NationStates Jolt Archive

Jiriunjaara Jenrak vizithmuun! [ATTN: Kraven]

12-11-2006, 19:46
Waves crashed against the steel frame, the soft gloves upon the rifles, the hands throbbing with anticipation, their masks prepared, their helmets readied, their bullets dipped with the soft translucent shading that shimmered amongst the pale light of the transport. Three small helicopters flew within the air, the men inside, hearing the whirring rotors that smashed upon the cold drift of air within the snowy night. The waters were a frosty, pale sheet of ice, the slight bumps of hills visible upon the blackened surface, still a quiet shade upon the night. Above them, the moonlight came from a sable silver disc floating in the sky, the ocean showing a crackling reflection amongst the ice.

From the helicopters, the soldiers looked, ready for their reconnaissance. To them, it was nothing, merely a blackened misshapen island that was blanketed within the darkness of night. It was a silent night, a snowy night, a night where fallen brisk frost and small deft snowflakes flickered and melt upon the windshields of the three choppers that came upon the island. It was simply a reconnaissance mission, a mission to see what the island had, what could be gained from the possible natural resources upon its earthen skin. From his fingers Araux looked at his men, their rifles ready, their blackened bodies from armour without a shimmer, only the slight glance from the windshields smothered in snow.

“Darkkrath nkrasuun Vizith hahrung.” The soldier whispered into the communicator, as a small jarring chatter came back, a staunch and pounding voice that boomed with a darkness.

“Mooruun moon. Nkrasuun.” The voice replied, as the soldiers overheard it. They were ready, their rifles prepared, surveyors and engineers upon the third chopper behind them nodded and their signals sent back.

“Caaskraaam.” They agreed, and within that instant, the darkness engulfed them all, the night of white snow turning a darkened red.
The Kraven Corporation
12-11-2006, 20:23
The Island of Neo Bergen

The snow had fallen gently for hours now, it was zero degrees centigrade and the air had a distinct chill, in the distance tall pine trees stood against the elements, their branches were forced low by the weight of the snow upon them, while all the beauty and the snow that made this scene so picturesque, hid the terrible evil that was currently residing under this milky white blanket…

The Kraven Corporation and its inhumane monsters it called Soldiers…

A black jackboot came down upon a snow covered step, the moonlight glinting in the water that the snow had left behind on the shiny black leather, they continued to climb the steps until they and their wearer were now on top of the defensive wall that protected the islands from would be invaders, it was only a Kreigsmarine, he stood trying to keep warm, hands in pockets, looking for somewhere to stand away from the biting winds…

He’d just started his Patrol shift and was regretting ever moving to Arterus, he thought of the wonderful lands that were ripe for the taking, anyone who was bold and brash enough to move to the young lands and make a name for themselves, well someone or rather something did… Kraven it stormed through Arterus in a matter of months, reinforcing itself as it went…

He remembered when they arrived at his little farmstead, they’d burnt their way across the lands ransacking buildings and taking people as slaves to work in the great foundries that lay in their wake, massive Harvesters crawled across the lands tearing up the earth and turning anything worth mining into weapons and ammunition…

He was given a choice, he remembered a hulking great Reichmarshal bellowing at him and the others in front of the Reichmarshal’s APC that they had a choice, they could either fight for Kraven Military Arm and serve as a Kreigsmarine, or slave away in factories until death came…

He decided that he liked his chances with the Military Service rather than working in a disease ridden factory…

He calmly walked up to a set of long range binoculars, they had night vision capabilities and were positioned every so often along the Defensive wall so that Guards could watch out for incoming craft, be them by sea or by air…

He swung the binoculars out to sea, and then with a click and a whine brought the night vision online, they focused themselves in, until the distant lights of three inbound helicopters became apparent, he altered the focus, zooming in slightly until they became clearer… black helicopters, they didn’t look friendly and were quite possibly hostile…

Immediately he contacted the Defence Command for his sector and informed them, instantly the Radars were altered and sure enough his story checked out, within minutes the Long Range 120mm ETC with EM Rifling Flak Cannons of the Kraven Air Arm were brought online, vast Capacitors built into the wall began to whine, draining the National power grid to power the weapon itself…

The Defence Commander radioed the Gunners of the batteries and ordered them immediately to open fire against the inbound targets, current co-ordinates were given to the gunners and they adjusted their fire accordingly to ensure that the incoming craft would meet a violent and explosive welcome…

