NationStates Jolt Archive

Mob Wars Internal Strife In Rastoria! (MT Open)

The Rastorian Mafia
16-11-2006, 12:01
“Mr. Lichencrest, You are accused of selling your merchandise to street gangs.” The Judge glared at the fat man seated at the table on the right. He continued his speech, “It is surprising how Lichencrest fire arms are appearing in the hands of these notorious criminals.” accused the old Confederate Judge to the small round man sitting in the defendants table.

Mr. Lichencrest listened to the judge babble about his weapons being given to his street soldiers. The Rastorian Guild had been in a state of perpetual war with the Italian Crime Families. The old Guild organization had once been a lose alliance of Irish and German street gangs that would do protection services for the local shop keeps.

That all ended once the Italian immigrants started coming into Rastoria. They quickly started a network called the Black Hand. This group of Italian criminals and extortionists eventually formed the Four Crime Families of New Rastoria. These families were the Garazoni family, The Barlucchi Family, The Guiliano Family and The Corlini Family. The Families brutally mobilized and started taking over the rackets, and extorting all the stores and businesses in their territories. The Mobsters had beaten back the Irish and German Street Gangsters. The Guild had to become a more focused organization if the gangs were to survive the Italians expansion.

Mr. Lichencrest the owner of Lichencrest Arms and multi-millionaire had decided to expand his business to more than just the selling of guns and tanks to the Rastorian military. He started selling weapons to the badly outgunned Street Gangs. The Street Gangs started fighting back against their Italian and Sicilian rivals. The odd part however was the gangs were starting to get organized. They started targeting and ambushing Italians in tactics not seen before by the once lawless gangsters.

The Guild had been incorporated by Mr. Lichencrest and his company. The small fat man firmly announced his independence by refusing to pay the Barlucchi family for shipping protection. The Barlucchi family had retaliated by burning down and bombing several warehouses owned by the Lichencrest family.

Three days later, The Guild retaliated by hitting one of their Union puppets Sammy Tessio. The murder was violent and gruesome as pieces of his body were found hacked up all in his house. The Guild also shot and killed several members of the Barlucchi family at one of their safe houses.

“Mr. Lichencrest, you are also accused of being a member of an organized crime organization called the Guild. We believe the Guild is responsible for a string of violent murder and arson cases.”

Mr. Lichencrest’s lawyer Jack Hughes stood up and said in a harsh voice, “Your Honor, You have no proof to tie Mr. Lichencrest of arming gangsters with firearms. It is common knowledge criminals steal things. It is possible that these are seized merchandise taken by the thugs!”

The Judge looked angry and said, “I will put you in contempt if you make another outburst Mr. Hughes!” The Judge continued in solemn voice, “Mr. Lichencrest, how do you plead to the charges of aiding Criminals in the first degree?”

Mr. Lichencrest replied, “I plead not guilty.”

The Judge added, “To the charges of being the Kingpin to the criminal organization known as the Guild.”

Mr. Lichencrest replied again, “I plead not guilty, Your Honor.”

The Judge nodded and said, “Then let the proceedings begin.” The judge looked over to his bailiff who was rushing to his side after a member of the Confederate Ministry of Interior affairs was done whispering into his ear.

The bailiff said something in a hushed tone that no one could hear but the Judge. The Judge had a dissatisfied look on his face and said, “The Tribunal is officially over in light of new evidence presented to the court.”

The Jury and all present had figured this would happen. It was no secret that Lichencrest was friends with every major politician and had thousands of contracts with the Rastorian Military. This local court would never be able to put the Kingpin behind bars.

The small round man got up and picked up his curved handled black umbrella. He wore a bowler hat and wore an nice dress suite. He looked like an old fashion business man from the fifties. This was his standard style dress and he never changed with the times. He began to walk out with his entourage of lawyers to his limousine awaiting his arrival from the courthouse. The area was surrounded by gangsters and police officers on the take. They were being paid to make sure the Cosa Nostra elements did not try anything against the Manager of the Guild.

This sadly was not enough to protect their Manager from being targeted. A Sweeper for the Barlucchi family was scoping the leader of the Lichencrest organization with his sniper scope. The man was a contract killer for the Rastorian Mafia. The sniper was on the roof building across the street from Mr. Lichencrest limousine. He noted his target and took aim at the fat man and fired at his chest.

