Riding the Avalanche - Klatch impounds foreign ships (Open MT RP)
Dyelli Beybi
22-11-2006, 07:11
(OOC: Basically this is another thread about the Dyelli Beybians making a profit off indiscrimnantly stealing anything that happens to float by on the High Seas... For the sake of the RP, please don't assume that you can immediately prove the heist that the characters are musing over, it's very well hidden in the paper work. What most Governments would realise at this point are 'Some Klatchian Bastards are impounding our shipping')
The problem as Vladimir Dzerzhinsky saw it was money. People had money. The Rebellion in Dyelli Beybi needed money, and he was expected to provide it. There was a trickle of gold from the Church, a promise of cash from some Vaadian Institution he wouldn't touch with a ten foot barge pole, but that did not equate to cash in hand, which in turn did not equate to weapons, supplies and manpower.
What he needed was a scheme to turn a motley band of poorly equiped bandits and a very modest stockpile of gold bars into a great big pile of hard currency. He scratched his chin, idly considering forging Kronors, but that was too complicated, people would suspect something, then they'd stop doing business with him. Then in the cold Port Olympus morning, it dawned on him... it was so simple.
And unspeakably brazen. This was going to cost him all the money he had, but it might just work... he reached for the telephone...
'Trish Davies sat on the deck of the small launch as it plowed through the waves towards an unsuspecting oil tanker. There was something inately criminal about her people she mused... but was this really a crime?
Since the unexpected death of the President, things had gone downhill in Klatch, nobody really knew who was doing what anymore. The system just kind of ticked over on it's own with no real purpose. Vladimir had spotted this, the backups were failing, so he'd put in a new cog.
They were calling themselves the Squall Straight Customs Department. They had 6 launches with basic radar, and propper uniforms. Nobody had really questioned them. Money to the right people, when people weren't certain how long their wages were going to keep coming in always helped to get official documentation. It all looked above board...
What the Department actually did was levy an outrageous tax on vessels utilising the Squall Straight. The Straight to the South of Klatch was easily patrolled and the only route around the massive continent. It was the Panama cannal of Klatch. All kinds of non-Klatchians used it. Generally they couldn't pay the tax. Nobody had explained it was their. So the Department seized their cargo... all legally and impounded the vessel until somebody coughed up the money... they charged for renting the dock space for the vessels too... so the longer people resisted paying, the more they had to pay.
The money technically went to the Klatchian Government, to the "Federal Infrastructure Fund". This was another stroke of genius by Vladimir. The Infrastructure Fund was run out of Government offices, and some of the money even went into improving the infrastructure... most however was being given to the "Dyelli Beybian War Reconstruction Effort" aka Vladimir Dzerzhinsky's military budget.
Spray kicked up in her face, she grinned, the whole heist was so huge... and it was working. Nobody would have dared six months ago... she was sure it must be monstrously illegal, but there was no law against it. Nothing in the Constititution to say that the Customs Department couldn't set up some kind of scheme like this... although she was pretty sure they weren't allowed to levy a tax without Parliament approval...
But Klatch was in chaos and nobody had noticed, or nobody cared. She wandered back into the warmth of the cabin, where the Radioman was telling a confused tanker Captain what was about to happen to his ship...
Somewhere deep inside, Davies knew that sooner or later someone in Government would wake up, or some Nation would get infuriated and try something... but for now she was riding the avalanche and thoroughly enjoying it.
22-11-2006, 08:42
OOC: The tolls don't apply to vessels under Klatchian nations' flags, do they?
Dyelli Beybi
22-11-2006, 09:39
OOC: Of course not ;) we're just robbing foreigners blind... although it will impact on Klatchian trade as one would assume some of the vessels are bound for Klatchian states.
Dyelli Beybi
22-11-2006, 09:52
Long ago Narv-X had gone to the effort of constructing an enormous floating naval base in the middle of the Squall straight. Since then the Narv-X regime had fallen and the land had been reclaimed by the jungle. There were still people there, not many, they moved out to where the jobs were, Karndi, Fasta Benj...
But the Squall Platform still stood. It was big enough to moor several aircraft carriers. Over the years it had decayed somewhat. The JDF had used it. Several Dyellian regimes had illegally used it. In the end though, there was very little point to it, unless you wanted to carry out something suspect without the rest of Klatch seeing what you were up to.
The "Squall Straight Customs Department" had brought out petrol and fired the generators up again. They only used a small portion of the platform, had replaced the bulbs there are routed all power to that sector. The Lord alone knew what else lurked inside it. It gave Patricia Davies the creeps staring into the unlit coridoors... occasionally it looked like something moved in the darkness...
Her office was a small one overlooking the main docks. She had paperwork to fill out, this was theft legalised. Outside were several cargo ships and the oil tanker they'd borded earlier. The paint gleamed off the hulls in the red glow of dusk. In the background the tea machine gurgled away.
She couldn't help but get a feeling of forboding out here, miles away from civilisation. When they were on shore or at sea it was exhilirating, riding the avalanche... here on the platform it felt like the avalanche had crashed to a halt very firmly on top of you and it was only a matter of time before you suffocated...
The ships out there were worth several billion dollars, they were being held ransom to the tune of several million, with the price going up by a good few thousand every day. An owner generally couldn't replace one. Insurance companies wouldn't cover that kind of loss, so they had to cough up, cough up or be ruined. Vladimir was good she conceded, really good.
Idly she ran a finger along the insdide of the window sill. A long crack ran diagonally across the window itself. Her finger came away orange with rust, she grimaced, she'd need to find somewhere to sleep tonight. Preferably somewhere clean and dty, although places like that were at a premium here...
22-11-2006, 17:18
Lars Jonson was puzzled. He was a member of the Karmanyakan Parliament, the Council of the Dominion. He had just had a strange call from a good friend and reliable source of campaign funds.
This friend was the Karmanyakan shipping tycoon Marjorie Nylander. Marge had told him how a large freight ship she'd just bought had suddenly been boarded and commandeered by some federal customs people in the Squall Straits. The ship was sailing under a Philippine flag and had been impounded when the captain couldn't pay a substantial toll fee demanded by the customs officers.
After calling around to his friends at several government agencies, among them the Ministry for Shipping and Maritime Industries, he concluded that the ship had indeed been impounded by federal authorities. It seemed legal too. The odd thing was that no-one knew how this so-called “Squall Straits Customs Department” (SSCD) had been created or why.
Then, Mr. Jonson had been trying to reach someone in Port Olympus who could clear things up. After two more hours of being patched around the impregnable labyrinth that is Klatchian bureaucracy, he gave up. The only answer he’d gotten from the Klatchian Customs Agency was that the head of the SSCD (a certain Colonel Johan Hirschkuh) was on a long vacation in Benjia, and “No, he couldn’t leave a message for the colonel, thank you – click”).
By now it was time to go home and the next day Lars Jonson had forgotten all about this affair and wouldn’t be reminded until the next elections when a good friend in the shipping industry failed to make her usual campaign contributions.
Mr. Jonson also never figured out what Johan Hirschkuh meant in German. This ability to forget and not working things out, was all very well, or he might have disappeared mysteriously on his way home from work…
By now it hade become obvious to a lot of people what was going on over in the Squall Straits. That is, all people knew was that a lot of really expensive ships shifted owners very quickly. Goods failed to arrive at all and both buyers and sellers got scared and backed out of deals. Very soon the rumours would reach the Karmanyakan government.
Dyelli Beybi
22-11-2006, 20:50
Lars Johnson needn't have worried had he sprung the little scheme. While the Dzerzhinsky clan might have been organised killers, they were being very careful not to hurt anyone. The rebellion had to be accepted and seen as the better alternative to the Soult dictatorship. That was why 'Trist Davies was in charge. The Cheka were a bank of bloodthirsty sadistic maniacs, the former Commisaar Davies was probably the only one you could rely on not to hurt anyone (even if that was an integral part of her mission). Even so, when news of inquiries reached her, she did phone Vladimir. Inquiries were not good...
Patricia Davies had managed to aquire the rank of Brigadier-General of Her Majesty's Marine Corp. Which translated to she commanded 20 men and women, had 8 AK 74s with 500 rounds of ammunition between them, a pair of revolvers and three freshly painted launches. Hardly much of a Marine Corp.
The launches were the important bit of the ruse, and the only bit that even vaguely qualified her as a Marine... although technically she was a Police Lieutenant as well. It kinda depended on who it was who eventually sprung the ruse...
And sprung it would be it seemed, "There will be no pulling out." Vladimir repeated for the third time, "We can't, it will make it look even more suspicious. 'Trish, look out your window."
She moved, clasping the phone to her chin to stand looking out of the office window, "What do you see?" Vladimir asked.
"Three ships." she could see his point, they couldn't just let the ships go and leg it, that would look suspicious, but equally she didn't see why they had to keep grabbing more, "Can't we just phase out?" she asked, sounding almost pleading.
'Trish Davies was a survivor, she had survived attack from desert tribes by convincing them she would make a nice addition to the harem... then legging it as soon as an opportunity presented itself. She had managed to escape from Cyro when Soult had it surrounded by hopping on the only friendly warship in the Delta. She'd driven a 4x4 through a warzone to a port then flirted with the Captain of a ship until he'd given her passage out... but this was different. She was actually trapped, like a rat in a drainpipe. She got the sneaking suspicion Vladimir was even more ruthless than his father...
"No. We need the funds." was the reply, "Keep going. You're doing a good job. We'll pull you out before it gets too hot. Anyway I have pressing business. I'll speak to you tonight."
The phone went dead, leaving Davies muttering a few choice curses about Vladimir Dzerzhinsky. She had the sneaking suspicion she'd be denied if the worst happened. Couldn't spoil the Rebellion's good name...
She sat down at the desk, pushing aside a half full mug of cold coffee. She picked up a pen and began to write down her thoughts... it always helped to work out her survival plans in advance.
This could go down One of thee ways. The first was a Government Inquiry... no problems there, she'd vanish, she was good at that. The second was some Klatchian Police would show up and arrest her. Not ideal, she'd either end up in jail or given back to the Marshalls where she'd probably end up in many small pieces. The third option was the one she was most worried about. Foreigners wanting their ships back... people were all too happy to send in Special Ops these days. She would probably be regarded as a terrorist, in which case the best she could hope for was a watery grave... unless they were Dyellians. Dyellians always took prisoners, it was how they opperated, they made it easy to surrender so that people would do so willingly, knowing they'd be treated well... although her welcome might not last. It was a tough life being a former spy.
All in all she figured things werent looking too great... but she had a job to do and would keep doing it.
"Ma'am." there was a polite knock on the door, "Got a Cargo ship running East-West."
"Right." she sighed, "Fire up a launch, we have tolls to collect."
22-11-2006, 23:44
Two weeks earlier
Sir Thomas Randolph, son of the eighth Duke Randolph, looked up from his papers. There was a quiet knock at his door and his secretary had stepped in. "Captain Sir William Grey to see you, sir," she said, holding open the door for a large bedraggled-looking man to squeeze past. He could not have looked more out of place. The office was large with oak paneling and a large antique desk. Behind the desk there were two tattered flags - the first was a purple and gold Royal Ensign commissioned by the First Duke Randolph during the 2nd Civil War and the second was an altogether more intricate affair, with a black globe superimposed upon a cream background surmounted by a tall ship. Embroidered along the bottom of the flag in the manner of an heraldic banner was written - 'Randolph Shipping Ltd. 1902'.
Sir Thomas got up, shocked, and helped his old friend into a chair. "William! We thought you were dead!" His voice betrayed surprise and relief.
"No, no not dead. Pirated!" He barked and then added more matter-of-factly, "I'm afraid I've lost your ship."
"Pirates, you say?" Sir Thomas ignored his friend's pronouncement of the fate of his ship, although he was secretly distraught that his worst fears for the fate of the Hermes - a 900m long oil supertanker - had been confirmed.
"Yes, pirates - bloody customs officials, seizing poor Hermes on some jumped-up charge. God alone knows what's happened to her by now - chopped up into bits and her oil sold abroad, no doubt. Kept half the money for themselves, no doubt. So yes, uniformed pirates but pirates nonetheless. Bloody pirates in uniforms and jackboots! In the navy we shot the likes.
Sir William sighed. He would have to tell the story from the beginning, first to his friend and then no doubt to an inquiry.
"When we entered the Squall straits some little motor launches approached us and demanded we let them board the Hermes. The XO refused quite rightly saying that it would take us two hours to stop and another two hours to get going again, and that we didn't give a damn what they wanted anyway. They pressed us and the XO thought they were just pirates so he told them to bugger off home and that we'd open fire with the grasshopper guns if they came any closer. So then they told us they were customs officials from the Squall Straits Customs Department on official government business. I wouldn't have believed it but they seemed to check out. We stopped and they boarded us, and then told us we had failed to pay some tax I've never heard of, and seized Hermes at gunpoint and told it would only be returned upon payment of a figure in the millions.
"I evacuated the crew into the two Sea Horse helicopters and we flew to the nearest ship carrying the Praetonian flag - a tramp freighter sailing through the Straits too. Then it got seized too. We made for another tramp freighter sailing away from the Straits who were not exactly helpful either, trying to stop us landing by piling up crates on their helipad. Eventually we had to open fire with the machinegun to dissuade them - we almost ran out of fuel! That was two months ago..." his voice trailed off. Sir Randolph's secretary had returned with two cups of tea. The two men thanked her and Sir William began to slurp the tea down as though he hadn't seen a cup in months. The fact that he actually hadn't was lost on Sir Randolph, who shifted awkwardly in his chair.
"Well I haven't heard of any Squall Straits tax, nor of any Squall Straits Customs Department," said Sir Thomas, flatly, as though that naturally precluded any possibility of the existence of either. "I suspect foul play. In any case, these people know where my father's ship is located, and I will have it back for him."
"The Duke shall sort it all out, naturally," said Sir William, "but I worry for other vessels sailing through the Straits in the meantime. Not just ours - most of the Praetonian shipping that sails through those waters is irregular. I would hate to see any of those other chaps get hurt. It would scupper most of them." Sir William was right. A vast multinational shipping company like Randolph Shipping could afford to pay the fine - to lose the ships entirely, even - but the one-ship companies run by wealthy upper-middle-class adventurers would be ruined by the slightest loss.
"Naturally," agreed Sir Thomas, "but I'll be damned," he pronounced it 'demned' "if a single penny of Randolph Shipping's honest-won earnings go into the coffers of these rascals."
Present Day
The vast hall was consumed by a roar of idle chatter. Thousands of delegates spread out all around the central platform of the circular hall. Above them, a vast marble dome sparkled inside and out. Inside, it sparkled white. Outside, it glittered gold. This was the Praeton Free Trade Hall - the headquarters of the Confederation of Praetonian Industry - and its neo-classical grandeur shone forth throughout the city, the largest of the two gold-sheathed domes that dominated its skyline, and the men and women gathered within it represented the most powerful companies of a vast capitalist state. The central platform carried three symbols of state. The first, a mace, represented the Free Market Congress of the CPI. The second, a sceptre, represented the Power of Representation vested in the Congress by the delegates there assembled and the third, a sabre, the Sword of Free Enterprise, represented the striking arm of the CPI to defend its lawful property and interests.
A gavel banged on an oak bench. The speaker of the Free Trade Congress called for order through his microphone, but the many-times amplified sound of the miniature mallet had already caught the attention of the room.
"I hereby call to Order this Emergency Meeting of the Free Trade Congress of the Confederation of Praetonian Industry.
"God Save the King."
The entire assembled multitude rose to sing the national anthem except for a few who, still loyal to the long-dead libertarian Commonwealth, sang adapted words to the same tune.
As the last verse was sung and the music died down, the Congress sat and the speaker remained standing, "My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I invite Sir Thomas Randolph, Baronet Randolph, of Randolph Shipping Ltd to address the Congress."
Sir Thomas rose from his seat near the Speaker's bench to approach the podium situated above and just behind the rearmost sitting seats.
"Mr Speaker, it is on sombre business that I come before Congress to address you today. As you have almost certainly all read in the papers, an oil tanker belonging to my father's company, the Hermes, was seized and impounded for failing to pay a tax it was never informed of and as far as we can tell never existed in Statute by military vessels in the Squall Straits near Dyelli Beybi. They subsequently seized another passing vessel that was carrying the crew of the Hermes back to the Crown Commonwealth on the same charge.
"You may well ask why this is of such concern - why I should have called you all here today to hear me on the matter," an old man on the front row representing Thailine Smelters Ltd shouted 'Hear, hear!', prompting muffled sniggers which Sir Thomas tried his best to ignore, "And why indeed? Well I shall tell you why: the charges that my father's ship was seized on had no basis in law. No reference to the taxes concerned can be found in any piece of Dyelli Beybian statute law. They offered the ship no warning that any tax was to be levied or that failure to pay on the spot would result in seizure before entering the Straits. There is no court hearing and there is no recourse to appeal. We can either pay out to pirates and thieves - because that is what they are! - or we can accept that our lawful property is lost to us forever.
"Now most of you to do not own or represent shipping companies. This does not matter. You all of you depend upon the sea for trade - to receive raw materials and to export produce. The ship that was seized from Randolph was carrying oil worth in the billions owned by Imperial Oil & Gas," the Imperial Oil & Gas representative said 'hear, hear," solemnly, provoking a cacophony of jeers directed at Dyelli Beybian customs officials. "and that property, that they have drilled for and pumped out at their own risk of failure and with their own money and with their shareholders' money and then invested in the care of Randolph Shipping for dispatch to buyers, who are just as a wrongly disadvantaged as IOG, is now lost from them.
"At least, this is what I reasoned at first, but nay, Sir, it has not been lost - it has been stolen!" The jeers that had started off as a gentle swell turned into a flood, almost drowning out Sir Thomas's voice before the dynamic amplification system adjusted the volume of the speakers accordingly, "What is going on in Dyelli Beybi is not fair taxation, but the knowing and deliberate perversion of justice to funnel monies from the pockets of those whose possession of it is rightful into the pockets of those whose possession of it is not!
"For shame!" The jeers had reached a crescendo now, and Sir Thomas stayed quiet for a few minutes, content to let the crowd work itself into a frenzy.
"Mr Speaker! Mr... Mr Speaker! Mr Speaker, I refuse to allow a single penny of lawfully owned funds be siphoned into the possession of criminals!" The crowd roared again with shouts of approval for Sir Thomas and anger at Dyelli Beybi. "I propose, Mr Speaker, that the Confederation of Praetonian Industry Industrial Escort Flotilla be dispatched with the next group of Praetonian merchant ships to leave port for the Squall Straits, to travel in convoy, and force our way through the Straits, with sabre and cannon if we must, because we can never surrender to criminals and thieves!"
Later that day
"Prime Minister," the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and the Secretary of State for Defence sat opposite the PM, "I trust you have seen this?" The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry held up the minutes of the latest meeting of the Free Trade Congress.
"Yes, of course I have," the Prime Minister snapped. "And?"
"Well, they have voted to deploy naval vessels to force the Straits. Privately owned naval vessels. They're acting like their own bloody little country!"
"Wouldn't you?" The Prime Minister asked, but before waiting for an answer he continued, "The CPI is dead right over this. The manner in which the tax was enforced, even if it is legitimate, which largely remains to be seen, is highly suspect, and in any case I see no reason why Praetonian merchantmen ought to pay such extortionate rates in any case. I shall try to get to the bottom of this, but if the CPI try to blast their way through I first of all doubt they will have much trouble and second of all support them all the way.
"How is the navy?" This last question was directed to the Secretary of State for Defence.
"Quite prepared, Prime Minister. Do you want it to deploy?"
"Oh, no, no. That would seem provocative. Keep a few submarine squadrons ready to intervene should the need arise, but keep the main body of the navy on its normal stations. However, I want you to prepare the navy to deploy on exercises to an area near the Squall Straits within a week of notice being given."
"Yes, Prime Minister."
"The DTI will issue an official protest at the taxation, and we will see how this pans out. Now, I have a meeting with the Home Secretary that I really cannot get out of..."
Official Statement of the Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia
His Majesty's Government protests in the strongest terms at the seizure of Praetonian registered vessels for failure to pay customs duty on the Squall Strait, particularly the Hermes (legitimate property of Randolph Shipping Ltd.). None of these vessels were made aware of these taxes, nor were they given any genuine ability to pay them before being seized without a court order or hearing, with no recourse to appeal, in every case (ref: Hermes Inquiry, Galloper Inquiry, Longhouse Inquiry, Etc.). In addition, information on the nature and legitimacy of the tax itself and the collecting body (allegedly the 'Squall Straits Customs Department') is scant to non-existant.
His Majesty demands that the vessels in question either have their cases heard before a legitimate and independent court, or that the vessels are released without charge within the next three weeks. Furthermore, His Majesty requests that compensatory damages totalling a sum not under $50,000,000 be awarded to the owner(s) of the ship in each case.
His Majesty is displeased by the lack of information made available by the government of Dyelli Beybi, and further displeased that the ridiculous incidents referred to even took place. His Majesty would like it to be pointed out that failure to act upon his requests may result in a review of customs laws related to Dyelli Beybian registered ships within the Crown Commonwealth.
However, His Majesty still holds out hope that the incident has merely been a misunderstanding, that the vessels shall be released, that there will be no diplomatic fall out and that trade may remain free for Dyellian Beybian vessels within His waters, and vice-versa.
23-11-2006, 03:12
Unlike the Karmanyakan government, the UIK leadership was in the full swing of election campaigns. And, while the shipping magnates were still handing over their usually fat cheques, they were doing so with very vocal complaints. They could easily pay the costs of the impounding and the tariff, but they didn't like it when something that had been free suddenly started costing.
They hated it when this happened without warning.
The politicians hated listening to complaints from their contributors while trying to smile and kiss babies.
Normally there would have been discreet enquiries made, flowery documents and communiqués exchanged, if the leadership cared enough, or perhaps the straight would simply have been declared a no-man's land, "citizens, travel there at your own risk". But this was election season, and the Secretariat of State for Trade was not inclined to be forgiving; they made a few inquiries, then opted for "Symmetry of Measures". If Klatch wanted them to pay a fee to use their waters, then they had best be prepared to pay through the nose to access Covenant waters.
Unintentionally, the end result would be that every cent that the Dyellians levied off a Covenant ship would have originated on a Klatchian ship.
Official Communiqué
Classification: [Closed]
From: [Ministry Of External Affairs, UIK]
To: [The Office of Trade of the Federated Klatchian Coast, or equivalent, AND the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Federated Klatchian Coast, or equivalent]
CC: [ The Outer Consul of the United Duchies of Alcona and Hubris, AND the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Glorious Kingdom of Vrak, or equivalent, AND the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Free Republic of Illek-Vaad]
Subject: [Squall Straits Customs Duty; Symmetry of Measures]
Dear sir or madam,
We strongly protest your Federal Government's continuing levying of customs fees upon ships traversing the Squall Straits, a passage that had recently had no such tariff upon it, without notice. We furthermore protest the seizure of our vessels, again, when no notification has been made by the Squall Straits Customs Department that such measures would be taken.
The imposition of these fees has adversely affected the health of all trading links that require the use of the Squall Straits, to the point where such links are now viewed as semi-viable at best. In addition, the arbitrary impounding of our vessels has caused considerable discomfort among our business community.
The imposition of such fees and levies is, of course, within your purview as the national power controlling those waters, but the lack of notification is inexcusable, and the damage done to mutual trading interests is severe. We are therefore compelled to, with notice contained herein, impose a Symmetry of Measures upon your shipping.
If, within twenty-one days, satisfactory assurances are not given by the Klatchian government that this practice will be halted, or exception granted to vessels originating in the Covenant, the following measures will come into effect:
- All vessels originating in, or whose flag of ownership is within, the Federated Klatchian Coast shall be required to halt for inspection when entering Covenant territorial waters.
- A tariff, called the Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff, proportional to the value of goods and tonnage of the carrying vessel but no less than one million rachmas (∂1.0M) will be charged on every vessel originating in, or whose flag of ownership is within, the Federated Klatchian Coast passing through Covenant territory. Scales of increase shall cease when the amount of Duty to be charged on the vessel reaches one hundred million rachmas (∂100.0M).
- If the Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff cannot be paid, then the ship will be seized, and an amount of cargo equal to the value of the duty, or 33% of the cargo, whichever is greater, will be removed and declared the property of the Crown.
- If the Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff cannot be paid, and the cargo is insufficient to meet the debt, then the ship will be seized and sold; 33% of the proceeds, or the value of the duty, whichever is greater, will be taken by the Crown; the costs of deporting the crew back to their nation of origin will then be met from the remainder, with the balance returned to the former owners of the vessel.
- Any ship that resists will be considered a pirate vessel and be treated as such under relevant legislation.
- All normal tariffs and taxes will remain in effect.
Ships whose flag of ownership is within a nation not a part of the Federated Klatchian Coast, including Illek-Vaad, or whose flag of ownership is the Glorious Kingdom of Vrak, are granted full exception from the Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff; any ship that attempts to sail under flags of those nations falsely will be considered a pirate vessel and treated as such under relevant legislation.
These measures will remain in force for a period of six months, when they shall be subject to review by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Commerce and Trade; the Committee is empowered to extend them for another six months, and recommend to the Daíl that they become permament.
All divisions of the Covenant retain their power to impose their own fees and restrictions on Klatchian Vessels as they see fit. The Saldari authorities have indicated that they will exercise this power and impose an additional surcharge of five hundred thousand rachmas (∂500,000) on all Klatchian vessels taking passage through their territories, without exception, to offset their costs to date on having their vessels released from the custody of the Squall Straits Customs Department.
Should you have any queries, contact this office.
Baroness Sophronsa Aryet,
Rechtaire Assigned to the Federated Klatchian Coast,
Ministry of External Affairs
Dyelli Beybi
23-11-2006, 06:55
The Government of Dyelli Beybi was not happy. Dyelli Beybi was now a Military Dictatorship. For people who actually watched the politics of the volatile South Klatchian State it would seem the rulers changed as regularly as people changed their shirts. It wasn't especially stable either, so these latest accusations were worring to say the least. The Cheka was notified and immediately rumbled into action... a few hours later there were answers of a sort.
Tania Fradkov was the new Chief Constable of the Cheka, and she was tired. Tired of Soult especially, but also tired of the Tzarist/Red Faction Rebels. How on Earth had Communists allied with a Tzarina? It made no sense. The whole world was on it's head. It seemed to her that their mutual hatred of Pierre Soult had caused an opportunistic Alliance. The Tzarina was somewhere in East Benjia, or so Intelligence indicated, athough the exact whereabouts was sketchy. There had been clashes in the foothills. Little skirmishes, few if any casualties, but there were rebels in there. It wouldn't take much for a few clashes to turn into wholescale Insurrection in East Benjia, which would spread to New Dyelli like a fire in dry grass... and then Soult and Fradkov were finished.
"Interesting thing about the Squall Straight Customs Department..." the Commisaar in front of her was young, an up and comer, smartly dressed in the crisp grey uniform of the Cheka with blue piping. She couldn't remember his name, "... is that they're all Dyellian, although obviously not linked with us."
"I take it you mean ethnicity speaking?" Tania asked. It was an important point, Dyellian was a term used to either refer to the Nationality (where it would encompass Leeans, Benjians and Moskauans as well) or to the Dyellian Race. Political allegiance in the fragile state was often divided along racial lines.
The Commissaar nodded, "Interesting." she mused, leaning an elbow on the walnut desk, staring into space for a moment, before refocussing on the Commisaar, "The Rebellion is mostly Benjian, which means either theyve shipped people from the Port Olympus cell, or this is a different group altogether. Either way it's none of our concern."
"With all due respect Ma'am..." he dropped the intercepted comunique from Macisikan on her desk.
With the headless State the Federation was in, a lot of Senior Civil servants, uncertain over whether the Federation was looking at imminent collapse and certain that that would mean an immediate and rather final cessation of salary, had begun taking money from the various Dyellian factions.
She skimmed through it, her expression becoming grimmer by the minute, "Oh-ho, that is not good, not good at all."
Dyelli Beybi had a huge merchant Navy and dockyard industry. Movement through the Straight to the West of the country was essential to the economy, and huge tariffs elsewhere in the world would hurt them, badly. If Dyelli Beybi couldn't sell it's oil and titanium it would be ruined, even if Macisikan was not the largest market.
"Get some kind of Communication out, make sure people know it isn't us." Tania ordered, "Then get the bribes flowing in Port Olympus, we need to get this shut down, and it would look really bad if we did it with guns... even if people are blaming us."
Vladimir Dzerzhinsky laughed, "This is for real?" he laughed, "Oh this is too good..."
"No really, this is just perfect." he couldn't contain his laughter at the two comuniques he'd recieved, they were lying on his desk now amid all the clutter, "Tell 'Trish to up the ante, but don't, absolutely don't let her know what's going on, or she'll get worried. Also tell her to rough the hostages up a bit, that will be a really good look for the Dyellian Government."
"Oh." he added as an afterthought, to the Guard who had brought the messages, "And tell communications there is still no need to worry the Tzarina about any of this."
"Rough them up a bit?" Patricia Davies raised an eyebrow.
She was good to the people they took. She didn't want to cause too much fuss. Take the ship, put the crew ashore with enough money for a ticket home. She didn't like this one bit, "I think we shall ignore that."
The Uniform of the 'Customs Department' was Navy blue shirt and trousers/skirt with black belts and boots, although most also wore a black sea coat over the top. The lauches were draughty. For headware they sported white caps with a black peak... all very official looking. The man in front of her had lost the Sea Coat. It was draughty on the platform, but not too much so, and they'd managed to rig up a few heaters, "Ignore it." she grimaced in distase, "I won't have anyone mistreated on my watch."
And that was the end of the matter. Business as usual at the Customs Department, although Davies was begining to suspect things were happening in the outside world that she was not aware of. The Platform was a very isolated place...
Official Memo from the Government of the Greater Empire of Dyelli Beybi, Ministry of Trade and Agriculture
Dyelli Beybi and the State Government of Cyro wish to deny all unfounded allegations that we are in any way linked to the newly founded 'Squall Straight Customs Department'. This is a creation of Central Klatchian Government and as such not within Cyro's legislative field. However it's formation has come as something of a suprise, and all efforts will be made to establish it's legality.
Commisaar H. Richards
Secretary to the Minister
Dyelli Beybi
23-11-2006, 10:51
It was evening in Port Olympus, the room lit only by the dim glow of Vladimir's computer screen and the small side light on the desk. The sun was still out, offering the city a blood red sunset, but this never penetrated the room with no windows. The walls were bland, grey, undecorated, the door was black, there was a desk a chair and a computer.
