NationStates Jolt Archive

Swedish Factbook WWII RP

24-11-2006, 19:18
This is the factbook.


Map of WW2 Sweden At:

Important Figures:

King Gustaf V
He was a conservative man that had no approval for Liberalism. In 1938 Roosevelt urged him

to accomplish peace between Germany and the Czechs. He was sympathetic to the Germans in ww1

and socialized with nazi leaders before the outbreak of ww2.

Per Albin Hansson
Prime Minister of Sweden.He had to give in to German demands out of fear of invasion. He

tried to negotiate for the safety of the jews in Germany but obvously failed.


Swedens economy is among the top in Europe. It is based primarliy on manufacturing and

produces large amounts of iron ore in the north. Most of which is exported into central


The Swedish manufacturiong sector can produce 1 Cruiser,3 Subs, 30 Aircraft and 100 armor

each year in its current state.

Swedish Army

TOTAL SIZE Before Conscription: 48 000
TOTAL SIZE After Conscription: 600 000 +Several Thousand Auxilary and Home Guard Troops

Army Distributuion Over Sweden

MILO Div HQ Reg HQ InfBat CavBat ArtDiv *

Sodra - 2 8 1 3
Vestra 2 6 18 2 3
Norra - 1 2 - -
Ovra Norrl. - 1 5 - -
Ostra - 1 2 1 -

* Note: Artilleri Divison is a three battery unit of between 20 and 30 guns

Swedish OOB In 1940 {Its as early as i could get}

I6 stands for 6 Infantry Regiments and A3 for 3 Artillery Regiments. Two Corps HQ
I. Div. (Fordeling) I6, I11, I16, A3
II. Div. I5, I13, I21, A4
III. Div. I9, I15, I17, A2
IV. Div. I3, I8, I10, A5
V. Div I4, I12, I20, A5
One Cavalry Brigade

Corps units. I1, I2, I7, I14

Various special units

Infantry Weapons

6.5mm Mauser m/96 Rifles
6.5mm AG m/42 selfloading rifle (10 round mag.)
Model 1931 verion of the Finnish Suomi SMG
6.5 m/37 Swedish verion of the American Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)
Husqvarna Vapenfabriks AB
m/40 verion of the Finnish 9mm Lahti pistol m/07 Browning pistol

Hand grenades were of German (stick) design

MGs were watercooled 6.5mm m/14 and m/38

8mm version of the m/38 was also in use
m/42 was aircooled

Each Regiment In 1937 Was Equipped With:

3800 men
560 horses
156 wagons
153 light wagons
1 staff car
38 MG's
6 AAMG's
15 Mortars (80mm)
2 AT guns (37mm Bofors)


The Artillery Regiments had three Artilleri Div of three batteries each. Number of Artilleri

Div. is

listed below:

75mm 75mm 75mm 105mm How. 105mm How. 105mm How. 150mm How. 70mm 105mm

How. 105mm How.

Total guns
m/02 m/02-33 m/40 m/10 m/39 m/40 m/06 m/02-10 m/39


and How. Div.

1937 5 5 - 6 - - 4 1 -



Karsartilleri Divisjon was an independent unit. Number of Karsartilleri Div. is listed

105mm 105mm 105mm 150mm 150mm Stormartilleri Total Div.
m/17 m/34 m/39 m/38 m/39 (Assault gun)

1937 1 2 - 1 - - 4

m/02 =3D Model 1902, m/02-33 Model 1902 modified 1933.
*CDK m/41 modified to take a 105mm gun

Piece Calibre Barrel Proj.wt. Muz.vel. max elev. max range weight
cm calibres kg m/s degree km kg

Light guns
8,4 cm kanon m/1881 8,4 24,6 6,72 470 21 6,0 997

7,5 cm kanon m/1902 7,5 27 6,5 500 16 5,5 970

7,5 cm kanon m/1902/33 7,5 27 6,6 496 43 10,0 1400
50 deg. sideways aim.

Light howitzers
10,5 cm haubits m/1910 10,5 14,1 14,6 293 43 5,8 1100

10,5 cm haubits m/1940 10,5 18,4 15,5 449 45 10,5 1760

Heavy guns
12 cm kanon m/1885 11,7 28,5 16,8 475 35 8,6 2485

10,5 cm kanon m/1917 10,5 32,3 18,2 590 45 11,2 2755

10,5 cm kanon m/1939 10,5 39,9 15,5 785 65 17,2 4000

Heavy Howitzers
16 cm haubits m/1885 15,5 10,8 32,2 276 35 5,5 2670

15 cm haubits m/1906 14,91 12,1 41 300 43 6,7 2150

15 cm haubits m/1939 14,91 23 41,5 580 65 14,6 5630

21 cm haubits m/1917 21,0? ? 120 ? ? 10,0 a lot

Swedens Air Defence:

1939 Swedens Air Defence could field 76 75mm AA guns (24 of old design)
154 40mm Bofors AA guns
78 searchlights
There were four mobile AA Batteries, each of 4 40mm Bofors guns and four Autocannon troops

of 2 40mm


Armored Company Strength:

6500 men
105 light tanks:
Stridsvagn m/21-29,#=80,5 ton, max speed 18kmh, 2mgs, crew 4 men
Sridsvagn m/40 #=25,5 ton, max speed 45kmh, 37mm gun and 2 mgs, crew 3 men
76 heavy tanks:
Stidsvagn m/42,#=52,5 ton, max speed 45kmh, 75mm gun 4mgs, crew 4 men
6 75mm AT guns
6 37mm AT guns
12 20mm AA guns
c. 1000 other motor vehicles, trucks

SWEDISH Airforce:

Swedish Airforce TOTAL:257 Aircraft
-3 Fighter Wings
(36 Planes Each)
-2 Light Bomber Wings
(24 Planes Each)
-2 Heavy Bomber Wings
(24 Planes Each)
-1 Army Co-ordination Wing
(36 Planes)
-1 Special Aces Wing
(17 Planes)


1 Aircraft Carrier
8 Battleships
9 Cruisers (1 Under Construction)
12 Frigates
15 Subs (5 Under Construction)

67 Smaller Vessels