Mr. Lichencrest fell down to ground as a huge bloody gash appeared in his chest. The poor business man was on the ground bleeding. The Guild’s street soldiers mobilized and took note where the bullet was fired. They began to storm the building in an attempt to find the assassin. The assaissin was a good one and managed to dispose of his weapon and changed clothes to look like a janitor to the top floor. He blended into the chaotic scene with several Irish and German thugs smashing everything up expecting to see a shooter on the roof.

The Cops all ran to Mr. Lichencrest protecting their benefactor by getting him out of sight from the offending building. They called an ambulance and waited for help as they tried to keep him alive as best they could.

Mr. Lichencrest known by many as the Kingpin of Rastoria had been sent to the hospital to be treated for his wound. The place was even more heavily guarded by the Guild men. It would be impossible for any Italian assassins to get inside without being shot to death by the small army of Gangsters.

The next day the police deparments all sent out the word to the Families. No Rackets, Extortion or Shady deals until the Mobster that hit Mr. Lichencrest was handed over to the department. The Cosa Nostra elements immediatly refused bound by their oaths of Omertà.

The Guild personally outraged by this attack on their leader started hitting all the families using high caliber military weapons. The Garazoni Family was hit first by a mortar round in Osburne and Son their headquarters. The Don “Big Boss” Tony Garazoni was pissed about the damage but understood what was going on. The Guild had declared total war. The Four Families run by the Syndicate prepared for a war on the streets as the bullets started to fly across the streets.

The news networks and the papers were all telling the same thing on the headlines. The Kingpin has been whacked! Mob war imminent!
The Rastorian Mafia
16-11-2006, 23:02
The meeting of the Rastorian Commission….

The Four Dons of the Mafia were sitting in around a large round table in a run down factory on the outskirts of New Rastoria. The meeting was taking place in an abandoned office that once housed company meetings. The building was now owned by the Garazoni family and served as a front for several operations namely as a safe place to house illegal contraband.

The Mafia leaders were meeting to talk about the up and coming war with the organization known as the Guild. The head of the Commission Don Tony Garazoni had called the other families to meet and discuss about what should be done to destroy this terrible menace.

The other had arrived promptly using borrowed cars that they intended never to use again to avoid being tagged by the Confederate Central Intelligence Bureau. Or the C.C.I.B. as it was shortened.

Don Tony Garazoni stood up and said in formal fashion, “Welcome to my home. I have called this meeting to decide on how we should handle the Guild.” The middle aged Mafia leader took a quick breath and added, “These lawless thugs have become more of a thorn to our side than ever before. They have started targeting our men and executing them in the streets. They bomb our businesses and use their political connections to bring the hammer of the law upon us.”

The other Dons nodded in acknowledgement and waited to hear the Big Bosses proposal to deal with the situation. Don Garazoni sighed and said, “The attempt on Mr. Mathis Lichencrest life was the last straw for the Guild. They have claimed that one of us is responsible for the Kingpin’s hospitalization and near death experience. It seems the hit was a failure.”

Don Vito Barlucchi winced and tried to hide his sudden muscle reaction to the bad news. The much older Mafia Don had ordered the hit on the defiant Lichencrest figuring he was just another upstart business man. It never occurred to the Don that the reason Mr. Lichencrest had suddenly become so fiercely independent was because he had his own private muscle to protect himself.

If he let the others know about his involvement and his ignorance that Mr. Lichencrest was the Kingpin to the Guild. It would be taken as a sign of weakness or stupidity. The Don could not afford such an image and tried to hide his involvement from the whole affair.

The other Dons however took notice of their comrades sudden muscle twitch and his sudden silence. They all knew from that moment on that Don Barlucchi had ordered the hit and he knew who preformed the hit that nearly killed the Kingpin of the Guild.

The others out of courtesy choice not to humiliate him out loud and were quiet for a few awkward seconds. The silence was suddenly broken by Don Enzo Guiliano the head of the Guiliano crime family. This guy was a true Sicilian Mafioso. He never utter a threat to his enemies and only spoke in a respectful tone.