Contrary to popular belief the Cheka had a readily accessibe web site, that was open to foreign Governments. It wasn't too hard to break into, although the information on it was prety bland. It gave a list and profile of Commisaars who had worked publically and whether they were still active. There were no photos, although they could be arranged. It was part of a facade of respectability that the Cheka liked to put up. 70% of the organisation wasn't listed. They officially didn't exist...
David, G F
Davies, P A
Davies, R S
He smiled to himself, Davies, P A... that was his ticket. The description was pretty brief. Official liason to the Allanea Ambassador for a couple of weeks. Now 'retired'.
That was all he needed to know. He disconnected from the Cheka site, which was probably busily trying to track him right now, and logged out of the system. Things were going far too well to back out now. What he imagined would happen, would be the "Squall Straight Customs Department" would all find themselves under arrest or prisoners of someone or another. Then, the first thing anyone would do was a background check on the leader, Davies, P A... And Davies, P A had been a Chekist. This was going to look very bad for the Dyelli Beybian Government. Queue trade boycott, huge instability, victory for the Rebellion. All he had to do was sacrifice one pawn and the game was his. The Tzarina would not approve, bt he had no intention of telling her.
Dyelli Beybi
23-11-2006, 20:38
(OOC: Forgot to put on the second bit of the second post :P)
The launch kicked up spray as it closed on another victim. The sea was mildly choppy today, giving 'Brigadier General' Davies a mild case of sea sickness. She leaned against therailing of the small launch, wishing she'd let someone else take charge of the boat today, allowing her to curl up in the comparative comfort of her bed in the corner of her office with a mug of cocoa and a good book... not that she had a good book with her.
The radar bleeped, they were closing on the target. The Rebel Movement hadn't been able to buy (or afford) any flash equipment, so they were stuck with the kind of radar that was used by large fishing boats. It gave the direction of an object at sea, and it's rough distance, but no indication of size or type of vessel. It was kinda pot luck...
She grunted. weighing up her chances of actually being sick. There was fog today which meant they wouldn't see the target until they were very close, it also meant that it was damp. She opened the door to the cabin and stepped inside where at least there was no wind, no spray and no fog. It was a very small launch really and quite cramped with siz people in the low room.
The radar bleeped. She looked over, not long now, as soon as they could read the name, they'd hail the ship...
... Perhaps Davies would have been more concerned had she realised what was going on in Praetonia. But people had deliberately forgotten to inform her...
24-11-2006, 00:00
The CPI Combined Convoy consisted of a mere five merchant ships. The first, a cruise liner called Polaris on its way back to port for maintenance, sailed to the rear, with Canopus and Fortune - both bulk freighters owned by the Fortune Shipping Corporation - flanking Raleigh, one of Randolph Shipping's largest and most prestigious container ships. However to escort this motley bunch, the CPI Industrial Escort Flotilla had provided a small taskforce of fifteen ships - eight frigates, four destroyers and three cruisers - headed by a 40,000 tonne battleship armed with 15" guns.
The main convoy progressed slowly, but one of the destroyers, an ex-Imperial Navy vessel sold off cheap in near-perfect condition to save money for maintaining more Knight-class of escorts, had been sent ahead to watch out for any potential danger. Sitting warm and dry behind the bullet-proof plate-glass of the ship's conning tower, Captain Francis Rowan could see precious little through the fog. His ship's military-grade radar had, however, picked up a small motor launch advancing at speed.
He put his binoculars to his eyes but he could sense nothing except the continuous thumping of the vessel's gas turbine engines as they struggled to push the multi-thousand-tonne warship to its maximum sprint speed of 35 knots. If it is the pirates, he reasoned, they would almost certainly try to run at the sight of a fully armed warship. His mind turned longingly back to the two million Praefeli reward the Free Trade Congress was offering for the successful capture of the Captain of one of the pirate vessels. Having been informed that the Dyelli Beybians had denied all knowledge of the 'Squall Sea Customs Department', the Industrial Escort Flotilla had been given free-reign to kill and arrest the pirates as they saw fit.
But the vessel wasn't running, Francis thought to himself, In fact, they're heading straight for us. Probably just some rich Beybian novice who picked the wrong day to go out sailing and got lost, he concluded, and slouched back into his chair. Thoughts of fabulous riches soon becoming his fading rapidly from his mind.
Then, suddenly, a shape appeared on the 'horizon', which had shrunk to a matter of a few hundred metres.
"Unidentified launch off the port bow, Capt'n," said a lookout.
Rowan leaned over to get a better view of the mysterious craft through the window, and clamped his eyes back on his binoculars' eyepieces. The vessel was armed, and he could just make out the blurry shapes of uniformed men and women through the small windows of its bridge. It was no lost pleasure vessel.
"We have them!" He roared, triumphantly. "Bring us alongside, Mr Rogers! Assemble the marines!"
He sat back down in his chair, perfectly content and outwardly relaxed, although inside he was buzzing with excitement. Riches were his at last.
He could only imagine the panic that must be taking place on the little launch as it saw a sleek clipper bow emerging from the fog, topped with a 6" gun and VLS battery, and then when they read the name painted onto the side - Sword of Free Enterprise.
24-11-2006, 02:58
Greenmotte Palace, Houses of Parliament, Arn-Maciska
In a sunlit corridor on the riverside, three sets of dispassionate eyes examined the Dyellian statement. One pair belonged to the Secretary of State for Trade, Sir Silvanas Vasard. To say he wasn't impressed by the Dyellian response was to only give half the story; unimpressed, with a side order of suspicion.
"They protest quite strongly..." he offered.
"Too strongly," replied his Minister. Justina Valdir was even less pleased than her subordinate; she should have been several hundred kilometres away, campaigning in a rather pleasant seaside town. Instead she'd been dragged back to the capital to deal with this.
"Dame Miranda," she turned to the Secretary of State for Imperial Security. "Do find out all that you can about these customs officials, especially their nation of origin..."
"Sure thing," Dame Miranda replied in a heavy Australian accent. She was a large, jolly woman. The sort that plays everyone's favourite aunty in movies, the one who told the dirty jokes, at odds with her superior's slight, coldly aristocratic figure. "We'll get statdecs from the crews, footage from the secured liners, the works."
"And find out where that money is going," Valdir said, as Dame Miranda began to accelerate away, seemingly without changing pace.
"No worries," Miranda called back, speeding away from the other two.
"Sir Silvanas," Valdir said, handing a slim white envelope to the man. "As Caretaker Minister for External Affairs, I'm giving you full discretion to handle this matter as you see fit, within relevant legislation, once I depart for Ivek-Agara."
"Thank you Minister. And the Dyellian communiqué?"
"They are a part of the Federated Klatchian Coast; this customs department is a department of the FKC; therefore they are linked inextricably to that customs department and its activities. Their opinion on the matter is utterly irrelevant," Valdir said blandly.
"The tariff?" Sir Silvanas prompted.
"Retain them," Valdir replied crisply. "They are Klatchian, they will pay the price. But if we have to introduce this thing, first find me an alternative source of cheap titanium."
"Yes, Minister."
They finished their walk in silence.
Valdir had deliberately refrained from allowing anyone to fire on the Squall Straits Customs Department; the Dyellians had denied all knowledge, but as far as Valdir was concerned, that mattered for squat. Port Olympus had, as far as she could tell, rarely bothered to inform the government in Cyro what was happening... possibly because Dyellian governments rarely lasted longer than your average lightbulb.
Despite this, she knew very well that it was only a matter of time before one of the minor states of the Covenant decided they'd had enough, hired mercenaries out of the Vash Free State, and declared open season on the "Customs officials".
And that, of course, was their privilege to do.
Official Communiqué
Classification: [closed]
From: [Secretariat of State for Trade, Ministry of External Affairs]
To: [Government of the Greater Empire of Dyelli Beybi, Ministry of Trade and Agriculture]
Subject: [re: Official memo]
Dear sir,
Your protestation has been received by this department, and while it shall be taken under advisement for matters relating to this affair, it is nonetheless irrelevant to core issues.
As a Klatchian state, you will be subject to the Symmetry of Measures, and all tariffs and duties as the individual states of the Covenant see fit to levy upon your shipping, without exception.
If you do not wish to be subject to that provision, then I would suggest you have your officials in Port Olympus remove this excessive tariff from the Squall Straits.
Sir Silvanas Vasard,
Secretary of State for Trade
Ministry of External Affairs
Dyelli Beybi
24-11-2006, 06:53
There was some initial confusion and what looked like panic on the launch... it was only a launch, and the crew were armed with nothing more complicated than assault rifles, not all of them even had that... it was a crew of six, although any mistakes over the identity would immediately be corrected by the large letters announcing that this was the "Squall Straight Customs Department" on the side of the ship with a shield, presumably representing the Department, although on close inspection it would turn out to contain an image of a Salmon wearing a Crown and riding a Unicycle.
Someone strode out onto deck. It was impossible to tell much about them from in the fog, they had a speker in their hand, a chord ran back to the roof of the little launch where 4 huge speakers were positioned. The figure, it might be noted, was standing behind the speakers...
The speakers gave a crackle and a squeal, then blared into life, loud enough to be clearly heard above the rumble of a ship's engine, "This is Police Lieutenant Davies of the Squall Straight Customs Department..." the voice was female, with a distinctive Dyellian lilt that often had people mistake them for Irish, "We require to see papers as evidence that the..."
There was a pauuse as she read the side of the ship, "... Sword of Free Enterprise has paid the Straight Maintenance Levy. If unpaid, it is our duty to inform you that your ship is forfeit in lieu of payment."
There was a pregnant silence in which both the people on the launch and probably the crew of the Sword of Free Enterpise considered how Davies had managed to summon up the brazeness to make such a demand of a clearly hostile warship while standing in the back of something that was little more offensive than a fishing raft.
Inwardly Davies shuddered, this was bad, very bad, but she'd act it out all the way and do the best for her crew. Getting them out safely was her top priority, they were her people and her responsibility.
She was probably going to be something of a suprise to the crew of the Sword of Free Enterprise...
The Dyelli Beybian Government had recieved the Telegram from Macisikan. They chose to ignore it. Macisikan could think they'd taken the warning and done their bit in the Klatchian Parliament... which was non-existant and which the Dyellians weren't invited to anyway. That tended to happen when there was a regime change, they got excluded from Parliament...
It didn't help that the Rebel Faction was so powerful in Port Olympus either. It was one of those problems with repeated regime change, it was hard to totally get rid of the old Guard.
Dyelli Beybi
24-11-2006, 07:13
OOC Note on the Exports of Dyelli Beybi
Dyelli Beybi's Economy is based mainly around;
Titanium, Manganese, Vanadium and Iron
Budget Automobiles
Aluminium in small quantities, (mostly used by local industries).
Dyelli Beybi also mines Tungsten and Uranium, although the Government has an export ban on both products, although they do export large quantities of tungsten light bulbs.
East Benjia is a mostly Agrarian region, although little is exported. Tobacco is farmed in the Dyel Valley as well as East Benjia. Tobacco is exported, usually already processed into cigars or pipe tobacco.
There are some limited attempts to export alcohol, although the kind that the Dyellians export is usually outlawed due to the large quantites of potentially toxic byproducts they don't filter out.
New Dyelli exports large amounts of wood, especially expotic hard woods and radiata pine.
All areas have large arms industries, but this mostly goes towards arming the Dyellians to butcher themselves. Most wars are fought in the Dyel Valley and surrounding desert, with the Benjians and Leeans in New Dyelli sitting on the side line.
24-11-2006, 13:35
OOC: Thanks for that DB. I was wondering. FYI: The Covenant's economy is like a B-grade movie monster, endlessly sucking up raw materials, and your titanium, vanadium and iron would be in serious demand (well, anyone's titanium, iron, etc.). Oil, less so, as we can get that closer to home.
Office of the Secretary of State for Imperial Security, the Red Bailey, Houses of Parliament, Arn-Maciska
Dame Miranda smiled happily at the stack of statutory declarations, witness statements, and the tapes scattered across her desk. Irish accents. Slim, almost delicate figures. Around 5% shorter then the human mean. Dark almond eyes. A conversation with Baroness Aryet, and several crewman and officers, was all it took to confirm the nationality; Dyellian. Well, beyond a reasonable doubt, anyway. So either Cyro was lying, or, more likely, they had no idea what was happening.
The paper trail was harder to figure out, but her analysts were working hard at it. The route to the "Federal Infrastructure Fund" was easily seen; so far, legitimate and good. But after that it got a little harder... she'd had to put in a call to the Guild of Slicers. If those data ferrets couldn't pick the bones out, they'd be able to hire someone who could. Her smile broadened. Never hurt to cover all bases. They'd already noted that Praetonia, among others, was having issues, and their merchants were taking exception to the whole affair; not like it was a secret or anything... Better call them then, see what could be worked out. Thank heavens L'tan's still in town; we'll need his signature.
Whistling happily to herself she gathered up the dossier she'd prepared for Sir Silvanas. Now there was a boy who needed to get out of the Red Bailey a little more often. Maybe she'd drag him down to the pub later... there was this lovely little place just over the river called Susan's...
The computer beeped and her hands stilled, eyes glancing at the display. An email from Aryet.
"Switch to mail. Read latest. I said Latest."
Hmm... it seemed that the Baroness was having a little poke around of her own. The Klatchian Customs Agency, which controlled the Squall Straits Customs Department, had said that the head of the SSCD was one "Colonel Johan Hirschkuh"...
"I call bullshit," Dame Miranda said aloud; unlike the Karmanyakan who'd been fed the same line, Dame Miranda was fluent in German.
Aryet's message continued, in rather colourful tones, to note that no-one she'd been able to contact outside of the KCA had ever heard of the SSCD.
This is looking dodgy...
Aryet concluded that, after Sir Silvanas' message, the Dyellians were probably lobbying the parliament to lift the tariff and abolish the dubious department, but then noted that the Klatchian Parliament hadn't convened in some time, there wasn't a president these days, and the bureaucracy was beginning to sag under the strain. The Rechtaire was on her way, with the details, to Sir Silvanas right now.
Dame Miranda began to whistle as she gathered the last papers. The cold truth was that neither Silvanas or Valdir cared one iota whether the Dyellians had done their bit in Port Olympus or not; if the Strait Maintenance Levy wasn't lifted, or stopped, they'd all be subject to the tariffs, every bloody one of them.
And the clock was ticking on that faster then the Dyellian government knew; Sir Silvanas had specified twenty-one days in his first communiqué. The elections were due rather sooner; whoever was elected would probably want to take their new majority out for a spin. Given the state of Port Olympus, the Klatch probably wouldn't be able to deal with the SSCD before the deadline, let alone election day. And that was their problem.
Still whistling, the now quite-cheerful Dame Miranda left her office.
Official Communiqué
Classification: [CONFIDENTIAL]
From: [Ministry of External Affairs, United Imperial Kingdoms of Macisikan]
To: [the Foreign Minister of the Crown Commonwealth of Praetonia, or equivalent official of the same]
Subject: [Squall Straits Customs Department]
Mr. or Madam Minister,
We am given to understand that merchant vessels of your nation have recently encountered difficulties in the Squall Straits of the Federated Klatchian Coast, mainly at the hands of a certain "Squall Straits Customs Department". His Most Serene Majesty's Caretaker Government wishes to inform you that you are not alone in suffering this indignity; several of our merchantmen had been boarded and seized without any prior notification of the so-called "Squall Straits Maintenance Levy".
We wish to enquire to see if your government and respective merchant concerns are interested in co-ordinating and sharing information with His Most Serene Majesty's Government in addressing this problem.
We feel that co-operation and clear communication between the affected parties would be best in handling the issue, particularly as there appears to be a distinct lack of any co-ordination, or coherence, on the side of the FKC.
A copy of the missive sent from this Ministry to the Klatchian leadership has been attached to this communiqué; so far we have received no official response from any significant body.
We await your response.
The Lord Alexandr Uí L'tan,
His Most Serene Majesty's Junior Minister for External Affairs
Baroness Sophronsa Aryet,
His Most Serene Majesty's Rechtaire for the Federated Klatchian Coast
Dyelli Beybi
24-11-2006, 15:22
(OOC) Lol, I missed off a couple of things again (that's what happens when you store a list in your head)... so I went back and added that. The Dyellian desert is supposed to be a layer of quite pale sand about 10 metres deep, but under that it's pure titanomagnetite, some of the larger dunes expose the black sand layer at their base, where the Dyellian Mining Companies collect it and move it back to refineries... for those of you who don't know, titanomagnetite is rich in iron, aluminium vanadium and as the name might imply, titanium and manganese.
Although the Dyellians were naturally reluctant to offend Port Olympus, they were even more reluctant to lose valuable trade routes. While Dyelli Beybi was run as a Communist style state, having had one of the few Democratically elected Communist regimes in history, it had not cut itself off from trade. It needed it, Dyelli Beybi had mineral wealth, it was that that had allowed it to stay wealthy.
So a Squadron of 4 Destroyers was sent into the are of the Squall Straight. Ostenibly for a training exercise... although within the Commanding Comodore's pocket was a sealed envelope from the Cheka...
He opened it, standing on the bridge of the HMS Reptile. He had expected something similar. It was a training exercise, but if reptile happened to come within range of one of the launches of the SSCD, he was to stage a tragic accident...
He was too late, but he didn't realise that yet.
Meanwhile in Cyro all hell was breaking lose, "I thought that woman was dead." Soult growled.
"She has a certain knack for surviving." Fradkov put in, she was the only person who was bold enough to stand near the would be Emperor in one of his moods, "She's very pretty."
"Pretty?" he sounded like he was about to explode, "Pretty is no excuse to still be alive!"
"She's also noble, loyal and compassionate." traits, Fradkov mused, that the Emperor was severely lacking in, "I met her once, she's so genuine, people like her... I don't know where Felix found her."
"OK... so we've established she's alive." Soult growled, "That same %*£& who ran Collins' Communications Department the night of the insurrection, the only Commisaar in Cyro who you expected to side with me, but who instead went with Collins, the same one who stole some very valuable MOD documents... the ones regarding Himmler. you assured me she was taken care of, now I learn she's running a Customs Department."
"She disappeared." Fradkov said defensively, "We could find no trace of her until just now... it could be a different Patricia Alice Davies, there were so many dead in Cyro. Nobody could identify half the corpses."
"Thats her." Soult grumbled, "Which brings us to a very serious question... where are the documents that she stole? Who knows about them?"
There was silence from Fradkov.
"Damn it woman!" Soult suddenly roared, "She had information that could have the whole bloody Federation clamouring for our blood. Find that girl, then torture the truth of what she did with them out of her, then kill her... slowly."
27-11-2006, 16:11
Tengil Palace, Katla, capital city of Karmanyaka
"Henry, what the hell is happening in Port Olympus? Is anyone in charge or ìs the FKC in complete anarchy?" the Tengil, Johan Kader asked his friend and Prime Minister.
"Frankly, Johan, the situation is quite chaotic. No-one really rules Port Olympus. Things only work because a lot of people - policemen, bureaucrats and so forth - do what they usually do, despite the fact that no-one's telling them to. We can't be this lucky for long, however. Sooner or later someone will realize what's happening and take advantage of it." said Prime Minister Henry Pommer.
"And these so-called customs people? Who the hell are they?! We've got our ports filling up with copper, iron, aluminium and whatnot just because of these symmetry measures. We cannot export anything and we're loosing billions of Kronors for every week that these cutthroats walk free!"
"We've sent a couple of frigates, three submarines and a destroyer down to the Squall Straits to investigate. We've also got our delegation in PO working to find out how to stop these people. Intell reports suggests that a lot of other nations are equally eager to... solve this whole affair."
"Good thing I've got you Henry..." Kader sighed. "It's not easy being the Tengil nowadays, you know."
"I've taken the liberty to make a diplomatic statement clarifying our position in this matter."
"Good. One problem though, is the presence of armed foreign forces in Klatchian waters. The Federation cannot - as history has shown - tolerate foreign military in our territory. There's no telling what the headless JDF forces might do if they encounter an armed escort near the Squall Straits. We're sitting on a ticking bomb here..."
Diplomatic Transmission
To: All nations affected by the so-called Squall Straits Tariff
From: The Democratic Dominion of Karmanyaka, Member of the FKC
The Democratic Dominion of Karmanyaka does not sanction the taxation imposed upon foreign ships going through the Squall Straits. Efforts are being made to dissolve the SSCD and bring back impounded ships to their rightful owners. It is our sincere desire to resolve this situation as soon as possible.
Signed, Sir Henry Pommer, Prime Minister of Karmanyaka.
27-11-2006, 22:04
OOC: You have at least eighteen more NS days before the symmetry measures come into effect according to the communiqué; Sir Silvanas can't impose them this close to an election day (which is in about four NS days, so you actually have that long before they start).
28-11-2006, 11:30
Yeah, sure the symmetry measures haven't come into effect yet, but the threat of 'retaliation' is enough to deter people from trading. Besides, most shipments take a few weeks by sea, which means they arrive to your ports just in time to pay the tariff. Furthermore the trouble is that most goods exported from Klatchia travels by non-Klatchain ships, meaning that the main part of the trade coming through the Squall Straits is hampered by the SSCD and their tariffs. And there's no telling when other nations step in and do the same
All in all, it's not a good idea to buy a lot of goods when you're not sure whether someone else lays hands on it before you can.
Reports were coming in about scams where not-so-honest people sold non-existent goods only to later claim it was impounded by the SSCD or an equivalent. After that the perpetrators invariably dissapeared with the money.
A large Karmanyakan shipyard had just presented the idea of constructing huge submersible freightships to avoid the risks of pirates and storms. While most of society was losing big money because of the Squall Straits tariff, some were finding ways of profiting from it.
Port Olympus, Klatchia
The Karmanyakan Foreign Minister Jon Pike had just arrived at delegation headquarters to discuss the Squall Straits Affair.
"There are no records that this tariff has been discussed in Parliament, and none of our Keys have any recollections of this either." one of the senior staff members said. "If this matter hasn't been laid before the Parliament, it has no legal power, in fact it represents a violation of the constitution."
The Minister nodded thoughtfully. "The problem, though, is that no-one here in PO seems to know what is going on. I'm sure that if you check it again, there is a protocol showing that the bill has been laid before the parliament and voted on."
"But none of the other nations seem to know of such a vote either. There's no trace of it."
At that moment a clerk came in and laid a pile of paper on the table.
"Here, sir. It's a bill that regulates the creation of the 'Federal Infrastructure Fund'. In a side note it is mentioned that money will be transferred into the fund from the Squall Straits Custom Department, and then follows a breif description of the SSCD."
"Wait a minute..." said the Minister. "This means that as soon as they approved of the Federal Infrastructure Fund the also approved of the creation of the SSCD?"
"Clever..." murmured the senior staff member.
"Yes, sir. It's quite cunningly done." the clerk admitted. "This, in turn, means that the SSCD levies this tax legally."
"Seems the only one who was present at the time of voting was a Dyellian Key..."
"I'll be damned. Well, now we have to see what can be done to uproot this damned legislation." Minister Pike concluded.
OOC: DB, just correct me if I've jumped to he wrong conlcusions or whatever.
28-11-2006, 12:33
OOC: OK then. On with the show!
Diplomatic Transmission
To: All nations affected by the so-called Squall Straits Tariff
From: The Democratic Dominion of Karmanyaka, Member of the FKC
The Democratic Dominion of Karmanyaka does not sanction the taxation imposed upon foreign ships going through the Squall Straits. Efforts are being made to dissolve the SSCD and bring back impounded ships to their rightful owners. It is our sincere desire to resolve this situation as soon as possible.
Signed, Sir Henry Pommer, Prime Minister of Karmanyaka.
L'tan looked at it, distinctly unimpressed.
"I'd appreciate your input, Minister," Sir Silvanas said.
"It doesn't matter whether they sanction it or not. That bloody tariff is still there, still being levied. I'm not interested in their assurances that "efforts are being made"," L'tan sneered. "And neither is Duke Street; I've already had a call from the Lord-President about this merde. He used a word I didn't think he knew."
Sir Silvanas leaned back and steepled his fingers.
"How goes the campaign?"
L'tan looked at the Secretary of Trade and nodded. "Polls are indicating that she will increase the majority. And the Lords look to align firmly behind her... Ah, I see what you're getting at."
"Indeed. Once the election takes place, whoever wins will want to take their majority out for a spin..."
"What about the guilds?"
Silvanas groaned at that. He'd had to hire a temp to handle the angry calls from the various merchant ventures.
"They want a symmetry of measures now; the Klatch have had this little tariff running for a while, so they don't see any reason for waiting."
"So the Klatch are going to pay anyway."
"Depends on what your party colleagues dream up during the kegger after the big day. If the Merchant's Alliance gets in the government, you can bet your pants that I'll be told in impose the symmetry tariff before anyone's sobered up."
L'tan didn't respond; Silvanas sighed.
"So should I issue a response?"
"Let them rot. Sanction or no, they're undoubtedly enjoying the fruits of our labour the same as the rest of the Klatch," L'tan's eyes found the Secretary's. "And that carries a cost."
"Yes, Minister."
About an hour after the Karmanyakan clerk deposited the legislation on the desk of his Minister, a mercenary guild tucked away in a corner of the Covenant received a call from one of the mid-sized shipping lines; they wanted men to help protect their vessels in Klatch. It was the first such call. It wasn't the last.
Dyelli Beybi
28-11-2006, 14:28
In the intervening time Period Dyelli Beybi had exploded... yet again into civil war. The last one had only just simmered down.
It would seem this was Act II of the same conflict. Soult hadn't properly established control over the Provinces and hadn't eliminated the opposition. They had capitalised on the weakness and were now inexorably retaking the country mile by bloody mile while Soult's troops in the pronvinces deserted or defected left right and centre.
Vladimir Dzerzhinsky was in the thick of the political hubub, grinning, making placating noises and assuring everyone he had the answer to the Klatchian problem.
"Obviously" he stated in a press conference, "The correct cause of action for Klatch is to immediately suspend the Tarriff. We cannot simply undo the legislation, but we can stop the tax from being enforced. We just tell the Customs Department not to put to sea. Easy. Obviously imposing the tax was a mistake made by a Federal body which was acting outside of the normal parliamentary life."
There was a pause in the speech before he changed topics, "Klatch is descending into anarchy. When was the last time Parliament sat? As the representative of the last legitimate Government of Dyelli Beybi, I have taken the liberty of appointing three keys for the good of Klatch as a whole. We need Parliament to sit and consider who will be our next President. May I remind all of you that whoever we chose must be both ruthless and a consumate diplomat. One who can unite the disenchanted Southern States with the rest of Klatch and one who can bring us to closer communion with our Vaadian neighbours."
"Klatch will live. I have sweated and bled for a Federation that has failed us!" he continued, "A new administration must be created, an administration that can drag Klatch kicking and screaming into this brave new world! Klatch will be reborn stronger than ever."
"With the demise of the Drakonian Imperium our traditional enemies have faded, but been replaced by new ones. The War Masters threaten all of Klatch with Imperialistic meddling." he was really getting worked up now, "We must unite to drive Imperialism from our shores. The Federation of Klatch must explore a whole new approach to foreign policy. We must stand united, rather than allow foreigners to meddle at will with sovereign Klatchian soil. Why was it that during the Vaadian crisis, Klatch barred Dyelli Beybian allies from coming to their aid while letting foreign aggressors make war at liberty? Why was it that the JDF sat idle? Is it merely a m(%*%*&atory aid for elderly politicians?"
"Why was Klatch created?" he demanded, "United we stood, divided we fall. Klatch must stand united once again!"
29-11-2006, 13:01
Official Communiqué
Classification: [open]
From: [Ministry of External Affairs]
Subject: [Merchant Security Policy]
His Most Serene Majesty's Government officially declares that all standard policies regarding the security practices of our civilian merchant marine remain in effect for the present.
-- MEA
[Three hours later...]
"So I read that the Dyellians and Karmanyakans are denying that they ever approved the Squall Straits Tariff. The Karmanyakans are even saying that the allegedly want to return all foreign ships to their rightful owners. And now this "Dzerzhinsky" fellow thinks he can soothe everything with his little speech.
You want to know what I think? Well, you're watching my show, so I'll assume you do. I think that's a load of bull. I think they've all got their fingers in the pie, in our pie. And I think its high time we showed those pirates what happens when you hit Covenant ships, I think it's pay-back time for their "tariff", this direct assault on trade!
Words don't restore our ships to us; words don't restore hard-earned rachmas to the pockets they were stolen from! I say we stand in Arn-Arakhan tonight and demand the Stateholders issue an immediate embargo! Who's with me? Who's bloody with me?!"
-- Pietr Van der Saal "Mornings in Vir-Ahanan" rebroadcast on MNB International 5.
Office of the Secretary for Trade, MEA, The Red Bailey, Arn-Maciska
"Who is this guy?"
"Pietr Van der Sall, sir."
"Who? Never mind. He sounded just like the character "Prothero" in V for Vendetta," Sir Silvanas commented to his secretary, flicking the TV off. "I mean, even down to the inflections. Scary."
"Should I draft a statement sir?"
"Don't bother. If the Klatchians can't tell the difference between government position and the statements issued by private individuals to a free press, they have no business being in government."
He threw a dark look at the screen.
"In any case, Duke Street won't do it... the last person to march on them and demand something was riveted upside down to a tree."
With a click, he turned the screen back on, flicking it across to more local news. A more significant development.
"... exit polls in the colonies are already indicating that the Imperial Party has increased its margin..."
Silvanas regarded the screen gloomily.
Election Day had started... what a circus.
The Secretariat of Imperial Security, MEA, The Red Bailey, Arn-Maciska
Dame Miranda looked over a transcript of Dzerzhinsky's speech with idle interest; the young man next to her was explaining what he'd noticed, and what she picked up on the first reading.
"You see sera, nowhere in that speech does Dzerzhinsky actually say that they've done anything," the boy explained. "He says what they cannot do, what they can do. He doesn't say what they will do or what they have done."
Dame Miranda remained silent; the boy took this as his cue to continue.
"The pollies will pick up on this; and will think it so much hot air..."
"Well done," Miranda abruptly said, sounding pleased; the young man nearly burst with pride. Praise from the Secretary herself!
Of course, his little analysis wasn't the reason for her feeling happy. She'd already voted, her Christmas shopping was done, and best of all for the day; her hounds had found a scent.
Dyelli Beybi
30-11-2006, 06:03
Dzerzhinsky's apartments were three blocks away from the Embassy. It was a high security compound. Guards at the Gate, Guards outside the doors, Guards inside the doors, Guards outside his door. If by some amazing fluke someone managed to get past all of them, then they would have to tangle with Vladimir himself...
