Big trouble in Clandonia....
Clandonia Prime
24-11-2006, 17:52
For some months now after the failure to defeat Ackistan and the Nova Europans allied to the Ackistanis the Lancer Administration was under heavy critcism. Under the scrutiniy of the Dominion Lancer had been allowed to continue.
It was not until a rainy friday aftertoon in November when someone decided to take care of things. On a afternoon coming back from Danskeran two Su-30's appeared behind a C-130K carrying Lancer back to the capital, they took ahead combat manvoures and fired a volly of 30 mm rounds into the back forcing the plan to loose control. The C-130K was around 200 miles north of Clanon City where the hydraulics failed forcing the plane to dive steeply. Air traffic control lost contact, the plane has been assumed to have come down.
1630 Clandonian Central Time
Just as air traffic control tried to contact a plummeting aircraft a large bomb had exploded at the surface part of the airport killing 326 people who were working on the Clandonian B-52 fleet. As the planes burned what appeared to be Corporation forces hijacked several planes and took off.
1230 Clandonian Mountain Time
In the Clandonian Corporation controlled Uranium and Nuclear Weapons processing city of Danskeran slaves had been protesting about food and oxygen rations. In response Corporation forces laid siege to their surrounding hovels. Shots had been fired from inside, the slaves had found weapons! The Corporation security forces had returned fire calling in armour, deploying shells they fired rounds in to the areas. Forces were massing to prepare for an assualt and drive them out. The Corporations local head of security had informed the military and city government of the events that were occuring.
1920 Clandonian Eastern Time
At Danskeran the city was winding down for the weekend, then came the roar of several waves of aircraft. At least 20 F-22's had taken off and were proceeding to attack the Corporations airstrip for alledged assination of Lord Governer Lancer who was still missing.
The airstrip was ablaze, Corporation forces launched SU-30's which proceeded to engage the F-22's over the capital. A spectacular sight to the people watching bellow. Wreckage was burning in the snowy fields, the Corporation had shot down Lancers plane and the news was just starting to appear on CNN of the events in Clandonia.
1750 Central Clandonian Time
The crash site of the C-130K was a mess. Seats strewn across the snow as the landing gear designed for snow landings failed sending the aircraft into two pieces. The front contained the crew and passenger area, the pilots were both dead along with the other crewmen. The skid marks in the snow and bits of wreckage stretched back several metres. The flipped over Range Rover lay in the snow, on its side heavily dinted.
The first people to find the wreckage were a group of CPISF convoy on highway patrol who spotted smoke from a hill a few miles away. They proceeded to drive to the spot and found the crash. When one of the team managed to climb up the wrecked front of the plane passing through the cockpit past the dead pilots, he found Lancer slumped in his seat a large piece of metal had flown into his head.
Lord Governer Lancer was dead...
CNN had been taken down before, but this was the first time a force had taken over its satellite control. Conservatives unhappy with the Lancer Regime had undertaken the task to present a report when they had been fired from their positions. The Corporation at the same time was anoyed after Lancer told them to back down over the Corporate Alliance, they had ment to only scare Lancer not kill him.
As the slaves revolted, orders were sent to the security forces to take control of Corporate troops to ensure they did not try and stage a coup. There were a good few hundread thousand, a small threat but with top of the range technology then they could be parralel to the Clandonian forces who would sympathesis to their plight. This was the start of the November Revolution.
OOC: so, let me get this straight. It's the corporation trying to take over the government?
Nova Aquaria
24-11-2006, 18:51
OOC: I think so. This is the maffia, right?
24-11-2006, 19:10
OOC: No i think its could be the corpation and maybe the slaves trying to takev over the goverment..three way civil war anybody?
Clandonia Prime
24-11-2006, 19:16
Gunfire filled the sounds of the Ministry of Defence, the citys defence forces had turned to the Conservatives and they were attempting to capture the Ministry. The fight now took place between the loyalist forces, the Corporation and the Conservatives. So far the conservatives appeared to be winning, talking the Corporation out of attacking Danskeran with its weapons, besides they had bigger problems in Kirkland where the slave rebels were in danger of taking control of the Corporations facility.
Corporation forces moved in, their tactics if used in war would be crimes against humanity. Moving in a squad moved into a house full of women and children, screaming filled the air as the Corporation forces snatched the women away for use in the breeding programes. A child clung on, a Corporation officer took out his pistol and blew the childs brains out. Blood splattered across the wall as the civillians screamed. The house was then destroyed with the 105 mm cannon of a Styker vehicle.
Scenes like this were repeated as the brutal Project XY squads moved in, the elite soldiers saw no difference. Their orders were to kill and supress the demonstrators. By the time they had a finished a good 4000 of the slaves were dead, killed in some of the most graphic ways possible.
Two more groups had decided to throw their keys into the hat, the socialists from the North of the country and the fascist part of Clandonia. Both long time enemies of each other, they had clashed in Verdan with running street battles. The socialists had set fire to various government buildings an attacked the fire crews. The fascists then shot at the socialists, many were in military fatigues and were claiming that the socialists had killed Lancer.
Already mass defections were coming to the conservatives. Some had undertaken measures to destroy the Corporation. An airforce General under the name of Patricks had launched one of his B-1B Lancer bombers to deploy a Paveway MK2 onto the home of the Corporations head of security who was with his family for the weekend in a bid to block the Corporations control of the country. The strike failed to kill Cortezon who had heard of the news and left his family at the peril in their country mansion. When the laser guided missile hit they were having dinner, it was a colateral damage in a conflict that saw no limits.
At Danskeran the fleets of Clandonia had put ashore their Marines to bring law and order to the city after a shoot out at the Corporations offices. At the 16th Air Assault and the bases of the Paras who were jumping out onto the fields around Verdan to defeat the socialists and fascists. Their commander has been replaced in a coup, killed by conservative followers their C.O had always been a close ally of Lancer. Following their jump outs, stiff resistance had been found between fascist forces circumvating in the end with an entire town being destroyed by the calling in of a thermobarical warhead.
24-11-2006, 20:24
Morvonian Central Intelligence and Secruity Agency
Somewhere in the city of Zinias
A emergency meeting was called on the "Clandonian Problem", a situation could distablize the whole area, the room almost all oak, except doe the table which was metal and glass. The large windows showed the beautiful night sky.
Chef of Staff General Koss began the meeting with a large map of the area on small monitors located in front of all 12 member sitting.
And Koss began...
"The boss has asked for our opinion on what should be done, we are still unsure of who is actually in charge of the goverment forces, between 4 to 5 different groups fighting for control of the nation, a real shit storm in my opinion. I would not mind sending support, as i am sure many of you see the gravtiy of the situation, but with no way to contact the goverment...."
Admiral Donas interrupted.
"Forces will be on high alert untill furthur notice, what about special forces, gather on the ground information and contact goverment forces."