Don Enzo said in a heavily Sicilian accent, “Why not make a peace agreement with the Guild. They can’t run their businesses while the heat is marching and snooping around their neighborhoods. If Mr. Mathias Lichencrest survives we can just negotiate with him and get his men off our backs. The Irish Gangs have their own code of honor that they follow religiously and fighting them like this is bad for all our businesses. We have to make peace after all the Guild is a reasonable organization. I believe that they are using this as a execuse to secure themselves and to avenge their leader and to protect they’re interests by trying to avoid looking weak. It is all just a major business maneuver. I suggest offering them a place in the Commission and give the Guild it’s own official territory. I know it sounds unorthodox to allow non Italians into this business but these guys have been doing business this way for decades. They obviously would be a great addition to our organization. They have friends in high places that we can’t even touch. They have access to military weapons by the manufacturer and they have control over New Ireland Neo German Bronx. That could be beneficial to have their muscle in our Families. They could also provided services like getting us into the drug trade. They have control over all the major drug shipments and thus they would be very profitable allies to have.”

The other Dons had not thought about that an alliance with the Guild could be a profitable adventure. The dreams of a new ally was instantly broken once Don Barlucchi spoke up about this blasphemous affair, “Don Enzo Guiliano we can not do such a terrible and ridiculous thing. The Guild are non Sicilian or Italian they are not bound by Omertà. These Irish and German street punks rely on a system called the Code. The Code is like Omertà in many respects but they are outlandish in their designs and have a more mercenary lifestyle than our families. They prefer to be the toughest guys on the block as oppose to our life style of silence. They are honorable in a sense but these guys can hardly be trusted. They are our enemies and have always been such since the days of the Black Hand.

We are all men of respect can we afford to take in these Irish and German punks that brutalize local businesses to make ends meet? I say we can not and as such they should be wiped out to allow our expansion into their markets. They are big but united we have as many guns as they do. We can take them in a street fight and we have police in our payroll as well. We may not control the C.C.I.B. but we can always use our normal charm and wit to deal with them.”

The head of the Commission Don Tony Garazoni smiled and said in a quiet voice, “I think our best bet is to begin hitting known Guild members and associates. We can always offer peace latter when the smoke clears and besides a strong guild will not want to negotiate with us guinea Mafia goombahs.”

The other Dons smiled at the use of the racist terms that was directly quoting the Guild and it’s members slang. The Irish and German street soldiers often would make such comments before blasting several made men and their associates. The discussion lasted for an hour and it was decided to strike back. The Guild would feel the hand of the Four Families. The Syndicate was now mobilizing for war.
Red Tide2
16-11-2006, 23:23
IC: His name was Xenocide... once known as The Boss, but that cover name was too cliche, too obvious. So he took a new name after striking a co-operation deal with the Leafanistani Mafia. The thing that remained the same was that he was a multi-millionare and head of one of the most notorious criminal organisations of all time. The Red Tide Mafia's influence in Red Tide and its colonies was unmatched, the Leafy's(as the Mafia's thugs had taken too calling the Leafanistani Mobs people) got their share in operations outside of Red Tide, but inside it was the RTMs territory.

Spread out infront of him were several reports, most of them opportunities in several civil war zones. That was the RTMs specialty, setting up operations in foreign countries that were in the middle of chaos. He had dealt with warlords, terrorists, and all sorts of dictators embedded in the middle of gruesome conflict.

He almost tossed the report from the operation about the possible gang war in Rastoria, but thought better of it.

"What operations do we have in Rastoria?" Xenocide asked to his second-in-command, a man named 'Ghost'.

"Let me see." Ghost said, pulling up a file from the Mafia's private database, "Not much, just two or three food smuggling operations in some small coastal villages that no-one cares about. Low-key, the other organisations probably dont even know about it... the guy in charge seems to be promising though, probably will be moving on to some higher operations after awhile. Why?"

"I think we should strike a deal with one of these factions," Xenocide said, "They probably have intricate smuggling networks already set up. If we ally with one of them, we can get them weapons... and I bet they would love to get their hands on some tanks."

There was only one place in Red Tide where the RTM kept its real good stuff, Black Market Mountain. However, most of the high-end equipment, which mostly consisted of BTR-70s and T-62s, were kept in nondescript warehouses on privately owned islands spread throughout the pacific. These were generally small enough as too not be put on a world globe.

"I need more information about the sides. Get it..."