He unbuttoned his coat, tossing it onto the back of one of the three long white sofas. He didn't take off his gun holster, he felt better wearing it. A glass coffee table lay between the sofas. There was nothing on it except for a remote for the stereo. He picked it up and put, switching the system on. Shostakovich began to play quietly in the background.
It was finished. Dzerzhinsky smiled, his father would be proud... if he still lived. Nothing seemed to be going wrong. He stepped into the open plan kitchen, fetching a tumbler from a cupboard, ice from his freezer, then a bottle of vodka from a lower cupboard. He poured himself a generous portion.
He sat down on one of the white sofas, closing his eyes for a moment. It was over. Everything was laid and very soon Vladimir Dzerzhinsky would have restored Dyelli Beybi to it's rightful place. Sure he had used guile to achieve his goals, but was that really that bad?
The Klatchians didn't need to fear, in the end he was working for them too, they just didn't all see it yet. He would make Klatch strong and proud. He could have wept when he recieved the reply from that imbecile they called the Minister for Defence... it was the same old story. United in name, divided in action. So much hypocrisy, so much corruption. He would weed it out.
Silently he toasted himself and Caroline ab Ieuaf. He had wanted to make her sister President, she would have been better, but the Vaadians hadn't replied in time, so he would have to use the second best candidate.
30-11-2006, 08:40
Dame Miranda was positively smug. The politicians, yet to be sworn in, might be well on the way to delicious intoxication, in the traditional post-election booze-up, but the hounds had the scent. Hired hounds, her hounds, the Cenobirach's hounds, other Covenant hounds, the merchant's hounds, it hardly mattered; they were all part of the same great hunt, searching for the upstarts that had dared touch their ships.
The paper trail was long. It was convoluted. It was complicated. And it was very well set up.
But it wasn't good enough; the Imperial Civil Service had been professionally creating complex webs of ink and red tape for generations, and was equally adept at penetrating them. Valdir had once cynically observed that it was like a breeding program, producing better and better versions of Sir Humphrey Appleby. From their point of view, whoever had set this up had done quite well; actually using some of the money for legitimate purposes was a good touch. Although, as Sir Silvanas observed to Dame Miranda, actually funnelling any of it into the "Dyelli Beybian War Reconstruction Effort" was a tiny mistake. Miranda replied that was all that was needed.
"Old quote from Northern Ireland my friend," she'd told the Secretary for Trade. "We only have to be lucky once. But they have to be lucky every time."
Following the true path through the thicket, carefully unweaving the tangled web, the shadowy organisations that SIS called upon had finally found four facts; firstly, the SSCD was only marginally legal. Second, a Dyellian faction had been behind the whole thing. Third, that faction was enjoying a substantial portion of the cash. Fourth, that faction wasn't "Emperor" Soult's (the Covenant still sneered at the self-proclaimed monarch's pretensions).
I must remember to thank this man, if it is a man, for such an invigorating chase, Dame Miranda thought to herself. She was enjoying herself. There hadn't been a reply from Praetonia, which was irritating, but there was nothing that could be done about that. Foreign governments responded when they were good and ready. Not that it really mattered; she suspected that if they'd come into it, the hunt would have been shortened and cheapened. The Praetonians would have thought they were chasing a man or men, but Dame Miranda knew better; the prey was, always, information. And there were few things in the world that were worth chasing more.
It was now only a matter of days, maybe even hours, before the riddle was solved, the prey caught. If the mastermind was prudent, he would have hooks in the files, and people watching the trail, and he would have heard the baying of the hounds.
"OK," the Secretary murmured aloud. "That was one fox-hunting metaphor too many..."
"Pardon ma'am?" her Rechtaire asked.
Now Silvanas was giving her an odd look. Bollocks.
Down in the pit, a terminal began to blink, asking for attention.
OOC: DB, if this is too soon for you, let me know and I'll edit.
Dyelli Beybi
30-11-2006, 14:03
It was about then that the 'Fox' they'd all been chasing decided to phone the Department that had finally managed to track down his scheme... it was an interesting time for this to happen, it could possibly hurt him, he would try to ensure it didn't...
Dzerzhinsky was whistling to himself on the other end of the line while he waited to be transfered to somone relevant. Presumably he realised people were onto him... he also seemed rather unworried about all that.
01-12-2006, 07:46
Dzerzhinsky was due to wait a while before speaking to anyone human, let alone anyone relevant; There was an entire division of the Secretariat for International Telecommunications that existed solely to keep foreigners from annoying the Secretaries of State. They had to make sure this wasn't a hoax, some crackpot, a frivolous annoyance, or just a wrong number. They bounced him around for a while, before handing him over to SIS. The call centre staff of SIS decided that the Secretary would want to know, and duly informed her.
Down in the pit, the terminal had been answered, analysed, and acted on. In the office overlooking it, Dame Mirinda was humming a cheerful little tune as the information was presented to her; as an aide whispered in her ear it dissolved into a soft laugh that sent chills racing down spines.
"Dare I ask?" Silvanas inquired.
"We get a call from Port Olympus, within five minutes of the Slicers earning their wages... what's the bet we have our little pirate?" she replied, handing him a hardcopy of the report that had been presented to her.
While he read it she turned to the aide.
"Keep him on hold."
"Yes ma'am."
"And get me a sober Minister."
"No need," a new voice intruded. Julia Perez, Rechtaire to Justina Valdir, and virtual ruler of the MEA when the Minister wasn't looking. She carefully closed the door behind her, and seemed to slither up to the two Secretaries, producing an envelope.
"The Minister's authorisation," she purred placing it on a desk. "Placing me in charge until matters are settled. Now, Miranda, darling, what have you got for me?"
Wordlessly Silvanas handed over the report while Miranda read the envelope's contents. Truth be told, Perez had always unnerved the two of them. Rumour had it that the Church would have nabbed her if the Civil Service hadn't got in first. Or maybe it was the fact that, although the woman was beautiful, there was something subtly wrong about it.
"Well, what an interesting little nest you've found," Perez said when she was done. "Shall we listen to what the little dear has to say? Yes?" she looked at Miranda's aide. "Darling, if you'd be so kind. Quiet everyone, please." The four aides seated at their own terminals in the office didn't even twitch.
The aide was handed a headset, and the call was patched through.
"Office of the Secretary of State for Imperial Security, how may I help you?" the aide murmured. "Certainly sir, and who shall I say is calling? One moment please."
The aide gestured, and Dzerzhinsky was patched through to the room. Perez nodded, a small smile in place.
"Good evening Mr. Dzerzhinsky, this is Dame Miranda. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Dyelli Beybi
01-12-2006, 08:03
"The pleasure is all mine Dame Miranda." Dzerzhinsky sounded warm, cheerful, unphased by the long wait. He came straight to the point though, "I understand you're still looking for some missing ships?"
"I just thought you might like to know that we may have located them." he paused, "There is also the possibility Klatch may vote to repay losses to the owners."
"Of course" he continued, "I can offer no guarantees, but I thought it might be something you'd be interested to hear. Relevant to one's inquiries even."
01-12-2006, 08:20
Perez's smile turned malicious.
"You understand correctly, Ser." Dame Miranda replied, unsmiling. "In part. We are looking for some missing ships. And would be most interested in finding out where your government is keeping our property."
01-12-2006, 08:38
Red Pay meant at least 6 months wages for the Mafia workers, it also meant dangerous delivery work. They were in a yacht designed to smuggle 5 crates of AR-550s, their ammo, and a pile of M72s to a buyer, and the recent squabbles over their route in the Squall Straits made them worrisome. They had accidentally taken a pot shot at a fishing boat in their fear.
They were lightly armed, and hoped to use their status as a private vessel to avoid it. If they didn't they had the ability to go up to 35 knots and use the weapons to fend off people who pursued them further.
2 guards were shaking with their M72s and the new prototype CAR-65s. They couldn't afford to waste too much ammo, but neither of them wanted to get anywhere near law enforcement personnel.
Dyelli Beybi
01-12-2006, 11:04
"What an interesting accusation." Dzerzhinsky mused, "I certainly hope you have some evidence to back up your allegations."
"As far as I can see there is no sign that a crime has been committed. Obviously we may have benefited from funds, but who in their right mind would turn down that sum of money?"
Dzerzhinsky put on an tortured tone, "Perhaps I should have checked more carefully who my backers were. Alas, my carelessness!"
There was a brief pause before he switched topics, "So were we to find such vessels and offer such compensation, surely this would save Macisikan quite a substantial amount of otherwise unrecoverable money."
01-12-2006, 11:47
He doesn't know... Miranda realised. Judging by Silvanas' bright eyed stare, he'd just reached the same conclusion. Judging by Julia's poisoned smile... on second thoughts, let's not even speculate.
"Ser Dzerzhinsky," Miranda replied, in silken tones. "I was not accusing anyone of anything; I was merely stating a fact. Unless you are denying your allegiance to Port Olympus...?" it was not quite a question. "After all, they are the ones holding the ships." Monkeys to your organ-grinder...
"It is an interesting offer you put forward, and certainly bears careful consideration," Perez drew a finger across her throat, and pointed up. "But I must beg your humble forgiveness Ser, as policies governing recovery of funds and property are not in the purview of this department, so I would not be able to furnish you with an immediate and definite answer. That aside, there are a few issues that it doesn't fully accord the correct level of attention to. For example, certain legal ambiguities surrounding your present position, and the responsiveness of the central bureaucracy do cast your ability to deliver on this offer into doubt. Furthermore there is the damage to consumer confidence, the inconvenience caused to the merchant ventures, the affront afforded, and also, quite important if I might say so Ser, the matter of repeal. Your assurances and offers count for nought, Ser, so long as this tariff remains on the books." Dame Miranda had not raised her voice, accelerated her pace, the whole way through; her tone had remained silken throughout.
Perez was shaking her head in irritation. No doubt Dzerzhinksy thought he was being complimentary. Pity that girl, whatshername, Commissar Wallach? Walls? whatever, was probably dead. She'd have been able to tell him in an instant the big thing he'd left out; a sacrifice. Someone responsible had to be flung to the wolves. For the sake of honour.
Dyelli Beybi
02-12-2006, 10:35
"Give us four days." the Royal Alliance Ambassador promised, "When the President has been elected we can look at dismantling this legislation."
That was it, "Unless you have anything else to discuss?" it was an implied ending to the conversation.
03-12-2006, 01:13
"Four days," Dame Miranda's voice was still silken. "Very well, ser, I believe I can give you four days. But no longer. The light before you, ser."
She raised a hand, and the call was immediately ended. There was a heavy pause.
Then Sir Silvanas frowned.
"You're really going to keep the heat off for four days-" he began.
"It doesn't matter what I said to him," Miranda cut him off, smirking. "It's not my call."
Julia smiled.
"Really Sil'," she murmured. "I thought you would have picked up on that; she said "I", not "we". It was a personal undertaking. Dame Miranda will therefore take four days' leave for personal reasons, and in the meantime, what will be, will be."
Silvanas' frown lessened, then vanished.
"And in any case, the Minister would overrule your undertaking..." he said. Miranda nodded; everyone in the room knew that Valdir wouldn't give a monkey's about Dzerzhinsky's timetable. She'd be dancing to her own tune.
"Damn the man," Perez muttered. "You have a couple of spare copies of the report, yes? Thank you darling."
Miranda silently handed over a wad of paper, and the other woman glided out.
"What did she mean?" Silvanas asked.
"The Ministry favours the Royal Alliance to win the Dyellian Civil War. But that fool has made quite a few angry people."
Silvanas nodded. His office had been fielding calls from those angry people until a few hours ago, when the election results were announced, and the party arrangements declared.
Once out of the room, Julia's face collapsed into a mask.
Perez was privately fuming all the way back to her office. Dzerzhinksy was now at the very top of her personal shit-list. And would be fairly high on the same lists for both Valdir and the First Minister tomorrow.
The Covenant favoured a strong Klatch, a united Klatch; that sort of Klatch could be reasoned with, but more importantly, that sort of Klatch was highly profitable. It was even possible, after an all-night bender, to think that a unified Klatch could be friendly. But the alternative was a chaotic disaster, and instead of having the merchants counting rachmas, would only have the Emperor's dogs straining at their leashes, anxious to tear the pieces of region apart. Dzerzhinksy really offered the only hope the Federation had, with the Walrus slumbering. And he first had to win his homeland. With the Tzarina, of course.
But then he'd gone and done something like this. Damn the man. If only he'd bloody asked. In return for sufficient guarantees of immunity from Klatchian retaliation (say, a royal heir or two being fostered in the Court of Light), Valdir would have funnelled enough money his way to buy Dyelli Beybi. OK, that was an exaggeration. But the point stood.
Instead he'd resorted to stealing the fruits of Imperial labour to furnish his men. An affront that could not be simply ignored...
"Hey hey," a voice said, breaking her train of thought.
She whirled on her heel to glare at the person who dared intrude.
"Woah," Alexius Vattyen, still looking the handsome youth he'd been when they first met, raised his hands. "Easy. What's up?"
"Bloody idiot Klatchians, all they bloody had to do was just bloody ask."
"Ah," he nodded knowingly. "Yes, this "tariff" business. Leave it, babe."
"How can I just-"
"Quite easily. You ignore it until the morning..." he moved across the office, standing near her.
"No," she looked down at her desk, "Sorry Al, but no, I have to-"
"Do I have to bring a royal command into this?" he smiled.
Julia's head snapped up and her eyes darkened.
"You went to Con?" her voice was laced with ice.
"Of course," Alexius answered, rolling his eyes. "How else am I getting you out of the Red Bailey tonight? Come on. We've got transport to Stonebridge, and I want to get there before the roads are choked with revellers."
She looked doubtful.
"C'mon Jul'. Four more years of Imperial Party rule. Let's get drunk. Really drunk."
Julia sighed, and resigned herself to having a good time. It was a perpetual peril when you were virtually married to a man who was the best friend of the Holy Monarch, and nephew to the First Minister.
Anyway, there would be time to deal with Dzerzhinsky later. She was Macisikani; she had the luxury of time.
Dyelli Beybi
03-12-2006, 08:46
Dzerzhinsky had apparently decided to do something to make people cool off... The SSCD had stopped opperating and retreated back to whatever harbour they'd been salying out from. Undoubtedly it had something to do with him.
He also had a very handy sacrificial lamb lined up in the form of a certain Patricia Davies who had been running the Department, although right now he was trying to figure out a way he could blame her without her blaming him. This was difficult, although he wasn't aware she had been stopped by Praetonian shipping...
The four days were the four days until the Klatchian Presidential elections were finished. Clearly Dzerzhinsky was hoping his candidate, the only candidate, would triumph over the strong 'no confidence' vote, otherwise they would need to go through the whole nominations business again... Only when they had a president would they be able to remove the nasty bit of legislation that had created the department.
04-12-2006, 11:32
If Dzerzhinsky thought that calling off his jackals would be enough to cool down tempers, he had sorely misjudged the people he was dealing with. The damage had already been done; money had already been lost. Some (quite a bit) of the cargo being held was time-sensitive, and now either useless, or only could be sold at a loss. He didn't know, but while Patricia Davies would probably soothe the corporations, the Daíl* would laugh at the idea of being offered such a small fish.
It was a mark of the skilled organisation of the Civil Service that there was a set protocol to dealing with affairs like this one, where someone cost the Covenant money in an underhanded way. The official language was complex, but Lady Valdir had once summed it up as "someone is responsible. Find them. Blame them. Make them pay."
The day after the election, commonly called "Aspirin Run" for obvious reasons, was often quiet. Dame Miranda went home and worked on her gardening; she found it therapeutic. Though she wished next door (Secretary Madarr) would keep their blasted dog out of her rhododendrons.
Sir Silvanas came in to the office just after lunch to put the finishing touches on his report to the Cabinet, then spent the rest of the afternoon playing cricket with his staff. He was feeling extremely pleased with himself.
Sophronsa Aryet, Rechtaire assigned to all things Klatch, had a lunch with Miranda and Silvanas' Permanent Private Secretaries, in which she was brought up to speed. Though Silvanas, Miranda and Perez had all trampled on what was rightfully her turf, she wasn't put out; you couldn't help it when your kid got sick and you had to take time off.
Julia Perez, in what was becoming a tradition, swore to God that she would never ever again do tequila shots with the Queen-Empress, then downed the nice pills. She was able to draw comfort from the fact that Alexis had a worse hangover then she did, and that stage one was over and done with. Over a breakfast cooked by a sickeningly bright-eyed and cheerful Royal Couple, she pondered the next few days; the so-called EACSiB days. Election Day, Aspirin Run, Clean-out day, Sitting, Business. On Clean-out, the Deputy Ministers of the old Cabinet would meet to wrap up their business before the First Minister announced her new cabinet; cleaning out the detritus of the caretaker period. The Ministers themselves would be wrangling out Party arrangements. Sitting day was when the new M.P.'s were sworn in, and the lavish spectacle of the Opening Of Parliament took place. A ceremonial sitting, where the First named the new cabinet. It was unlikely to change, though the Junior First was ready to retire.
As a large plate of bacon and eggs was set down in front of her (oh dear god...), she thought of the last day in that cycle.
Assuming that she'd figured the time zones correctly, at the same time that the Klatchians were electing their new Parliament, the Cabinet would be deciding their response, Dzerzhinsky's assurances and Miranda's promises be damned. People had to learn; there was a price for pulling a stunt like this. The Klatchians are damned lucky - can he stop whistling, please, for the love of God - lucky that the election had consumed everyone's attention, or half the corporations would be reaching for assassins. The other half would be reaching for a mercenary army. Oh, my head...
Her main comfort though, was that the Crown Prince looked as green as she felt as his father flipped pancakes, whistling the tune "Catapla".
Things only got worse as the First Minister, looking fresh and pressed from the shower, started humming along.
The sight of them around that table, with the Head of State, the Divine Monarch, in patchy jeans and a torn t-shirt cooking breakfast for them, made her reflect on the odd dynamic that powered the most successful administration in the last century.
She concluded that it just went to show that the world was an odd place.
Justina Valdir had decided to spend the day with the rest of the Cabinet, generally unwinding and talking about things that weren't connected with government for once.
Of course, she wasn't as happy as she could have been. Sometime in the next few days she'd have to draw a leading Klatchian official aside, and blast seven hells out of them, explaining why you don't initiate a trade war.
OOC: *Daíl; pron. "DOY-al"; the parliament of the UIK, not the Covenant.
04-12-2006, 17:22
In Costa Tula, Supreme Naval Commander Itxaad looked over the reports filed by nearly three dozen foreign and native merchant vessel complaints about the Squall Straits Customs Department. He wondered who they were, and then wondered why this was all in his lap, he was about to ask when his aide, Leftenant Adkins, answered.
"The Republican Council does not recognize the Federation Government, this is a wholly military matter under the Military Mandate previously given to the Retaliatory Guard in dealing with the Federation." Adkins stated with a smug smile.
Itxaad hurumped at his clairvoyant aide. "I see, I see. What does Supreme Republican Commander Ring have to say about this?"
Adkins nodded down that the papers "He has instructed the Naval Guard to remedy the situation. He did not elaborate how we should take care of it."
Itxaad chuckled "Well, then lets go and sink some Squall Straits Customs Department's ships. If we don't recognize the state they represent, then they are pirates. Simple. Get Admiral Ilek to handle it, have him take three Tormentor Squadrons along with his Tactical group."
Adkins saluted smartly "Yes sir!"
Within hours, the Tactical Group Sir William Issem was steaming East, to join up with Tormentor Squadrons Istvan Vaikov, Namaan Vaad, and Thule Byraan at Banize Bay, and then on to the Squall Straits.
The Naval Guard also quickly issued a message to any of it's trading partners,Karmanyaka and Macisikan included:
To: <Trading Partner of The Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad>
From: Naval Guard Command
RE: Squall Straits Customs Dept.
The Naval Guard would like to alert it's trading partners that an unrecognized entity is currently conducting pirate raids on ships in the Squall Straits. This entity calling itself the 'Squall Straits Custom Department' claims to be acting under the authority of the 'Federation of Klatchian States', neither of these authorities are recognized by The Free Republic and neither have the power to levy taxes or charges on merchants headed to The Free Republic, or to seize ships headed to The Free Republic.
The Naval Guard is currently dispatching overwhelming naval forces to the Squall Straits to remedy this situation. Merchant vessels who are intending to use the Squall Straits with a final destination in the Free Republic are being asked to contact the Naval Guard to arrange for a Naval Guard escort through the Squall Straits.
The Naval Guard are committed to ending these acts, and to guarantee the safety of merchants that trade with The Free Republic.
Naval Guard Command, Costa Tula.
Dyelli Beybi
05-12-2006, 17:14
It was now a waiting game. Klatchian Presidential elections were underway. The SSCD was grounded in it's hidden harbours, but the Dyellians in central Klatch watched the military movements in the Squall Straights with alarm.
05-12-2006, 20:09
Tactical Group Sir William Issem was well underway, the Tormentor Squadrons had met them and were fanning out well ahead, at nearly seventy knots, they would reach the Squall Straights in advance of the Tactical Group. Admiral Ilek was having a planning meeting with his senior officers aboard the Battleship Sir William Issem.
"We have the satellite imagery here" Captain Fisk states as he points his laser point at the the main plasma screen " That correlates with the time of the reports of the seized ships we have." He pauses again, running the satellite video forward "We can see here, the merchant vessel, and the small craft, and here the merchant vessel changing course, and heading here." He pauses again fast forwarding, the video switches between normal and infrared as clouds pass before the satellite, giving an unbroken picture.
"Narv-X Naval Base, unoccupied according to intelligence." He wraps up as an jungle obscured image appears on screen of the base.
"We are sure that's where they are?" Admiral Ilek queried.
"There, or in the area sir, every seized ship we've matched up with the satellites head there, or at least in that direction, we weren't particularly watching for anything, so some of the tracking is incomplete." The Captain responds.
Admiral Ilek sits back in his chair and then looks over at Colonel Lolkema "Can your marines take that place?"
The Colonel nods "Unless it's fully garrisoned , yes sir."
Admiral Ilek nods toward the screen "Then that is out target. Colonel get a RASTER Satellite on that base 24 hours until we arrive, get your men familiar with it and get the pilots briefed." He turns back to the Captain "Tell Captain Nerva to get the Tormentor Battle cruisers to blockade that place. We are going to take the base, evacuate it, and them remove it from the map."
Colonel Lolkema nods "Fine sir, but maybe we should hold the place? It is unincorporated Klatchia, even if we destroy the facility.......................there are still other places in the Straits for pirates."
Admiral Ilek looks at him "You mean seize it and keep it?"
Colonel Lolkema nods " At least see what Tollan thinks of the idea?"
Admiral Ilek looks at his men "Prepare for my plan, we destroy it, I'll talk to Tollan and see what other steps they may want taken, but until then, get ready to seize , evacuate and destroy. Got it? Good?"
His officers salute with the Defiant Salute of the Retaliatory Guard as he leaves.
05-12-2006, 22:11
[OOC: Sorry for the lateness of this post...]
The bridge crew of the Sword of Free Enterprise stared in disbelief at the little motor launch as the 9,000t warship was first told it had not paid a tax the crew knew to be non-existant, and then as good as threatened to surrender by a vessel closer in sturdiness to a rowing boat than to a warship. Despite the Sword's outward appearance, however, she was not technically a warship and she did not have a military crew. Thus the bridge crew was temporarily stunned by the sheer audacity of the raft captain's demands.
Rowan was the first to regain his composure. "Weapons - loudspeakers. Make our intent clear," he ordered. The next second, the Sword's four loudspeakers emitted eight shrill pulses of high-pitched sound at over 150 decibel. Designed to 'impose authority over a chaotic situation' for use against low-budget pirates attacking civilian vessels, the system was thought appropriate for the threat face.
"This is Captain Francis Rowan of the Confederation of Praetonian Industry Industrial Escort Flotilla," said Rowan through the loudspeaker systems, this time at a more comfortable volume for those on the receiving end, "You are ordered to strike your colours and surrender your vessel and crew to the Sword of Free Enterprise. Resistance will only risk casualties amonst your crew. Under the Crime at Sea Act, 1823, I am entitled to destroy your ship if resistance is encountered." This proclaimation was followed by another three high-pitched pulses of 150-decibel sound.
Meanwhile, the Sword had been maneouvering to try to come alongside the other vessel. Twenty marines with assault rifles and fixed bayonets were lined up along the ship's railings ready to jump across.
05-12-2006, 23:05
In the mid-morning of Sitting Day, the first Covenant nation imposed a tariff; the minor state of Vir-Ahanan, a free city, imposed an eight-thousand rachma docking fee on all Klatchian vessels (exempting Ilek-Vaad, of course). By late afternoon, another had followed suit.
Clean-out Day dawned bright and clear in Arn-Maciska, with the news that two more nations had imposed retaliatory fees and tariffs. The Deputy Ministers were quite surprised when their superiors joined them just before lunch, along with Baroness Aryet and Rechtaire Perez. When Aryet tabled the SIS reports, the communiqués, and the transmission from Illek-Vaad, their surprise faded quickly; Valdir wanted a provisional resolution. It was the last that really clinched it; when the Vaadians declared the whole thing "piracy", the second stage of the policy "blame them" was taken care of instantly. It also incensed the Cabinet; it now looked less like a piece of shady legislation rushed through when no-one was looking, and more like the opening salvo in a trade war.
There was a bit of wrangling over language, but when the Senior Ministers withdrew ten minutes later, Valdir had what she wanted, and it was dispatched to Arn-Arakhan for the Stateholders. The resolution would have to be re-confirmed after Sitting Day by the new cabinet, but that hardly mattered; the government had been returned, and the "new" Cabinet looked to be the same as the old.
The Vaadians had effectively shortened Dzerzhinsky's four days to three.
Official Communiqué
Classification: [OPEN]
From: [Ministry of External Affairs, UIK]
To: [The Office of Trade of the Federated Klatchian Coast, or equivalent, AND the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Federated Klatchian Coast, or equivalent, Foreign Ministry of the Free Republic of Illek-Vaad]
Subject: [Declaration of Squall Straits Customs Symmetry of Measures]
Dear sir or madam,
His Most Serene Majesty's Government has determined that, due to the adverse effects of the fees you have imposed upon the Squall Straits, and the methods employed in collecting these fees, that maritime trade is now non-viable with the Federated Klatchian Coast
While I have noted previously, and His Most Serene Majesty's Government concedes, that the imposition of such fees and levies may be within your purview as you may be the national power controlling those waters, the lack of prior notification is completely inexcusable, and the damage done to mutual trading interests is severe. We are therefore compelled to now impose a Symmetry of Measures upon your shipping. Consider this communiqué the formal, prior, notification.
Whereas: ships bound from the Covenant to the Free Republic of Illek-Vaad have been subject to the Squall Straits Reconstruction Tariff,
and, Whereas: the Free Republic of Illek-Vaad finds that such levying to be illegal;
and, Whereas: the Squall Straits Reconstruction Tariff is of such weight as to render many Klatchian trade routes unfeasible, to the point where such tariff may be considered a hostile measure;
and, Whereas: His Most Serene Majesty's Government, charged with the defence and protection of the trading interests of the UIK, is empowered to impose such tariffs and measures necessary to establish a symmetry of effect with foreign trading parameters;
and, His Most Serene Majesty's Government, satisfied that conditions are such that they do so require the imposition of such measures for the good of the Covenant;
NOWTHEREFORE; by measure Provisional Cabinet Resolution duly accepted by Stateholders in Council, do enact the following provisions, with immediate effect;
- All vessels originating in, or whose flag of ownership is within, the Federated Klatchian Coast shall be required to halt for inspection when entering Covenant territorial waters.
- A tariff, called the Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff (SSST), proportional to the value of goods and tonnage of the carrying vessel but no less than one-and-a-half million rachmas (∂1.5M) will be charged on every vessel originating in, or whose flag of ownership is within, the Federated Klatchian Coast passing through Covenant territory.
- Scales of increase shall cease when the amount of Duty to be charged on the vessel reaches one hundred and fifty million rachmas (∂150.0M).
- If the SSST cannot be paid, then the ship will be seized, and an amount of cargo equal to the value of the SSST, or 33% of the cargo, whichever is greater, will be removed and declared the property of the Crown.
- If the SSST cannot be paid, and the cargo is insufficient to meet the debt, then the ship will be seized and sold; 33% of the proceeds, or the value of the SSST, whichever is greater, will be taken by the Crown; the costs of deporting the crew back to their nation of origin will then be met from the remainder, with the balance returned to the former owners of the vessel.
- Any ship that resists will be considered a pirate vessel and be treated as such under relevant legislation.
- All normal tariffs and taxes will remain in effect.
- All Covenant Nations retain their privilege to impose additional fees and tariffs as they see fit.
And it pleases the Cabinet to declare that this resolution shall, upon confirmation by returned Cabinet, remain in effect at the pleasure of His Most Serene Majesty's Government of the UIK, or for six months, whereupon it shall be referred to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Commerce and Trade for further consideration.
The following Covenant Nations have imposed their own tariffs and punitive measures on all ships affected by the SSST, effective immediately:
Imperial Dominion of Nak-Saldar ----- ∂500,000 (flat rate, per entry)
Empire of Takuliyet ------------------------ ∂1,200 (per tonne of cargo capacity, per entry)
Grand Duchy of Makaluiki --------------- ∂6,000 (per tonne of cargo carried, one time)
Principality of Kuvarlaron ---------------- ∂400 (per tonne of cargo capacity, one time)
Republic of Vir-Ahanan ------------------ ∂8,000 (flat rate, one time docking fee)
These measures shall remain in effect at the pleasure of His Most Serene Majesty's Several Governments.
All monies collected shall be disposed of as His Most Serene Majesty's Several Governments see fit.
All ships trading under the flag of the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad are exempt from all provisions contained herein.
Should you have any queries, contact this office.
Baroness Sophronsa Aryet,
Rechtaire Assigned to the Federated Klatchian Coast,
Ministry of External Affairs
Dyelli Beybi
06-12-2006, 09:35
(OOC: That's ok)
The sound had clearly had some effect on the crew. All of whom were now covering their ears. However, they hadn't quite finished with their little charade yet...
The woman with the microphone walked into the cramped little office. There was an audible hiss as they increased the volume on their own system... It was followed by an awful squealing and a sound that very much sounded like someone scraping their nails on a blackboard...
Then silence followed by, "We got your point the first time $*%)@*@&(@!"
Common sense though had dictated they stand down, and they did, even if their leader had just implied a certain non-human origin to the Captain of the Sword of Free Enterprise's children...