"Donas if that is attempted and they are captured..." said Ekos, the Air marshal.
Koss again "...then we will have a situation where we could be used a pawn for one of the factions, if we do use them" he thought for a second "they go in blank. I will only use them if ABSOLUTLY nessasary, i am pretty sure the prime minister shares my opinion, if we get caught up in this, if would be worse than bad. This situation has "Fucked" writen all over it, lets talk more before we jump the gun and commit. First we must contact the goverment forces to begin with, no use helping and commiting an act of war at the same time... lets take a recess, begin again at 05:00 hours. I expect reports on the situation from everyone, as well as ideas on what to do and how your individual departmants are handling the situation, troop commitment and so on."
All the men stood up and saluted. "Dissmissed."
Clandonia Prime
24-11-2006, 21:18
The situation the next day looked rather more stable, supresion of the various warring political factions had been achieved through a mixture of bloodshead and talks. The deal of reserecting the Clandonian Parliament, an institution that was done away with under the Lancer Administration.
The promise of political discussion had pleased many, the political freedoms would be allowed to increase, the death of the oppresive regime may begin. The Corporations forces had now been taken under Clandonian military command, it was only when this was achieved that the real military understand the power the Corporation had investested in its security wing. Taking control of the five divisions of the Project XY soldier was a challenge itself, they eventually accepted military control after the Clandonian airforce confirmed it had downed a private jet attempting to make run to Africa. In the wreckage of the plane, bags of money and weaponry were found. Cortonez was obviously planning to hide out.
The main challenge now, get the message out to the world that the old regime of Clandonia was gone and the General Puriton, a conservative with progresive demoractic policies. He had been an enemy of Lancers for years all the way since the Officer Training, Puriton had been lucky to survive the purges Lancer did on the military and political wings of government. He only survived because of his work associated with the rapid deployment programes.
Blackhelm Confederacy
24-11-2006, 21:31
**Message to Clandonian Corporation**
Heavily Encryptyed
We are willing to assist whatever is left of your Corporations security wing. The force that we had previously sent to your nation to help in case of a Cravan invasion is not far from your shores, and the first strikes can be made within minutes of your confirmation. Choose wisely if you want our assistance or not.
Claudius Griffincrest, CEO, Griffincrest Oil Inc.
24-11-2006, 21:47
The meetings were done and the desition was made to send in a C-130 with a communication array, trying to get or recive any form of communication comming for the country. On board was another suprise a team of paratroopers for the 53rd S.O.R.U. (Special operations and recon unit) just in case. It also carried food and medical supplies.
"Homebase this is green giant approching Clandonia." the pilot said.
"Confirmed green giant, begin message broadcast."
With that the huge communications center lit up trying to get a signal on the ground, to get any news what so ever on the situation. Latest intelligence showed a calming down and the C-130 had a giant Morvonian flag on it, to pervent any mistake in the origance of the giant craft, as well as a morvonian radar signature. They could pick up or send on any wavelenth or frequncy, which is what they were doing.
the message was...
Morvonian assistance to be givin, please confirm 354sdg5yw42 2g342fq3123 2t3yq2324tyuregw 4t24t4t23412 5y45yewr5 46t2tt2462412324524 ewrer543we 43434tw 4t2342t 46454657451w 4q23t 56et3.
Code was used to pervent civilians or non-goverment force from understanding the rest of the code.
24-11-2006, 21:48
**Message to Clandonian Corporation**
Heavily Encryptyed
We are willing to assist whatever is left of your Corporations security wing. The force that we had previously sent to your nation to help in case of a Cravan invasion is not far from your shores, and the first strikes can be made within minutes of your confirmation. Choose wisely if you want our assistance or not.
Claudius Griffincrest, CEO, Griffincrest Oil Inc.
OOC: judgeing from Clans last post, i dont think there communications network is up after all this violance.
As the conflict was going on in Clandonia Prime, a Boeing 747 began to make its way over the country. With Questarian markings on the aircraft, it began to make its way toward the airport it had been registered to fly to.
However, due to its vector coming in, its flight path brought it awfully close to a decently sized city. As it reached the side of the city, it veered toward the city heavily, quickly. As it flew over the city, a hidden bay opened from the bottom, and AK-47's began to fall out, with small parachutes attached to each gun, which already had a loaded magazine.
Whether it finished dropping the weapons down, or got shot at by Clandonian military forces, it didn't matter. The drone set off explosives to avoid getting caught, destroying what possible evidence of chellian manufacture could be found, which wasn't much in the first place.
Alexandrian Ptolemais
24-11-2006, 21:56
There was a great deal of fuss in the Alexandrian Ptolemais Parliament building as members of the Imperial Cabinet were preparing for an emergency meeting in the Cabinet Room. As the members sat down under the glare of paintings depicting the former leaders of the Empire, the Prime Minister called the meeting to order.
Bang, bang, went the gavel as the Prime Minister started the meeting
“I call upon the Minister of Foreign Affairs,” he bellowed in a gruff tone
“Thank you Prime Minister,” said the Rt. Hon William Mason, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. “We received a telephone call from our embassy in Clandonia Prime, and apparently all hell has broken loose. Before the line died, I heard how the power had mysteriously gone out and how factional forces were taking over the cities; at least it appeared to be so from the windows of the embassy. It had something to do with a plane crash which killed their Lord Governor.”
“I seek that we do something about the situation, our business interests in that nation could be at stake; and at the very least, we need to get our embassy staff out of there before they get caught in the cross-fire. Perhaps we could send military aid, Mr. Webb”
The Rt. Hon Patrick Webb arose to speak. He was the largest man in the cabinet and was known as Big Webb; he was also one of the more experienced members of the Imperial Cabinet. “Fellow Ministers, we can send a limited amount of military aid, perhaps a few million troops would suffice; it would certainly restore the country to some sense of order. The question is however fellow members, given that we are talking five factions, can the Empire sustain what could end up getting caught in the cross-fire of a Civil War.”
The Rt. Hon. William Mason yet again arose and it was clear that he was worried. “Fellow Ministers, certainly we must do what is best for our Empire and what is in the interests of other nations. I believe that the time has come to move to have a vote.”
The noise increased, Ministers from the Conservative Alliance were yelling and the Prime Minister had to hammer the gavel several times to restore order. “I call upon all Ministers to cast their vote in order of their rank.” The tension was fierce as the Cabinet Ministers voted, and in the end
“The Ayes are 23, the Noes 7, ladies and gentlemen, we will assist Clandonia Prime, if they request our assistance.”
Clandonia Prime
24-11-2006, 22:59
OOC: Lots of posts while I was eating dinner :=p
Secure Communication to Griffencrest:
The Corporation is failed, we are no longer in a position to fight back, we offer diffection to you. I have 2000 men that are spread around, these are now members of your forces. I am sorry but the government knows to much about our activties, they killed Cortonez leader of security shot down his plane and killed his family. I can promise one day that Claudius that the Clandonian Corporation will be once again be a proud member of the Corporate Alliance.
