NationStates Jolt Archive

'Killing House' Concept Idea - Feedback Please

17-11-2006, 19:32
Well, I've been reading, and dangerous things happen when I read for too long... The novels I've been reading at the moment all mention 'killing houses', mock-up buildings used by special forces to train for various indoor fighting scenarios including hostage rescue and assault missions.

Anyone participating in my civil war thread will know the amount of indoor fighting, special forces and ambushes that have been used, and from looking around I can see that this is fairly typical too. So my idea is to create a 'killing house' of my own, which you can all show off your amazing special forces in and hopefully we can learn a thing or two about how to effectively roleplay fighting indoors.

I'll be using my newly downloaded google sketchup to create a large(ish) building to fight over, since the dam thing doesn't seem much good for anything else. If anyone wants to contribute a building or mission idea later on then I'd be thankful for those to.

Anyway, I'm going to go and play around with making a suitable building, let me know what you think.

Points for discussion:

Building types - Hotels, warehouses, even residences?
Mission scenarios - rescues, daring assaults etc.
Scoring methods - Time limits, paintball or laser kills etc.
Squad sizes - five man, ten man, twelve man?
17-11-2006, 20:26
*Bumps into the post*
17-11-2006, 21:39
Well... I thought it was a good idea at least. Any suggestions at all?

Here are some images of the warehouse I've created for the game so far.

Lower level floorplan is here (
Upper level floorplan is here (
And a rough attempt at the exterior is here (
New Bonzawaniia
17-11-2006, 22:06
How are we going to be awarded points for time limits etc?
17-11-2006, 23:07
Well, I figured that each team attempting the scenario would try to compete it in the fastest time; I (or another host) would have control over a fluid clock. From there a leaderboard could be established, with time added on for each team member 'killed'.

That's one way of doing it anyway.
18-11-2006, 00:15
Ooo, this sounds fun. I'll participate.
18-11-2006, 02:52
Alright, I'll put up a proper thread for this tomorrow where you can enter, and I'll outline some possible scenarios to be played.

Anyone who could come up with their own map or facility to use would also be welcome, as I understand the one I created earlier is a little rudimentary.
18-11-2006, 04:00
Cool. I'll start writing up my crack 5th ESAS (Ezaltian Special Air Service) Assault Team Epsilon.