12-11-2006, 21:38
The Free Land of Draiygen
"A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi"
Visit our Website (http://www.nationstates.net/draiygen)
From the Office of Foriegn Minister Amardad Daruwala
The Free Land of Draiygen is a strongly Individualistic nation located in the Region of Indigo Dreams (http://www.nationstates.net/19689/page=display_region) Is opening up in our Capital city of Attuma a District for the formal establishment of Embassies and Trade Ministries.
We are willing to open up Trade Ministries with any Nation provided those nations are not oppressive dictatorships or rouge states. (OOC: I'll look at what all ya posted)
Any Nation that Wishes to establish an Embassy must first apply for a Trade Ministry and then our First Minister will send out an application for Formal Diplomatic relations with our terms.
We look forward to working with you to broaden our connections.
"A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi"
Visit our Website (http://www.nationstates.net/draiygen)
From the Office of Foriegn Minister Amardad Daruwala
The Free Land of Draiygen is a strongly Individualistic nation located in the Region of Indigo Dreams (http://www.nationstates.net/19689/page=display_region) Is opening up in our Capital city of Attuma a District for the formal establishment of Embassies and Trade Ministries.
We are willing to open up Trade Ministries with any Nation provided those nations are not oppressive dictatorships or rouge states. (OOC: I'll look at what all ya posted)
Any Nation that Wishes to establish an Embassy must first apply for a Trade Ministry and then our First Minister will send out an application for Formal Diplomatic relations with our terms.
We look forward to working with you to broaden our connections.