NationStates Jolt Archive

Reconciliation (FT, Closed. Attn CW: Nightshade)

08-11-2006, 18:20
While some other aspects of the Empire turned away from those allies within, those monarchs now Governors, it was not in the nature of the Imperium to so forsake its allies. Remiel acknowledged that it had been some time since he had engaged Nightshade in discussion, not since he dethroned her in favor of himself at the head of the Empire. Now, in light of his most recent encounter with Daniel Masaki, Remiel made his way to Tenetia, his mighty battleship tearing free of the warp and sliding into the materium like a predatory eel.

This is Lord Remiel of the Imperium, Emperor in the sight of the True Gods, Lord Warmaster of the Galactic Empire, by rights your superior in the ways of War. I request an audience with your esteemed Lady, Governor Nightshade. I have need of her advice and her power, reduced as it may be

He chuckled softly, running a hand along the arm of his command throne, contemplating for a moment what he would say to his erstwhile ally, whom he had not only humiliated and usurped, but whose children held Chronosian blood within their veins...

It was only fitting that a family gatherign be called, he thought with a smirk.
09-11-2006, 03:01
"The Governor will be expecting you." The reply from a timid traffic controller said.

Lady Nightshade, Dark Lady of the Sith, was given the notice and frowned at being subordinate to Remiel, although she accepted it. "It has been a while...I wonder what he wants."

She got up from her plush chair and headed towards the reserved for VIP hangar bay. With her are her sons and a certain blue-haired slave with dull eyes.
09-11-2006, 17:21
A smirk crossed his features as he heard the reply, the sons of Tenetia opening the way before him, timid and cowering before the raw might of the Scion of Chaos. He moved from his command chair, gazing out at Tenetia proper, a world Chaos itself had once sought to destroy, tearing asunder its moons to attempt to ensure victory.

But now they came in peace, to meet again with old allies and family long forsaken. Family perhaps not truly aware of their lineage or destiny. Family regardless, Chronosian blood mingled with its oldest enemies in a cesspool of betrayal. It would have pleased Tzeentch, surely, his old servant Chronos conspiring and plotting and eventually betrayed within the marriage bed.

A thunderhawk disengaged from the bulk of the Sword of Arioch and sped towards the world, with Remiel and his entourage. Ready to meet his old friend...
09-11-2006, 17:33
Lady Nightshade watched as a Thunderhawk gunship roared down to the VIP spaceport, and waited for Remiel to step down. As she waited, a number of possibilities has run through her head, each one a part of the future that is always in motion.
09-11-2006, 18:47
Remiel stepped forth, his armour black and red and edged with gold. A great cloak of scarlet silk enveloped his form, wrapped around his flawless form. He allowed a smile as he beheld her. About him, his Terminator Elite, warriors of the First Company, moved with him in a rough defensive circle, while techpriest scriveners took notes, glancing around with augmetic eyes.

"Ah, honoured friend Nightshade. Governor." He smiled lightly, bowing. "I'm sure you're wondering whats brought me here. Could it be Imperial displeasure? Could it be to taunt, cajole?" He chuckled lightly.

"In truth I've come to renew our friendships, our bonds. Perhaps I'll even apologise for usurping your place. What brings this on, you might wonder? Well, I recently had an encounter with your dear brother..."
09-11-2006, 18:56
"Do go on." Lady Nightshade's ears perked up as she subtly led Remiel to a meeting room. Refreshments were served. "I sensed some of that, but the full story is always interesting."
09-11-2006, 19:19
"I attempted to kill him, almost succeeded, but he's resourceful, I'll give him that" He cackled softly. "He almost took me, almost...But we're made of stronger stuff, as I'm sure you're aware. I was shocked to hear of my brothers reawakening and....Guerilla tendencies" He did not reveal how he had learned this, merely acknowledged that he knew.

"What news have you for me? I'm sure your new position has not been....Uneventful. And as Warmaster it is my business, is it not?"
09-11-2006, 19:38
"As you probably know, I assaulted Konoha, the stronghold from where Rebel actions strike the Empire. Of course, I failed in its destruction and the death of my brother. But my primary mission has succeeded." Lady Nightshade smiled coldly as the slave placed piles of food at their table. "The Son of Masaki will turn."

The dull-eyed blue-haired slave barely acknowledged the name and hovered in the background.
09-11-2006, 19:41
"There are more powers in this universe than merely the Force. Why turn slowly to the Darkness when Chaos could swamp the whelps mind, lay him raw and exposed to the power of the Warp. I have seen men turned with a gesture, a word...There are none who are immune to its power" A feral grin.

"Together we are a far more promising front against the Rebels than operating divided and blind....What would you say to more coordinated actions?"
09-11-2006, 20:13
"More coordinated actions? In what way?" Lady Nightshade asked curiously. And on the subject of young Travis, she felt intruged by the idea of exposing him to Chaos, but she still feels the Dark Side will do well.
10-11-2006, 01:20
"I feel it best that we draw together in these dark times, draw upon each others strength. As supreme military commander of the Empire, I can bring you great opportunities and create new opportunities from your dutiful service. For example, your armed forces...I'd imagine they're good, seasoned veterans, with your hand in their training...."