“Defence Command to all Battery Gunners, you may fire at will…” The Commander placed the radio mike down and the massive 120mm Batteries opened fire, the noise was deafening as chemically fired and electromagnetic accelerated the shells towards their targets…

The Night sky became ablaze as shell after shell was sent screaming through the air, the gunners opened the breach and the loaders placed another shell firmly into the opening, then with the pull of a heavy duty handle the breach was closed and another shell was fired, the recoil from the weapon causing the air to shimmer and dust to drift slowly away from the gun position…

The Kreigsmarine at the binoculars, held his hands tight over his ears and pressed his face against the binoculars, watching in the distance as High Explosive flak shells exploded around the incoming craft…

He knew he’d done well, he was happy, he’d done his part for the Defence of the Corporation, and perhaps he might get a promotion…
12-11-2006, 20:50
“Attacked!” The pilot said in a rush, as a wall of flames lit up around them, seemingly from nowhere, the lights flashing as the heat pronounced and trumped the rotors. The blades were still spinning, yet they smelled smoke and felt a warmth upon the chopper that was not supposed to exist, a heat that would likely engulf them if they did not continue. It was a natural reply to have, as another nearby wall of flame and explosions lit up their eyes, the fiery tearing the pilot apart, the door at the back opening as the soldiers got up and prepared for their escape from the hellish attack.

“We drop in two!” The captain yelled with a cursive voice, as he prepared his own gear, rushing towards the edge before jumping out of the chopper, looking at the two other choppers, flames crackling around them as they were nothing more than small dots upon the night sky, around twelve of them surviving the initial drop, the fall from grace upon the metal sheets encompassing their legs, the parachutes flowing out and open as they held on tightly, their guns upon their backs and their fingers ready, twitching as they prepared themselves for a retaliatory strike against the perpetrator of the attack. Into the deep cold night the choppers went, lives lost – too many civilians lost within that strike. Somebody was on this island, and they were hostile, no doubt.

Guns ready, the black metal sleek and their companies forming, the soldiers began to rush through the darkness, guided by the flames of the far-off choppers, still shining and glistening, acting as a reference point where they would salvage whatever first aid or food they could, they perhaps outlast long enough to deploy a communications device to reach command for an early pickup. The captain only hoped that what sprayed doom and death around his men simply wasn’t who he thought it was – if so, then they were sorely outnumbered and out muscled to be holding up any form of defence, and he had a son he wanted to go home to.

Pushing up past the foliage, they fired off jettisons of small retorts of human shaped rocket-like objects, whizzing off into straight patterns and groups, another jettison of a small bright light of decoys in another direction. This surely would change the attackers’ ideas of where they were. From their mobile local communicators, the captain ordered the soldiers to spread out.

“We need to keep this movement quiet. The fire still burns upon the wreckage. Split into groups of six, and then swiftly and quietly cut through the edges to get to the chopper. Chopper distance calculated?” He asked the men, as they shook their heads.

“Shadow projection?” He asked, calculating on how far the light was bending, trying to figure out how far the wreckage was. He thought slowly, before it clicked into his head. “Alright, so it’s around 3 kilometres away. We have a trek ahead of us, men.”

As they swept through the forest quietly, the snow falling upon their boots, their crunching clothes and frozen saliva, they stopped before a small wooden plank of a sign, darkened by the night. ACHTUNG, it read, as the soldiers looked around, the wreckage still far off.

“We must be nearby a local town or something along those lines.” He said, thinking it was similar to Achtrusk, a Jenrakian hamlet. “Let’s go and meet up with the locals, and if they’re friendly, they could help us.” He ordered, sweeping past the sign, the soldiers following him.

Within an instant, the snow felt hard, the ground slightly softer and crackled, before a blast of flame jettisoned from the dirt, an explosion bursting nad tearing apart a soldier who had swept too fast, shrapnel flying from the air towards another soldier, his eye slashed apart as the juicy liquid shone thickly in the moonlight. He shut his mouth to prevent hostiles from hearing his screams, but the captain had forgotten his.

“Landmines!” He cried, as another blast of flame burst around him, two men flying as their blood sprayed across the snow, a red path shown before them as a highway to a hellish destination. “Fall back, try and push through the forest!” He cried, his voice booming and his commands no longer silent like the midnight rush.

