-step when a boulder is about to fall on them, etc...
Hyperspatial Travel
29-11-2006, 07:01
Well in stargate naquadah is about 4-5 times powerful then plutonium. So for this case of a power reactor only a yield the size of a marble can power a city of 10 million for a milenium. Will this be acceptable or will this count as godmode cause I am just using this as a power source for normal electrical equipment and probably much later on a planetary grade shield generator for the city.
Yes, but plutonium is the product of uranium. Waste product. '4-5 times more powerful' means nothing. Is it 4-5 times the size. 4-5 times more fissile?
And if this other material of yours is arbitarily 500 times more powerful than that.. wouldn't that mean you'd be two thousand times as 'powerful' as plutonium? Until you put it into terms that make logical sense, I won't be able to decipher what precisely it does.
HorsemenTribes, I'm apprehensively approving yours. It's one of those things, that, if done well, will be good, but, if done poorly, has the potential to screw up an RP.
Chronosia.. I'm sorry. You can't join.... Just kidding!
Bahahahahaha... Seriously, though. There's nothing like humanity purists. They're like the spice of life. The human-only spice. Approved, buddy. Approved.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 07:46
2000 times 500 thousand tons of TNT. But thats if I put the material into a fusion-fission-fusion reaction like the biggest nuke created by man the Soviet Tsar Bomb. For energy uses my engineers and physicists put the material though a fusion process, which would produce an astronomical amount of energy lasting almost indefinitely with a yeild of the size of one of those playing marbles.The fusion reactor would be similar to the one in Spiderman 2 except its stable.
Hyperspatial Travel
29-11-2006, 07:52
..tell me. What do you understand of electron shells? Or.... yeah. I'm just going to let it slide, and assume it's about as powerful as your average antimatter reactor. Easier that way.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 08:24
According to Wikipedia one gram of antimatter is equivalent to 43 kilotons of TNT
1 gram of Siberium would be equivalent to 1 million Kilotons of TNT if put through a fusion reaction. If not put thruogh this its just 1 gram of metal
1 kiloton of TNT produces 4.183x10^12 joules or 4.183 terajoules so that would make it about 4.183 million terajoules
Hyperspatial Travel
29-11-2006, 08:55
So where is all this energy coming from, hm?
According to Wikipedia one gram of antimatter is equivalent to 43 kilotons of TNT
1 gram of Siberium would be equivalent to 1 million Kilotons of TNT if put through a fusion reaction. If not put thruogh this its just 1 gram of metal
1 kiloton of TNT produces 4.183x10^12 joules or 4.183 terajoules so that would make it about 4.183 million terajoules
You do realise that that's completely impossible, yes?
Anyway, HT, about those Invae...
Hyperspatial Travel
29-11-2006, 09:16
MSN talk: agreed. You can have 'em. Just detail your colony, and what tech and the like they'll have.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 09:37
Its just a fictional element so it doesnt need to be possible in the real world. I was just pointing out a comparison to antimatter reaction
But w.e ill just start on my landing
Good to be here thank you for your approval
Its just fiction does everything have to be realistic.....
Yes, yes it does. There's just some things you don't do. Like, say, violating E=MC^2, or other fundamental laws of physics. And technobabble. Technobabble is bad as well. Remember kiddies, talking out of your ass is NOT an attractive quality.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 10:00
If you want it that way then I would be a PMT nation with cold sleep colony ships sent out to distant colonies that would take 3 to 5 generations to get to since hyperspace technology would be a complete violation of the laws of physics concerning that anything that travels even close to the speed of light without any dampeners that would compensate for the inertial pull would be utterly crushed paper thin. Yes I know what i have wrote down was completely impossible in the normal world but it can be fictionaly ok?
Without technobabble then science fiction would never even exist
If you want it that way then I would be a PMT nation with cold sleep colony ships sent out to distant colonies that would take 3 to 5 generations to get to since hyperspace technology would be a complete violation of the laws of physics concerning that anything that travels even close to the speed of light without any dampeners that would compensate for the inertial pull would be utterly crushed paper thin. Yes I know what i have wrote down was completely impossible in the normal world but it can be fictionaly ok?
Actually, it's the acceleration that crushes things. Moving at close to C is quite possible, merely taking a good deal of acceleration to get there. And moving FTL isn't impossible either, just rather difficult, especially if extradimensional means aren't used (which they rarely, if ever, aren't, barring something like a Heihm drive).
And really, while some suspension of disbelief is needed, breaking something as simple as E=MC^2 is going too far. Without that, you can basically ignore the rest of reality as you please.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 10:14
thats why its fiction it does not have to be real
Hyperspatial Travel
29-11-2006, 10:15
The point is that hyperspace doesn't pretend to fit inside physics. It flagrantly violates it for one reason - it's a vital plot device to FT. And the first part is probably more important. Perhaps one day there'll be a way to violate casuality and sequence. Maybe we will be able to (effectively) travel faster than light.