Yours Sincerly, Daniel Mikonavorv of the Clandonian Corporation
At about 2144 CCT a Morvonian C-130K was detected, four F-22's on patrol went and aproached it after the message was recieved. Their task was to escourt it safely out of Clandonian airspace, there were still hostile assets around the country that could potentially down aircraft. It was the last thing that was wanted for a foreign nations plane to be shot down by some dissident Clandonian troops.
Radar stations were on high alert after the Corporations air attacks, off the coast of Danskeran at around 2347 CET a unidentified aircraft was detected. Fearing attack the local military command launched three F-35's on an interecept course ordered to shoot down the aircraft if it did not respond.
As the aircraft moved into attack formation they releashed a message.
'Attention unidentified aircraft you have encroached into Clandonian airspace, state your situation or we will shoot you down.'
Moving into a lock on position they prepared if need be to launch a volly of missiles and bursts of cannon fire.
Official Clandonian Response
Nations of the world, I am speaking to you as the new leader of Clandonia. Over the past few days there have been several violent situations. Lord Governer Lancer is dead, killed by some of the most evil people our nation has created. Cortonez of the Clandonian Corporation is dead now killed by the brave members of the Clandonian Air Force.
The serious of violent killings have left an estimated 20,000 dead from rioting and civil unrest. I have ordered a state of marshall law and given the powers to be for the armed forces and the Interior Forces to shoot any disident forces.
In light of the new administration I have restored the Clandonian Parliament and speaking to the various political factions come to an agreement on fresh elections to be called. I ask foreign nations to limit their intervention but I also ask the Dominion Commonwealth for I General Puriton to take up the new position of Lord Governer of Clandonia Prime.
That was the end of the message, broadcast around the world on many channels, radio stations and the internets. The situation was looking slightly better...
Raven corps
24-11-2006, 23:13
Official Corporate response:
The Ultra Corporation of Raven Corps
In light of the dismantlement of the Clandonia Corporation, we have made a statment:
My regards to the extended family of the Security General Cortonez, I am sure his lose was premature. As for the Corporations still living executives, you will find a job with us here at Raven corps. Also we would like to congratulate the Clandonia Prime's air force for a successive attack. All in all I hope you nation can be restored.
Colderon Jason Zion CEO of Raven corps
24-11-2006, 23:21
OOC: Lots of posts while I was eating dinner :=p
At about 2144 CCT a Morvonian C-130K was detected, four F-22's on patrol went and aproached it after the message was recieved. Their task was to escourt it safely out of Clandonian airspace, there were still hostile assets around the country that could potentially down aircraft. It was the last thing that was wanted for a foreign nations plane to be shot down by some dissident Clandonian troops.
"This is green giant, contact made with goverment forces, they are escorting us a frendly airfield, request orders over."
"This is homebase, proceed, the SORU commander on board has instructions to contact the leader of the goverment. Good luck green giant"
The flight was filled with many turns, probably to avoid enemy positions, that was the only thing that made sense, looking out the windows, Lieutenant Farkos could see light from fire and artillary through the light clouds. He briefed his team.
"Alright gentilman, this should be easy, i am to be the official liasonfor the morvonia goverment to the new leader, I have been prebrifed on what to say, so it should be simple, we also have orders to aid goverment forces if need be, we will exit the craft when landing. A message has been sent to Clandonian headquarters, and we should have transport and clearance to the new president. Also since it is official, we are no longer on blank, so put on the morvonian arm bands."
They were bands with the flag on them, made of elastic, it was like any other armband. The 12 man team prepared for its desent and meeting with whoever was there waiting for them.
"This is green giant touching down..."
The plane slowed to a halt and the back door opened, the team stped out into the light.
The Aeson
24-11-2006, 23:25
"What do we know about him?"
"Practically nothing. Came up through the Officer's Academy with Lancer. Intelligence indicates some level of animosity between the two. Other than that, well, he was a relatively minor official in a relatively minor nation. We don't have much on him."
"I see. Well, I recommend that we officially ask what, if any, policies he plans to change."
"Yes sir."
"Oh, and then demote yourself to crossing guard."
"Yes, sir."
The Holy Confederacy of New Aeson hereby officially inquires what, if
any, policies of the previous government the new Lord Governor plans to
The Transylvania
24-11-2006, 23:30
With Lancer gone, the Count didn’t have anybody he could boss around in Clandonia. That dumb ass, he at else he is die now. And went out a better way then have a Devil’s Guard swordsman beheaded him in his sleep like the Count was planning on doing.
Before the Count could order anything, he got word from some person called General Puriton that he has taken over the nation. And the man had the balls to be ask for the position as Lord Governor. He would get his message soon as the eight Devil’s Guards would find him, but not before it was time.
One of the sleeper ships near Clandonian waters, opened up its cargo hold and a lone black AS 565 Panther assault-transport helicopters with Dominion marks on both sides was lifted out of the hold. On board was Fang (, one of the five founders of the Tiger Force within in the 1st Blood Wolves, two men in black robes like Fang and the last one was General James Montgomery Falsworth (, a member of the Dominion Armed Forces’ High Command. That last one person was weird to have on a sleeper ship.
The helicopter powered up and entered the air, it moved towards the land below the radar. A message was send directly to the man called General Puriton. “Dominionite forces are on their way towards you. They are under the radar, so have find finding them.”
Clandonia Prime
24-11-2006, 23:35
"This is green giant, contact made with goverment forces, they are escorting us a frendly airfield, request orders over."
"This is homebase, proceed, the SORU commander on board has instructions to contact the leader of the goverment. Good luck green giant"
The flight was filled with many turns, probably to avoid enemy positions, that was the only thing that made sense, looking out the windows, Lieutenant Farkos could see light from fire and artillary through the light clouds. He briefed his team.
"Alright gentilman, this should be easy, i am to be the official liasonfor the morvonia goverment to the new leader, I have been prebrifed on what to say, so it should be simple, we also have orders to aid goverment forces if need be, we will exit the craft when landing. A message has been sent to Clandonian headquarters, and we should have transport and clearance to the new president. Also since it is official, we are no longer on blank, so put on the morvonian arm bands."
They were bands with the flag on them, made of elastic, it was like any other armband. The 12 man team prepared for its desent and meeting with whoever was there waiting for them.
"This is green giant touching down..."
The plane slowed to a halt and the back door opened, the team stped out into the light.
The mobile forces of the 3 Para Division looked on through their night vission scopes watching as the paratroopers jumped out. Ready to meet them was a high ranking Clandonian officer in gear with rifle slug on his side with his beret on. His name was Field Marshall Valdez, a kind man who had been one of the first to turn his forces to the conservative side and support General Puriton.