Flames still smashed across the cold air amidst red snow.
The Kraven Corporation
12-11-2006, 21:10
Several half tracks drove through the thick snow, their wheels climbed over snow drifts as the tracks forced the Military Grey vehicles forwards, their powerful Twin V8 engines roared together, working in unison to power these vehicles forwards, the Drivers held the steering wheels tight as the forces on board headed off to intercept the wreckage of the crafts that had just been shot down a few moments ago…

It only took a couple of minutes for the Defence Command centre to pick up on several explosions in one of the mine fields near forested area of the area known as The Black Valley, named so because of the black ice that clung to the coal seems in the hills near by….

The Half tracks were informed and the driver quickly made its way towards the mine fields, it should be noted that the mine fields were placed in the forested area to deal with any pilots who drifted down into the trees after jettisoning out of their crafts…

Near where the Jenrakian soldiers had landed, a Squad of Capitol Police now investigated several heat Signatures, their bright, human shaped outlines were easily picked out by the Troopers Optical Mags, and they closed in for the kill, GPMG’s held ready…

Upon closing in on the signatures, it became apparent that they were nothing more than elaborate decoys, designed to throw the forces off the scent, instantly DFD 1711 radioed into the Defence Command with an update…

“This is Tactical squad six, we have located decoy devices, hostiles still in area, will advise...”

“This is Defence Command, we understand, as you were Tactical Squad six..”

"By Your Command"

The Half tracks now neared the forest, they circled the area and around forty-five Capitol Police Troopers leapt down from their Transports, each one landing heavily into the snow, GPMG’s held ready, locked and loaded they circled this small forested section, immense Flood Lights, powered by the twin V8 Engines were ignited, illuminating the Entire forest with a bright incandescent light…

Several distinct sounding bursts from the Kraven GPMG’s were let loose, pinging off trees and sending the shrill sound of the Kraven Weaponry through the air…

A Capitol Police Trooper, using a PA System attached to one of the Halftracks spoke, his mechanical voice cut through the air like a razor, its machine like tones could send chills down even the hardened of veterans as he calmly and systematically demanded that the unknown Hostiles were to lay down their arms and surrender to the Kraven Military Arm…

“This is TKV 1118” He spoke, with the same systematic machine like quality seen throughout the Capitol Police… “Unknown Hostile Forces are to immediately lay down their Weaponry and Surrender to the Kraven Military Arm, Failure to do so will result in an Aggressive Response… you have Twenty Seconds to Comply…”

His words were hammered home by another burst of GPMG rounds, shredding the air with their terrible, terrible sound…
12-11-2006, 21:19
“Kraven, shit.” The Captain said, as he looked at the overwhelming forces that would soon come upon him. Trying to keep his men alive, the captain had to do what was logical – if he resisted, they had no chance to fight them off. Only Eight men now against a group of Kraven upon their home turf and landmines, which have ravaged a large number already? It was hopeless battle, and he had to do what was necessary. “All units, lay down your weapons. We can’t risk any bloodshed in our condition.” He said, his eyes with red tears, blood streaking down from a cut within his eye lid, his soldiers beside him, nodding as well.

They began to slowly place their guns and knives on the ground, their surveyor equipment and their goggles, their chemical dipped darts upon their backs taken down onto the snowy ground, the lights from the enemy’s half tracks. When a sleet of enemy rounds spattered against his men, the captain kept his soldiers in a static stance.

“Do not, move.” He ordered his soldiers, as they nodded, standing still, their arms raised up high as the captain looked at the capitol police with a drenching fury. He turned his voice towards the capitol police – “We’re simple civilians, Jenrakians. We are Jenrakians. Do not harm us.” He implied, his arm raised as a small flicker upon his back lit up, a panic button that gave off no sound.

From the command center at Haasdra, the capital of the Jenrakian Empire, the Patriarchs knew.
The Kraven Corporation
13-11-2006, 22:34
The Capitol Police began to approach the hostile forces that had landed just moments ago, and proceeded to be engaged by elements of the 85th Sturmpanzer Defence Force, they moved silently through the snow, skirting around the edges of the minefields that had given away the location of the Jenrakian troops, now things had turned slightly in the favour of Kraven, with these hostages it may be possible to negotiate some kind of settlment between the two nations, bolstering Kraven’s war effort in South East Asia…

GPMG’s were held ready and the Capitol Police could easily massacre the soldiers within a moments notice should anything go against the Troopers Orders, within a few moments the Half Tracks moved round to pick up the Jenrakian soldiers and take them to the Kraven Holding Cells…