OOC: Can you post a summary of each side?
The Census Taker
17-11-2006, 05:30
Derrick always found the post-hit scene interesting, if not amusing. This particular contract had been a bit of both. He'd recall his methods on his walk towards his temporary home, considering if he could improve on anything in the future...

His mark, an unfortunate individual known only as 'Mr. Lichencrest', made for an easy target, especially for the center-mass shot he'd been directed to execute. The man seemingly didn't know the meaning of 'low-fat', or chose to ignore the findings of numerous surgeon generals all-together. That aside, his distance wasn't bad either. From a rooftop across from the courthouse, firing downward onto a target on the steps, it was an easy shot. The weapon, a value-priced Remington 710 in 30.06 caliber, made it that much easier, through the included Bushnell Sharpshooter 3-9x40 scope. He'd chosen a reliable factory Winchester 180-grain loading, commonly used on thin-skinned game like deer. Then again, humans could also be classified as thin-skinned, if they didn't try to eat themselves to death like Mr. Lichencrest.

He'd aligned the cross-hairs in the center of the fat man's chest from a kneeling position, since he'd need to get mobile as soon as the bullet left the barrel. The gray janitor coveralls hid him fairly well against the dreary backdrop of a gloomy overcast day. Derrick had worked the bolt backwards a bit, feeling for brass entering the chamber. A single round had been loaded, since he didn't need any more than one from this range. If he'd concentrated, he might have been able to execute the hit with the larger of his forty-fives. The bolt went forward again, clicking into place, and Derrick exhaled slowly, squeezing the trigger with constant pressure a second afterward. The sharp kick and explosive report issued forth, and he watched the portly businessman drop.

Derrick didn't bother ejecting the round from the chamber, he simply turned and ran back towards the back of the building, dropping the Remington into an open dumpster, then turning sharply on his heel and heading for the stairs. He managed to get halfway down the second flight of stairs and grab a mop with a surprised look plastered on his face as a gang of angry-looking thugs charged up the stairs towards the roof. They'd asked him if he'd seen anyone run past, and when he'd said no, they threatened him if he was lying.

He'd tolerated their trespasses, they might get theirs later, maybe not. At any rate, he'd exited the building around the back, grabbed the rifle, and covertly slid it into the back of a trash-truck, where one of the garbage men he'd paid earlier proceeded to smash the thing into a mess of parkerized steel and cheap synthetics. At a retail price around three-hundred dollars, it wouldn't exactly be missed. The janitor's coveralls went in after it, to be added to the stinking mess of rotting food and other unidentifiable refuse.

He was now about four blocks away, walking calmly homeward, and taking his time. Derrick's usual attire consisted of a pair of loose-fitting Levi's, Lugz-brand Brigade boots, an Army Brown UnderArmor Tactical T-Shirt, and a double version of Bianchi's 7700 LeatherLite Shoulder Holster System. The left side (on a cross-draw rig) held a Kimber Eclipse Target II with two-color fiber optic sights, front blade in green and the rears in red. The left side was the smaller Kimber Eclipse Ultra II, with a three-inch barrel as opposed to the five-inch on his larger Target II. The Ultra II had the same sighting set-up, but had been modified with a threaded barrel bushing for attaching a suppressor. It currently wore an Advanced Armament Corporation Evolution-45, one of the best for .45 ACP-caliber weapons. While not as accurate as his five-inch pistol, the suppressor added an additional seven inches to the weapon, so the Ultra II was about all that he would ever mount it on. The punch of the .45 ACP round both weapon chambered more than compensated for the under-powered sub-sonic rounds needed to maintain optimal noise control.

Derrick had opted for Remington Golden Saber hollow-points in his primary gun, the Target II, in a 230-grain loading. Such rounds offered reliable expansion under nearly every condition, and had served him well on numerous occasions. His belt held six of Bianchi's 20A magazine pouches, four for the Target II, with eight-round Kimber factory magazines loaded with the Golden Sabers, and two for the Ultra II with Hornady sub-sonic 230-grain rounds. A recently purchased NY Classic black leather aviator jacket warded off the slight chill and kept his guns away from prying eyes. The last open place on his belt was occupied by a SOG Armory Field Pup knife, held in a horizontal position at the small of his back. A small SureFire Executive Elite flashlight usually hid within the right-hand pocket of his jacket. His final accessory had been a pair of nice RayBan 2007 edition sunglasses to keep people guessing in case he was seen leaving the scene of a murder. They were his usual black frames with black lenses, a man had to have some things constant in his life, after all, and being a hitman didn't really allow for much of that.