Clandonia Prime
24-11-2006, 23:38
"What do we know about him?"
"Practically nothing. Came up through the Officer's Academy with Lancer. Intelligence indicates some level of animosity between the two. Other than that, well, he was a relatively minor official in a relatively minor nation. We don't have much on him."
"I see. Well, I recommend that we officially ask what, if any, policies he plans to change."
"Yes sir."
"Oh, and then demote yourself to crossing guard."
"Yes, sir."
The Holy Confederacy of New Aeson hereby officially inquires what, if
any, policies of the previous government the new Lord Governor plans to
Official Clandonian Response
Secure Communication to the government of New Aeson:
Greetings, times have certinally changed in Clandonia with the arrivial of democracy once again. I plan on disbanding the slaves that the Corporation has created, they will be allowed to work in Clandonia or return to their homelands. I also will embark on a more progresive foreign policy with the GASN and the Nova Europans.
The Aeson
24-11-2006, 23:43
SIC: "Sir? I have the response."
"What? What happened to my last assistant? Oh, did he take me seriously when I told him to demote himself? Oh well." Military Commander Blak quickly scanned over the paper. "We'll take him at his word for now. Find me the dossiers on the heads of the other factions."
Clandonia Prime
24-11-2006, 23:45
With Lancer gone, the Count didn’t have anybody he could boss around in Clandonia. That dumb ass, he at else he is die now. And went out a better way then have a Devil’s Guard swordsman beheaded him in his sleep like the Count was planning on doing.
Before the Count could order anything, he got word from some person called General Puriton that he has taken over the nation. And the man had the balls to be ask for the position as Lord Governor. He would get his message soon as the eight Devil’s Guards would find him, but not before it was time.
One of the sleeper ships near Clandonian waters, opened up its cargo hold and a lone black AS 565 Panther assault-transport helicopters with Dominion marks on both sides was lifted out of the hold. On board was Fang (, one of the five founders of the Tiger Force within in the 1st Blood Wolves, two men in black robes like Fang and the last one was General James Montgomery Falsworth (, a member of the Dominion Armed Forces’ High Command. That last one person was weird to have on a sleeper ship.
The helicopter powered up and entered the air, it moved towards the land below the radar. A message was send directly to the man called General Puriton. “Dominionite forces are on their way towards you. They are under the radar, so have find finding them.”
'Greetings Dominiotie forces this is Commander Dantene of the Clandonian Airforce I will escort your team to the Clanon City Airbase for discussions with Lord Governer Puritan.'
The Harrier GR7's over the capital went to intercept the helicopters escorting them to the large helipad area of Clanon City's airbase. A hive of military activity with aircraft of numerous sorts and troops from all the battlions, brigades and units of the Empires military. A sign of unification to many, and the start of another new era in Clandonian matters.
25-11-2006, 00:02
The mobile forces of the 3 Para Division looked on through their night vission scopes watching as the paratroopers jumped out. Ready to meet them was a high ranking Clandonian officer in gear with rifle slug on his side with his beret on. His name was Field Marshall Valdez, a kind man who had been one of the first to turn his forces to the conservative side and support General Puriton.
The men stood up and grabed their AR-6s (, turned to face their commander in two rows. They had basic morvonian camo ( along with dark green berets.
"OK!" he yeld with the massive engines of the C-130 still roaring. "LOCK AND LOAD, BUT DONT FIRE UNTIL FIRED UPON!"
The men proceeded down the ramp in a slow tactical formation guns pointing, night vision aiding them where god cursed them...the night. They came upon a series of containers and put a makshift defensive position giving 180 degree field of defence. Waiting for their ride. Sounds of distant artillary and gunfire could be heard on the still air of the darkness. The C-130 then took off and would stay in clandonian airspace until further notice.
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 00:05
“He is not Lord Governor until the Lord Marshall tell him he is.” came the message back with a small laughter at the end. But it was true. Lancer was the Lord Governor because he was the leader at the time Clandonia became a Commonwealth state.
The helicopter followed the its escorts of Harriers until they arrived at a large airbase in Clanon City. The helicopter touched on the helipad and started powering down. Fang got out first, his black cloak cover his brick red and black set of Transylvanian Body Armor and his weapons.
His red eyes looked out at the base as the other two cloaked figure got out behind him. Like Fang, their cloaks were hiding their armor and weapons. Fang was the only one without his helmet.
The three soldiers moved forward and General Falsworth stepped out of the helicopter. He was wearing his pinstriped black suit with a red tie. He carried a Crusade Shogun revolver ( in a shoulder holster, on seen because of it was hidden under his jacket.
He walked up beside Fang, “Which one of these people is going to show us the way?” he asked out loud.
Almost in a freaky way, two black van pulled up to the base’s main gate. Everybody at the gate could see in the front windshield and looked an armored Devil’s Guard without his helmet on. Another got out and walked to the driver’s door in his full armor.
Using his helmet’s radio and the speakers on top of the van, he said “Open up for your gate for los guardias de Diablo.” The massive swordsmen stood there and looked at the Clandonian soldiers.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 00:11
The convoy of Armoured Range Rovers and Strykers arrived, around twenty vehicles in a total part of a small recce unit. The Paras were tough men, arriving in the Range Rovers and Strykers men got out and looked around. Field Marshall Valdez got out of the sixth Range Rover, G36K slung stepping out into the cold air, crunching with his boots through the snow he spoke,
'So I guess your the Morvonia team who may I speak to who is an office of senior level?'
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 00:21
“He is not Lord Governor until the Lord Marshall tell him he is.” came the message back with a small laughter at the end. But it was true. Lancer was the Lord Governor because he was the leader at the time Clandonia became a Commonwealth state.
The helicopter followed the its escorts of Harriers until they arrived at a large airbase in Clanon City. The helicopter touched on the helipad and started powering down. Fang got out first, his black cloak cover his brick red and black set of Transylvanian Body Armor and his weapons.
His red eyes looked out at the base as the other two cloaked figure got out behind him. Like Fang, their cloaks were hiding their armor and weapons. Fang was the only one without his helmet.
The three soldiers moved forward and General Falsworth stepped out of the helicopter. He was wearing his pinstriped black suit with a red tie. He carried a Crusade Shogun revolver ( in a shoulder holster, on seen because of it was hidden under his jacket.
He walked up beside Fang, “Which one of these people is going to show us the way?” he asked out loud.
Almost in a freaky way, two black van pulled up to the base’s main gate. Everybody at the gate could see in the front windshield and looked an armored Devil’s Guard without his helmet on. Another got out and walked to the driver’s door in his full armor.
Using his helmet’s radio and the speakers on top of the van, he said “Open up for your gate for los guardias de Diablo.” The massive swordsmen stood there and looked at the Clandonian soldiers.