A Captain of the Kraven Military Arm calmly placed a series of metal cable ties upon each of their wrists before a Capitol Police Trooper beckoned them to climb into the half track that was waiting with nothing more than a rough shove of the GPMG into one of the soldiers backs, with the words… “Move” being barked from the vox caster…

Secret Police Civil and Military Re-Education Centre, Valsgard, Capitol City of Neo Bergen

Two Reichmarshals stood in a small interrogation room, the walls had just been recently cleaned and the smell of disinfectant was strong, the walls were tiled a surgical white and the bright fluorescent lighting made the whiteness of the walls look even more harsh than they already where, a stark contrast to the obsidian black uniforms of the officers..

“We have around eight Jenrakian soldiers coming in for interrogation, they can be expected to talk…” The First spoke, looking at the dossier that had already been compiled on the group…

“We have our orders, we are to find out exactly why a Hostile force was sent into Kraven Territory, it should be a standard Interrogation then execution…”

“Negative, The High Command insists that the Prisoners are kept alive…” The Reichmarshal pointed at a small paragraph in the dossier…

“That changes things then, We will have to use other methods…”

“Indeed” The both agreed before continuing in preparing the room for their… ‘Guests’
13-11-2006, 23:02
The Azhujurius was in a state of furious intent. The economic readings clearly showed no signs of sentient life upon the island, let alone Kraven life. Within the large dome-like room, the candles flickering amongst the large torches as sable silver pillars dwindled with shine, the Patriarchs all walked into the room, taking their rooms upon their own respective pedestals, looking at each other with interest, with thought, trying to stare each other down, old rivalries and new flames blasting into giant egos. For it was a long time before they’ve seen each other, the frequent in fighting amongst the Jenrakians via the political arena forcing them to keep to their respective homes. However, for the first time in a long time, they gathered, talking amongst themselves, their hollowed words echoing throughout the room.

Lords, each as tall as the pines that they lived amongst, looked at each other – Siren masters, Temsplace Lords, Sadicistra Generals – they all came here, looking at each other with disgust, with intent, with competition upon their plate, before a large figure of a man rose from the center pedestal, his brow upon his head covered by a darkened shadow, his helmet tall and gaunt and his arms thick and rippling with muscles that glimmered in the candlelight. Silence fell, the oft of wafting smooth stenches gazing and blowing through the room. He still stood there, looking at them all, them all looking back at him. Atop his shoulders were fur-like adornments, upon his back a flap of an armour was seen, his skin invisible amongst the metal, his hands beneath chain mail and the chain mail beneath leather.

Upon his back four symmetrical wing-like supports were seen, and with those, he moved with a graceful, swift brisk, his feet and his body easily twitching back and forth as his azure armour clanked upon his body. His feet were long and thick, his steel shining form covered in dried blood that still felt a small stab of nostril flaring smell that slightly repelled the fresh vanilla stench of the candles. He stood there, looking at everyone, and they silenced completely, allowing him to talk as he lifted his arms, directing everyone to their particular pedestals.

“Understand that the surveyors have been captured by foreign forces.” Authaulus said, looking at his people, as they looked at, the generals and the lords and the masters all quizzically speaking amongst themselves, looking amongst the others, the darkness of the chamber allowing nothing more than a burn of colour that barely illuminated the room. On the walls, slightly reddish curtains were hanging, breezing in the slight movement of the moving soldiers. It was a silence that was eerie, that was uneven, that was erratic, at best. Still, this man, standing amongst the others upon his central pedestal, still waited, before his threat was cleared, gaining the attention of the others around him.

“They have been captured, and our chances at increased economic activity is failed. However, the people want something done about this horrendous action. Our leniency within the media has shown some kind of fear within the people. The Jenrakian people are wary of the Kraven after their damage upon the countries far off.”

“The Kraven are nothing more than an aggressor who fights too aggressively. They must be taught a lesson.” One of the Sadicistra motioned, his fist smashing with a large, cumbersome sound onto the wooden gavel-like object.

“A campaign against the Kraven would be too lengthy. We do not simply have the time to fight them, not to mention that they yield very minimal economic benefactors towards the Azhujurius.”

“However, remember, Ekriak, that they do pose a venerable threat to the world at many times.”

“They pose a threat to the world, but not to us.”

“Are you saying that they are nothing?”