Derrick was nearly home, and he rounded the corner on 5th and York, heading for a large apartment building in the middle of the row. The complex wasn't nice by any stretch of the imagination, but his apartment in particular had been well taken care of. He snagged his mail from his cubby-hole and headed for his room, on the top floor. Apartment 45 was a bit larger than the rest, but sparsely furnished. The only notable thing was the gun case in on the wall next to the sofa. There was another one in the bedroom, next to the dresser but inside the closet.

One letter in particular caught his attention amidst the usual bills, since it was addressed to his current alias, Derrick Hyde. The apartment was listed under his previous alias, that of Derrick Gnucci. He liked to keep his false names in an alphabetical rotation to avoid screw-ups. Certain people knew him by certain names, and he never used the same name twice. For example, each major crime family knew him by a different name, and the street gangs by another one entirely. While a freelance merchant of death, he wasn't bad at his job...

The hitman shucked off his leather jacket, hanging it on the single chair at the kitchen table. The Ultra II, still with suppressor attached, went into the den gun cabinet next to an assortment of semi-automatics in various shapes and sizes, situated above a selection of small revolvers on the bottom rack. The Target II never left the shoulder holster, unless it was time to grab some shut-eye, and even then it rested on the nightstand next to the bed.

Derrick wondered fleetingly if he'd let enough time pass to get his handiwork on the nightly news. He decided to click on the TV to find out, after propping his feet up on the coffee table and cracking open a cold one...
The Rastorian Mafia
17-11-2006, 12:54
OOC: Here is a quick summary of the two main factions:

The Guild


The Guild was founded back in the 1800s around the years when mass immigration from Ireland was popular thanks to the mass potato famine. The Irish were treated like crap by the native English Protestants that resented the Catholic Irish men that came to Rastoria by the boat loads. The Irish men lived in a quarter of the capital of New Rastoria called New Ireland. This area was a lot like Hell Kitchen in New York. It had a tough reputation for making even the most kind and gentile men into a savage killers. The Rastorian police department would not even bother to patrol the area for the first half of the century for fear of being killed by the local tough guys that had taken over the streets. New Ireland was completely run by Irish Street Gangs. These Gangs controlled various turfs in their home areas. They would constantly fight each other to expand their turf and get more areas under their control.

The Gangs had it made for a while and they even managed to ally with the local German Gangs located in the nearby Neo German Bronx section of the city. This alliance lead to the creation known as the Guild. This loose alliance of Irish and German street gangs managed to become the leading force of power in two districts. The Guild managed to control the thousands of votes of the German and Irish voters making them a powerful force for politicians and they had more than enough money to bribe the police to turn a blind eye to even the most violent acts. This area of Paddy whacking and Paddy run organized crime eventually meet a snag once the Black Hand of the Italian and Sicilian immigrants started taking over the extortion rackets. The Guild fought the Black Hand constantly but because of their enemies more organized and unified tactics. The Guild lost key engagements and became a broken power against the new four Families of Rastoria.

The Guild for a time was disbanded as the last Kingpin was reported killed by an assaissin from the Garazoni Crime Family. This propelled the Garazonis to become the head of the Commission or Syndicate as it is known by the general public. It was believed the Guild was gone until a few old friends from some ruff neighborhoods decided to fight back and take back their homes.

The Guild had recently become a reborn superpower in Rastorian Organized crime. The new Kingpin as the old leaders of the Guild are refereed to by outsiders started making changes to the whole organizational structure of the Guild. The leadership became more focused and Iron fisted. The Tough guys still owned the streets but they had to respect their leaders. The Costa Nostra families at first did not know who was financing and arming the guild thugs. They latter found out that Mr. Lichencrest an arms dealer with old family money and ties to politics had managed to begin a profitable venture into the scene of organized crime. His Irish and German soldiers follow his orders because of his past reputation as a powerful man who had even more dangerous friends…

Organizational structure:

Outsider name Insider name Public Name
(The Kingpin) The Manager Mr. Mathias Lichencrest.