Commander Dantene, walked out from the bunker at Clanon City airbase, still in C95 battle fatigues with the usual Clandonian Blue Beret of the airforce. He had a Sig 552 slung on his back and Glock 23 in a hip holster.
'I am here to meet a General Falsworth' almost shouting over the noise of the helicopoters, assorted Clandonian aircraft such as a group of Apaches off on a mission to patrol the citys perimeter.
At the gate a security office had radioed in that some men in a black van had arrive claiming to be the Dominion Guards. The order was to let them into the bunker complex.
The Aeson
25-11-2006, 00:24
OOC: Can I have the basic information on the various faction leaders that would show up in a not terribly thorough intelligence dossier?
25-11-2006, 00:29
The private was bussy getting his winter overcovers on when the Clans came, he yeld in back of him, "LT UPFRONT!"
Out came running Farkos to meet the commander.
"Sir!, I am Lieutanant Jeven Farkos, I am here as a on the ground observer and representative of the Morvonian high command. A pleasure to meet you." He held his hand out for a shake. "Shall we go meet you boss?"
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 00:29
OOC: Can I have the basic information on the various faction leaders that would show up in a not terribly thorough intelligence dossier?
OOC: Well basically you have the fascists lead by an old nationalist called Lucrados who is from the civil war times when Clandonia became a united nation. He fought the anarchist forces of the socialist party for years as part of a now terrorist orgnisiaiton. Following the end all sides were encouraged to enter the fight politically and drop their military wings. He's not and has a sizeable force of nationalist support from people from the old time.
The anarcho-socialists are a group with no leadership from the North, they see themselves as a seperate nation to Clandonia and want independance. They were belived to have nuked Danskeran the port city with a portable suitcase device which resulted in the bombing of their homeland to the North with nuclear weapons purchased from the black market by the Clandonian military when the nation was very small.
Then you've the conservatives lead by General Puriton who is the most stable and promising leader. He isn't going to try and start a mass ethnic clensing or destruction of the government like the other lot want.
The World Soviet Party
25-11-2006, 00:30
“He is not Lord Governor until the Lord Marshall tell him he is.” came the message back with a small laughter at the end. But it was true. Lancer was the Lord Governor because he was the leader at the time Clandonia became a Commonwealth state.
OOC: Doesnt that allow for any power-hungry politician to turn into a dictator overnight, and should his people disagree, have them crushed with DC sponsored troops?
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 00:35
Commander Dantene, walked out from the bunker at Clanon City airbase, still in C95 battle fatigues with the usual Clandonian Blue Beret of the airforce. He had a Sig 552 slung on his back and Glock 23 in a hip holster.
'I am here to meet a General Falsworth' almost shouting over the noise of the helicopoters, assorted Clandonian aircraft such as a group of Apaches off on a mission to patrol the citys perimeter.
At the gate a security office had radioed in that some men in a black van had arrive claiming to be the Dominion Guards. The order was to let them into the bunker complex.
After the helicopter noise died down, General Falsworth looked at the man and said “And you are the man I need to meet with? I’m James Montgomery Falsworth of the Dominion Armed Forces’ High Command.”
Fang and his two men just looked at this commander in air force colors.
At the gate, the swordsmen hopped back into the van and the two vans drove through the gates. The first stopped and said “Which way to your commander? That General man.” asked the driver.
OOC: CP, you would not know his name because I didn’t say it in a IC message. And you don’t have spies on the sleeper ships.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 00:36
The private was bussy getting his winter overcovers on when the Clans came, he yeld in back of him, "LT UPFRONT!"
Out came running Farkos to meet the commander.
"Sir!, I am Lieutanant Jeven Farkos, I am here as a on the ground observer and representative of the Morvonian high command. A pleasure to meet you." He held his hand out for a shake. "Shall we go meet you boss?"
'Pleased to meet you Lt.' Shaking hands with Farkos. 'Please we have a short journey to the helicopter base.'
The small recce unit has been dropped in at a helipad outpost. They would proceed to Danskeran where a C-17 Globemaster would take them to the capitals airbase to meet General Puriton.
The Aeson
25-11-2006, 00:37
The plane was Aesonic manufactured, but you wouldn't know it to look at it, or even examine it. It was a distinctly generic type of plane, the kind of which could be found in any fledgling military.
It beamed an encrypted signal to the Clandonian Forces, claiming that it was experiencing engine trouble, and asking to be directed to a secure airfield to refuel and repair before going on their ways again- "Doesn't need to be a major airfield. Just some out of the way place would do nicely,"- said the message.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 00:40
After the helicopter noise died down, General Falsworth looked at the man and said “And you are the man I need to meet with? I’m James Montgomery Falsworth of the Dominion Armed Forces’ High Command.”
Fang and his two men just looked at this commander in air force colors.
At the gate, the swordsmen hopped back into the van and the two vans drove through the gates. The first stopped and said “Which way to your commander? That General man.”[/I] asked the driver.
OOC: CP, you would not know his name because I didn’t say it in a IC message. And you don’t have spies on the sleeper ships.
'Greetings General, I am Commander Dantene of the CAF. Please this way', pointing his knife out towards the bunker opening. The swordmens were issued the same way, escorted by several Clandonian Airforce Regiment troops to the central room where Puriton would give a press conference and discuss with the various representives of the nations involved.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 00:43
The plane was Aesonic manufactured, but you wouldn't know it to look at it, or even examine it. It was a distinctly generic type of plane, the kind of which could be found in any fledgling military.
It beamed an encrypted signal to the Clandonian Forces, claiming that it was experiencing engine trouble, and asking to be directed to a secure airfield to refuel and repair before going on their ways again- "Doesn't need to be a major airfield. Just some out of the way place would do nicely,"- said the message.
'Attention unidentied aircraft you have entered restricted airspace of the Clandonian Prime Empire. Please leave now or you will be fired upon.'
This was SOP of the Air traffic control, in response two F-22's on patrol moved into its projected flight path. There was a great deal of unknown or 'grey' air traffic over Clandonia at the moment, it was of concern to many.
The Aeson
25-11-2006, 00:47
"Look, we can't turn around!" Shouted the pilot, "That's what I'm saying! We're leaking fuel fast, and we can't make it out of Clandonia Prime! So you can either give us somewhere we can land, you can shoot us down in cold blood, or you can just let us fly along till we crash! What's it gonna be?"
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 00:57
"Look, we can't turn around!" Shouted the pilot, "That's what I'm saying! We're leaking fuel fast, and we can't make it out of Clandonia Prime! So you can either give us somewhere we can land, you can shoot us down in cold blood, or you can just let us fly along till we crash! What's it gonna be?"
The air traffic controller not knowing what to do, his supervisor had gone off home and the next one hadn't shown up yet. He did the best possible thing he could think of, and the most moral and told the aircraft to land at a small airstrip at Minskian.
'Un'ID'ed aircraft you have been cleared to land at Minskian International Airport, emergency services are standing by.'