Dyelli Beybi
13-12-2006, 13:57
Official Communiqué from the Offices of the President of Klatch
To: Ministry of Trade, Macisikan or similar relevant authority
While Klatch acknowledges that the levying of a tax on vessels crossing the Squall Straight was a mistake on the part of certain bodies within Klatch, and these taxes have since been dropped, we note with dismay that the so called Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff has not likewise been dropped.
It is viewed in Klatch that the removal of this Tariff is in the best interest of continued good relations between Macisikan and the Federated Klatchian Coast.
It is felt within Klatch that negotiations ought to be opened immediately in order to facilitate the hasty removal of this prejudicial Tariff.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieuaf,
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
OOC: Gah, just found this. I will try to be more active, although I don't know if this thread will continue to be. As well, for outsiders (Praetonia, etc...) and Ilek-Vaad, please note that Vrak has a very significant military force stationed in the former New Shiron territories (which is basically a continent shaped like Australia SE of the Klatch proper). I apologize for this, but I'm not pulling this out of my ass. I will find the relevant threads shortly. And IV, 70 knots?
The Vrakians, who were basically concerned with operations in Timaru and Moskau did not particularily care about the tax being levied. They were, however, concerned with incoming ships that may interfere with their supply lines, especially from Ilek-Vaad.
As the Vaadian fleet drew closer, a small squadron of fast attack submarines were dispatched to shadow them. Overhead sats were tasked to keep track of their movements along with the Praetorians. While both fleets were well out of range of the long-range artillery pieces that Vrak had emplaced, they were not out of range of Vrakian bombers, of which Vrak had plenty of.
14-12-2006, 13:31
Office of the Minister for External Affairs, the Red Bailey, Arn-Maciska, UIKM
Perez and Silvanas held their breath as Valdir read through the President's message. The Minister was calm. Too calm.
"Thank you Sir Silvanas. Would you please send Peter in?" the Trade Secretary withdrew.
"Julia, please call the Cabinet Secretary, and have this matter placed on the agenda."
"Ah, Peter, get me Sophronsa Aryet. Now," the last word had claws in it.
Official Communiqué
Classification: [sealed]
From: [Ministry of External Affairs]
To: [Office of the President of Klatch]
Subject: [RE: Symmetry Tariff]
Madam President,
His Most Serene Majesty's Government of the United Imperial Kingdoms notes your assurances that the Squall Straits Reconstruction Tariff has been lifted with warmth, however, it is the considered opinion of His Serene Majesty's Government of the UIK that there remains in existence a certain slant in the balance of trade, and as it is necessary to redress the imbalance created by the original imposition of measures in the interests of fair trade, and it is my regretful duty to inform you that until such a time as His Most Serene Majesty's Minister of External Affairs, under advisement from relevant offices and departments, is so satisfied that such equalisation has taken place, the Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff will remain in place. In addition, until such a time as those properties that are in the legal possession of the various merchant ventures that His Most Serene Majesty's Subjects are party to are returned in full and undamaged, such punitive measures upon Klatchian shipping will continue to be enforced so as to adequately compensate His Serene Majesty's Subjects for the loss of their property.
Pursuant to that notation, there exists at present no way for His Most Serene Majesty's Several Governments to independently verify your claim that the Squall Straits Customs Department has ceased operations or that the Squall Straits Reconstruction Tariff has been lifted without endangering further civilian merchant marine assets or infringing upon the Federation's claim to the Squall Straits; this is, naturally, a step that none of His Most Serene Majesty's Several Governments is willing to undertake at present.
His Most Serene Majesty's Government of the Republic of Vir-Ahanan, that nation having suffered severe damage to their limited merchant marine, has indicated that, for the foreseeable future, they shall continue to levy the one-time docking and processing fee upon all Klatchian shipping until such a time as His Most Serene Majesty's Government of RVA is satisfied that their merchant ventures are adequately compensated for the damage inflicted upon their interests by the Squall Straits Reconstruction Tariff.
The Minister for External Affairs will be available for telephone conference with you between 15:00 and 15:30hrs Arn-Maciska Daylight Savings Time tomorrow, should you wish to personally contact her to discuss this matter further.
We apologise for the inconvenience this issue is causing you.
Baroness Sophronsa Aryet,
Rechtaire Assigned to the Federated Klatchian Coast,
Ministry of External Affairs
Aryet hesitated at the final paragraph before she sent the communiqué off; normally she'd include a line about having the Imperial Ambassador available to discuss the matter, but in this case... she shrugged and sent it off anyway. The Covenant had tried on three occasions to establish some sort of embassy exchange with the Federal Government, and had been rudely rebuffed each time.
If the Klatch had problems with the communications issue now, tough luck; they only had themselves to blame.
Dyelli Beybi
14-12-2006, 14:27
Dyelli Beybians were not noted diplomats. They tended to be a tiny bit too brash...
Caroline ab Ieuaf whistled slightly as she read through the rather wordy reply she had recieved from Macisikan. She shook her head, it was all so silly. Trade was what made the world go round, even the Communists down in Dyelli Beybi acknowledged that.
Someone had screwed up, or more likely had seen an opportunity for a big heist. She smelled Dzerzhinsky at work. It was exactly like the kind of scheme he or his father would cook up. She wouldn't look too closely. He was far too useful for Klatch as a whole and besides, he had got her here...
With suprise she realised she was genuinely thinking of the Continent and how to save the frail Federation. God help her she might actually turn into a President who cared...
There was nobody else in the Office... there was a name for the office. She couldn't quite remember off the top of her head, 'the Oblong Office'? She'd find out later.
Carefully she screwed up the missive. Teleconference? They had said all that was going to be said, which probably meant negotiations were over and the nasty business was about to begin.
She thought for a moment, then unscrewed the document and instead fed it through a shredder. Macisikan would soon see that poking Klatch, especially while it was trying to hold out an olive branch was not a good idea. They used to call it poking the walrus. They could call it poking the crocodile now...
Later on that afternoon, after a few drinks with a very nice looking Vrakian intern, the President did reconsider her views and decided to make one last attempt...
Official Communiqué from the Offices of the President of Klatch
To: Ministry of External Affairs, Macisikan
Klatch is ready to return all confiscated vessels and is also ready to return all of the Reconstruction Tariff minus the amount of revenue levied by the Symmetry Tariff. This will obviously not be returned as it will be used to reimburse those who have been negatively effected by the policies of the Government of Macisikan.
You have the assurances of the Federation that we are no longer levying a Tariff. To imply that we may be doing otherwise is a serious breach of good faith, which we regard as essential in these negotiations.
We do not feel a teleconference would be of benefit to us. However we wish to reccommend that The Government of the United Imperial Kingdoms seriously reconsider their policies against Klatchian shipping. We are willing to make ammends in this situation, but only if we can be assured that there will be no continuation of prejudicial Tariffs against Klatchian shipping.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieuaf,
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
14-12-2006, 18:11
Tactical Group Sir Willaim Issem steamed ahead, making note of the Vrakian response, they had been as the receiving end of the sabre rattling of the Vrakians and had it best to ignore it. They made note of the movements of the submarines, being racked by satellite and the Sir William Issem's own attack subs, shadowed them right back.
Meanwhile, far ahead the Tormentor Squadron Istvan Vaikov was well on it's way and watching the Praetonina/Squall Straits customs office standoff.
Captain Petra Nerva, aboard the NGS Istvan Vaikov-001 decided to intervene, hailing all the ships involved on the emergency maritime channels.
"This is Naval Guard Tormentor Squadron Istvan Vaikov. We have been dispatched to end the piracy occurring in the Squall Straits and to effect the relese of hijacked ships and crews. Armed vessels in the vicinity that are not warships of a recognized power that has a right to be in Klatchian Regional Waters are advised to leave said waters.
Armed ships that do not do so, will be considered pirates, and engaged, unless some other arrangement is made."
She had the missive repeated several times.
Dyelli Beybi
14-12-2006, 19:40
There was a radio signal that went out from the little boat. It wasn't morse code, or any kind of code at all. It was just noise. In fact, it sounded like they were playing a few bars of 'Smoke on the Water' on a very out of tune guitar. Then it stopped.
The ever belicose Dyellian Captain had a reply after that, "Your presence is unnecessary and illegal. You are in violation of the territorial waters of the Federated Klatchian Coast, namely the state of Alcona and Hubris. Your efforts will neither uncover any pirates nor recover one single legally confiscated ship failing to pay Federation taxes. In fact, your ship itself is liable to incur the Squall Straight Maintenance Tarriff."
14-12-2006, 20:54
Captain Nerva chuckled at the response and looked over to the helm "Full ahead. Sound a general alert."
She returned to her seat and watched the satellite feed "Alert Admiral Ilek our ETA to engage."
The Tormentor Squadron (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10732807&postcount=60) closed in at full speed.
14-12-2006, 22:15
Valdir blinked as she read the communiqué. She didn't have anyone's head to set on a pike, but she could wait for that. It was more for Parliament anyway, which was occupying itself doing... she wasn't sure what, but it involved a lot of numbers. What she did have was a return of the ships, and compensation. Good enough for now.
"PETER," she bellowed, "call the Cabinet Secretary, and get me Sir Silvanas."
Leaning back, she examined the Klatchian missive again. A whisper of cloth on cloth let her know that Perez was peering over her shoulder.
"They have no idea how to talk to us, do they?" the question was rhetorical. Valdir ignored it. Perez continued anyway.
"I mean, "breach of good faith"? At least we were kind enough to warn them first. And then you cleared out half an hour of your schedule to talk to her," Perez shook her head. "She could have been more graceful in her refusal."
Valdir still didn't speak. She was slightly miffed; she was a busy woman, and half an hour was time she could ill-afford to waste. But she shrugged it of. No doubt ab Ieuaf was just another filthy foreigner. And it was Valdir's misfortune to have to interact with the bastards.
"Retirement, where are you?" she muttered. Perez snorted in amusement.
"Minister," the Personal Secretary had re-emerged. "I have Sir Silvanas on line 3, and the Cabinet Secretary will be on line 9 in five minutes. Oh, and Julia; the Premier wants to speak with you. Line 2 in your office."
"Thank you Peter. Julia, don't blame her. She's a JAFF. Blame that bloody fox, and his idiotic masters in Alcona and Hubris. It was during his watch that this whole thing started."
"Yes, Minister," Julia departed with a smirk. Of course she'd "blame" the fox. But couched in Valdir's language was the true meaning. Dzerzhinsky did this. Dzerzhinsky created the mess. And they had to clean it up. If Dzerzhinsky visited the Covenant any time in the next ten years, he would have to be very careful about things like strychnine in his guacamole.
Official Communiqué
Classification: [sealed]
From: [Ministry of External Affairs]
To: [Office of the President Of Klatch]
Subject: [RE: Squall Straits Tariff]
Madam President,
After giving the matter due consideration, Cabinet has decided to annul their decision implementing the Squall Straits Symmetry Tariff in light of your assurances. A full accounting of the monies levied thereby has been attached, for your convenience, to this missive.
His Most Serene Majesty's Several Governments have discussed the matter with His Serene Majesty's Government of the UIK, and agreed to repeal their own punitive measures.
We are pleased that this matter has been resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of all, however, we would be most gratified if in the future, should should decide to levy any such tariffs, you do us the courtesy of informing us before they come into effect.
Certain of His Serene Majesty's Government are of the opinion that if there were some sort of exchange of Ambassadors in effect between the Covenant and the Federation, this unpleasantness would have been resolved with far greater speed and effect, and invite you to consider such a measure.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Baroness Sophronsa Aryet,
Rechtaire Assigned to the Federated Klatchian Coast,
Ministry of External Affairs
-Well, what now?
-We can make our presence known, if that fool of a president will do nothing then we shall.
-Your orders, High Air marshal?
-Activate the 10th Wing of the Vrakian Corridor #1 Throng. Four air superiority wings and one bomber. Use the fusion powered ones for the range. Keep the payload conventional. Isn't Admiral Iruk a HORDE commander yet? Anyhow, notify him and tell him to be ready.
-Yes, High Admiral.
Within the hour, the 10th Wing of the Vrakian Airforce began to launch its initial group of fighters and bombers. Four escort Su-47s for every one Tu-160 Blackjack bomber took to the air and headed towards the Squall Straits vicinity. They would take care to avoid air combat over the unstable Dyelli Beybi itself, but then, that is why the 11th Wing was on active standby.
Iruk nodded and then set the phone down. He was a walrus not given to emotional outbursts but calmly looked at the map on his screen before waddling down to the situation room. He may not sleep much in the next few days.
ooc: one Wing = 625 craft. So, 125 bombers and the rest fighters. But they won't all leave in one big OMG wave but in a few waves. Let me know if you have any concerns. I think fusion-powered craft is within my reach, considering that I'm not altering, at this time, the rest of the craft - except to say that the planes would be made to withstand the endurance put on them. I am reckoning that they would have greater range which is what we are after here.
Dyelli Beybi
15-12-2006, 07:01
Caroline ab Ieuaf made a brief appearance on television, beaming ear to ear and waving a white piece of paper, which might bring up vague memories of Chamberlain's 'peace in our time' speech.
"Trade will resume." she announced, "The Squall Straight Customs Department will be dismantled and Tariffs on both sides of this dispute will be dropped and confiscated shipping will be returned to the relevant parties."
Behind the scenes Dzerzhinsky was being squeezed for the money. Caroline would be damned if he didn't foot the bill for this. She also knew that that would mean he'd have to get the money out of the Royal Alliance coffers, which weren't precisely overflowing. The new Tzarina would definitely want to know where the money was going, which would leave him with quite some explaining to do...
All's well the ends well. Not quite. Ilek-Vaad was proving to be a major problem in what was supposed to be a peaceful solution.
The cameras had left a few minutes before. The piece of paper Caroline had been waving for them had in fact been blank. She chuckled to herself and turned to the next piece of information that needed to be dealt with... Vaadians violating territorial waters, and probably planning on mucking up what she'd just negotiated. They were so stupid... Just thinking of the Vaadians raised bile in her throat. She could understand the Drakonians, but the Vaadians were different. They were the worst kind of enemy, the kind that made stupid, stupid blunders that would lead to open war, which really wasn't beneficial for anyone.
The Vrakians were scrambling Squadrons into the area. They would need to be contacted. Did the JDF have any assetts in the area? There should have been coastal fortifications on the friendly side of the Straight that could have fired, but were they manned? She would need the Minister of Defence.
It was traditional to give three warnings. So they would give three warnings. It was just a pity they couldn't call on the Dyellian Grand Fleet. It was close to the area and dangerous enough to give anyone with anything approaching common sense pause, but it was tied up in the civil war and unlikely to leave Port for a Federal matter. Dyelli Beybi wouldn't be any help to the Federation for a while...
Nevertheless she would try to pull some strings with the Royal Alliance.
Just as an afterthought she decided a message from the President might not go amiss...
Encryption: None whatsoever
To: Vaadian Intruder Fleet
From: The Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
You are in violation of Federal Territorial waters. Leave now. Please note; this is not a joke, we do not find your presence even remotely funny.
15-12-2006, 15:33
Encryption: None whatsoever
To: Vaadian Intruder Fleet
From: The Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
You are in violation of Federal Territorial waters. Leave now. Please note; this is not a joke, we do not find your presence even remotely funny.
The missive was received and passed up the chain of command to Retaliatory Guard Command's 'Chief Diplomat' Command General Lucane. Who replied promptly.
To: The Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
From: Command General Lucane, Retaliatory Guard Command
The Free Republic is a Klatchian State and therefore has the right to move in non-territorial Regional waters, just as every other sovereign nation in the Klatch does. The Naval Guard will continue on to their destination to detain the pirates that have seized ships in the squall straits, release the captives taken and release the seized ships. The Naval Guard will then escort them to their destinations.
However, if the Federation wishes to send it's own assets, to effect these measures, the Naval Guard will step aside and allow the lawful Federation Authorities handle the situation. At this point, intelligence indicates that no Federal assets have even responded to the crisis in the Squall Straits and that ships and people are still being unlawfully detained.
I appreciate your concern and your warning, but the Retaliatory Guard cannot sit idly by as trade to the Free Republic is unlawfully cut. We will deal with the pirates and then be on our way.
I thank you,
Command General Lucane,
6th Red Jaguar Command
Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
Meanwhile the Tactical Group Sir William Issem continued on it's way. The Vrakian response had caused them to put up their air umbrella, the Tactical Group having over 350 aircraft began maintaining an air umbrella to cover any possible attack by air.
The Tormentor Squadron also pressed on, to try and break the Praetonian/Customs mexican standoff.
The Vrakians noticed that the Vaadians weren't slowing down and also put up several hundred aircraft for an air umbrella. As well, the Vrakians activated the 11th Wing of the Vrakian Corridor #1 Throng. As before, fighters and bombers began to start leaving multiple runways from the corridor and make their way to the same destination.
Vaadian, Praetorian, it did not matter in Vrakian eyes. The tax had been lifted and their lingering presence meant that they were there to cause harm to the Klatch. Scandavian States once tried to go after "pirates" in much the same manner and were publically humiliated before the international community. This time, the Klatch was responding in a more aggressive manner.
Dyelli Beybi
15-12-2006, 21:46
Somehow the Royal Alliance had also managed to pull together and donate 36 fighter-bombers which they made immediately clear were under Vrakian Command for the duration of the 'incident'. They seemed to be some of the remnants of the East Benjian Airforce.
It was something of a token gesture and the result of Presidential bullying.
Galveston Bay
19-12-2006, 08:07
The Federation Minister of War Matthew Ridgeway ordered immediate action to show the Vaak that the JDF had teeth.
Sadly, it took days to get fuel and weapons to the nearest available forces.
But now the JDF was ready. Operating out of former New Shiron airbase in the Counterweight Continent, the 1st Air Expeditionary Force ordered its 120 B2s, 300 tankers, 12 EB2 (AWACs versions) and 36 EB2C (ECM aircraft) into the sky.
Each of the bombers carried the newly developed AS-43 Kali Scramjet cruise missile with tungston penetrator rods as its warhead. Moving at Mach 7, the super high speed shrapnel effect would penetrate nearly any armor and with a 600 mile range, the bombers would be able to remain well outside of any ship mounted anti aircraft missile system.
The stealth features of the bombers would allow them to reach launch range as well.
see also this months Popular Mechanics magazine
Meanwhile, at Port Gordan, the 2nd Air Expeditionary Force, with its 400 F22D fighters (improved ECM, supercruise, and range) prepared to defend JDF bases in that region (east of the Gonad).
The JDF Fleet finally managed to get a task force together, with 10 battlecruisers, 20 destroyers, 10 submarine carriers, and 40 subfighters (plus rotary winged aircraft and drones, lots of drones) together. It assembled off the south coast of Greenbeard, between it and the Counterweight continent.
Fleet Admiral Donovan, Federal Navy, and a former resident of New Shiron before the Exodus, is named overall JDF commander for the 1st and 2nd AEF, and the Federal 4th Fleet.
stats on JDF warships will be provided later as they are on a CD I have to dig up
19-12-2006, 18:58
Somehow, as usual, the Federation and it's members somehow thought the Free Republic was omniscient. Ambassador Isaac Tancred sat in Vrak Prime, doing nothing. Ambassador Cassandra Drachenfels sat in Cyro, doing nothing. Ambassador Hunt Segraves sat in Katla, doing nothing. The FKC was preparing to go to war over a situation that they had apparently resolved, but had decided not to tell anyone in the Free Republic, as usual they sent out forces to attack.
The new President's missive contained nothing about any resolution, just a ludicrous statement that Republican vessels had no right to be in Klatchian waters. Of course, no one objected when the Free Republic dispatched the Naval Guard to help chase off the Scandavian States, or Neo-Tyr, or New Shiron, or when the Naval Guard rescued Alconian Marines, during all of that, it was maintained by everyone that the Free Republic, of course had the right to navigate the waters in the region, in which it resides.
Things were moving down the same course, nobody in the Klatch wanted to actually talk, so they simply dispatched forces. Of course the Free Republic's Special Envoy in Port Olympus might have known there was a solution, but, oh wait, he was recalled after Parliament, The President and the Privy Council all refused to accept him or meet with him.
Meanwhile out at sea Admiral Ilek watched the massing of the air forces against them. He blinked, looked at the screen again and then looked at the Gunnery Captain.
"Uhm, The Glorious Kingdom had a chance to evaluate the Jaguar Arsenal-Cruiser, didn't they?" He asked, perplexed.
Gunny nodded "Yes sir. They were talking about buying them before they were barred from making military purchases."
Admiral Ilek looked at the massing air forces again "And the Ministry of Defence told them what they had been designed for?"
Gunny shrugged "I would have assumed so."
Admiral Ilek looked at the incoming planes again "Well, okay. They are going to hit, our Tactical Group, with every air craft they can muster."
Gunny nodded "looks that way."
"A Naval Guard Tactical Group? There are no in coming ships? Just the jets??" Admiral Ilek was dumbfounded.
The Fire Control Leftenant turned "Just those Vrakian subs, sir, and the forces at GreenBeard. But they are massing right in between Tactical Groups Emperor Ehecatl and Benthar Truss."
Admiral Ilek shrugged and took a seat, sipping at his tea "Carry on. It looks as though we will be swatting a fly with a Buick, but it looks like they are setting themselves up for a massacre."
With no new information on what was happening in the Squall Straits, the Naval Guard Forces moved on.
Tactical Groups Emperor Ehecatl and Benthar Truss watched the JDF forces in GreenBeard, but did nothing, except sit where they were, Benthar TRuss just East of GreenBeard and Emperor Ehecatl just West.
As usual, the massing forces were playing right to the strengths of the Naval Guard.
New Shiron
20-12-2006, 05:36
Meanwhile, in space, the New Shiron Royal Space Navy watched with great interest the goings on, and relayed information to JDF command, which then relayed it to the national high commands.
Princess Gabrielle, Regent of New Shironi territories on Earth, wondered if the notably prickly FKC governments had bothered to tell Ilik Vaad that it was about to find itself in a shooting war.
So she placed a call, and asked the government of Ilik Vaad, specifically, their Minister of Foreign Affairs.
She also sent a message to Ridgeway asking him to have the JDF forces orbit for a bit at fail safe points before proceeding.
Meanwhile, under orders, Admiral "Ginger" Kelly sat on the bridge of the RSS Intrepid, a large space carrier, and wondered if he was going to have to send his fighter groups, tacrons, and destroyers on a strike from space against Ilik Vaad.
Time would tell.
Dyelli Beybi
20-12-2006, 06:14
(OOC: Umm IV, up the page a bit the President announced they'd reached a diplomatic solution on television. I think you might have missed that)
20-12-2006, 16:54
(OOC: Umm IV, up the page a bit the President announced they'd reached a diplomatic solution on television. I think you might have missed that)
OOC: No, I saw it, but diplomats waving blank pieces of paper are not considered formal notification by The Free Republic, or quite possibly by any government.......................
20-12-2006, 16:58
Princess Gabrielle, Regent of New Shironi territories on Earth, wondered if the notably prickly FKC governments had bothered to tell Ilik Vaad that it was about to find itself in a shooting war.
So she placed a call, and asked the government of Ilik Vaad, specifically, their Minister of Foreign Affairs.
As Usual Sir Alec was in his office avoiding the session of The Republican Council which being so close to elections was full of absolutely useless grand standing. He also liked to race with his Secretary, and see if he could answer the phone before she did. He won this time.
"Good afternoon, this is The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sir Alec Connover , Minister of Foreign Affairs speaking, how may I direct your call?"
Dyelli Beybi
20-12-2006, 18:34
(OOC: That's because the Federation doesn't give formal notification to non-existant states ;) What goes around comes around, as they say. Lol, it's no more Mr Nice Walrus.)
New Shiron
21-12-2006, 21:45
As Usual Sir Alec was in his office avoiding the session of The Republican Council which being so close to elections was full of absolutely useless grand standing. He also liked to race with his Secretary, and see if he could answer the phone before she did. He won this time.
"Good afternoon, this is The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sir Alec Connover , Minister of Foreign Affairs speaking, how may I direct your call?"
"Good afternoon Sir Alec, this is Princess Gabrielle of New Shiron and I am afraid I have some rather bad news." She said urgently. "Apparently, the FKC government, which your government has failed to recognize and talk to, had decided to act forcefully, and with military forces against your Navy that is in waters claimed by the FKC. The President has ordered action, and only because the War Minister is a subject of mine has prevented the JDF from acting so far." She paused for moment.
"But this will not last. Whether your government recognizes the FKC or not, it is about to find itself in a shooting war with it. I have ordered my forces on alert but have ordered them to hold back. But if a war develops New Shiron will be honor bound to act with the FKC, particularly the Vrak."
"I therefore urge your government to start talking to the FKC right away, this instant as a matter of fact to prevent a terrible tragedy. I also urge your government to limit any military action to defensive measures until we can scale back the situation. If not, then it will spiral out of control. Lives are hanging on this Sir Alec. Move quickly."
21-12-2006, 22:09
At this point in the proceedings, the Valdir was examining imagery of the manoeuvres in and around the Squall Straits, and cursing the protagonists to the burning hells. The MEA had belatedly realised that maybe not everyone was as aware of the situation as they were; the Vaadians seemed to be scrupulous about not breaching Covenant communications, even with Port Olympus. Even so, it didn't take a military genius to realise what what was happening in that infernal stretch of water.
"Bollocks to that," she muttered. "Peter, get me communications. Now. Let's try and head this off before the strait explodes. And takes whatever ships are in there with it."
Official Communiqué
Classification: MOST URGENT
From: MEA(UIK)
To: Sir Alec Connover, Ilek-Vaad
Subject: Squall Straits
Sir Alec,
I apologise for the hasty and informal tone of this missive, but we are alarmed by the apparent escalation of the situation in the Squall Straits.
I am pleased to inform you, sir, that the situation has been fully resolved; no tariff is being levied on Covenant vessels, or any other ships, using the Squall Straits, and normal trade is due to resume almost immediately. A further deployment of military materiel on either side is unnecessary.
Please respond as soon as you are able; we are most desirous of avoiding any further escalation, and would hope to inform the several Klatchian governments that matters are resolved.
Lady Justina Valdir,
Minister for External Affairs
The Vrakians were quite aware of the capabilities of the arsenal cruiser that Ilek-Vaad had. But in truth, just as Ilek-Vaad wasn’t omniscient, the Vrakians were not omnipresent. One state alone cannot be expected to police entire oceans that surround the Klatch. And with the Klatch being the way it is, especially since turmoil reigned during the interim president, it was to be expected that someone would seek to exploit the situation. As well, at that time, Vrakian guardian fleets, which were really squadrons of five ships composed of older destroyers and frigates that played the role more of coast guard than an offensive military, were not in the vicinity of the Squall Straits at the time of the Squall Straight Customs Department…er…initiative.
So either someone had key information of guardian fleet movements, which could be done given enough time and patience – even though the patrols were supposed to be random, or they were just lucky remained to be seen. Certainly some kind of internal investigation would result and, given the Vrakian temperament, someone would likely be losing their head – literally.
What really bothered the Vrakians and perhaps the other FKC states was the type of response, not just by the Vaadians but by all the outsiders towards Klatchian affairs. Sending in large amounts of ships just to hunt pirates was and still remains a big no no. Scandavian States tried that once and were publicly humiliated. Did the Vaadians, Praetonians or others even bother to contact the FKC government before sending in the warships? Likely not. Would they have tried the same stunt with the Reich, Gholgoth, Greater Prussia, or Arda? Likely not. So now, a response was necessary. And the response initially done be the Vrakians, at least, was the quickest one they could muster. They weren’t about to commit ships from the Former New Shiron territory to go chasing after the Vaadian tactical groups. No, that could be left for JDF assets and hopefully Greenbeard state navies. Still, a task force was being assembled in the Vrakian mainland that would once again set sail around Dukratus, through the Dark Sea, link up at the Squall Straits platform and then who knows from there?
The Klatch could have dealt with the Squall Straits Customs Department in its own fashion but weren’t given a chance. Of course, now this made Vrak have to reconfigure guardian patrols and likely people will see an increased Vrakian presence in the Squall Straits and especially the waters surrounding the massive platform itself. The incoming bomber and fighter planes were not going to turn around yet, though. Not until some form of contact had been made.
The large groups of aircraft were still over Dyelli Beybi at maximum altitude and were out of weapons range, at least their weapons. SATCOM and long-range patrol craft were feeding enemy movements to the bombers and fighters as they closed the distance to the Squall Straits. No message was sent yet to the outsiders.
The Vrakians were contend to let Ambassador Isaac Tancred sit. After all, if the Vaadians wished to only speak through some kind of military mandate channel, then why, at least from the Vrakian point of view, bother having an ambassador in Vrak Prime in the first place?
I'll be away from the computer from Dec 22-27 for the holidays. No computer access to where I'm going so fair warning. I will be returning though so as to continue the story. I apologize for any inconvenience.
22-12-2006, 16:01
"Good afternoon Sir Alec, this is Princess Gabrielle of New Shiron and I am afraid I have some rather bad news." She said urgently. "Apparently, the FKC government, which your government has failed to recognize and talk to, had decided to act forcefully, and with military forces against your Navy that is in waters claimed by the FKC. The President has ordered action, and only because the War Minister is a subject of mine has prevented the JDF from acting so far." She paused for moment.
"But this will not last. Whether your government recognizes the FKC or not, it is about to find itself in a shooting war with it. I have ordered my forces on alert but have ordered them to hold back. But if a war develops New Shiron will be honor bound to act with the FKC, particularly the Vrak."
"I therefore urge your government to start talking to the FKC right away, this instant as a matter of fact to prevent a terrible tragedy. I also urge your government to limit any military action to defensive measures until we can scale back the situation. If not, then it will spiral out of control. Lives are hanging on this Sir Alec. Move quickly."
Sir Alec smiled and leaned back in his chair "Well your Highness, I would like nothing more than to talk to someone in The Federation about all of this. I don't know how closely you've been following things, but the Federation has been less than accommodating towards talking with us. Our Emissary to Port Olympus was never allowed to meet with anyone in Parliament, The Privy Council, or The President. Our requests for an embassy exchange were never even answered, and our Minister of Defence, who was going to propose a treaty with the Federation, that was co-written with Alconian help, was never allowed to present it to parliament.
THAT is why we took the step of not talking with Federation officials and to deal with member states one on one. I mean all we ever get from the Federation when there is a crisis is the stock 'It is an internal matter, if you interfere we will declare war.'.