Personal Bio:

Mr. Mathias Lichencrest was born into old money his grandfather was a German gun smith whom learned to make his own arms deals that started the family business of Lichencrest Arms Incorporated. Mathias had always been a bit rebellious during his youth and hanged around with some bad company in the Neo German Bronx. He befriend his best friend a German tough guy known as Virgil Sikes. Mathias and Virgil got into some serious trouble with a deal of arm robbery against a local liquor store in the New Ireland area. It was a bad scene. The Irish Gang controlling the area ambushed the marauding Germans and started to beat the crap out of them. It was then that Mathias took his own personal pistol and shot one of his assailants. The Irish thug was killed almost instantly. This prompted the Irish gang to break up and leave the scene. They did not realize they had attacked armed rivals. The other German gangsters quickly fled the scene before the cops arrived on the scene.

Virgil and his friends announced that Mathias was now a tough guy in their gang a full blooded member. This moment of joy and acceptance was not long to last. The son of the wealthy millionaire arrived home to find his father staring at him angry as hell.

Mathias’s father was enraged that his son had taken a life and firmly beat the tar out of him. Mathias’s father did however give a considerable bribe to the local police chief to make certain evidences disappear. This was how Mathias learned the art of giving bribes from his politically connected father. Mathias quickly absorbed the family business trying to learn how to become a respectable man in society. He went to college and managed to get a good education making friends with sons of political figures and other men of prestige and power. Mathias eventually inherited his fathers business shortly after returning from college and receiving his business degree. It was widely rumored that Virgil Sikes on Mathias’s orders Paddy Whacked his own father others speculate that the Lichencrest patriarch had refused to pay the Barlucchi family for their shipping protection services and found himself a target for Mafia assassination. The fact of the matter remains that since that day Mr. Mathias Lichencrest was secretly called the Kingpin by the local shop keeps and other law-abiding residents of both New Ireland and Neo German Bronx.

Mathias’s leadership has had an effect on the Street Gangs. They are becoming more organized and are now better armed against their more common foes. The Italian Crime Families of the Syndicate. It is rumored the Gangs all pay homage to the Kingpin and they have started pushing out the Mafiosi that have tried to invade their turfs.

Outsider name Insider name Public Name
(The Second Man) The Assistant Manager Virgil Sikes.

Personal Bio:

Virgil Sikes was born to a poor family in the Neo German Bronx district of New Rastoria. This medium size boy was able to take control of his own Gang at the age of sixteen with the sway of his own personality. He was quick to be a Tough Guy and managed to earn the early guilds favor. He expanded his influence and eventually befriended a teenage Lichencrest. The two teens had grown up in different environments but became the best of friends hanging out and joy ridding and getting into trouble. Virgil is rumored to be the Second Man of the Guild. It is rumored that this man was the one who pushed Lichencrest to become the Kingpin. It is also rumored Virgil and his Gang the Western Rose Gang were the ones that assassinated Lichencrest father. To get his son to take over the family business and get his men the best fire arms available in the Confederation. Virgil is noted for his brutal cunning and fierce loyalty to his comrades. He is currently leading the Guild in a war of retaliation against the Rastorian Mafia for their bold assassination attempt on his best friend and his boss.

Outsider name Insider name Public Name
(War Boss) Supervisor Marv O’Riley

Personal Bio:

Marv is a tough guy from the old days. He is the son of Irish immigrants and he grew up in the projects in New Ireland. He was rumored to be so fearsome that he started his own Gang splitting up from the O’Brien Gang. His Gang the Shamrock Gang is notorious for leaving behind a shamrock on the corpses of targeted victims to leave a message to their enemies. Marv started this gang himself and managed to make it the most powerful Gang in all of New Ireland. He was quick to swear allegiance to Kingpin Lichencrest. This quick bid of loyalty to the Guild was reward to the coveted position of War Chief. It gives the Irish Gangs enough power to share in equal partnership to their German counterparts. This has lead to a successful and peaceful relationship with the gangs and the new Guild organization. Marv was personally pissed when he heard about the assassination attempt on the Kingpin and order his men to start paddy whacking all the damn Italian Mafia Goombahs that show their face in New Ireland.