We honestly know so little, and thus, hyperspace, although not real, in any way, shape, or form, seems more plausible than fusion that outweighs matter-annihilation in terms of power generation. and besides, it defines FT. Without FTL travel, FT would be impossible. Thus, it's tolerated. Your handwavium has no such impact on the face of FT, other than to give you an insanely massive advantage.
And your handwavium says 'well, screw you, E=MC2. We're not even going to pretend to obey you. And screw conservation of energy, as well! What the fuck did it ever do for us?!"
concerning that anything that travels even close to the speed of light without any dampeners that would compensate for the inertial pull would be utterly crushed paper thin.
So long as you accelerated at a slow enough speed, you'd be fine. Being really really fast never hurt anyone. Otherwise, the Earth would be a smashed mass of.. smush.
Without technobabble then science fiction would never even exist
Let me call your attention to the first word out of 'science fiction'. Yes, it's fiction. But it's science fiction. So saying 'well, it's fiction, so I'll screw science over as much as I like', doesn't cut it.
If you want space opera, call it that.
Nation Name: TirTairngire
Faction Name: The Church of Guiding Light
History: The Church of Guiding Light is an interstellar religion, based out of the nation of Tir Tairngire. The Church preaches unity, acceptance and charity, requiring little but good faith from it's members. With these virtues in mind, the Church has acted as a force for good across the galaxy, attracting followers and peacefully righting wrongs. Indeed, the Church is notoriously pacifistic, seeking to solve all conflicts without violence.
Of course, the Church of Guiding Light is a front. Like the Universal Brotherhood and Church of Unification before it, the Guiding Light is a breeding front for a Hive of Wasp Invae. It exists to swell the numbers of the Invae by converting and then Investing sentients with new Invae from their bizarre home dimension. Little is known of their dimension, but the Invae have described it as "crowded." It is no small wonder that they wish to emmigrate to this reality.
The Church arrived on this world to ostensibly help ease the pains of the new colonists, both spiritually and physically. Of course, their true goal is to spread their hive across the stars, one planet at a time.
Colonial Population: 50 Queens, 100,000 Trueform Invae, 1,000,000 Fleshform Invae, 8,000,000 Good Merges.
Race: Invae
Race Description: Invae are insect spirits, extradimensional beings Invested into sentient hosts. Four types of Invae exist:
All Invae seen by other nations are Good Merges, identical to their host species. These Invae have no special powers, beyond those available to their host bodies. They maintain the Hive's cover, attracting new host bodies for their Queens to Invest new spirits into.
True Form Invae resemble gargantuan wasps, and are exceptionally powerful spirits that shrug off the weak flesh of their host bodies and emerge as their true selves. The True Form spirits are passed off as beasts of burden by the Church, but are incredibly intelligent and dangerous soldiers of the Queens.
Flesh Form Invae are bizarre hybrids of wasp and humans (or whatever their host happens to be). They are kept in the warrens below the Church's holdings, hidden until they are needed as shock troops by their Queens.
The final type of Invae are the Queens. The Queens can resemble any of the other types, but possess the ability to Invest new insect spirits into host bodies, propogating their species. They are the leaders of the Church of Guiding Light, and the Good Merge Queens are the face of the organisation.
Technological Knowledge: The Church possesses a good deal of powerful technology, including conversion plants gifted to them by the Otagian government, gene-fixed crops and livestock from the Tir, and other various tools from around the galaxy. It uses these to help those it encounters in any way it can.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 10:25
Fine I will just erase it and go with the standard SW ion reactors now will you approve me for the landing cuz i havent been given permission to post yet
29-11-2006, 10:28
ok, now that I am approved, what do I do exactly?
Hyperspatial Travel
29-11-2006, 10:37
CG, you're approved. Please, just try and keep it realistic. There's only one world, and a single overpowered faction could ruin it for everyone.
HT (giggles at someone sharing my acronym), you'd need to register at the forums. From there, there's a set of rules and the like, (timeline information, etc), and a bit of help there, as well as a few starting RPs. The link's in really big letters on the first page.
Communistic Govts
29-11-2006, 10:44
Just one more question will hunting weapons be allowed to be brought or at the very least stun weapons
Hyperspatial Travel
29-11-2006, 10:51
That's probably acceptable to start off with, yes. Anything you could logically scavenge from the wreck of your colony ship.
29-11-2006, 21:30
Hyperspatial T - ok so my FT username is HTShaman - can you please make me a full member so I can start posting in the member forums? Thanks