Now, I'm no expert but seizing ships for ransom, is most certainly NOT an internal matter, it effects not only the Federation , but also the states the ships originated from but also non Federation States that have been assured free access to Klatchian waters. If the JDF will not police Klatchian waters, what other choice do we have? We can either sit and have our trade strangled off or we can police Klatchian waters ourselves. I'm sure you must appreciate our situation."
He paused and looked over his e-mail "Now I have been briefed by Retaliatory Guard Command, and they have been contacted by the new Federation President, looking at comminque however, she does not mention a settlement, but simply states that Vaadian ships have no right to be in Klatchian waters.
Command General Lucane did reply and explained to Madam President that IF JDF naval assets are dispatched to the Squall Straits to make sure that all seized ships are released, their crews are safe and that the Straits remain free and clear that our Naval Guard ships would have no reason to be there, and would withdraw. Command General Lucane has told me that he has received no response, and that he was operating under the assumption that the JDF would continue to deny responsibility in securing Klatchian waters."
He paused again and watched the Macisikani missive pop into his inbox.
"So you see , it is either leave the Klatchain waterways completely devoid of security and watch trade and commerce slowly die, or use our own forces to do so. All we have ever wanted , your Highness, is for the JDF to do it's job. The JDF only ever mobilizes to threaten us, not a single JDF asset mobilized when reports of piracy began flooding the Klatch, and that is unacceptable. We are fully prepared for war to protect our right to free movement through Klatchian Territorial Waters, we are citizens of the Klatch too, the Federation is not the only State in the Klatch.
So, have your Minister of Defence contact our Retaliatory Guard, and if he is actually serious about making the JDF do it's job, then we will have no issue with withdrawing and allowing Federation authorities to handle it."
As The Princess responded, Alec multi-tasked and responded to the Macisikani message:
Official Communiqué
Classification: MOST URGENT
From: MEA(UIK)
To: Sir Alec Connover, Ilek-Vaad
Subject: Squall Straits
Sir Alec,
I apologise for the hasty and informal tone of this missive, but we are alarmed by the apparent escalation of the situation in the Squall Straits.
I am pleased to inform you, sir, that the situation has been fully resolved; no tariff is being levied on Covenant vessels, or any other ships, using the Squall Straits, and normal trade is due to resume almost immediately. A further deployment of military materiel on either side is unnecessary.
Please respond as soon as you are able; we are most desirous of avoiding any further escalation, and would hope to inform the several Klatchian governments that matters are resolved.
Lady Justina Valdir,
Minister for External Affairs
To: Lady Justina Valdir, Minister for External Affairs, UIK
From: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
Subject: RE:Squall Straits
I do appreciate your message, we had not been informed of any resolution to the situation in the Squall Straits. However, Retaliatory Guard Command has decided that it is still necessary to secure the Squall Straits in the absence of any Federation presence. We have been in touch with the President of the FKC and we have explained that before our forces withdraw that Federation Joint Defence Force assets must be in place to make sure that the remaining ships and prisoners are released and that the pirates are apprehended.
Hopefully the Federation will finally take seriously it's self stated duty to protect the Klatchian Region, however if they fail to do so. The Free Republic is prepared to make the Klatch secure if the Federation is not.
I thank you for your concern,
Sir Alec Connover.
The fact was that ever since The Glorious Kingdom of Vrak began it's Military buildup in Karmanyaka, the state bordering Ilek-Vaad, The Free Republic had been prepared for war, especially when in lieu of explaining the buildup, the Vrakian Ambassador left Ilek-Vaad hastily and closed the Embassy.
As soon as the first Vrakian or Dyellian missile was fired, the Free Republic would respond.
Dyelli Beybi
22-12-2006, 19:16
Contrary to popular belief the new President of the Federation did not want a war. But neither did she want Ilek-Vaad to think they had carte blanche to arrest Federal Employees because they disagreed with a particular piece of Klatchian legislation. No matter how much people might disagree with it, the Squall Straight Customs Department may have been immoral, but it was legal. The law was what mattered.
They had agreed to return shipping, but they were not going to hand it over to Ilek-Vaad. Trumped up accusations of holding prisoners were just that. The Department had never held prisoners.
Now that the Department had been brought to heel messages were being flashed back and forth.
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Vrakian High Command
Please immediately dispatch paratroopers to secure Squall Straight Platform. This is a vital JDF asset and the property of Central Government. It must not fall into hostile hands under any circumstances, neither must any shipping of the property of the Government of Macisikan. Note: Dispatch immediately. Secure Platform and protect Klatchian citizens from hostiles.
This manouvre is absolutely vital in securing a peaceful outcome to this situation. War will not benefit the Federation. However we cannot back down and analysis indicates the Vaadians will refuse to make any form of compromise in order to attempt to induce either war or a backdown from the Federation, in order that they might feel to have 'gained face' Internationally.
These are very simple people we are dealing with who understand no language other than that of force.
Secretary I. Delgado
22-12-2006, 20:05
At sea, the Tactical Group Sir William Issem pressed on, ity was now timing it's launch of aircraft to match the ETA of the Vrakian air assets, so the maximum number of jets would be in the air when they arrived. Aboard the Sir William Issem, Colonel Lolkema was planning the seizing of the Narv-X platform, when Tollan passed along the unsecured message to Vrak.
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Vrakian High Command
Please immediately dispatch paratroopers to secure Squall Straight Platform. This is a vital JDF asset and the property of Central Government. It must not fall into hostile hands under any circumstances, neither must any shipping of the property of the Government of Macisikan. Note: Dispatch immediately. Secure Platform and protect Klatchian citizens from hostiles.
This manouvre is absolutely vital in securing a peaceful outcome to this situation. War will not benefit the Federation. However we cannot back down and analysis indicates the Vaadians will refuse to make any form of compromise in order to attempt to induce either war or a backdown from the Federation, in order that they might feel to have 'gained face' Internationally.
These are very simple people we are dealing with who understand no language other than that of force.
Secretary I. Delgado
He noted it , the satellites would catch any such landings and with five thousand marines at his command, he doubted that even a thousand paratroopers would hinder his task.
He currently focused on the RASTER satellites live images, to see what was going on on the platform, mainly seeing where the seized ships were, to get them on their way as soon as possible.
Further ahead The Tormentor Squadron slowed as it entered the Straits, keeping a firm eye on the ships already there.
Captain Nerva looked at the positions of the 'pirates' on the screen and turned to the Fire Control Leftenant "Sound general quarters, put all assets on alert. Launch the Orion air coverage."
Alarms sounded as the crew readied for engagement. Each Tormentor launched it's ten Orion Fighters.
The Tormentors cut speed, and headed forward cautiously.
Behind all of this the Tactical Groups Emperor Ehecatl and Benthar Truss eyed the gathering forces at GreenBeard with suspicion, and also went on general alert.
It was more than obvious that the new President wanted nothing but war. Her ridiculous assertion that Vaadian ships had no right to move in Klatchian waters was tantamount to a declaration of war, for years Vaadian Naval Guard ships had moved without hindrance through Klatchian waters, to say they had no right now was patently absurd.
The Supreme Republican Commander knew The Federation wanted war, the build up of forces in Karmanyaka, the missile attack on the home of the Vaadian Emissary, the refusal of The Federation to act when Vaadian citizens, personnel and Embassies were attacked and kidnapped in Federation States, it was all much more than a coincidence. The Imperial powers that ruled The Federation wanted one thing: Vaadian Territory.
In Ilek-Vaad the Retaliatory Guard had been massed and ready for well over a month, and Supreme Republican Commander Ring finally released Command General Ibn Baibars to act.
Simultaneously the allies of the Free Republic , the forces of The Commonwealth (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=489510&page=5) arrived in orbit, as Command General Baibars began 'Operation South-Paw' nothing he did at this point would be evident.............
OOC thread is here:
Riding the Avalance OOC thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12122797#post12122797)
22-12-2006, 23:56
Valdir was getting a headache. What was the point of solving the tariff problem, if the straits were then filled with missiles?
Official Communiqué
Classification: MOST URGENT
From: MEA(UIK)
To: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Illek-Vaad
Subject: Re; Squall Straits
Sir Alec,
We are most surprised that you had not been informed of the resolution of the matter; we hope that our assurances, though are sufficient for your needs; the Squall Straits are open to free trade and movement again, for all shipping.
On a more serious note, we hope to avoid any strife that would impair the tentative resumption of trade in the Squall Straits, and are hopeful that this goal can be achieved; we are willing to facilitate a dialogue between yourself and the President of Klatch if it is so desired.
The Lady Justina Valdir,
The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester,
Minister for External Affairs
Official Communiqué
Classification: MOST URGENT
From: MEA(UIK)
To: Office of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
Subject: Vaadian Military Build-up
Madam President, greetings in haste,
I have here message from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ilek-Vaad, in which he states that Vaadian military assets will be withdrawn from the Squall Straits area once Federation Joint Defence forces are in place to assume the role of policing the area, in line with established Vaadian policy. We do not comment on such policies as they affect the Federation, but I believe his statement to be genuine; when JDF assets arrive in the area, I understand that the Vaadians will withdraw.
I believe that you are as anxious to avoid any potential unpleasantness from this situation as we are, and therefore would ask that you consider opening a direct dialogue with the Vaadian Minister; we are willing to facilitate such an effort if you wish it.
We are very much hopeful that, by making such measures, we would be able to avoid the disruption of the trade that has only just been restored.
The Lady Justina Valdir,
The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester,
Minister for External Affairs
Valdir grimaced. The two communiqués sounded nearly identical. But that's what you got when you were saying the same thing to different people.
Dyelli Beybi
23-12-2006, 06:34
OOC: BTW IV you probably shouldn't be able to read military communiques between Vrak and the Federation
The satellite images would pick up nothing on the platform, although it would have been impossible for the ships to have been moved. It would also pick up the fact that the whole thing was lit up like some kind of cheerful Christmas tree.
The telegrams from Macisikan was interesting in that it implied their might be room for some kind of reprieve from the situation before it became too far gone.
Encryption: None at all (OOC ie this is quite public)
From: Offices of the President of Klatch
To: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
Subject: Squall Straight build up
The Federated Klatchian Coast is not interested in a war which will undoubtedly cause great economic hardships on all sides, however we are equally unwilling to allow employees of Central Government to be arrested on any charges by a foreign power, or the ships under their care to be seized for any reason whatsoever.
The Federation is not ready for war. By the same token though, any assessment by Vaadian Intelligence to imply that Ilek-Vaad might win a war against the Federation would be motivated more by patriotism than by common sense. Innocents on both sides would die in their millions. This is not a course of action that we believe is beneficial to any citizens of the Klatchian continent.
We have, however worked hard and have come up with a compromise that we believe will be acceptable to all parties. However, we are loathe to discuss by telegram what we would prefer to discuss face to face.
What we propose is an immediate reopening of embassies between Ilek-Vaad and the Federation. As a further measure of good faith we are willing to stand down all air assetts in the Squall Straight area, and would request the Ilek-Vaad similarly stand down assetts in the region. Continued opperations on either side, we believe would make negotiations impossible.
Myself or the President will be willing to outline what we feel woud be a mutually beneficial scheme to an appointed Ambassador from Ilek-Vaad at the shortest possible notice. We believe it may well be possible that a representative from Macisikan may also be present.
We hope that the assurances we recieved from Macisikan that this is not simply a game of oneupmanship from Ilek-Vaad and that Ilek-Vaad is not deliberately trying to provoke war are true.
Secretary I. Delgado
26-12-2006, 20:32
OOC: Oh, it didn't say encrypted, so I assumed it was left intentionally open to scare the Vaadians with the Vrakian 'boogeyman' :D Just ignore it then, they know nothing of it!
Sir Alec really wasn't having the nice quiet, uneventful days that he liked. He read the response from Macisikan.
Official Communiqué
Classification: MOST URGENT
From: MEA(UIK)
To: Sir Alec Connover, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Illek-Vaad
Subject: Re; Squall Straits
Sir Alec,
We are most surprised that you had not been informed of the resolution of the matter; we hope that our assurances, though are sufficient for your needs; the Squall Straits are open to free trade and movement again, for all shipping.
On a more serious note, we hope to avoid any strife that would impair the tentative resumption of trade in the Squall Straits, and are hopeful that this goal can be achieved; we are willing to facilitate a dialogue between yourself and the President of Klatch if it is so desired.
The Lady Justina Valdir,
The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester,
Minister for External Affairs
He didn't quite know how to reply yet, as the entire Federation/Free Republic matter was legally the purview of the Supreme Republican Commander with the current Military Mandate in place.
He then received the missive from Secretary I. Delgado. The first ever communication from anyone in the Federation Government received in the Ministry of Foreign Affair, ever. He decided to button them both up and send them onto Command General Lucane, at the risk of breaking the law by becoming involved.
Command General Lucane responded swiftly:
To:The Lady Justina Valdir,The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester,Minister for External Affairs
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
RE: Re; Squall Straits
I do apologize for any inconvenience , Sir Alec Connover has forwarded your missive to me, regarding facilitating dialogue between The Free Republic and The Federation of Klatchian States. Because of Military Mandates put in place by the Republican Council, relations with the Federation has come under the jurisdiction of Retaliatory Guard Command, and has been assigned to me, Command General Lucane.
I do appreciate any ideas on solving the relations nightmare with the Federation and the current crisis and I certainly do think that your nation can facilitate such a solution and possibly furnish a neutral meeting place, if necessary, for whatever meetings may be required to end the impasse.
I am now speaking with a representative of the Federation Government. If it appears that you, or your office may be of assistance, I will contact you.
I thank you,
Command General Lucane
Retaliatory Guard Command
Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
He then replied to the mysterious Secretary Delgado:
To: Offices of the President of Klatch, Secretary I Delgado
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Subject: RE:Squall Straight build up
Secretary Delgado, because of Military Mandates put in place by The Republican Council, the threats imposed by The Federation of Klatchian States is being handled entirely by Retaliatory Guard Command, including any negotiations for a peaceful resolution.
I have previously sent a message to the current President of the Federation Government, outlining what must be done to resolve the current crisis. If JDF assets are sent to take control of the Squall Straits, immediately release all seized ships with cargo and crews intact and arrest the pirates involved , The Naval Guard will have no reason to move into the Squall Straits to take these actions. So long as the Squall Straits remain free and open and unhindered by piracy, even vaguely 'legal' piracy , the Naval Guard will not intervene.
Once we have confirmation that these actions are taking place, I will put a halt to the current Naval Guard operations.
For any resumption of embassy negotiations , so on and so forth, to commence the current Military Mandate must be disposed of and this means removing Federation forces that currently pose a threat to The Free Republic. I propose that you make available an envoy that can discuss such matters with me, either by correspondence or in person.
I await your reply,
Command General Lucane
29-12-2006, 11:23
Within minutes of the intercepted communiqué from ab Ieauf being handed to her, Lucane's reply appeared. Valdir nodded to herself; it seemed there were people with sense on both sides of the equation.
"Or maybe I'm deluding myself..." she muttered aloud. "Peter, take this down...
Official Communiqué
Classification: closed
From: MEA (UIK)
To: Command General Lucane, Ilek-Vaad
Subject: Regarding the Squall Straits
Ser Lucane, greetings.
No apology is necessary; your reply was swift and concise.
At present His Serene Majesty's Government feels that the Federal Government has provided satisfactory assurances that all issues brought up with regards to the Squall Straits Tariff will be resolved in the immediate future. We therefore feel that this current nightmare is simply a terrible misunderstanding resulting from a breakdown in communications.
Our proposed solution would be simple;
- all forces stand down from combat readiness, (including all land-based air forces)
- the JDF should immediately deploy forces to the Squall Straits to take matters in hand
- your forces withdraw from the Squall Straits
This would enable us all to then pursue subsequent action, such as investigating the actions of the Squall Straits Customs Department, or further negotiations with an eye to reaching a détente between your two nations, without military tensions clouding matters.
In addition, we understand that the new President of Klatch is of a reasonable calibre, and commands enough support in Parliament to have her will done; as such, we suggest that you renew your efforts to reach a diplomatic understanding with the Federal Government. A clear and continuous line of diplomatic communication would, we feel, help avoid any repeat of these most unfortunate events.
His Serene Majesty's Government is willing to both provide an ad hoc monitor and facilitator for any discussions that take place in Port Olympus in the near future, or to provide a neutral meeting ground for both sides.
Lady Justina Valdir
Minister for External Affairs
"Julia," the Rechtaire looked up. "Be a dear and get me a list of the Minor States that are good for hosting a conference. I'd rather that Foxworth was able to broker something, but we should be prepared to bring both sides to a... more distant area."
"Oh, and Julia, try to keep the Takuli out of this..."
Dyelli Beybi
30-12-2006, 11:20
OOC: Yeah, possibly I should have written that down :P I'm lazy.
Serious people were meeting in Port Olympus and talking about serious things. Then again... a lot of them were Dyellians in the new regime, which did tend to temper the 'serious' aspect somewhat...
What the Secretary to the President could not quite understand was how people could even begin to claim taxes were piracy just because it was happening at Sea. They might as well arrest all the Tax Department for theft... it was all legal, not 'vaguely legal', but totally unrepentantly legal. Undoubtedly people had been bribed by a certain unscrupulous Dyellian, (In Delgado's opinion, as citizen of the former AxeWieldingManiacs, the Dyellians were the most criminally minded people in the Federation) but that was going to be very hard to prove.
From: Offices of the President of Klatch
To: Command General Lucane
Subject: Squall Straight build up
As I am sure you are already well aware, the JDF is deploying Naval assets to the Squall Straights from Greenbeard.
You should also be aware that we have already negotiated a resolution that will ensure the return of confiscated shipping. There are and never were any foreign crews in custody, so this is not an issue. Some amount of cargo has been auctioned and as such compensation is being paid by Central Government. The ships are due to be sailed away by persons enployed a Department of Central Government, however we deem it as unsafe to move such persons across the straight while a potentially hostile military prescense in still in existence within our territorial waters.
We cannot return any shipping while this so called 'Naval Action' is underway, it is simply unacceptable to put Klatchian civilians in such a dangerous situation. We are already meeting all of the military of Ilek-Vaad's prerequesites for withdrawal, we fail to see why there is no apparent movement.
Furthermore, the Federation will not remove any forces that 'pose a threat' to Ilek-Vaad while Vaadian forces continue to pose a threat to the Federation and while Ilek-Vaad refuses to negotiate with the Federation. We require some proof of honourable intentions before we will make any movement in the deployment of troops in any regional other than the Squall Straight.
Furthermore, for reasons we will not go into, it is unfortunately impossible that we send an envoy to Ilek-Vaad, however we will be more than happy to set up some manner of meeting between yourself and some similar Federal Military Authority.
Secretary I. Delgado
03-01-2007, 17:37
From: Offices of the President of Klatch
To: Command General Lucane
Subject: Squall Straight build up
As I am sure you are already well aware, the JDF is deploying Naval assets to the Squall Straights from Greenbeard.
You should also be aware that we have already negotiated a resolution that will ensure the return of confiscated shipping. There are and never were any foreign crews in custody, so this is not an issue. Some amount of cargo has been auctioned and as such compensation is being paid by Central Government. The ships are due to be sailed away by persons enployed a Department of Central Government, however we deem it as unsafe to move such persons across the straight while a potentially hostile military prescense in still in existence within our territorial waters.
We cannot return any shipping while this so called 'Naval Action' is underway, it is simply unacceptable to put Klatchian civilians in such a dangerous situation. We are already meeting all of the military of Ilek-Vaad's prerequesites for withdrawal, we fail to see why there is no apparent movement.
Furthermore, the Federation will not remove any forces that 'pose a threat' to Ilek-Vaad while Vaadian forces continue to pose a threat to the Federation and while Ilek-Vaad refuses to negotiate with the Federation. We require some proof of honourable intentions before we will make any movement in the deployment of troops in any regional other than the Squall Straight.
Furthermore, for reasons we will not go into, it is unfortunately impossible that we send an envoy to Ilek-Vaad, however we will be more than happy to set up some manner of meeting between yourself and some similar Federal Military Authority.
Secretary I. Delgado
Command General Lucane, read the latest missive and replied quickly.
To: Offices of the President of Klatch, Secretary I Delgado
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Subject: RE:Squall Straight build up
I am aware of the forces being deployed from GreenBeard. I think it best that we be open and honest, to avoid any confusion that may have led to poor relations between the Federation and The Free Republic.
First, I know for a fact that the JDF forces being deployed from Greenbeard were not deployed to secure the Squall Straits as I have requested. They have been deployed to attack the Naval Guard Tactical Group en route to the Squall Straits. If you are now asserting that they are on their way to secure the Squall Straits, then I will take that statement at face value. I will order the Naval Guard to halt. When the JDF forces have passed the Naval Guard forces without attacking, and have continued on to the Squall Straits, I will redeploy the Naval Guard and they will not continue on to the Squall Straits.
Second, I know that the Squall Straits 'tariff' was not a legal tax. It was not voted on by the Federation Parliament and it was not enacted by the President or any member of The Privy Council. IF the new President has enacted a law making it retroactively legal has no bearing on the fact that it is unacceptable that those that maliciously and surreptitiously applied the tariff in the first place are not held to account. If the Federation would reign in it's corruption and actually hold it's officers that act illegally accountable, it would do a tremendous deal to repair Federation/Free Republic relations.
Third, It would appear that we need to avail ourselves of the Macisikani offer of a neutral meeting place. I have yet to perfect the art of catching missiles so I will not be traveling to Port Olympus anytime soon. With the culprits of the missile attack that was intended to kill the Vaadian Special Envoy still not apprehended, there is a travel ban on Vaadian officials traveling to Port Olympus. I am sure you understand our security concerns.
The information in my first and second point have both come from first hand communications with members of The Federation Parliament and those close to The Federation's Minister of Defence. I would appreciate complete candor in these dealings so that we can openly and honestly discuss these matters and resolve these issues quickly.
I await your reply,
Command General Lucane
Command General Lucane was as good as his word. Within minutes, the Tactical Group Sir William Issem and it's Battlecruiser screen was halted. While they were not turning around, they are no longer heading at speed to the Squall Straits.
The fairly large armada of Vrakian bombers and fighter craft continued to the Squall Straits. As per the request from the President, paratroopers were preparing themselves in their bases along the Vrakian corridor but they would not arrive until after any type of initial engagement.
The sudden stop of the Vaadian ships confused the Vrakians since they doubted that Ilek-Vaad would have done such an action knowing that their forces were bearing down on them. No. Some sort of political settlement must have been reached.
Furiously, SATCOM relied the information up to their superiors to the Ministry of War who promptly got on the phone to Ridgeway, his FKC counterpart. The King himself was informed, who promptly tried to contact the FKC president. The Minister of Rites, who was already speaking with the King directly about another matter but was at the FKC Christmas party, was ordered to contact the President. He would be relaying a message directly from the King himself. As well, the bombers and fighters were told to reduce speed to a relative crawl, as also the submarines.
Still, the large Vrakian naval force just exited the Walrus sea and was making its way towards the Dukratian Straits. They would be at least 7-10 days away if not more, even at flank speed. The Dark Sea was more like an ocean in breadth.
Dyelli Beybi
04-01-2007, 14:49
One of the small problems with having Dyellians in charge of the show was that they were a tiny bit disorganised... It was only belatedly that they began to realise they should probably communicate to the Vrakians to stand down.
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: All Federal Forces
Subject: Squall Straight Issues
For the moment, it is regarded as imperative that all air assetts stand down but remain ready awaiting further instructions. Naval assetts to continue to the Squall straights but not to fire on hostiles unless fired on first.
I Delgado
There was also a letter to the Retaliatory Guard who were viewed as highly suspicious by central Klatchian Government, being as their own Government had rightly or wrongly given the impression they were completely uncontrollable...
From: Offices of the President of Klatch
To: Command General Lucane
Subject: RE:RE: Squall Straight build up
In the efforts of staying open and honest, yes JDF forces were originally tasked with locating and destroying enemy shipping, which in the current context is the Retaliatory Guard. However, it is the perogative of central command to alter the nature of a mission, and we have done so.
Furthermore, you have asserted that the Squall Straight Tarriff was illegal. This is not in fact, correct. It was passed through parliament attached to a Bill bearing the name 'Klatchian Reconstruction Bill' or some such. It was voted on by a single Key, but as such it is still valid. (OOC: New Shiron RPed that at some point, but I can't find where... apparently not on this thread. Sorry) As such, it is impossible to arrest employees of the Department on Piracy charges. However it is possible to launch an investigation into the nature of the bill, the absense of other Keys and how such an ill advised piece of legislation passed into law. Such an Inquiry will be carried out thouroughly. It will not be a witch hunt for the purpose of appeasing foreigners. It will be a full legal investigation.
The Macisikani is acceptable.
I Delgado
04-01-2007, 15:26
It was a good assumption by the Federation officials that the Retaliatory Guard were 'uncontrollable', basically because they are. Under a Military Mandate, it is technically illegal for the Republican Council to become involved or to attempt to alter the Retaliatory Guard's course of action. This was the main reason that such Mandates were so rare.
Command General Lucane replied, satisfied that he was at last hearing the truth..
To: Offices of the President of Klatch, Secretary I Delgado
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Subject: RE:RE:RE:Squall Straight build up
I appreciate your candor. I will Contact the MEA and arrange for a neutral meeting place so that we may resolve the outstanding issues that the Supreme Republican Commander has determined are necessary to complete his Military Mandate. These issues are as follows:
1.) The removal of JDF Tank Divisions from the Vaadian border.
2.) Regular reports from Federation member states about military actions near the Free Republic, i.e. the Vrakian build up in Karmanyaka and the military actions in the DBAT. Both of which at least indirectly affect The Free Republic.
3.) An agreement that will prevent the Federation from blocking Vaadian trade in Klatchian waters and an acknowledgment that Klatchian Regional Waters are to be shared by ALL nations of the Klatch, not just Federation Nations.
4.) An agreement that will put in place a direct line of communication between the JDF and The Retaliatory Guard.
Once these conditions are met , the Supreme Republican Commander will request that the Republican Council remove the current Military Mandate as the threat posed by the Federation has been removed.
I thank you.
Command General Lucane
He then also sent a missive along to Macisikan
To:The Lady Justina Valdir,The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester,Minister for External Affairs
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Subject: Neutral Meeting Place
The Most Honourable Lady Justina,
I have reached an agreement with the Federation Authorities that should end the immediate crisis regarding the Squall Straits. However, there must be negotiations to remove the future possibility of such a conflict as well as there are a couple of other small issues that need to be worked out between the Retaliatory Guard and The Federation.
I would be very appreciative if we could impose upon your hospitality for a short while and be provided with a neutral meeting place where we may work out differences, meeting in Port Olympus or Great Lassic is not possible at this time.
The Retaliatory Guard will be willing to bear the whole expense for whatever is required.
I thank you.
Command General Lucane
OOC: one Key can enact a law? That seems suspicious ;)
Dyelli Beybi
04-01-2007, 17:49
(OOC: Of course it's suspicious, it's full of bribery and corruption and Dyellianess. ;))
Nobody really knew who Delgado was, although apparently he had been dug up from AxeWieldingManiacs/Monte Ozarka and was highly trusted by the new President. One could only assume he had been some kind of Spook...
To: Offices of the President of Klatch, Secretary I Delgado
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Subject: Negotiations
We are most interested in these proposals, however as I am sure you are already aware, we are not going to simply accept them, for a variety of reasons I am not going to go into. However, I can communicate some essential responses that will be necessary in order for us to consider any such issues.
1) Demilitarisation of the Federation's border will only be considered in the event of demilitarisation of the Vaadian side of the border.
2) The Federation will not give anything more than a broad timeframe of opperations near the border and a similar broad indication as to troop numbers being deployed. Especially in the former D.B.A.T., military opperations are highly sensitive and certainly not regarded as relevant to a foreign power. We will also require Ilek-Vaad to similarly inform us of military movements to an equal degree as Klatch would Ilek-Vaad.
3) The Federated Klatchian Coast reserves a 20 nautical mile economic and military exclusion zone from the edge of the shore of each member state in accordance with International Law. Treaties for fishing, trade, and civilian movement within these zones is to be negotiated with the individual member State. Treaties to negotiate military movement within these areas are subject to Parliamentary approval. No such treaty will be granted unilaterally.
4) A joint line of communication is a worthy idea and one we feel will not be grounds for disagreement.
This is the broad picture as we see it. We must warn you though, that any agreements are subject to Parliamentary approval.
Secretary I. Delgado
04-01-2007, 22:42
"The CCI has offered to host?"
"Yes, Minister..."
"That... is good... sunny beaches, tropical sun, pretty ladies and handsome lads... quiet at this time of year... and no-one has to fly over Sulyet. Vakatavi will do."
"I'll arrange it, Minister."
"You do that. Peter? Take this down..."
Official Communiqué
Classification: CLOSED, encrypted
From: MEA (UIK)
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Ilek-Vaad ATTN: Command General Lucane
CC: Office of the President of Klatch
Subject: RE: Neutral Meeting Place
Command General,
We have secured a venue for hosting negotiations between your nation and the Federal authorities; Princess Kira House, located in a secure zone in the Confederacy of the Constans Islands, within the Covenant [details will be forwarded to your office by Baron Créyan, to the Klatchians via Lord-President Foxworth].
All delegations are subject to the following conditions:
- Military escorts and navigational assistance for delegates will be handled by the Imperial Defence Forces upon entry to Vårheim.
- An honour guard numbering no more than thirty individuals
- No weapons are permitted in the conference room
Violence between the negotiation parties, or any attacks upon the persons or property of the negotiation parties, will not be tolerated; sanctions and penalties include, but are not limited to, forcible ejection. Attacks upon the persons or property of His Serene Majesty's Subjects will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with Imperial law.
All delegations are advised to employ means of transport with excellent range, due to the geographical distances involved; all transport vessels will be refuelled in the CCI, but all delegations are advised to specify requirements to minimise delay.
A full costing and breakdown will be relayed by the Imperial Treasury to your office.
May peace prevail,
Lady Justina Valdir,
Minister for External Affairs
Princess Kira House itself was being aired out and cleaned even while the communiqué was being dispatched. Less than an hour later, Baron Créyan in Great Lassic sent word to Lucane that he had the details for the venue, while Foxworth in Port Olympus would be handing his copy over after his meeting with the President had finished.
Meanwhile, Valdir leant back, and treated herself to a smile. Trade, at least for a little while, could resume.
Still, the Vrakian air armada crept forward to the Squall Straits, although at a considerably reduced speed as previously noted. It wasn’t just the Vaadians that were in the area but the Praetorians and other lesser powers. The Vrakians would go ahead and this was relayed to via secure channels to the FKC president. Unless, of course, the Praetorians decided to leave.