Known Crimes of the Guild:

Prostitution, Gambling, largest drug trade, contract killing, illegal weapons trafficking, and Union Racketeering.

There are more minor people in the guild but they are such a large organization. It would take way to long to list them plus some of them may get killed in the war..

The Rastorian Mafia or Syndicate…


The Mafia was started thanks to the thousands of Italian and Sicilian immigrants that settled in the city of New Rastoria. The Italians formed a criminals organization called the Black Hand. The Black Hand started muscling into the Rackets and Gambling of New Rastoria. They started becoming more aggressive and moved into the German Neo Bronx and eventually even into the fear New Ireland districts of the city. This lead to long and drawn out turf war between the Italians and their rivals. The war reshaped the Mafia’s organization into four families. The rest of the loose ends of illegal Italian businesses was eaten up by the power of the Families. They extorted the independent rackets and gambling rings until only they existed. They used this new found revenue and power to begin a more organized assualt on the Guild territory.

The Guild was seen as a large an clumsy organization to the Sicilian mobsters and they easily avoided their enemies brutal counter assaults by out maneuvering them in the streets. The Guild was eventually disbanded after the last Kingpin was reported to been whacked by the Garazoni family. This lead to the Garzonis to become the most powerful crime family in the country by bringing down the guild and supposedly incorporating their territories into their own family.

This Guild was resurrected shortly afterward thanks to a peace agreement with all the Major Gangs in the local Neo German Bronx and New Ireland districts it was believed the once defunct gangs were hiding in the outskirts avoiding the attention of the mafia until their own power was secured. The Guild once again began a war of retribution. They took back most of their neighbor hoods and began pushing the Garazonis back to their territory in Little Rastoria.

The Commission or the heads of the Families are currently deciding on how to deal with the upstart Irish and German Gangsters. These battle harden men and youths refuse to surrender to Mafia pressure and have responded with brutal force killing or seriously injuring many Mobsters and their associates to prove a point.

The Commision Heads are as followed:

Name: Don “Big Boss” Tony Garazoni
Family: Garazoni
Territory: Little Rastoria
Known Crimes: Extortion, Robbery, Gambling, Corporate Fraud, Contract killing, Prostitution

Name: Don Vito Barlucchi
Family: Barlucchi
Territory: The Waterfront
Known Crimes: Union Racketeering, Extortion, Contract killing, Arson , minor drug trafficking

Name: Don Enzo Guiliano
Family: Guiliano
Territory: New Wellington
Known Crimes: Union Racketeering, Armed Robbery, Contract Killing, Grand Theft Auto, Smuggling Rings, Illegal weapons trafficking.

Name: Don Lono Corlini
Family: Corlini
Territory: The Slums
Known Crimes: Prostitution, Extortion, Racketeering, Arson, Illegal weapons trafficking, contract killing. Illegal gambling. Importing illegal alcohol beverages.

I have ideas for their Consiglieres
and Caporegimes. I need more time to think about all that stuff before posting definite information.


The streets in New Ireland were more bloody than usual. The Gangs had started mobilizing into Mafia controlled neighborhoods. The Bars and other watering holes that were normally Mafia strongholds were suddenly finding themselves being shot up in drive by style shootings.

The Irish Gangsters were dressed in typical Gang dress. The Shamrock Gang the largest and meanest of the Gangs employed by the Guild were already seen hitting up the associates of the Mafia. These Tough Guys would find and “question” any local Mafiosi puppets. The questioning usually entailed being sent to a Warehouse owned by the Lichencrest family on the docks of the New Ireland district. The questioning resulted in sever beatings with Mickey Mantle baseball bats to the shins or lead pipes against a persons bare feet.

The Code of Omerta was strong in some cases and the victim would not talk under the brutal pressure. Some more weak willed or less mentally prepared intervals talked and gave up information. The information would be gathered and the speaker paddy whacked his body would be on the streets on New Ireland with a nice Shamrock on the body. The people that did not speak also received the same death sentence but they had their mouths slashed open to give them some breathing room in death. They too found a shamrock on their bloody and mutilated corpses.

The police were given large pay offs from the Guild’s war treasury to stay out of New Ireland and Neo German Bronx during the war. The Police Captains all agreed and disappeared for the next few months.