"They could serve the Empire more effectively, allowing you greater scope, greater vision and an active role in serving our future" He smiled "That, and I can promise you Daniel's head"
10-11-2006, 02:03
Lady Nightshade narrowed her eyes at that. "You are serious? You know how many times he can dance his way out of any trap we set. What makes you certain you will destroy him at last?"
10-11-2006, 10:37
"We hurt each other, wounded pride and flesh...The next time I spring my trap, he shall be alone. I shall hurl the might of the Imperium against his Loyalist dogs and shatter every bulwark, on every front. He set an army upon me, I shall return the Favour. The 15th Kossean Muster is taking place, a new Guard Founding, Fate speaks that they shall be important. They shall be my Honour Guard, and my Legion shall walk with me" He grinned

"I shall lay his armies low and bring him to despair, I shall bring him to the lowest point, break him utterly...And you shall announce that the son of Masaki lies dead...A falsehood to further our victory in deceit."
13-11-2006, 01:45
"That will be an admirable plan." Nightshade smiled coldly. "Worthy of the greatest of the Dark Lords. I will accept this plan and together, we shall finally end Masaki once and for all!"
13-11-2006, 01:53
"Indeed it shall. We shall break them both open, Masaki in body and soul and the Boy in spirit. We shall reign supreme over their empire of Ashes and the rewards of the Emperor shall be lavished upon us, such is our right, having achieved what he could not."

Remiel paused, chuckling for a second. "And how fare my nephews? How fares the fruitition of both houses?"
13-11-2006, 03:42
"Ah. The boys grow stronger every day. Already they are Chuunin rank for their success in trapping the Masaki boy. They will make fine additions to the New Order."

And perhaps more...
13-11-2006, 10:25
"Ah yes, the New Order" Remiel chuckled lightly, as though amused by something. "Palpatine's grand new plan for the galaxy, the culmination of all that is, and all that shall be. I wonder what part you have to play in it, hm?" He smiled lightly.

"The universe is ever changing to the will of Chaos, the dark Gods ready their legions to burn asunder creation. It is their will that we destroy the upstart Masaki, and crush all resistance to their Rule."
13-11-2006, 21:11
Nightshade answered. "So let us begin..."
14-11-2006, 01:35
He chuckled darkly. "And how would you have us begin? What does the house of Tenetia have to offer the Imperium that will further seal our bargain and end our troubles, hm?"
14-11-2006, 20:34
"Of course, I will be offering my forces' service in this bargain. Would there be anything else to include? Some of my Shadow-nin, perhaps?" Nightshade asked before grinning. "Myself? Two against one would definitely kill him."
14-11-2006, 20:40
"You have your own role to play in this game, but his head is mine" Remiel grinned "To my knowledge he hasn't killed you, you have far less to lose. However, for your offers and your service, I feel you should be rewarded."

He tapped his fingers along his chin, before clicking them as though coming upon a grand idea.

"I shall aid you in your hunt for my erstwhile brother, such a threat cannot be allowed to hang idle over your head." In truth he had no such intentions, but why ruin the moment when there was so much to gain? He paused, holding back a chuckle as he glanced about him.

"There is much that strengthening the ties within the Empire can accomplish. Many ends that can be met by working together, as opposed to you merely following my orders....Not that that should stop." A grin. "What say you? A toast. To unity."
14-11-2006, 21:22
"Working together, we shall accomplish many things." Nightshade raised her glass of blood-red wine. "To unity!"
15-11-2006, 01:21
He swiftly downed the vintage, sighing lightly, savoring its taste. "A fine drink" He chuckled, focussing his eyes upon her. "I've been thinking in terms of military might...What can you field?" He was serious now, pondering the numbers, thinking of the possibilities.

"I plan to bring my own flair to the process of War, the art of Warmastery. I plan to see how your forces can be made more...effecient to the Empire's needs"
15-11-2006, 02:05
"I can amass a full corps of Dark Troopers at short notice..." Nightshade noted, motioning a holoprojector to produce a black-clad Stormtrooper. "Plus a second within the week of the first corps. Plus the usual compliment of vehicles, Walker units and the like. Elite-wise, I have a cadre of Dark Jedi Knights to counter the Jedi, Hork-Bajir Warriors (, and Shadow Ninjas from the Village Hidden in the Shadows, right here on Tenetia."
15-11-2006, 02:08
"Most impressive, and likely a sizeable contribution to the Imperial War Effort. The Emperor will be most pleased with this, as am I. Now, as to methods of transportation...What of your navy, my Lady? How fast can we expect deployment to any warzone within this galaxy?"
15-11-2006, 02:23
"Oh, yes. I forgot that some of my own armies contain demons. Not like Chaos daemons, more like Youkai and the like. As for the you know, I have the navy 'lent' to me from Chronos as well as the standard Imperial Naval forces. They have suffered losses over Konoha, but we are recovering them quickly."
15-11-2006, 02:27
"By lent I assume you mean stole." He snickered softly. "Good to see that your numbers are increasing and your armies rebuilding; we shall need every available force for when we bring hell down upon Daniel and the False Lineage." He smirked.

"I will need the help of you and all our blood to lure him out and utterly destroy him...Not even his soul shall remain"
15-11-2006, 02:43
"Ask and you shall recieve." Nightshade chuckled. "Another toast, to the complete destruction of the Masaki and all who stand with him!"
02-12-2006, 16:20
"It's rather simple. What does Daniel want back more than anythign else in this cosmos? His son, true enough, and of course...His rightful place. He will come running when it is revealed that you possess his child. He shall dually attempt to rescue him, and to usurp your most righteous bloodline.

But I have my doubts about the strength and honour of Coredian blood" He chuckled, darkly musing, his thoughts voiced freely upon the wind.

"Coredia must be destabilised. Bribery and coersion could achieve much, ends I shall leave to you...However, the end result shall be the same. A trap, sprung upon Daniel to keep him caged as the remenants of the Coredian Empire burns. Burns beneath Chronosian bootheels"