The submarines that were shadowing the Vaadians increased to flank speed but veered away from their tactical groups – apparently not appearing to want to bother them anymore. They instead were making a beeline for the Squall Straits itself.
The first load of paratroopers were boarding their aircraft. Soon they would be flown to the platform and secure that vital Klatchian installation.
The large fleet exiting the Durkatian Straits was still inexorably making a path for the crisis area itself. It was, by initial accounts, larger than the expeditionary force that was based in the unofficially named "counterweight continent".
05-01-2007, 15:39
Command General Lucane read both missives and then replied:
To: Offices of the President of Klatch, Secretary I Delgado
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:Squall Straight build up
I will consult the Supreme Republican Commander and find out his position on negotiating these points.
I look forward to discussing these matters personally.
Command General Lucane
To:The Lady Justina Valdir,The Most Hon. The Marchioness of Valdester,Minister for External Affairs
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Subject: Neutral Meeting Place
I thank you for your assistance in this matter. I look forward to visiting your nation.
Command General Lucane
Command General Lucane then had his Marathon SST prepared and his Aide de Camp prepped and ready to go. He would be traveling only with his Aide and his pilots. It would take the balance of the flight to make sure he was totally unarmed by the time he arrived in the Constans Islands.
His Aide made sure to remind him to remove the bricks of C4 that the Red Jaguar traditionally had attached to their armour.
Admiral Ilek was very disturbed at his having to stop. He had now conceded initiative to the incoming forces, and the Glorious Kingdom was still deploying more ships. He ordered his Tactical Group to form a defensive arc with the fast Tormentor Squadrons on the wings, but more or less stayed put.
The entire group stayed on general alert.
Dyelli Beybi
08-01-2007, 19:54
(OOC: Pardon the brevity of this, I should have typed up telegrams to IV and Macisikan, but I'm short on time)
Alexander Treen was the name of the Federation Diplomat being dispatched. He had no previous experience in negotiations so was presumably one of the 'New Guard' brought in with the President.
He was immediately dispatched to the Covenant. There were no Guards, instead a brief message went ahead saying Klatch didn't see any need to send it's own security detail as it viewed the local one as equally as efficient.
There was also a brief note to the Vaadians saying that Klatchian forces were opperating in the straight to remove other hostiles who had not come to the negotiating table and that the Federation would behave honourably.
24-01-2007, 03:30
As usual, the Vaadians were all business, arriving quickly in the UIK , probably a bit sooner than anyone had expected. Vaadians did not like to waste time, and Command Generals of the Retaliatory Guard treated everything like a blitzkreig campaign. Little formality could be expected.
24-01-2007, 08:25
The Constans Islands were a tropical archipelago, sprawled out in a blue ocean far from anywhere really.
The venue that the Imperials had decided to host the conference in was a quite pleasant colonial-style mansion with a central courtyard, hidden behind palm tree groves and low bushes. The air was warm, the atmosphere calming, and the guards unobtrusive, but ever-present.
The sea was glittering, pristine, and playing host to a squadron of Confederacy Naval Vessels, gently riding at anchor.
The hosts were calm, composed, and closed-mouthed. They also dispelled the myth of an ethnically homogenous Covenant; There was a mix of large, formidable, dark-skinned Polynesians and diminutive, delicate, and pale Macisikani. Though the natives seemed to outnumber, and in many cases, outrank their Macisikani counterparts, the image of the distant Cenobirach on every coin left no doubt as to who was ultimately in charge here.
The early arrival of the Vaadans didn't faze any of the hosts in the slightest. The locals were quite cheerful and accommodating, while their overlords displayed a typical polite and slightly chilly attitude. The Klatchians received much the same.
The press was conspicuous by its absence; the Imperials weren't even letting reporters onto the same island.
When both delegations had arrived, they were ushered into the room set aside for the conference; an elegant room opening up onto the inner courtyard, dominated by a wide mahogany table; the Vaadians were sat on one side, and the Klatchians on the other. At the head sat a Macisikani in an unmarked, dark suit, who invited both sides to be seated, offered refreshments, and then, in terse tones, informed both sides that, while a certain amount of vitriol was expected, violence would not be tolerated.
"Weapons are not permitted in this room, guards will remain outside the doors. With that, welcome to the Constans Islands. I am Sir Septimus Vasard, this is Deacon Makor Saniril-" he indicated a dour-looking clergyman standing behind him.
"We are acting as impartial observers," he delivered a humourless smile. "Please, let's walk away from here with something we can all live with."
Dyelli Beybi
26-01-2007, 09:41
Alexander Treen would turn out to, possibly predictably, be a young Earl from Dyelli Beybi. He was of course all smiles and pleasantries with the Macisikanis, generally being pleasant and likeable. Unlike the Vaadians though he was quite ready for this to drag on longer than Nekoa Bay...
It would turn out he had been working as a contract Union in Dyelli Beybi, and had been so useful to the trade Unions during the days of the Republic that his birth had been overlooked.
"We thank you for hosting the conference." he smiled at the Macisikanis, "Although I might suspect you do have a vested interest in the outcome of the negotiations."
He paused, folding his arms across his chest, one hand stroking his chin, "So what is the Vaadian proposal?"
26-01-2007, 16:22
Alexander Treen would turn out to, possibly predictably, be a young Earl from Dyelli Beybi. He was of course all smiles and pleasantries with the Macisikanis, generally being pleasant and likeable. Unlike the Vaadians though he was quite ready for this to drag on longer than Nekoa Bay...
It would turn out he had been working as a contract Union in Dyelli Beybi, and had been so useful to the trade Unions during the days of the Republic that his birth had been overlooked.
"We thank you for hosting the conference." he smiled at the Macisikanis, "Although I might suspect you do have a vested interest in the outcome of the negotiations."
He paused, folding his arms across his chest, one hand stroking his chin, "So what is the Vaadian proposal?"
Command General Lucane is appropriately cordial at all times, though he eschews small talk and seem particularly stand offish. While unarmed, he still wears his Red Jaguar uniform and it's requisite ceramite armour.
He simply nods politely to Sir Septimus Vasard, and Deacon Makor Saniril
"Your hospitality is greatly appreciated, I do thank you."
He studies Mr. Treen carefully before answering, his pale blue eyes locking on the man for a good thirty seconds.
"I would think that we all have a vested interest in these talks.
Firstly, the Vaadian Military forces on the Northern border and the border with Karmanyaka are both in response to Federation and Federation state military build ups and movements. The Federation tank divisions were put into Karmanyaka after we had crushed Grune and withdrawn from Karmanyaka. If those tank divisons go and we are consulted about Vrakian military presence then the Retaliatory Guard will have no reason to stay on alert and seal the border. Removal of the threat will dictate when the Retaliatory Guard stand down.
Second, the Free Republic wishes the Federation and it's member states to inform us and apprise us of military activities within the Eastern Klatch, as it will affect us, at least indirectly. The Free Republic has always done this for our neighbors. You may or may not be aware that The Retaliatory Guard kept the VIS and the Klatchian President apprised of every Retaliatory Guard movement in Karmanyaka, despite the fact that the Federation Threatened war. Like wise Federation assets were regularly given intelligence about our Naval movements around Dyelli Beybi during Soult's insurgency. We simply want the Federation and it's members to respond in kind.
Third, we are more than happy to accept the Federations claim of 20 mile nautical mile zone of control. Of course you must realize that this leaves the center portions of the Squall Straits outside of that zone?
Lastly, we have always contacted the VIS about Retaliatory Guard movements and intelligence as per the requests of the former President of the Federation. If this should be changed, we will contact and inform whatever entity the current President wishes in regards to our movements and deployments.
This current system of the Federation refusing to respond to The Free Republic until we threaten military action must end."
26-01-2007, 22:35
Sir Septimus, already chilly, turned positively glacial at Treen's statement. Saniril, sensing the mood of his superior, bent down to whisper in the knight's ear, and, though he didn't thaw, he did hold his tongue.
Their expressions had a stiffness normally only found in people going through rigor mortis.
When Lucane had finished speaking, they both turned and looked at the Klatchian expectantly. The offer wasn't unreasonable in their opinion, and there wasn't a need for them to speak up.
Dyelli Beybi
28-01-2007, 10:04
Treen seemed oblivious to any unpleasant stares, nooding vaguely to what the Vaadian was saying, "Well your vested interest goes without saying."
He was doing a grave and serious look, "Obviously, we are ready to go to the same lengths to maintain channels of communication that Ilek-Vaad is. However, in the interests of good faith we will want to commit this all to a formal treaty. Verbal contracts are all very well, but people can get confused unless it's hard copied."
"Obviously." he continued, "You must understand that this is a completely new regime in Klatch. This isn't like the Walrus to Sir Ozzy. This change has affected all levels of the Klatchian beaurocracy."
"Frankly." his eyebrows rose in a look that managed to be somewhere between stern and apologetic, "We find this sabre ratling disturbing. To prevent this happening again, I would like to suggest very strongly, an exchange of ambassadors."
"And yes." he added dismissively, "We know all about the Squall straight and it's width."
29-01-2007, 19:46
General Lucane looked a bit perturbed. "And what exactly have we agreed to that we can put into writing? We have heard what we in The Retaliatory Guard have been doing and are willing to do, but you allude to 'changes' in the Federation government.
What specifically are those changes and will they help our security concerns and if so how? I will agree to putting any deal in writing. So far we can agree on the width of the Squall Straits, and presumably the limits of Federation taxation authority in the strait?"
He pauses to remind Treen "Any talk of exchanging Ambassadors will have to wait until the current Military Mandate is revoked and you can discuss the matter with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I have no power to make a change so far as that concerned."
Dyelli Beybi
31-01-2007, 10:09
"You want us to agree to pass on information?" Treen asked, "And you do not want this in writing?"
"I will happily agree to this and to most of the other proposals, but I want a written agreement with Ilek-Vaad to share information etc etc." he continued, "It is in our best interests to have any agreement formalised."
31-01-2007, 10:19
Both the knight and the clergyman were now giving Treen looks of approval.
"We are recording all these proceedings Ser," Sir Silvanas murmured, "and tapes, recordings, and written transcripts will be provided to you both and deposited with your diplomatic missions in the UIK."
He paused. Junior Minister L'tan, who was on a plane, had told him that they were observers, not mediators. On the other hand, there wasn't any harm in being helpful.
"If you want, we have copies of our standard non-aggression pact that you can look at and customise to your needs..." he offered. "It has always served us well."
31-01-2007, 10:31
31-01-2007, 15:04
General Lucane nodded to both parties and again looked at Treen.
"No, I would pleased to have our agreement, in writing, it is just that we have not agreed to anything specifically yet, with exception to the width of the squall straits. I don't see any point in having anything in writing until we have specifics to put into writing.
Unless of course your eagerness to put it into writing simply means that you want us to continue furnishing military information to the VIS as before and you will agree to furnishing us with military information via whomever I write down?
Are you also saying that JDF forces will be withdrawn in Karmanyaka? I'm not putting anything in writing until you agree to something specific. I want to know exactly what actions you will be taking in regards to the concerns I have raised."
Dyelli Beybi
05-02-2007, 13:25
"I find it best to get these group rules established before we do anything." Treen smiled benevolently, "So that we can there is no confusion later on."
"Now before we talk about moving troops, we need to get specifics for Intelligence sharing. Passing on of this information to the VIS is acceptable, however it is not part of my jurisdiction. We feel it would be better if this information were also shared with the Klatchian Marshalls to eliminate information bottlenecks."
05-02-2007, 18:34
"We will share information on Retaliatory Guard movements with whomever the President designates, so long as we receive the same from the JDF and the militaries of Federation States to Retaliatory Guard Command. I have no problem agreeing that the Federation Marshals should be kept in the loop, if that is whom the President believes is who should be receiving such intelligence."
He pauses, perhaps for affect "Of course this means that the Federation authorities will guarantee that it's member states will follow suit?"
If the Federation were actually receiving such intelligence right now, they would probably be worried. While The Naval Guard were returning to Vaadian waters as promised, it was to simply prepare for the next step of Operation South Paw.
The first step was complete. Command General Baibars with his assistant Colonel Vigstroth, an orc, had quickly and quietly begun flooding the orc tribes North of The Free Republic's borders with military and medical equipment, the equipment that had been offered to Karmanyaka , but declined, was now arming the tribes. The Free Republic had been for a long time the only place that an orc in the Klatch could get citizenship, or even a temporary Visa, and this was going to be used to make the wild North unpassable by arming the orc tribes to the teeth.
The threat posed by the orcs to The Free Republic was considered less than the Federation did at this point.
Part two, now included returning every Naval Guard unit to base to load every Tactical Group with it's full compliment of 7,500 Naval Guard Marines. It was planned that as soon as the Federation initiated hostilities that the Free Republic would seal Karmanyaka's Western border, to cut off Vrakian troops and leave those already in Karmanyaka trapped.
Supreme Republican Commander Ring still had no faith that the talks would lead to anything but war.
Of course, Federation intelligence might shed some light onto these activities.................
Dyelli Beybi
06-02-2007, 04:24
(OOC: Actually DB, then Timaru and Moskau have had Orc citizens and Ministers since before IV came to Klatch... so they'll know. Part of the reson T&M rebelled against Klatch was because an Orc Minister was refused a central Government cabinet position on the grounds that they were an Orc. Another reason was that the Var eat Orcs and continued Union with a state that views a huge bulk of your citizens as food was seen as impossible.)
"The VIS are not an entity of the Klatchian Government, they are provincials from Vrak. We make no guarantees as to our member States saying anything, however anything being carried out at the Klatchian level will be informed on." Treen explained, sounding quite reasonable.
He paused, and shrugged, "I will make no guarantees as to what the other Klatchians will do, there is a certain degree of autonomy within the Klatchian system and as such it would not be legal for us to enforce any information sharing agreements upon the individual States."
If the Federation were actually receiving such intelligence right now, they would probably be worried. While The Naval Guard were returning to Vaadian waters as promised, it was to simply prepare for the next step of Operation South Paw.
The first step was complete. Command General Baibars with his assistant Colonel Vigstroth, an orc, had quickly and quietly begun flooding the orc tribes North of The Free Republic's borders with military and medical equipment, the equipment that had been offered to Karmanyaka , but declined, was now arming the tribes. The Free Republic had been for a long time the only place that an orc in the Klatch could get citizenship, or even a temporary Visa, and this was going to be used to make the wild North unpassable by arming the orc tribes to the teeth.
OOC: Sorry for the ooc note. Just remember that we are operating in areas west and I suppose north of Timaru and Moskau. Not sure it your weaponry would make it that far, but if it does, then it would not be unreasonable for us to put two and two together. Our troops in west Karmayanka that are into T&M would not be going north in that region.
Dyelli Beybi
06-02-2007, 12:05
OOC: Well yes, bands of Orcs with anything other than Dyellian weapons would be a suprise ;)
06-02-2007, 15:30
OOC: exactly why I inserted the line: 'Of course, Federation intelligence might shed some light onto these activities.................'
I'm sure the Vrakians may at some point see Fabrique Nationale weaponry in orc hands , if they linger too long in orc country :D
"The VIS are not an entity of the Klatchian Government, they are provincials from Vrak. We make no guarantees as to our member States saying anything, however anything being carried out at the Klatchian level will be informed on." Treen explained, sounding quite reasonable.
He paused, and shrugged, "I will make no guarantees as to what the other Klatchians will do, there is a certain degree of autonomy within the Klatchian system and as such it would not be legal for us to enforce any information sharing agreements upon the individual States."
"That is precisely the problem." General Lucane states quite dryly "When we meet with single Federation States we are told 'No, you must meet with the Federation' when we meet with the Federation, we hear what you say, that the Federation has no such control.
Now, I came here to get a comprehensive agreement that would end the threat that the Federation currently poses to the Free Republic. That cannot be done if you cannot guarantee that the Federation's member states will abide by whatever agreement we reach here.
We must be assured that Federation Members will go along with the agreement made by the Federation President. Can we receive that assurance? I know, for a fact that member states co ordinate military activity via the JDF , it would be a simple matter for the JDF to share that co ordination with Retaliatory Guard Command. I need to leave here with a real progress, not a piece of paper that says 'Federation' authorities promise to work with Retaliatory Guard Command but then later we are given the boiler plate 'It is not under Federal jurisdiction, we are under no obligations to inform you because it is a Vrakian matter, or an Alconian matter' If that is what I am going to leave here with, then that is unacceptable."
He pauses and shakes his head " This is why the Federation is a failure. It states to the world that it has real authority in the Klatch, but when it comes right down to it, there is no guarantee that the Federation can make an agreement that actually binds Federation members.
The Free Republic needs assurances that what we agree to here, will actually be binding and that your President will support it 100%. This is something we have not had. It is getting very tiresome of having this same conversation."
Dyelli Beybi
08-02-2007, 03:04
"OK." Treen grunted, "I will put it in simple English. We can agree to report on the JDF and any movements made by the Federal Government."
"What I cannot do." he continued, "Is guarantee that any given State will see fit to report on troop movements to central Government. What I can also not guarantee is that information passed to a State will be forwarded to Central Government. There are no laws demanding that they do so, were we to make an agreement to that effect with you, we would then have to put that piece of legislation through Parliament and it may or it may not pass. What we can guarantee is that any foolishness that might be undertaken by a State would be greeted with attainment or a similar Government reaction. It is not regarded as acceptable for States to pursue their own line at the expense of the Federation."
"What we agree to will be binding, but we will not agree to anything that we cannot make binding."
"Also." he added, "If you think that yelling insults is going to impress me, you are sadly mistaken... although while on the subject of 'tiresome' things your attitude to these negotiations is distinctly 'tiresome'. Before we continue, I must know, are you here to negotiate or is this simply placement? Because if this is placement we can both stop wasting our time."
08-02-2007, 03:25
General Lucane raises an eyebrow, as he hadn't yelled, or raised his voice above a conversational tone. He sighs and replies gently.
"I am sorry if you feel that the truth is insulting Mr. Treen. You have said that you can guarantee that any foolishness by Federation States will be greeted with attainment or other Federation action? Would this foolishness include massing troops on the Vaadian border, surrounding a Vaadian Embassy with tanks or kidnapping Retaliatory Guard personnel? Because these things in the past , when done by Federation States have not led to Federation action, except for The Federation to threaten The Free Republic with war, if we attempt to intervene.
I do not mean to insult you Mr. Treen, I am certain that you are sincere, but the past actions of The Federation do not match your guarantees? A new approach is needed. The same old promises of The Federation will not satisfy me. I require real and substantial proof of the Federations intentions in regards to any agreement we reach here.
Perhaps if we added a non-aggression pact in which The Federation stated implicitly that unreasonable, aggressive warlike actions on The Free Republic, it's embassies and it's lawful agents will immediately lead to Federation action against the offending Federation State?"
He opens his hands and shrugs "Mr. Treen, we can sit here and be offended by our varying points of view or we can craft a solution that not only diffuses current crises but also lays the groundwork for resolving future misunderstandings.
I am truly sorry that we only have the past actions of The Federation to judge you and the new President by, I wish I could look into the future to see if you were indeed sincere, but I cannot do that. I would very much like to believe that your new President will indeed be different.
I will also decline to answer about my sincerity. My presence here is all the proof that you need of that. I am patently offended that you would question my sincerity. However, I can overlook that to come to an agreement."
It is hard to tell if he is actually offended, or frustrated, he talks in a careful monotone and the raised eyebrow and previous head shake is the only hint of an expression he has given.
Dyelli Beybi
08-02-2007, 13:59
"Perhaps." Treen inclined his head slightly, "Perhaps not. It depends entirely on whether Ilek-Vaad decides to continue it's policy of gunboat Diplomacy towards the Federation."
He paused, "Such a clause is acceptable, however we would also require a similar clause pertaining to Vaadian aggression and would strongly suggest a joint extradition treaty. We will of course overlook past cases, such as those for unlawful possession of a firearm and assault with a deadly weapon that can be pressed against the previous Supreme Republican Commander."
"However, as you said yourself." he smiled faintly, "We can overlook these matters to reach an amicable solution. I think reviewing this Macisikani non-agression pact and seeing how it might apply to us would be the best place to start."
08-02-2007, 15:13
"We regret seriously having to swing the big-stick, but that is the only way that anyone in Port Olympus will give us the time of day. Sending diplomats and polite comminiques has in the past borne no fruit. If the Federation will deal with us without our having to resort to military threat, then we will have no reason to use military threat.
We would insist, of course, that any such non-aggression treaty be entirely bi-lateral and include assurances for both sides. I have no issue with that what so ever.Extradition treaties are very hard in The Free Republic as the Velite General is the final arbiter of any extradition. He normally will extradite with no treaty in place and he will normally follow whatever treaty is set, unless there are extreme circumstances, which he will always explain."
He shrugs at the comments about the Former Supreme Republican Commander "If any Vaadian citizen has broken Federation law, then contact the Velite General. No Vaadian no matter their current or former post is exempt from the law. You are well within your rights to request that the Velite General review any such case and act as is legally appropriate.
We may as well review our hosts standard pact, it may save time."
Dyelli Beybi
08-02-2007, 21:57
"Klatch does not extradite." Treen said flatly, "I believe that this might be of benefit to you more than us. Whatever the reality of the matter was beforehand, putting it on paper serves to clarify the process somewhat."
"I think you will find the people of Souther Klatch are a different Kettle of Fish to the Northerners, and during this presidency it is the South in the ascendancy." Treen was looking slightly smug about this, "Whether or not you will like that particular kettle more than the previous one is open to debate. It will definitely be different and one thing I can promise to all people in this room is that Klatch will be exploring a more multilateral foreign policy."
08-02-2007, 22:15
"Well, I suppose it is good news so long as The Federation uses the power the constitution gives it. The last President seemed more concerned about preserving power for the member states to the detriment of The Federation as a whole.. Perhaps having an ex-Cheka agent as President is exactly what the Federation needs."
He turns to Sir Silvanas "Well, let's have a look at this treaty of yours, I think that we have enough that we agree upon to start putting it down in a written manner."
09-02-2007, 10:17
Wordlessly, Silvanas raised one hand, and protocol officers stepped forward, discreetly and carefully setting down a copy of the Covenant's standard Non-Aggression Pact (http://www.freewebs.com/macisikan/nap.html).
He leaned back and waited for a response.
OOC: Shameless self-promotion there; click on the pretty linky.
09-02-2007, 15:45
General Lucane's aide de camp read over the treaty and then made some changes to it on his laptop. After a couple of minutes General Lucane looked it over and swiveled the monitor of the laptop around for Mr. Treen to view.
"I would be able to sign, and enforce this. I would also believe that it would prevent future misunderstandings from occurring, so long as we both follow the treaty. This will of course need to be ratified by a majority vote of the Republican Council and in a public referendum in the next general election."
The Government of the Federated Klatchian Coast
The Government of the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad
directed by the wish to strengthen the cause of peace between the Federation and Ilek-Vaad, and proceeding upon the basic provisions of mutual understanding reached in previous times, have reached the following agreement:
Article 1
The nations of the Federated Klatchian Coast, and the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad, referred to henceforth as the two contracting parties, shall undertake to refrain from any act of violence, any aggressive action, or any attack against one another, whether individually or jointly with other powers.
In addition, The Federation President will upon the signing of this treaty inform Federation Member States that aggressive actions against The Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad and its lawful representatives shall lead to immediate Federation intervention and/or Attainment, as provided in the Constitution of The Federated Klatchian Coast.
Aggressive action or violence by Federation Member States that are not immediately remedied by the Federation, shall constitute a breach of this treaty.
Article 2
In the case of any of the contracting parties should become the object of warlike acts on the part of a third power, the other contracting party will not support that third power in any form.
Article 3
The Governments of the two contracting parties will in future remain in contact with each other through continuous consultation in order to inform each other concerning questions affecting their mutual interests.
Article 4
Neither of the two contracting parties will participate in any grouping of powers which is indirectly or directly aimed against the other party.
Article 5
Should disputes or conflicts arise between the contracting parties regarding any questions of any kind whatsoever, the two parties would clear away these disputes or conflicts solely by means of friendly exchanges of views or, if necessary, by arbitration commissions.
Article 6
This treaty will remain in effect for an indefinite period of time, and shall be permanently binding on the date of its coming into effect, and will not be required to be re-ratified by the two contracting parties, unless this treaty should subsequently be revised; in such event refer to Article 7.
Article 7
This treaty may be revised at any time while it is in effect at the request of one of the two contracting parties, but such revision is not to alter the treaty beyond the original design; such revised treaty must be ratified in accordance with Article 8 of the original treaty and is subject to agreement by both contracting parties; should revision be rejected the unrevised treaty shall remain in effect.
Article 8
This treaty will come into effect upon its ratification by both the Nations of the Federation and Ilek-Vaad in full accordance with the contracting parties' respective constitutional requirements; the documents of ratification are to be exchanged via the contracting parties' embassies.
Additional Protocol 1
The Federated Klatchian Coast and the Free Republic shall mutually confer on all military actions within the Region of the Klatch. The Federation shall contact Retaliatory Guard Command with information regarding all military actions, including size, scope and area(s) affected, Retaliatory Guard Command shall in turn contact the Joint Defence Forces and the offices of The Klatchian Marshals with information regarding all military actions, including size, scope and area(s) affected.
Neither party shall share this information with any entity outside of their lawful government and military agencies. Both parties will also immediately de-militarize their common borders upon the signing of this treaty.
Additional Protocol 2
The stipulation of Article I against "any aggressive action" includes territorial integrity; both contracting parties are to extend full faith to and to respect each others' territorial integrity, extending on land, on sea, in the air, and in space, at all times.
Additional Protocol 3
If either of the two contracting parties engages in actions which the other disapproves of, then the other is free to make diplomatic and public condemnations of these actions, as long as they do not incite a third party to take action against the first.
Additional Protocol 4
Pre-existing treaties take precedence over this one; if one of the two contracting parties is forced to take action against the other as a result of pre-existing treaty obligations, it shall not be considered a breach of this treaty.
Additional Protocol 5
Upon the signing of this treaty, Retaliatory Guard Command shall recommend that the Republican Council of the Free Republic of Ilek-Vaad immediately withdraw all Military Mandates currently in place with regards to the Federated Klatchian Coast and will also recommend that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately take steps to open diplomatic channels with the government of the Federation.
He waits for Mr. Treen to read it and for his comments.
Dyelli Beybi
11-02-2007, 11:41
Treen was silent for a long time, flicking through both the Covenant 'standard pact', then reading the laptop screen. He finished it then read it a second time to make sure he hadn't missed anything, "It looks alright." he said grudgingly, "Although there are one or two things I feel we need to add or remove."
"Firstly, Additional Protocol 4 is unnacceptable. Were Ilek-Vaad to make war upon the Federation for whatever reason this Treaty will be considered void. It seems ludicrous to be in a State of war and have an outstanding non-aggression pact." he looked confused by the very concept, "Furthermore, it is felt that a further paragraph should be added to Additional Protocol 2, something along the lines of 'In addition, the funding, arming or offering of any form of support to paramilitary or rebel factions within the other State to be regarded as an aggressive action'."
11-02-2007, 19:50
General Lucane raises an eyebrow and nods to his aide who removes Protocol 4 and renumbers protocol 5, but he raises his hand before he begins to make the additional change.
"Normally I would agree that aiding armed insurgencies would indeed be an aggressive action and a cause for war. Yet the Federation routinely invites and allows foreign support for insurgencies in it's member states. Inviting the Imperium of the Scandavian States to prop up Genorale Soult's insurgency to simply punish The Free Republic for it's legal, and Federation approved Foreign Guard Treaty with the Socialist Republic of Dyelli Beybi, is a case in point.
The Federation routinely allows foreign intervention in various insurgencies in it's member nations, to single out the Free Republic and to say that our actions would be cause or war, simply defies logic and only shows a malice of intent.
I think that the fact that we would be forced to report such support makes it something that could certainly be taken up on a case by case basis. The more pressing issue should be the Federation pushing for Klatchian stability to prevent such insurgencies. Something that the Free Republic would be pleased to assist with. Additionally if the Federation were to pass a law explicitly outlawing support for illegal insurgencies and made it clear that all states attempting to intervene will be risking the specter of war to give such aid, we would be inclined to amend this treaty to include such a clause."
Dyelli Beybi
12-02-2007, 01:52
"This is a new Government." Treen grunted, "Previous precendents no longer apply."
"It is the constitutional right of any State to run themselves as they see fit." he continued, "This right may have previously been subject to the whims of central Government, it is no longer. It is one of the central tenets on which the Federation is founded."
"Were we to not include funding or supplying paramilitaries as a belligerent action, it would be equally as acceptable for us to set up terrorist networks within Ilek-Vaad, which I'm sure is not in Ilek-Vaad's best interests."
12-02-2007, 04:04
General Lucane frowned "You mean like the Cheka gentlemen that built a house bomb in Trozen? Or the Federal Marshals that think they are operating covertly in Great Lassic, South Haven and Costa-Tula?I think we can take that chance, although you would be required to share with us information of your insurgent network, if it was receiving military support."
He pauses "I was assuming that such military aid would need to be shared , according to this agreement?"
He folds his hands "I understand that this is a new government. How about we start with this treaty, if your government shows that unlike previous Federation Governments that we can trust it, then we can start talking about deeper commitments to each other. You can keep saying what the Federation wants to do, but we will need proof , actions that is, that backs up your rather optimistic assertions. The first action, signing this agreement. Then taking the actions to implement this agreement. I think that this would be a good start?"
Dyelli Beybi
12-02-2007, 12:08
Treen shook his head, "The past is irrelevant, however, Ilek-Vaad has attempted to fund revolutions in Karmanyaka, Dyelli Beybi and I am sure elsewhere as well. In the interests of peace we cannotl continue to have Ilek-Vaad undermining the Government of Klatch."
"This is not a 'deep commitment', it is a promise to stop interfering in our internal affairs" he concluded.
12-02-2007, 15:06
General Lucane was irritated now,although it did not show and his tone did not change, this man's bending of the truth was quite remarkable.
"The Free Republic intervened to END the insurgency in Karmanyaka and restore it's legal government, something the Federation refused to do. It was done because of two reasons, one Field Marshal Grune implicitly threatened the Vaadian border and second Grune was moving to leave the Federation. We have a responsibility to protect our neighbor, and will continue to do so. It is ironic that the Free Republic is now criticized for returning a pro-Federation government to power.