At Minskian, the usual flights of civillian aircraft were taking off and landing. Rapiers trained every single one, just incase if something went wrong any aircraft that dared go of course would be obliterated in a firey ball.
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 00:59
'Greetings General, I am Commander Dantene of the CAF. Please this way', pointing his knife out towards the bunker opening. The swordmens were issued the same way, escorted by several Clandonian Airforce Regiment troops to the central room where Puriton would give a press conference and discuss with the various representives of the nations involved.
General Falsworth, Fang, and other two soldiers started towards the bunker opening. “Thank you, Commander.” said General Falsworth. The four men walked towards the opening.
As the same time, the two van pulled up and killed their engines. The eight swordsmen that somehow weren’t on the Lancer’s plane, got out of the vans and formed up behind Fang and the other.
The Dominionites were lead to a central room, in which was set up for a press conference.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 01:02
General Falsworth, Fang, and other two soldiers started towards the bunker opening. “Thank you, Commander.” said General Falsworth. The four men walked towards the opening.
As the same time, the two van pulled up and killed their engines. The eight swordsmen that somehow weren’t on the Lancer’s plane, got out of the vans and formed up behind Fang and the other.
The Dominionites were lead to a central room, in which was set up for a press conference.
'The press conference will start in another 2 hours, we have a small delegation coming in from near Danskeran they will be here within the next hour and half. In the mean time please make yourselves comftable.'
Indicating to the table with snacks and the dry bar. Many media teams are reporters were doing set up and pratice transmisions ready for the press conference.
The Aeson
25-11-2006, 01:06
The pilot audibly sighed with relief into the radio. "Thank God, Jesus, Mary, and Baby Jesus," he murmurred, and then flicked the radio off. The plane proceeded exactly as it was ordered to, and landed at Minskian International Airport. Once it was there, it sat on the tarmac, and waited for the emergency services.
25-11-2006, 01:10
'Pleased to meet you Lt.' Shaking hands with Farkos. 'Please we have a short journey to the helicopter base.'
The small recce unit has been dropped in at a helipad outpost. They would proceed to Danskeran where a C-17 Globemaster would take them to the capitals airbase to meet General Puriton.
"Please lead the way."
Most of team was split between two Armoured Range Rovers, but the Lieutenant rode with Marshall Valdez, who, while on the way to the Heliport briefed Farkos on the situation. Needless to say, things were better, but not back to normal. The gunfire in the backround was proof of that, not to mention the destruction seen while on the way to the helipad.
When they arrived, they wasted no time and right away got in the C-17 and took off for the new capitol.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 01:13
The pilot audibly sighed with relief into the radio. "Thank God, Jesus, Mary, and Baby Jesus," he murmurred, and then flicked the radio off. The plane proceeded exactly as it was ordered to, and landed at Minskian International Airport. Once it was there, it sat on the tarmac, and waited for the emergency services.
Emergency crews rushed to the aircraft, fire crews ran up to the aircraft, preparing to cut the door down with their emergency equipment.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 01:16
"Please lead the way."
Most of team was split between two Armoured Range Rovers, but the Lieutenant rode with Marshall Valdez, who, while on the way to the Heliport briefed Farkos on the situation. Needless to say, things were better, but not back to normal. The gunfire in the backround was proof of that, not to mention the destruction seen while on the way to the helipad.
When they arrived, they wasted no time and right away got in the C-17 and took off for the new capitol.
The C-17 Globemaster with its F-22 escorts got into Clanon City 2 hours later, landing in the military part of the airbase they were driven to the bunker system to join the rest of the delegations for the press confernce. Even though it was 0015 hours it would still go ahead, there was no time to waste with the ending of a crisis on such a large scale as this one.
The Aeson
25-11-2006, 01:21
The door swung open. Out leapt several armored men. Without hesitating, they fired tranquilzer darts at each of the emergency workers. They were followed by a dozen more men, bringing the total up to twenty men in total, all wearing armor, which then changed colors to almost match the asphalt.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 01:31
The door swung open. Out leapt several armored men. Without hesitating, they fired tranquilzer darts at each of the emergency workers. They were followed by a dozen more men, bringing the total up to twenty men in total, all wearing armor, which then changed colors to almost match the asphalt.
The men dropped nearly instantly as the tranquilzer darts got to work, only one managed to press the emergency button on his radio before he too was hit by intoxication.
Upon hearing the bleep of a panic button the station watch commander looked out through from the watch tower. Watching what looked like several armed men jumping out of a plane brought in on emergency landing procedures...
He picked up a blackphone and pressed the speed dial two button. 'Err Ollie I think we've got a situation here...'
The Aeson
25-11-2006, 01:38
"Load them up," ordered the leader of the men. Two dozen paramedics and firefighters were loaded into a dozen ambulances and firetrucks. The split into two groups, each heading towards a different entrance at top speed, sirens wailing.
One of them spoke calmly into the radio. "Do not be alarmed. Your emergency service personnel have not, and will not be harmed, unless of course you attack the vehicles, in which case we cannot be held responsible for any injuries they sustain in the course of the attacks. Provided you make no attempt to follow the vehicles, both vehicles and personell will be returned unharmed."
25-11-2006, 01:50
The C-17 Globemaster with its F-22 escorts got into Clanon City 2 hours later, landing in the military part of the airbase they were driven to the bunker system to join the rest of the delegations for the press confernce. Even though it was 0015 hours it would still go ahead, there was no time to waste with the ending of a crisis on such a large scale as this one.
As Farkos entered the bunker he turned and spoke. "When will i be able to meet your new president?"
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 01:52
Upon hearing the radio message, the station officer slammed the alert button. The airport went into lockdown procedure and the nearby army garrison began actions for reinforce the deployed airport security forces who had managed to secure the bases.
'I repeat, do not let them get out of the this facility!' Screamed the station officer, sweating with the situation going on he grabbed a G36K out of the weapons rack in the control tower. This was all going on while Puriton was preparing to deliver a press conference on the stability that the country was now in.
Airport security forces at the entrences were told to not allow anyone in or out, shoot anything that moved and stay put until more people arrived.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 01:55
As Farkos entered the bunker he turned and spoke. "When will i be able to meet your new president?"
'He's currently on his way after speaking the families of the dead soldiers killed in the recent skirmishes at Verdan.' Spoke the WCAF who had welcomed them to the complex.
The Aeson
25-11-2006, 02:01
The eight remaining men climbed back into the plane. "Mission success," one of them announced. "Let's get going men."
A hatch on the bottom of the plane opened, and a full fifty men climbed out, one after another. Once they were under the plane, they adjusted their armor to match the tarmac, and slowly crawled out, counting on the majority of attention being on the ambulances and firetrucks still speeding towards the exits.