“I say they are nothing compared to great Enkur. No force can harm us on Jenrakian soil while we follow the teachings of the Blessed One, great Enkur.” One of them interjected.

“You are correct, I must give you leniency of information there.”

“We must assert our influence back, to show that there is some form of respect amongst both sides. If we do nothing about this, then the civil outrage would be enormous. We need those soldiers back, if only for their safe survival.”

“Any other directives that could be taken?”

“We assert either words, or swords. Either way, we need the Jenrakian populace to know that they are safe. I will have to change the media’s leniency.” Authaulus chimed, as the council agreed.

A Message to the Kraven High Command
Actions regarding the Jenrakian and Sandurian surveyors are to immediately desist and they are to return safely and without harm done. The shooting of neutral Jenrakian aircraft is not looked well upon by the Azhujurius, for they have not committed any damages against Kraven property.

I look forward to a response.
The Kraven Corporation
13-11-2006, 23:14
The Supreme Overlord State of The Kraven Corporation

To: The Jenrakian Government, Authaulus
From: The High Command of The Kraven Supreme State

The People captured [Hence forth referred to as Hostiles] have been taken for questioning, the Hostiles will remain in Kraven Custody until the High Command and the Kraven Military Arm advisors have come to a decision about the actions of the Hostile party, however, we offer an opportunity for members of your governing body to meet with members of The Kraven Military Arm to discuss matters of, national security and the detention of thought Criminals.

Furthermore the possible War Crime and Espionage Trial against previously mentioned hostiles should The Kraven Military Arm deem a trial necessary.

To conclude, the Hostile aircraft that approached Kraven Occupied territory, were reacted to in the standard Military Response dictated by the Military Defence Dossier, the unidentified aircraft were fired upon when their classification was deemed hostile and moving with malicious intent, again further discussion on these matters can be taken further in person with members of both our respective governments,

The High Command of The Kraven Supreme State
13-11-2006, 23:29
From Authaulus of the Temsplace
To Kraven High Command

Very well, a fair and proper discussion must be placed underway. I will send a diplomat over to properly talk in regards to the recent capture of the Sandurian and Jenrakian surveyors.

The Kraven Corporation
15-11-2006, 22:26
The Supreme Overlord State of The Kraven Corporation

Very well, a landing strip is being prepared for your arrival, of course we understand that there will be a certain... suspicion of our nation, it is to be expected, so you may bring a small unit for protection, the co-ordinates of the landing strip will be issued to your envoy when they are ready to land.

We await your arrival...

The High Command
16-11-2006, 00:47
Threes. Jenrakians always worked in threes. A chopper of three Temsplace, and ambassador with three brazen cuts upon his shoulder, his furry pads covering it up as his massive, bleak armour covered every inch of his skin. Three main weapons on each arm – a knife, a pistol, and a rocket launcher – standards of the Temsplace fighting force, as a massive strap of steel was wired to their backs, their gigantic sword, an old crafting marvel of the ancient Jenrakians carried into the modern day. Barbarianism mixed with eclectic ingenuity. The chopper, black and sleek, tipped with rockets and machine guns, carrying a small group of Siren gunners, looking as they moved about in their small respective shield-like stations, looking about as they began to enter Kraven airspace.

The ambassador, a small Temsplace, his shoulders broad and his head, like his kind, covered by a stone helmet, his arms rippling and his wiery, vieny arms throbbing as his chest rose and fell. He still awaited, the gunners wary, the Temsplace beside him sitting amongst him, their weapons by their side, their fingers tapping swiftly on their knees. “I’ve never heard of them.” One of the Temsplace said, looking at the other one, a pale teal shade of armour on his body.

“I have a bit. They were in the Jagada Campaign. They factored in psychological warfare above all else. They worked through fear.” One of them explained, as the ambassador nodded.

“Much like our brothers, the Sadicistra.”

“Very much like the Sadicistra. Though I hope they have no penchant for the taste of children?”

“I don’t believe that is part of their diet.”

“I don’t understand why the Sadicistra eat children. I don’t understand why they’re a group of paedophilic rapists. Do you?”

“No, but their leader is quite a prize.”

“Rashkta is always a prize.” The Ambassador concluded, as they nodded. As the ambassador stood up, he looked as he prepared his chopper to land. “Kraven systems, this is Ambassador Leth’Kez. I am here for talk regarding diplomatic issues of the Jenrakian crowns.” He sent the relay.