The Free Republic has never funded any of the insurgencies in Dyelli Beybi, and will not do so. Your two examples fall short of any actual 'interference', unless you can give actual instances of said interference, it is a moot point. I will also continue that the past is still relevant. This new Federation Government has so far not done anything to win the Free Republic's confidence, this new government has done nothing to disassociate it from past governments or to even repair the damage done by past governments."
He pauses and looks over the revised treaty. "Your attitude I can see is quickly become combative, so I will say again. This is the treaty we will accept. I believe that as this treaty is worded, it does much to assure both parties that such interference will not take place. Perhaps you need some time to think about it?"
12-02-2007, 20:31
"Before you decide to commit to that General, might I make a suggestion?" Sir Silvanas interjected.
"Article 8 stipulates that the documents of ratification are to be exchanged via the contracting parties' embassies," he said, "And as far as I am aware, neither of you has an embassy with the other... as a procedural matter, that part ought to be altered, or it should stipulate which embassies you will exchange the documents of ratification by," he paused for a moment, then continued. "Perhaps we, as a declared neutral power in this matter, could oversee the transference of those documents, or maybe another neutral power could be asked to perform that task."
Throughout, Saniril remained silent.
12-02-2007, 22:32
General Lucane shrugged in response to Sir Silvanas' interjection/offer "That would be for the Republican Council to decide once they have voted on it. They normally elect a Special Emissary to deliver such documents. Although I will note and inform them of your suggestion."
He looks back to Mr. Treen "Assuming both parties are willing to sign."
13-02-2007, 07:52
"The alteration may be procedural matter General," Sir Silvanas said dryly. "But it's effect is more than that. If you don't exchange the documents, as stipulated in the treaty, it isn't really valid," he smiled slightly. More an upturning of the lips really. "Perhaps "Documents of ratification shall be exchanged in a manner so proscribed in the course of the original negotiations" would be better alternate language."
He leaned back.
13-02-2007, 16:07
Sir Silvanas was about to find out that such 'technicalities' irritated the Vaadians. He keeps his eyes on Mr. Treen but answers Sir Silvanas.
"IF I sign a treaty, and the Republican Council votes to put it into law, it IS valid, no matter it's method of delivery. This treaty states: 'the documents of ratification are to be exchanged via the contracting parties' embassies.' but it is the ratification and acceptance of the document that make it binding, nowhere does this document state that if it's ratified copies are not delivered in a specific manner that they shall be void, it simply states a manner in which the documents should be delivered.
The Free Republic will accept the treaty as valid, no matter it's method of delivery, so long as it is properly ratified. Again Sir Silvanas, you are bringing up minor procedural nigglings that have no bearing, as my opposite here has not agreed to even sign anything."
13-02-2007, 20:38
Silvanas exchanged a glance with Saniril. It was unmistakably amused.
"I see that you do not require our assistance in this matter," Sir Silvanas said placidly, pointedly transferring his gaze to the Dyellian.
Dyelli Beybi
16-02-2007, 13:11
Treen nodded, such technicalities did resonate in the Dyellian mindset... "All legal procedures must be followed. The documents of ratification are essential, as such I agree that clause must be changed."
He smiled in a sickly sort of way, "Whatever gave you the impression I came here without intent to sign a treaty? I have suggested nothing of the sort."
His tone of voice firmly implied who had... "The Federation is above such posturing. However we wish the insurgency clause to be included. As I mentioned earlier, examples of the doings of the previous Government are irrelevant. The involvement of any foreign power in the intermal affairs of Klatchian States is no longer tollerable. This includes the Scandavian States whose warmongering has not gone without notice."
"I may also assure you." he concluded, "That whatever espionage or sabotage attempts may have been carrying on in the Free Republic will cease in the interests of good faith."
16-02-2007, 18:47
Command General Lucane stands and smiles " I am very sorry to have wasted your time then. I do not trust your assurances, the Federation's past actions and your unwillingness to address them is obviously calculated to bring this meeting to failure.
It is unacceptable that you wish me to forget about the past in regards to our interactions with the Federation, but then insist that we insert into the treaty a clause that impugns the past actions of the Free Republic. You cannot have it both ways, either the past is relevant, or it isn't.
Commander Ring was abundantly convinced before I came here that this meeting would end in failure, I finally convinced him that this meeting may be fruitful, and he allowed me to come."
He extends his hand to Mr. Treen "Oh well, I guess that I can't be right all the time. I do appreciate your coming."
His aide de camp stands as General Lucane bows his head politely to Sir Silvanus and Deacon Makor Saniril.
"I thank you for your generous hospitality and your exquisite accommodations, and I do apologize for having wasted your time. Now, if you will please excuse me."
He then prepares to leave.
Dyelli Beybi
17-02-2007, 00:02
"Alright." Treen shrugged, "If you will take a moment though to explain why it is so difficult for the Free Republic to agree not to fund insurgencies within the Federation, then perhaps I will be able to report something logical back to Port Olympus?"
"And before you say it impugns the past actions of the Free Republic, you will note it also impugns the past actions of the Federation." he smiled blandly, "If there is ever to be peace, there first needs to be openness and honesty. The funding of terrorist groups within the other Nation do not meet with the Federation's definition of openness or honesty."
"Perhaps I am confused?" he finished, "Perhaps this isn't what you are insisting we allow to continue happening?"
17-02-2007, 03:20
General Lucane considered Treen for a moment "Because Mr. Treen, you are equating support for the legal government of Karmanyaka as support for an insurgency. No matter what deal we sign, if it comes down to choosing between Karmanyaka and the Federation, we will support our friends and allies within Karmanyaka at all costs."
He frowns "Although the bigger problem is your and your Federations attitude. You do not become serious about talking frankly until I say I am leaving, your Federation would not even talk to anyone in the Free Republic until there was the distinct possibility of war. Your brinksmanship leads me to believe that you are not a trustworthy partner for negotiations. Whatever we sign here, the Federation will push the limits of the agreement up to the point of war again, and then we will back at square one. I will not reward these tactics with a non-aggression pact.
Honestly Mr. Treen, I see no difference between negotiating with you and negotiating with the previous President's staff, which I did do in the Karmanyaka conflict. You say the new President is different, yet you act exactly the same."
17-02-2007, 06:17
Silvanas was watching the exchange with the exasperated air of a tired schoolteacher. Saniril was observing it with an inscrutable expression that was somehow smug.
Silvanas suddenly asked in quiet, subdued, tones, "General, didn't it occur to you that you can add a section to address the Karmanyaka question? Or negotiate an exception for that particular case? Treen didn't name Karmanyaka, or anything that happened there. He simply said that there needed to be a guarantee against supporting insurgencies; he never said how to define an insurgency." his tone was disappointed.
Saniril was perversely cheerful by contrast, and spoke up for the first time.
"That aside General, we are very interested to hear that the Free Republic doesn't really consider the funding, arming or offering of support to paramilitary factions within another nation to be an aggressive act," he paused, inappropriately happy. "I can hear Valdir yelling at your Sir Alec even now; asking him exactly how many such organisations you are funding or planning to fund in the Covenant." he asked, in tones suddenly as hard and cold as stone.
17-02-2007, 16:46
General Lucane turns to Sir Silvanas "I'm sorry, but apparently you weren't listening when I stated that I believed that such a thing is normally an aggressive action and as such, was covered by the clauses in this treaty as well as covered by the section that was added about sharing military actions.
I am sorry that I was too boring for you to pay attention to as you were admiring Mr. Treen to hear that my objection was that I believed that such actions were already covered by this treaty, and that the only thing that Mr. Treen could offer in support of such a clause was our support of a legal government that was overthrown by a rebel insurgency and the fact that Mr. Treen refused to address the fact that Federation authorities and agents of Federation governments have actually attempted to carry out terrorist attacks on Vaadian soil."
Here he pauses and glares at his aide de camp, who quickly does something on his laptop, he replays this snippet of the General, apparently missed by Sir Silvanus:
"Normally I would agree that aiding armed insurgencies would indeed be an aggressive action and a cause for war. Yet the Federation routinely invites and allows foreign support for insurgencies in it's member states. Inviting the Imperium of the Scandavian States to prop up Genorale Soult's insurgency to simply punish The Free Republic for it's legal, and Federation approved Foreign Guard Treaty with the Socialist Republic of Dyelli Beybi, is a case in point.
The Federation routinely allows foreign intervention in various insurgencies in it's member nations, to single out the Free Republic and to say that our actions would be cause or war, simply defies logic and only shows a malice of intent.
I think that the fact that we would be forced to report such support makes it something that could certainly be taken up on a case by case basis. The more pressing issue should be the Federation pushing for Klatchian stability to prevent such insurgencies. Something that the Free Republic would be pleased to assist with. Additionally if the Federation were to pass a law explicitly outlawing support for illegal insurgencies and made it clear that all states attempting to intervene will be risking the specter of war to give such aid, we would be inclined to amend this treaty to include such a clause."
General Lucane turns back to Sir Silvanus "Now that you have heard that, apparently for the first time, you can see that my objection was to the double standard that Mr. Treen was applying to the Free Republic in terms of it's policies. The Free Republic does not, and has not ever funded foreign insurgencies. If we believe military action is required it is taken by the Retaliatory Guard. I can produce evidence as to the covert, terrorist actions taken by various Federation states, can Mr. Treen provide such evidence against the Free Republic? No, he cannot."
He then turns back to his aide de camp and nods, the aide then closes his laptop again , General Lucane turns back to Sir Silvanas " Now, I believe that your 'impartial' mediation services are no longer required. "
Despite his inflammatory statements, his voice stays calm and he does not raise his voice nor does he appear angry.
18-02-2007, 00:20
The knight leaned back and pointed to himself. "Sir Silvanas," he pointed to the Deacon, "Deacon Saniril. I offered you a solution. He was the one who said you don't consider insurgency support an aggressive act, not me. Nothing wrong with my memory or my hearing General," he didn't smile, "All I was trying to do was suggest there was a way for both of you to get what you wanted in the treaty. Your outburst was quite uncalled for, especially as you also seem to have ignored the part where Ser Treen stated that the policy of allowing foreign interventions is at an end," he steepled his fingers, "I know you don't believe him, you said so, but why don't you then ask that such a provision be in the treaty? Make it binding. Really..." he shook his head.
Saniril, balancing his head on his hand, was surveying the General with a detached interest, as if he was a scientist who'd never actually seen anything quite like the Vaadian before.
"Give it up Silvanas," he murmured, "The man doesn't want to compromise, doesn't want to negotiate. He's only hanging around now to try to make us look bad. Of course, he can prove me wrong by sitting down and talking to Treen again, rather then snapping at you again for something I said... unless he's confused as to who the enemy is here."
18-02-2007, 01:44
"My apologies Sir Silvanas, it is obviously the Deacon that has the hearing, or comprehension deficiency. I also did not realize that my answer to your question would be considered an 'outburst', I also did not realize that I would be negotiating with Mr. Treen AND the pair of you." He says quite sincerely. "Having met less than an hour ago, I apologize for any confusion in identifying the pair of you. I would explain to you the myriad of reasons for not being able to trust Mr. Treen and The Federation, but I would hate to make another outburst." He continues to ignore the Deacon, and address only Sir Silvanas.
General Lucane turns to Mr. Treen just before he leaves " You and I both know that the agreement, as it is, makes several concessions that neither of us were prepared to make in the past, and I have agreed to all things that Secretary Delgado informed me that your President would require for successful agreement. I am not prepared to make any further concessions.
I feel that the agreement as it is prevents the action of starting or funding insurgencies as it is written, and I am not prepared to negotiate any further on this matter. We can both sign a compromise that neither of us are pleased with, and prevent bloodshed in the near future and lay the groundwork for future diplomatic relations that can resolve further questions in the future.
However I suspect that you have succeeded in your mission Mr. Treen, you have come here and you have found that the belligerent and unreasonable Vaadians are, as usual, refusing to sign an insulting and insincere agreement with the Federation and continue insisting on being leveled with and treated as equals. You can tell this to your President who can then go ahead and move forward with the Federation's plans to attack the Free Republic and it's friends and precipitate a war that will allow the Vrakians, Lords of War and whomever else to attempt to seize even more Eastern Klatchian lands in the interests of expanding their empires and continue to prop up the Federation government. If this was your intent, you are a credit to the Vrakian and Alconian diplomats I have spoken with in the past.
Or, you can sign this, and prove what you have said, that you and your 'new' Federation are indeed different and not the lapdog of the Glorious Kingdom, or the United Duchies and is in actuality prepared to begin a sincere and open regional dialog."
Unless Mr. Treen says something constructive in the direction of signing the agreement, General Lucane and his aide de camp leave, without another word.
Dyelli Beybi
20-02-2007, 07:33
"I believe that my hearing is very good." Treen looked vaguely confused, "I do not recall hearing myself name Karmanyaka as an example of funding a paramilitary organisation. In fact, I seem to recall pointing out that including such a clause would mean that any paramilitary activities that might have been carried out by the Federation would immediately cease."
"Unfortunately, Klatch is not open to being threatened, however we are open to negotiation." he continued, "What I suggest is that we take a break and resume this negotiation when the tempers of all those involved have calmed down."
"All that I have pointed out." he continued, "Is that Additional Protocol 2 does not cover insurgency actions. This is not some veiled attack on Ilek-Vaad. I am simply pointing out that the definition of aggressive action as written in this treaty does not include funding rebel groups."
"Klatch is very serious about this treaty and would like to suggest politely that Ilek-Vaad take a break then resume their seat in the morning. We fail to comprehend how this has caused such offense, however were the delegation from Ilek-Vaad to explain in words other than a stream of invective directed at the Federation, what the problem is, I am sure we will be able to work through it. We cannot see how this treaty is either insulting or insincere. Perhaps this comment can be explained?"
20-02-2007, 15:30
Command General Lucane simply shakes his head "You stated that the Free Republic has attempted to fund revolutions in Karmanyaka. The only action we have ever taken in Karmanyaka was to oust Grune and put The Lord Tengil back into power, so if you are not referring to that, then you are very confused indeed.
I am sorry Mr. Treen, but creating and funding insurgencies is clearly prohibited by this treaty. I have nothing further to add to it, or to discuss."
He then leaves, he pauses and nods to Sir Silvanas and the Deacon "I do apologize for my outburst."
Obviously said with a sarcastic tone, as he has yet to break a conversational tone or even show any emotion beyond a raised eyebrow.
20-02-2007, 15:52
OOC: Political change that may alter any future negotiations (Second story): http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12349930#post12349930
New First Republican William Issem is still very upset about his shabby treatment in Port Olympus. Obviously it won't affect things immediately, it will take a day or two for everything to catch up.
21-02-2007, 12:27
The priest and the knight had sat through the entire exchange in silence. Saniril had watched with a Buddha-like smile on his face, which hadn't so much as flickered when the General departed. His companion's face was a blank mask, empty and devoid of all emotion; someone had handed him a report, and he was reading it while Treen exchanged words with the Vaadian; he didn't look up when Lucane "apologised", or when the General walked out. Saniril murmured "Apology accepted, General Lucane," his tone and face grave and serious.
The instant the Vaadian was gone, the Deacon stood, walked out of the room silently, rubbing at his temples.
"Gone to find the bar," Silvanas said without looking up. He was occasionally making marks with a red pen in the report, which was more of a tome. He waited for a moment, then glanced up at Treen.
"Negotiations are suspended until such a time as all parties consent to resumption," he said formally. "Reason for suspension is the unilateral withdrawal of the Vaadian delegates. Recording is now terminated," he sighed and waited a moment, then looked back down at his dossier.
"The soldier has no patience," he murmured. "And my staff is spelling June with an "M"... I didn't want to tell him after he got all self-righteous, but he had other legal gaps in his treaty... he might not have cared about it, but I'd warrant your Alconian friends would have. Ser Treen, you are welcome to join the Deacon in the bar if you want."
Dyelli Beybi
22-02-2007, 12:14
Treen shook his head in exhasperation, "Would you believe we actually wanted that treaty?"
He shhok his head again, "Honestly, you'd think they wanted a war... all I was tryong to do was eliminate loopholes. What the hell does he think he's doing? You need to make these things waterproof or someone will exploit them."
He looked like he was grinding his teeth, the comment on the bar though seemed to bring him back to reality, he smiled, standing and giving an apolotgetic bow, "Please pardon my outburst Ser" apparently someone had given him rough instructions on how to behanve, "This is not the outcome the Federation wanted and I still cannot understand why we were walked out on so suddenly. The bar seems an attractive option."
22-02-2007, 15:40
Command General Lucane was again, as good as word. He and his aid de camp collected their things and as soon as their Marathon SST was ready, they departed.
The events were relayed to the Supreme Republican Commander and then on to the Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs. It was a revelation to the all three entities that the Federation did not consider terrorism or insurgencies 'aggressive action' that violated sovereignty or territorial integrity.
This news would cause not just a crackdown on known Klatchian agents (from the individual states and the Federation) but would also bring heavy surveillance on any Klatchian that was foolish enough to remain in the Free Republic. Those that were arrested, were no longer deported immediately, but are now held indefinitely and questioned thoroughly.
It was also enough to put Operation Southpaw into over-drive, Retaliatory Guard Command met and determined that the Federation would commence hostilities in a matter of weeks, and they began looking at the scenarios in which the Federation would provoke such and engagement.
22-02-2007, 22:17
"I can see it now," Silvanas muttered, "Empire Today headline reads "Vaadians Torpedo Talks". He came in, handed you a treaty then walked out when you refused to sign it as presented. In under an hour. Stupid, stupid, stupid," he sniffed. "And waterproof? Hah, when dealing with some of your states it needs to be airtight and lightproof," he snorted, making a mark in the brief and paused for a moment. "Of course, this means that the blame is squarely on his head; he walked out while you still wanted to talk... there should be a space there and there..." he made a mark, then snapped the dossier shut as an aide bent down and whispered in his ear.
"Someone's told Arn-Maciska, and they're already annoyed. Any conflict will endanger trade," he ground out, then looked over to the Dyellian.
"Come ser," he said, standing and moving towards the door. "Let's go get wasted."
Back in Arn-Maciska Valdir was trying to summon the energy and presence to actually get worked up over it. But it wasn't working.
"It's because we've hosted too many conferences where the delegates wanted them to fail," Perez supplied, handing her superior a gin and tonic.
Valdir nodded with a bleak expression, and dumped the report in an out tray.
"Someone call Aryet and have her work on a neutrality declaration for when those fools start killing each other," she said tiredly. "I don't want them taking potshots at our ships too."
Dyelli Beybi
24-02-2007, 06:22
"Oh believe me I'm right in the mood for that." Treen gave a short laugh, "This is the danger of letting the military talk. If they negotiate a peace settlement it puts them out of a job."
"Seems they didn't want us accusing them of breaking the treaty when we decided to notice the fact that they're arming Orcs against us in the North land..." he laughed again, perhaps a little bitterly, "So where is this bar? Lay on MacDuff."
25-02-2007, 04:25
Silvanas simply smiled in response and beckoned.
"Right this way ser. We stock most beverages of a potent variety..." he left the room, snaking his way to the bar, where Deacon Saniril was already halfway through a bottle of wine.
A day later, a message was dispatched to Great Lassic and Port Olympus; certified recordings and transcripts of the short-lived conference were available upon request for both parties (including all Federation States).
VIS analysts quickly and efficiently poured over the transcripts of the conference. No doubt that the regular channels through Port Olympus would also have the information available and that the President of the FKC would have her own view on the matter which, of course, would then ultimately decide which course the Federation would take. The Vrakians though were pessimistic in nature and so the worse case scenario action plans were now being implemented.
On the outside, nothing out of the ordinary would be apparent. Being one of the most militarized states in the FKC or indeed for that matter, high in the NS universe, it was almost common to see soldiers and tanks moving to and fro. A very keen observer, one that had studied the Vrakians for quite some time, might notice that the tempo was steadily increasing and that in the science bastions the research pace was nearly at breakneck speed. Of course, some of this might be able to be divined just from mere satellite sweeps but the science bastions would be hard to read from the air.
A careful observer might notice that far off weapon testing in the northern reaches as well as remote areas within Vrak itself was turned up a notch. Jump City, the slang name for Vrak’s only cobbled together spaceport in the Nef, also enjoyed a rise in traffic, both ground and air. And that movements into Timaru and Moskau were increasing.
The large fleet sent a while ago to secure the Squall Straits had finally arrived. The Vaadian ships were located via satellite and fed into the targeting computers as a precautionary measure. The unoccupied land south of the straits themselves was set upon by at least a battalion of engineers and equipment. Their goal was to set up a permanent base and staging area. The Squall straits were seen as a vital chokepoint of which the Vrakians did not want to see fall under any foreigner influence.
Far off to the east along Lake Olympus, the canal constructed by AxeWieldingManiacs and now under the purview of the JDF was once again seeing more traffic, but this time mostly troop carriers along with a light escort that would join the battle groups off the coast of Karmanyaka. The canal itself was large enough to hold even aircraft carriers, but the Vrakians did not send such ships that size into the canal. Not only because such a ship would be was a sitting duck to aircraft, but also there remained a far more dangerous reason under the lake.
The troops in Karmanyaka itself were alerted and quite possibly faced the uncomfortable situation of a war on two fronts. Re-supply to Karmanyaka along the sea via the canal and also from the former New Shiron continent was critical, until some kind of safer passage could be secured through Timaru and Moskau itself. There still was the danger of orcs so more troops were being sent to the Northern reaches. If a very careful observer would care to cast their gaze up north, the Vrakians were now increasing their surveillance flights and bombing runs along the western and northern borders of Timaru and Moskau to drive out any and all orcs. Efforts were increased to finish the rail line connecting a point from the North Sea to the borders of Timaru and Moskau.
In the North Sea itself, a blast from the heavens crashed into a derelict ship that was drifting as if for target practice.
ooc: as well, I have to catch up to a thread with Karmanyaka.
25-02-2007, 20:59
After Command General Lucane had arrived at home in Tollan , he briefed Retaliatory Guard command and the Supreme Republican Commander. He sent out two quick misives.
To:Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
From: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
Subject: Princess Kira House Conference
Lady Justina,
First, allow me to thank you for the generous use of your venue and your accommodations which Command General Lucane informs me were above and beyond anything we expected. I deeply appreciate your actions and those of the neutral mediators you selected.
I do regret that the conference did fail, but after reviewing our transcripts, Mr. Treen unacceptably strayed from the Four Points that had been agreed to be resolved by Secretary Delgado and Command General Lucane, of the Federation and Free Republic respectively. Command General Lucane was right to leave the conference when Mr. Treen , Deacon Saniril and Sir Silvanus began pressuring General Lucane to broaden and add unnecessary detail to what was supposed to be a treaty that resolved the four primary points that would allow me to ask The Republican Council to remove the Military Mandate.
It was initially agreed that this would be a first meeting and would not be a comprehensive final solution. It appears that Mr. Treen was either not informed of this, or chose to stray from what he was charged to do by Secretary Delgado.
I do regret this turn of events and wish to apologize for any inconvenience caused to you and your staff.
Supreme Republican Commander,
Adan Ring
He then sent a second missive:
To: Caroline ab Ieauf, President of the Federated Klatchian States
From: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
Subject: Princess Kira House Conference Failure.
Madam President,
I do want to thank you for sending your representative to meet with my Command General Lucane. I only wish that an agreement could have been reached.
I wished to briefly explain why Command General Lucane felt that an agreement could not be reached.
First: The conference was intended to resolve Four Key points:
1.) The removal of JDF Tank Divisions from the Vaadian border.
2.) Regular reports from Federation member states about military actions near the Free Republic, i.e. the Vrakian build up in Karmanyaka and the military actions in the DBAT. Both of which at least indirectly affect The Free Republic.
3.) An agreement that will prevent the Federation from blocking Vaadian trade in Klatchian waters and an acknowledgment that Klatchian Regional Waters are to be shared by ALL nations of the Klatch, not just Federation Nations.
4.) An agreement that will put in place a direct line of communication between the JDF and The Retaliatory Guard.
Resolving these points would have allowed me to ask the Republican Council to remove the current Military Mandate.
Second: It was agreed that this meeting would be a preliminary one that would resolve the above Four Points and that it would only be a first step that would allow the Federation and the Free Republic to begin a dialog, not a comprehensive and detailed all encompassing solution.
I do not know if Mr. Treen overstepped his instructions about this from Secretary Delgado or if he was attempting to extract additional agreements after a cursory agreement on the above Four Points. Either way, Command General Lucane was unable to discuss options that fall under the purview of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Please realize that the Military Mandate must be canceled before Sir Alec and the Republican Council can enter into negotiations with the Federation. Having reviewed the correspondence between Command General Lucane and Secretary Delgado , this was made abundantly clear and agreed upon by Secretary Delgado.
If you wish to discuss these further, please feel free to contact me directly.
I Thank you,
Supreme Republican Commander,
Adan Ring
Dyelli Beybi
26-02-2007, 12:53
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
CC: Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
While we appreciate that Command General Lucane may have felt he was exceeding his brief, this was not listed by him at the time of his hasty withdrawal from the Conference. In fact, transcripts will show that the reason listed was that he was unwilling to include a clause restricting paramilitary actions. Furthermore we wish to point out that Command General Lucane was more than happy to exceed this brief earlier in the Conference when proposing a treaty of non-agression.
Sadly, the Federation does not feel that further negotiations will be of benefit to us without some assurance from Ilek-Vaad that the processes of good faith bargaining will be followed in the future. In not declaring that he was exceding his brief during the negotiations, Command General Lucane has breached the principles of good faith.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieauf
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
26-02-2007, 13:36
Valdir's office sent and acknowledgement of the Vaadian missive, but no more. The Imperial External Affairs Minister had reviewed the transcripts and drawn her own conclusions by the time Ring's message crossed her desk.
The dispatch was read by Valdir, Perez, Dame Miranda, and Baroness Aryet in a special kind of resigned silence; Valdir's secretary maintained a respectful distance.
Perez considered the missive carefully, then shook her head.
"Silly boy," she said. "The looser is always the one who doesn't bring a lawyer to the party," she dismissed her copy.
"Someone's press will have a field day with this," Miranda's copy joined Perez's in oblivion.
Valdir merely sighed heavily, saying nothing, as hers was dsimissed, then stared at the woodwork on her desk.
"Better get a copy of the standard neutrality declaration dear," Baroness Aryet murmured to the Minister's personal secretary as ab Ieauf's communiqué was brought up before the four women.
There was a pause.
"That's going to play well..." Perez said heavily, reading it.
"Get me that sheet of paper quickly," Valdir ordered tiredly, "and find out where Foxworth and Vadin Sakir are. I think I'll be needing to chat with them soon..."
"At least they're talking... sort of," Aryet offered. "Better than lobbing missiles... I suppose... send the President an acknowledgement. We don't want her thinking we didn't get this..."
26-02-2007, 15:29
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
CC: Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
While we appreciate that Command General Lucane may have felt he was exceeding his brief, this was not listed by him at the time of his hasty withdrawal from the Conference. In fact, transcripts will show that the reason listed was that he was unwilling to include a clause restricting paramilitary actions. Furthermore we wish to point out that Command General Lucane was more than happy to exceed this brief earlier in the Conference when proposing a treaty of non-agression.
Sadly, the Federation does not feel that further negotiations will be of benefit to us without some assurance from Ilek-Vaad that the processes of good faith bargaining will be followed in the future. In not declaring that he was exceding his brief during the negotiations, Command General Lucane has breached the principles of good faith.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieauf
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
Commander Ring replied:
To: Caroline ab Ieauf, President of the Federated Klatchian States
From: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
Madam President,
You are correct. Command General Lucane was in fact prepared to sign a broad statement so long as it included a resolution of the original four points and stayed vaguely within the bounds of a non-aggression pact.
A non-aggression pact would include para-military activities , as these are in fact aggressive activities that violate territorial sovereignty. I am confused as to why you do not believe that a non-aggression pact does not cover this?
If we wish to discuss who breached 'the principles of good faith' then we can have a very long discussion about that , and we can examine every instance in which Mr. Treen over stepped Secretary Delgado's agreement as to the frame work for the meeting, and Command General Lucane's attempt to broaden the scope at Mr. Treen's prodding in an attempt to reach a settlement. That discussion will not prove fruitful. We both know that both negotiators grossly over stepped the original scope of the conference, I am sure they both had very good reasons to do so.
Command General Lucane was under no obligation to even speak with your representative, much less declare why he believed that the conference was pointless. We can argue over minor technicalities or we can resolve this issue. That is your decision. I am charged with resolving the issue and I will do so, with or without your help.
Supreme Republican Commander,
Adan Ring
Dyelli Beybi
09-03-2007, 01:05
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
CC: Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
It is the belief that a non-agression pact should contain a clause outlawing paramilitary activity, however this clause was not present in the draft submitted. It was felt that the inclusion of this clause would serve to make the agreement somewhat more watertight.
'Non-agression Pact' is just a title, for an action to be regarded as in breach of this agreement it must be spelled out in the document or else the carrying out of that action cannot be considered breach of the Treaty.
Klatch agrees, a Non-agression Pact should include a cessation of paramilitary activity which is why it should be written in the Treaty.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieauf
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
09-03-2007, 03:17
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
CC: Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
It is the belief that a non-agression pact should contain a clause outlawing paramilitary activity, however this clause was not present in the draft submitted. It was felt that the inclusion of this clause would serve to make the agreement somewhat more watertight.
'Non-agression Pact' is just a title, for an action to be regarded as in breach of this agreement it must be spelled out in the document or else the carrying out of that action cannot be considered breach of the Treaty.
Klatch agrees, a Non-agression Pact should include a cessation of paramilitary activity which is why it should be written in the Treaty.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieauf
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
Commander Ring replied dutifully, although he had ceased expecting to accomplish anything, he also wondered why The Klatchain President insisted on CCing the UIK officials. It did not concern him.
To: Caroline ab Ieauf, President of the Federated Klatchian States
From: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
Madam President,
The wording and content of the 'Non-aggression' pact is moot. That offer left the table when Command General Lucane left the conference.
I am only concerned with resolving the four points that I believe that my Mandate requires that I resolve:
1.) The removal of JDF Tank Divisions from the Vaadian border.
2.) Regular reports from Federation member states about military actions near the Free Republic, i.e. the Vrakian build up in Karmanyaka and the military actions in the DBAT. Both of which at least indirectly affect The Free Republic.
3.) An agreement that will prevent the Federation from blocking Vaadian trade in Klatchian waters and an acknowledgment that Klatchian Regional Waters are to be shared by ALL nations of the Klatch, not just Federation Nations.
4.) An agreement that will put in place a direct line of communication between the JDF and The Retaliatory Guard.