The Mafia retaliated by targeting local tough guys for assassination. The hit men were usually low ranking enforcers completely expended able to the mob. They would found information on the street through local drug addicts and other unsavory types until they were ready to make their individual strikes. The bodies of several dead German and Irish Gangsters were found in their homes. Their bodies shot up or strangled by garrote wire. The Sicilian methods of execution in Rastoria. It was no secret the Guild and the Mafia were going all out with the resources they had. They used limited blitz strikes on each other trying to save their strength for when the major jobs would be needed like destroying enemy compounds and warehouses. It was going to be a long war in the streets of New Ireland.

The local news were leaked information about the Kingpin. The Mafia wanted information on their arch nemesis and they managed to get a local nurse to talk. It seems Mr. Mathias Lichencrest was still alive but in critical condition. It was believed the wound had almost pierced his lung but missed it by a mere few inches. The Kingpin would most likely survive this ordeal if nothing happened to him at the hospital. The place was guarded by nearly half of the Western Rose Gang. The rumored body guards of the Kingpin. The police were also paid to keep additional protection to keep low ranking killers from harming the leader of the Guild.

The hospital was a virtual fortress and the Kingpin’s room was away from any external windows or easy access areas to avoid being targeted by an assassins scope. The Gang patrolled inside and outside the hospital they checked ideas at check points and had two of their best guys sitting outside the Manager’s room. It was thought to be suicide to attempt a hit on him now.

Virgil Sikes was rumored to visit his Boss every day with the War Boss Marv O’Riley. The two men were his trusted inner circle. The inner circle ran all the internal workings of the Guild. They would talk to their weaken leader about Business and how they planed to even the score with those Guinea Mafia bastards.

The news and political people were having a field day about the dangerous of organized crime. They claimed the Rastorian C.C.I.B. would bring this era of violence but the voters all knew that was impossible. The Guild and the Mafia were to powerful now and the state powerless to the strings of these two criminals organizations.
The Rastorian Mafia
17-11-2006, 23:41
OOC: bump
The Census Taker
20-11-2006, 21:44
Derrick wasn't exactly surprised that his mark had survived the shooting. While a decent deer rifle, the 710 Remington wasn't a precise piece of destructive hardware. He'd also been asked not to take a headshot, which had puzzled him somewhat, but he'd complied with the order. The bullet used in the killing was a full-metal jacket round weighing 180 grains, commonly used for target practice, and not the hunting-grade Winchester Ballistic Silvertips he preferred, since they didn't always penetrate body armor. With Lichencrest's connections, he might have been wearing the nice level III or level IV stuff, and Derrick would have only given him a sore ass from knocking him down if such a barrier was in the way of his bullet.

The fast-moving round had apparently missed the heart and lung by fractions of inches, passing between the two and exiting the other side cleanly, like effective penetrating rounds commonly do. Next time, he opt for the larger .300 Remington Ultra Magnum caliber, which would be a 98% effective killer at the range he'd taken the Lichencrest shot from. The only issue was that the bullets were a lot more expensive, a little more than two bucks a round, and a little harder to find in local stores. The news also mentioned that police had located the stolen rifle used in the attempt, but had been unable to lift any evidence from the thing, or even get a ballistic fingerprint to match the recovered bullet to.

The hit smelled of a hoax, something to get the long-infected wounds of Guild defeat in the area open to the stinging air again, and what better way to open an old wound than with a gunshot? A small smile crept across his face, a rare happening. He'd moved to the area a while ago for this exact reason. Hitmen needed people to kill, and gang wars always stirred up work. He'd already been partially paid for his actions against Mr. Lichencrest, and if he didn't receive the remainder for failure to terminate his mark, it wouldn't matter. This outbreak of street violence was payment enough. The Irish knew him as Derrick Blair, The Germans as Derrick Cuyler, and the Italians as Derrick Dunstan, which wasn't Italian but instead a good Catholic Saxon name. While Derrick didn't like not having an Italian name for his Italian contacts, he didn't look the part and that would make him look like an impostor, the last thing he wanted. Religion, however, was a powerful tool in uniting (and dividing) people, and Catholics were more inclined to trust one of their own with something as sensitive as a contract murder.

It would be interesting to see how this whole incident panned out. Each name had a number attached to it, connecting to a pre-paid cell-phone with a voicemail account. If anyone needed him, they'd most definitely call...