25-11-2006, 02:30
The men of the 53rd made themselfs at home, taking off most of their gear and being led to bunk areas, only Farkos and his assistant commander First sargent Weston still walked around waiting for the leader to show and get the party started.
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 03:53
General Falsworth ordered the swordsmen to form a line in front of the stage or whatever that Clandonian General was going to talk on. They stood proudly in their armor (, helmets on and swords at their sides. Their shields on their backs with their axes. The royal bodyguards of the Dominion. These massive swordsmen, standing from 5’11” to 6’4” tall.
Fang and his two soldiers stayed with General Falsworth, Fang just looked at people that were just staring him. Have their seen a red eyed man with long gray hair?
Meanwhile, General Falsworth tapped one of the Clandonian soldiers on his shoulder. “When the General gets here, tell him to talk with me before he talks to the world. In private, if you don’t get what I’m saying.” he said after the men looked at him.
25-11-2006, 14:54
The lieutenant was growing impatiant, "speaking to families!" he thought in disgussed, "more and more die everyday, and instead of stopping it he wants to talk to families". Farkos had a mission to do, provide on the ground intelligence for morvonian high command and assist if need be...his men were in bunks chating to themselves and clandonians who happened by. He turned a corner, "what in hell is he doing this, why is he....." And thats when he saw it, the stage and swords? He could not believe his eyes, here is a country tearing itself apart, and you still find time for men to form lines like its a bloody parade. He stared at the stage aimlessly, pacing back and forth, out in the open, were anyone could see him.
OOC: clan, do you have a map?
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 17:43
The eight remaining men climbed back into the plane. "Mission success," one of them announced. "Let's get going men."
A hatch on the bottom of the plane opened, and a full fifty men climbed out, one after another. Once they were under the plane, they adjusted their armor to match the tarmac, and slowly crawled out, counting on the majority of attention being on the ambulances and firetrucks still speeding towards the exits.
Clandonian army forces were arriving, at the main gates reinforcing the panicky airforce security officials. Sniper teams had now started to appear on the roofs of the terminals, something odd was happening. The order was given if the trucks came neared to open fire on them, no one must leave the base it was a matter of national security.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 17:48
General Falsworth ordered the swordsmen to form a line in front of the stage or whatever that Clandonian General was going to talk on. They stood proudly in their armor (, helmets on and swords at their sides. Their shields on their backs with their axes. The royal bodyguards of the Dominion. These massive swordsmen, standing from 5’11” to 6’4” tall.
Fang and his two soldiers stayed with General Falsworth, Fang just looked at people that were just staring him. Have their seen a red eyed man with long gray hair?
Meanwhile, General Falsworth tapped one of the Clandonian soldiers on his shoulder. “When the General gets here, tell him to talk with me before he talks to the world. In private, if you don’t get what I’m saying.” he said after the men looked at him.
'Yes sir,' spoke a young Regiment gunner who went and told his officer of his flight. The officer came forward and spoke to General Falsworth.
'General Puriton is here now if you would like to follow me this way sir I can have you meet him now. His plane just landed, hes on his way now, he can speak to you in the Officers Mess.'
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 18:04
The lieutenant was growing impatiant, "speaking to families!" he thought in disgussed, "more and more die everyday, and instead of stopping it he wants to talk to families". Farkos had a mission to do, provide on the ground intelligence for morvonian high command and assist if need be...his men were in bunks chating to themselves and clandonians who happened by. He turned a corner, "what in hell is he doing this, why is he....." And thats when he saw it, the stage and swords? He could not believe his eyes, here is a country tearing itself apart, and you still find time for men to form lines like its a bloody parade. He stared at the stage aimlessly, pacing back and forth, out in the open, were anyone could see him.
OOC: clan, do you have a map?
'The press conference will start in 15 minutes, the General is on his way now after touching down he will be a few minutes getting ready.'
Camera crews and the various media outlets started to prepare to go live. General Puritons 747-400 had landed and the General was being ferried from the other side of the airport. He first would go to the officers mess to get changed, his combats covered in the dust and mud of being in the battle at Danskeran.
OOC: Heres the map.
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 21:51
'Yes sir,' spoke a young Regiment gunner who went and told his officer of his flight. The officer came forward and spoke to General Falsworth.
'General Puriton is here now if you would like to follow me this way sir I can have you meet him now. His plane just landed, hes on his way now, he can speak to you in the Officers Mess.'
“Good.” said General Falsworth. He looked back at Fang and told him to follow him. He looked back at the officer as Fang and his two soldiers moved behind him. “Lead the way.”
As the officer walked, the Dominionites followed him to the Officers Mess. After arrive at the Officers Mess, General Falsworth looked back at the officer and said “Thank you and now go back to your post. Your person is not needed here anymore.”
With that, the Dominionites walked into the Officers Mess…
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 22:02
Upon arriving in the Officers Mess General Puriton looked like he had been in the fight. C-95's covered in dirt, camo paint still slightly smudged. His entourage elite SAS troops his personal guards.
Meeting the Dominionites for the first time, the Clandonians looked like a bunch of bloody thirsty warriors. Many picked up the white hot moist towels wiping their faces, taking off their MK-6 Kevlar Helmet. Fresh from fighting from meeting military families of those killed in the resistance Puriton was the first to speak.
'So who might you chaps be?'
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 22:21
General Falsworth and Fang looked at the Clandonians looking at their dirt and mud covered suits. Both of these men and the other two cloaked soldier have seen battle up close, but only one was retired from real battle.
His job now was to work with the others in the High Command and use their military tactics to plan many wars out. The minds in the High Command are used in ever war the Dominion has been or will be in. Right now, they were working on plans to attack the new homeland of the Kraven Corporation.
General Falsworth walked up to Puriton and said “I’m General James Montgomery Falsworth, the temporary Lord Governor of this nation.” He putted out a white paper and hands it to Puriton. On that paper was everything that Falsworth just said and a little more about the reason from the Lord Marshall.
“You and Lancer were rivals, the Lord Marshall thinks you were the ones that ordered the attack on Lancer‘s plane,” said General Falsworth, “Before you become the Lord Governor, you were have to pass some tests. The Dominion is going to send in people to ask you many question, place you through many tests because we don‘t want another Lancer running around.”
“He gave the Dominion Commonwealth a bad name.” said Fang coldly.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 22:31
General Falsworth and Fang looked at the Clandonians looking at their dirt and mud covered suits. Both of these men and the other two cloaked soldier have seen battle up close, but only one was retired from real battle.
His job now was to work with the others in the High Command and use their military tactics to plan many wars out. The minds in the High Command are used in ever war the Dominion has been or will be in. Right now, they were working on plans to attack the new homeland of the Kraven Corporation.
General Falsworth walked up to Puriton and said “I’m General James Montgomery Falsworth, the temporary Lord Governor of this nation.” He putted out a white paper and hands it to Puriton. On that paper was everything that Falsworth just said and a little more about the reason from the Lord Marshall.