Discussion of any other agreements can be directed to Minister Connover of the Free Republic's Ministry of Foreign Affairs after my Military Mandate has been revoked. I will not broaden the scope of this discussion. I await meaningful discussion on resolving the above four points.
Supreme Republican Commander,
Adan Ring
It was probably clear that Commander Ring was not going to allow any sort of broadening of the discussion as Command General Lucane had. Apparently Command General Lucane was the last chance of any single comprehensive treaty.
09-03-2007, 11:03
Rechtaire Perez and Dame Miranda had guessed why the Klatchian President was CCing her; insurance. A record, stored elsewhere by a third party, of Klatchian communications. The MEA knew that the Vaadians were replying, but had not attempted to access the transmissions (that would be bad manners). Without access to Ring's replies, the Ministry had no real conclusions to draw, but were, at the moment, feeling that the Klatchian President was trying to get herself taken seriously, something Treen had not.
SIS and its daughters might have not intercepted the Vaadian transmissions and attempted to crack them, but others weren't so reserved. The Ministry of Defence had already decided that all communications between the Vaadians and Port Olympus were relevant to the Covenant's interests, and they were not the only ones to be thinking that way.
Unencrypted, the Vaadian communiqués didn't take much time to crack, once procured (which did take a while); the Cabinet, in a short and terse meeting, overruled SIS's sensibilities. Manners were all well and good, but if the Klatchians and Vaadians actually started shooting at each other, Arn-Maciska would rather know before CNN did.
Dyelli Beybi
19-03-2007, 20:52
Had Parliament in Macisikan contacted the Klatchians, no doubt they'd have willingly handed over the Vaadian communiques. The President was trying to keep things transparent.
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
CC: Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
You are aware of Klatch's requirements in regards to these clauses; full and unprotesting reciprocation from Ilek-Vaad.
When we see a proposed agreement to this effect or some evidence of movement on the Vaadian side, then Klatch will comply. We do not have issues with any of these five points, a fact which has been communicated by numerous Klatchian officials.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieauf
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
19-03-2007, 23:14
Had Parliament in Macisikan contacted the Klatchians, no doubt they'd have willingly handed over the Vaadian communiques. The President was trying to keep things transparent.
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
CC: Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
You are aware of Klatch's requirements in regards to these clauses; full and unprotesting reciprocation from Ilek-Vaad.
When we see a proposed agreement to this effect or some evidence of movement on the Vaadian side, then Klatch will comply. We do not have issues with any of these five points, a fact which has been communicated by numerous Klatchian officials.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieauf
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
Commander Ring read the missive and then replied:
To: Caroline ab Ieauf, President of the Federated Klatchian States
From: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
Madam President,
I will take no action until the aforementioned four points are resolved. The Retaliatory Guard will remain active and on alert until the Federation is no longer threatening the security of the Free Republic. The entirety of the current crisis was provoked by Federation actions and as such the Federation should take the first step towards resolving it.
I have already allowed Command General Lucane to recall the Naval Guard assets sent to seize the Squall Straits. I did this and we have seen no reciprocation. I do not believe that you are prepared to take any action without the threat of military action.
Such action will be forth-coming in resolving issue #1.
Supreme Republican Commander,
Adan Ring
After that he left his office to meet his Command Generals in Tollan's Central Command. It was nearing time to pick a course of action.
Dyelli Beybi
20-03-2007, 12:49
From: Offices of the President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
To: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
CC: Lady Justina Valdir, HSM's Minister for External Affairs, Arn-Maciska
You will find that such a course of action is a mistake. This administration is commited to peace, however we will not be slaves of Ilek-Vaad and we will not withdraw troops from a border when Ilek-Vaad is threatening invasion across that same border. It simply does not comply with logic.
Baroness Caroline ab Ieauf
President of the Federated Klatchian Coast
20-03-2007, 14:10
To: Caroline ab Ieauf, President of the Federated Klatchian States
From: Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan, Ilek-Vaad
Madam President,
Your administration has acted exactly as the previous. The Free Republic and the Retaliatory Guard will no longer take an action and then wait for the reciprocation which never comes. The Federation has proven time and again that it's assurances that if the Free Republic acts the Federation will respond favorably are false.
I am not prepared to act until the Federation proves it's good intentions in concrete action.
If you require actions that back up our intentions, look to our previous actions in regards to threats coming from Karmanyaka.
Supreme Republican Commander,
Adan Ring
20-03-2007, 14:19
Valdir might not have had every piece of the puzzle, but she had enough to start a rough sketch of the rest. She was not liking what she saw.
Ministry of External Affairs
Nation of Ilek-Vaad
All Macisikani citizens are strongly advised to defer any and all travel to regions of the nation of Ilek-Vaad bordering the Federated Klatchian Coast until further notice; all Macisikani citizens currently in the affected regions are strongly urged to leave those areas at once. Those who consider their presence in regions of Ilek-Vaad bordering the Federated Klatchian Coast to be essential should suspend their activities and leave that nation as soon as possible.
All Macisikani citizens in Ilek-Vaad, whether departing or remaining, should register with the Ministry of External Affairs (contact details below) or with the Imperial Embassy in Great Lassic (contact details below).
All foreign citizens wishing to leave Ilek-Vaad and travel to Macisikan must register with the Ministry of External Affairs, Secretariat of State for Immigration and Tourism (contact details below), or with the Imperial Embassy in Great Lassic (contact details below); MinExAff (SSIT) reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone deemed a security risk.
Ministry of External Affairs
Nation of Karmanyaka
All Macisikani citizens are strongly advised to defer any and all travel to regions of the nation of Karmanyaka bordering Ilek-Vaad until further notice; all Macisikani citizens currently in the affected regions are strongly urged to leave those areas at once. Those who consider their presence in those areas to be essential should suspend their activities and leave that nation as soon as possible.
All Macisikani citizens in Karmanyaka, whether departing or remaining, should register with the Ministry of External Affairs (contact details below).
All foreign citizens wishing to leave Karmanyaka and travel to Macisikan must register with the Ministry of External Affairs, Secretariat of State for Immigration and Tourism (contact details below); MinExAff (SSIT) reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone deemed a security risk.
20-03-2007, 14:39
Commander Ring was pleased by the Macisikani response, it made his intentions look all the more dangerous. Though he had yet to actually do anything, the threat of his doing something was having the desired effect. Retaliatory Guard Command responded to the travel warning quickly:
*****Press Release*****
Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan
The Retaliatory Guard wishes to clarify it's current position in regards to the apparent imminent state of war with the Federation.
1.) The Retaliatory Guard has NEVER in it's twelve hundred year existence initiated hostilities.
2.) The Retaliatory Guard does it's best to protect and and safeguard the assets and citizens of neutral nations.
3.) The Retaliatory Guard and the Free Republic do not issue 'marques' to pirates and privateers in war time, and is committed to keeping sea lanes open despite any military action.
4.) The Constitution of the Free Republic makes it a treasonable offence to seize land via aggressive military, economic or political means.
There are currently no plans to take any military action against any Federation State or asset excepting in a retaliatory measure. The Retaliatory Guard are currently required to keep the Karmanyakan border sealed because of JDF tank divisions placed there by the Federation Government. The Federation Government placed these division there before any Retaliatory Guard was ever activated and while the Karmanyakan border was open. The Retaliatory Guard was forced to deploy and close the border in response to the Federation's unexplained deployment.
This is simply another 'crisis' engineered by the Federation Government.
The Retaliatory Guard and the Free Republic understand the current travel advisories and support any allies or neutral parties that believe it is best if their citizens were to leave the Free Republic. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will, as always, help to make arrangements for any foreigners that wish to leave but cannot because of monetary or other restrictions, and will give all aid possible to any allies or friendly parties in doing whatever is necessary to safeguard their citizens.
The Retaliatory Guard apologizes for the inconvenience, but the safety and security of the Free Republic's borders must trump any other such concerns.
Questions can be directed to either Retaliatory Guard Command, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
ooc: quick post, sorry. will try to flesh out more numbers if needed soon. As well, and unless I'm mistaken, I think Praetoria has opted out of this rp? So my post will reflect this with me taking liberties in that regard. Let me know if I made any errors.
The Vrakian bombers that were previously bearing down on the Vaadians and then the Praetorians (which had since left) had since turned around and were nearly back at their bases in the Vrakian corridor. When the Vaadians halted and then began to withdraw their ships from the area, it made the Vrakians pleased. The paratroopers had secured the area and those that were trained to do so were running the daily operations of the platform itself whiile others would be guarding the facility itself.
The Vrakian fleet was rotating in refueling its own ships and also the massive tanks of the platform itself. Some of the fleet was tasked with securing an area on the unknown land mass just south of the platform itself - which was close to Fodmodmadtol. More amphibious craft were landing and a temporary dock was being constructed so as to bring in heavier construction equipment. Still, some long range air defense batteries rolled off and were set up. In short, the Vrakians were now in control of the Squall Straits.
The massive fleet was also acting as a supply run to the former New Shiron territories - even though that area was making headway in becoming self-sufficient. The recently promoted HORDE commander there was quite busy making preparations to fortify the whole area such as making sure the torpedo net was up to par - although it would be less dense than its counterpart that guarded Vrak proper.
The Vaadian ships and other assets were not being molested but were being monitored very carefully. Updates to fire control was done by the minute in case the whole situation should suddenly esculate. Troops in Karmanyaka itself were slowly withdrawing from Timaru and Moskau and were conducting harrassment operations in that troubled area. They were digging in the best they could along the northern parts of Karmanyka. Luckily, their supply lines were not threated yet.
The big push into T&M would come from the west along the LOW frontline since the railroad was completed and, so far, the orcs have been kept at bay. Supply lines from the Northern Reaches were now rolling fairly steady and observers might note an increase in troop build-up along the western border of the self-declared independent territory.
The general movements of the Vrakians were fed to the proper chain of command within the Klatchian government itself and the usual paranoid protocols were observed.
Now, all one had to do was wait for the politicians.
21-03-2007, 02:01
Commander Ring was, as most Supreme Republican Commanders, not content to wait for the politicians. It was his duty to resolve the Military Mandate voted into action by the Republican Council. The Retaliatory Guard had been continually updating the VIS, as had been requested by the previous King. While the Vaadians were leery of the Vrakians, they still did trust them and did not think it fair to disregard the now dead King of Vrak's wishes.
The Vrakian Diplomatic Corps would receive a message from Retaliatory Guard Command to the New King of Vrak. Heavily encrypted.
To: His Imperial Majesty, King of The Glorious Kingdom of Vrak
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
Your Majesty,
As you may or may not be aware I have been charged with the securing the Free Republic's borders from threats posed by the Federated Klatchian Coast. I wish to make you personally aware of the points which will resolve these threats.
1.) The removal of JDF Tank Divisions from the Vaadian border.
2.) Regular reports from Federation member states about military actions near the Free Republic, i.e. the Vrakian build up in Karmanyaka and the military actions in the DBAT. Both of which at least indirectly affect The Free Republic.
3.) An agreement that will prevent the Federation from blocking Vaadian trade in Klatchian waters and an acknowledgment that Klatchian Regional Waters are to be shared by ALL nations of the Klatch, not just Federation Nations.
4.) An agreement that will put in place a direct line of communication between the JDF and The Retaliatory Guard.
As you can see these are not outrageous demands and the current Federation Administration has not had the honesty or integrity of the previous, and of your predecessor. I do know that the former Minister of Defence dealt very harshly with your Ambassador after your nations movements in Karmanyaka and the DBAT. I do know that both the Ministry of Defence and Retaliatory Guard Command were both very startled and surprised when Vrakian forces invaded the DBAT causing a crisis on our Northern Border, both from refugees flowing South from the DBAT and Moskaun KGB agents also flowing South, several of whom attempted terrorist attacks in the Free Republic.
It was also a surprise when a nation bordering us was all of the sudden awash with troops. It was especially surprising when they turned out to be Vrakian troops. It was always assumed that the gentleman's agreement by which we kept your VIS informed of military actions would be reciprocated.
I feel that issue number 2 can be solved solely by speaking with a representative designated by your Imperial Majesty. Perhaps our former Minister of Defence acted too harshly with your Ambassador. I do know that my Retaliatory Guard and your armed forces have always been capable of working together no matter the political situation. I wish that to continue, and I give you my personal word that if we can work together to at least resolve one of the points I am charged with, that I will go to the mat for the Glorious Kingdom and tie my request for a rescinding of my Military Mandate with a frank and public apology from the Republican Council to your Glorious Kingdom.
Rarely do I lean on politicians, but I feel that the Glorious Kingdom of Vrak has always been the best, most honest and most reliable partner of the Free Republic in the Klatch.
I thank you, and humbly await your reply,
Adan Ring
Supreme Republican Commander
Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan
To: Adan Ring, Supreme Republican Commander,
Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan
From: The Vrak Ministry of Rites
We thank you for your communication. We would like to respond to each point that you have brought up.
1) As far as we know, there are no JDF or Vrakian tank divisions along the Karmanyaka/Ilek-Vaad border. Therefore, no removal is necessary.
2) Regular reports are fine, as long as it is reciprocated. We have not been reciprocating our “gentleman’s” agreement because we have not been receiving any official updates from your side regarding supposed influence in Dyelli Beybi proper. Therefore, we will have to reach one or more of the following conclusions:
a) There are rogue elements within your military that are currently conducting clandestine operations in Dyelli Beybi and indirectly besmirching your honour,
b) Your military, through whatever various agencies it deems appropriate, is currently conducting clandestine operations in Dyelli Beybi or
c) There is an unknown third or more party or parties that seek to besmirch your military’s honour by currently conducting clandestine operations in Dyelli Beybi.
However, any build-up of Vrakian forces in Karmanyaka are to secure that state’s borders from outside aggression and designs upon its territory which is, need we remind your office, is part of the Federated Klatchian Coast. Thus, we are duty bound to defend the Klatch from outsiders. We are willing to send a representative to discuss the matter of updates yet we are bound by the FKC constitution and JDF military protocols.
3) We have sent forces to secure the vital Squall Straits route. We value trade among all the FKC states and also all other sovereign entities that reside within the Klatch as a whole.
We cannot possibly answer all of your concerns to your satisfaction since we are but a state within the greater Federated Klatchian Coast. This means that your concerns that fall within the sphere of the JDF and Klatchian government itself must be made through those channels. Therefore, we suggest that the talks between both the FKC and your government resume as quickly as possible to find an amicable solution for all. However, we shall endeavour from our side to help expedite the talks.
[Great Seal of the Vrak Ministry of Rites]
[Great Seal of the King of Vrak]
21-03-2007, 11:12
You are watching CTN International News (formerly MNB International)
"... was not affected.
Junior External Affairs Minister Alexandr L'Tan today issued a statement on the developing situation in the FKC.
"His Serene Majesty's Government remains concerned for the safety of His Serene Majesty's subjects in the areas around the Karmanykan border, and we continue to urge our citizens to avoid or leave those areas as much as they are able.
The assurances issued by the Vaadian government that they have no desire the instigate any hostilities are, we feel, rather pale compared to the dramatic outcome of the abortive peace conference recently hosted in the CCI. His Serene Majesty's Government shall form its opinions based upon its own observations.
However, we are pleased to confirm to the newsmedia that a dialogue is ongoing between the Klatchian federal government and Tolan; we feel that this indicates that both sides are looking to avoid hostilities. We are hopeful that through this frank exchange of views, a compromise may be reached and a solution found.
The MEA shall continue to monitor the situation, and we strongly advise all our citizens to keep appraised of MEA Travel Notifications concerning the area."
Junior Minister L'Tan did not confirm rumours that the MEA was considering expanding their prohibitive travel advisory to cover the entirety of the Free Republic, merely stating that "all options are under consideration".
The Junior Minister did confirm that the Covenant intends to continue to maintain full diplomatic relations with both parties, and does not at this stage intend to take sides, noting that "we are well-disposed towards both parties". At several points the Junior Minister also reiterated that the matter is a concern between the Vaadians and the Klatchians. Any Covenant involvement, he stated, would at this stage "be limited to ensuring our citizens are moved out of harm's way."
Meanwhile several members of the States-General have publicly condemned the Vaadian departure from the Constans Islands conference. Dr. Barin Lakusa of Cislatûr was the latest to add his voice to this chorus, declaring that the gesture was little more than "empty showmanship". The MEA maintains that it has no official position on the Delegates' comments.
A new development today in..."
21-03-2007, 14:25
Commander Ring was surprised and pleased by the swift response from the Glorious Kingdom and so he replied quickly:
To: The Vrak Ministry of Rites
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
I do thank you for your prompt and detailed reply, it was more than I had any right to expect. I will respond to each point.
1.) There are five heavy armored divisions and four light armor divisions of the JDF (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10271738&postcount=84) in Karmanyaka, sent in specifically to seal the border. Included are satellite images of these divisions that have been in place for months.
2.) I am confused by your answer to this point. After the withdrawal of the Foreign Guard from Dyelli Beybi, which we kept the VIS informed of at all points , no Retaliatory Guard were sent into Dyelli Beybi. There are currently no Retaliatory Guard in Dyelli Beybi, active or inactive. There are also no unaccounted for Retaliatory Guard units. We have not informed you of any Retaliatory Guard movements in Dyelli Beybi simply because there are none.
I also understand your position in regards to the DBAT. The only problem that I have with your actions there is that we in the Free Republic were not forewarned, or apprised of the scope. As I stated previously the fighting in the DBAT has directly affected the security and territorial integrity of the Free Republic, this could have been lessened or planned for if we knew what actions you were and are taking. While I am sure that your action was not planned to cause chaos and instability in the lands North of the Free Republic's border, it has.
3.) I honestly do not care who is in control of the Squall Straits, so long as lawful trade is not hindered either by force or economic policy. I have spoken to the Federation President on this matter and I am more than willing to accept the Federation's claim of 30nm from Federation lands as Federation territorial waters. However as I pointed out that this leaves much of the Squall Straits out of direct control of the Federation. It is our opinion that such Regional Waters should remain outside of any economic jurisdiction of any Klatchian State and that we should all act responsibly in keeping these waters open to all.
I do understand that you are not able to help with all of these points which is why I singled out point #2 as the point where I saw the possibility of our coming to agreement on. I would be pleased to keep the VIS in the loop on Retaliatory Guard movements so long as Retaliatory Guard Command is given the same courtesy by the Vrakian armed forces.
I would also be pleased to discuss with you in detail the alleged Retaliatory Guard actions in Dyelli Beybi.
Adan Ring
Supreme Republican Commander
Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan
There was no response given to the news out of Macisikan as it was considered that all of the action there, was purely an internal Macisikan matter. Of course the press would think otherwise. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12452949#post12452949)
ooc: the first link in your post sent me to a completely different site. Bizarre.
To: Adan Ring, Supreme Republican Commander,
Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan
From: The Vrak Ministry of Rites
Thank you for your communication. After reviewing your data, we feel that you need to discuss #1 and #3 with the appropriate JDF authorities and diplomatic channels. Still, any and all JDF tank divisions are likey there to secure the borders of Karmanyaka - a Klatchian state. Surely you can appreciate the reasoning of the FKC government in that matter, despite the differences of perception leading up to this present situation. In other words, Vrak may not be favourably inclined to see Vaadian build-up along its border but can try to logically understand your point of view and reasoning behind such actions.
However, in regards to point #3, we are certainly favorably inclined to keeping that vital trade route open as long as Klatchian security concerns are recognized. That is, we think you can recognize the importance of the Squall Straits platform in overall FKC security. As for point #2, we feel it is best to send a representative to discuss the matter - if you are willing. Again though, there may be proper JDF and FKC channels that have to be considered before reporting of troop movements can take place.
[Great Seal of the Vrak Ministry of Rites]
[Great Seal of the King of Vrak]
At a drab tarmac outside the capital, the hanger bays for one of the diplomatic hypersonic tranports opened. Technicians scrambled over the red craft and conducted pre-flight maintenance checks. Soon, an armoured limousine pulled up and a walrus exited the vehicle. He snuffled the early morning air and then once more looked at his brief.
21-03-2007, 20:19
OOC: Uhm, I think I broke that link, it shall be fixed by the time you read this! Two posts in ONE day, did you get fired??
Commander Ring was mystified as to why anyone in the Republican Council would have had problems with the Vrakians, as gruff as they were, they always seemed reasonable and straight forward.
To: The Vrak Ministry of Rites
From: Retaliatory Guard Command
I thank you again, I am attempting to discuss points 1 and 3 with your Federation President. However she seems unable to grasp the fact that our border forces were mobilized in response to the Federation mobilization and sealing of the border. It seems to us that the Federation is more interested in punishing Karmanyaka for accepting Vaadian help than anything else. I will keep trying to make your President see reason.
On point number 2, I would be pleased to meet with someone and discuss this in depth. I am very interested to see what 'Retaliatory Guard' are active in Dyelli Beybi. I can assure you, they are not under my command.
On point number 3 I have no objections from FKC forces using the Squall Straits Platform to police the Squall Straits, so long as it is not used as a choke point to extort monies from merchants and so long as we all understand that a platform in the sea does not confer the same naval territorial rights as a coastline or island would.
I will await your emissary here in Tollan, I am certain that we can resolve our differences.
Adan Ring
Supreme Republican Commander
Retaliatory Guard Command, Tollan
After sending this missive he finally signed off on 'Operation Underwood' the name of the final plan for a 25 year war and successive campaigns with the Federation. If any attack were made on Vaadian forces, the Retaliatory Guard were in it for the long haul.
ooc: not fired at all. Practicum is completed but I was not as successful at is as I wanted. So, additional time in late April and early May. Gotta work on classroom management. Okay, link works. Icly, Vrak may not know everything the JDF does. It's kinda like asking the province of BC as to what the Canadian operations in Afghanistan are doing. I know you know this but this is for the benefit of those who are following along. So, very short post since I'm at the university and they frown on this...:)
The hypersonic transport thundered over Vrak, nearing the the mid latidude of the state. The walrus envoy cast his eyes on his computer screen so as to be informed of the latest diplomatic wranglings. He mused to himself at how successful the meeting will be with Adan Ring and being cynical in nature he basically thought, "Not much". Then again, the Vrakians were a bit caught off guard with Ring's missive to the King himself. Perhaps the Vaadians were seeking implicit Vrakian favour to buttress their own stance with the FKC president? It remained to be seen.
In other parts of the Klatch, the Vrakians were still going full speed in their preparations.
23-03-2007, 02:25
Instruction for the Vrakian envoy were passed along to the Ministry of Rites. He would be flying in to Tollan's Air Guard airfield, high up on Mount Tlaloc. It was normally off limits, but Commander Ring was expected to stick close to the Tollan Massif while the mandates were still in place, that is unless he was leading men in the field.
A conference room and accommodations comfortable enough for a walrus and his staff were prepared. The Vrakian jet would be escorted to Tollan once they entered Vaadian airspace by a pair of black, wedge shaped aircraft, that met the transport at well over mach 6 and slowed to trail it on eitherside. They would be immediately cleared for landing.
ooc: speeding up a bit.
The Vrakians were not alarmed at the appearance of the fighters that greeted them. Indeed, they expected nothing less from the Vaadians. The transport received the the coordinates for the landing strip. A raised eyebrow from the navigator was the response when it was confirmed that the strip was on top of a mountain. It should prove to be interesting.
Without incident, the transport landed on the airfield and then taxied over to its designated position. The brilliant glossy red transport shone under the Vaadian sun whle the embossed gold, white, and black seal of the Vrak Ministry of Rites was visible from the tail fin and top of the wings. Also, when the craft descended the seal was visible under each wing. Clearly, this was a diplomatic aircraft.
However, the Vrakians were a wary race. The door opened and out stepped an immensely huge Inuit, complete with sunglasses, long braided hair, well-tailored suit, and stoic expression. The bodyguard descended the unique airstairs, for the middle was less angular like regular stairs and resembled more like speedbumps. This was, of course, in deference to the walruses that had to climb up steep slopes since they preferred not to use stairs that humans used.
The bodyguard did not shake hands nor smile at the welcoming Vaadians. He merely grunted into his headmic. Then, almost immediately, two SOAT-bots clunked down the stairs. They were quite well-armed, with a light machine gun on one arm and a mean-looking grenade launcher on the other. These...things...were taller than the Inuit and bore a striking resemblance to metallic skeletons.
Finally, the walrus came down. He was large, even for his kind, and wore a finely woven Shriner-like hat and black vest. The vest was embroideried with golden coloured threads in a variety of curvy yet intricate patterns which were pleasing to the eye of most species - at least according to the section within the Ministry itself that decided such things were important. The seal of the Ministry of Rites was clearly visible on the upper left of the walrus who bowed low and rumbled:
"The Kingdom of Vrak is glad to have this opportunity to discuss these pressing matter. I am Chief Envoy Kong-il Kwarliu."
Meanwhile, the engines of the hypersonic transport were whining down so as not to overpower any present conversation.
12-04-2007, 00:52
Tollan, is the seat of the Retaliatory Guard and their were no smiling diplomats to meet anyone. As the jet landed on the runway, on the side of Mt. Tlaloc, the immense 45' thick blast doors that led into the interior of the mountain opened slowly, and out trooped about fifty well armed Red Jaguar heavy infantry, they are all at least as large as the inuit. They are led by a man dressed in a white uniform trimmed with black with shiny helmet and breast plate emblazoned with a black maltese cross, the uniform of the Purifiers Army. He stands silently and waits the wlarus and bows deeply as he introduces himself.
"I am Staff Seargent Eban Emaele of the Second Purifiers Division, Aide De Camp to the Supreme Republican Commander, very pleased to meet you Chief Envoy Kong-il Kwarliu, if you and your aids will follow me, the Supreme
Republican Commander is waiting inside."He motioned for the Envoy and his body guard to follow. They are led inside the Tollan Massif, the immense blast doors closing slowly behind him, choking out the natural light and replacing it with the glow of the bunkers lighting. The Red Jaguar followed and seemed to be placed more to block the visitors view rather than guard anything. They are led to a large conference room, where Supreme Republican Commander Ring awaits them, and stands and bows as they enter.
"Welcome to Tollan. Would you like anything to drink, or a snack before we begin?"
They regarded the SOAT bots as if they were living men, and no one made any objection to them being or staying present. The Supreme Republican Commander himself, has no bodyguard, after the Red Jaguar troop out, it is him, the Vrakians and Staff Seargent Emaele.
At an unknown signal, the two SOATs stepped two steps away from the walrus and Vaadian. Then, with only a whir, the robots transformed from bipedal to quadrapedal mode, the “hands” not acting as the forepaws of the SOAT. Complete only in seconds, the two mechanoids now resembled that of fairly large dogs. The back of each one, which now was clearly visible (although likely a Jaguar soldier standing behind the SOATs might have noticed) one could see a strange socket-type. Unknown to the Vaadians, but very well known to the Vrakians, this was a mounting socket for the portable hypervelocity rounds that Dozle used to fairly decent effect against low flying aircraft. Of course, the SOAT would have to anchor itself into the ground before firing that weapon.
The walrus shook his head at Ring’s invitation.
“Perhaps later, Supreme Republican Commander Ring. I would like to hear your concerns first.”
The Inuit, meanwhile, remained standing for the moment although out of deference to the two politically powerful sentients, he remained left to the walrus’ back. If he seemed to care about the Jaguars or the idea of holding a meeting in a bunker he didn’t register his concern. As with all bodyguards, he drank in every detail and idly wondered where the Vaadians kept their recording devices for this meeting.
12-04-2007, 20:04
Commander Ring nodded and began laying out folders in the middle of the table, they dealt with the assassination attempts by Gonad elves in the Free Republic, the attempted bombing by Cheka agents, and all the issues related to the instability on the Northern Border.
"As I stated previously your invasion of the DBAT was a shock to us, especially after Federation reassurances of wanting find some sort of political settlement of the issue. It was further compounded by the fact that we received no information from Federation forces invading Timaru and Moskau, including information about the Eastern border being entirely unsealed."
"As you can read " he pauses and nods to the documents "Terrorists, Gonad elves, Cheka agents and the like are using that instability to attempt to cross our Northern border, we've had to take the step of sealing the border to refugees because no one has control of the area, and of course if we moved North, the Federation would no doubt threaten us with war. In short, your operations North of our border has directly impacted our border security, so it is not an internal Federation matter."
"The area is now rife with Gonad Elves, Orcs, Cheka agents, rogue terrorists and mercenaries, all forces that either weren't there, or were at least in check before Vrakian and Lords of War action completely destabilized the region."
He pauses as the Envoy looks over the documents. "And the strange, small tanks are another threat that was unknown before the actions up North. Hopefully the VIS has been sharing the first hand information we have on these machines that are apparently being used by a cadre of Gonad Elves."
"So, you can imagine we were quite upset when all of this happened, and the main actors, who were supposedly our friends, said nothing to us." He pauses again, laying out more folders.
"In response, we've had to act. Being unable to send in my own forces to stabilize the area, I authorized Tlaloc Arms and FN-Ilek LTD, to sell surplus weapons and equipment to those persons that are engaged against the most immediate threat to our borders, the 'rogue' Cheka and the Gonad Elves. These persons that are now receiving supplies are the Orc tribal Chieftains. By sell, I mean I have subsidized it so that a thousand rifles will maybe cost then fifty Drachma."
The documents outline Operation Southpaw, the arming and equipping of the Orc tribes, making the area North of The Free Republic's border very dangerous indeed.
"Now I know that will alarm you, your own troops may someday face Orcs armed with our weapons, but we had no alternative, no one in the Federation or the Glorious Kingdom would address our border concerns. It was also worth it, since arming the Orc tribes to the teeth, our Northern border has been as quite as a church."
"We have never had bad relations with the Orc tribes, and we have about ten million orc citizens, we can deal with them much easier than most other nations in the Klatch. And so far they have kept up their end of the bargain much better than our Federation neighbors."
06-08-2007, 21:27
Supreme Commander Ring waited a few minutes for the walrus to digest that information before going on.
"Before you say that our security situation wasn't compromised, or that the borders of the DBAT were secured, I have these........."
He then lays out the folders concerning the Velite Guard investigations on the Ceka agents building a 'house bomb' in the city of Troezen, the Gonad elf assassins targeting Cheka agents now working with the Velite Guard, and of course the Cheka kidnapping of a Vaadian Ambassador.
He pauses again to let the Vrakian Emissary to go over these as well.
"Now who should we trust? If the Cheka took these actions against your government, what would your response be? The Deyellians, at least some faction of them is using the instability in the North to attempt to infiltrate and attack the Free Republic, and with your Federation President, a Cheka agent, and the Tzarina, a Cheka agent, refusing to talk with us about it, what can we do?"
He leans back and shrugs "I am open ideas."