“You and Lancer were rivals, the Lord Marshall thinks you were the ones that ordered the attack on Lancer‘s plane,” said General Falsworth, “Before you become the Lord Governor, you were have to pass some tests. The Dominion is going to send in people to ask you many question, place you through many tests because we don‘t want another Lancer running around.”
“He gave the Dominion Commonwealth a bad name.” said Fang coldly.
'I understand yes, me and Lancer were at Crosspoint Officer Training Centre. I was a red section leader, he was blue we were rivals all the way throughout the course. What I didn't know was he would take this on past the academy into the military, he abused his power in the great purges.'
Puriton wiped his hands with a towel, the oil and dirt came off.
'He brought Clandonia into the eyes of the world, helped the nation rebuild after the war but his foreign policy was slightly undesirable to say the least. I plan on keeping the country safe, but never on such the scale of imperialism that Lancer dreamed of. These tests you speak of what may they be?'
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 22:44
“I have no idea, General.” said Falsworth. “You will know when the time comes. But I don’t think they are anything to be worried about. I think one will be you getting placed in a large vibrator called a MRI machine and making sure you got everything up there.”
“Just tests to see that you are fit in mind and body.” he said with a smile. Falsworth looked at Puriton’s men. “You got many people to address out there. How you don’t freak out talking in public?”
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 22:49
“I have no idea, General.” said Falsworth. “You will know when the time comes. But I don’t think they are anything to be worried about. I think one will be you getting placed in a large vibrator called a MRI machine and making sure you got everything up there.”
“Just tests to see that you are fit in mind and body.” he said with a smile. Falsworth looked at Puriton’s men. “You got many people to address out there. How you don’t freak out talking in public?”
I fought in the first civil war as a young soldier, I will never forget those days of running around the countryside with an SA-80 in my hand, the blood of anarchists staining the ground was what we had to do. But now, the press awaits, I need to tell the world of what is going on in my country.'
25-11-2006, 22:59
'So who might you chaps be?'
While on the way to the meeting, Farkos intorduced himself. "Finally glad to meet you General Puriton." He said giving a small salute and removing his head dress. "I am Lieutenant Farkos, of the Morvonina, 53rd Special Forces and Reconnaissance Unit (53rd Battalion), i am here as a representative of the Morvonian goverment, i have been briefed on the situation and look forward to discussing with possiblities of Morvonian aid sir. The rest of my team is in the bunk area of the complex until further orders come through."
The Transylvania
25-11-2006, 23:03
"I fought in the first civil war as a young soldier, I will never forget those days of running around the countryside with an SA-80 in my hand, the blood of anarchists staining the ground was what we had to do. But now, the press awaits, I need to tell the world of what is going on in my country.'
“Yes, you will need to do that,” said Falsworth, “I will see you out there and good luck.” With that, the four Dominionites quietly walked out and back towards the center room.
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 23:05
He had finally arived, and so Lieutenant Farkos intorduced himself. "Finally glad to meet you General Puriton." He said giving a small salute and removing his head dress. "I am Lieutenant Farkos, of the Morvonina, 53rd Special Forces and Reconnaissance Unit (53rd Battalion), i am here as a representative of the Morvonian goverment, i have been briefed on the situation and look forward to discussing with possiblities of Morvonian aid sir. The rest of my team is in the bunk area of the complex until further orders come through."
'Greetings Lieutenant, your assistance is greatful I have heard of good words from the men who met you near Danskeran. I hope you will remain comfortable here. Now I must now adress the world and the press and tell them what the situation currently is.'
25-11-2006, 23:06
'Greetings Lieutenant, your assistance is greatful I have heard of good words from the men who met you near Danskeran. I hope you will remain comfortable here. Now I must now adress the world and the press and tell them what the situation currently is.'
".....and I will follow, I still have my orders sir."
Clandonia Prime
25-11-2006, 23:41
General Puriton walked up, he now wore a hip holster and a pair of clean Combat 95 trousers. The standard beret, and his rank slides showing he was a general of the Clandonian military. The world was waiting to here, cameras went live and reporters went silent as he prepared to speak....
'Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow Clandonians, Dominion allies and friends. Over the past week we have seen some of the worst cases in Clandonian since the dark days of the civil war and the anarchist uprisings.
Four days ago, Clandonian Corporation forces tried to overthrow Lancers regime after discontent over the Corporations actions around the world. In revenge they shot down Lancers aircraft as it returned from Danskeran. After this brave servicemen fought against them in the battle over Danskeran, in the skys. Thankfully they won and the Corporation was given a defeying blow, striking against their security director Cortonez resulted in the coward fleeing leaving his family to die. He planned to flee to Africa before he was shot down by the CAF.
The Corporation taking advanatage of the chaos commited an act of barbaric atrocitys on its workers in Kirkland. At least 5000 were killed by the Corporations troops, it wasn't till afterwards did we know the level of power they had ammassed let alone to run free by Lancer. The Corporation had a bigger military than most countries, it controlled and ran its own nuclear deterent which was off serious concern. Now I have ensured that the Corporations military forces are under control of the main Clandonian military.
I speak tonight as the leader of the Clandonian Prime Nation and Empire, if anyone dares to change the current situation or bring further bloodshead then they will be swiftly dealt with, with whatever means I deam required.
I give thanks to the Morovonian and Transylvanian governments for their assistance in this matter. I speak now, as a warning to other nations wishing to cash in as sorts, do not mess with Clandonia now or you will pay dearly for the actions of interfering with another countries internal affairs. I have begun reinstating the Clandonian Parliament and new elections will be brought in for a fair representation.
I will take no questions now, but I promise information will be releashed as soon as it appears and can be confirmed of what is happening at the moment.
The General walked off the stage, shouted by a flury of questions from the media away back to the officers mess. Spoken to by an officer, of something occuring at Minskian at the airport there he grabbed a satellite phone and spoke the commander who was on the ground, his orders were plain and simple no one fucked with Clandonia now. The orders, kill the bastards.
Clandonia Prime
26-11-2006, 15:56
Buncakes under magic poles
26-11-2006, 17:32
The Morvonian and the Transylvanian, followed the Clandonian off stage. Farkos talked.
"Perhaps we all sit down and talk?"
OOC:who is Morovonian lol?
Clandonia Prime
26-11-2006, 17:40
The Morvonian and the Transylvanian, followed the Clandonian off stage. Farkos talked.
"Perhaps we all sit down and talk?"
OOC:who is Morovonian lol?
OOC: LOL, I didn't see that one my people can't speak proper English its custom to add a few letters and vowels into names of people. Some see its a sign of luck.
26-11-2006, 17:43
OOC: LOL, I didn't see that one my people can't speak proper English its custom to add a few letters and vowels into names of people. Some see its a sign of luck.
OOC: riiiiiight :D